Lecture “Prevention of extremism and terrorism among the youth. Lecture for parents: "extremism among young people" - presentation Lectures on the psychology of extremism and terrorism

Lecture: "Prevention of extremism among the youth" Extremism is an evil against humanity The safety of a person's life depends largely on his worldview, on who he sees his like-minded people. It is very dangerous not to understand that opposing oneself, one's views to the outside world can provoke unfavorable and even dangerous life situations. “Terrorism”, “terrorists”, “extremism” are words that appear almost daily in the media, giving rise to concern and fear of our citizens for their present and future, for their rights and freedoms, which are guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Extremism and terrorism in all forms of their manifestations have become one of the most dangerous problems with which humanity entered the 21st century. Terrorism poses a real threat to the national security of the country: kidnappings, hostage-taking, cases of hijacking aircraft, bomb explosions, acts of violence in ethno-confessional conflicts, direct threats to implement them, etc. Therefore, the problem of countering terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation is one of the most important tasks of ensuring security at the state level. Over the past decade, major terrorist acts in our country have been the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the explosion during the parade in Kaspiysk on May 9, the seizure of the theater on Dubrovka during the performance of "Nord-Ost". September 2004 For two days in the gym of school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia) teachers, students, and their parents were kept - more than 1200 people in total. The explosion killed 331 people, including 172 children. 559 people were injured. These are truly terrible pages of our history... Extremism is also a significant problem today, which is addicting more and more young people, and especially those aged 14 to 18. Extremists radically deny the existing norms and rules in society through a set of violent manifestations committed by individuals and specially organized groups and communities. This is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity. Often, permitted mass demonstrations of protest develop into hooligan actions and riots, attacks on citizens and are accompanied by calls for violence - these are already illegal actions that, according to the degree of public danger, can be qualified as criminal, criminal. AT recent times most of the attacks are carried out under the slogan "death for the sake of salvation." Today religion is being used for evil, for destruction, to achieve chaos in the world. Mankind has forgotten the principles of humanism, justice, kindness, forgotten the essence of faith. The concept of "Islamism" appeared in the last century. It is traditionally believed that Islam is a religion of peace, goodness, moral perfection, and Islamism is radical Islam, which has turned from a purely spiritual and religious teaching into a political totalitarian ideology. Adherents of Islamism are called Islamists. Islamists want to organize the life of the entire society according to Sharia law, that is, according to the laws of Islam, written in the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. They want to make private rules for believing Muslims obligatory for all people, to turn religious laws into national laws. This means: the denial of equality between men and women, freedom of conscience, secular courts, universal literacy, the establishment strict rules dress and behavior, etc. Islamism means fundamentalism, as a return to the extremely conservative traditions of the past, a sharp and hostile rejection of modern wide borders social norms. But most importantly, the Islamists are aimed at the forceful expansion of Islam beyond the borders of their countries and believe that it is necessary to wage a holy war against the infidels - jihad. Most of the terrorist attacks of recent decades are the activities of the Islamists. It is quite clear that the behavior motivated by such ideas has a strict orientation aimed at this case against persons of other nationality or religion. This is also mixed with hatred for the existing government, which, according to extremists, condones the life of the "culprits" of all Russian troubles, which leads to an even wider dissemination of extremist ideas. It is these ideas that become the foundation for the formation of informal extremist youth groups. The system of views imposed by extremists is attractive due to the simplicity and unambiguity of its rules, promises of the opportunity to immediately, this very hour, see the result of their albeit aggressive actions. Extremism and one of its most dangerous forms- terrorism - is changing rapidly, using more and more destructive methods. Extremists operate outside of any moral framework and morality, and often turn their criminal activities into business. Therefore, now we can talk about the economic basis of extremism and terrorism. Video footage of the terrorist acts themselves, religiously motivated murders and their consequences, which in turn are a report to the customer for the money provided, is a confirmation. In the territory modern Russia illegal activities are carried out by international extremist groups that promote Islamism. This militant ideology is preached mainly through people trained in individual Arab countries. The indicated problem concerns not only the North Caucasus, but the entire territory of the Russian Federation. I would like to note the not always positive role of the media in the formation of mass consciousness. In the flow of information there is a variety of information about extreme events, terrorist acts. At the same time, on the Internet, you can come across various prohibited methods of influencing the human psyche. Related to this is the danger of drawing young people into extremist activities. At the same time, people who profess extreme views make acquaintances in social networks under the pretext of being interested in arranging their personal lives. Then, in the process of communication, extremist ideology and alien religious views are imposed. As a result, this leads to the rejection of family, friends, changes in behavior, habits. Parents, state bodies are perceived as enemies. Yes, gr. Kh., a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan, met in social network with minor B., and for 3 months corresponded with her, several times came to meet in the city where the girl lived. During the next meeting, secretly from the minor's parents, they bought tickets and left in the direction of one of the republics of the North Caucasus. Subsequently, it was established that under the promise to marry, the intention of Count. H. to sell a minor into slavery in an Arab country. In connection with the problem of the spread of extremism and terrorism, the ambiguity of youth informal associations should be noted. According to official statistics, most of the members of these associations in Russia are high school students, students of professional educational organizations, and unemployed teenagers. As practice shows, it is minors who willingly support various emerging movements and subcultures (emo, punks, goths, skins, etc.). Belonging to one of the groups, according to the minors themselves, increases self-esteem, helps to feel independent, and, at the same time, necessary for someone. Adhering to such movements, schoolchildren are often guided by his influence among their peers, rarely thinking about the fact that some of the ideas promoted by the supporters of this movement run counter to universal human values. For example, the skinhead movement that has gained strength preaches Nazi ideology. Their activities are directed against non-Russians and visitors and are associated with violations of public order, beatings, serious bodily harm, and murder. Unfortunately, in modern Russia, more and more young people are influenced by sects. A sect is a religious organization or a group of persons who are focused on their own interests, which do not coincide with the interests of society, are indifferent or contradictory to them. What is the danger of sects? The fact is that the main goal of the sect is to turn its members into obedient and servile people who can be easily controlled and subjected to any kind of exploitation to obtain the necessary benefits. Therefore, in sects people lose their health, property, money, and most importantly, the ability to live independently in society. Most sectarian communities, committed to the so-called "natural" life, force their followers to adhere to a strict diet, reject medical assistance. This is the Jehovah's Witnesses sect. For example, in St. Petersburg, a 3-year-old boy died in one of the hospitals. his mother, a Jehovist, refused to conduct a vital the child needs blood transfusion procedures. Deception, hypnosis, coding techniques and other means of mind control are used to recruit new members of the sect and further guide them. Sectarians prefer to work with children school age, whose psyche has not yet formed, and which are easy prey. Children are invited to come to an interesting conversation, and after a few heart-to-heart talks, they develop a state close to drug addiction. It is extremely difficult to get out of the sect, because. consciousness is completely closed from the critical perception of the world. So, if someone approached you, inviting you to come to an interesting unusual lecture or seminar, promising you any benefits (salary, study abroad, etc.), never give your phone number, address, exercise reasonable caution , do not give in to curiosity to the detriment common sense. Remember that almost all sects have a long history of law breaking, litigation, high-profile scandals, ruining lives. As you can see, extremism is many-sided and diverse. Modern terrorism knows no boundaries in terms of space. So great importance has the right attitude to the perceived information, the ability to analyze it and have an idea about the mechanisms and consequences of influence on the personality. One-sided or distorted information, which is transmitted, including through the Internet, often has a great power of propaganda suggestion and, of course, needs to be considered and critically evaluated. That is why it is necessary to master media literacy and learn to analyze information, be aware of the mechanisms of manipulative influence and be able to defend one's own point of view. In addition, one should cultivate tolerance in oneself as an active moral position and psychological readiness for tolerance in the name of positive interaction with people of a different cultural, national, religious or social environment.


