Aksenova methodology of teaching the Russian language. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school. The main provisions of the methodology of the Russian language

BBK 74.3 A42 GUSEVA, teacher of the special (correctional) school No. 571 in Moscow N.G. GALUNCHIKOVA Aksenova A.K. A42 Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school: Proc. for stud. defectol. fak. pedagogical universities. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1999. - 320 p. - (Correctional pedagogy). ISBN 5-691-00215-5. The textbook reveals the correctional and practical orientation of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school, the specifics of the implementation of didactic and methodological principles in the process of teaching this subject. The methods of teaching literacy, grammar and spelling, reading, the development of oral and written speech of mentally retarded students are covered. Addressed to students of departments of correctional pedagogy of defectological faculties of pedagogical universities. May be useful for teachers of special (correctional) schools. LBC 74.3 © Aksenova A.K., 1999 © Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS ISBN 5-691-00215-5, 1999 From the author 5 Chapter I. The main provisions of the methodology of the Russian language in a special (correctional) school science 7 - Russian language as academic subject in a special (correctional) school 15 Implementation of the main didactic principles in the lessons of the Russian language 24 Methodological principles of teaching mentally retarded schoolchildren the Russian language 35 Chapter II. Speech development 51 Characteristic speech development mentally retarded children 51 Tasks and ways of developing the speech of mentally retarded schoolchildren 59 Vocabulary work 64 Work on a sentence 72 Development of coherent oral speech 81 Development of oral speech in special lessons in connection with the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality 89 Development of coherent written speech 106 Chapter III. Literacy education 113 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the methodology for teaching literacy of mentally retarded first-graders 113 Linguistic foundations of the methodology for teaching literacy 118 Characteristics of the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy and features of its application in a special (correctional) school 121 Pre-literary classes 129 Stages of work on the primer 135 Chapter IV. Teaching reading 144 Psychological foundations of the method of teaching reading 144 Features of mastering the reading skill of mentally retarded students 147 Tasks and content of reading lessons 151 Development of reading skills 154 Methods of reading works of various genres 181 Types of reading 205 Extracurricular reading 208 Chapter V. Teaching grammar and spelling 215 Features of mastering grammar and spelling by mentally retarded students 215 Stages of teaching grammar and spelling. Tasks and content of each stage 217 Basic provisions of the system of practical grammatical exercises in the lower grades of a special (correctional) school 222 Methods for the formation of initial language generalizations in grades 2-4 230 Methods for teaching certain language topics to schoolchildren lower grades 238 Methods for the formation of grammatical concepts in high school 264 Formation of spelling skills 284 Types of grammar and spelling exercises 299 Didactic games in Russian language lessons 302 Mistake prevention and work on them 306 From the author The textbook is intended for students of defectological faculties pedagogical universities. It was prepared in accordance with the program of the course "Methods of the Russian language in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type." The book reveals the theoretical provisions of the methodology for teaching mentally retarded children the Russian language and its psycholinguistic foundations, presents a system of proven methods and techniques for working on individual sections and topics school curriculum, specific examples are given to illustrate the theoretical material of the course. The conceptual system of the methodology, its principles and recommendations are based on the results of psychological, pedagogical and methodological research, the experience of teachers of the Russian language in special schools, the data obtained by the author in the course of studying some problems of the methodology, as well as his experience at school and university. The most fully covered topics in the textbook are those that have not received sufficient reflection in special literature. For a number of topics, only general instructions and links to books that have gone out of print during the last decade. The book consists of five chapters. In the first chapter corresponding to the first section course programs, the main provisions of the special methodology as a science are revealed, the school curriculum is analyzed, the correctional and practical orientation of teaching the mentally retarded schoolchildren the Russian language, as well as the conditions for the implementation of didactic and methodological principles are considered. The second chapter describes the methodology for the development of students' speech. It is no coincidence that we began with this section of the work, which is traditionally presented as the final one in all other manuals of this type. In our opinion, the development of oral and written speech as a means of communication should be the main direction in teaching mentally retarded children the Russian language. The third, fourth, and fifth chapters deal with literacy, reading, grammar, and spelling, respectively. Each chapter ends with a list of required "literature. Additional literature sources are usually indicated in footnotes as the material is presented. At the end of each paragraph, questions and tasks for self-examination are given. The author urges you not to ignore them when studying the course. Completing tasks and preparing answers will help students to control themselves, determine the level of understanding of theoretical provisions and guidelines on sections and topics of this discipline. The author thanks the teacher of the special (correctional) school No. 571 in Moscow N.G. Galunchikov and Researcher of the Laboratory of Content and Methods of Teaching Children with Intellectual Disabilities of the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education E.V. Yakubovskaya for help in developing guidelines for selected topics school curriculum, I.M. Boblu, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Methods of the Faculty of Defectology of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University them. M. Tanka, and Syu. Ilyin, Associate Professor of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen, G.M. Gusev, Associate Professor, Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University, for valuable recommendations on improving the content of the book. CHAPTER I BASIC PROVISIONS OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY IN A SPECIAL (CORRECTIONAL) SCHOOL SPECIAL RUSSIAN LANGUAGE METHODOLOGY AS A SCIENCE The Russian language methodology in a special (correctional) school, like any other method, belongs to pedagogical disciplines. It explores the goals, content, patterns, principles, methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language to mentally retarded students. Back in the 50s. of our century, it was widely believed that the technique is not an independent science. It was considered as an applied part of pedagogy. Academician L.V. Shcherba wrote: “... in essence, there is no teaching methodology as a special discipline, it is the same didactics, but applied to this or that material”1. The basis for this approach was the commonality of the objects of study of particular methods and pedagogy: curricula, programs, textbooks, organizational forms and patterns of learning. In this regard, the specific principles of methodology were considered as particular principles of didactics, and the development of its conceptual apparatus was replaced by scientific justification methodical recommendations. This kind of "didacticization" not only did not contribute to the further generalization of the accumulated facts, but also hindered (and this is the main thing) the development of proper methodological concepts. At present, it has been convincingly proven that any technique is an independent science, as it has its own subject of study. With regard to the special methodology of the Russian language, this is the process of teaching mentally retarded children in order to form oral and written speech as a means of communication, a way to correct them. cognitive activity, one of the conditions for the moral perfection of the individual. As for the objects of study that are common with pedagogy, a particular methodology considers them from the point of view of a specific academic subject. For example, oligophrenopedagogy revealed Shcherba L.V. teaching foreign languages in high school// General questions of methodology. - M., 1947. - S. 10. Lay and study general provisions implementation of the principle of scientific character and systematic teaching in the conditions of an auxiliary school. The special methodology of the Russian language, along with taking into account these provisions, is based on the laws of linguistics and the psychology of speech of a mentally retarded child. All these factors together require a special, original approach to the selection educational material and its location in the program and textbooks. As a result, the principle of special didactics is concretized, filled with content that follows from the specifics of the subject. Based on the subject of research and learning objectives, the methodology solves the following tasks: 1. Determining the main focus of teaching the Russian language to schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities; 2. Establishing the volume and content of educational material available to mentally retarded children; 3. Identification of the conditions for the implementation of general didactic principles in teaching the Russian language, development of special methodological principles for teaching this subject; 4. Development and description of the most rational and productive teaching methods and techniques, a system of exercises that contribute to the effective organization of classes, the correction of shortcomings and the achievement of an optimally high level of speech and mental development of students in a special school; ~5. Search for ways of optimal impact on children by means of language. The methodology of teaching the Russian language is a hierarchical, multi-order science. Its first step is a system of concepts, which reflects the main methodological concepts. This includes the methodological conditions for the implementation of didactic principles, the methodological patterns of teaching the native language and the scientific and theoretical provisions of the system of teaching literacy, reading, grammar, spelling, etc. formulated on their basis. teaching, types of exercises in the Russian language, etc. All these methodological categories are formed on the basis of theoretical concepts of science. So, taking into account the characteristics of mentally retarded first-graders and the methodological patterns of their teaching literacy, specific tasks are put forward for the pre-letter and letter periods, the main methods of teaching children at this stage are determined. adjective, etc. All steps of this hierarchical ladder are closely connected with each other, interdependent. The more detailed and harmonious the conceptual system of science is developed, the more precisely the goals are set, the more carefully the educational material is selected, the more purposefully the methods and techniques of teaching are used, the more effective the methodological recommendations on individual topics of the program are. Underestimation of one of the links of the methodology leads to chaos in the search for methods of work and the randomness of their choice, to the inability to correctly determine the goals of the lessons, to justify the selection of teaching aids and types of classes. Methodological practice can become effective only if it is constantly based on methodical theory. In this case methodical practice will also prove to be a powerful tool for the development of methodology as a science. Such interpenetration of theory and practice, their constant relationship is especially important for the methodology of the Russian language in a special school, since it is a fairly young branch of knowledge. The methodology of the Russian language in the auxiliary school as a science took shape at the beginning of the 20th century. Inclusion of auxiliary schools in common system public education, creating programs, textbooks, teaching aids for a special school became those necessary conditions that stimulated the formation of methodological concepts. The first book devoted to the problems of the methodology of the Russian language in an auxiliary school was published in 1935 by a well-known methodologist, a specialist in teaching mentally retarded students, M.F. Gnezdilov. The last book of this author, "Methodology of the Russian language in an auxiliary school" (M., 1965), was the result of a generalization of his fifty years of experience in this field. For a long time, I.P. worked on the problems of teaching the Russian language to mentally retarded students. Kornev, tutorial which "Teaching the Russian language in an auxiliary school" was published in 1956. A significant contribution to the development of a special methodology was also made by leading teachers and methodologists E.N. Gruzintseva, E.N. Zavyalova, T.M. Obraztsova, O.M. Remezova, F.M. Smirnova and others. Scientists and methodologists of the Research Institute of Defectology (now the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy) and the departments of oligophrenopedagogy of pedagogical universities in Russia have done a lot of work to improve the quality of programs, create textbooks for special schools, and teaching aids to help the teacher. But there is more to be done. In the improvement of special methodology as a science, the commonwealth of university methodologists and teachers should manifest itself. It is no coincidence that one of the main sources of its development and the method scientific research is the study of the experience of teachers, as well as their generalization of their own work practices. An analysis of the progressive experience of one teacher or a team of teachers, the identification of the main patterns of teaching the native language, their psychological justification, the establishment of the logic of the interaction of the identified patterns and the methods and means of teaching used often lead to the creation of certain methodological concepts that operate within one section of the program, the entire course or training the language as a whole. It was in this way that a methodical system of work with mentally retarded children in the pre-literary period was created and theoretically substantiated, which was further developed in the works of M.F. Gnezdilov, and later in the works of other Methodists. The pedagogical experiment is considered to be the most important research method and means of improving the methodology. This