What is a small homeland for children 1. The project "My small homeland". What is Motherland

Very often you can hear a phrase from a person: "My Motherland is ...". But there is no clear continuation of this phrase. Everyone talks about their homeland in different ways.

At the origins...

For one, the Motherland is the place of his birth, for the other, the city where he lives in this moment. There are many such opinions, and all of them are true in their own way. A person chooses as his homeland what is dear to his soul, what is dear to his thoughts, what determines his behavior and perception of the world around him.

"My Motherland" is a concept that originates from ancient times, and was talked about long before modern history states. A lot of books and poems were written about him, many songs and various stories were created. And for everyone this concept was warm and joyful. And sometimes it caused melancholy. Is the homeland necessarily the state in which the citizen was born? Anyone can answer this question on their own.

Huge country

“My Motherland is Russia,” the patriots proudly say. People born and raised in this state revere its history. Every year, our ancestors, those who found the era of war, crisis, perestroika, pass away. But these people never complained about their fate, about the fact that they had to endure hunger, the loss of loved ones, and all sorts of other difficulties.

On the contrary, their character became stronger than steel, and they conveyed their memories to us in stories, songs, poems, films. This is a huge value for every Russian person. My Motherland is a coat of arms, an anthem, the words of which we know from childhood. Observing the traditions and laws of Russia, a person respects his country, treats it with love. The whole world is discussing this state: someone scolds, someone supports, someone does not understand the policy. The double-headed eagle is depicted on banknotes, seals, documents, passports, and in force Russian army it is simply impossible to doubt.

Endless fields and forests, many beautiful places, a huge amount of minerals, a broad Russian soul - a great reason for the pride of every Russian. And any foreigner who has visited this country returns home with unforgettable impressions and, of course, a set of nesting dolls.

Such a different homeland

My homeland is not only a certain country in which this or that citizen was born. In other words, if a person was born in the USSR, what now? Does he have no homeland? This is absolutely not true. Homeland is where a person felt good at some moments of his life.

The land where a person feels like a part of it, where his thoughts and memories return, about which he yearns - all this is his native side. The fact is that the first "institution" for the knowledge of the Motherland is the immediate environment of a person.

"My small Motherland" - this is how a person can call the region or city in which he grew up, a part of the land that is connected with his friends, with the street on which in childhood he played hide and seek with them. It also happens that a person leaves his native land in search of a better life, but this does not mean at all that he forgets about his beloved city.

Remembering native land

My Motherland is the city, town or village where childhood passed, where the first words were spoken, where the first steps were taken. Growing up, we look through old photographs and return to those distant days, where we first knew bitterness and joy.

We remember how we fell off our bike for the first time, breaking our knees, how we built snow tunnels with the neighbor's children, how they secretly took out a piece of freshly baked mother's bread for a homeless puppy from their parents. My small homeland is all these memorable moments that will be with me forever, they cannot be taken away from a person, they cannot be sold or bought. Flowering trees near the house, creaking swings, morning birds singing outside the window, the way to school - this is all part of everyone's soul, this is the homeland of man.

About the most important

Where does the Motherland begin? How does a person learn about this word? Homeland begins with close, dear people. Home is my family. From an early age, our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters instill in us love for their Motherland. They teach us to appreciate and honor our native traditions and culture, tell instructive stories, reveal interesting historical facts about our country.

Who else can give us such valuable experience? Of course, patriotism is nurtured in us at school, but the family still makes a greater contribution. Our grandfathers with tears in their eyes told about the heroism of young guys at the front, about selfless deeds in the name of their native lands. It is the family that should help the child in the upbringing of patriotism, and a full-fledged personality cannot be brought up without pride in their country, region or city. The family teaches us to be responsible for our actions, for our words and, of course, for our Motherland.

native land

From all these examples it is easy to understand: "my small homeland" is a broad concept. Everyone understands it in their own way. One thing is clear - we call the Motherland the place where our memories are, where our thoughts are. This is what the best moments of life are connected with.

Now all over the world people are leaving their homes in search of a better financial situation. And someone leaves for a long time to rest in other countries and cities. But going to foreign lands or countries, having met a person there from our native side, we rejoice. It's easier for us to understand it. We quickly find with him mutual language. We want to be closer to him. This person is part of the Motherland, part of that big thing that evokes in us tender and at the same time dreary feelings. Is it worth it to instill such feelings in children? Of course it's worth it! After all, wherever a person is, he should always know: consolation can be found in his native land.

For everyone on this planet great importance Motherland is the place where a person was born, grew up, spent the best years of his life. It doesn't matter what it is small village or Big city- it will always be the best, the most beloved. The warmest and most joyful memories are always associated with the so-called small homeland.