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"The Rule of Four Don'ts":

Not talk to strangers and don't let them into the house.

Not Come with them to the elevator and the entrance.

Not get in a car with strangers.

Not linger outside after school, especially after dark.

And if a stranger simply asks to show you the right street or bring a bag, take you to the store?

Say it anyway NO!

Explain how to find the street, but in no case do not give in to persuasion to see. And even if a stranger says that he is an acquaintance of your parents, whom they sent to you, you must say that your parents did not warn you, and in no case should you see them off anywhere.

In what situations should you always answer “NO!”:

If you are offered to visit or give a lift to the house, even if it is neighbors.

If following you to school or Kindergarten a stranger came, and the parents did not warn about it in advance.

If, in the absence of parents, an unfamiliar person came, let him into the apartment or go somewhere with him.

If a new acquaintance treats something.

Very often, criminals take advantage of the gullibility of children. They offer a ride to the house or see the animal, play your favorite game.

Under no circumstances should you agree to this!

What you need to know to avoid becoming a victim:

If you are asked how to find the street, explain how to get there, but in no case see you off.

If they try to persuade you, answer that you need to go home and warn your parents, tell them where and with whom you are going.

If a stranger offers you to see something or help carry a bag, promising to pay, answer


If you were offered to act in films or participate in a beauty contest, do not immediately agree, but ask when and where you can go with your parents.

If a car slows down next to you, move as far away from it as possible and in no case get into it.

If a person does not lag behind you, go to any house and pretend that this is your house, wave your hand and call your relatives, whom you seem to see in the window.

The criminal does not always have a scary face. Any maniac can transform and become a kind and sweet uncle for a while.

Therefore, our advice is:

To all persuasion to go somewhere to watch something, or to play, you must answer “No!”, Even if it is very interesting. And, having come home, it is necessary to tell adults about this person.

But what if the adult is very persistent?

If he tells you: “I thought you were already big, but it turns out that your mother does not allow you!”.

It is very dangerous!

From such a person it is necessary to run headlong. And when you get home, be sure to tell your parents about it.Rules of conduct on the street:

If you have to walk alone in the evening, walk quickly and confidently and show no fear; you can approach a woman who inspires confidence, or an elderly couple and walk beside them.

