How do you deal with conflict situations? How to behave in a conflict situation: tactics of conducting a dispute. Basic Behavior Strategies

Readiness for a conflict situation and correct behavior in it is one of the most important qualities of a man. And it's not even that your girlfriend will be proud of you when she sees you "in action", but in yourself. The realization of one's point of view, beliefs, competent behavior and a stable emotional state are the key to success in work and relationships, as well as maintaining a stable psyche throughout life.

After all, many men do not know how to behave in critical situations and go to extremes. Some uncontrollably splash out their emotions, thereby only worsening the situation. Others, due to their stiffness and uncertainty, keep everything in themselves. And even being right, they are unable to defend their point of view. This not only harms life ambitions and success, but also has an extremely negative effect on health. After all, suppressed aggression can result in serious diseases.

How to behave as a man in a conflict situation - 6 rules

#1 Keep your body under control. The main thing is to stop the uncontrolled release of adrenaline, from which you begin to shake and provoke rash actions. If you have problems with this, you need to work on this point. How to do it? Surprisingly, only gaining experience in conflict situations. At a certain stage, making them habitual for yourself. To do this, it is not necessary to go outside and run into the first healthy forehead that comes across. For example, you may have a job for which conflict situations can be the norm. You don't have to look far for an example. Logistics. The freight forwarder acts as an intermediary between the customer and the carrier. All emergency situations fall on the shoulders of the forwarder. And believe me, there are a lot of them. You have to learn to talk to different people in different emotional states. As you gain experience, you will behave much better in critical situations. This is just one example, of which there can be many.

#2 Don't get emotional, act logically. Instead of yelling at the person (even if they are wrong), you should focus on WHAT and HOW you say. You can express your thoughts concisely, clearly and convincingly. If the opponent is wrong, it will be difficult for him to oppose anything other than his loud voice and emotions against your logically understandable and convincing arguments.

#3 Neutralize the "sing along". In some situations, "accommodating" accomplices will join your opponent. As a rule, these are the so-called "sixes", which can be easily shut up and move on to constructive communication with your main opponent. This is done quite simply. You can, for example, say that the person simply does not interfere in your conversation with the conflicting party, since he or she is not directly related to the conflict.

#4 Keep an even emotional state until your opponent "deflates". For most people, acting under strong emotions, and accordingly, adrenaline, moral strength ends very quickly. This is especially true for women. I have noticed more than once how even the most inveterate brawler, after a while, the conditional “switch” works, and she is simply cut off. Power is running out. She gives up and may even cry. It happens very unexpectedly. To a lesser extent, this applies to men. If you control yourself and maintain the most calm and confident state for this situation, after a very short time you will find yourself in a certain win.

#5 Try to maintain an internally neutral attitude towards the enemy. After all, it is quite possible that after a while he will admit that he was wrong, repent and apologize to you. If you kept a cool head, it will be easier for you to make peace. This is especially useful in working relationships.

#6 It may be the other way around. You realize that you were wrong. And here the important quality is to admit your mistake and apologize. There is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, a person will understand that you have a mind, reason and willpower. You are objective in relation to yourself, so you can conduct further communication and business with you, if it concerns work.

How to behave in a conflict situation with a stranger?

A conflict situation can occur with a random person, for example, on the street. In this case, the best option would be to leave the conflict zone as quickly as possible. In other words, leave. There is no point in proving something to a stranger with whom nothing connects you. Even if he tries to insult you. Just leave, that's all. After all, the opinion of one person is not a universal truth. And it doesn't apply to you. For example, he called you a fool. But you know that you are not stupid. And what is the point of proving this to some “leftist”, perhaps a mentally ill person? It makes no sense.

Be ready for anything

Conflict situations is an integral part of any person's life. This is neither good nor bad. Therefore, an important quality will be to be able to live through such moments with minimal moral (and in some situations, physical) losses. If necessary, smooth them out or avoid them altogether, if possible. Of course, it's all about life experience. If you happen to step out of your comfort zone again, keep the above tips in mind and put them into practice. In this case, you will become more confident in yourself, and people will take you more seriously. Good luck!

