S influenced the formation of the psychology of communication. The role of communication in the mental development of a person. Communication in preschool

Communication is of great importance in shaping human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to the wide opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality.

Successful formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality is possible only if the laws of its development are taken into account.

Inclusion of a person in different systems: biological, environmental, social - determines the extreme complexity and heterogeneity of determinants and potentials individual development.

Human development is a single process determined by the historical conditions of social life. The result of the interaction of biological and social in the individual development of a person is the formation of individuality. Its essence is the unity and interconnection of the properties of a person as a personality and a subject of activity, in the structure of which the natural properties of a person as an individual function; the general effect of this fusion, the integration of all the properties of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity is individuality with its holistic organization of all properties and their self-regulation. The socialization of the individual, accompanied by ever greater individualization, embraces the whole life path person.

The nature of psychophysiological development is heterogeneous and contradictory throughout ontogeny. General development is the result of mastered activities: labor, knowledge and communication. They significantly influence the formation of the potential properties of a person.

Many studies revealed the facts of a significant change in the indicators of various mental functions as a result of labor activity. If the first phase of the development of mental functions acts as a consequence of their age-related maturation, then the further progress of functions is primarily due to the formation of operational mechanisms in the process of activity, which can significantly expand the possibilities for developing potentials and contribute to creative longevity.

As the personality develops, the integrity and integrativity of its psychological organization grows, the interconnection of various properties and characteristics increases, new development potentials accumulate. There is an expansion and deepening of the ties of the individual with the outside world, society and other people. A special role is played by those aspects of the psyche that provide the internal activity of the individual, manifested in his interests, emotional, conscious attitude to the environment and to his own activities.

A number of studies have established a great similarity in the characteristics of personality development in childhood, adolescence, early, middle and late adulthood, which allows us to speak about the existence of various individual styles development.

Thus, development potentials include individual, subjective and personal characteristics, which, being transformed under the influence of human activities, constitute a kind of combination of individual development potentials. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain a semi-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are occasionally found among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident, found themselves alone, isolated from their own kind for a long time ( e.g. after a shipwreck).

Especially great importance for the mental development of the child has his communication with adults in the early stages of ontogenesis. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of schooling, and even more definitely before the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and - self-educate

Types of communication

Types of communication by means:

1) verbal communication - is carried out through speech and is the prerogative of a person. It provides a person with wide communicative opportunities and is much richer than all types and forms of non-verbal communication, although in life it cannot completely replace it;

2) non-verbal communication occurs with the help of facial expressions, gestures and pantomime, through direct sensory or bodily contacts (tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person). Non-verbal forms and means of communication are inherent not only to humans, but also to some animals (dogs, monkeys and dolphins). In most cases, non-verbal forms and means of human communication are innate. They allow people to interact with each other, achieving mutual understanding on the emotional and behavioral levels. The most important non-verbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen.

Types of communication by goals:

1) biological communication is associated with the satisfaction of basic organic needs and is necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism;

2) social communication aimed at expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth individual.

Types of communication by content:

1) material - the exchange of objects and products of activity, which serve as a means of satisfying their actual needs;

2) cognitive - the transfer of information that broadens one's horizons, improves and develops abilities;

3) conditioning - the exchange of mental or physiological states, influencing each other, designed to bring a person into a certain physical or mental condition;

4) activity - exchange of actions, operations, skills, habits;

5) motivational communication consists in the transfer to each other of certain motives, attitudes or readiness for action in a certain direction.

Types of communication by mediation:

1) direct communication - occurs with the help of natural organs given to a living being by nature: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc .;

2) mediated communication - associated with the use of special means and tools for organizing communication and exchanging information (natural (stick, thrown stone, footprint on the ground, etc.) or cultural objects (sign systems, symbols on various media, printing, radio, television, etc.);

3) direct communication is based on personal contacts and direct perception of each other by communicating people in the act of communication itself (for example, bodily contacts, conversations of people with each other, etc.);

4) indirect communication occurs through intermediaries, which may be other people (for example, negotiations between conflicting parties at the interstate, international, group, family levels).

Other types of communication:

1) business communication - communication, the purpose of which is to reach any clear agreement or agreement;

2) educational communication - involves the targeted impact of one participant on another with a fairly clear idea of ​​the desired result;

3) diagnostic communication - communication, the purpose of which is to formulate a certain idea about the interlocutor or receive any information from him (such is the communication of a doctor with a patient, etc.);

4) intimate-personal communication is possible when partners are interested in establishing and maintaining trusting and deep contact, occurs between close people and is largely the result of previous relationships.

Depending on the participants in communication, they call personal-group, interpersonal, and intergroup communication.

In the primary group, the primary collective, a person communicates with each person. In the course of such paired communication, both personal and group tasks and goals are established. Knowledge of communities about the content of communication or the presence of a third person at the time of communication between two persons changes the picture of communication.

Personal-group communication is more pronounced between the boss and the group or team.

Intergroup communication means the contact of two communities. For example, team battles in sports. the tasks and goals of intergroup communication of teams can often coincide (communication has a peaceful character), or they can differ (conflict communication). Intergroup communication is by no means a faceless, amorphous influence. In this communication, each person is a kind of bearer of a collective task, defends it, and is guided by it.

Communication also differs into mediated and direct. When the term “direct” is used, it means “face to face” communication, during which each participant in the process perceives the other and makes contact.

Mediated communication - communication in which there are third parties, mechanisms, things (for example, a telephone conversation).

The time interval of communication has a great influence on its characteristics. It is a kind of catalyst for the ways and semantic content of communication. Of course, it is impossible to know a person in detail in a short time, but there is always an attempt to find out the personality and character traits. Long-term communication is not only the path to mutual understanding, but also the road to satiety. Long-term communication creates a prerequisite for psychological compatibility, or confrontation.

Communication is also divided into completed and unfinished. A completed communication can be considered a type of communication that is equally regarded by the participants. At the same time, the assessment of communication captures not only the subjective significance of the final results of communication (satisfaction, indifference, dissatisfaction), but the very fact of completeness, exhaustion.

In the course of unfinished communication, the content of the topic or joint action turns out to be not exhausted, not the result that each of the parties pursued. The incompleteness of communication can be caused by objective or subjective reasons. Objective or external reasons - separation of people in space, prohibitions, lack of means of communication, and others. Subjective - mutual or unilateral lack of desire to continue communication, awareness of the need to stop it, and others.