On a bus, tram, metro, train, sit closer to the driver or driver and get out of the car at the last moment, without showing in advance that the next stop is yours.

Do not go to remote and deserted places.

Rules of conduct in your home:

Before you open the door, be sure to look through the peephole. Only let people you know well into your apartment.

Leaving the apartment, also look through the peephole. If there are people on the landing, wait until they leave.

If a plumber or electrician shows up unannounced, call your home's control room and make inquiries before letting them in.

If on returning home you feel that you are being persecuted, do not enter the house, but return to a crowded place and ask for help.

Before opening the front door with the key, make sure that no one is nearby.


Prevention of extremism

Extremism is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity. There are the following

types of extremism:

  1. political
  2. National
  3. religious

National extremismacts under the slogans of protecting “their people”, their economic interests, cultural values, as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living in the same territory.

Under religious extremismunderstand intolerance towards dissident representatives of the same or other religions. In recent years, the problem of Islamic extremism has become more acute.

Political extremismIs it movement or

Currents against the existing constitutional order.

Today, extremism is a real threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. There is an increase in informal youth movements of an extremist orientation. Currently, members of informal youth organizations (groups) of an extremist-nationalist orientation are young people aged 14 to 30, often minors aged 14 to 18.

Extremist crimes.

Extremist crimes include:

public calls for extremist activities; incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity, organization of an extremist community, etc.

Manifestations of extremist activity

  1. Terrorism - this is an extreme manifestation of extremism, a phenomenon associated with violence that threatens the life and health of citizens.
  2. Nationalism is a form of social unity based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity.
  3. Racism - this is a set of concepts, the basis of which is the provisions on physical and mental inequality human races and of the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of human society.
  4. Fascism - this is an ideology and practice that affirms the superiority and exclusivity of a particular nation or race and is aimed at inciting national intolerance, discrimination, the use of violence and terrorism, and establishing the cult of the leader.

Criminal liability for these crimes arises from the age of 16.The degree of criminal liability depends on the severity of the crime - a fine of one hundred thousand rubles up to imprisonment (from six months to life imprisonment).


Questionnaire on the attitude of citizens to manifestations of extremism

In modern society.

1. Do you know what extremism is?

1. I know

2. Rather know

3. Rather don't know

4. I don't know

5. I find it difficult to answer.

2. What, in your opinion, are the main causes of extremism?

  1. In the multinationality of the population living in Russia
  2. In the low legal culture of the population and insufficient tolerance of people
  3. In the purposeful "incitement" by representatives of extremist-minded organizations of nationalist aggression
  4. In insufficient legal education of citizens in the field of countering (preventing) extremism
  5. Insufficient number of leisure centers and special leisure programs for adolescents and adults
  6. In the crisis of school and family education
  7. In the deformation of the value system in modern society
  8. Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

3. What methods of prevention of extremism are most acceptable from your point of view?

  1. Radical, allowing tougher criminal liability for extremism, preventing the creation and functioning of new religious and national associations, total censorship
  2. Methods based on the experience of civilized foreign countries in the prevention of extremism
  3. Liberal, assuming only administrative responsibility for extremism, allowing the creation and functioning of new religious and national associations, the absence of any censorship.

4. How urgent, in your opinion, is the problem of extremism for Russia in general, for the Chelyabinsk region and your village in particular?



Rather relevant

Rather irrelevant

Not relevant

Difficult to answer


Chelyabinsk region

Your city/town

5. Have you ever encountered manifestations of extremism in your daily life?

  1. Encounter quite often
  2. Encountered once
  3. Didn't have to face
  4. I find it difficult to answer.

6. Have you experienced discrimination based on nationality, religion or other grounds in relation to your personality?

  1. Encounter quite often
  2. Encountered several times
  3. Encountered once
  4. Didn't have to face
  5. I find it difficult to answer.

7. Have you personally been involved in ethnic conflicts?

  1. I find it difficult to answer.

8. Some people experience irritation or hostility towards representatives of a particular nationality. Do you personally experience similar feelings towards representatives of any nationality?

  1. experiencing
  2. I rather experience
  3. Rather I don't feel
  4. I don't test
  5. I find it difficult to answer.

9. How do you feel about the actions of representatives of extremist organizations?

  1. I condemn such actions.
  2. I rather condemn
  3. I approve of these actions.
  4. Rather approve
  5. I find it difficult to answer.
  1. Do you know where to turn in case of discovery of facts of manifestation of extremism?
  1. I find it difficult to answer.

11. Are you ready to assist law enforcement officers in combating extremism?

  1. Ready
  2. Rather ready
  3. Not ready)
  4. Rather not ready
  5. I find it difficult to answer.

12. In your opinion, the introduction of what legislative initiatives will contribute to the eradication of extremist manifestations in society?

