Why did I choose this particular school? Research work What do parents expect from the school? Query: "psychological comfort, individual approach, qualifications and status of the teacher"




What do parents expect from the school?

Completed by students of 8 "B" class:

Kulikov Nikita

Galdin Roma


History and social studies teacher

Moscow 2010

1. Introduction__________________________________________________3

2. Parents' expectations from the school

2.1. Why did parents choose this educational institution?_4

2.2. What do parents see as the main role of the school?____________7

2.3. What do parents expect from the school?_____________________9

2.4. What do parents see as the main shortcomings of the school?______12

2.5. How do parents see the future of their child?

3. Conclusion _______________________________________________ 18

4. Annex_______________________________________________19


Parents and school for us - children and students are the two most important during our growing up and learning part of life. We live in both of these worlds, with different laws, orders and society. For us, there is nothing more important than parents, but even without a school it is impossible to imagine our existence. But are these two elements of our life interconnected? It seems to us that yes. And here's how they are interconnected, and we want to study. In order for us to become adults and smart, our parents sent us to study with professionals in their field - teachers at school. But why this one and not some other? Why go to school and not to another educational institution? And most importantly, what, specifically, do parents expect from the school by sending us to this educational institution? We decided to investigate these issues by interviewing parents and getting their opinion.

Our study is relevant in light of the growing dissatisfaction of parents with the school and the difficulties in choosing a school for parents, as well as in connection with the fact that children become victims in opposition to the wishes of parents and the responsibilities to which the school is subject.

The purpose of our work: To determine what are the expectations of parents from the school and whether the school meets the requirements of parents in full.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

· Conduct a survey of parents' opinions on this issue by conducting a survey.

· Analyze the results of the survey to determine the attitude of parents to this problem.

· Prepare a report based on the parent survey data

· Find out what parents think about the work done and the results

· Find out from teachers and administration their position regarding the results of the study and opportunities for improving the work of the school, as well as meeting the requirements of parents

The object of our study is the relationship between school and parents.

The subject of the study is the expectations of parents from the school.

2.1 Why did parents choose this school?

This question torments not only teachers, but also us - their students. We decided to find out the reason for this and analyze the general data we collected during the survey of parents.

After conducting a survey, we found out that the majority of parents chose this educational institution because it is close to home, and most likely this is due to the fact that the closer the school is to home, the safer parents can let their child go to school on their own. Problem safe way schoolchild from home to school and back connected with a high degree employment of parents in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, this is the specificity of this territory, to which parents are forced to adapt.

On par with intimacy educational institution from home is the option “the presence in the school of a differential approach to teaching children”, that is, the presence of gymnasium, humanitarian, mathematical and other classes. Parents believe that a different approach to teaching their children is absolutely necessary, as it allows their children to develop their individual characteristics starting in the fifth grade, and some parents even starting in elementary school.

Also important points influencing the choice of school are: “good curricula” and “I liked the teachers”, this suggests that parents are not completely indifferent to what programs their children study and what teachers teach them. Parents try to understand the peculiarities of school curricula and choose, in their opinion, the optimal one, at the same time, parents are not indifferent to who works under this program, here parents evaluate everything: appearance teachers, manner of speaking, attitude towards students, erudition and so on. However, it is worth noting that the total percentage of such parents is not large and amounts to only 8 people out of 50 respondents, that is, 16% for each of the options.

Only 5 out of 50 respondents are concerned about the correct attitude of teachers towards students, which indicates, first of all, that parents encounter this problem quite rarely, however, the presence of even 10% indicates that the situation in schools is not the best, which causes concern among parents. However, this may be the most common fear of parents about the fate of their child in public institution outside of their control.

Parents are also attracted to our school by great opportunities for the implementation of schoolchildren in education, that is, the possibility of schoolchildren participating in various competitions, olympiads, competitions, as well as the school's connections with other educational institutions, schools, colleges, universities. This point is important for parents who want to see their child in the field of science, and also because of the opportunities to get their child involved in the competition to achieve better results. There are only three such parents out of 50 respondents, this is not enough, but even this number indicates that the school is striving for this and parents are looking for it at school.

Only one parent uses tradition as an argument when choosing a school, which indicates the interests of parents aimed at ensuring that their child studies in a better educational institution than they do and gets an education in the most worthy school. However, the presence of even one out of 50 respondents gives a positive description of the school, since parents are not embarrassed that they studied at this school and that this school and the level of this school suits them.

Parents made other suggestions:

“The child liked the school” - this indicates that only 2% (1 person out of 50) act according to the wishes of the child and that the school makes little impression on children, however this is very conditional, since it’s not the children who decide anyway, but parents.

