Profile and basic education in biology. Peculiarities of profile teaching of biology in a secondary school. On the issue of specialized education in high school

Article " Features of teaching biology in specialized classes »

In the XX century. the dynamic development of biological knowledge made it possible to discover the molecular foundations of living things and directly approach the solution the greatest problem science - revealing the essence of life. Biology itself has changed radically, as has its place, its role in the system of sciences, and the relationship between biological science and practice. Biology is gradually becoming the leader of natural science. Without a broad knowledge of biological laws, it is impossible today not only to successfully develop Agriculture, health care, nature conservation, but also our entire society. Socio-political transformations in the country in last years, created the conditions for a multilateral process of broad changes in the field of education. Biology is a key subject of today's school; it is important as a subject that contributes to the formation and enrichment of the human spiritual world. The solution of the problems of modernizing the modern general education school is facilitated by the differentiation of education, which implies the deepening of knowledge in a certain field of knowledge, which is of the greatest interest to schoolchildren, with which they associate their further professional specialization.

Basic government document dedicated to the development of education in Russia - the Concept of Education Modernization approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Government Decree of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r) - speaks of the need to develop and implement a “system of specialized training ( specialized training) in the upper grades of a general education school focused on the individualization of education and the socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market.”

To build the initial structure of profile education in the senior classes, three components are proposed in the content of the education of high school students:

Basic (invariant, general education) component: courses studied at the general education, basic level; in terms of their content and system of requirements for graduates, they meet basic (general educational) standards;

Profile component: a number of elective courses at an advanced level (this set determines the profile of training);

Elective component (optional component): a number of elective courses; in terms of their content, these courses should go beyond the core and basic standards. The school can use an elective component for specialization within the profile: for example, specializations can line up: Medicine, Industrial Technology, Agricultural Technology, Psychology, Guide-Translator, Military, Design, etc.

The course of biology is an important link in the system of natural science education. The complex general educational tasks of profiling at the senior level cannot be successfully solved if students are not prepared for the study of a systematic course of biology from the first years of studying biology at school, if they are not oriented towards making observations in nature, getting to know the diversity of plant and animal species, and cognition of your body.

As part of pre-profile training, it is necessary from the very first biology lessons in grade 5 to introduce into the lesson structure not only test material, laboratory work, tasks for comparison, generalization, work with educational text and drawings, but also tasks of an applied nature. At the lessons I use multimedia teaching aids, I include a lot of visual drawings, animations, videos in presentations, I use computer forms of control. In my work from the 5th to the 11th grade I am helped by the teaching staff of the line of I.N. Ponomareva.

You can actually profile students from lesson to lesson. It is important to use in teachingsystem - activity approach, thanks to which students develop skills: to describe, recognize, define, classify, explain, compare, analyze biological objects and phenomena. For example, when studying cells in grade 6, we teach children to recognize plant cells, their diversity and structure. In the 7th grade, we consolidate knowledge about the cell and learn to compare the animal and plant cells, in the upper grades we analyze the relationship between the structure and functions of cell organelles and consider the cell as an integral system. During the years of study, schoolchildren form the main competencies: informational, educational and cognitive, general cultural, communicative, systemic thinking is formed, an understanding of the fundamental theories and laws of biology.

The goal of specialized biology education in high school is to prepare a biologically and environmentally literate, free person who understands the meaning of life as the highest value, builds his relationship with nature based on respect for life, man, environment- terrestrial and space; possesses evolutionary and ecological thinking styles, ecological culture; the ability to navigate in the biological and border areas of the picture of the world; has knowledge of methods, theories, styles of thinking, areas practical application biological laws necessary for fruitful activity in any area of ​​material or spiritual culture, in particular, for posing and solving problems of protecting species and ecosystems, maintaining healthy lifestyle life and successful cooperation with specialists - biologists, ecologists, doctors, engineers, etc.

Within the framework of the topic “Man as an inhabitant of the biosphere” in the 9th grade at the reflection lesson: “Assessment of the quality drinking water”At the stage of localization of individual difficulties, the question arose: “What are the sanitary and hygienic standards for the quality of drinking water”, during the construction of the project, the problem caused difficulties, when summarizing which the guys asked: “Is it possible to determine the quality of drinking water in the water tap of our school?”. So the subject project turned into a supra-subject integrated research project “The water we drink”, it is important that students independently discover and formulate educational problem, set a goal learning activities, chose the topic of the project, put forward versions of the solution to the problem, independently found means to achieve the goal, made a plan for solving the problem in the group (completed the project), defended the project and presented the results to the public.

The core biological education should be based on a special course in biology, built on the basis of the principles of systematic nurturing and developmental education, continuity, wide differentiation with the minimum required educational standards. The content of the course should reflect the system of concepts of biology, its place in culture, and the structure should correspond to the patterns of development of the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. Depending on the direction chosen by schoolchildren, they can receive a biological education of different levels - basic or advanced.

