Growth Chart and Latest Research
and they constantly form new cells, which during the year form what are called annual rings or annual growth rings. These annual rings...
Meadow and field plants of our climate
The vegetation cover of our climatic zone - as well as of all of Europe - was formed mainly under the influence of glaciations; except...
Wildlife of the rainforest
Tropical forests are the “lungs” of our planet, the most precious treasure, “the great pharmacy of the Earth.” For many years it was believed that...
Aquatic plants and fish
Any representative of the kingdom of Neptune in one way or another gravitates towards thickets of aquatic vegetation - a fish table and a house. Juvenile fish among...
Evergreen tropical rainforest - My Tai
innayankevich wrote in July 23rd, 2010 on Yandex.Photos Everyone who was in Thailand encountered wonderful nature, stormy...
What are hyphae: structural features of fungi
Agree, when it comes to mushrooms, everyone imagines a cap on a small stem. But in reality it is only a fruiting body. The mushroom itself...
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