Each of us has to deal with conflict situations. As the American psychologist B. Wool figuratively noted, "life is a process of solving an infinite number of conflicts. A person cannot avoid them. He can only decide whether to participate in making decisions or leave it to others." Therefore, every person, especially in business communication, needs to have at least elementary ideas about conflicts, how to behave when they arise. Unfortunately, most people are characterized by the inability to find a worthy way out of them. In addition, as soon as a conflict arises, and it is always associated with emotions, we begin to experience discomfort, tension, which can even lead to stressful situations, thereby damaging our health. So, for example, frequent family quarrels, as a special case of conflict, cause stress among their participants. Stress is necessarily followed by depression and, trying to find a way out, i.e. to get away from the conflict, usually one of the family members, as a rule, resorts to alcohol, drugs or the establishment of a love affair on the side. Thus, the body tries to protect itself from the approaching disease, which will certainly come if the conflict cannot be resolved. The inability to resolve conflicts is one of the important reasons for frequent divorces.

Memories of conflicts usually evoke unpleasant associations: threats, hostility, misunderstanding, attempts, sometimes hopeless, to prove one's case, resentment ... As a result, the opinion has developed that conflict is always a negative phenomenon, undesirable for each of us. Conflicts are seen as something that should be avoided whenever possible.

The modern approach to the essence of the conflict considers it as an inevitable, and even in some cases a necessary element of the organization's activities.

Nowadays, management theorists and practitioners are increasingly inclined to the point of view that some conflicts, even in the most effective organization with the best relationships, are not only possible, but also desirable, despite the fact that they are nevertheless necessary to regulate. The role of conflicts and their regulation in modern society is so great that in the second half of the 20th century a special field of knowledge emerged - conflictology. A great contribution to its development was made by sociology, philosophy, political science and, of course, psychology.

Conflict is always the interaction of people. Depending on the scale of this interaction, psychological, sociological, political science and geopological levels of consideration of conflicts are distinguished.

The concept of conflict

Like many concepts in psychology, conflict has many definitions and interpretations. The very concept of conflict originates from the Latin word "conflictus" - a collision. And following the etymological meaning of this term, the English sociologist E. Giddens gives the following definition of conflict: "By conflict, I mean a real struggle between acting people or groups, regardless of the origins of this struggle and the means mobilized by each of the parties."

There are four main types of conflict: intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, conflict between an individual and a group, and intergroup conflict.

All conflicts have multiple causes. The main causes of conflict are the limited resources to be shared, the interdependence of tasks, differences in goals, differences in perceptions and values, differences in behavior, in educational levels, and poor communication.

Five main types of conflict personalities

It may seem strange, but here it is appropriate to give one important advice - treat with sympathy for people whose typical features are described below. Conflict, which has become a property of the individual, is difficult to overcome by rational self-control, by an effort of will. "Educational" influences on the part of the leader here are also rarely beneficial. Conflict is not the fault, but the misfortune of such individuals. Real help can be provided by a specialist - a practical psychologist.

Please note: we are not talking about squabblers with low morals, but about people who have specific psychological characteristics due to the basic properties of individuality.

The conflict personality is a demonstrative type.

Wants to be the center of attention.
Likes to look good in the eyes of others.
His attitude towards people is determined by how they treat him.
Superficial conflicts are easily given to him, he admires his suffering and stamina.
Adapts well to various situations.
Rational behavior is weakly expressed. There is emotional behavior.
Planning their activities is carried out situationally and poorly implements it.
Painstaking systematic work avoids.
Does not avoid conflicts, in a situation of conflict interaction feels good.
It often turns out to be a source of conflict, but does not consider itself as such.

Conflict personality - rigid type.

Has high self-esteem.
Constant confirmation of one's own worth is required.
Often does not take into account changes in the situation and circumstances.
Straightforward and inflexible.
With great difficulty accepts the point of view of others, does not really consider their opinion.
The expression of respect from others is taken for granted.
The expression of hostility from others is perceived by him as an insult.
Less critical of his actions.

Painfully touchy, overly sensitive to imaginary or real injustices.

Conflict personality - uncontrollable type

Impulsive, lacks self-control.
The behavior of such a number is poorly predictable.
Behaves defiantly, aggressively.
Often in the heat of the moment does not pay attention to generally accepted norms.
Characterized by a high level of claims.
Not self-critical.
In many failures, troubles, he is inclined to blame others.
Cannot competently plan their activities or consistently implement plans.
The ability to correlate their actions with goals and circumstances is not sufficiently developed.
From past experience (even bitter) he derives little benefit for the future.