method is valuable because it has a high degree evidence. An experiment is preceded by a working hypothesis, which is refined and developed in the process of its organization. There are two types of experiment: natural, carried out in the course of ordinary classroom work, and laboratory, which is carried out in specially created conditions. In order to ensure greater reliability and accuracy of the results of the study, certain requirements are imposed on the conduct of the experiment: 1. mandatory fixation of the initial and final results of the experiment; 2. identification of a control class (for comparison of data obtained during the experiment and under traditional conditions); 3. repeated reproduction of the experiment, expansion of its scope for approbation, created in the process of the first experiment of the system of work; 4. accurate and regular maintenance of documentation reflecting the progress of the experiment; 5. selection of reliable criteria for evaluating the results of the methods being tested or the system of work as a whole. A laboratory experiment is used in the methodology less frequently than a natural one. At the same time, through a laboratory experiment, it is easier to determine, for example, the degree of effectiveness of techniques individual approach, ways of explaining new words, etc. As a rule, a laboratory experiment complements a natural one. Experimental research underlies many theoretical and practical provisions of the methodology of the Russian language in a special school. So, with the help of a long study, systems for the formation of spelling skills were worked out (works by R.I. Zhuravleva, A.K. Aksenova, V.V. Voronkova, I.A. Ambrukitis, K.K. Karlep, etc.); the development of oral and coherent written speech (works by S.N. Komskaya, V.A. Lapshin, L.S. Vavina, V.A. Gordienko, R.I. Lutskina, K.Zh. Bektaeva, S.Yu. Ilyina); formation of initial grammatical generalizations (works by M.F. Gnezdilov, I.P. Kornev); grammatical concepts (works by N.M. Barskaya, G.V. Savelyeva, A.P. Fedchenko), etc. Observation of the process of teaching Russian to schoolchildren is also used as a method of scientific research. This method gives scientific information only when it is used systematically and for a sufficiently long time. With its help, you can obtain the necessary information about the performance of various groups of students or individual students in the process of performing written work and draw a conclusion about the allowable amount of educational material; it is possible to determine the degree of activity of schoolchildren when using game techniques designed for the children's team. Observational data are very strictly and consistently recorded in the form of protocols, tape recordings, and photographs. Observation, as well as a laboratory experiment, is used in conjunction with other methods (with a teaching experiment, generalization of best practices). In scientific research, along with observation, the method of studying children's work and documentation is widely used. An analysis of written exercises, essays and presentations, control and test dictations provides rich material for evaluating the effectiveness of one or another way of preparing students for various kinds tasks, opportunities for children in independent work, the degree of productivity of their activities at various stages of the lesson. Analysis of errors in children's work and the study of medical and anamnestic documents help to determine the characteristics of individual groups of students, identify the nature of their difficulties, and outline ways for corrective action. Thus, by carefully studying the written works of mentally retarded schoolchildren of the 1st and 2nd grades, it was possible to establish a certain relationship between defects in one of the sides of the child's sensorimotor sphere and specific groups of errors (research by V.V. Voronkova). The revealed correlation made it possible to develop a system of a differentiated approach to teaching phonetic writing to mentally retarded schoolchildren. At the same time, methods and techniques of work, types of tasks and exercises were selected with the aim of intensively influencing the main defect of the child: whether it be shortcomings visual perception, phonemic hearing, pronunciation, or impaired gross motor skills. Purposeful work to correct these shortcomings has led to a decrease in the percentage of errors. Like observation, the method of studying children's work and documentation is used in conjunction with other research methods. Of great importance for the growth of the scientific potential of the methodology is the analysis of scientific methodical literature. The study of literary sources makes it possible to get acquainted with how a particular topic was covered in the methodological literature of the past and how it is reflected in modern publications. Depending on the state of the issue, the literature puts forward certain problems of scientific research. Literature analysis helps to identify the main approaches to the subject of research, understanding how to solve the problem. Based on the study of the literature, as well as the work experience of the researcher, a working hypothesis is drawn up. The analysis of methodological literature always precedes the conduct of the study itself and continues in the process of experimental work. The main task of this methodology is to study the patterns that manifest themselves in the process of teaching Russian to schoolchildren, and to create on this basis their own conceptual system. However, the methodology is a complex branch of knowledge, formed in interaction with other sciences - such as special psychology, oligophrenopedagogy, speech therapy, linguistics, the methodology of the Russian language in primary school. It is the data of these sciences that are primarily taken into account by the special methodology of the Russian language. From them she draws information about the general objects of research. The information obtained is refracted through its own subject of research, transformed into its own methodological facts and included in the conceptual apparatus of this science. First of all, scientific research connects the methodology of the Russian language with oligophrenic pedagogy. In accordance with the recommendations of the latter, the methodology determines the content of the material on the Russian language and gives it a corrective and practical orientation when creating a system of work on a particular section curriculum; relies on didactic principles, the content of which has been worked out by oligophrenopedagogy; uses teaching methods, taking into account those specific requirements for them, which are also formulated by special didactics. Methodology of the Russian language in correctional school relies extensively on the data on the mentally retarded child that psychology provides. Psychological research cognitive processes and peculiarities of students' speech development help to determine the optimal ways of teaching the Russian language, to anticipate possible difficulties, to select material, to plan differentially methods of work, types of tasks. At one time, special psychology revealed such a feature of mentally retarded children as a mixture of visual representations of objects that had both similar and distinctive features, and offered recommendations for creating conditions that would strengthen their stability. With the help of these recommendations, a system of tasks was developed in the methodology of the Russian language, helping schoolchildren to memorize the outline of letters, to differentiate similar images. The basis of this system is a variety of practical activities of children in the analysis of the elements of letters and verbal reinforcement of the actions performed: students run their fingers over emery letters, naming their elements; make up letters from sticks, strips of colored paper, answering the teacher's questions about the choice of the necessary letter elements; bend letters from wire, comparing the similarities and differences of the components. The methodology of the Russian language in a special school also uses the results of linguistic and psycholinguistic research. As laws of teaching the Russian language, such provisions of psycholinguistics as the connection between language and speech, language, thinking and reality are accepted. By taking into account these connections, the methodology provides a developing and corrective nature of training. So, the basis for the development of oral speech of schoolchildren in special lessons in grades 1-4 is objects and phenomena of the world around. Language means for their display are words, phrases, simple sentences - uncommon and common, complicated by homogeneous members. Thus, the initial information about objects and phenomena, about their simplest relationships are reflected in the appropriate language forms. As children's ideas and knowledge about the world around them deepen and expand, their speech activity also becomes more complex, enriched with new structures (complex sentences) and new forms (monologic speech). The teaching of mentally retarded schoolchildren also uses the data of phonetics, graphics, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Work systems are built in different ways, aimed at the assimilation of morphological, historical and phonetic spellings by children, the grammatical material that is of practical importance for the formation of students' speech is selected. In its practical sphere, the special methodology uses the recommendations developed by the methodology of the Russian language for elementary mass schools. The connections between these two methods are based on what L.S. Vygotsky's theoretical position on the unity of the main patterns of development of a normal child and a mentally retarded one. The generality of the laws of development of children in the norm and with anomalies determines the identity of individual principles, forms, as well as some methods and techniques of work, types of exercises and the nature of tasks, the identity of visual and technical teaching aids. The special methodology widely uses such general methods as the teacher's conversation and story, the partial search method and elements of programmed learning, the same types of exercises: preventive, explanatory, creative and control dictations, presentations and compositions. From the 60s. the practice of a special school, as well as the practice of a mass one, included the following types of work: commented writing, dictation "I check myself", self-dictation, etc. At the same time, the abnormal development of mentally retarded children requires that all methods and teaching aids used contribute to correction their shortcomings. That is why borrowed methodological recommendations undergo a lengthy test through experiment and practice in a special school, as a result of which their suitability is confirmed or refuted. If the recommendations turn out to be acceptable, they are clarified, additional methods are developed, new stages of work are introduced, and a system for preparing schoolchildren for the perception of these methods and teaching aids is being worked out. As an example, we can cite the verification of the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy, developed in the alphabet for children with normal intelligence. Experimental literacy training of mentally retarded students using this method has shown that positive results can be achieved only if it is significantly adjusted. In particular, it was necessary to change the order of studying sounds and letters, increase the number of stages of work, lengthen the training period, develop additional techniques that make it easier for mentally retarded children to carry out sound analysis and synthesis and memorize graphic images of letters. Questions and tasks for self-examination 5. Determine the subject of the methodology of the Russian language as a science. Formulate its goals and objectives. 6. Prove that the methodology of the Russian language is an independent science. 7. What is the heterogeneity of the methodology of the Russian language as a science? Describe the content of each step of the methodological hierarchy. 8. What methods of scientific research are used in the methodology of the Russian language? 9. Tell us about the connections of the special technique with other sciences. Give examples illustrating how these relationships enrich the methodology. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AS A SUBJECT IN A SPECIAL (CORRECTIONAL) SCHOOL The Russian language is one of the main subjects in a special school. Depending on the year of study for mastering the skills of writing, reading, speaking curriculum Approximately 20-50% of the study time is given. The Russian language program includes the following sections: "Teaching literacy", "Development of oral speech based on familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality", "Reading and speech development", "Grammar, spelling and speech development". Teaching the Russian language has a correctional and practical orientation, which is determined by the content and structure of the subject. The corrective orientation of the program material is primarily manifested in the field of speech development of children, since, as mentioned earlier, the most important goal of Russian language lessons is the formation of speech as a means of communication, as a way of correcting the cognitive activity of students and facilitating their adaptation after graduation. In the learning process, work is carried out to eliminate the shortcomings of all aspects of the child's speech. In special speech therapy classes and directly in the Russian language lessons, pronunciation defects are corrected, phonetic-phonemic representations are formed. It is no coincidence that over the course of six years of study, the program includes a special section “Speech Sounds”, which provides for exercises on sound analysis and synthesis, on the differentiation of oppositional phonemes (s - w, s - z, r-l, h - c, m - m "and others), to correlate sounds and their graphic designations, as well as to get acquainted with some phonetic concepts. The inaccuracy and poverty of the dictionary, the misuse of grammatical forms, syntactic constructions are eliminated in all classes in the Russian language, whether they are lessons devoted to the development speaking, reading, practical grammar exercises, or grammar and spelling. personal experience schoolchildren in any kind of activity, the program identifies propaedeutic periods at all stages of education, during which the shortcomings of past experience are corrected in children, and students are prepared for mastering the subsequent sections of the program. Thus, literacy training is preceded by a pre-letter period aimed at correcting the sensorimotor sphere, complex speech deficiencies, misconceptions about the world around us, without which it is impossible to start developing reading and writing skills. The stage of an elementary systematic course of grammar in the upper grades is preceded by a period of practical grammar exercises, during which mentally retarded children form initial language generalizations in the field of phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax. These classes are based on specially organized observations of speech, on the implementation