“correct attitude towards parents” is one of the most interesting answer options, this indicates that the parent had an experience of an incorrect attitude towards him from the school and at the same time tells us that this is not the case in our school, and this is a very important indicator for the school .

2.2 What do parents see as the main role of the school?

During the survey, the following question was formulated to parents in the questionnaire: “What do you see as the main role of the school?” The answers to this question make us think about what role the school plays in the life of society? Does she teach or educate, or maybe she does both? And most importantly, how do parents look at this problem and what should the school actually do?

Parents are divided on this issue.

The majority of respondents believe that the main role of the school is to provide classical education, that is, complete general secondary education. This is the opinion of 31 interviewed parents out of 50 or 62%. This is an important indicator of the opinion of parents, as it shows that obtaining a secondary complete general education is a priority for them in the activities of the school, and, accordingly, the main efforts of the school should be directed to this side.

However, 21 respondents (42%) believe that upbringing in school is no less important than getting an education, apparently due to the fact that students spend more time at school than at home during their studies. Education in school, according to parents, should be personal example teachers, but despite the fact that upbringing is an integral part of the educational process, the entire responsibility for the upbringing of children lies with the parents. Therefore, the choice of a school as an educational and educational institution is the most acute. There are a number of problems that parents, as a rule, do not foresee - teachers do not have coercion mechanisms, only parents have these mechanisms. And the role of the school in education is more of a corrective nature, the nature of supervision by the state, primarily due to the fact that the school is part of the state apparatus.

font-size:14.0pt; line-height:150%;font-family:" times new roman>Only 7 people out of 50 respondents (20%) believe that the humane attitude towards children is one of the main roles of the school in society, which is on a par with the provision of classical education This indicator shows the extent to which parents care about their child, that the problem of humane treatment of the child outside their supervision is very important for them. MEDIA.

The provision of additional education as the main role of the school, as a rule, was considered by parents together with the receipt of classical education, apparently as complementary elements of a single learning process. This choice shows that parents have a very competent approach to the educational process, clearly realizing that it is the relationship between the main and additional education will bring their child a full range of opportunities in self-realization. Only 5 people out of 50 turned out to be such parents, that is, only 10%.

2.3 What do parents expect from the school?

This question is one of the most important in our study. Parents expect everything from the school that will allow us to fulfill our dreams. These expectations include:

1. Expectation high level education

36 out of 50 respondents (72%)

The education of their children for parents is above all, and parents expect a high level of education from the school. In our country, as well as in the world, it is the high level of education that underlies our success and the possibility of self-realization. Parents see the school not only as a place for their children to develop as individuals in society, but also as First level, the place where our dreams will begin to come true. That is why the requirements for the level of education at school are so great and the slightest drawback causes a conflict between parents and the school, because the dreams and future of their child, as well as themselves, depend on this. Parents see the school as a tool for shaping their child, and if something goes wrong, the school is to blame for it, even if this is not always the case.

2. Expecting a good relationship with children

21 out of 50 respondents (42%)

Not only the implementation of the plans and dreams of the child worries parents, but also the attitude towards him from the school and teachers in particular. This is important so that our confidence in our future and dreams come true. It is important that teachers see us as students, not pests. Depends on the attitude towards us: our desire to learn, develop and strive for the best. Since this question caused such a reaction in parents, it can be concluded from this that parents often have problems with this particular question, which makes them think.

3. Waiting for additional hours academic subjects

10 out of 50 respondents (20%)

One of the most important factors for the success of their children for parents is the development of school subjects, and by own experience our parents mastering some of them can be problematic. For a better mastering of these subjects, according to parents and teachers, we lack only time, this time is additional hours. The whole problem is that the school cannot always provide these extra hours, even if the parents want it. The state sets a certain standard, which indicates the maximum number of hours for the development of a particular subject. And the school cannot provide students with these extra hours, as this is contrary to the state standard. Therefore, these expectations are not always feasible.

4. Waiting for opportunities in further education

3 out of 50 respondents (6%)

For parents, additional education is an opportunity to engage children in an interesting activity that will replace them with idle walks along the street in search of adventure and problems. 6% of parents believe that additional education on a par with standard education is important and necessary for the development of their child. The school, as a place where a child, under the supervision of a teacher, can study for his own benefit and in safety, according to parents, should be the center public life child. The school should give children the opportunity to develop comprehensively and additional education can help children in this.

2.4 What do parents see as the main shortcomings of the school?

This issue is difficult for both parents and schools. Parents see many shortcomings in the school, but do they all depend on the school and relate to it? What can the school do about these shortcomings? We tried to find answers to these questions from both parents and the school administration.