Conflict personality - ultra-precise type

Meticulous about work.
Makes high demands on himself.
Makes high demands on others, and does it in such a way that it seems to the people with whom he works that they find fault with him.
Has increased anxiety.
Overly sensitive to details.
Tends to attach undue importance to the remarks of others.
Sometimes he suddenly breaks off relations with friends, acquaintances because it seems to him that he was offended.
He suffers from himself, experiences his miscalculations, failures, sometimes paying for them even with diseases (insomnia, headaches, etc.).
Restrained in external, especially emotional manifestations.
Does not feel very well the real relationships in the group.

Conflict personality - non-conflict type

Unstable in assessments and opinions.
Has a slight suggestibility.
Internally inconsistent.
There is some inconsistency in behavior.
Focuses on momentary success in situations.
Doesn't see the future well enough.
Depends on the opinions of others, especially leaders.
Too eager to compromise.
Doesn't have enough willpower.
He does not think deeply about the consequences of his actions and the causes of the actions of others.
The leader has to resolve conflicts not only in business, but also in the personal-emotional sphere. When resolving them, other methods are used, since, as a rule, it is difficult to single out the object of disagreement in them, there is no conflict of interest.

How to deal with a conflict personality?

1. It must be borne in mind that such people have some hidden needs, which are usually associated with past losses and disappointments, and they satisfy them in this way. For example, a super-aggressive person tries to suppress cowardice and fearfulness with his aggressiveness. 2. You must take control of your emotions and give vent to the emotions of this person if you intend to continue to communicate with him.
3. Do not take personally the words and behavior of this person, knowing that in order to satisfy their interests, a difficult person behaves this way with everyone.
4. When choosing the appropriate style of action in a conflict situation, you should consider what type of people he belongs to. In Dealing with Difficult People, Robert Bramson lists the following types of difficult people he has worked with in various firms:

aggressor- speaking rude and unceremonious, bullying others with barbs and irritated if they do not listen to him. As a rule, behind his aggressiveness lies the fear of revealing his incompetence;

complainant- a person who is seized by some idea and accuses others (someone in particular or the whole world as a whole) of all sins, but does nothing himself to solve the problem; "angry child"- a person of this type is not inherently angry, and an explosion of emotions reflects his desire to take control of the situation. For example, a boss may flare up when he feels that his subordinate has lost respect for him;

maximalist- a person who wants something without delay, even if it is not necessary;

silent- keeps everything in himself, does not talk about his grievances, and then suddenly takes out his evil on someone;

"secret avenger"- a person who causes trouble with the help of some kind of fraud, believing that someone did wrong, and he restores justice;

"false altruist"- supposedly doing you good, but deep down regretting it, which can manifest itself in the form of sabotage, demands for compensation, etc .;

"chronic accuser"- always looking for the mistakes of others, believing that he is always right, and blaming, you can solve the problem.

You can identify other types of difficult people, but the rules of behavior with them, in general, are the same.

5. If you find it necessary to continue communicating with a difficult person, you must insist that the person tell the truth, no matter what. You must convince him that your attitude towards him will be determined by how truthful he is with you and how consistently he will act in the future, and not by the fact that he will agree with you on everything. Thus, in a conflict situation or in dealing with a difficult person, you should try to see in him not only a friend, but also the best qualities. Since you can no longer change either the system of his views and values, or the psychological characteristics of his nervous system, you need to find a "key" to him, based on your life experience and desire not to complicate the situation and not bring the person to stress. If they could not "pick up the key" to him, then there is only one means left - to transfer such a person to the category of a natural disaster.

It is useful for a leader to know what individual personality traits (character traits) create in a person a tendency or predisposition to conflict relations with other people. Summarizing the research of psychologists, we can say that such qualities include:
"Inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be either overestimated or underestimated. In both cases, it may contradict the adequate assessment of others - and the ground for conflict is ready;
"the desire to dominate, by all means, where it is possible and impossible; to say your last word;
"conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;
"excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, the desire, by all means, to tell the truth in the eye;
"critical attitude, especially unreasonable and unreasoned;
"a certain set of emotional qualities of a person - anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability.

But a conflict arises if the personal characteristics of a person or group come into conflict with the above-mentioned characteristics of a person prone to conflicts, that is, in the presence of interpersonal or socio-psychological incompatibility.

As an example, consider incompatible types of temperament under certain conditions. In a normal, calm environment, the choleric and phlegmatic successfully cope with the work entrusted to them. In an emergency, the slowness of the phlegmatic, the desire to think about the course of activity and the irascibility, imbalance and fussiness of the choleric person can cause conflict between them.

