Famous asthenics. Asthenic syndrome, a state of nervous exhaustion. External signs of asthenic type

We included two groups of conditions in the asthenic group: the first is congenital constitutional asthenic-neurasthenics, which means “nervous weakness” in Greek, and the second is psychosthenics, respectively, “mental weakness”. The main distinguishing feature of these two groups is (in neurasthenics), on the one hand, “nervous weakness”, manifested in mild excitability and rapid exhaustion of nervous functions, and on the other (in psychosthenics), mental-volitional weakness, manifested in extreme indecision, timidity and a tendency to constant doubt.

In many films and books you can find examples of neurotic people. In real life they are easy to recognize. They constantly complain of headaches, a feeling of heaviness, weakness, depression, and some of them may also have other complaints of a somatic type - poor appetite, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, discomfort in various parts of the body.

Such people usually have a reaction inconsistency with the strength of the stimulus: a minor nuisance causes a surge of emotions, the strongest effect is possible. They are extremely vulnerable and sensitive to resentment, do not withstand disputes, some cannot stand strong irritants - bright light, loud noise, etc.

If such people pay all attention to their health, then they find a lot of diseases in themselves, this is accompanied by persistent complaints of malaise, pain, discomfort, etc. In this case, we can talk about neurasthenia-hypochondria.

Neurasthenics are usually aware of some of their inferiority, "inferiority", therefore they are not confident in themselves, they are internally tense and anxious. Sometimes they complain of poor memory and poor concentration, but a medical check does not find abnormalities.

However, they do not withstand prolonged stress. Because of this, they may have a great start to work, but by the end of it, the quality of work deteriorates and productivity drops.

Along with exhaustion, the neurasthenic hypochondriac is characterized by excitability and irritability. These qualities push him to new hobbies, arouse interest in everything new, interesting, exciting. But this interest quickly passes, giving way to boredom, indifference, and in the future - the need to change impressions.

Therefore, their attention is unstable and often scattered. These people are extremely sensitive to any kind of interference in their work, because of which they often do not complete the work they have begun. Due to the above reasons (fatigue, poor resistance to interference, the impossibility of prolonged stress at work), it seems that these people do not want to work, they are “lazy”, although in reality this is not so.

Often, asthenics, especially when tired, have fits of anger, which is their most noticeable and distinctive feature. These outbursts of anger can be of varying duration, but they gradually build up. Some of these people have high self-esteem, are proud, but cannot work for a long time, withstand long stress, without getting irritated and without being discharged.

At the same time, they are not deprived of the mind and understand that others, not having these qualities, occupy a higher position. When they turn out to be subordinates, and the boss is rude, boorish and tactless, they are in a very depressed state. The insults and humiliations accumulated during the day are vented at home by attacks of rage and anger.

The nervous weakness of neurasthenics manifests itself in extreme vulnerability. They are more intense than ordinary people, react to stimuli. For example, at the sight of blood, they faint, at loud sounds (clap, blow) they loudly groan or scream. They cannot be present at operations or observe fights, scandals.

These sensitive natures cannot stand a rough touch. Many of them experience a panic fear of the dark, are afraid of certain insects, animals, cannot see certain things without disgust and, like a mimosa, cannot bear to be touched.

They are afraid to speak in front of an audience, the exam causes them fear, although they can be well prepared and before that they passed all the exams with "4" and "5". But sometimes the exam environment can cause confusion, stupor, inability to remember anything. After the exam, such people need to rest for a few days.

Neurosthenics often have disturbed sleep. He is anxious, full of nightmares and dreams, interrupted by attacks of fear, sudden awakening in a state of great anxiety. If the neurasthenic has high self-esteem, there may be permanent discrepancies between the position he occupies and the level of self-esteem, leading to a depressive state in the future.

Concluding the description of neurasthenia, it should be noted that it can be not only congenital. Neurasthenia may be acquired or gradually acquired during a very hard life or work.

Of course, there must be prerequisites for this. But if a person cannot withstand strong mental stress, stress, then neurasthenia is right there. In this case, a cheerful, cheerful, balanced person becomes dull, irritable and suspicious.

Irritability, anxiety, doubts and dejection cause palpitations, rapid pulse, profuse sweating, asthma attacks, constipation, lack of appetite, and disturbances in the genital area. The main reasons, as we have already noted, are overwork from overwork, prolonged mental stress, resentment, discord in the family, misunderstanding between loved ones. All this causes stress, enormous pressure on the human psyche, resulting in the development of neurasthenia.


Consider the second group of asthenics - psychosthenics. Their main feature is extreme indecision and a constant tendency to doubt. In the old days, psychosthenia was called "the insanity of doubt."

As we have already noted, the asthenic group is distinguished by extreme impressionability. In psychosthenics, it extends not only to events taking place at the moment, but also to everything that can happen in the near future. What may happen in the future, psychosthenic worries more, and even the very thought of some kind of trouble is more terrible for him than the trouble itself.