of a system of oral and written tasks. The initial language generalizations formed in this way will serve as a support in the assimilation of grammatical concepts and spelling rules. Explanatory reading works of art (grades 2-6), which are selected in accordance with specific topics that illuminate the lives of children and adults, their actions and deeds, seasonal changes in nature, etc., leads students to literary reading (grades 7-9 ), i.e. to reading the works of Russian and foreign writers presented in books for reading in chronological order. Mentally retarded children with great difficulty master complex systems of conceptual connections and easier - simple ones. Therefore, the program from grades 1 to 9 is built on the basis of the concentric principle of material placement, in which the same topic is studied for several years with a gradual increase in information. The concentric arrangement of the material makes it possible to separate complex grammatical concepts and skills into constituent elements and work on each separately. As a result, the number of connections underlying the concept is gradually increasing, the language and speech base for developing skills and abilities is expanding. The concentricity of the program also creates conditions for the constant repetition of previously learned material. For example, the topic "Offer" goes through all the years of study starting from the 1st grade. First-graders make sentences, focusing on the actions performed, the plot picture, and the teacher's questions. Repeatedly exercising in making sentences, students gradually get used to the term "sentence" and begin to correlate it with a completed segment of speech. First, making up non-common sentences, first graders then supplement them with nouns (with or without prepositions) to indicate the place of action, its direction or object (“was at school”, “came to class”, “took a book”), each time focusing on actually perceived object or action. In the 2nd grade, having already mastered the skills of constructing sentences on a visual basis, students master the ability to build sentences on a topic given by the teacher or on a key word using their own experience. As secondary members of the sentence with the same meanings (places, directions), adverbs are used (“to the left”, “to the right”, “nearby”, etc.), as well as nouns and adverbs to express temporary relations (“today”, “yesterday ", "After school"). Already in the second year of schooling, with the help of practical work with deformed sentences (tokens are given in the form necessary for production), they are led to the conclusion that the words in the sentence are in a certain order. Similar work is repeated in the 3rd grade using new material. If the visual and verbal bases for making sentences remain the same as in the 2nd grade, then the speech base is noticeably expanding. To distribute sentences, 2-3 words are used, expressing previously learned or new semantic connections: instrumental or joint actions; the subject of thought and speech; the subject and its quality (“I am writing with a pen”, “I am going with my brother”, “I am talking about the pilot”, “yellow balloon”, etc.). Practical mastery of the case forms of nouns and the ability to designate the signs of objects help children to perform such tasks. All work is carried out in the process of performing a system of exercises: students complete or complete sentences using the desired form of the word; distribute proposals according to the model; make certain constructions on the basis of given phrases; restore the broken word order, coordinating them with each other. Only by the 4th grade, when children have accumulated sufficient experience in constructing sentences, they are offered several theoretical generalizations that sum up the practical three-year work: “the sentence expresses a complete thought”, “the words in the sentence are arranged in a certain order and are connected in meaning”. In the 4th grade, children continue to practice constructing sentences, using for their distribution not only nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, adjectives in previously developed or new semantic meanings, for example, to express the goal, the reason for the action (“Let’s go to rest”, “wept with resentment”, “ran away for bread”). In addition, exercises are beginning to be carried out to highlight the main and secondary members, which further contributes to the students' understanding of the grammatical structure of a simple sentence. The program also takes into account the weak level of development of differentiation skills as a result of impaired logical thinking in mentally retarded students, which is especially pronounced at the verbal level. For all classes, topics are identified that require comparison, comparison of similar concepts, objects and phenomena, the establishment of signs of commonality and difference. In different sections of the program, the material is grouped in such a way that children learn to distinguish between objects, phenomena, concepts that have pronounced signs of difference (birch leaf and maple leaf, bear and hedgehog; pronunciation of sounds and spelling of letters May; spelling hissing with vowels and a dividing soft sign ). In parallel, students are offered similar topics. At the same time, the attention of students is drawn primarily to the establishment of those distinctive features that are inherent only in a given object, phenomenon, concept (a glass is a mug; a squirrel is a hare; sounds are soft and hard; deaf consonants, unstressed vowels, endings of nouns of the 1st and 3rd declensions). By differentiating material in which there are many signs of similarity and difference, children in both cases realize the commonality of signs, on the basis of which the objects, phenomena, concepts under consideration can be assigned to a single group ([s] and [x], [w] and [s] - sounds; bear and hedgehog - wild animals, etc.). Establishing similarities and differences, differentiation and generalization of objects and their names, grammatical and spelling concepts in the Russian language lessons contribute to the correction of shortcomings in the concrete and abstract thinking of children. Slow perception of educational material, difficulties in mastering skills, especially at the verbal level, require an increase (compared to the norm) in the number of lessons on each topic, which is also very clearly reflected in the program. For example, literacy training takes place throughout the year. Moreover, the assimilation syllabic structures with a confluence of three and four consonants is transferred to the second year of study. Equally important is the practical orientation of the program material, its focus on the formation of children's speech skills. This direction is provided primarily by special lessons in the development of oral speech (grades 1-4). Already from the first steps schooling children learn the ability to listen to the questions of the teacher, comrades and adequately respond to them, independently enter into speech contacts with people, talk about observations of objects in the world around them, about what they read, about their own experience, report on the implementation of some practical work on the topics in this section. It is in the lessons of the development of oral speech that the enrichment of the dictionary, syntactic constructions and coherent speech of children takes place especially intensively. In addition, work on the development of oral and the formation of written coherent speech continues in all other lessons of the Russian language, as evidenced by the names of each section of the program: “Reading and speech development”, “Grammar, spelling and speech development”. The ability to speak in a mentally retarded child, as well as in his normally developing peer, is the result of empirical mastery of the sound system of the language, vocabulary and grammatical forms. Mentally retarded children come to school talking. However, due to their impaired intellect, their speech has such significant deviations from the norm that learning becomes possible only under the condition of a lot of corrective work. The further development of speech in mentally retarded children is determined by their degree of awareness of the laws of language. At the same time, the study of grammatical, spelling and stylistic patterns is subject to the practical goals of mastering speech. The implementation of these goals presupposes that the laws of the language are assimilated by the students of the auxiliary school to the extent necessary to improve their speech practice. In the first years of teaching language and speech material, as mentioned earlier, is largely absorbed in the process of doing exercises; in the upper grades, elementary theoretical generalizations are introduced, which contribute to the further advancement of students in mastering speech. Thus, the grammar course in a special school is not linguo-theoretical. This is the so-called practical grammar, aimed not at the assimilation of the language system by schoolchildren, but at the development and correction of speech, designed to teach children to understand and build speech statements, to use speech as a means of communication. In accordance with the main goal of practical grammar, theoretical information was selected in the program taking into account the frequency of use of a particular grammatical category in speech, its practical significance for improving the speech activity of mentally retarded children, as well as the low scientific differentiation of this material and its accessibility for learning by schoolchildren. The linguistic information selected in this way creates a certain stock of knowledge about the composition of words, about the simplest ways of their formation. Students get acquainted with parts of speech, with the paradigm of their changes, i.e. consciously master the ability to combine words with each other when constructing sentences, spelling correctly determine the endings of words when writing them. Certain theoretical material from the field of syntax (main and secondary, homogeneous members sentences, simple and complex sentences) makes it possible to raise more high level speech practice of schoolchildren, contributes to the enrichment of children's speech with various forms of words and types of sentences. The program omits such grammatical topics as dissenting words, nouns ending in -i, -i, -i, substantiated adjectives, does not provide for the study of interrogative, negative, indefinite and other categories of pronouns due to the fact that the number of such words is small and the frequency of their use in speech insignificant. If, in the process of work, students come across nouns and pronouns of these groups, the indicated word forms, the teacher gives explanations at the level of vocabulary. When selecting educational material, it is taken into account that for mentally retarded schoolchildren, abstract concepts denoting multidimensional linguistic features are not available. Therefore, the program includes only those grammatical categories that are characterized by scientific differentiation. So, the participle is not studied due to the fact that it has a variety of features inherent both in this part of speech itself and in the verb and adjective (verb aspect, verb forms of voice and tense, adjective declension paradigm, etc.). Even more difficult for abnormal children are grammatical generalizations that have exceptions, since each deviation from the basic rule reflects signs that are directly opposite to those that characterize the main concept. This applies, for example, to the topic “Verb conjugation”, since the rule includes a whole system of correlates. In particular, the conjugation is recognized by the indefinite form of the verb, but its distinguishing features (suffixes indefinite form) are valid only when the personal endings of the verbs are in an unstressed position. But even in this case, the rule is applied inconsistently and contains a long series of exceptions (4 verbs in -at, 7 - in -et, verbs with archaic endings, verbs with different conjugations, etc.). That is why the program limits the study of the topic "Verb Conjugation" to the limits of the most common words. The practical orientation of teaching is also manifested in the fact that in the upper grades, theoretical generalizations and the corresponding terminology are not given on all topics of a systematic grammar course. Some topics are learned through grammatical comments and through practical exercises. An example is the topic "Complex sentences". Students learn to combine simple sentences into complex ones using the words indicated in the program (conjunctions, allied words) or without them. All theoretical generalizations about the semantic-structural types of complex sentences and terminological designations remain outside the program. A certain role in the practical orientation of learning is played by stylistic tasks that contribute to the development of correct coherent speech and to overcome such shortcomings as inaccuracy in the use of words, violation of the order of their production in a sentence, stereotyping in the choice of structures, repetition of the same words in adjacent sentences, emotional inexpressiveness of speech. Mentally retarded children receive education only in a special school, in connection with which the Russian language program is focused on giving them, although elementary, but a complete amount of knowledge and skills in the field of grammar and spelling, and some ideas about the work of Russian classics and contemporary writers . The trend towards completeness of the course is also one of the manifestations of the practical orientation of the program material. The program of the auxiliary school formulates the following tasks of teaching the Russian language: 1. To teach schoolchildren to correctly and meaningfully read the text that they can understand; 2. Develop sufficiently strong skills of literate writing based on the assimilation of the sound composition of the language, elementary information on grammar and spelling; 3. Raise the level of general development of students; 4. To teach schoolchildren to consistently and correctly express their thoughts orally and written forms e; 5. To develop the moral qualities of schoolchildren. Teaching the Russian language in an auxiliary school can be conditionally divided into three stages. The first stage is limited to the first year of study, which is due to the psychological characteristics of mentally retarded children. These features also determine the specifics of learning tasks, the selection of material and teaching methods. Tasks of the first stage: in-depth study of children; including them in school lessons; correction of deficiencies in pronunciation, auditory, visual and motor analyzers; development of initial reading and writing skills; clarification and development of vocabulary; the formation of skills to build simple sentences, to conduct a conversation; education of the initial skills of narrative speech. The material that first graders work with is sounds and letters, syllables and words, the simplest types of sentences, short texts. The main methods of work at this stage are the game and exercises. At the same time, the game occupies one of the leading places in the formation of skills. Students compete in composing words according