23. The concept of thinking in psychology.

Thinking- an indirect generalized reflection of reality by a person in its essential connections and relationships. At the sensory level of cognition, external influences directly lead to the emergence of corresponding images in our consciousness. The reflection of objective reality at the logical level of cognition is much more complicated. It is not immediate, but mediated in nature, i.e., it is accomplished with the help of a whole system of means that are usually absent at the sensory level of cognition, presented as manifestations of thinking at the sensual stage of cognition.

Implementation of thinking through mental operations describes thinking as indirect reflection of reality.

Thinking must be based on sensory reflection of the world, i.e., the images of sensory cognition are the material with the help of which alone reflection can be realized at the level of thinking. The reflection of reality at the level of thinking is also mediated by the word.

In order to give a definition to any phenomenon, object or event, its one-time perception is usually insufficient. Therefore, it turns out to be important to accumulate some experience, to keep in memory a whole series of such ideas. But even this is not enough. To define a new object, one must have experience in defining other objects. The ideas that are in our memory, the vocabulary necessary for formulating definitions, constitute the fund of knowledge through which the process of thinking takes place.

Thinking is an indirect reflection of reality, and because it always proceeds based on the knowledge that a person has.

The reflection of reality at the level of thinking is generalized character. Such a generalization is the result of analyzing and comparing individual objects, highlighting and abstracting what is common in them. Highlighting the general, we usually rely not only on those objects that we perceive in this moment, but we also use those representations that are available in our past experience. The wider and richer past experience, the broader and deeper is the generalization of a person.

The mediated and generalized nature of thinking ensures human cognition of both phenomena and their essence. Thanks to thinking, a person reflects not only what can be directly perceived with the help of the senses, but also what is hidden from perception and can be known only as a result of analysis, comparison, generalization. Thinking allows you to establish various connections and relationships.

24. Stages of development of the psyche in phylogenesis.

Psyche- the property of the brain to reflect objectively and independently of consciousness the existing reality, which ensures the expediency of human behavior and activity.

Consciousness- the highest form of mental reflection of objective reality, peculiar only to man, mediated by the socio-historical activity of people.

The development of the psyche has 3 aspects:

the emergence and development of the psyche in the animal world;

emergence and development of human consciousness;

development of the psyche in human ontogenesis.

The driving force of any development is the struggle of internal contradictions, the struggle between the old and the new, between the obsolete and the emerging. This is the source of the development of the psyche.

Development is spasmodic, it invariably includes breaks in gradualness.

The development of the psyche in the animal world is closely connected with the emergence and development of the nervous system, especially the brain.

The nervous system in lower animals exists in various forms: mesh, ring, radial, etc. It ensures the holistic functioning of the body.

Sensitivity arises on the basis of irritability as a general property of living matter. It is the first manifestation of the psyche and an indicator of its emergence.

Leontiev identifies 3 stages in the development of the psyche. According to Farbi, within each stage there can be different levels: the lowest, the highest and the highest.

3 stages of mental development:

elementary sensitivity- the animal reacts only to certain properties of objects of the external world;

object perception- The activity of an animal is determined by the influence of not individual properties, but things as a whole;

intelligence- is characterized by even more complex Activity and complex forms of reflection of reality. There is an opportunity ... preparatory actions for your decision.

The emergence of consciousness is qualitatively new stage in the development of the psyche.

Its development is determined by social conditions. Consciousness is always purposeful. The main prerequisite and condition for the emergence of human consciousness was the development of the human brain. The formation of consciousness is a very long process associated with social and labor activity. The emergence of labor activity radically changed the attitude of man to the environment. Labor is a process that connects man with nature, the process of man's influence on nature.

The basis for the transition to human consciousness was the joint work of people aimed at common goal. In the process of labor activity, the functions of the hand developed and consolidated, which were improved and changed, turning into an organ of knowledge.

Consciousness is highest level mental reflection.

The development of psychic reflection is one step behind the development of Activity.


sensory activity directed at the object. Mental reflection reflects individual properties;

perceptual activity(mental reflection) is aimed at the relationship of objects:

Separate objects;

The appearance of the operation (the conditions under which the subject of the Activity is given).

intellectual activity : mental reflection - the relationship between objects.

25. Character. character building.

Character (Greek “charaktety> - printing, chasing) is a set of stable mental traits of a person that affects all aspects of her behavior, which determines her stable attitude to the world around her, other people, activities, herself and expresses the individual originality of the personality, manifested in the style of activity and communication.

Character- the core mental property of the individual, imprinting on all aspects of human life.

The concept of character is very different in various theoretical constructions. In modern foreign psychology, there are three main areas of characterology:
- constitutional and biological - E. Kretschmer. Character essentially boils down to the totality appearance, constitution and manifestations of temperament. There are asthenic, athletic, picnic character;
- psychoanalytic - 3igmundt Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and others. The character is explained on the basis of the unconscious inclinations of a person;
- ideological - Robeck's psychoethical theory. The character lies in the inhibition of instincts, which is determined by ethical and logical sanctions. That. what instincts and what sanctions are inhibited depends on the internal immanent properties of the personality.

In Russian psychology, N.O. Lossky, P.F. Lesgaft, A.F. Lazursky, A.P. Nechaev, V.I. Strakhov, N. D. Levitov, and others. The following directions can be distinguished here: idealistic, biologization, materialistic. It should also be noted the socio-evaluative connotation in determining the character, the significant stability of psychological characteristics.

Character is formed on the basis of temperament under the influence of living conditions. In the character, temperament traits are contained in a transformed form. They are understood and accepted or not accepted by a person.

Of particular importance for the formation of character are the first years of a person's life (3. Freud, A. Adler, K. Horney, B. G. Ananiev).

According to B.G. Ananiev, character is an expression and a condition for the integrity of the personality, and its main properties should include orientation, habits, communicative properties, emotional and dynamic manifestations, formed on the basis of temperament.

The structure and content of the character are determined by the interconnection of the components (how harmonious they are or are in conflict, that is, they contradict each other). This relationship determines the integrity or inconsistency of character.

Character is closely related to temperament. Temperament is the dynamic side of character, but unlike temperament, character is more conditioned by social factors. Therefore, character has a strong influence on the manifestation of temperament. On the one hand, people with any temperament are truthful, deceitful, evil, kind, rude, benevolent, tactful, and on the other hand, with a certain type of temperament, some social qualities are formed more easily and quickly, while others are slower and more difficult, requiring large expenditures. For example, a choleric person, unlike a phlegmatic person, is easier to form sociability, but more difficult - discipline. However, this cannot justify negative character traits.