What is Motherland?

The word "motherland" comes from a very ancient word "clan", which refers to people related by blood relationship. From this original word, many others were created, no less important:

  • parents - father and mother who have common children;
  • relatives - close and distant relatives;
  • pedigree - a list of generations of the same genus;
  • people - residents of one country;
  • motherland - the country in which the person was born.

Rice. 1. Relatives.

Each of these words is close and dear to a person's heart, since it means the beginning of all life on earth. A newborn baby already has a homeland - a place where he will grow up, comprehend with surprise the world, where he will make his first acquaintances, will know the first joys and sorrows. These precious moments cannot be taken away under any circumstances, because they are stored deep in the heart.

Motherland has always been of great importance for our compatriots. No wonder the people themselves created so many wonderful proverbs on this topic. To live - to serve the motherland. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her. Needed where was born. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

The personification of the native land are the symbols that each state has - this is the coat of arms, flag and anthem. Symbols are peculiar marks of distinction of one state from others. The state symbols of Russia are more than one hundred years old: the first coat of arms appeared at the end of the 15th century, the flag - in the 18th century, and the anthem - in the 19th century.

Rice. 2. Coat of arms of Russia.

Small homeland

Each of us has two homelands: big and small. A large homeland is the state on whose territory a person lives, of which he is a citizen.

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Examples of a small homeland include a village, a village, a city where a person was born, spent his childhood, lived for some time or continues to live.

It is the small homeland that is so close to the heart: all the main stages of human development passed here, from the first steps to the last bell at school. Every path, every tree is familiar here, beloved friends, neighbors, relatives live here.

Rice. 3. native school- also a small homeland.

Even the tiniest village, let alone major city has its own history. Every self-respecting person should know the history of his native land, remember who was its founder, what important events took place here, which is famous for their hometown or village.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “Small Motherland” under the 1st grade program of the world around us, we learned what a motherland is and how important it is for every person. We also learned that there are two concepts of homeland - large and small. We gave a definition of a small homeland, learned how important it is to know not only the history of your homeland, but the place where you were born and raised.

Class hour in grade 1 "Me and my small Motherland"

For Russia, the village is a particle,
And we're glad we can be proud

Purpose: to expand and deepen the knowledge of students about the "small Motherland".

    To contribute to the formation of students' understanding of the meaning of the expression "small Motherland".

    To promote the upbringing of a sense of respect, pride, patriotism, love for one's country and the small Motherland.

    To develop in children speech, creativity, the desire to learn more about their region.

move class hour.

    Class organization. Emotional mood.

Guys, today you will have the first lesson in this academic year. We all didn’t see each other for a long time, some didn’t communicate for a long time. I suggest you play first. Let's smile and say nice words to each other.

Cohesion game.

Students stand in a circle. Each participant, in turn, turns to his neighbor on the right, calls him by name and says what he likes about him. (Then you can do the same with respect to the neighbor on the left).

    introduction teachers.

Today we will have a very interesting conversation. But you will find out the topic of our conversation today when you guess the word (Game "Field of Miracles").

***** (RODINA)

    Work on the theme of the class hour.

What word came out? Read the class topic on the board. What are we going to talk about?

great land, beloved land,

Where we were born and live

We are the motherland of light,

We are the dear Motherland,

We call our Motherland.

What is the Motherland for each of us? Before answering this question, let's listen to one poem.

Student 1: What do we call motherland?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches along the road

On which we are walking.

Student 2: What do we call motherland?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden bread,

Bread at the festive table.

Now think about what the Motherland means to you. Tell me, how do you understand the word "HOMELAND"?

"Homeland is..."

Conclusion: Motherland is the country in which we live; is the city or village in which we live; this is the house in which each of us lives; These are the people (family and friends) who surround us.

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia. You are Russians! Russia is a huge country.

There are many in the world different countries,

But there is one country:

From white ice to warm rivers

She spread out.

There are high mountains in Russia, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small streams, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, swamps and fields. We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented people. Russia is the largest country in the world. No state has such a large territory and such a long border. On the territory of our country, such continents as Australia and Antarctica could fit entirely.

Each country has its own symbols. Symbols Russian Federation you know. Tell about them.

    The white color symbolizes nobility and frankness;

    Blue color - fidelity, honesty, impeccability and chastity;

    Red color - courage, boldness, generosity and love.

But Russia is our great motherland. And each of us has our own small Motherland - the corner where we were born, where our parents and friends live, where our home is located. For some, a small Motherland is a hometown. For someone - a native street or a cozy courtyard with a swing.