to syllabic tables, build a word from “living letters”, play loto, correlating the picture shown by the teacher with the word written on a large map, remove painted Christmas toys from the Christmas tree after reading the word on them, etc. . Exercises as a teaching method are used in sound analysis words (division into syllables, naming the first sound, establishing the place of the sound), when reading syllables, words, when choosing examples. Taking into account the complexity of analytical exercises and the rapid fatigue of first-graders, the methodology recommends introducing elements of the game into these exercises, and making extensive use of visualization to develop the correct ideas of students. In grades 2-4, the second stage of education is carried out. During this period, the following tasks are solved: the development of cognitive interest in the native language and the formation of initial language generalizations; further improvement of the pronunciation side of speech; clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary; development of the ability to correctly express one's thoughts orally; the development by schoolchildren of the simplest types of written speech; practical assimilation of a number of grammatical information and spelling rules; development of the skill of correct, expressive and conscious reading on the material of simple literary texts and popular science articles. The assimilation of new knowledge by children at this stage is carried out not by memorizing definitions and rules, but in the process of working on specific material. The main method is various practical exercises in writing and reading. Game techniques remain the most important (but not the main) means of learning. Intensive work continues on the development of children's speech in special lessons, their ideas about the world around them are enriched, and most importantly, the ability to express their impressions in speech is being formed. The tasks of the third stage (grades 5-9) are to further improve the reading technique, in particular, the formation of the skill of fluent reading, the expansion of opportunities for understanding the material being read, mastering various forms of retelling. High school students learn to consistently, competently and fairly independently express their thoughts in Oral and written forms, master elementary and grammatical concepts and related spelling rules.And at the third stage, the main method of work is exercises, but they introduce more difficult material, tasks complicate; if in the lower grades the exercises led schoolchildren to some language generalizations, then in the upper grades they serve the purpose of consolidating new material Questions and tasks for self-examination 1. What is the main focus of the process of teaching Russian in a special school?2. What is the corrective nature of teaching Russian language? How is it provided by the program? 3. Expand the concept of the practical orientation of teaching the Russian language. How is this reflected in the program? 4. Formulate the goals and objectives of teaching the Russian language to mentally retarded schoolchildren. 5. What is the reason for the division of training into stages? What are the tasks and main teaching methods at each stage? 6. What are the educational, educational and correctional goals of the lessons of reading, grammar and spelling, the development of speech on any topic. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BASIC DIDACTIC PRINCIPLES IN RUSSIAN LESSONS The didactic principle is defined in pedagogy and methodology as the main starting point of the learning process. This provision is formulated on the basis of objectively existing patterns that are constantly manifested in the teaching of children in any academic subject. As a generalization of the identified patterns, the principles become a guide to action. The more objectively both general didactic and methodological patterns are traced, the more effective is the influence of principles on the learning process. It is no coincidence that methodologists compare the principles of didactics with the foundation of a house. Fuzzy, incorrect, inadequate principles are just as dangerous in the formation of knowledge, skills and habits as an unstable, slanting foundation in the construction of a building. Oligophrenopedagogy, in accordance with the patterns of teaching mentally retarded children, uses the following didactic principles: educative learning; consciousness and activity of students in the assimilation of educational material; visualization in combination with verbal means; accessibility and strength of knowledge; scientific and systematic teaching; differentiated and individual approaches. All principles of teaching are interdependent and represent a certain didactic system. On its basis, the correctional school builds the teaching of all academic subjects, including the Russian language. At the same time, the implementation of didactic principles in the lessons of the Russian language is carried out taking into account the content of the subject and psychological features its assimilation by mentally retarded schoolchildren. We will briefly talk about the use of each principle of didactics in Russian language lessons. One of the most important principles in oligophrenopedagogy is the principle of nurturing education. Russian language lessons create optimal conditions for the formation of positive habits and stable moral qualities in children. It is no coincidence that K.D. Ushinsky called his native language "a great teacher and mentor." By learning the language, the child becomes the heir to those “wealths in which all the results of the spiritual life of the people have been formed”1. When organizing reading lessons, the teacher relies on the emotional state of the children to instill in them love for the Motherland, honesty, diligence, discipline and other qualities. Taking into account the violation in mentally retarded students of the connections between subject-figurative and logical thinking, between word and action, the teacher uses such methods of work that increase the educational impact of works of art: he expressively reads the text and the whole or the most important parts for understanding it, helps children compare the actions of the characters with their own behavior, if possible, translate the situation described by the author into a real plan. Conversations about nature in the lessons of the development of oral speech, observation of the weather, the relationship natural phenomena create conditions for elementary comprehension of the surrounding world. No less significant in the correctional school is the principle of consciousness and active learning. Defining its content, G.M. Dulnev2 pointed out that the process of teaching schoolchildren should provide them with a complete understanding of the material, a conscious attitude to educational work, the development of independence and creative thinking, the ability to actively use what they have learned. On the initial teaching of the Russian language // Ped. op. - M., 1989. - T. 4. - S. 16. 2 Dulnev G.M. Teaching and educational work in an auxiliary school. - M., 1981. knowledge and skills in practice. Conscious assimilation of the material is possible only under the condition of active work of students, therefore the principle of consciousness is always considered in conjunction with the principle of activity. Analyzing the features of the application of the principle of consciousness in a special school, G.M. Dulnev noted a number of difficulties encountered by mentally retarded students in mastering the material. In particular, he pointed to the lack of interest in learning among children, the inability to apply the acquired material in other conditions, and the low level of development of self-control skills. The conscious assimilation of the Russian language in a special school causes the greatest difficulties in comparison with other disciplines. Due to the abstract nature of linguistic generalizations, the shortcomings that G.M. Dulnev, appear especially brightly. At the same time, it is irrational to teach speech only on an imitation basis, as in the preschool period. It is all the more inefficient to teach the spelling of each word separately when there are rules governing the spelling of a large group of words. The conscious study of the practically significant laws of phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and stylistics creates the preconditions for the most durable mastery of speech. The implementation of the principle of consciousness in the process of teaching the Russian language is provided by a number of conditions, some of which are incorporated in the program itself. Firstly, this is the selection of material, taking into account its accessibility and practical significance for improving the speech practice of schoolchildren. Secondly, this is a concentric arrangement of the material, due to which the division of complex connections into elements and the gradual assimilation of each of the elements that make up a single whole are achieved. Thirdly, the allocation of the preparatory stage, during which some shortcomings in the speech and cognitive activity of mentally retarded children are eliminated, their experience is updated and organized. And finally, fourthly, the slow pace of the passage of educational material. At the Russian language lessons themselves, techniques are widely used that increase the activity of the mental activity of schoolchildren and the level of awareness of the material being studied. These are comparison and comparison, explanation and proof, analysis and synthesis, classification and analogy. At the same time, the rapid decline in cognitive interests and the motivational side of speech, which is characteristic of mentally retarded students, requires the use of such methods and types of work that constantly support the activity of children (visual supports, practical and play activities, a variety of types of exercises and tasks for them) . To ensure the transfer of acquired knowledge from one condition to another, to develop the skill of self-control, exercises such as “Checking ourselves”, such work methods as “signaling”, “little teacher”, elements of programmed learning, etc. are used. Consciousness and activity are closely related to visibility learning. The inferiority of sensory experience, caused by intellectual insufficiency and a violation of the analytical and synthetic activity of analyzers, leads to the fact that mentally retarded children poorly assimilate the information that they are told, and all the more difficult to apply them in practice. Knowledge that is not based on previous experience and is not then verified by practice is either quickly forgotten or becomes a verbal cliche, an inert stereotype, which leads to errors in their use. K.D. Ushinsky, assessing the role of visualization in teaching the native language, wrote: “... it is completely wrong to separate visual teaching from teaching the native language. With such a forcible separation of two subjects ... visual education loses its main goal, and teaching the native language - the most solid foundation: the ability to vigilantly observe, correctly reduce observations into one thought and correctly express this thought in words. This provision is all the more significant for Russian language lessons in a correctional school. Mentally retarded children are characterized by a poor vocabulary and grammatical structure, elementary syntactic constructions, primitiveness of coherent statements, behind which is not only a poor assimilation of grammatical laws, but, first of all, limited ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them, about their connections and relationships. In fact, when teaching a language, visual aids should form the framework on the basis of which the language and speech activity of students will be formed. Hence such close attention to the variety of types of visualization and the versatility of their use. At the lessons of the Russian language, traditional means are used, such as natural objects and phenomena, their three-dimensional and planar images, graphic clarity, technical means learning. In addition to 1 Ushinsky K.D. On the initial teaching of the Russian language // Ped. op. - M., 1989. - T. 4. - P. 10. In addition, a number of specific means are used that are not used in other lessons. These are facial expressions, gesture, dramatization, diction, expressiveness of reading, mediated, or linguistic, visibility. last view visual aids learning involves the organization of observations of speech itself, of its imagery, of various language components, starting with sound and ending with a complex phrasal unity - text. However, it is not enough to use only visual teaching aids in a correctional school. In order to teach children to purposefully and systematically consider an object or phenomenon, to generalize the selected features, to compare them with previously studied ones, with those inherent in another object or phenomenon, it is necessary to constantly combine visibility with the word. Special studies carried out by M.F. Gnezdilov1, showed the high importance of the combination of verbal and visual means both for the formation of specific ideas about the world around us and for their reflection in speech. Verbal teaching aids, combined with visual ones, may include questions (“What is the older boy doing?”), teacher’s remarks (“Pay attention to the goose’s paws”), instructions (“Put stress, find an unstressed vowel”), a detailed explanation of the teacher ( biographical information about the writer, etc.). Verbal means help students clearly understand the purpose of demonstrating visual material (“Look at the picture and tell what happened to the boy”); constantly regulate the activities of schoolchildren (“Compare the beak of a duck and a chicken, draw these parts of the head. Now show the paws of these birds”, etc.); deepen and make more conscious the impressions of children from what they heard or saw (“In the painting by V.E. Makovsky “Date” is Vanka Zhukov depicted? Prove that this is not him”); organize (plan) students' statements (“Tell me first about the forest in the spring, then about the river, and then about the children's games”). As schoolchildren move from class to class, the nature of the visual material changes (it becomes more generalized through the use of graphic diagrams, tables, figurative language tools), children get the opportunity to perform language and speech exercises more often, to perceive the content of the work, based on their experience. 1 Gnezdilov M.F. Visual and verbal teaching aids in the system of practical exercises in the Russian language in an auxiliary school // Izv. APN RSFSR. - M., 1955. - Issue. 