Traits- these are acquired, formed personality traits, laid down in childhood. They are formed by the process of human life on the basis of temperament, the influence of both external (social) and internal (psychological) factors.

Character defines:
- line of human behavior;
- individual characteristics psyche;
- features of his actions.

Thus, the character emphasizes the individuality of the individual. It most fully reflects her strong-willed qualities.

In the character, temperament traits are contained in a transformed form. They are either understandable and accepted, or not accepted by a person as the basis of his activity.

Character traits are understood as certain personality traits. which appear systematically in various types activities
guardianship and by which one can judge his possible actions in certain conditions.

Thus, character is a kind of expression of mental cognitive, emotional and volitional processes, orientation, temperament, human abilities. The orientation of the personality, beliefs, interests, needs, motives of activity determine the content of the character, its integrity or inconsistency, stability, etc. Character, in turn, determines which motives of activity will become the main, leading ones. Abilities define intellectual character traits. Temperament is its dynamic side. At the same time, character has a strong influence on the manifestation of temperament, on its change and expression in activity.

Exist strong relationship between the character and habits of a person, which are automatically performed Actions that have become his need. Separate actions and deeds. With their repeated repetition, they become habits, the role of which is exceptionally great in human life and activity. Character is formed from habit, and it manifests itself in them.

So, character is not an innate property of a person; it is formed and develops in the process of active human activity under the influence of social environment and upbringing.

The character of a person is manifested in his activity, speech and appearance. In a person's activity, one can see his relationship to the environment, to work, to his comrades, leaders, to himself. You can determine the presence of positive and negative qualities of character, its strength, stability and integrity.

In speech, sociability, the spiritual culture of a person, attentiveness to the interlocutor or, conversely, self-confidence, the desire to “show off”, obsession, narcissism are manifested. If a person is fit, cheerful, cheerful, friendly, has a neat appearance, this indicates his inner composure, organization, purposefulness, good breeding, goodwill but attitude towards other people. Untidiness, sloppiness, swagger, unfriendly characterize a person from the negative side. These are the main character traits.

The combination of certain qualities and properties inherent in the character allows you to make an appropriate classification, or typology. But for this it is necessary to highlight the appropriate grounds. Let us take as a basis the relation of man to the surrounding reality, to himself and to his activity.

In relation to the surrounding reality: conviction and unscrupulousness.
Conviction determines the principles of human behavior. the presence of clear principles that a person adheres to in the process of life.
Unscrupulousness is one of the reasons for the unpredictability of human behavior. Assumes the predominance of personal, selfish interests and needs, interests and motives in human activities.

The system of principles should be mobile, constantly develop and improve, but not change dramatically.

In relation to other people: sociability and isolation.
Sociability is necessary to establish comradely relations, but it implies adherence to principles, contributes to gaining trust and authority.
Closure can be the result of shyness or the habit of loneliness, or distrust of people, a negative attitude towards them. It can be the result of any life complications and failures, the result of deficiencies in upbringing in childhood.

In relation to oneself: altruism and isolation.
Altruism is a system of value orientations of an individual, expressed in the willingness to sacrifice one's own interests in favor of another person or social community. The ethical principle is put forward as the main criterion for moral assessment of the observance of the interests of another person or a social community. The opposite of selfishness.
Selfishness - the desire to exaggerate one's "I", one's capabilities, one's interests, needs to the detriment of others. The most striking form of its manifestation is egocentrism, which manifests itself in an exaggerated emphasis on one's "I", extreme egoism, the inability of an individual to change his position in relation to someone else's opinion.

In relation to activity: active and inactive.
Active - hardworking, persistent, initiative type of character.
Inactive - may be due to personal qualities - laziness, passivity, low volitional qualities, as well as internal inconsistency of the personality.

We examined the extreme (bipolar) manifestations of character, its traits and characteristics. AT real life, in real characters there are many shades and transitions. This makes the character of each person unique on the one hand, and on the other hand, it emphasizes the individuality of each person.

The grounds for classifying character can also be distinguished by strength, stability and its structure.

Strong - a person persistently, consistently achieves his goals. Acts in accordance with his convictions, is relatively independent in his actions and judgments.

Weak - inconsistency of actions and actions, subject to the influence of other people and external circumstances, fear of difficulties.

Stable - a hierarchical scale of values, principles and beliefs are unchanged over a long period of time.

Unstable - the hierarchical scale of values, principles and beliefs are constantly subject to change.

Whole- inner world agreed, thoughts, words, actions, feelings, attitudes, attitudes, actions, motives coincide with beliefs,

Contradictory - incompatible views, attitudes, actions, goals, motives, desires.

The German psychologist K. Leonhard believes that in 20-50% of people some character traits are so pointed (accentuated) that they have a decisive influence on their behavior, lead to conflict forms of relationships, and nervous breakdowns.

Accentuation of character is an exaggerated development of individual character traits to the detriment of others, which leads to a deterioration in the process of interaction with other people.

An accentuated personality is, as a rule, a personality with characterological deviations from the norm, expressed in an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, they tend to have a special socially positive or socially negative development. Personalities with character accentuations are characterized by the so-called "places of least resistance", a special vulnerability in relation to some factors that are psycho-traumatic for these individuals. There are explicit and hidden (latent) character accentuations. The main types of character accentuation are:
- hyperthymic (hyperactive);
- dystemic;
- cycloid;
- emotive (emotional);
- demonstrative;
- excitable;
- stuck;
- pedantic;
- anxious (psychosthenic);
- exalted (labile); introverted (schizoid);
- extroverted (conformal).

However, more often there are not pure types of character accentuations, but intermediate, mixed ones. They are more often manifested in adolescence and youth (50-80%). Over the years, they can significantly smooth out, approach the norm. But in old age, they again become aggravated. Their severity can be from mild forms (almost not noticeable) to psychopathy (a serious mental illness requiring isolation). To identify accentuations, special techniques and tests are used (Shmishek, Kettelai, etc.)

Brain and psyche.