According to the results of the survey, the most acute problem of the school, in the opinion of parents, is the lack of good food. Parents care about the health of their child and therefore the issue of nutrition for them is not an empty phrase, but the most difficult problem. Poor or lack of school nutrition leads to various diseases the child, which causes parents justified anger towards the school, however, we decided to ask the representatives of the administration whether the food is really so bad that 36 respondents from%) consider this issue to be the main shortcoming of the school.

We talked to the social teacher of our school, the deputy director and the canteen workers about this fact.

To our question why parents say that the main drawback of the school is the lack of good food, the canteen workers answered that they do not know this. According to the employees of the canteen, both children and teachers who eat at school speak well of the dishes, and emphasize that food is under strict control at school, both by the state and the administration. Why then so many dissatisfied? Apparently, as the deputy director explained to us, this number depends on those children who, having eaten at school, did not feel well and, having come home, told their parents about it, but without saying that after they ate in the canteen, they ran through the whole change. Or maybe the guys have health problems, so some foods may make the guys feel bad.

In our opinion, this problem is without rights, so all participants in this problem should take up its solution.

The second problem, which for 12 parents out of 50 respondents (24%), is that one of the main shortcomings of the school is the poor organization of the educational process. This includes an inconvenient schedule, non-subject replacements, and a lack of classrooms.

font-size:14.0pt; line-height:150%;font-family:" times new roman>The school really has these difficulties, but we should carefully study this problem and ask the administration representatives what is the reason for these shortcomings and is it possible to solve them?

Our school is located in a densely populated area, and therefore there are a lot of children entering our school and there is not always enough space for everyone, so the school, in order to satisfy the needs of parents, takes more students than it is obliged to. Hence the lack of offices and problems with the schedule. But non-subject replacements (these are replacements by teachers leading another subject of a teacher not of their subject), which become numerous when teachers fall ill, show that the school is not going to disrupt educational process for students due to the absence of any of the teachers. However, the school cannot constantly carry out subject replacements, since subject teachers are busy in their lessons, and the school does not have the right to postpone the lesson to a later time when the substitute teacher is free, and besides, many teachers work according to their own special programs, according to which they can not to work as a substitute teacher, which also indicates the impossibility of a full-fledged replacement of a teacher in his absence.

The remaining answer options received significantly fewer votes from parents.

4 out of 50 respondents (8%) spoke for the low level of education that is taught at school as a lack of school, which indicates that there are children in the school with a low level of education and parents are aware of such children. Parents expect the school to become an educational institution, which, by law, it cannot be. First of all, because according to the federal law on education, the entire responsibility for raising children lies with the parents, and although the school participates in raising children, it is not obliged to do this and will not bear responsibility for the student's behavior. Parents who chose this answer expect too much from the school - a family for their children, forgetting that the school is a state educational institution.

The low level of education was mentioned by 2 people out of 50 respondents (4%) as the main disadvantage. This is a positive characteristic, indicating that for the vast majority of parents the level of education at school is quite high.

Also, 4% of the parents surveyed believe that the cold attitude of teachers towards children is the main drawback of the school. This may be a negative characteristic for the school, as it shows that parents have encountered cases when teachers ignored, or deliberately treated students negatively. This is a very subjective answer, as it depends on the amount of love and adoration the parents have for their child. Therefore, there may be an opinion loving parents pitying their children, and teachers who see in the child an enemy that interferes with the lesson and does not understand anything.

The lack of innovative programs at school worries only one parent out of 50 respondents (2%). A good indicator is that parents are satisfied with the diversity of teachers' approaches to teaching their children.

It is also curious to note that parents are completely satisfied with the level of education of teachers at school, as a lack of school, this option is not considered by parents at all.

How do parents see the future of their child?

The answer to this question will allow us to understand how demanding parents will be to us - their children and to the school where we study. 21 out of 50 parents surveyed (42%) believe that the main thing for them is that their child be a person. Consequently, education for these parents is not so important that they will be ready to terrorize the headmaster and the Ministry of Education for every little thing. Although it cannot be said that it is not important for them, the attitude towards education in this part of the parents is no less significant than towards upbringing. Harmony is what these parents strive for.

“The future of my child is to be a competent specialist in his field” - this answer suited 17 of the interviewed parents out of%). Specialization in education is the choice of these parents and they expect this from the school. We learned from the Deputy Director for Teaching and Educational Affairs how specialization is implemented at our school. Our specialization starts from the 5th grade, when at the end of the 4th grade we pass transfer exams and we are divided into classes “A”, “B” and “C” of parallels. At first, specialization is simple - division into gymnasium, lyceum and general education classes, and starting from the 10th grade, the more complex specialization classes are divided into basic and specialized groups, different depending on the subjects that we choose for the exams - the USE.