68. Of great importance in the assimilation of the Russian language by anomalous schoolchildren is the availability of imparted knowledge, skills and abilities being developed, as well as the strength of their formation. In order to ensure the availability of educational material for the Russian language, it is selected on the basis of the following criteria: 1. The level of scientific generalization. New rules, definitions, conclusions should not contain more than two abstract features. For example: “A noun is the name of an object (the first sign). It answers the questions who? what? (second sign). As the grammatical concept is further studied, children become acquainted with an increasing number of features that define it. For the same nouns, in addition to the meaning of objectivity and the formal-logical attribute (question), a series is given morphological features, through which the meaning of objectivity is actually realized, namely: variability in cases, numbers, the presence of gender categories, animation-inanimateness; 2. Connection with the lives of children. First, the material that is familiar to schoolchildren from their own experience or with which they can become familiar through practical activities. So, initially, children correlate the concept of “name of an object” with words that have a pronounced lexical meaning of objectivity (table, tree), and only after working out the ability to raise a question, the boundary of word usage expands due to the introduction of animated, abstract, collective nouns. The first texts read by children tell about the life of schoolchildren, about the work of adults, about animals. Then students learn about the history of our Motherland, about its heroes, about the problems of morality; 3. Concentrism in the presentation of educational material. The dismemberment of complex systems of connections, which was mentioned above, the repeated return to what was previously covered, makes it possible for mentally retarded children to assimilate relatively difficult concepts. So, schoolchildren gradually master the designation on the letter of softness-hardness of consonants: first with with the help of i-s, then I-a, then yu-y, etc .; 4. Mandatory preparation of students for the assimilation of new material. Acquaintance with the text in the lessons of explanatory or literary reading the teacher precedes with excursions, looking at pictures, watching dia- and movies, visiting museums, etc. Learning a new grammatical or spelling theme builds on previous material. It is important for the use of acquired knowledge in practice is their strength. To ensure it, firstly, conscious assimilation of the material is necessary. As you know, the morphological nature of Russian spelling, which prescribes a uniform fixation in writing of all significant parts of a word, regardless of their pronunciation, determines a rational way of mastering the skills of literate writing, which is based on the conscious assimilation of the spelling rule and the ability to apply it in practice. Secondly, you need to repeat the consolidation of the studied material. In mentally retarded students, skills and abilities are developed slowly and are characterized by instability. Therefore, for a strong memorization, for example, letters, it is necessary to repeat them regularly at each lesson (the only exception can be a lesson devoted to getting to know a new letter). Thirdly, a variety of exercises are required. This is necessary so that the skills and abilities formed in students become more flexible, so that the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge from one environment to another is developed. So, having mastered the spelling rule, students practice on individual words, sentences, text; they insert missing letters, independently find words with studied spellings, write various kinds of dictations, creative works, etc. In addition, modification of exercises helps the student memorize material more actively and purposefully. For example, students show the letter corresponding to the sound pronounced by the teacher, read it themselves, collect it from sticks, strips of paper, print it, draw in the air, etc., each time accompanying their actions with the pronunciation of the sound that this letter stands for. Fourth, the strength of knowledge assimilation is ensured by a certain degree of independence of students in completing tasks, which depends on the year of study and the complexity of the material. But in both cases, the implementation of exercises at the stage of consolidation is invariably accompanied by partial or complete independence of schoolchildren. So, in the process of developing the ability to write presentations, students go from collective forms of work in the 2nd grade and independent answers to questions after careful practice with the teacher in the 4th grade to written reproduction of the content of the text without outside help in the senior grades. During all this time, the teacher teaches children to keep what they have read in memory, to separate the main from the unimportant, to use language means correctly (synonyms from the text, personal and demonstrative pronouns, etc.). ) to ensure the coherence of the statement. The elementary nature of the course of grammar and spelling, as well as the knowledge that students receive in the lessons of the development of oral speech and reading, does not exclude the scientific nature of the material and the systematic presentation of it. Undoubtedly, the violation of abstract thinking makes it necessary to limit the completeness and depth of the information communicated to children, but their scientific validity should not be distorted. Moreover, the teacher strives to correct as much as possible the incorrect, inadequate ideas of children about the life around them that they might have had before school. That is why special lessons in the development of oral speech are organized on the basis of a thorough study of objects and phenomena of the real world. The accuracy of the ideas formed in the child makes it possible, although elementary level, but reliably reveal to him the causality of certain natural patterns. If mentally retarded children are unable to learn practically significant, but complex material, theoretical information is reduced to a minimum, and skills are formed in the process of performing exercises. So, having understood the main hallmark complex sentences (the presence of two groups of subject and predicate), students train in building complex and complex structures using the unions and allied words indicated in the program. New achievements in the field of scientific knowledge, already tested and firmly established in practice, are also reflected in the program of the special (correctional) school. So, in the 50s. in school spelling, there was a concept of vowels that soften the preceding consonants. More correct ideas about the sounds of speech and their reflection in writing, formed in science, led to changes in the presentation of this topic to students of a mass school: the softness and hardness of consonants is an objective pattern of the phonetic system of the Russian language. The designation on the letter of hardness or softness of consonants is carried out by means of the letters a\u003e o, y, s; and, e, e, u, i. The reliability of scientific knowledge on this topic is also reflected in the curriculum and textbooks for the special school. Teaching children to explain the difference in the spelling of words with hard and soft consonants, the teacher gives the following parsing pattern: “In the word honey, it is written e, because Im] is a soft consonant”, and not vice versa: “[m"] is a soft consonant, because after m, the vowel ё is written. The principle of scientificity is closely related to the principle of systematic presentation of the material. The system for presenting scientific knowledge is primarily provided by the program. However, the order of placement of grammatical material, fixed in this document, does not coincide with the system inherent in the linguistic sciences, which describes the facts of the language linearly.The concentricity of the arrangement of program material is that pedagogical system which makes it easier for mentally retarded students to assimilate knowledge, master skills and abilities. As already mentioned, this system involves the gradual expansion of information about previously studied objects and phenomena, the establishment of similarities and differences between them. Compliance with the principle of systematicity is important for a Russian language teacher in preparing and conducting lessons, since the omission of one, even the most insignificant link in the general chain of knowledge leads to a misunderstanding of the educational material by children, to its mechanical memorization. It is known that spelling skills are formed in mentally retarded students with great difficulty. In order to facilitate the solution of this problem, the spelling rule is worked out first on separate words, then the text is used, where the spellings for the rule being studied are highlighted in a different font or omitted, then - texts that contain spellings for rules that are sharply different from each other (a capital letter in proper names - unstressed vowels), similar rules (voiced and voiceless consonants - unstressed vowels) and, finally, training dictations of various types, on which work is also carried out in a certain system. Considering the differences among schoolchildren in the degree and nature of speech underdevelopment, sensorimotor insufficiency, intellectual disabilities, the methodology of the Russian language aims the teacher at the widespread use of the principle of a differentiated and individual approach to children in the learning process. The traditional distribution of students in the class into 3 groups (strong, medium, weak) to implement a differentiated approach does not clearly clarify the picture of schoolchildren's difficulties. This, in turn, makes it impossible to accurately choose the means of corrective action. Research conducted for many years by V.V. Voronkova, V.G. Petrova1, showed that the differentiation of students 1 See: Voronkova V.V., Petrova V.G. On the issue of differentiation of secondary school students in teaching the Russian language // Psychological analysis a differentiated approach in teaching mentally retarded schoolchildren. - M-> 1986. into groups for targeted identification of developmental deficiencies should be determined by several factors, namely the ability of children to acquire knowledge, the homogeneity of the difficulties encountered and the reasons underlying these difficulties. So, a complex underdevelopment of phonemic perception, which causes a number of errors of the same type in written works students (substitutions, omissions, permutations), requires the use of special techniques to correct shortcomings in children of this group: drawing up a conditional graphic scheme of a word before it is written down, laying out cubes as the sound sequence or sounds of a word are pronounced, recording from memory a sentence analyzed and perceived earlier visually, guessing a word by syllable, spelling pronunciation, etc. In other words, reliance on more secure analyzers, in this case visual and kinesthetic, contributes to the development of writing skills and the correction of defects in phonemic perception. When implementing the principle of a differentiated approach, the fact that the identified typological groups cannot be stable is also taken into account. They vary in composition depending on the nature of the Russian language lesson (reading, speech development or grammar and spelling). So, one and the same student, due to a certain deficiency, may experience difficulties in mastering written speech, but give a fairly detailed and easy oral description of the subject, or read well, but write illiterately. The composition of the groups also changes as the students progress in overcoming the defect, since it cannot be carried out at the same pace for everyone. The methodology also provides that a differentiated approach can be used in relation to a group of students for a long time, but take a relatively short period of time in each lesson and, most importantly, not replace frontal learning. A differentiated approach is combined with individual methods of working with children, since even similar defects, as a rule, manifest themselves in different ways in activities. For example, in groups of students with phonemic hearing impairments, there are often children with impaired pronunciation. In this regard, the use of the techniques mentioned above is possible only in relation to sounds preserved in speech. The accuracy of their perception and comparison with similar phonemes are initially worked out on the basis of the speech of the teacher himself (“Give me a picture where a goat is drawn, and now give me a picture where a scythe is drawn”; “Guess if I said the same or different words: a bear and a mouse. Find these toys”, etc.), and then the speeches of schoolchildren. Differentiated and individual approaches are constantly combined with the frontal work of the class. M.F. Gnezdilov noted that the preservation of target and thematic unity in the frontal and individual work in the lessons of the Russian language in relation to all students should become an indispensable condition for the operation of this principle of didactics. Thus, all schoolchildren are obliged to read in reading lessons, work on the text, learn to retell, write in writing lessons, participate in lexical, grammatical and spelling analysis, in preparation for creative work and in their writing. However, the share of participation in frontal work, the volume and complexity of tasks, methods of activating students' activities will differ depending on the capabilities of the entire group or one child. In the studies of a number of methodologists, specific instructions are given on the use of this principle in the lessons of the Russian language in order to form individual skills and skills1, when retelling the text by younger mentally retarded students, in working with children on certain topics2. The differentiation of requirements in relation to different typological groups of students and to each child individually is carried out taking into account the capabilities of children and the characteristics of their defect. So, some schoolchildren have a noticeable increase in the number of errors at the end of the work, the teacher determines the cause of this phenomenon and, based on it, selects the necessary methods of influence. If a student has a general motor insufficiency or impaired motor skills of the hand, as a result of which muscle fatigue increases, pain appears, attention is scattered, the teacher limits 1 Voronkova V.V. A differentiated approach to primary school students in auxiliary schools when teaching them phonetically correct writing // Improving the effectiveness of teaching secondary school students / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. - M., 1981; Ozolaite V.A. Differentiated use of questions for retelling the text by younger mentally retarded schoolchildren // Clinical and psychological and pedagogical study of children with intellectual disability / Ed. K.S. Lebedinskaya, V.M. Yavkina, V.G. Petrova. - M., 1976. 2 Barskaya N.M. Individual characteristics mastering the name of a noun by students of the 5th grade // Uch. app. LGPI them. A.I. Herzen. - L., 1969. - T. 345. for him the amount of work. If the child is excitable and his performance is impaired, as a result of which interest in the lesson is quickly lost, the teacher reminds the student of the purpose of the task, praises him for his work on initial stage, briefly changes the type of his activity (offers to wipe the board, find a book), expresses approval and returns to the interrupted exercise. The methods of implementing a differentiated and individual approach should be such that “as a result of their application, lagging students are gradually leveled off and eventually can be included in collective work on an equal basis with others”1. Questions and tasks for self-examination 1. Define the principles of didactics. 