  1. Introduction of criminal liability for concealment of information about manifestations of extremist behavior or connivance in the creation of an extremist community (organization)
  2. Introduction of criminal liability for organizing or facilitating the dissemination of extremist information in the media
  3. Introduction of liability for inaction of officials who are obliged to carry out prevention or suppression of extremist behavior or activities of extremist communities (organizations)
  4. Other ________________________________________________________________________


13. From whom, in your opinion, the solution of the problems of extremism depends to the greatest extent?

  1. From the general population
  2. From law enforcement
  3. From local (municipal) authorities
  4. From regional (regional) authorities
  5. From federal authorities
  6. From myself.

14. How big is the danger of the spread of extremism in modern Russia in general, in the Chelyabinsk region and in your village in particular?


Pretty big

rather large


not great



Difficult to answer


Arhangelsk region

Your city/town

15. Your suggestions for improving the activities of the bodies state power in the field of countering and preventing extremism:


16. How long have you been living in the Arkhangelsk region?

  1. Less than 5 years
  2. 5 to 10 years
  3. 10 to 20 years
  4. Over 20 years
  5. All my life, I was born here.

17. Your age:

  1. 18 - 30 years old
  2. 30 - 45 years old
  3. 46 - 55 years old
  4. 56 - 65 years old
  5. 65 - 75 years old
  6. Over 75 years old.

18. Your education:

  1. Lower secondary
  2. The average
  3. Specialized secondary
  4. Incomplete higher education
  5. Higher.

19. What are your professional interests?

  1. Health care, education, culture
  2. Department of Housing and Utilities
  3. Trade, catering and consumer services
  4. State, municipal service
  5. Military service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Police
  6. Communication, transport
  7. Industry
  8. Agriculture
  9. small business
  10. Public organization (NPO)
  11. Student (student)
  12. Retired (not employed)
  13. unemployed (housewife)

14. Other __________________________________________________________________

20. Where do you live?

1. In the city

2. In the village

3. In the village

Thank you for your cooperation!


"What is extremism?"


Educational:to find out the causes of extremism and terrorism to reveal the varieties of terrorism.

Developing: develop the ability of oratory through speeches prepared by students; instill skills independent work; to teach children to analyze events, draw conclusions, be able to convincingly and reasonably prove their point of view.

Educational: to form patriotism; foster a sense of rejection of violence, terrorism and extremism.

Event form: oral journal.

Method: research.

Event progress

Teacher introduction:

Mankind has always been at war. Over the past five thousand years, about 15,000 large and small wars have been recorded, in which several billion people died. 60 years ago, the battles of the Great Patriotic War died down. Squeezing the Nazis, our fathers and grandfathers dreamed and firmly believed that after the victory on the planet there would be no more wars and an amazing time of universal brotherhood will come. The victory was won, but the general peace did not come.

Local wars and military conflicts related to religious, territorial and national disputes continue. Our seemingly peaceful life is increasingly being invaded by such an ominous phenomenon as terrorism. Terrorism is also war. And no one is safe from it. Including us.

Student message:

Some time ago, such terrible words as"terrorism" and "extremism". Now every child knows what lies behind these concepts. From the explanatory dictionary, the etymology of the term"extremism" finds its roots in Latin, translated as "extreme" (views and measures).

Terrorism "terror" is translated as "horror" (intimidation by the death penalty, murder and all the horrors of rampage).

The growth of extremism is a serious threat to stability and public security. International terrorism is a set of acts that are socially dangerous on an international scale, entailing senseless death of people, disrupting the normal diplomatic activities of states and their representatives, and hindering international contacts and meetings, as well as transport links between states. Let's try to understand the causes of extremism and terrorism. Let's find out who makes up the social base of extremism and terrorism.

Student message:

The causes of extremism include the following:

This large property stratification of the population leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This lack of spirituality is the lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects for the development of the country, the loss of a sense of ownership and responsibility for the fate of the motherland.

The social base of extremist groups is made up of people who have not been able to adapt to new living conditions. Young people who are not able to critically approach the content of publications in the media, due to the lack of life experience, turned out to be the most susceptible to this influence. This is a very good environment for extremist groups. Most youth extremist groups are informal. A number of their members have a vague idea of ​​the ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology, external paraphernalia and other accessories, the opportunity to feel like a member of a kind of "secret society" that has the right to commit reprisals against persons objectionable to the group with impunity, all this attracts young people.

The future of the country largely depends on who wins the "battle for the minds and hearts" of the younger generation. Only the efforts of the entire society can create a reliable barrier to the spread of extremism.


Is terrorism and extremism a spontaneous act or is someone behind it?

Student message:

Whoever we take - Afghan and Iranian al-Qaeda fighters, Palestinian suicide bombers, immigrants from Somalia who blew themselves up in the London Underground, Chechen fighters, Pakistanis and Algerians weaving terrorist networks in Europe - they all come from the most backward states , which today have no chance to somehow approach the developed ones. But we must always remember that any terrorist act or threat of its commission, no matter how they try to justify it, is evil, is a crime. The threat of terrorist acts can arise almost anywhere. Al-Qaeda is an organization of Islamic fundamentalists. Implements combat operations all over the world.