The psyche is a property of the brain to reflect environment and regulate human behavior and activities

The organ of the psyche is brain brain works reflex Reflex (from lat reflexus - reflection) - it is the response of a living organism to one or another influence, which is carried out through the nervous system, the central organ of which is the brain Responding to external influences, the body adapts to the outside world

The concept of a reflex as a natural response of an organism to an external influence was formulated as early as the 17th century by Descartes, but for the first time the position that all acts mental life in their structure and dynamics are reflex, put forward by I. M. Sechenov (1829-1905) In the work\"Reflexes of the brain\" (1863), he called the mental processes\"middle link\" reflex act "reflex act.

The reflex theory of I. M. Sechenov was a significant step in the development of psychology, since it substantiated the origin of all mental phenomena, their determination by the outside world and connection with human actions.

The ideas of I. M. Sechenov on the reflex activity of the brain were developed and experimentally substantiated by IP Pavlov (1849-1936). like a whitefish-flammable character of mental reflection means that any living system selects only external influences that are significant for it. Even in animals, reflection is always a biological analysis - the selection of essential elements of information, a kind of Duvannaya code of stimuli (cats react little to pure tones, but easily notice a barely perceptible scratching) All this becomes much more complicated and improves in human reflection activity, since you are extremely sensitive to human reflection. high scope significant impacts determine the dominant needs of a person. The essence of the stimulus signal lies not in its physicochemical properties, but in what determined it for what it is needed (we perceive the red color of the semaphore not as physical phenomenon certain property, but as a signal stimulus that warns of a threat and causes certain actions in response to Ovid) The same information can be transmitted by signals of different properties, at the same time the same stimulus can have a different signal value.

The results of the actions taken are reflected by the brain, then the reverse actions are corrected according to the effect achieved. This process is called feedback Feedback is necessary for any self-regulating system, which is a living organism. This universal feature of mental activity was proved by PK Anokhin and BA Bernshtein. They discovered that in the cortex there is an evaluation apparatus - an action acceptor, which receives feedback and compares it with the primary goal. impact The result of this comparison may be a new, or rather action This happens self-regulation The brain at the same time performs the functions of perception and selection of signals, processing them into corrective signals and regulation with the help of these signals-actions and states of the body

The connection between the psyche and the brain can be traced in many ways. Mental reflection in the animal world is carried out at different levels, depending on structural organization of the brain, its anatomical structure and functional activity. The dependence of the level of reflection on brain maturation can be observed in ontogenesis. Anatomical underdevelopment of the human brain or a violation of its functional activity is also accompanied by a mental disorder.

The doctrine of the brain and its mental functions has a long history in which two trends can be distinguished: the first is associated with the study of the localization of mental functions in accordance with the anatomical zones of the cerebral cortex, the second considers the brain and its work as a single unit.

The human brain is an extremely complex system that works as a differentiated whole. The functions of its various departments are associated with a fine, microscopic structure, the so-called cytoarchitectonics

The brain consists of two parts - the right and left hemispheres, including the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex - the upper layer of the hemispheres - is primarily nerve cells. They are called neurons, or neurons.

according to researchers, the brain consists of 100 billion neurons - individual nerve cells. Each such brain cell is connected with about 15,000 other neurons and creates its own network, which combines and stores a large amount of information. According to the American psychologist D Kuhn and other scientists, in the brain there may be more\"paths\" that connect neurons than there are volumes in the whole universe.

Neurons are united in large networks and are the basis for the functioning of all mental phenomena: processes, states, intellect and consciousness

Each neuron is unique in shape and size and consists of fibers that receive input signals, a main body that receives the signal (information) and transmits nerve impulses along the fiber, and fibers that carry the signal out of the body of the nerve cell.

The connection of these fibers ensures the transmission of signals between neurons. Each neuron is like a microscopic biological battery, due to which the electrically charged Jenny molecules, which are called ions, live in and around the nerve cell. Neurons have either a positive or negative electrical charge and can be in a state of rest, excitation or diii potential.

Nerve impulses are not only electrical, but also chemical in nature. The latter is associated with the functioning of synapses. Synapse is a microscopic space between two neurons through which signals are transmitted. for the development of not only physiology, but also psychology. Now these problems are being studied at the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, at the St. Petersburg Institute of the Brain Russian Academy sciences, in similar institutes Western Europe and USA.

Communication plays an important role in the normal formation and further development of the human psyche, as well as the formation of cultural and conscious behavior.
A person acquires all his highest qualities and abilities for cognition, precisely through communication with psychologically developed people.
A person turns into a personality only through communication with psychologically developed personalities.
If you deprive him of such an opportunity from birth, then he will never become a culturally and morally developed citizen, and will be doomed until the end of his days to remain half a savage, only his own. outer shell reminiscent of a person.
We all know similar examples illuminated by the means mass media when alcoholic parents did not take care of their child and he was forced to live on the street in a dog kennel. Having adopted their habits from animals, having spent part of his childhood being among dogs, such a child will no longer be able to become a normal person, having received a serious psychological trauma in childhood.

Stories like Mowgli prove the importance of human communication from childhood with people. No one can convey their experience to a child like his caring parents in childhood. The only exceptions are situations that people describe as: "An apple from an apple tree ..." or "Who will you behave with ...". Undoubtedly, in the mental development of a person, these cases are proof of the importance of the role of communication.

Communication of any kind of baby with adults in the early stages of development is especially important for psychological development. It is during this period of time that a person acquires all his behavioral, human and mental qualities of a person. Especially when you consider that up to the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and self-educate, then the importance of the role of communication in the mental development of a person and the formation of his personality becomes completely clear.

The mental development of the child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in the individual development of a person, thanks to which the baby receives the information necessary for his individual development. In this regard, we can single out the role of the participation of both parents in communicating with the child. The lack of attention of one of them in childhood affects the formation and development of the individual at a more mature age.

Objective activity, as a necessary component of the normal development of the child, containing his cognitive need, also acts as a condition and means of mental development and appears somewhat later, at the age of 2-3 years.

The basic life experience of the child is acquired, first, through imitation, and later, through verbal instructions. This experience cannot be acquired in any other way, and communication with people who are carriers of this experience for the child plays an important role in the mental development of a person. At the same time, important conditions determining the development of children are:
a. Communication intensity
b. Variety of communication content
in. Variety of purposes and means of communication

The above types of communication have an impact on the development of various aspects of human psychology and its behavioral factors. Thus, business communication is a means of acquiring experience - knowledge and skills, it forms and develops a person's abilities. In it, a person develops and improves his business and organizational qualities necessary for the ability to interact with other people in the process of any activity.