When switching to specialized education, the teacher is faced with the need to choose an educational and methodological kit (TMK), which, to one degree or another, would help solve the problems of the content, methods and technologies of education. The transition should be logical, so from the 5th grade I have been working along the line of I.N. Ponomareva, they help me teaching aids in all classes.In textbooks for grades 10-11 "General Biology" ed. I.N. Ponomareva reflects the current level of scientific biological knowledge. It also corresponds to a fundamentally new construction of textbooks, taking into account the peculiarities of specialized education. The presentation of the basics of various biological sciences is embodied in a certain structuring of the textbook material: the main core of knowledge and two additional components - general education and profile. Such division educational material provides the necessary level of knowledge that corresponds to the choice that students have made regarding their future education or occupation. Thus, for the general education profile, the textbook provides modules for the humanitarian and general education profiles. In the table of contents, they are highlighted in different colors, which makes it easy to navigate. Each educational module can be used separately or, at the discretion of the teacher, complementing others. During the transition to the 2nd generation standards, textbooks for grades 10-11 of the basic and profile levels are offered.

Biology study at profile level in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering the system of biological knowledge: basic biological theories, ideas and principles underlying the modern scientific picture of the world; about the structure, diversity and characteristics of biosystems (cell, organism, population, species, biogeocenosis, biosphere); about outstanding biological discoveries and modern research in biological science;

Acquaintance with the methods of cognition of nature: research methods of biological sciences (cytology, genetics, selection, biotechnology, ecology); methods of independent biological research (observation, measurement, experiment, modeling) and competent registration of the results obtained; the relationship between the development of methods and theoretical generalizations in biological science.

To awaken in children the desire to study biology in specialized classes at the middle level, I use subject game modeling.In the course of studying the topic “Natural Community”, children are given cards with the names of plants, herbivorous and carnivorous animals, bacteria, fungi, and the task is given: holding hands, make a food chain. Thus, students remember that "food chains" begin with plants - this is 1 link. The second link in the chain is herbivorous animals. The third link is insectivorous or predatory animals and the chains end with destructive organisms. organic matter. Students analyze what will happen to the chain if a single link is excluded from it.

Method of independent biological research - creation information model school yard. Which for the fifth year now has been embodied in reality on our school site thanks to social project School is my second home. Our project is the result of joint activities of children and adults, proof of the ability of children to offer ideas and solutions to important social and environmental issues, albeit not global ones.

Opossession of skills to independently find, analyze and use biological information; substantiate and comply with measures for the prevention of diseases and HIV infection, the rules of behavior in nature and ensuring the safety of one’s own life in emergency situations natural and man-made character; characterize modern scientific discoveries in the field of biology to use biological terminology and symbols; establish a link between the development of biology and socio-economic and environmental issues humanity; assess the consequences of their activities in relation to their own health and the environment (project "Gifts of small rivers of the Uspensky district").

Education of conviction in the cognizability of wildlife, the complexity and inherent value of life as the basis of universal human moral values ​​and rational environmental management (the study of organisms listed in the Red Book).

Acquisition of competence in maintaining one's own health (compliance with disease prevention measures, ensuring life safety in natural and man-made emergencies), in environmental management(compliance with the rules of behavior in nature, maintaining balance in ecosystems, protecting species, ecosystems, biosphere) and based on the use of biological knowledge and skills in everyday life.

As part of the pre-profile training of students, it is important to conduct elective courses in the 9th grade. Courses "Reserves Russian Federation» "Hematology" "The World of Plants" provides a transition to specialized education in grades 10-11 within the natural science profile of the school.

To strengthen the ecological orientation of education, along with the invariant part - the course of general biology - the content of education at the senior level may include elective courses on ecology and the biosphere. In the case of strengthening the biomedical orientation of education, along with the general biology course, it is advisable to conduct the courses “Health and the Environment”, “Fundamentals of Cytology and Hygiene”. The agricultural orientation of the chemical and biological profile will be given by courses in plant physiology with the basics of crop production, animal physiology, genetics and breeding.

Extracurricular work in biology is the most mobile form of teaching and educating students, the content and methodology of which is determined by the teacher, depending on his experience and capabilities, and the interest of students. This work can be group or individual. At the same time, there is a noticeable change in the character of the students. value judgments, habits are developed to follow environmental standards in personal actions and behavior, there is a need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Research activities of my students is based on projects of a social orientation, they aim at a deep study of the problem, suggest the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research:designation of research objectives, hypotheses, formulation of conclusions. We study the ecological situation of our Small Motherland, the quality of the Kuban goods.

The results of the design and research activities are presented to the public (primarily to students of our school) in the form of oral journals. The magazine “The Earth asks for help” consists of 3 pages: the first is “Air”, the second is “Water”, the third is “Biosphere” and each is the result of research in nature.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the reasonable use of the capabilities of all components of the basic curriculum of the school creates the best, and most importantly, realistic opportunity to achieve the goals of modernizing the biological education of the younger generation of our Motherland.