The psychosthenic is very timid, he is afraid of everything new, unfamiliar, any new undertaking is painful for him. Even having decided to act, the psychosthenic always doubts whether he is doing the right thing, whether he is doing it, so all his actions are accompanied by painful reflections, and the work itself moves slowly, is redone and rechecked.

Another distinguishing feature of a psychosthenic is his tendency to seek support from others, the desire to receive approval and help from the outside. Therefore, he needs people most of all to maintain confidence in the correctness of the path he has chosen and what he is doing, in order to be convinced of this again and again and dispel doubts.

His shyness is often added to the timidity of the psychosthenic, because of this he would like to do a lot of things, but does not. It is difficult for him to recall the money he has lent; it is difficult for him to refuse inappropriate requests; sometimes it is inconvenient for him to even once again ask the address, house or street; he may be ashamed of his wealth or expensive clothes.

An inactive, low-energy, inactive person in real life, in his fantasies he is carried far away. His dreams and fantasies are the theater where most of his actions take place.

Usually asthenics can be distinguished by their physique (according to the Kretschmer typology): most of them belong to the so-called asthenic, or leptosomal, type.

People with an asthenic body type are often called asthenics. Translated, this word means "weak". Such people have a thin physique, their growth is often either too large or, on the contrary, too small. In such people, in contrast to people with an athletic body type, all parts of the body are narrow: the shoulders, chest, face are oblong in shape, and the length of the legs and arms is disproportionate to the length of the body. Another characteristic physiological feature of asthenics is pallor of the skin. Asthenics often have low blood pressure, from which they almost always freeze.

Gastronomic preferences of asthenics are sweet, sour, salty. They love alcohol and hot drinks and food. Since the metabolism of asthenics is increased, in order to gain weight, they need to eat a lot of sweets. Asthenics have a good memory and often have a quiet voice. Asthenics sleep a little, their sleep is superficial. They often get sick and take a long time to recover.

Psychological features of asthenics.
Asthenics often have high self-esteem, which is combined with low self-esteem. Such people are very vulnerable and impressionable - they can even faint at the sight of blood. Their susceptibility is reflected in the fact that they experience the words they have spoken, several times they say to themselves the dialogues that have already taken place. Asthenics, as a rule, live and do not like to attract attention to themselves. Another distinctive feature of asthenics is their love for animals. At times, they have a large number of dogs and cats throughout their lives.

In a difficult everyday situation, asthenics often get lost, turn to stone and cannot do anything. They worry for a long time and scroll through even a minor conflict to themselves, up to the loss of sleep and appetite.

Asthenics are hard to tolerate changes in their lives. They may become confused if something changes their daily routine or if they find themselves in an unfamiliar situation for them, for example, in a new company.

In connection with what was said above, asthenics should understand that they need more rest, but after rest it is very difficult for them to get involved in work, they almost force themselves to continue the work they have begun.

Character traits such as vulnerability and shyness cause great inconvenience in the life of asthenics and their environment. Asthenics instantly blush and get lost in an awkward situation. Both sexes often smoke to give them the feeling that they are holding onto something while holding a cigarette.

Negative character traits of people with asthenic body type:
- trouble making new friends
- fear of responsibility

- inability to defend one's position
- frequent bad mood, irritability, suspicion.

Positive character traits of people with asthenic body type:
- responsibility, honesty
- accuracy
- decency
- Responsibility to loved ones.

Reading time: 2 min

Asthenic is a type of body structure and mental system of a person, implying rapid exhaustion, a certain soreness, both in somatic and characterological terms. This type belongs to the triad of separating people, as well as their types of character and ways of responding based on physique. The asthenic body type is characterized by thinness, elongated limbs and facial features. It is believed that people of the asthenic type are quite tall, but this feature may be subjective due to a violation of the proportions of the width and length of the body. So the narrowness of the bones and leanness can visually lengthen the silhouette, while excess weight, on the contrary, makes a person visually less tall.

Who is that

It is possible to determine an asthenic not only by external signs, but also by behavioral features, including features and ways of building contact with other people. The first manifestations of the asthenic type appear from childhood - these are weak, sickly children who find it difficult to gain not only fat weight, but also muscle. With these apparent shortcomings, asthenics are characterized by a large amount of tenderness and sensitivity - they do not accept rough treatment, and any use of force can become quite critical, but it is this level of sensitivity that allows them to subtly respond to touch, distinguish temperature and so on.

Physical sensitivity is justified by a high degree of development of the nervous system, its mobility and sensitivity. This is what increases the level of emotional vulnerability and a tendency to introspection. A subtle nervous organization makes such people perceive everything closely and react sharply, which can eventually lead to nervous overload and a gradual withdrawal from social interaction. It is difficult for such people to adapt to a huge number of different temperaments, and therefore they choose a narrow circle of close communication, where they feel secure, while with the rest they can behave quite restrained and even coldly.