Personal communication enables a person to determine goals in life, choosing the means of their implementation, to acquire certain character traits, inclinations, habits, interests, to learn the moral standards adopted in human society, that is, it forms a person as a person.

Material communication, along with other types included in the variety of types of communication, performs its function in the development of the individual. It allows you to acquire the knowledge, abilities and ideas necessary for normal life a person from the field of material and spiritual culture.

Cognitive communication (the process of processing information by the brain) is also important for the mental and intellectual development of a person, since mutual communication between people allows you to exchange information and, accordingly, mutually enrich the transmitted knowledge.

Conditional communication determines the child's readiness for learning as a process of perceiving information, and forms the attitudes that a future personality needs to improve other types of communication, thus affecting the individual personal and intellectual development of a person.

Motivational communication, in turn, is a source of additional energy that stimulates him to productive activity which ultimately affects the development of the individual. After all, as you know: “only the one who does nothing is not mistaken,” and the one who does nothing cannot call himself a person. As a result of motivational communication, a person acquires some new interests, goals and motives for achieving them. By recharging with motivational communication, a person increases his energy and mental potential, which develops him.

Active communication, that is, the exchange of actions, skills and abilities, as well as operations, improves and enriches his personal independent activity, that is, it also plays an important role in the mental development of a person.

Biological communication is necessary condition to maintain and develop the vital functions of the body, and also serves its self-preservation. Without normal biological communication, the mental development of a person will be incomplete and even destructive, since this is one of the most important species necessary for procreation and its proper upbringing. Without this type of communication, an individual cannot develop as a person without having the skills to create a family and strengthen marriage.

Social communication is a factor that encourages the development of the main forms of social activity and serves social needs: various collectives, groups, nations, organizations, societies and humanity as a whole. This type of communication enables a person to feel part of something whole, its component, which plays its role in achieving the overall result. People sometimes need to feel that they belong to society. Loneliness and seclusion cannot positively influence the mental development of a person, because in a large group of people some other types of communication take place, and this is a continuation of personal growth.

Direct communication allows a person to develop, with the help of training and education as a result of the widespread use in practice of the simplest and most effective means and methods of learning: vicarious (accepting information and skills by observing other people or animals), verbal (speech) and conditioned reflex .

Mediated communication develops a person's ability to consciously manage the process of communication itself, and also helps to master the means of communication and optimize their ability for self-education and self-education of a person.

Non-verbal communication enables a person to develop and improve communication skills, which open up wide opportunities for him to develop a personality and establish interpersonal contacts. Thanks to this type of communication, a person begins to develop psychologically even before he assimilates and learns to use speech (about 2-3 years old).

However, the role of verbal communication in the mental development of a person cannot be underestimated. It is only thanks to him that a person continues to develop intellectually, personally and mentally all his life, since it is based on the ability to assimilate and master speech, the main tool for transmitting information by a person. Let the visitors with speech disorders not be offended by me, but as the Italians say: “What you can’t explain with words, you can’t stomp with your fingers.”

On this we have finished considering the role of communication in the mental development of a person. Parents would like to remind that they participate in every possible way in communication of any kind with their children, this will have a positive effect on your relationship and on the development of the child in the future.

Can the process of personality formation take place outside of communication? Even the question itself sounds strange. Our personality is formed and developed under the constant intervention of the environment, in which communication plays an important role. The very word "personality" comes from "face", that is, it is the image that we create for others.

In modern psychology, especially domestic, the concept of personality is much broader, it includes many aspects of mental activity (according to various authors):

It is customary to include in the personality structure those qualities that directly affect interaction with other people. So, for example, people communicate with a good-natured person (character) differently than with an evil and suspicious person. A person who is fond of football (interests) has more fan friends than a person who is indifferent to sports.

All of these personality substructures change throughout life. Even temperament, more than others tied to genetic characteristics, is also undergoing a change. In particular, this is due to the state of health.

These changes occur in different ways, under the influence of many factors. Among these factors, communication is, of course, far from the least important. Further, we will consider the influence of communication on individual substructures of the personality.

The influence of communication on character

Character is the attitude of a person to certain aspects of life. What does it mean? There are people, for example, who have a bad attitude towards work. When they find themselves in a situation where they need to work, or even when they imagine such situations, they have negative emotions. These emotions push the person away from the situation. One way or another, he will try to ensure that these situations happen as rarely as possible. For example, a person may quit their job and move on to easier activities both physically and mentally.

Thus character is greatly influenced by emotional sphere person, but not only. There are several factors in character. These are both, and emotional-instinctive habits (emotional sphere), and life strategies.

People occupy a large place in the picture of the world. If the image of a typical person is drawn mainly in black, this is one thing. If it's white, it's different. And here, how typical people will be depicted in the picture is very strongly influenced by the child's parents and, in general, the close environment.

It is in communication that one child learns, for example, that their teacher teaches children only because she needs to earn money somehow. Another child learns from his parents that their teacher teaches because she likes this kind of work, she loves children. The third child learns that "it's all God's will."

If in communication with parents, say, the words “cunning” and “prudent” often appear, the child in the future, of course, will not consider everyone cunning and prudent, but will pay increased attention to this. In his picture of the world, this will be important human quality: he will look for them from other people, one way or another to respond to them. If someone is too cunning, he will envy him. If, on the contrary, it turns out to be ingenuous, despise it.

Therefore, parents, of course, should try to form a more or less scientific, holistic picture of the world in a child. This means that the picture of the world must be very complex so that the child understands as early as possible that there are many circumstances behind the behavior of other people, and not just one thing.

We should also not forget that the picture of the world in a child often develops spontaneously, that is, without visible external influence. This is connected, for example, with such a common problem: parents tell children one thing, that they should behave this way, but they themselves behave differently. As a result, over time, the educational power of persuasion loses weight. Or another situation: parents tell children that in order to be successful, they need to study well at school, never lie, respect elders, etc. The parents themselves behaved and behave in this way, but in life they have achieved little. As a result, the picture of the world of the child receives approximately the following “record”: “To be successful in life, you don’t need to study well, you need to lie, cunning, dodge.”

Therefore, it is necessary not only to form an adequate picture of the world, but also to constantly monitor what is going on in the child’s head.