16 parents out of 50 respondents (32%) believe that our future is in our hands. This is the saddest and most joyful statistic in all our work. Joyful is that parents trust us to determine our future ourselves, influence its development and be the masters of our own future. The sad thing is that parents, instead of reasonable help and support, are sometimes removed from this area of ​​our lives, leaving us alone to deal with many problems that are still unknown to us. DIV_ADBLOCK64">

7 parents surveyed believe that we, their children, will achieve impressive results in life. It's good that parents believe in us, but it also means that parents will take our education seriously and play truant or not. homework it will not work, however, the requirements for the school will also be quite high.

The rest of the parents offered their answer, how they see our future: “happy”. This answer tells us that it is important for parents to make us happy and for this they take us to school, enroll us in circles, sections, look for interesting excursions for us and will expect maximum support from the school in creating our happiness.

Excessively inflated requirements of parents to children were not noticed, which testifies to the realistic view of our parents on our capabilities. And our parents also did not want to see us as bosses, most likely because of distrust of the authorities and officials of our country.


In conclusion, it must be said that the general problems of parents' expectations from the school turned out to be very interesting. The most pressing issue for parents is the issue of good nutrition at school, which, according to parents, the school lacks. Canteen workers admit that they do not know how else to make food better with the funds that are allocated. Parents expect a high level of education from the school, but at the same time, one of the leading roles should be occupied by the upbringing of children, which, according to the federal law on education, falls under the responsibility of parents. In general, we can conclude that the requirements of parents are not so great and their fulfillment is possible. Most of the requirements of parents in terms of a high level of education, a correct attitude towards children, providing opportunities to study in circles and the school section fully meets the requirements of parents, however, the school administration notes that the school state organization and the demands of the parents will be satisfied only to the extent that they do not contradict the directions of the state. In terms of improving nutrition, the school will continue to work on this issue and try to change the current position for the better, as the headmaster assured us.


Questionnaire for parents

(Choose the appropriate options or write your own)

5. Why did you choose this educational institution?

A) close to home

B) Good study programs

C) liked the teachers

D) tradition

E) The presence of gymnasium and humanitarian classes

E) Great opportunities for the implementation of children in education (competitions, school-university connections)

G) The correct attitude of teachers towards children

6. What do you see as the main role of the school?

A) In raising children as members of society

B) In the provision of classical education

C) In providing additional education

D) in humane treatment of children

E) Other ________________________________________________________________________

7. What do you expect from the school?

A) High level of education

B) good relationship with children

C) Opportunities in obtaining additional education (circles, sections)

D) Additional hours of classes in academic subjects

E) Other ________________________________________________________________________

8. What do you see as the main shortcomings of the school?

A) Low level of education

B) Poor organization of the educational process

C) Lack of good nutrition at school

D) Low level of education of teachers

E) The cold attitude of teachers towards children

E) Low level of education taught in school

G) Lack of innovative curricula

H) Other ________________________________________________________________________

9. How do you see the future of your child?

A) He will become a great scientist, cultural figure, politician

B) Achieve impressive results in life

C) He will be the head of any organization

D) His destiny is to be a competent specialist in his field

D) The main thing is that he be a man

E) His fate is in his hands

G) Other ________________________________________________________________________

Hello dear parents!

We are students of the 8th grade, we are working on the project “What do parents expect from school?” and within the framework of this project we are conducting a sociological study.

It is important for us to know what you expect from the school and how the school meets your expectations. We will be grateful if you answer our questionnaire.

Thank you for your attention!


50 people

Why did you choose this educational institution?

What do you see as the main role of the school?

What do you expect from the school?

What do you see as the main shortcomings of the school?

How do you see the future of your child?

close to home

Good study programs

Liked the teachers


Availability of gymnasium and humanitarian classes

Great opportunities for the realization of children in education

The correct attitude of teachers towards children

Raising children as members of society

In providing a classical education

In providing further education

In humane treatment of children

High level of education

Good relationship with children

Opportunities for further education

Additional hours of classes in academic subjects

Low level of education

Poor organization of the educational process

Lack of good school meals

Low education level of teachers

Cold attitude of teachers towards children

Low level of education taught in school

Lack of innovative curricula

He will become a great scientist, cultural figure, politician

Achieve impressive results

He will be the head of any organization

His destiny is to be a competent specialist in his field

The main thing is that he be a man

His fate is in his hands

Questions for parents (for shooting):

1. Please tell us what you expect from the school, as an educational institution where your child will study or study? (a high level of education, a good relationship with your child, more opportunities for additional education, and so on)

2. What do you see as the main shortcomings of the school? (in general) (low level of education, lack of good nutrition, poor organization of the educational process)

School administration questions:

1. We conducted a survey among parents in which the question was asked: “What do you see as the main shortcomings of the school?” According to the results of which it turned out that 76% of parents consider the lack of good nutrition to be the main shortcoming of the school. Please tell me what do you think it is connected with?