1) The essence of vocational education.

2) The goals of prof. Tutorial

3) Organization prof. Tutorial

The main idea of ​​updating the upper stage of the overall image. compound. in that image. should here become more individually functional and efficient.

According to conc. modernization of Russian images. For the period until the end of 2010 from 2001, an ode at the senior level is general education. providing schools. prof. training becoming. the task of creating a "system of special preparation of senior classes of a comprehensive school, orient. on the individual training, socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market, as well as work out and introduce a flexible system of training profiles in high school

1.Type of item

2. The set of main features characterizing prof. housekeeping specialty

3. Scoop. specialist. activities, as well as the nature of production. or educational bias

4. Bias - orientation towards something, some specialization

5. Vocational training (according to the concept of vocational training in 2002) is a means of differentiation and individualization of training, which allows, due to changes in the structure, content and org. image, creating conditions for teaching high school students in accordance with their prof. interests and intentions in relation to continuing education.

Differentiation is aimed at ensuring that in the most. degree to provide the individual. training, to create optimal conditions for the identification and development of the abilities of each student.

The purpose of differentiation: to provide each student with the conditions for the development of inclinations and satisfaction. in the process of assimilation sod. general education

Aspects of differentiation:

1. Accounting individual characteristics

2. grouping students based on these abilities

3. variability educational process in groups

Prof. system learning includes

1. basic general education subjects

2. profile (high level items)

3. elective courses (obligatory for attending courses of students' choice included in vocational training.

Elective courses - alternative courses designed to overcome prof. unidirectional learning and aimed at development. students of prof. orientation and development of special skills necessary for self-education and continuing education in prof. educational institutions

Groups of elective courses

1. elective courses for non-special purposes (contribute to the expansion of horizons, the development of abilities and cognitive interests of students can be associated not only with the chosen profile

2. elective spec. courses and elective special practicums aimed at intra-profile specialization of training

3. Elective specials courses - courses deepening individual sections and topics curriculum and designed to address gaps in acquired knowledge

4. Elective specials workshops - designed to work out. the student's skills and abilities are required. for work in the field of elem. biological research

master the skills of general scientific and biological methods, the implementation of scientific methods

Models of organization prof. learning

1. Intra-school (associated with combining into one image. Teaching several.

Teaching students of a particular school comes with the involvement of educational resources in a different way. institutions:

a) associated with the association. several general education schools around the strongest acting resource center

b) is based on cooperation obligation. uch-i with uch-mi higher, middle and primary education


1. the formation of students' knowledge about the basics of modern biology

2. provide understanding by students of the essence in the development and manifestation of life at different levels of the organization

3. familiarization of students with the history of development. biologist. research and biological methods

4. professional formation. value biologist. knowledge and skills to determine the role of man in nature based on understanding the laws of its development


1. educating students in a scientific worldview

2. education responsible for nature, respect for personal and prof. labor


development of intellectual skills is necessary. to continue education and self-education

The principles of prof. learning:

f-I principles contents of prof. course: humanization, fundamental biol. knowledge

cultural conformity, unity and interdependence

scientific historian; prof. direction and polytechnics

prof. differentiation

principles of organizing the learning process

  1. individualization
  2. unity of educational and search cognitive activity
  3. interest
  4. trial training
  5. dialogue training
  6. unity of collective and individual activity
  7. creative activity
  8. independence
  9. Satisfactory needs and motives

The leading idea of ​​the structure of prof. biology course - biology as a system of sciences:

a) the invariant part of the content component - the ideas of the integrity and unity of nature, the unity of nature and man

b) the variable part of the content component - methodological, natural science and biological knowledge, activities, values ​​within the content. element of special and non-special purpose courses.

  • Golubeva Elena Alexandrovna, student
  • Vologda State University

Profile education in the upper grades of the secondary general education school is one of the areas of modernization of the education system. This article attempts to consider the features of the effective organization of profile education in biology.

  • Using cloud services in the work of a school teacher
  • Development of educational activities in biology lessons by means of information technology
  • Horizontal and vertical development of educational activities by means of information technology
  • Problem-search activity of students in a biology lesson
  • Cognitive independence as a way of personal self-realization in learning

The modernization of the education system in Russia has several directions, one of which is the organization of a system of specialized education in the senior classes of a secondary general education school. Today, the features of profiling at school are associated with all sorts of ways to implement it.

In the key regulatory document on this issue, "The concept of profile education", it is noted that profile education involves taking into account the self-determination and abilities of students.

One of the main concepts of the profile level is competence - this is the ability to solve professional and applied issues, thanks to competencies - knowledge, skills, experience.