Created in 1988. and was led by Saudi-born Osama bin Laden

The purpose of the organization is the overthrow of secular regimes in Islamic states and the establishment of an Islamic order, Al - Qaeda considers the United States as the main enemy of Islam. He created construction organizations that build roads and tunnels in the interests of the Islamic opposition. At the same time, Ladan was directly involved in military operations. He recruited around the world and trained volunteers who wanted to take part in jihad against the USSR. But by 1988 Ladan's interests are less and less connected with Afghanistan and more and more with the international struggle of the Islamists. Subsequently, mazhaheds began to appear in various terrorist organizations in the Middle East, took part in wars in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Tajikistan. Al-Qaeda sees all the conflicts taking place in the Middle East as a struggle between devout Muslims on the one hand and heretics and atheists on the other. The enemies of Islam include both moderate Islamic regimes (Saudi Arabia and the like) and the United States. The presence of US troops is viewed by Frankincense as a new crusade of the Christian West against the Muslim East, as the occupation of holy places.

"Terrorism" is one of the most impressive myths that the mass consciousness is obsessed with. Let's try to define terrorism in the most general terms and highlight its main varieties.

Student message:

I repeat, I will say that terrorism is the conscious use of illegitimate violence (most often with a deliberate focus on spectacular, dramatic effect) by some group, thereby seeking to achieve certain goals that are obviously unattainable in a legitimate way.

Ideological terrorism.The presence of two camps (power and dissatisfied with her revolutionaries - terrorists). For example: Russian populists, French anarchists, German conservatives, Bolsheviks, fascists, neo-fascist terrorist attacks in Italy in the late 70s, Red Brigades and the Red Army in Germany, etc.

ethnic terrorism.Ethnic minorities see terrorism as the only way to make their demands known in conditions when full political participation in determining their own destiny is otherwise impossible.. Ethnoterrorism may be racial. The most striking examples are the Sicilian separatists, the Irish, the Kurds, the Karabakh Armenians and the Chechens.

religious terrorism.Religious minorities or an active avant-garde, who have known the hostile influence of the authorities, come forward. The basis for belittling the "infidels", representatives of a different religion. The most extreme formulations are "chosen", "saved", "damned". The classic examples of such terrorism are the Zionist terrorism in Palestine and modern Islamic terrorism.

Criminal terrorism.Most often, such terrorism is accompanied by a demand of a semi-political nature. For example: providing means of transportation in order to leave a certain area, releasing prisoners, and so on. Examples: Bolshevik and anarchist raiders and robbers, US ethnic mafias (Jewish, Sicilian and Chinese), extremist bank takeovers, etc.

individual terror.This is not a loner - a revolutionary, not a loner - a nationalist, not a loner - a religious fanatic, not a loner - a criminal, but a person in the independence of his ideological orientation, causing harm to society.


Swift and brilliant, cruel and indifferent twenty-first century. He can be safely called a monster with an iron heart, he does not want to hear groans, does not notice tears, often mistaking them for transparent dew on a person's face. The events in Chechnya are full of extremism. Hatred, anger, cruelty, extreme measures, extreme views, extreme actions. These are all the words that characterize these events

Once again we were convinced that extremism is really cruelty based on hatred and anger, and sometimes even stupidity, subordinated to blind faith.


Live conversation on this topic:

Why do conflicts arise? How are they allowed at school? class?

How do you feel about terrorism and extremism?

What forms and methods of combating terrorism can you offer.

Terrorism and extremism manifestation of hatred or stupidity? Justify your answer.


Class hour: "Terrorism is a threat to society" in the 8th grade


  1. explain the essence of terrorism, its types and goals;
  2. improving schoolchildren's knowledge about terrorism;
  3. basics of safety in emergencies;
  4. formation of public consciousness and citizenship the rising generation.


  1. Learn the rules of conduct in a terrorist attack;
  2. Develop the skills of search, research work;
  3. Formation of the ability to work in groups.


  1. video recorder,
  2. TV set,
  3. multimedia projector,
  4. posters with the inscriptions “Terrorism is a threat to society”, “War against the defenseless”,
  5. magnetic board,
  6. memorial blanks.

(First, students look at footage of the chronicle about the actions of terrorists in Budenovsk, Moscow, Beslan, USA).

The course of the conversation

Teacher. Terrorism is a serious crime when an organized group of people seek to achieve their goal through violence. Terrorists are people who take hostages, organize explosions in crowded places, use weapons. Often the victims of terrorism are innocent people, including children. Over the past decade, major terrorist acts in our country have been the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the explosion during the parade in Kaspiysk on May 9, the seizure of the theater on Dubrovka during the performance of "Nord-Ost". September 2004 Over 1,200 teachers, students and their parents were kept in the gymnasium of school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia) for two days. The explosion killed 331 people, including 172 children. 559 people were injured. These are terrible pages of history ...

The current international situation can hardly be called stable. And one of the reasons for this is the scope of terrorism, which today is acquiring a truly worldwide character. Significant changes in the forms of terrorism and in the practice of combating it have also taken place in our country. Russia has faced the egregious facts of its manifestation, both on its own territory and in the near abroad. The events of recent years have clearly proved that Russia, like the entire world community, is unable to resist the scope of terrorism. It was precisely these circumstances that caused the need to develop the Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism”, adopted in July 1998.