2. What measures do you plan to take to resolve this acute issue?

See Federal Law on Education. Art. 7.

It is easy to argue whether to choose a school or a gymnasium, a teacher or a school. How does it work in practice?

School or high school?

Usually, parents choose a place of study for a child according to the following main criteria:

  • Location.
  • Reputation.
  • The teaching staff.

For each family, these criteria are in a different place in importance. For us, perhaps the most important was the location.

We have three schools within walking distance. Let's call them conditionally A, B and gymnasium. We belong to one of the schools (A). It is considered the most common, it even gives the impression that everyone who is not taken to other schools gets there. In addition, there is a class with children with cerebral palsy. That is to say, this school cannot be called elite.

The gymnasium somehow immediately disappeared due to the musical bias. This is not really our profile. My son goes to the taekwondo section, participates in competitions and brings medals from competitions, loves swimming, football and chess. In a word, dancing and music is not what we would like.

Well, school B, which is famous for its good training program in primary school. We wanted to be in this school. In fairness, I note that this school is right under my window, closest to all the others.

But I don't know anyone who belongs to this school! All nearby and not very houses belong to school A. The question arises: on what basis are houses attributed to schools?

At school B, as well as at the gymnasium, there are preparation courses for school. Some mommas since the beginning of the past school year began to take children to these courses in the hope that it would be easier to get into the desired school.

It cost 400-450 thousand per month depending on the school. I did not take my son to such courses. He can read and write. What is the point of giving such money for education, which should be given in the first class for free?

And I did not believe in the effectiveness of this method to get into the desired school. And not in vain! From our group to kindergarten three children attended these courses and ... none of them “passed the selection”. There weren't enough places.

In May, we went to school B, we were immediately warned that there were no places. But! For some reason, they wrote down who the parents work for, while specifying private or state-owned companies ... A month later (in early June) they called us and said magically “there are no places”.

Apparently, we did not pass the "casting", although we have leadership positions. Well no, so no. My husband and I immediately decided that we would not buy TV sets in order to arrange a child for school. Moreover, it is still unknown whether you will be lucky or unlucky with a teacher.

After being rejected at school B, we went to school A to apply. My husband and I decided not to leave our son in the “extension program”, that is, except for the lessons, the rest of the time, he will be under my supervision.

In other words, any negative impact (if there are children from dysfunctional families in the school) will be minimized. I want to draw your attention right away that by “unfavorable” families I mean drinking families, which, unfortunately, are very numerous in our area.

And then ... let's try to enter the gymnasium with an English bias. She is two blocks from us. It's a long way to get there, and in the primary grades, the child will not be able to return from there on his own.

This was the first reason why we did not try to get into this gymnasium right away. The second reason: it seems to all parents that their child is brilliant, but it may happen that after studying at the gymnasium in the primary grades, the child will have to move to regular school. This can be very stressful for him. More than going from an ordinary school to a gymnasium.

Conclusion: My husband and I decided that the family plays an even greater role in the primary school for the child. For our part, we will support our son, help him. Therefore, they chose the most ordinary school in our yard.

School or teacher?

Ways to choose a teacher:

  • Ask neighbors, friends.
  • Meet at the meeting.
  • Visit a lesson.
  • Sign up for preschool courses.

Unfortunately, we have only been living in this area for two years, and I do not know mothers whose children have graduated from elementary school to ask more about the teachers. Besides, opinion is always subjective. And the teacher that one parent likes is not always liked by the other.

When we applied to school A, I asked the director about the teachers, to which I received the answer:“Normal, like everywhere else. There is no republican significance, schools do not have to choose now.” In terms of meaning, this roughly means: What are the salaries, such are the teachers.

See the teacher at the meeting It's one thing, but the reality can be quite different. I'm not sure that the school will be allowed to come to the lesson, and if this is possible, then the teacher will certainly behave unnaturally.

The parents who took their children to the gymnasium for courses, at meetings every week, formed some opinions about the teachers, but no one could say that because of this teacher it was really necessary to get into the gymnasium at all costs.

In addition, on duty, I have the opportunity to attend schools. And I visited school B for selfish purposes. I must admit that I came to a disappointing conclusion: out of seven teachers primary school, only two more or less love their children.