In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland!

Small Motherland”

Small Motherland -
An island of earth.
Currant under the window
The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,
And under it is a bench -
Affectionate little
My motherland!

Our small homeland is the Republic of Buryatia. The republic is fenced off from wet air masses going from west to east, mountain ranges. Cloudless, dry and quiet Buryatia is dominated by sunny days and blue sky- a symbol of the Buryat people. The flora of Buryatia is distinguished by exceptional diversity: mountain landscape, forest and steppe.

In the taiga there is a brown bear, sable, badger, lynx. From predators in all natural zones there are a wolf, a fox, columns.

Guys, if we say that we live in Russia in the Republic of Buryatia, then it will probably be very difficult to find our native corner. Let's check our address:

We live in Russia, the Republic of Buryatia, the Mukhorshibirsky district, the village of Sagan-Nur.

And we can say that for us the small Motherland is the village of Sagan-Nur.

What do you know about your village?

What do you want to see your small homeland? What should be done for this?

Conclusion: Each person needs to love and take care of his small Motherland, then it will be beautiful, amazing, magnificent and wonderful.


For Russia, the village is a particle,
For us, it's our parent's home.
And we're glad we can be proud
Small Motherland where we live”.

They say: "Where I was born, there I came in handy." This is about a person's attachment to the place where he was born, where he grew up, where he made friends; about attachment to one's work, to people with their customs and traditions. Each of you has your own path in life, your own path, but let love live in the heart of each of you. native land, native land, to your native village and the street where you lived. Let LOVE FOR YOUR SMALL MOTHERLAND live in the heart of each of you.

Compilation of proverbs about love for the Motherland.

The game "Rings" - to divide the class into groups. (for 4-5 persons)

Each group is given a task: to compose and explain a proverb about the Motherland and love for the Motherland.

1) If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

2) On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

3) There is no land more beautiful than our country.

4) On the foreign side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

5) Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a hero.

6) Everyone has their own side.


Tell me what we talked about today? What should everyone do to make their homeland prosper?

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Project "My small homeland" Grade 1 — the first of a series of forthcoming. All of them enjoy "special" love from their parents. Such tasks are aimed at the development of joint activities of parents and the child. Aha!! In fact, this is a personal headache for mom. With a shudder, you wait for the next project, but it still falls like snow on your head. You will not have time to exhale after the cherished “project delivered”, as the next one is already looming on the horizon.

The theme of the project is “My small Motherland”, what to write? Well, I think essays in grade 1 are not required, just a few words about your city or about the places depicted in the photographs.

"My small homeland" Grade 1, the world around us, examples of work

Each photo or cycle of photos must be signed. It is important to express your attitude to places and events in the photo. Pictures increase, click on the photo and you can read the text.

  1. We wrote about Belarus, although our son was born in St. Petersburg, we decided to write about the small Belarusian town of Nesvizh and our village. Our roots come from there, we spend a lot of time in Belarus, and we love our small homeland very much.
  2. And our classmate (photo 2) took the topic "My small homeland - St. Petersburg" told about her area and memorable places where she has been.

  3. And another new first-grader of 2015 wrote about St. Petersburg, visited museums and architectural monuments

Thing: comprehensive program extracurricular activities students "Origins"

Class: 2

Purpose: Expanding the knowledge and ideas of children about their small homeland.


1. Expand students' knowledge of their native village through an independent search for information.
1. Contribute to the education of patriotic feelings (pride for one's village, love for it).
2. Develop children's creativity through participation in various types creative activity.

Brief annotation of the project: Project " My small home» is implemented in the 2nd grade as part of an extracurricular activity program and has a pronounced patriotic orientation, is aimed at generating interest in their small homeland, developing creativity children. The project will expand students' knowledge about their village, help them learn more about its history, and pay attention to the beauty of their native area. In the process of work, students, with the help of a teacher and parents, will take photographs of the streets of the village and native nature(which will later be transferred to the village council for posting on the village website), get acquainted with the peculiarities of rural life, draw pictures on the theme “My native village”, learn poems and proverbs about the Motherland, write essays about their small homeland. The final stage of the project is an open event “What do we call Motherland?”

Questions guiding the project: Fundamental question

What is a "small home"?

Problematic issues

Why do you need to know the history of your native village?
Can a person live without a Motherland?
What does it mean to "love your country"?

Study questions

How many streets are there in Tsentralny?
What year was it founded?
What organizations work in the village?
What are the best picturesque places around the village to visit during an excursion or a hike?
Examples of the student's project activity product will be presented in the appendix.