Today we have gathered to discuss the problem, which is stated as follows: "Terrorism is a threat to society." A representative of the Narym detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations takes part in our conversation (full name)

So what is terrorism? Where does this word come from? What does it carry? And how to behave in such a situation? These are the questions of the conversation, to which we will try to answer.

Terror - intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by committing acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking).

The concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”, appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. This is how the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the French Revolution, the word “Terrorism” became synonymous with a criminal. Until very recently, the term “terrorism” already meant a range of different shades of violence.

In 1881, Tsar Alexander II was killed by Narodnaya Volya using a homemade bomb. In 1911, the chairman of the Council of Ministers was killed by an Okhrana agent

P.A. Stolypin. In the period 1902-1907. terrorists in Russia carried out about 5.5 thousand terrorist acts. Their victims were ministers, deputies of the State Duma, gendarmes, policemen and prosecutors.

In the USSR, terrorism before the aggravation of national conflicts was a very rare phenomenon. The only notorious case was the explosion in the Moscow metro car in January 1977, which claimed more than ten lives. At that time, the situation in the country was different, and potential terrorists knew that they would not achieve their goals by such actions.

Our country seriously faced terrorism during the “perestroika”. Already in 1990, about 200 explosions were committed on its territory, in which more than 50 people died. In 1991, in what was then the USSR, more than 1,500 people died as a result of bloody clashes, more than 10,000 citizens were injured, and 600,000 became refugees. During the period 1990-1993, about one and a half million firearms were illegally imported into Russia. Question: for what?

Since 1992, in Russia, such a phenomenon as contract killings of objectionable persons has become widespread. Journalists, deputies of the State Duma, entrepreneurs, bankers, mayors of cities, businessmen became and become their victims.

What is happening strikes the mind, but here is the paradox: at the beginning of the third millennium, the population of Russia began to get used to reports of new contract killings, skirmishes on the streets of cities.

Teacher. What is the essence of terrorism?

Dictionaries define the concept of "terrorism" as the violent actions of criminals with the aim of undermining the existing government, complicating international relations, political and economic extortion from states. It is the systematic use or threat of violence against civilians as a means of blackmailing existing authorities to achieve certain political, social or economic goals.

Types of modern terrorism:

  1. Nationalist
  2. Religious
  3. Political

A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, because it is directed, first of all, against the state. Its task is to subjugate the state, its bodies, the entire public, to force them to comply with the demands of the terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

1999 Two residential buildings were blown up in Moscow. 200 people died.

  1. Pyatigorsk, Kaspiysk, Vladikavkaz, Buynaks, Budenovsk, Kizlyar, Beslan, where many, many innocent citizens of Russia suffered.
  2. October 2002 - hostage-taking in Moscow - Theater Center on Dubrovka.
  3. February 6, 2004 - an explosion in a Moscow metro car killed about 50 people.
  4. A surge in terrorism occurred in 2003. Among the most large-scale and bloody are:
  5. May 12 - an explosion near residential buildings in the Nadterechny district of Chechnya. 59 people died, 320 were injured;
  6. July 5 explosion in Moscow (Tushinsky market) killed - 17 people, 74 were injured;
  7. On December 5, an explosion in an electric train in Yesentuki killed 32 people, injured 150.
  8. December 9 - Moscow explosion on Manezhnaya Square (7 people were killed, 13 were injured.)
  9. In 2004, the whole world shuddered with a new series of terrorist attacks: the simultaneous explosions of two passenger planes on August 24, killing 90 people.

Rampant terrorism is today not only Russian, but already the most acute international problem. Many facts testify to this, but the explosion in New York of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of 3.5 thousand people, combined into one chain of explosions on March 11, 2004 in suburban trains in the center of Madrid (Spain), are especially eloquent. terrorist attacks in Israel, in the Philippines, in other countries.

Students put up posters on a magnetic board:

Teacher. How not to become a victim of a terrorist attack? About this, about the basic rules of conduct in the face of the threat of terrorist acts.

(Answers: visits to regions, cities, places and events where terrorist attacks are possible should be avoided. Such a region, for example, the North Caucasus. Crowded places are crowded events. Caution and civil vigilance should be exercised here.)

What is civic vigilance? (Answers: for example, a suspicious object left by someone (package, box, suitcase, etc.))

What actions should be taken when suspicious items are found? (Answers: do not touch, do not open, fix the time, notify the administration, wait for the police to arrive.)

If you heard gunshots while at home, what would be your first action? (answers: do not enter the room from which shots are heard, do not stand by the window, report by phone).

If you received a threat by phone, you need to (answers: remember the conversation, estimate the age of the speaker, speech rate, voice, fix the time, contact law enforcement after calling).

If there was an explosion nearby, what would you do? (Answers: fall to the floor, make sure that you have not received serious injuries, look around, try, if possible, provide first aid, follow all the orders of the rescuers).