Even more often, the basis for interpersonal incompatibility is the differences in the needs, interests, goals of various people interacting. The main interest, for example, of the head of an established firm or enterprise is to expand the business, and for employees, as much money as possible was allocated for salaries. This creates friction between them, which can lead to conflict even between close people.

Socio-psychological incompatibility can also arise due to the fact that the group, the environment makes demands on the individual that diverge from those to which this person is oriented.

“Argue with a man smarter than you: he will defeat you, but from your very defeat you can benefit for yourself. Argue with a man of equal mind: whoever wins, at least you will experience the pleasure of fighting. Argue with a man of the weakest mind: argue not out of a desire to win, but you can be useful to him.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

“Two are fighting - don’t interfere with the third” - says an old folk saying. But what to do when these two are your subordinates, and you are the leader? What to do and how to behave when the responsibility for resolving a conflict situation falls on your shoulders, and you simply cannot stand aside?

Yes, every leader found himself in a situation where a quarrel arises in the team, a dispute that threatens to develop into a conflict. Even the most harmless at first glance things can cause negative consequences: a careless word, distorted or incomplete information, an inappropriate joke, a careless act. Sometimes the cause of the conflict can be a new appointment, order, praise of one of the employees, a change in job responsibilities. Whatever caused the conflict in the team, the leader should not stand aside, leaving the employees themselves to figure it out. The manager needs to quickly and competently resolve the situation. But first you need the right mindset.

First of all, there is no need to be afraid of conflicts. Conflict is an integral part of the inner life of the team, and it is impossible to avoid it, because. if at least 2 people work in an organization, then, accordingly, 2 opinions are possible on the same issue, which can lead to disagreements. Of course, the conflict itself is unpleasant, but it has not only negative consequences, as many used to think. SHOW George Bernard said, "People only give us interesting information when we contradict it." Any conflict can be approached constructively, that is, one can and should benefit from it. Of course, an ideal working atmosphere, happy and efficient employees are the dream of any leader. But if we look at the situation differently, we will see that it is precisely the difficulties that make us develop, change for the better, stimulate us to conquer new heights. And since, as we have found out, conflicts are inevitable in any organization, you need to learn some subtleties of behavior in conflict that will help any leader to always be on top.

Rules of conduct in conflict.

First, you need to remain calm. Even if there is “smoke like a yoke” around and “wisps are flying along the back streets”, the leader must be calm and reasonable, this helps to better cope with the situation and choose the right decision. Emotions are a bad adviser in this case. The reputation that a leader earns every day by hard work can be either strengthened or destroyed in a single moment in a conflict. If the leader calmly with dignity takes responsibility for resolving the issue that has arisen, then the next time the employees will definitely turn to him for help as the supreme judge, without bringing the matter to a conflict. And vice versa, if the leader gives vent to emotions, shouts, threatens, then he is unlikely to have many supporters, and this fact will have a very negative impact on the reputation, because the leader must always be on top.

Secondly, you need to remain neutral. The conflict implies a clash of two sides, oppositely perceiving the cause of this very conflict. By supporting one of the parties, the manager runs the risk of significantly expanding the boundaries of the conflict, undermining authority and even losing employees. Do not prematurely assess what is happening until you have clarified the situation to the end. No need to look for someone to blame or the one who started it first. Let's think about the goal pursued in this case by the conflicting parties and the leader. Employees want to defend their point of view, and the manager needs a favorable climate in the team and friendly and satisfied employees. So you need to find a solution that will help everyone achieve their goal.

Thirdly, the search for a compromise solution. So, the leader must find a solution that would satisfy both parties, to a greater or lesser extent. To do this, he needs to find out what goals the parties are pursuing in this matter. The leader must be objective and, when making a decision, act in the interests of the company and the team, leaving personal sympathies aside. It is worth noting that in some companies, conflict resolution occurs in favor of the employee who has worked longer, brought more benefits, etc., that is, for "past merits". At the same time, the leaders do not pay attention to the fact that these merits have nothing to do with the overdue conflict. Such decisions can lead to the dissatisfaction of a large number of employees and, as a result, an even larger conflict.

Fourth, there is no need to hold public hearings. There are always so-called instigators whose views on the situation did not coincide, and which led to a conflict. As you know, the instigators very quickly have active supporters and simply sympathizers, who can subsequently be at enmity with each other, entangling the conflict with more and more intricate facts and details. No matter how many people are involved in the conflict, you should not publicly sort things out with the instigators, thereby not giving rise to its further spread. You need to talk to each of them in private and listen carefully to both points of view.