With each year of a child's life, he trusts his peers more and less - his parents. For many children and adolescents, the formation of a picture of the world occurs solely under the influence of peers: contact with parents and teachers has long been lost.

From the picture of the world of the child, his life strategies also follow. A life strategy is how a person decides for himself what he needs to achieve, how to behave in society, what to avoid, etc. From communication with others, primarily peers, a young man can simply copy certain patterns: “If you want to achieve something, you have to spin”, “For a loved one, you can do anything”, “Accounting is only for women”, “You must definitely marry an oligarch”, “All your dreams must be realized”, etc.

Many young people, like adults, often experience moral torment. They feel that morality and morality fetters their freedom, it seems to them that people "without complexes" achieve much more in life than they do. Such doubts, reinforced in communication with asocial elements, often lead a person astray for a long time.

Parents and teachers, if possible, should explain to children that morality and morality is not a bare dogma, an idea for the sake of an idea. These are important elements of a person's life strategy. If a child is told that lying is bad, this does not mean that lying is bad in itself. Honesty is needed to build productive relationships with people around you: no one wants to deal with a deceitful deceiver.

Many adult, conscious people are the creator of their own character. They analyze their behavior, their thoughts and feelings. If you don't like something about yourself, then they educate themselves. People capable of self-education usually achieve much more success in life than their more passive "antagonists".

A huge influence on the formation and development of character in all periods of life has an external information background:

- judgments of other people about life,

- the actions of the people around

– fiction (judgments and actions of fictional characters),

– cinema and other media images,

- the dominant ideology in society.

Communication and abilities

Communication has the most direct impact on the verbal abilities of the individual. Both the total amount of communication and the nature of communication in childhood determine the life style and potential of a person for a long time.

Through communication and, accordingly, language develops the most important ability of a person - his consciousness. The language and consciousness of animals never achieve in their function the act of positing some abstract meaning as an object of communication. The content of animal communication is always the present situation at the moment. Human speech, on the other hand, was torn away from its situational visualization, and this was certainly a revolution that gave rise to human consciousness and made the content of speech ideal, indirectly reproducing objective reality.

In communication, a person comprehends the subtleties conceptual thinking. Communication enriches a child and an adult with many concepts, including such abstract ones as: size, weight, color, study, work, etc. In a conversation, people learn to use words correctly, learn to express their most complex thoughts.

Communication with other people enriches the inner world of a person, develops his inner speech. With this inner speech a person learns to control himself, his behavior, his life in general.

Through communication, the child interacts with his teachers. We can say that such communication is the basis for the development of all human abilities in general.

Through communication, the self-concept of a person develops. He, for example, can find out that the people around him consider him smart or, say, weak. This understanding can push a person to self-development in one direction or another.

In communication, a person comprehends the laws of logic. Much in terms of intellectual development depends on how the surrounding people argue (correctly or too freely). Intelligent children often grow up in intelligent families. This is connected not only and not so much with heredity. After all, in principle, any healthy child with due diligence can master school curriculum in full. This is more connected with the culture of communication: with what words, in what sequence, with what meaning parents speak.

Communication and temperament

Of course, temperament throughout life does not change very significantly. But, nevertheless, it changes. In addition to physiological reasons, communication plays a certain (rather small) role here. So, for example, in a healthy, cheerful children's team, more mobile, active, extroverted children grow up.

The influence of communication on volitional qualities

Communication and will are also closely related. Everyone knows, for example, that the outcome of a football or hockey match may depend on the words of a coach. This is due to the fact that players acquire:

- faith in one's own strengths,

- moral approval for all actions leading to victory,

- "feeling of the elbow",

- willingness to step over their own discomfort.

But this is for a short period of time. The coach "pumps up" the athletes, they gain the will to win. And in a long-term, strategic perspective?

Here it is important to understand quite precisely what the will is. Many, of course, pay attention to the fact that the will as a mental process is a homonym for the will as freedom (“to go free”). This is no coincidence. The will is inner freedom of a person, and not only and not so much the ability to step over unpleasant sensations (for example, dive into an ice hole).

Will in many ways is the ability to rise above one’s emotions, animal instincts: “I’m scared, but I’m not afraid”, “I want to drink, but I will refrain”, “let them offend me, but I won’t be offended”, “I was hit on one cheek , but I will substitute the right one ”, etc. And it is communication that gives impetus to the fact that a person begins to think about the nature of will. One person explains to another how important it is to learn to manage their emotions and their behavior in general.

If a parent wants to raise a strong-willed person out of his child, he must both set an example and generally explain that one should not indulge all one's “wants”. This is not the path to happiness, if only because human instincts are contradictory and blind: indulging one desire, you can frustrate another. If, of course, a parent is going to grow a weak-willed rag out of his child, he must teach how to translate all his desires into reality. Even many psychologists profess this erroneous principle: “Don't hold back. If you want something, get it."

The influence of communication on the emotional and motivational sphere

In itself, communication is neither good nor bad for the development of the emotional sphere.

Here you can see the following regularities. If parents are accustomed to reasoning calmly, balancedly, then their children grow up calm, reasonable. If parents cannot speak calmly at all, and hysterical notes are constantly noticeable in their speech, then the child will most likely grow up unbalanced. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the child's instincts are overexcited: in every small detail of the situation, he can recognize something emotionally important for himself. Such a trait is sometimes called exaltation, in another version - emotional lability. It may be good for creative people, but it is harmful to an ordinary person, because it leads to wear and tear of the nervous system.

In communication, the emotional orientation of the individual is also formed. If parents talk too much with a child about love and romance in general, then it is very likely that this child will grow into a womanizer (romantic orientation). If parents (and in general the inner circle) often dream of acquiring certain things in communication, then the child may develop a so-called acquisitive orientation. Such a connection, of course, is not direct, but there is certainly a correlation.

The impact of communication on focus

A widespread misconception is that people are naturally very different: one person is a "born chess player", another person is a "born racer", the third is a "born manager". It would be foolish to deny genetic differences. However, the natural differentiation of people is much cruder. There is no, for example, a "born artist", but a person with a well-developed visual analyzer. He could become not an artist, but a photographer, designer, draftsman, fashion designer, merchandiser, etc. Of all the inclinations, a "born racer" can only have a high reaction rate. And with this feature, you can go to many places: football or hockey goalkeepers, fencers, operators, etc.