At school age, a high level of development of the sensitivity of the nervous system is manifested by rapid fatigue. This is explained by the fact that asthenics simultaneously read several streams of information, and while other children notice only the words of the teacher, they evaluate the situation in the classroom and beyond, the passage of time, changes in the appearance and mood of others. Due to the lack of an individual adaptive approach in the educational system, the child's tension increases and, as a result, manifests itself in irritability and outbursts of aggression. Over time, disturbing experiences and various suspicious ideas can join.

Asthenic character

The character of asthenics is comparable to schizoid accentuation and melancholic temperament. These people have hypersensitivity, but at the same time they often go into their inner world - in order to take a break from overloads of external influences. Despite the high degree (no one, like an asthenic, can understand and feel the inner state of another), they often show tactlessness or clumsiness in communication. This happens not so much from a desire to offend or a lack of education, but because a person does not attach importance to forced smiles and enforced standards of decency.

Asthenics are reluctant to correct and generally do not like changes; such moments are given to them with great stress. The mood may seem unstable (from coldness to maximum sympathy), but if you look closely, a pattern of these manifestations will appear (for example, alienation when strangers appear or increased talkativeness among friends). Such people are characterized by low self-esteem and insecurity, which are combined with vanity and quick-tempered behavior. Underestimation of one's own importance can accumulate in a person for a long time. Undermining the resources of the psyche and, as a result, pouring out into a stream of rage towards others for an insignificant reason.

As for life manifestations, the asthenic is characterized by the desire to enjoy and delve into the process of work, attaching less importance to the results. The need for creativity and the absence of any framework is the main one not only in professional activity, but throughout life. Due to rapid exhaustion, asthenics need periodic rest, and attempts to maintain the established schedule can cost the company large losses (due to mistakes or irritability), and the person himself health.

The speed of the course of mental processes affects the type of response and activity activity. So asthenics flare up very quickly and in order to catch fire with a new idea or unwind on an affective emotional reaction, they need several times less time than all other types. In the case of positive emotions, this can be a plus, as well as activities, but negative experiences and ideas of revenge capture them with the same speed. But the assessment situation changes dramatically after a couple of moments - they quickly run out of steam and get tired. In minutes, joy disappears, enthusiasm disappears and the person sits without making any attempts and is emotionally disconnected.

With each nervous breakdown, experiences more and more affect the somatic state of the asthenic, which is why they become frequent visitors to hospitals. The high probability of developing hypochondriacal symptoms is due to both physical weakness and mental instability. Timely prevention and independent work with your own characteristics will help to avoid the effects of hospitalism and psychosomatics.

Development and work on oneself asthenic

Many consider the main problem of asthenics exclusively with thinness, although only a doctor for medical reasons can advise an asthenic to gain weight. More significant is the correction of the emotional palette and features of building one's own life.

An important point that combines the care of the mental and physical condition at once is sports. Moreover, it is better for asthenics to choose active, paired, competitive sports or various styles of wrestling.

Individual yoga sessions with an instructor can help you relax and calm your nervous system, but the most important thing is to learn how to control your aggressive outbursts and work with repressed emotions. Wrestling, running, athletics are places where you can safely release the accumulated tension, and therefore protect yourself and your loved ones from accidental outbursts of anger due to the accumulation of tension.

The more tension an asthenic can relieve in a safe way, the more internal resources appear, since the psyche spends more energy on restraint than on reacting. Everything that could not be realized through active actions should continue to be removed by relaxation. Alcoholic and narcotic substances are contraindicated here, as they relax the muscles, but activate the nervous system, causing it to wind up even more. So after a good load, a massage or swimming is recommended.

You can improve social interaction by setting yourself the goal of meeting a couple of new people every day (or at least every Saturday). The main thing here is not collecting ticks, but trying to find a way of communication in which you feel the maximum comfort and naturalness of the situation and your being in it.

The longest will be the process of working on your inner feeling and perception of yourself - self-esteem, self-criticism, expectations and requirements from others, and so on. You can deal with such categories within a few months, and in order to make the process more efficient and faster, it is better to use the advisory help of a psychotherapist. Stabilization of the emotional background is one of the primary tasks that an asthenic should work on. The ability to control one's emotions and expectations, to stop excessive reflection and self-abasement.

The ability to find sources of energy and fullness will help you deplete at a slower pace. For some, it will be their own creativity, and for some, the opportunity to communicate with people in a dosed manner. Saving mental resources and their timely replenishment is an algorithm necessary for every asthenic.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Hearing the expression asthenic physique“Not everyone understands what is at stake. What are the characteristics of a person who is described in this way? Asthenik, translated from Greek means - weak. People of this type are underdeveloped, sickly, have poor health. They find it difficult to tolerate cold weather. Even in summer, asthenics have cool feet and hands.