Finally, there is a lesson to be learned. To prevent similar situations from happening again in the future, the manager needs to take measures. Depending on the current situation, precedent, the manager will take certain actions to prevent such conflicts in the organization (issue decrees, orders, change job descriptions, change the algorithm for interaction between departments, etc.). But do not forget that not a single measure will work if the leader does not put the right emphasis on time. In any organization, the most valuable resource is the people who work in it. Therefore, it is simply necessary to convey to employees the core values ​​and corporate norms of the company. The more often the manager communicates with employees, the more opportunities he has to control the situation and resolve disagreements that arise even before they develop into a conflict.

1. Let your partner blow off steam. If the partner is irritated and aggressive, you need to help him. Until this happens, it is difficult or impossible to negotiate with him. During the “explosion” of a partner, you should behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogantly.
It must be remembered that a person in a state of emotional excitement is uncontrollable, and his aggressiveness is explained by a glut of negative emotions. The best technique in such moments is to imagine that there is a shell (aura) around you through which the arrows of aggression do not pass. You are isolated, like in a protective cocoon. A little imagination and this trick works.

2. Require the partner to calmly substantiate the claims. In the case of making claims in an emotional form, you can tell him that people tend to confuse facts and emotions, and that you will only take into account facts and objective evidence. You can dismiss emotions with questions: “Is what you say related to facts or opinion, conjecture?”, “What you say can not be substantiated?” etc.

3. Knock down aggression with unexpected tricks. For example, confidentially ask a conflicting partner for advice. Ask an unexpected question about something extraneous, but meaningful to him. Remind yourself of what connected you in the past, and it was very pleasant. Give a compliment, express sympathy for something. At the same time, it is important that the compliment or sympathy is not sounded in the form of irony. The main thing is that your requests, memories, compliments switch the consciousness of an angry partner from negative emotions to positive ones.

4. Do not give negative ratings to your partner, but talk about your feelings. Don't say "You're cheating on me", it's better to say "I feel cheated". Don't say, "You are a rude person," rather say, "I am very upset by the way you are talking to me."

5. Ask them to frame the desired end result and problem as a chain of obstacles. A problem is something that needs to be solved. Remember that the attitude towards a person is the background or conditions in which you have to solve it. An unfriendly attitude towards a client or partner can make you move away from solving the problem. This is a gross mistake. The reason for it is your emotions. Don't let your emotions rule you. Identify a problem with your partner and focus on it.

6. Invite the partner to express their views on resolving the problem and their solutions. Do not look for the guilty and do not explain the situation, look for a way out of it. Don't settle for the first acceptable option, but create a range of options from which you can choose the best one later. When looking for solutions, remember to look for mutually acceptable solutions. You and your partner must be mutually satisfied. And both of you should be winners, not winner and loser. If you cannot agree on something, then look for an objective measure for agreement (regulations, law, facts, existing regulations, instructions, etc.).

7. In any case, let your partner "save face." Do not allow yourself to loosen up and respond with aggression for aggression. Don't hurt your partner's dignity. He will not forgive this, even if he yields to pressure. Don't touch his personality. Let's evaluate only his actions and deeds. For example, you can say, "You've broken your promise twice already," but you can't say, "You're an optional person."

8. Reflect, like an echo, the meaning of his statements and claims. It seems that everything is clear, and yet: "Did I understand you correctly?" . This tactic eliminates misunderstandings and, in addition, demonstrates attention to the person. And it also reduces aggression.

9. In the position "on an equal footing" hold on, as if on a knife edge. Most people, when they are yelled at or blamed, also yell back or try to give in, to remain silent in order to extinguish the anger of another. Both of these positions are ineffective. Hold fast in an attitude of calm confidence. It keeps the partner from aggression and helps both not to “lose their face”.

10. Don't be afraid to apologize if you feel guilty. Firstly, it disarms the partner, and secondly, it makes him respect. After all, only confident and mature individuals are capable of apology.

11. You don't have to prove anything. In any conflict situations, no one can ever prove anything to anyone. Evidence in a conflict causes a surge of negative emotions that block the ability to understand, take into account the opponent's position and agree with the "enemy". The work of thought stops. Therefore, a calm exchange of views on the problem under discussion is needed. Such an exchange must be carried out on an equal footing.