Orientation includes interests and inclinations. Interests usually come first here. The child may show interest in a particular area. It often happens that just falling into the hands of a child is bright, interesting book or, say, an atlas is capable of long years arouse genuine interest. But more often it happens that real interest in a subject comes through communication - with parents, teachers, peers. It is through the joint study of that other subject that true love for a profession or hobby comes. A child or an adult, communicating with partners, not only enrich each other with knowledge, but also influence on an emotional level - showing how to enjoy the study of the subject.


Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - L: Ed. Leningrad State University, 1983.

Bodalev A.A. Personality and communication. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

Leontiev A.A. Psychology of communication. - Tartu, 1973.

Maklakov A. G. General psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Nemov R.S. General psychology: Textbook. - M.: Vlados, 2003.

Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology: Textbook, 2001.

Psychology: Textbook / Ed. Ed. A. A. KRYLOV - M.: Prospekt, 2005.

Man, as a bio-social being, actively interacts both with the surrounding nature and with other people. If man can interact with nature only through physical contact or indirectly through material objects, then with people he can use a special, unique means - communication.

Communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people and groups, generated by the needs of joint activities.

It includes 3 main components: communication (exchange of information), interaction (exchange of actions) and social perception (perception and understanding of a partner). Speech, oral and written, is used as a communication tool. And also non-verbal communication is used, implemented through facial expressions, gestures, voice, posture, etc.

The role of communication in human development cannot be overestimated. There are many examples when the deprivation of human communication led to catastrophic consequences. These are Mowgli children, raised by animals and not capable of social life. These include deaf-blind-mute children, whose thinking lags far behind the thinking of healthy peers, and so on.

With the help of communication, people solve many problems: exchange information and experience, organize joint activities, get to know each other and the world, influence, express thoughts, ideas and emotions, satisfy needs and much more. Communication helps not only to solve practical problems, but also affects internal state person, his mood, emotions, personality. In some situations, it can lead to affects, both positive (delight) and negative (rage).

All this has a significant impact on the human psyche, leaving deep "traces". They are able to influence personal qualities and decisions made, both at the moment of communication and in the distant future. After all, a word, like a deed, can be beneficial, or it can cause irreparable damage.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to be able to communicate, but to do it correctly, especially when communicating with children. After all, their psyche, unlike adults, is extremely sensitive to various influences. And a carelessly spoken word can cause real, psychological trauma. Subsequently, it can result in aggressive, antisocial behavior of a person who has already grown stronger, but offended by the whole world.

This article discusses the impact of communication on a person, his psyche and personality in early age periods (from birth to adolescence). The main consequences of correct and incorrect communication with the child are also described.

Communication in infancy

A newly born child, an infant (0-1 year old) does not yet have the ability for verbal communication. But he is very sensitive to how adults communicate with them.

According to Elkonin D.V. in this period, communication is not just important, but the leading activity, which is directly emotional, non-verbal form. For an infant, it is important not what they say to him, but how they talk to him: what the face of the one who communicates with him looks like, what sounds he makes, etc.

The infant has an innate ability to determine the aggressive or benevolent mood of those who come into contact with him, by non-verbal signs. This can be considered part of the instinct of self-preservation, in order to notify in advance with the help of a cry about a possible threat. Or through a smile to report that everything is fine, you can contact me.

Lisina M.I. described communication at this age as situational-personal. It satisfies the baby's need for the benevolent attention of adults and uses expressive-mimic means, in particular, the animation complex.

E. Erikson argued that depending on communication with the baby, as well as the timely satisfaction of his needs, a person develops a basic trust in the world.

Therefore, if you communicate positively with a baby, smile, surround with love and comfort, then a person develops a stable attitude towards the world as a benevolent environment in which you can trust others. Then the person will grow more determined, communicative, purposeful. He will have creative activity, creating something valuable and useful not only for him, but also for others.

If, from infancy, a person observed pictures of violence, he himself was subjected to it, was surrounded by aggression, hatred, loud, harsh sounds, then he will develop a negative attitude towards the world. Such a person can grow into an aggressive, insecure, withdrawn person who has a bunch. Not only will it not benefit society, but, on the contrary, it will harm everyone and everyone at any convenient moment.

In general, it is extremely important to communicate correctly, positively with the child from birth. Then he will grow into a successful, useful person who can improve our world.

Communication in early childhood

For a child at this age (1-3 years), object-manipulative activity becomes the leading one. He begins to explore the world through active interaction with all kinds of objects that surround him. Through trial and error, he tries to understand the meaning of each item, its purpose, what can be done with it.

In such a situation, communication acquires a more informative, educational value. Adults can show how to handle objects, how to modify them, how to hold them, how to work with them safely. The child receives the first experience of mediated interaction with the world, learns the ways and consequences of using various objects.

The child has a completely intelligible oral speech and now he can communicate with the help of language, express his thoughts and desires. And for the development of speech, he needs active practice, in which adults should help. You need to provoke him into a conversation, listen to him carefully, ask questions, answer his questions clearly and completely, tell him short stories, give him small directions and instructions.

The child's communication has a situational business form. It satisfies the need for cooperation with adults, is directly related to objective activity, has a business motive and uses verbal means (speech).

Communication at this age can also be both positive and negative.

If you do a lot with a child, show him a lot of objects, teach him how to use them, take his mistakes calmly, then the person grows inquisitive, active, independent. He will continue to strive to study the world, engage in self-development and self-education, travel, make discoveries and engage in socially useful activities. He will study well, will be able to choose the most interesting profession for him, get a good education and in professional activities.

On the other hand, a child can grow up in conditions of cognitive deprivation, contact with a very limited number of objects, no one shows him how to use them, show aggression when making mistakes. Under such conditions, a person will grow up extremely passive to development and learning, and may even speak late. Most likely he will be a loser at school, he is unlikely to receive a good professional education, he will not succeed in work and in life.

Communication in preschool

At this age (3-7 years), the leading activity is symbolic-modeling, which is embodied in role-playing games. In them, communication is used to organize and implement numerous game situations.

A preschooler no longer communicates with adults, but with peers. They discuss the game, come up with plots, rules, scenarios, what items they will use. Communication during the game itself is of a modeling nature: children depict real and fictional characters, their behavior, facial expressions, and style of speech.

Such activity, which actively uses communication, develops communicative, leadership and creative abilities in a person: creativity, originality, innovation, sociability, independence, initiative, the ability to negotiate, organize, delegate, etc.