In the secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 8 in Vologda, profile training starts from the VIII grade, this became possible due to hours training component educational institution. In the curriculum of profile classes, disciplines are divided into subjects of basic and profile levels. When studying subjects that meet the basic standard of the subject, ideas about vocational education and professional area, understanding the connection of discipline with the future profession. The profile level prepares for professional activity and also allows you to gain practical experience.

Biology is one of the subjects of the natural science cycle, which allows you to enrich and shape inner world person.

The meaning of profile education in biology is to form a free person, biologically and ecologically literate, understanding the meaning of life as the highest value, able to build their relationship with nature based on respect for life, man, and the environment.

The structure and content of the biology course corresponds to the laws of development of the cognitive abilities of students, and also shows the system of concepts of biology, its place in culture. Students can choose the direction of biological education - basic or specialized. The basic level is characterized by the use of explanatory and illustrative methods. In classes with a specialized level, students are involved in project activities: informational, creative, research, with a practical focus. This allows you to develop biological competencies and qualitatively assimilate biological knowledge.

Biology lessons occupy an important place in the natural science cycle of subjects. Part general educational tasks profiling of the senior level can be solved if, from the first lessons of biology, the system prepares students for making observations in nature, acquaints students with the diversity of flora and fauna, and teaches them to know their own body. It is necessary to introduce tasks of various types into the structure of the lesson: solution test items and calculation tasks, performance of laboratory and practical work, drawing up pivot tables, working with text and figures, as well as solving problems of an applied nature. The ability to describe, recognize, define, classify, explain, compare, analyze biological objects and phenomena is developed using a system-activity approach in teaching biology. As a result of training, schoolchildren form basic competencies: educational and cognitive, research, general cultural, communicative; develops systemic thinking, perception of fundamental theories and laws of biology.

feature methodical work teachers in specialized classes are: mastering the content of new educational and methodological complexes, methods for implementing the competency-based approach. It should be noted that the use of modern pedagogical and information technologies develop cognitive activity and cognitive independence of students. At the same time, it is appropriate to use an integrated approach in the application of specialized training methods: differentiated learning, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, modular training, design method. Apply modern technologies training in specialized classes: training on a communicative-cognitive and problem-search basis, the use of information and communication technologies and the research method of teaching.

In biology lessons, the learning process must be transformed in such a way that thinking prevails over memory, and students' independent work over the teacher's monologue. One of the modern approaches to learning is an activity approach, which is focused on the assimilation of knowledge and the ability to use it in practice.

The appropriate use of the resources of all components of the basic curriculum of the school creates an optimal opportunity to achieve the goals of modernization of biological education.

As a result, on the basis of profile education, a certain technology was formed for organizing the educational process: 1) pre-profile training of students; 2) a set of career guidance services; 3) questioning students; 4) analysis of the results of the survey of students; 5) dialogue with parents of students; 6) compiling a list of special courses and approving them at the methodological council; 7) creation of a system of means of monitoring the quality of education of schoolchildren; 8) training pre-profile courses, in order to improve the quality of enrollment of students in specialized classes; 9) clarification of the school curriculum; 10) drawing up a plan for reporting and maintaining documentation in specialized education classes; 11) control over the quality of training; 12) assessment of the quality of students' knowledge in subjects of the basic and profile level; 13) attracting students to participate in creative activity and research projects; 14) participation in the Olympiad movement of school, municipal and regional levels.

Such an organization of specialized education makes it possible for the teacher to thoroughly prepare the student for continuing education. School graduates go on to higher educational establishments regions and countries. Thus, according to the "Concept of profile education", high school students are given the right to independently choose the option of studying in high school for any specific profile. Efficiency, functionality and individuality of education at school is the main idea of ​​updating the senior level of general education. Training in specialized school helps students realize their individual inclinations towards education.


  1. Golubev O.B. Educational network projects in teaching mathematics as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students in the humanities: author. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences / O.B. Golubev. - Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University them. K.D. Ushinsky. Yaroslavl, 2010. C.177
  2. Golubev O.B., Nikiforov O.Yu., Pavlova T.A. Profile shift "Interneshka" // O.B. Golubev. - public education. 2014. No. 2. S. 195-199.
  3. Golubev O.B. Educational network projects in teaching mathematics as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students in the humanities: diss…. cand. ped. Sciences / O.B. Golubev. - Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky. Vologda, 2010. C.23
  4. Golubev O.B. Network projects in teaching informatics and mathematics / O.B. Golubev. - Vologda, 2011. C.123

Presented by: Voronina Yu.V., Art. Lecturer of the Department of Natural Disciplines
Date: 03.02.2003

In the XX century. the dynamic development of biological knowledge made it possible to discover the molecular foundations of the living and to directly approach the solution of the greatest problem of science - the disclosure of the essence of life. Biology itself has changed radically, as has its place, its role in the system of sciences, and the relationship between biological science and practice. Biology is gradually becoming the leader of natural science. Without a broad knowledge of biological patterns, not only the successful development of agriculture, health care, environmental protection, but also our entire society is impossible today.