12. Shut up first. If it so happened that you lost control of yourself and did not notice how you were drawn into an emotional conflict, try to do the only thing - shut up. No need to demand from the "enemy" to shut up. As a rule, such a requirement is ineffective or not feasible at all. The easiest way is to do it yourself. Your silence will allow you to get out of the quarrel and stop it. Using this technique, it is important to remember that silence should not be offensive to a partner, should not take the form of mockery, gloating or challenge. Silence should be directed exclusively at the object of the quarrel.

13. Do not characterize the state of the opponent. In every possible way avoid verbally stating the negative emotional state of the partner: “Well, I climbed (la) into the bottle ... Why are you nervous, angry? .. What are you mad about?”. Such "soothing" words only strengthen and intensify the development of the conflict.

14. When you leave, don't slam the door. The quarrel can be stopped if you calmly and without any words leave the room. But if at the same time you slam the door or say something offensive before leaving, you can cause the effect of a terrible, destructive force. Tragic cases are known, caused precisely by the insulting word "behind the curtain."

15. Talk when your partner is cold. If you are silent, and the partner regarded the rejection of the quarrel as a surrender, it is better not to refute this. Keep pausing until it cools down. The position of one who refuses to quarrel should completely exclude everything that is offensive and insulting to the partner. The winner is not the one who leaves the last decisive attack behind him, but the one who manages to stop the conflict at the beginning will not give it dispersal.

16. Regardless of the outcome of conflict resolution, try not to destroy the relationship. Express your respect and location to the partner and express agreement about the difficulties that have arisen. And if you save the relationship and let the partner "save face", then you will not lose him as an employee.

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Conflicts are an integral, although not the most pleasant, part of communication. They should be avoided, which is not always possible, especially if the disagreements did not arise on your initiative. In order not to lose face, you need to know how to behave in a conflict situation. After all, the ability to complete it with dignity, without an ugly scandal - this is exactly the quality that can add weight to you in the eyes of colleagues and household members.

How to behave in a situation of conflict in the family?

It is believed that family quarrels are normal. But such conflicts are just the most dangerous, because people who constantly live side by side because of such skirmishes can completely lose mutual understanding, become strangers to each other. To avoid this, you should know how to behave in a family conflict.

  1. Listen to your opponent, let him talk, and only then answer. So it will be easier for you to understand the essence of the complaint and understand how to proceed.
  2. Don't be afraid to be honest with family members about what you think about the cause of the conflict. Perhaps you just did not understand each other and everything will end at the level of negotiations.
  3. Ask household members for advice on what needs to be done to resolve the conflict. Suggest your choice.
  4. If you are not ready for constructive communication or feel that your opponent cannot perceive your words adequately, invite him to postpone the conversation for a while.
  5. During a quarrel, do not get personal, do not humiliate your opponent, even if it is your child. Yours is not a statement of claims, not senseless bickering and reproaches, you should strive to eliminate the very problem that caused the appearance of contradictions.

How to deal with conflict at work?

Conflicts at work are also not uncommon. They need to be able to nullify so as not to spoil relations with colleagues and acquire a reputation as a scandalous person. Experts give the following recommendations in this regard:

  • do not lose your temper, keep calm and composure, do not raise your voice;
  • if you feel that you cannot control yourself, then just leave the room; drink water, calm down;
  • do not be afraid to apologize if you are really to blame and the conflict provoked your actions;
  • do not let yourself be humiliated in a conflict, but do not snap back, be extremely polite;
  • call on a colleague-opponent to cooperate, give weighty arguments in favor of the fact that a reasonable compromise will be beneficial to both of you.

How to behave in a conflict with the boss?

The tips above can also be used if you have a conflict with your superiors. But above all, in such a situation, psychologists recommend not to let yourself be intimidated. Remember that your leader is also a person, although endowed with some power, which he can abuse. Do not be afraid to remind him of this, as well as the fact that you have certain rights under the law. Therefore, the boss should not threaten you with dismissal or other punishments. If you can't get your words across to him, just leave the office and come back after a while, when they subside.

How to behave in a conflict situation with a stranger?

Many are also interested in the answer to the question of how to behave in a conflict situation with a stranger. For example, if you are embroiled in a quarrel in a store or post office. It is best not to react and calmly step aside. If there is no response from you, then the instigator will lose interest in you. If he shows aggression, then you can pull out a mobile phone and announce that you are going to call the police. This is usually enough to leave you behind.