Communication during this period has an extra-situational-personal and cognitive form. It satisfies the need for a respectful attitude of adults, mutual understanding and empathy, has cognitive motives. Verbal means are used, very often questions (why, why, how, etc.).

A preschooler who actively participates in games grows more confident, open, proactive. Adults need support in the form of organizing conditions for such games, providing game materials, but leaving freedom to come up with more and more complex plots and rules. Through this preschooler , thinking, perception, memory and other cognitive functions. He is able to solve problems in an original way, shows ingenuity, can find ways out of hopeless (for him) situations.

If a preschooler is limited in his ability to play, he is isolated from his peers, he experiences social deprivation, then his thinking and abilities develop extremely slowly. He can think in a stereotyped way, only repeats what he saw, feels discomfort when he is asked to come up with something or solve something. logical task copes with them slowly or cannot solve them at all.

Communication in early childhood

During this period (7-12 years), the child becomes the leading educational activity, schooling. Now communication is the main tool for knowing the world and yourself. The main "interlocutor" is the teacher, helping the student to expand the picture of the world, change the attitude towards him and himself.

When communicating with a teacher for a student, the first important thing is the style of learning, the use of game elements to explain the subjects being studied, the manner of speech, its expressiveness. In the future, the essence of the information transmitted by the teacher is already more important for the child. He tries to understand the meaning of things that he is told about, tries to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

A characteristic feature of this age is that the internalization of speech is completed and it becomes an instrument of thinking, i.e. verbal-logical thinking develops. Moreover, thinking, actively using speech, becomes the main mental function that a person will continue to develop in the next age periods.

During this period, it is important to properly organize the educational process both at school and at home. If conditions are created within the walls of the school in which the child is interested in studying subjects, then he develops inquisitive, active, proactive, confident. He will place special emphasis on those subjects in which he receives good grades, which give the most pleasure. Perhaps it is with these areas that his future professional activity will be connected.

Favorable conditions must also be created at home. Must have everything you need to do your homework self-study items. But it is much more important that it is at home and on the street that he can put into practice the knowledge that he received at school. Adults, especially parents, should actively help in this. This will allow him to understand the essence of the things that the teacher tells him, to realize how important it is to listen carefully and study him. school items. In the future, he will be inclined towards self-development and self-education, he will strive to get a good education in a more significant, highly paid profession.

And when a child is both at school and at home, exclusively under critical supervision, experiences severe pressure from the teacher and adults, that he is simply obliged to study well without explaining why he needs it in the first place, then the child will be more closed, insecure , passive, will receive bad marks and at least do your homework. In the future, this may result in obtaining a minimum vocational education and doing simple, low-paid jobs. And there, alcoholism and antisocial behavior are not far away.

Thus, it depends on adults what attitude to learning and development will be formed in a child at this age.

Communication in adolescence

During this period (12-15 years), communication again becomes the leading activity. Only now, unlike infancy, communication for a teenager has an intimate and personal character and is directed primarily at peers of their own and the opposite sex.

A characteristic feature of this period is the puberty of a teenager. He has a sexual desire, which he can satisfy first of all with those with whom he communicates closely.

Communication at this age is used to model adulthood. Teenagers start romantic relationships, but not so much to start a family, but to experience such relationships. Communication with a partner is more enjoyable than with other peers, but also leads to more conflicts.

In addition, at this age, the desire of a teenager to be a part of society increases, which he expresses through participation in various social groups: circles, sections, public organizations, help in hospitals, nursing homes, starting work, etc. This develops a teenager's communication skills when communicating with partners, colleagues and management.

Also, teenagers begin to create their own teams to achieve common goals and realize common interests. For example, to solve school problems, they create creative associations, musical groups, etc. This develops the ability to communicate constructively, negotiate, seek compromises, distribute roles, choose, etc. Those. what you need to successfully create an effective, strong team.

For full development at this age, conditions are needed in which a teenager can freely communicate with peers, actively interact with them. Then he will develop communication skills, he will be more confident, proactive, creative. A teenager in the future will be more successful in his professional career, it is highly likely that he will create his own business and start a family life without any problems.

If a teenager experiences deprivation, he will be forbidden to communicate with friends, they will restrict access to communications with them, ridicule the desire to attend any circles, then the teenager will grow up aggressive, embittered, withdrawn,. It will be difficult for him to start a family, move up the career ladder. Will experience feelings of loneliness, despondency and depression.


Thus, communication is an extremely important means of both development and socialization of a person. Proper communication with a child from birth will create conditions for the improvement of all the qualities necessary for an adult to become successful and happy. Namely, such a person is able to create valuable results, real masterpieces that will benefit humanity.

The main tool for the development of communication is the mechanism of advancing adult initiative. It is adults who should enrich the content of the child's activities and relationships, create a zone through the setting of tasks and the implementation of joint activities with adults.

In general, we can say that communication with a child should be positive, constructive and developing. And you need to make sure that the child himself communicates kindly, actively, shows interest in others, asks questions, answers them himself and expands his vocabulary. Then he will be able to achieve many goals much easier than people who find it difficult to communicate.

It must be remembered that each age period described above leaves a very bright, unique imprint on the psyche and personality of a person. It cannot be assumed that if mistakes are made at one age, then they can be easily corrected in the future. Psychocorrection is certainly possible, but it does not give a guaranteed result and treatment can take a lot of resources. In any case, there will still be a psychological "scar" that will affect the whole life of a person.

Therefore, it is extremely important for parents to prepare for correct communication with children, learn, apply effective techniques education and training. After all, neither friends, nor other adults, nor school, are capable of exerting such a strong influence on a person in early age, how is the family. And it depends on parental behavior how successful, useful and happy their beloved child will be in the future.

List of used literature

1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 583 p.

2. Sapogova E.E. Psychology of human development. Tutorial. - M.: Aspect Press, 2005. - 460 p.

3. Vygodsky L.S. Thinking and speech. - M.: AST, 2011. - 637 p.

4. Karabanova O.A. Age-related psychology. - M.: Iris-press, 2005. - 237 p.

5. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. Textbook for higher educational institution. - M .: Aspect Press, 2001. - 290 p.

6. Galiguzova L.N., Smirnova E.O. Stages of communication: from one year to 7 years. M.: Enlightenment 1992. - 143 p.

Sergei Marchenko

Creator of "CyRiOS" and website
Coach for conscious self-realization
Life coach, consultant, systems engineer