The rest hate their jobs, hate having to go to school every day and, as a result, take it out on their children. A couple of times I met teachers of retirement age (now we are talking not only about school B), who do not even allow the child to say a word, ask an extra question.

By no means am I saying that there are no good teachers. They exist, but they are very few. The work of a teacher is very difficult, but for some reason it is very low paid in our country. And until this issue is resolved at the state level, the situation will not change for the better.

Conclusion: The choice of teacher plays a big role. Undoubtedly. But it is not always possible to determine in advance exactly whether it is THAT teacher. And this, perhaps, is up to the child, not the parents. We hope for good luck and believe that we will be lucky!

Dear readers! How did you choose a school for your child? Do you prefer school or high school? We are waiting for your comments!

10 reasons to choose our school!

1. Parents choose a better school, and it's good if it is located near the house, and you don't have to waste time on the road. We are in Western District Moscow, our children mostly live in Davydkovo, Kuntsevo, Matveevsky, Mozhaisk districts, as well as in the Krylatskoye, Fili, Filevsky park districts. In addition, many travel from the countryside along the Mozhayskoye, Skolkovskoye and Rublevskoye highways.

2. A child can be in our school from 8.15 to 19.00. This is very convenient for working parents. In addition, we are located in the House of Creativity "Aminyevo", where in the afternoon classes begin in various circles, studios and sections. And after doing homework (and this is a prerequisite), our children are happy to take the opportunity to work out in circles of interest.

3. The child does homework at school under the supervision of the class teacher. In the afternoon, the student has the opportunity to get answers to questions from the subject teacher and not sit over notebooks at home. In addition, children do not have to carry heavy backpacks: all notebooks, textbooks, along with a change of clothes, are in the students' locker.

4. It is important for us that the classes are small (up to 12-15 people). The teacher, asking each student at each lesson, perfectly knows the individual characteristics of your child and takes them into account.

5. We do not have a school uniform, because it is better for a child to be in comfortable, practical and at the same time neat clothes. The first half of the day is quite strict, but in the second half the children not only do their homework, but also walk and

6. The atmosphere in which our students are is important to us. We try to create a friendly, homely environment in which good learning is possible.

7. We work according to approved government programs, but we have the opportunity to pay more attention to the main subjects: mathematics, Russian and English language. Our teachers use additional tasks of increased complexity from different textbooks and teaching aids.

8. If you want your child to have "drawn" marks, then this is definitely not for us. The child will receive only the mark that he deserves. Despite the fact that, it is impossible to pay for an assessment without knowledge. Our children achieve good results in their studies when parents, together with teachers, present uniform requirements to the child.

9. All the time the child is under the supervision of qualified teachers, the main composition of which has remained unchanged for more than ten years. A strong, close-knit team of professionals defines the face of our school.

10. Every month we try to go on various excursions to the most interesting Moscow museums.

We will be glad to see you and your children in our school!

In one of the studies on the strategy for the development of education at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, made for UNESCO, scientists drew attention to the qualities that education should bring up in the younger generation: the ability to learn; ability to do; ability to communicate; ability to live. Such strategic goals, differently define and school life. Advice to parents on how to choose the right school for their child is given by Mikhail Epshtein, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Deciding which school your child will attend should be taken seriously. An unsuccessful choice will affect, first of all, the child, but very soon his unsuccessful school life will begin to influence the entire family atmosphere.

Reflecting on the question posed, I noticed that in its very formulation, in part, there are grounds for searching for answers to it.

Choosing a school for a child (primarily first grade, first school) is my responsibility. Not neighbors, not colleagues, not the state decide which school to go to my child. I decide this. (Meaning, of course, - family, parents.) In my opinion, the child should also participate in the choice, but still, in more, it is my responsibility to choose this or that school or choose none.

What does this mean? If something suddenly happens later, because there are no ideal schools, do not "hang all the dogs" on the school (he chose it himself), but try to cooperate with it, look for possible ways out of the current situation. Do not leave the child alone with the school, but help him live (or survive) in it.

Very often, the position of parents in relation to the school, to teachers, to the education of the child significantly affects the process of the child's life at school. Even in the most hopeless situations, when, for example, you cannot leave school for one reason or another, you can compensate for an unsuitable school life with a wonderful family atmosphere. And then the school will become that necessary, forced stage that you just need to go through together, endure, but TOGETHER.

In addition, it is important to clearly articulate your position - what is important to me in the education of a child, what is my philosophy, sorry for the high word. Let unconsciously, but you choose a school in accordance with your philosophy of life. This is not to say that our city schools provide us with a great variety here, but there is still some choice.