Biology is a key subject of today's school, it is important as a subject that contributes to the formation and enrichment of the spiritual world of man. The solution of the problems of modernization of the modern general education school is facilitated by the differentiation of education, which implies the deepening of knowledge in a certain field of knowledge, which causes the greatest interest among schoolchildren, with which they associate their further professional specialization.

The main state document on the development of education in Russia - the Concept for the Modernization of Education approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Government Decree of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r) - speaks of the need to develop and implement a “system of specialized training (professional education) in the senior classes of a general education school focused on the individualization of education and the socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market.” ..

To build the initial structure of profile education in high school, it is proposed to distinguish three components in the content of high school students' education:

- basic (invariant, general educational) component : courses studied at the general education, basic level; according to their content and system of requirements for graduates meet basic (general educational) standards;

- profile component : a number of elective courses at an advanced level (this set determines the profile of education);

- elective component (optional component) : a number of elective courses; in terms of their content, these courses should go beyond the core and basic standards. The school can use an elective component for specialization within the profile (which can be determined solely by the school itself, depending on its capabilities and the requests of students and their parents): for example, specializations can line up: Medicine, Industrial Technology, Agricultural Technology, Psychology, Guide-interpreter, Military, Design, etc. (In fact, combinations of profiles and specializations can define individual educational trajectories).

There is a significant connection between the planned profile and the intention to introduce the state standard of general education. The corresponding entry is “The federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education includes basic and specialized levels”(Article 5, paragraph 3) - has already been included in the draft law “On the State Standard of General Education” (introduced to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2001).

The course of biology is an important link in the system of natural science education. The complex general educational tasks of profiling at the senior level can be successfully solved if students are not trained in the study of a systematic course of biology from the first years of schooling, if they are not oriented towards making observations in nature, getting to know the diversity of plant and animal species, and understanding their body.

The purpose of specialized biology education in high school is to prepare a biologically and environmentally literate, free person who understands the meaning of life as the highest value, builds his relationship with nature based on respect for life, man, the environment - earthly and cosmic; possesses evolutionary and ecological styles of thinking, ecological culture; the ability to navigate in the biological and border regions of the picture of the world; possesses knowledge of methods, theories, styles of thinking, areas of practical application of biological laws necessary for fruitful activity in any area of ​​material or spiritual culture, in particular, for posing and solving problems of protecting species and ecosystems, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and successful cooperation with specialists - biologists, ecologists, doctors, engineers, etc. .

The core biological education should be based on a fundamentally new biology course, built on the basis of the principles of the systematic nature of the educative and developmental nature of education, continuity, wide differentiation with the minimum required educational standards. The course content should reflect the system of concepts of biology, its place in culture, and the structure should correspond to the patterns of development of cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. Depending on the direction chosen by schoolchildren, they can receive a biological education of different levels - basic or advanced. Let us dwell in more detail on the content of biological education in specialized chemical and biological classes.

The study of biology at the profile level in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· development biological knowledge systems: basic biological theories, ideas and principles underlying the modern scientific picture of the world; about the structure, diversity and characteristics of biosystems (cell, organism, population, species, biogeocenosis, biosphere); about outstanding biological discoveries and modern research in biological science;

· familiarization with the methods of cognition of nature: research methods of biological sciences (cytology, genetics, breeding, biotechnology, ecology); methods of independent biological research (observation, measurement, experiment, modeling) and competent registration of the results obtained; the relationship between the development of methods and theoretical generalizations in biological science;

· mastery of skills: independently find, analyze and use biological information; use biological terminology and symbols; establish a connection between the development of biology and the socio-economic and environmental problems of mankind; assess the consequences of their activities in relation to the environment, their own health; substantiate and comply with measures for the prevention of diseases and HIV infection, the rules of behavior in nature and ensuring the safety of one's own life in natural and man-made emergencies; characterize modern scientific discoveries in the field of biology;

· development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities during: acquaintance with outstanding discoveries and modern research in biological science, problems solved by it, methodology biological research; conducting experimental research, solving biological problems, modeling biological objects and processes;

· upbringing: conviction in the cognizability of living nature, the complexity and intrinsic value of life as the basis of universal human moral values ​​and rational environmental management;

· acquisition of competence in rational nature management (compliance with the rules of behavior in nature, maintaining balance in ecosystems, protecting species, ecosystems, biosphere) and maintaining one's own health (observance of disease prevention measures, ensuring life safety in natural and man-made emergencies) based on the use of biological knowledge and skills in everyday life.

To strengthen the ecological orientation of education, along with the syn-variant part - the course of general biology - the content of education may include elective courses on ecology and the biosphere. In the case of strengthening the biomedical orientation of education, along with the course of general biology, it is advisable to conduct the courses “Health and the Environment”, “Fundamentals of Cytology and Hygiene”.