Let us consider in more detail the distinctive features of the asthenic physique and the characteristics of this type.

External signs of asthenic type

  1. One of the main signs of an asthenic body type in people is a lean physique. The deposition of subcutaneous fat in them is insignificant. Due to the accelerated metabolism, they do not recover.
  2. Even enhanced nutrition with the inclusion of sweets and flour products does not always contribute to weight gain.
  3. The torso and face of asthenics are elongated, the shoulders are narrow. The limbs are too long, which makes the body seem disproportionate. Disharmony is enhanced by being too short or too tall. Asthenics are characterized by low muscle mass and underdeveloped muscles. The skin of such people has a pale, painful appearance with increased dryness.

Features of people of this type

  • In pride, asthenics do not hold. Despite this, they live modestly, not trying to stand out from the crowd. Some in their youth have periods of rebelliousness and desire to be seen. But soon it passes, and the asthenic warehouse of character takes its toll. Getting into awkward, often far-fetched situations, they blush and get lost.
  • With age, the asthenic character becomes a little softer, a person learns to put up with his character. Despite this, they are haunted by a feeling of dissatisfaction with themselves and inferiority. Because of this, individuals of this type are very vulnerable and touchy.
  • For a long time they remember the unflattering statements of other people in relation to themselves and are very worried. At the same time, they do not try to find out the reason for the negative attitude and analyze the event.
  • They endure conflict situations for a very long time and painfully, mentally scrolling through all their actions. Because of what they become distracted, anxious and have trouble falling asleep at night. Asthenics do not tolerate any changes. Whether it is a change of scenery, work or daily routine, everything unsettles him. Being in an unfamiliar society, they get lost and behave stupidly.
  • With age, negative manifestations again become more acute. In old age, asthenics annoy relatives so that they are always nearby. Dissatisfaction and intolerance towards old age is increasing.
  • As for gastronomic preferences, asthenics love sweets and can consume them without restrictions. But even this does not always help to gain weight. In addition, they love sour and salty foods. They often drink alcoholic beverages, which can lead to alcoholism.

Distinctive features of asthenic physique in different sexes

  1. In men with an asthenic physique, insufficient body weight. Compared to the average representative of the stronger sex, its size and weight are reduced. Among them, one can rarely meet undersized individuals. They are usually tall.
  2. Asthenics have thin humerus bones, a flat or sunken chest with clearly defined ribs. There is practically no fat on the abdomen.
  3. In some cases, deposits of the female type or sagging abdomen are observed, the waist is highlighted. In some, with age, the hips are rounded, the pelvic bones expand.
  4. Men of this type age quickly. The skin early becomes flabby and faded, covered with a dense network of wrinkles. Due to metabolic disorders, muscles atrophy early.
  5. Women with an asthenic physique have external features similar to men. However, among them there are more undersized individuals. Outwardly, such women look thin, fragile and weak. Often there is underdevelopment, both of individual parts and of the whole body.

Characteristics of people with asthenic physique

Positive character traits:

  • accuracy and conscientiousness;
  • lack of violent emotional manifestations;
  • scrupulousness in the implementation of any processes;
  • decency in relation to others;
  • indifference to relatives and friends;
  • conscientiousness in the performance of their duties.

Negative moments in the character:

  1. shyness and shyness;
  2. sullenness;
  3. lack of communication skills;
  4. irritability often on a far-fetched occasion;
  5. unwillingness to take responsibility;
  6. uncertainty and unwillingness to defend their opinion.

In each person, some traits appear more, others less. However, the asthenic type can be combined with other options.

How to raise an asthenic child?

  • In order for a healthy personality to form from an asthenic child, it should be perceived adequately. Do not "break" his nature, trying to make him an "ideal" person. Any load, whether physical or psychological, must be strictly dosed. Make a daily routine for your baby, taking into account good nutrition and sleep.
  • Surround your child with care and love. He must feel the support of his parents and know that they will always support and help him, regardless of whether the child is right or not. That close people will be reliable protection from the external unfriendly world.
  • Only such an attitude will help to form a psychologically healthy person. All this must be skillfully combined with physical and emotional hardening. Teach your child the art of relaxation as early as possible. Teach him to positively perceive the world around him.
  • Help your child learn the technique of analyzing the situation, their fears and anxieties. Asthenic children are completely dependent on their parents. Therefore, adults should make every effort, love and care to raise a healthy person in all respects.
  • When other people communicate with asthenics, they involuntarily have a desire to subdue such an individual. They often irritate others.

You need to be careful not to hurt the feelings of the asthenic. You should accept it with all the quirks, provide attention and support, bestow kind words. Only then will he become your true friend.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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