It is important that you choose a school not for yourself, but for your child. The school where it will be good not for you (not only for you), but also for him. By the way, in this regard, it would be nice if the child also took part in the choice. And do not think that he does not understand anything. Also how he understands. If he is no longer in the first grade, then he already has experience, and he has something to compare with. If he is just going to first grade, you should still trust his opinion - after all, he has been living in this world for seven years. Or at least explain to him why you chose this particular school.


My deep conviction is that there are no bad schools. Well, it almost never happens. There are schools that are not suitable for your child. In order to determine which school is right for you, try to understand what makes your child unique. And the fact that he is special with you, different from others - I personally have no doubt about this. Remember the company's advertisement: "Excellent!" - "Different from others"? A very good idea for children. It is important to understand that not always what I want for a child, in fact, he needs or he is able to, according to his health ... You need to correlate your ambitions and claims with his abilities and desires.


To choose is not just to go and "hand over" the child to the nearest school or, say, to the "coolest", judging by the advertisement. Choosing a school means thinking, spending some time, devoting some of your energy to this process ... What should be done in order to choose a school?

For example, find out from a local neurologist which school at the end of the first academic year has the most complaints from children about lack of sleep, neuroses and other problems. I don't think you should go to this school.

Or find out which teachers take first grades and find out the opinions of parents of high school students about primary school.

You can try to walk along the corridors of schools in your area (in my opinion, it is better for a child to study in elementary school close to home) and listen to whether teachers scream at children there or not.

Other options are also possible. For example, choose a school with the help of reference publications. In my opinion, it is worth getting to know them, but the information there is, most often, official and brief, so it does not give a real picture.


One of the important points is to understand what I expect from the school, what it should give to my child. Some important knowledge? Ability to learn? Cultivate a mindset? Good comrades for life? If possible, do not spoil your health? Keep natural curiosity and interest in life and new knowledge? Diverse experiences with people different ages, diverse surrounding world?

The school, at least the mass one, believes (based on the fact that this is what it checks in various exams and tests) that it should give a huge amount of various information. Despite the fact that many scientists, educators, sociologists, public figures and teachers have long been saying that at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, the main task of the school is changing. A lot of information is not as important as the ability to extract it and apply it at the right time. This is exactly what is required to live in an ever-changing world.

In one of the studies on the strategy for the development of education in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, made for UNESCO, scientists drew attention to four important qualities that education should instill in the younger generation: this is not a set of standard, long-term fixed knowledge, but the ability to learn; ability to do; ability to communicate; ability to live. It is clear that such strategic goals define school life itself in a different way than, say, the task of getting to know as many different information as possible from the largest possible number of sciences available today.

Another important question for parents: what is more important for a child in elementary school: many hours of hard work through strength at school and at home or preserved health, cheerfulness, curiosity, spontaneity? I'm afraid there is no definitive answer to this question. This is again more of a matter of choosing one's own philosophy of life.

Doctors say that the burden that children carry in modern, so-called gymnasiums is harmful to their health. But many teachers, and most importantly, parents, believe that the more hours of study a child receives in elementary school, the more likely he is to enter a university. This "popular belief" also includes the need to educate children as early as possible in specialized classes. Although many quite reputable scientists argue that early specialization is harmful.

I don't know if anyone has done research that would confirm that children who did a lot of things they didn't like in elementary school were more successful later in life. But studies confirming that in high school the difference in some acquired knowledge disappears, there are.


I think that when answering the question "how", it is important to determine the criteria by which we understand whether a given school is suitable for us or not. They are formed on the basis of your life philosophy, personal experience study at school, available information. The criteria that I will propose are based on my understanding of what a school should do, at least for the first few years of education. If necessary, I am ready to cite the opinions of reputable scientists, practicing teachers, confirming my position.

I will list the key words that reflect the fundamental moments in the first years of a child's school life: respect, experience, independence, responsibility, choice, creativity, business, project, communication, dialogue, play, interest. If there are such words in the text about the school, it is already worthy of attention.

I am sincerely convinced that the experience of respectful relationships at school, including primary school, is very important for a child. And so that he was taught to respect the rights of others, and his rights would be respected: to be himself, the right to his own opinion, to make a mistake ... It is clear that many things are difficult to check before starting studies, but some points can be judged about the desire of the school to develop in this direction. For example, if at school: children are evaluated not in comparison with others, but according to their own achievements; allow children to try and make mistakes; do not yell at children; they try to create conditions for joint learning of different children, with their progress through the material at different rates and in different ways; in classes, it is customary, at least once a week, to discuss the lived "piece" of life and share opinions; there is a real children's newspaper - all this indicates that this is a good school.