Extracurricular work in biology is the most mobile form of teaching and educating students, the content and methodology of which is determined by the teacher, depending on his experience and capabilities, and the interest of students. This work can be group or individual. In areas where there are specialized institutions of additional education (environmental and biological center, young naturalist station), the conditions for working with schoolchildren are more favorable, because integration of school and additional education. It is in such work that the close connection between basic and additional biological education. At the same time, the nature of value judgments noticeably changes among schoolchildren, habits are developed to follow environmental standards in personal actions and behavior, and there is a need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Therefore, reasonable use capabilities of all components of the core curriculum schools creates the best, and most importantly, realistic opportunity to achieve the goals of modernizing the biological education of the younger generation in our region.


1. Akhrenov V. Providing state educational guarantees at the regional level // Teacher. - 1999. - No. 5. - P.7-9.

2. Grabilenkov M. Who needs Newton's laws? // Russian Journal / Uncategorized / Twilight of Education

3. Momot A.I., Lenkov R.V., Romankova L.I. Evolution of the system for coordinating scientific activities on higher education issues. / Under scientific. ed. AND I. Savelyeva - M., 1999. - 64 p.

4. Pinsky A. Towards the concept of a specialized high school // Report at the Seminar at the Higher School of Economics, 01/23/2002

5. Experiment: Profile training / ed. A. Kiseleva.- M., Vlados, 2001

6. The concept of modernization of education (Decree of the Government of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r)

7. The concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education (Government Decree of July 18, 2002 No. 2783) // Teacher's newspaper. -2002. - №42.

The page is intended for biology teachers.

Methods of teaching lectures, seminars and tests in the senior level of education using multimedia technologies

Speech at the August meeting, section of teachers of biology and chemistry, 2008.

Teaching can be an interesting, exciting thing for children, if it is illuminated by the bright light of thought, feelings, creativity, beauty, play.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The competence-based approach to the formation of the content of education involves strengthening the activity orientation of education, which means determining the learning outcomes not so much in an object-knowledge, but in an activity form (to solve certain problems, state something, analyze certain relationships and patterns, independently find information for this, to compare certain objects, etc.).

If in the classes of the humanitarian, physical and mathematical areas when teaching basic level biology can use traditional forms, methods and techniques, then the methodology for teaching general biology in the natural science profile should be saturated with techniques that contribute to the development of independence, creativity, and information literacy among schoolchildren. Promising are communicative methods, research methods, various types of independent work and others. The qualitative assimilation of general biological knowledge, the development of biological competencies in line with the natural science profile is successfully carried out if students are included in project activities of various types: research, creative, informational, practice-oriented. Profile education is designed to become more practice-oriented, especially in biology, a subject that has always been distinguished by its practical orientation.

Profile training is increasingly approaching the system of higher education. This can be seen both in forms and in technologies. It is advisable to teach biology in specialized classes according to the lecture-seminar system. Technologies are also used: project activities, information, computer, critical thinking, group, game, etc. Methods such as independent study various sources of information, including the use of computer technology; overview and orientation lectures; laboratory research workshops; seminars, discussions, creative meetings; conducting creative competitions, public defense projects, etc.

One of the fundamental moments in a specialized school is the independent work of students. The volume, types, content of this work are becoming more diverse and wider, ensuring the achievement of these goals. In high school high school there is a transition to a new level of studying biology, based mainly on the organization of active independent cognitive activity of students, taking into account the interests and motives of introducing schoolchildren to the study of biology. Based on the main targets of the educational standard, the process of teaching biology is being restructured in such a way that in the classroom thinking dominates memory, independent activity under the guidance of a teacher over the teacher's monologue.

Modern approach learning can be considered its practical activity orientation, focused not so much on the assimilation of knowledge, but on the ability to use it in practice. New forms of assessment are “built on” not on the information reproduced by the student, but on an independent product created by him, ideally having applied value.

Creative and other works of students are the product of their activities to work with information. An electronic collection is formed annually creative works students, where the most best work. The selection according to predetermined criteria is carried out by a group of students - "analysts", the placement, structuring and design of the collection - "computer scientists". Of course, this maintains interest in the subject, forms self-education skills, and also makes it possible to move away from reproductive teaching methods to productive ones in the literal sense of the word. An electronic encyclopedia is gradually being formed, digital library drawings.

In order to write a high-quality essay, conduct research, and implement a project, it is necessary that students have a good idea of ​​what kind of work they have to do. For this, a seminar-abstract, a seminar-research, a seminar-project are held. In this case, the plan of the seminar is drawn up in one of the previous lessons as a plan, for example, an abstract. A special role is given to students who have mastered these types of work in the NOU. They play the role of idea generators, consultants and coordinators. Questions are distributed in advance, tasks are set for the students - to prepare their part of the work and logical connectives. At the lesson itself (or two paired ones), the logic of work is built, the main questions of the topic are repeated, and knowledge on this topic is expanded. Homework- preparation of the defense of the work, in the next lesson - a competition of defenses.