Project stages:

1. Acquaintance with the topic, setting goals and objectives of the project.
2. Independent search information - answers to the main questions of the project.
3. Study tour (visiting and photographing the sights of the village).
4. Registration in the classroom of the photo exhibition “Our small homeland”, transfer of photos to the village website.
5. Writing mini-essays about your native village, drawing, learning poems and proverbs about the Motherland.
6. Protection of the project - an open event "What we call Motherland".

Appendix 1

Scenario of the open event "What do we call Motherland?"

Summing up the results of the project "My small homeland".

1) clarification of the concept of "small motherland", the formation of ideas about the importance of the motherland in human life;
2) to promote the education of love for the native village;
3) develop thinking, memory, perception of children.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, photo slides of the native village.
Proverbs are written on the board, which students will need to “collect” from two parts:

Event progress:

Teacher: Guys, today we are summing up the results of our project “Our Small Motherland”. Let's greet our guests: the parents and teachers we invited to our class. And we will dedicate our event to our native village.
We all live in a huge beautiful country - Russia. And we must love her with all our hearts, because, as the great writer and teacher K. D. Ushinsky said, “a man has one mother, he has one motherland.” But love for one's native country begins with love for one's city, village, native forest and river. This is what I would like to talk to you about.

Guys, what is a "small homeland"?
What did you learn about your hometown while working on the project?

We all lived in the village and did not even imagine how beautiful it is, especially in autumn. And when they took a camera, photographed nature, our streets and houses, printed photographs, they wanted all people on earth to see this beauty. Let's once again visit the most beloved corners of our small homeland.

Demonstration of the presentation "My native village".

In addition to photographs, we wrote essays about our native village. I want to read lines from the best writings.

“My village, although small, has two shops, a library, a club, a school, a post office and even a playground.”

“The streets in our village are wide. There are a lot of beautiful houses here.”

“When I grow up, I will not leave my village anywhere, I will stay to live here, because this is my homeland.”

“There is very beautiful nature around my village: Mount Karahay, the river Idrushka. My house is near the river."

"I love my village, because this is my homeland, and I was born here."

For each of you, I think everything that is connected with his homeland is dear. And swimming in the river, and picking up mushrooms, berries, and even playing on the playground. And many poets wrote about that feeling that does not go away over the years. Let's listen to the verses prepared by your classmates.

Children read poetry.

Student 1

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew, circled
Wings, legs worked hard.

We asked the crane:
Where is the best land? -
He answered, flying:
- There is no better native land!

Student 2

What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Student 3

If they say the word "Motherland",
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,
By the river - a shy birch
And chamomile.
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.
In the puddles the first boats
Where there was a skating rink recently,
And a neighboring weaving factory
Loud morning horn.
Or the steppe, red from poppies,
Golden virgin.
Homeland is different
But everyone has one.

Guys, do you think a person can live without a Motherland? Why?
Indeed, a person cannot live without a Motherland. This is evidenced by age-old folk wisdom, reflected in the proverbs of the Russian people. Let's "collect" proverbs about the Motherland. How do you understand their meaning?

Children "collect" proverbs from parts, explain their meaning.

Well done boys! You have worked hard and learned a lot while working on the project. And each of you understood for himself what his small homeland is, and how dear it is to him.

And our conversation will be completed by the song “Where does the Motherland begin?”, which was written by V. Basner and M. Matusovsky. Listen to her carefully.

The song sounds.

And I would like to end our conversation with the words of K.D. Ushinsky: “There is a lot in the world, except for our country, all kinds of states and lands, but a person has one own mother, he has one homeland.

Appendix 2

Malanina Natasha
The writing
My village.

My village is called Central village. The village is located near Hydra. It has two shops, a club, a first-aid post, a playground, and a library. Near the village there is a beautiful forest and the river Idrushka. I love the nature around the village. My village is my home. And I was born in it.

Boyoglieva Arina
The writing
My small home.

I live in the Central Village. Our village is near Hydra. Although the village is small, it has a club, a library, two shops, a school, a first-aid post, a village council, a post office and even a playground. There is very beautiful nature around our village: Mount Karahay, Idrushka River. My house is near the river. I love my village because it is my small homeland.

Pluhina Lena
The writing
My motherland.

I was born and live in the village of Central. We have two shops in the village, a playground, a first-aid post, a library, a post office, and a village council. The village is located near the regional center. I love my village. Almost all of my relatives live there. And I especially like my village in winter and summer. In winter, I like sledding and skiing. And in the summer I like to swim in the river and play in the playground.

Appendix 3

Photo exhibition "Our small homeland"