The child should gain experience of independent work in different areas of human life, including learning. And if the educational process is built in such a way that children have time for independent work, they set themselves goals for the day or lesson, plan, perform and evaluate their work - this is a plus.
In elementary school and especially in grades 5, 6, 7, it is important to gain experience in various fields. human activity. If the lessons have the opportunity to perform creative work, fantasy and authorship are encouraged, there are various clubs and studios, the school theater works - it's great.

For students in grades 5, 6, 7, experience, testing, research should become the main activity. Most children are contraindicated at this age systematic. This is also why, from year to year, the well-known effect of grades 5-6 is triggered, when suddenly the children who have just come from elementary school lose the twinkle in their eyes, they become uninteresting. They begin to study much worse, especially boys. Remember Tom Sawyer! In this regard, if you know that in the school you choose, the guys not only study systematic subject courses, but also conduct research on them, carry out creative projects, participate in excursions, other forms of communication with the life around them, go on hikes, make crafts - This is another plus for this school.

There is another important criterion that says that your child's education is on the right track - the child should be interested. Wrong are those who say that children are interested in something that is simple, where tension is not required. This is not true. They are interested in what really develops. In situations of unjustified simplicity, as in cases of excessive complexity, it really becomes uninteresting. Interest is an excellent criterion for well-organized cognitive activity of children.

I could go on describing the criteria for the school I choose, but the above are enough to form an idea of ​​the school that I would choose for my child. Of course, there is no perfect school. The ideal is unattainable and acts only as a guideline, it is not easy to fully realize these "dreams", but striving in this direction often leads to a good result.

Once again I will make a reservation that the proposed criteria are my criteria, close to me, important for me and, as I think, important for my child. If they suit you, I will be glad. But they may not be suitable, which is quite natural, because you choose for yourself and your child.

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You need to start looking for a school for your beloved child, much earlier than he is 7 years old. Take care of this issue a year or even a year and a half before the cherished September 1st.

Start by collecting information: what schools are nearby, what roads, intersections, on the way. In such an important matter, there are no trifles. Talk to parents and grandparents whose children attend this school. Word of mouth, as a rule, brings the most reliable information.

Find out what kind of “bias” the school has: mathematical or humanitarian, whether there is an agreement with universities, what percentage of admissions to universities after graduating from this school.

Come to school during recess. This will give you an idea of ​​the atmosphere in the school. How students behave. Then decide where your child will be more comfortable, in cheerful ease, or in secular restraint. Bring a child. Let him express his opinion.

Try to ask the parents of fourth graders for details about their teachers. Whatever teachers come next, the first teacher is always the most important. And it depends on the first teacher whether your child will learn with pleasure.

Sign your child up for training courses at school. As a rule, they begin about a year before admission, in September, October. But you need to sign up and find out half a year before the start of the courses, especially if you want to send your child to a gymnasium.

Don't be swooned by the phrase "How can you help the school?" It's already officially included in your child's school application. You still have time to come up with help within your power ...

When you go to school, be prepared for some financial expenses. The amount is very different and depends mainly on the contingent of parents and the courage of the school staff. Gymnasiums usually cost parents an order of magnitude more. In this regard, take into account the fact that children are a rather cruel people. Think about whether you can provide the child with such a level of equipment that he would not feel like a “poor relative”. The psychological comfort of the child is more important than the prestige of the school.

How it was with me:

My child this year entered the first grade of the school №6g. Ulyanovsk.

To be honest, for a very long time I could not choose a school for him. The last word was behind him. And I am very pleased that our opinions coincided.

Why I chose this school:

The courses were taught by the same teachers who recruited the first classes. Thus, a year before admission, my child not only met his future classmates, but also knew his teacher. We could choose which teacher we would go to.

At school good level education. The division into humanities and mathematics classes goes only in high school when the child can already really appreciate what is closer to him.

High level of admission of graduates to universities.

Classes are not crowded, which means that more attention will be paid to each individual student.

Subjective reason: I was fascinated by the head teacher of the school, Tatyana Sergeevna Zorkina.

Why did my son choose this school?

Liked the atmosphere. No stiffness, tightness, fear. As he put it: "It's cool, like grandma's."

I liked the lessons in the course. I went with great pleasure. I liked to repeat at home what was in the classroom.

I liked the teacher Maria Petrovna, with whom he is now studying.

(from myself: the teacher is super! Everyone recommend!)

On the this moment I am very happy with our choice.

I wish you all good luck in this important matter!

// November 26, 2008 // Views: 7 667