Of course, the use of information and computer technologies in the lecture-seminar-test system is expedient. After all, according to modern research, 1/4 of the heard material, 1/3 of the seen, 1/2 of the heard and seen at the same time, 3/4 of the material remains in the memory of a person, if, in addition, the student is involved in active actions in the learning process.

In the process of learning at school with the help of information and computer technologies, the child learns to work with text, create graphic objects, use spreadsheets. He learns new ways of collecting information and learns to use them, expanding his horizons. When using information and computer technologies in the classroom, the motivation for learning increases and the cognitive interest of students is stimulated, the efficiency increases. independent work. computer along with information technology opens up fundamentally new opportunities in the field of education, in learning activities and creativity of the student.

During the explanation of new material, the teacher is not "cancelled", he coordinates, directs, manages and organizes the educational process, educates. And a computer can “tell” the material instead. The usual black board with a piece of chalk is replaced by a huge electronic screen. On this screen, with the help of video, sound and text, a virtual “journey through time and space”, presence in a scientific laboratory and other situations. The wealth of content support makes the lesson not only much more digestible, but also immeasurably more fun.

The technology of preparing a teacher for computer classes includes 3 stages.
1. Mastering elementary user skills.
2. Studying the software capabilities of multimedia products, educational computer programs.
3. Mastering the technology of creating educational products.

The organization of the educational process (preparation for the lesson) has a certain algorithm.
♦ Consider the structure of the lesson.
♦ Select the most effective ICT tools.
♦ Consider the feasibility of their use in comparison with traditional means.
♦ Draw up a timeline of the lesson (minute-by-minute plan).

Most different kinds work can be done using a computer:
♦ Working with texts
♦ Working with a static image
♦ Working with video information
♦ Getting information from the Internet
♦ Working with multimedia products
♦ Creation of multimedia products
♦ Presentation of information

So, the computer is a tool, not a subject of learning activity, it is an assistant to the teacher, and not his replacement. The computer for the student is a tool for creative search, self-expression and self-realization.

Computers make it possible to achieve better quality high level visualization of the proposed material, greatly expand the possibilities of including various exercises in the learning process, and continuous feedback, supported by carefully thought-out incentives for learning, enlivens the learning process, increases its dynamism, which, ultimately, leads to the achievement of almost the main goal of the procedural side itself learning - shaping positive attitude to the material being studied, interest in it, and, as a result, improving the quality of education.

I believe that without knowledge of a computer, without the ability to apply information and computer, information and communication technologies, a biology teacher, like any other subject teacher, cannot be called a fully modern teacher.

Let us recall the words of A.A. Ukhtomsky: “New interpretations of one’s own and other people’s experience, the fruits of thinking are always a project and foresight of the upcoming reality.” And whether we want it or not, but information and communication technologies are our reality today, and we must learn how to apply them in our lessons, because the future of our students depends on it.

Profile training in biology

From a speech at a regional master class, 2008

Questions concerning the profile education of biology began to appear in methodological literature from the very beginning of the experiment. The journals "Biology at School", "People's Education", the newspaper "Biology", the sites of IPKiPPRO OGPU, RCRO, OSU, the newspaper "First of September", the festival " Public lesson" etc. - this is an incomplete list of sources of information about specialized training. However, almost all of this information is devoted to profile education in biology in general, without taking into account the diversity of profiling models and the specifics of schools.
With the introduction of specialized education in grades 10-11 of a general education school, based on the goals of specialized biological education, the following areas of teacher work can be distinguished:
- organization of specialized training;
- content of basic, profile, elective courses;
- technologies, forms and methods of work;
- assessment of knowledge and achievements of students;
- extracurricular subject activities and specialized practices;
- Pedagogical support for students.
Profile training, carried out on individual routes, includes several components. To the set subjects offered to the student by the school for choice, includes additional two-hour and one-hour specialized courses, short-term elective courses (17h, 9h.). Each student chooses from the proposed subjects the subjects he needs for further professional self-determination to study at the profile level (in the amount of 4-5 hours). These can be sets of specialized courses: 2 two-hour and 1 one-hour courses; 1 two-hour and 3 one-hour courses. Each student chooses at least two elective courses for mandatory attendance: one (17h.) In each semester. The list of subjects for choice and elective courses is determined by diagnosing the interests of students, their professional inclinations, and the social needs of parents.
The student has the right to make a set of courses both in one profile direction and in different ones. Along with specialized courses, universal (basic) courses are conducted, in which students study within the framework of traditional programs and classroom groups.
This model assumes: 1) individual enrollment (profile route) for 10th graders and 11th graders training courses three levels - basic, specialized, elective; 2) the formation of individual curricula and student schedules; 3) integration of class-lesson and subject-group forms of organization of the educational process; 4) specialized courses, consisting of hours of basic courses (taught in class groups) and additional specialized hours (taught in subject groups), requiring clear coordination of the schedule, calendar-thematic, lesson plans of the basic and profile levels; 5) the presence of mandatory (additional specialized and elective courses, professional trial or practice, certain types of activities and work of students) and optional components (activities in NOU, participation in an intellectual and practical marathon, olympiads, competitions); 6) more complex preparation of the teacher for classes, involving the differentiation of the content, forms and methods of work at the lessons of the basic and profile levels; 7) psychological and pedagogical support for the movement of students along individual profile routes.
However, for all the complexity of this model, according to the results of diagnosing the opinions of students, parents, society, teachers, it is more flexible and mobile in relation to the interests of high school students. An analysis of individual profile routes for students in grades 10-11 shows that often - 70% of students choose two subjects and at least one elective course in one direction, 20% - three subjects and elective courses in different directions, 10% - the entire set corresponds to one profile direction.