If you were among the hostages? (Answers: remember the main thing - the goal is to stay alive, not to allow tantrums, not to try to resist. Do nothing without permission, remember - the special services have begun to act).


At the end of the conversation, students are given the following task.


“During the disco, a strong brawl began, accompanied by a crush ...” (Your actions).

“You were taken hostage by a man who robbed a store…” (Your actions). Students offer their projects of actions from these situations, there is a discussion.

Group of students "Experts" (head: a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, supervises the group members, the actions of students to get out of these "situations")

Groups of students are given cards.

“Finish the sentences, text” For example:

Card No. 1 “In case of terrorist acts, it can ...”

There was shooting, you were on the street, your actions ……………

Card number 2 “If you were taken hostage…”


Card number 3 “If you received threats by phone”

You should:…………………………………..

Card #4 “You found a suspicious item”

Your actions: …………………………..

Card #5 “If you heard gunshots while at home”

You need:

Card number 6 “If there was an explosion nearby”

Your actions…………………

Teacher. What conclusion can be drawn from the conversation that took place?

(Student answers)

Thus, we can conclude that terrorism in Russia is caused by social contradictions. They have a negative impact on all sides public life countries. The most important prerequisite for an effective fight against terrorism, along with the measures of law enforcement agencies of the special services, is the ability of citizens to resist terrorist attacks and behave correctly in the face of this danger.



Chairman of the trade union committee Director of the MOU Ural secondary school

______________________ ____________________________

"___" ___________ 20__ "___" ___________20__

Job description

responsible for security.

1. Job responsibilities and powers

1. Responsible for ensuring security is obliged to:.

one . 1. Know and be guided in their activities by the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal documents to ensure safety, labor protection, prevention and non-admission of terrorist acts, to combat manifestations of terrorism and extremism.

1.2. Organize work in an educational institution to ensure security, anti-terrorist protection, countering extremism, fire safety and electrical safety, prevention of industrial injuries, compliance with the internal regime and maintaining public discipline.

1.3. Develop planning documents, security measures, anti-terrorist protection and civil defense, draft orders, orders, instructions, memos, visual propaganda and other documents.

1.4. Participate in the development of annual and monthly plans educational work in terms of the preparation and conduct of activities to instill resistance to the involvement of students and employees of the institution in extremist organizations and illegal actions.

1.5. Plan and conduct training sessions for teaching staff, service personnel on issues related to security, anti-terrorism protection, civil defense and actions in the event of an emergency. emergencies in an educational institution.

1.6. Organize work to comply with the requirements within the facility regime, internal regulations, and prevent antisocial behavior of students in an educational institution.

1.7. Organize the work of children's public organizations and the parent community ( parent committees, groups, student self-government body, organizations "Young combatant", "Young fireman", " Young Inspector on safe traffic, etc.) to ensure public order in an educational institution.

eighteen. Organize and maintain interaction with the internal affairs bodies, the FSB, civil defense and emergency situations, the prosecutor's office on matters of law enforcement and security. Coordinate the work plans of the institution, other documents related to ensuring security in an educational institution, with law enforcement agencies.

1.9. Assist teaching staff in ensuring security and public order during cultural and mass events.

1.10. Develop documents and conduct special exercises (trainings) on the actions of students and teaching staff in emergency and extreme situations, training according to the GO plan.

1.11. Control the maintenance of basement, utility, utility, technical, attic premises in a safe condition and in proper order, require responsible officials to keep them closed and sealed, and fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, emergency exits in readiness for use.

1.12. Ensure preliminary control of the preparation of venues for mass events, the permanent presence of students and employees (classrooms, classrooms, sports halls, production workshops, and other premises) for their safety.

one . 13. Personally monitor the accounting, storage status of personal protective equipment, medicines, chemicals, toxic technical liquids to ensure their reliable safety and prevent unauthorized access to them.

one . 14. Comply with established internal rules, regulations and requirements job description maintain a level of qualification sufficient to perform the assigned duties.

1.15. The security officer organizes:

Work in an educational institution to ensure security, anti-terrorist protection of all categories of employees and students, to fulfill the tasks of civil defense, requirements for ensuring law and order and maintaining public discipline;

Educational and explanatory work on the implementation of the requirements of public and personal security, the manifestation of vigilance to all facts and manifestations that create a danger to the life and health of employees and students while they are in an educational institution, preventing manifestations of extremism and antisocial behavior;

Work on planning and conducting events (classes, trainings) with teaching staff who are trained in actions in cases of emergency situations (ES) in an educational institution.

The security officer has the right to:

one . sixteen . Demand from all officials and students in the institution the exact and strict implementation of the provisions of the guidelines for ensuring security in the educational institution, for the prevention and non-admission of terrorist acts, maintaining public order, established rules and discipline.

1.17. Carry out checks of the status of the intra-object mode and the implementation of the established routine. Within the limits of its authority, make decisions on the organization and conduct of measures to ensure security, anti-terrorist protection, civil defense, coordinating them with the head of the institution.