2. Prove the importance of didactic principles for Russian language lessons. 3. Expand the specific use of each principle in these lessons. 4. Explain why the principles of consciousness and activity, visibility in combination with verbal means, scientific and systematic, individual and differentiated approach are always considered in pairs. METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING MENTALLY RELATED SCHOOLCHILDREN TO THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE In addition to using general didactic principles, the methodology under consideration as independent science develops and introduces into the teaching process the actual methodological principles arising from the laws of mastering the language and speech. The patterns themselves are defined “as an objectively existing dependence of the results of speech assimilation on the degree of development of the human speech-creative system, its individual organs (the organs that make up the speech apparatus, its muscles, speech mechanisms of the brain)”2. Accurate identification of patterns makes it possible to more clearly represent the system of principles and, through their implementation, actively influence the entire course of teaching language and speech. The relationship between the individual components of the educational process can be represented as a diagram (see p. 36). Gnezdilov M.F. Methodology of the Russian language in an auxiliary school. - *" . 1965. - S. 12. With iq Fedorenko L-R- Patterns acquisition of native speech. - M., 1984. - The scheme illustrates the closedness of the chain of pedagogical activity. In the practice of language teaching, certain patterns of its assimilation by students are revealed. This makes it possible to identify the methodological principles of teaching, which, like general didactic principles, influence the choice of methods and techniques, types academic work, i.e. on the creation of a methodological system as a whole. In turn, the scientifically based system of work introduced into the educational process increases the effectiveness of teaching speech, the ability of children to master it, and thus improves the practice of teaching the language. The principles of the methodology are not homogeneous. Some principles are general character and are implemented in the process of learning in all sections of the Russian language program, others have a limited area of ​​​​action and regulate the process of acquiring literacy, reading, grammar and spelling or the development of speech. The problem of the specifics of the application of methodological principles in the conditions of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school has not been developed at all. However, studies based on the study of the process of assimilation mother tongue students with normal intelligence1 and students with other anomalies2, as well as the experience of teaching the language of children with intellectual disabilities and a number of publications covering this experience3, make it possible to put forward some methodological provisions, considering them as methodological principles. 1 Grammar and spelling technique in primary school/ Under the editorship of N.S. Rozhdestvensky. - M., 1975; Fedorenko L.P. Patterns of mastering native speech. - M., 1984; Lvov M.R. General questions of the methodology of the Russian language. - M., 1983, 2 Zikeev A.G. The development of speech of hearing-impaired students. - M., 1976; Korovin K.G. Practical grammar in the system of special language teaching for hearing impaired children. - M., 1976; Zykov S.A. Methods of teaching deaf children language. - M., 1977; Komarov KV. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school for children with severe speech disorders. - M., 1982. Highlighting special methodological principles, we took into account the statement of M.R. Lvov1 that their number should be limited, otherwise the principles may be devalued and they will cease to perform a regulatory function in the learning process. In relation to all sections of teaching the Russian language, the following principles can be distinguished: 1. Communicative orientation of teaching; 2. Unity in the implementation of two areas of work: the development of speech and thinking; 3. Mandatory motivation of language and speech activity of students; 4. Formation of a sense of language and reliance on it in learning activities children; 5. The relationship between oral and written forms of speech in the process of their development. One of the leading principles of teaching the Russian language in a correctional school is the principle of communicative orientation. Speech underdevelopment, weakness of motivational motives for speech cause mentally retarded children to have difficulty in communicating with people around them. V.G. Petrova rightly notes that a mentally retarded child, having a greater or lesser degree of speech, "... rarely participates in conversations, answers questions in monosyllables and is far from always correct"2. At the same time, it has been established that a targeted impact on the speech of mentally retarded children leads to its improvement, to the development of skills for more accurate expression of thoughts, adequate dialogue, and even skills for constructing a monologue. It is this regularity that requires the pedagogical activity of the teacher to be aimed at correcting the shortcomings of all aspects of children's speech, at its development and activation to the extent that it can be used as a means of communication. The principle of communicative orientation suggests that the main thing in teaching children should be not so much the communication ° Various aspects of the language (phonetics, morphology, syntax), but the formation of skills for the practical use of various language categories in speech. As a result of their development, schoolchildren get the opportunity to realize some linguistic information, learn and apply spelling rules, and, most importantly, use speech more freely for communicative purposes. It should be noted that this principle is consistently implemented primarily in relation to elementary school students. The high school program also aims to implement this principle. However, due to the large amount of theoretical material in grades 5-9, there is a predominance of purely grammatical exercises that reinforce linguistic information, but do not ensure their application in speech practice. And since mentally retarded children quickly forget grammar theory, the time spent on these exercises is useless in improving students' speech practice. Implementation of the principle of communicative orientation implies saturation of the learning process speech exercises . Ticks include: answers to questions; reading dialogues with the appropriate intonation, drawing up dialogues according to the model, based on a given situation; retelling; exchange of views on the work performed; discussion of dia- and films; role-playing games, etc. The speech material obtained as a result of these tasks is used to solve linguistic problems in the lessons of grammar and spelling, extralinguistic, informational tasks in the lessons of the development of oral speech and reading. As an example of ensuring a communicative orientation in the study of grammatical material, one can cite a method of fixing the form of the instrumental case of masculine and feminine nouns in the 3rd grade, where these grammatical categories are introduced in a practical way without reporting terminology. The situation is explained to the children: the teacher needs to clarify information about the professions of their parents or other relatives. Schoolchildren first verbally answer the question of who their mother, sister, aunt work, then to the question of who their father, brother, uncle, etc. work. A table and cards with the names of professions in the instrumental case are prepared in advance. The end is highlighted in a different color. Who do they work? Mom (sister) works ... Dad (brother) works ... Having answered, the students go to the blackboard, choose the appropriate card, insert it into the table. As a result of this work, a series is formed: Mom (sister, aunt) works as a nurse (milkmaid, teacher, seamstress). Dad (brother, uncle) works as a carpenter (mechanic, teacher). Children's attention is drawn to the endings of words denoting the professions of men and women. Next, the students write down sentences in their notebooks about who their relatives work for, focusing on the table as a visual support for selecting the desired word form. At the same lesson, the teacher can ask how to answer the question of what kind of mother works if she is a doctor. Already in the 3rd grade, children can form the ability to use the names of male professions in the appropriate form: Sister works as a driver, painter, etc. With this approach to fixing the topic, the situation of working with it approaches the natural one, and the language material becomes practically significant for organizing communication. The principle of the unity of the development of speech and thinking is based on a psychological pattern that manifests itself in the interaction of language and thinking. Violation of the intellectual activity of mentally retarded children leads to the inferiority of their speech practice. In turn, the underdevelopment of speech delays the formation of logical thinking, makes it difficult to eliminate the shortcomings of its visual-figurative and visual-effective forms. This vicious circle can be broken, first of all, in the field of speech. As rightly noted by N.I. Zhinkin, “speech is a channel for the development of intellect”1 and, most importantly, a channel available for external influence. Forming speech, we work on enrichment, accuracy, expressiveness at any level - be it a word, a sentence or a text. The development of these qualities of speech has a positive effect on the correction of shortcomings and the improvement of the mental activity of students. “Speech organizes, streamlines and activates the thinking of schoolchildren,” writes V.G. Petrov, - helps them to establish simple semantic connections between parts of the perceived material and thereby contributes to the implementation of cognitive activity"1. The increased possibilities of the verbal system of thinking create conditions for a better understanding of the basic language patterns by mentally retarded children, and contribute to a more conscious use of speech. The introduction of the principle of the unity of the development of speech and thinking into the educational process is carried out in two directions. Firstly, the speech of a mentally retarded child is formed on the basis of observations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and understanding of the connections characteristic of them. At one time, K.D. Ushinsky warned that “it is impossible to develop language separately from thought; but even to develop it predominantly before thought is positively harmful. This warning is especially important to remember when teaching schoolchildren of this category in the light of the data on the gap between word and thought. That is why it is necessary that in special lessons in the development of speech, the topic of conversation with children should be objects and phenomena that they either observe at the moment or considered earlier. The information obtained in this way will be the material with which thinking operates and which is simultaneously used as a basis for the development of speech. In the same direction, in the lessons of grammar and spelling, work is carried out on understanding the lexical and grammatical meanings of language units. All of them are reflections of objects and phenomena of reality (lexical meaning) and expressions of the relationships that these objects and phenomena enter into in the real world (grammatical meaning). For example, the semantics of the word tree reveals a specific kind of objects; sentence Mom has returned reports a fait accompli. In the phrase came from the city, the grammatical meaning of the circumstance of the place is conveyed by a combination of words of a certain semantics, the preposition from and the ending a of the dependent word. Mentally retarded students have difficulty comprehending the linguistic meanings of various units of speech. The fact that the child calls the bird's beak the nose indicates that he does not understand accurately. The development of speech of secondary school students. - M., 1977. - S. 69. 2 Ushinsky K.D. Ped. op. - M., 1989. - T. 3. - P. 9. just the lexical meaning of the word, but the difference is in the realities themselves: the nose of a person and the beak of a bird. A student of a special (correctional) school is not aware of the relationship between two objects of reality, which are encoded, for example, by the phrase mother's handkerchief, as a result of which he is unable to understand the grammatical meaning of each of the language units. To overcome the difficulties that arise in the lessons of grammar and spelling, it is necessary that elementary school students first comprehend the real situation and the mutual relations of objects in it. Then, the observation of the reflection of these connections in speech is organized, after which it becomes possible to introduce new verbal material and help schoolchildren to realize its lexical and grammatical meanings. So, schoolchildren consider the position of an object in relation to another and designate these relationships with phrases: the ball is on the table (near the table, under the table). Observation of the linguistic material allows us to establish that the difference in situations is fixed in speech by the words on, at, under and endings in the names of objects. At a lesson in the development of oral speech, the lexical meanings of words are also comprehended through observations of objects, their actions and signs, as a result of which the use of words becomes more accurate, for example: walnut, but pine nut; the cat laps, and the dog drinks, etc. The grammatical meaning of language means in practical level fixed in the exercises. For example: - naming the object and its actions, training in the correct coordination of the predicate with the subject: the chicken pecks the grain, the chickens also peck the grains; - selection of the main food for animals and exercises in choosing the right word form to indicate this fact in speech: a hare has cabbage, and a bear has honey; the fox has a chicken, and the squirrel has nuts, etc. The principle of the unity of the development of speech and thinking is also realized with the help of teaching methods and techniques that actively influence the speech and mental activity of children. First of all, these are the methods and techniques that make up the essence of mental operations. These include analysis and synthesis, concretization and generalization, comparison and classification. According to a study by B. Breese, the active use of methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis has a positive effect on the formation of children's speech and thinking: to mental analysis and synthesis. The use of the above methods and techniques is possible already in the pre-letter period, *<огда учащиеся называют предметный ряд и выделяют каждое слово этого ряда, сравнивают сходно звучащие слова и соотносит их с картинками, устанавливают разницу в длине слов (короткие - длинное). Из методов, различающихся по источникам получения знаний, наиболее употребительным для уроков русского языка является метод беседы. Его эффективность с точки зрения единства развития речи и мышления зависит от проблемное™ самой беседы, ее эвристичности. Так, к рассказу А.