With such a model of specialized education, the model of biological education of schoolchildren is also changing. Of course, all the conditions for specialized education in biology, laid down in the requirements for specialized education developed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, are fully observed in this model: the subject at the profile level is taught in the amount of 3 hours a week; the level of requirements for the preparation of graduates corresponds to the profile, students study according to the recommended textbooks.
This model has its distinctive features. The teacher is faced with new tasks:
1. Develop individual multi-component profile routes.
2. Create a methodological model of individual profile routes in biology.
3. Create conditions for the correct choice of an individual profile route.
4. Form mobile individual educational routes.
5. To coordinate the activities of students in basic, specialized, elective courses of a biological orientation, practice, NOU in grades 10-11.
6. Use modern technologies for teaching and accompanying students on individual profile routes.
7. Design new system evaluating the knowledge and achievements of schoolchildren, tracking their movement along individual profile routes.

Profile training in biology on individual routes in order to increase the motivation for choice should be preceded by pre-profile training (Table 2), conducted by a biology teacher and students of profile groups.
It includes several areas of work:
1. diagnostics of interests, abilities and inclinations of students in grades 8-9, monitoring the formation of professional interests;
2. information work;
3. career guidance - career guidance lessons and career guidance minutes;
4. profile orientation;
5. work on the formation of individual educational routes.

Even in the 9th grade, students, under the guidance of teachers and class teachers, begin to build their educational route. The educational biological route is chosen by the most motivated students in this field of knowledge. Tracking the movement of 9-graders along the routes, we can assume his choice of a major direction in the senior classes. The itinerary of a 9th grader includes visiting a course of choice, participation in full-time and correspondence olympiads, competitions in biology, events of the stage natural sciences intellectual and practical marathon, participation in the work of the Department of Natural Sciences of the NOU "Eureka". Students keep creative books, some master portfolio technology.

Individual educational route in this case the concept is broader than the profile route. It includes all possible components of the biological education of a high school student at school: basic, specialized and elective courses, professional tests and practices, distance learning, activities in NOU, subject Olympiads, competitions, festivals, intellectual and practical subject marathon, self-training, student's portfolio.

In September, the tenth grader is given a special route sheet. For two years, all the achievements of the student are noted in the route sheet. It becomes one of the components of the student's portfolio. After the end of the tenth grade, an individual educational rating in biology is calculated, and an overall rating in the group is built. In the eleventh grade, the filling continues route sheet with the obligatory calculation of the educational rating for the year and the final rating for two years.

One of the areas of work in this model of biological education is the design by the teacher of the calendar-thematic and lesson plans. There are several features of this model of specialized education that a biology teacher must take into account when planning: 1) 1 hour of the basic course is accompanied by 2 additional hours, expanding the course to the profile; 2) the basic course is "immersed" in the profile course; 3) the lessons of the basic course may be in the schedule days earlier than the additional ones, or they may be after these additional specialized lessons. All this requires a more careful design of both the calendar and thematic plans, and each topic, each lesson. It is advisable to draw up a unified calendar-thematic planning of two levels of education - basic and specialized.
The teacher, designing calendar-thematic planning, compiling lesson plans, is based on the requirements of the biological education standard of two levels of education. In the first lessons of the basic and profile courses, it is necessary to familiarize students with these requirements. In the profile course, you need to identify differences in requirements. For this work, it is best to involve the high school students themselves, who can analyze the standards of two levels using the “Comparison” information frame. It is also advisable for the teacher at the beginning of each topic to place in the corner of the student the requirements for this topic, creating conditions for increasing the motivation of students, setting them the necessary level of requirements. As the main textbook, based on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region, and at the basic and profile levels, I use the textbook by V.B. Zakharov, S.G. Mamontov, N.I. Sonin “General biology. 10-11 grades. In this model, the use of one textbook in different courses is the best option. However, the teacher must clearly know with what content and how the student should work in the classroom and at home. Therefore, in my work I use guidelines on the use of this textbook in the study of biology at a basic and specialized level.