П. Чехова «Хамелеон» в 7-м классе наиболее оптимальны для развития школьников вопросы типа: что случилось на базарной площади? Как надзиратель Очумелов разбирал дело с собакой? Почему менялось его решение? Для того чтобы ответить на подобные вопросы, надо воспроизвести информацию в обобщенном: виде, проследить путь принятия главным действующим лицом тех или иных решений, объяснить его поступки. А вот вопросы -типа: где развертывается действие? Кто идет по базарной площад,и? Чей крик привлекает внимание Очумелова? - ориентируют Учащихся лишь на воспроизведение информации в той же последовательности, в которой она дана в тексте. Такое пассивное репродуцирование содержания хотя и закрепляет речевые конструкции, но степень развития мыслительных способностей учащихся не повышает. Целесообразность использования продуктивных методов обучения не исключает применения репродукции. В условиях специальной (коррекционной) школы о.На также играет значительную роль при отработке того или иного навыка. Однако в любой репродуктивный метод необходимо вносить модификации, связанные с решением мыслительных задач. Например, используя для закрепления представлений о конфигурации буквы метод упражнения в многократном ее воспроизведении по>using a sample, from memory, you can simultaneously offer children such tasks: guess what letter it is and write it down (oval, stick with a hook at the bottom); guess a letter to your friend, let him guess and; write; recognize the letter from the half-letter and write it down. As a result, a purely mechanical exercise will acquire a more creative character, will require the implementation of synthesis, operations of comparison, restoration of the whole by its part, etc. 1 Breze B. Activation of a weakened intellect when teaching in auxiliary schools. - M., 1981. - S. 22 4. Thus, the combination of materialized and speech actions, the mastery of various mental operations as a result of the use of productive language teaching methods create conditions under which the unity of speech formation and thinking development is achieved. No less significant is the principle of increasing language and speech motivation. Psychologists and methodologists of the special school have repeatedly noted the presence of speech isolation in mentally retarded children, weakness of speech motivation. Studies have shown that the use of additional techniques enhances students' interest in language material, encourages them to more voluminous and productive statements. The development of active language and speech activity is impossible without a system of various incentives that provide the creation of appropriate learning motives. It is this methodological regularity that underlies the principle of increasing linguistic and speech motivation. The implementation of this principle in educational process provided by the content of the Russian language lesson, its structure, the selection of methods, teaching methods, types of exercises, as well as the behavior of the teacher. As an example, consider the operation of this principle in a reading lesson. The selection of the content of reading material to a large extent affects the increase in the speech activity of schoolchildren: the emotional intensity of works, consonance with the experience of children, psychological life-problem situations - all this arouses interest in the topic, the desire to more or less participate in assessing the actions of the hero, talk about their personal experiences in connection with the emerging associations. That is why the content of a book for reading, material for extracurricular reading should be in line with the interests of children. The presence of these interests, although perhaps not clearly defined, was established by the studies of L.A. Serova, V. Ozolaite, T.B. Bashirov (see "Out-of-class reading"). The structure of the lesson can also have a positive impact on the speech activity of students. So, in a reading lesson, it is important to set the dosage of time for each of its structural units, to alternate oral speech (speaking) with written (reading), to clearly observe the logic of transition from one stage of the lesson to another. For example, at the next lesson after reading the 1st chapter of V. Korolenko’s story “Children of the Underground” (grade 7), you can check homework thus: 1. Answers to questions. On whose behalf is the story being told? Who is Vasya? What do father and son think of each other? Why does the judge treat Vasya so uncompromisingly? What is Vasya really like? Prove your opinion. 2. Selective reading according to the plan. Vasya is a stranger in the house. The opinion of others about the boy. Vasya's emotional experiences. The choice of methods, teaching methods, types of tasks is closely related to the structure of the lesson (this can be seen in the above example). At the same time, it also has independent significance for stimulating the speech activity of schoolchildren. M.F. Gnezdilov noticed the following on this occasion: Organizing the process of students' activities on the completion of a learning task, one should not allow its monotony, it is necessary to diversify, if possible, the methods of consideration and analysis of the material being studied. This contributes to the motivation of students' activities, excites active thought processes in them. So, in the lessons of grammar and spelling, schoolchildren learn to compare simple and complex sentences (grades 7-9), and use them correctly in speech. In order for this work to cause active speech activity of students throughout the lesson, you can use the following types of language and speech exercises: 1. Reading the sentences written on the board with the appropriate intonation, choosing among them simple and complex sentences, comparing each group according to grammatical features. 2. Work with the textbook. Compilation from simple sentences complex. Arrangement of punctuation marks, selection of the main members of the sentence. 3. Work with cards. Reading sentences in pairs (simple and complex) according to the meaning. Establishing the order of their sequence, substantiating this sequence in terms of the content and linguistic connection of one sentence with another (the presence of connecting pronouns, adverbs, aspect-temporal forms of the verb, word order). Writing in a notebook, for example: Yesterday, the students of our school went to the stadium. There, high school students participated in a sports relay race, and younger students showed floor exercises. 4. Answers to the questions: where were you yesterday? What were you and your friend doing there? Different answers also determine a different schematic analysis of the proposals drawn up on the questions. In this regard, it should be noted that the currently accepted method of underlining all the secondary members of a sentence with a wavy line (one of the parts of speech - the adjective is also emphasized) not only does not help schoolchildren to distinguish between sentence members and parts of speech, but also introduces even more confusion. Our observations have shown that it is preferable to use a special sign, for example, a dotted line, to distinguish all minor terms. In this case, a schematic analysis of the compiled answers to the questions will look like this: Yesterday we were at the factory. There, my friend and I worked on the assembly of finished products. The answer to the second question can be formatted as difficult sentence: I was turning the parts, and my friend was working on the assembly. Then his scheme will be different: 5. Drawing up proposals according to the scheme with a given content, for example, assessing different situations: one of the classmates shows good results in work at the plant. Task: tell about it and evaluate its activity. Schemes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Gnezdilov M.F. Methodology of the Russian language in an auxiliary school. - M., 1965. - S. 10. Misha Lebedev works at the plant. He completed the task first, and the master praised him very much (or: He did the task well, and our class is proud of him). 6. Drawing up a text by analogy with the data and recording. Separation of complex and simple sentences. For example: a description of Kostylin's behavior in the first meeting with the enemy is given. Task: write down a story about Zhilin using the same constructions, but with the content opposite in meaning. Analyze the structure of proposals and give its justification. Of great importance for stimulating the speech activity of schoolchildren is the behavior of the teacher in the classroom. The teacher arouses and directs the interest of students, supports him through encouragement, with the help of a mark, through the establishment of friendly relations in the class. Playing an active role in the organization of the lesson, the teacher does not limit the speech activity of children. Closely related to the previous principles is the principle of forming a sense of language and relying on it. Under conditions of normal development, the child, in the process of communicating with adults, unconsciously (or at the level of indistinct awareness) learns language norms and uses them for communicative purposes. “... Unconscious knowledge of the norm, traditions of use, acquired simply by memory in the process of imitation ... is called a sense of language or a linguistic instinct”1. Intuitive assimilation of the laws of the language is manifested at all its levels: phonetic, morphological, syntactic and stylistic. In this case, not only the correct use of familiar words and their combinations is carried out, but also a very complex process of developing interest in linguistic matter, in understanding the various means of language: words, phrases, sentences, in the active use of these means. The formation of language culture, awareness of the laws of language in the process of schooling are based on a linguistic sense, on the preschool age cognitive interest in linguistic matter. Mentally retarded students do not develop a sense of language in the preschool period, since their speech practice is extremely limited, and most importantly, it is not intuitively realized so that different units of the language enter the circle of their interests. “An important factor,” writes V.G. Petrov, “delaying the development of the speech of the mentally retarded is also their characteristic insufficiency in mastering the semantic side of their native language ... An anomaly of general development creates obstacles for the mentally retarded child to understand the meanings of those words that others pronounce, naming household items or actions performed”1. Difficulties in understanding the lexical meaning of words hinder the development of children's interest in the formal side of speech, in the selection of language units, in their structure and the way words are formed. Thanks to previous speech experience and a well-formed sense of language, a normal child gets the opportunity to successfully learn the laws of phonetics, word formation, grammar at school and consciously follow them in speech. In teaching normal children, the regularity of language acquisition, which was formulated by F.I. Buslaev: first exercises, and then a clear awareness2. This pattern should also be traced in the education of mentally retarded children, since their development is carried out according to the same laws. However, the principle of relying on the sense of language when teaching speech, which follows from this regularity (see the principles formulated by L.P. Fedorenko3), does not work without special training, since it does not arise spontaneously in mentally retarded preschoolers. At the same time, no one doubts the need for intuitive initial language generalizations for mastering the laws of grammar and their conscious use in speech. Therefore, in a special (correctional) school, the above-mentioned methodological principle acts as the principle of forming a sense of language, and then - relying on this feeling. The upbringing of the language sense is carried out at all Russian language lessons in the lower grades. Speech practice is specially organized, during which the attention of children is focused on the semantics of a word, sentence, on their formal logical features that help to combine words into certain lexical and grammatical categories (subject names). M 1984 - S. 23. It should be noted that not all psychologists and methodologists share the point of view about the unconsciousness of the first language generalizations of the child. S.F. Zhuikov, N.S. Rozhdestvensky, D. B. Elkonin associated this phenomenon with the level of the so-called “indistinct consciousness” or “low level of awareness”. 1 Petrova V.G. The development of speech of secondary school students. - M., 1977. - S. 9-10. 2 See: Buslaev F.I. On the teaching of the native language. - L., 1941. ta, action, sign), on phonetic phenomena (house, but at home), on the correlation of the grammatical form of the word with the real logical relations that are indicated by this form (goes, goes, went). At the lessons of speech development, students, considering an object, name its shape, color, taste: an apple is yellow, round, sweet; round orange, orange, sweet, etc. Simultaneously with the clarification of the real features of the subject, schoolchildren learn to correctly coordinate the names of the features with the name of the subject, to distinguish the feature itself from its name. At the lessons of teaching literacy (grade 1), practical grammar exercises (grades 2-4), the tasks of identifying language units, observing their change in various conditions, and using them correctly in speech become leading. The implementation of practical grammatical exercises in the lower grades creates a speech base, on which a cognitive interest in the language and a linguistic flair begin to emerge. In the upper grades, the presence of initial language generalizations gives students the opportunity to digress from the subject content of words, objectify speech, and learn the theoretical laws of grammar. An analysis of the sound composition of words, word forms, sentences to one degree or another helps to understand the ways of organizing and using units of various language levels in speech. The interaction of work on oral and written speech is also considered as a methodological principle. Both forms of speech serve as a means of communication. Oral speech, as a spontaneous formation, is ahead of written. It performs the function of communication in the process of direct interaction between interlocutors and has various expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures. The presence of an interlocutor, the commonality of the situation, as well as other extralinguistic (extralinguistic) factors allow the use of truncated sentence structures, a limited vocabulary. Written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech and actually encodes it. However, being a rather complex formation, written speech is

BBK 74.3 A42


Associate Professor, Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University G.M. GUSEVA, teacher of special (correctional) school No. 571 in Moscow N.G. GALUNCHIKOV

Aksenova A.K.

A42 Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school: Proc. for stud. defectol. fak. pedagogical universities. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1999. - 320 p. - (Correctional pedagogy).

ISBN 5-691-00215-5.

The textbook reveals the correctional and practical orientation of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school, the specifics of the implementation of didactic and methodological principles in the process of teaching this subject. The methods of teaching literacy, grammar and spelling, reading, the development of oral and written speech of mentally retarded students are covered.

Addressed to students of departments of correctional pedagogy of defectological faculties of pedagogical universities. May be useful for teachers of special (correctional) schools.

© Aksenova A.K., 1999 © Humanitarian Publishing ISBN 5-691-00215-5 VLADOS Center, 1999

Chapter I. Basic provisions of the methodology of the Russian language

in a special (correctional) school 7

Special methodology of the Russian language as a science 7

Russian language as a subject in a special

(correctional) school 15

Implementation of the main didactic principles

at Russian language lessons 24

Methodological principles of mental training

retarded schoolchildren to the Russian language 35

Chapter II. Speech development 51

Characteristics of speech development mentally

retarded children 51

Tasks and ways of development of speech of the mentally retarded

schoolchildren 59

Vocabulary 64

Work on proposal 72

Development of coherent oral speech 81

The development of oral speech in special lessons in connection

with the study of objects and phenomena of the environment

reality 89

Development of coherent writing 106

Chapter III. Literacy education 113

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching methods

literacy of mentally retarded first-graders 113

Linguistic foundations of the methodology of teaching literacy 118

Characteristics of sound analytic-synthetic

literacy teaching method and features of its application

in a special (correctional) school 121

Pre-Letter Lessons 129

Stages of work on the primer 135

Chapter IV. Learning to read 144

Psychological foundations of the method of teaching reading 144

Features of mastering the skill of reading mentally

retarded schoolchildren 147

Developing Reading Skills 154

Methods of reading works of various genres 181

Types of reading 205

Extracurricular reading 208

Chapter V Teaching Grammar and Spelling 215

Features of mastering grammar and spelling

mentally retarded students 215

Stages of teaching grammar and spelling. Tasks

The main provisions of the practical gram system

tic exercises in the lower grades of the special

(correctional) school 222

Methodology for the formation of initial language

generalizations in grades 2-4 230

Methods of teaching certain language topics

primary school students 238

Methodology for the formation of grammatical concepts

in high school 264

Formation of spelling skills 284

Types of grammar and spelling exercises 299

Didactic games in Russian language lessons 302

Error Prevention and Handling 306

The textbook is intended for students of defectological faculties of pedagogical universities. It was prepared in accordance with the program of the course "Methodology of the Russian language in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type."

The book reveals the theoretical provisions of the methodology for teaching mentally retarded children the Russian language and its psycholinguistic foundations, presents a system of proven methods and techniques for working on individual sections and topics of the school curriculum, provides specific examples illustrating the theoretical material of the course.

The conceptual system of the methodology, its principles and recommendations are based on the results of psychological, pedagogical and methodological research, the experience of teachers of the Russian language in special schools, the data obtained by the author in the course of studying some problems of the methodology, as well as his experience at school and university.

The most fully covered topics in the textbook are those that have not received sufficient reflection in the specialized literature. On a number of topics, only general indications and references to books that have gone out of print during the past decade are given.

The book consists of five chapters. The first chapter, corresponding to the first section of the course program, reveals the main provisions of the special methodology as a science, analyzes the school curriculum, considers the correctional and practical orientation of teaching the Russian language to mentally retarded schoolchildren, as well as the conditions for the implementation of didactic and methodological principles.

The second chapter describes the methodology for the development of students' speech. It is not by chance that we began with this section of the work, which is traditionally presented as the final one in all other manuals of this type. In our opinion, the development of oral and written speech as a means of communication should be the main direction in teaching mentally retarded children the Russian language.

The third, fourth and fifth chapters, respectively, deal with the teaching of literacy, reading, grammar and spelling.

Each chapter ends with a list of mandatory "literature. Additional literature sources, as a rule, are indicated in footnotes as the material is presented.

At the end of each section, questions and tasks for self-examination are given. The author urges you not to ignore them when studying the course. Completing assignments and preparing answers will help students control themselves, determine the level of understanding of theoretical positions and methodological recommendations on sections and topics of this discipline.

The author thanks the teacher of the special (correctional) school No. 571 in Moscow, N.G. Galunchikov and Researcher of the Laboratory of Content and Methods of Teaching Children with Intellectual Disabilities of the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education E.V. Yakubovskaya for help in developing methodological recommendations on certain topics of the school curriculum, I.M. Boblu, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Methods of the Defectological Faculty of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. M. Tanka, and Syu. Ilyin, Associate Professor, Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Russian State Pedagogical University named after I.I. A.I. Herzen, G.M. Gusev, Associate Professor of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogy of Moscow State Pedagogical University, for valuable recommendations on improving the content of the book.

1. Aksenova A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional school). - M., 2004.

2. Algazina N.N. On the development of spelling vigilance // РЯШ.-1981.-№3.

3.Arsiry A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language. - M., 1995

4. Epiphany D.N. Psychological principles spelling learning. Russian language at school 1976, no. 4, p. 12-20.

5. Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of mastering spelling. - M. - 1986.

6. Gorodilova V.I., Kudryavtseva M.Z. Reading and writing: learning, development and correction of shortcomings. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 1995.-384p.

7. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: A guide for a speech therapist. - M.: VLADOS, 2001.-336s.: ill.

8. Eletskaya O.V. Violation of the formation of writing skills in students of secondary and senior classes of a comprehensive school // Scientific and methodological journal "Speech therapist" - 2004, No. 3 - p18.

10. Zhinkin N.N. Writing mechanisms. - M., 1958.

11. Zhuikov S.F. Formation of spelling actions (among young schoolchildren). - M., 1965.

12.Inshakova. ABOUT. Dictionary words in images and pictures.-M.: VLADOS,-2005.

13. Ivanova V.F. Principles of Russian spelling. - L., 1977.-230s.

14. Kaydalova A.I. Kalinina I.K. Modern Russian spelling. -M.: Higher school, 1971 - 249s.

15. Kornev A.N. Dyslexia and dysgraphia in children. - St. Petersburg, 1995.

16. Kuzminova S.A. Correction of speech rhythm for the prevention of dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren // Scientific and methodological journal "Speech therapist" - 2004, No. 3 - pp. 94 - 103.

17. Lvov M.R. , Ramzaeva T.G., Svetlovskaya N.N. Methods of teaching the Russian language in elementary grades.-2nd ed., Rev.-M.: Education, 1987.-415p.

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Appendix No. 1


The goal is to develop the ability to identify vowels in words, sentences, phrases.

Tasks: - to learn to select test words for unstressed vowels;

To train the ability to form diminutive forms of the word, the plural form;

Formation of phonemic perception;

Work on the grammatical design of the sentence;

Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Working with vocabulary.

Equipment: task cards, blackboard, game roulette, magnetic cash register.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Presentation of the topic of the lesson: a) Guys, today we will go to the country of unstressed vowels. And we will get into it if we put stress in words and highlight unstressed vowels.

Words: country, fox, spit, earth, glass, river, grass, tables.

B) Dunno got into the country with unstressed vowels and mixed everything up. He misspelled the words. Let's fix them.

Cards: hadil, krechal, gara, mast, big.

3. Changing words. Selection of test words

The game "Znayka" For words with an unstressed vowel, you need to pick up a word so that the unstressed vowel turns into a stressed one.

Words: mowed - mows.

He walked, rolled, caught, salted, fed, praised, dragged.

4. Work with a dictionary word.

Dunno scattered the word into letters and can not collect it.

Letters: p, s, d, o, y, a (Dishes).

Who can tell me what dishes are? What is it for?

Let's divide the word dishes into syllables: in-su-yes.

Finding an unstressed vowel

The game "Who is more?" We form adjectives for the word dishes. What is she? (beautiful, clean, glassy, ​​white, etc.). Let's call her affectionately (Utensils).

5. Work with offers.

Gramoteika game. Find and correct errors in the text.

The wind blows the earth. During the night a strong mitel fell. By morning it was all quiet. Fluffy carpet all around. All the roads are covered. Children enjoy winter.

6. Work with letter cash register. From the letters of the word "Beard" come up with as many words as possible.

7. Summing up.