1.18. Make proposals for improving the activities of the educational institution to ensure the public and personal safety of students and staff, the proper operation of equipment and property, the development and improvement of the material and technical base.

1.19. Make additions to the instructions on safety measures, the use of equipment, premises within the limits of his competence.

1.20. Give instructions to the staff of the institution and students on security issues, compliance with the requirements for ensuring law and order, established safety regulations.

1.21. Take urgent measures to identify, prevent and suppress all prerequisites that endanger the life and health of students and employees of the institution, protection against terrorism and other dangerous manifestations.

P. Qualification required

2.1. To fulfill the position of an educational institution responsible for ensuring security on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism, you must have:

a) by the level of professional education: higher professional education in the specialty "public administration" or military, legal, historical, political science, philosophy or education, which is considered equivalent;

b) by seniority and work experience in the specialty:

Work experience in the specialty for at least three years;

c) according to the level of knowledge of the legislation:

Knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation and regulations governing security issues, countering terrorism and extremism, civil defense;

d) by the level of computer literacy:

Ownership computer technology at the personal user level.

Sh. Responsibility

3. 1. Responsible for ensuring the security of an educational institution on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism is appointed and dismissed by the head of the educational institution.

3.2. The head of the educational institution is the direct supervisor who gives orders and instructions to the educational institution responsible for ensuring security on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism.

3.3. For failure to perform or improper performance of official duties, the person responsible for ensuring the security of an educational institution on security issues, countering terrorism and extremism is subject to disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


I approve: _____________________

Director of the Ural School

Action plan for the implementation of the program

“Prevention of extremism, ethnoseparatism.

Formation of tolerance»

for 2012-2013 academic year


the date



Holiday "Traditions and customs of my country"



Deputy Director for BP

Photo contest "Beauty will save the world"



Art teacher

"Extremism and patriotism" hour of communication



history teachers

Drawing competition on the wall "We are different, but we are together"


Art teacher

Month of tolerance formation (work according to the monthly plan)



Deputy Director for BP

Essay competition "Who do I consider a tolerant person?"



Teacher of Russian language

Pedagogical Council "Russian as a language of interethnic communication"



Russian language teacher, librarian

Competition "School Leader"



Deputy Director for BP

Parent meeting "Education of humanity in adolescents"



Classroom teachers

An hour of communication "Who is a well-mannered person?"


Primary school teacher

Issue of newspapers “How to save the planet Earth?”



Deputy Director for BP

Photo exhibition "World without violence"

Holiday "Family Day"



Deputy Director for BP

Competition of drawings on asphalt "Peace is the basis of life on earth"



Art teacher

Essay competition for Victory Day



Teacher of Russian language

Participation in events dedicated to Victory Day



Deputy Director for BP

The best student team



Deputy Director for BP


I approve: _____________

Director of the Ural secondary school









ZAM. director of VR

- Checking the correct operation of the warning system, alarm, fire alarm and other engineering life support systems

Inspection of the building, territory, sports grounds for the detection of suspicious objects

Inspection of fences, gates, wickets, emergency exits, locks, locks, gratings for their integrity and serviceability


Duty administrator, caretaker, watchman

Consideration of issues related to extremism at meetings, MO, production meetings

During a year


Study of the Regulations, instructions, memos and other documentation on ensuring safety at the school with newly arrived employees within a week after admission


Deputy director for water management, supply manager

Documentation support (issuance of necessary orders and orders, approval of plans, schedules, etc.) for the safety of mass events


Director, Deputy Director


Designated persons

Instructing school staff and teachers on countering extremism and terrorism

Twice a year

Deputy director for security

During a year



Seminar for class teachers "Teacher Tolerance"


Deputy director of VR

Participation in district events for teachers on the prevention of extremism

During a year

Teaching staff



Deputy VR directors, class teachers

Conducting thematic class hours and hours of communication in order to counter extremism and build tolerance among students

During a year

Classroom teachers

Lessons on the basics of legal knowledge aimed at the formation of tolerant attitudes among students.

Responsibility for participation in groups inciting ethnic hatred

During a year

History and law teachers

Providing safety reminders and instructions to newly arrived students within a week of enrolment


Classroom teacher

Familiarization of participants (employees, students and their parents) of mass events with the necessary safety documentation


Designated persons

During a year

Deputy director of VR

During a year

Deputy VR directors, class teachers

Design competition


Deputy director of VR

Conversation with students about the consequences of false reports of impending terrorist attacks


Deputy director of VR

Conducting a planned evacuation of students

2 times per year

OBJ teacher

The study of normative documents on countering extremism at the lessons of social science

During a year

social studies teachers

During a year

Teaching staff

The practical orientation of classes on OBZh on security measures, actions in extreme situations

During a year

OBJ teacher

Events dedicated to the day of national unity


Deputy director of VR

Activities within international day tolerance


Deputy director of VR

Thematic exhibitions

During a year


Deputy director of VR

I approve: _____________

Director of the Ural School

(Mokrushina Z.A.)






Classroom hours and socializing hours:

“Extremism and patriotism”, “We are all different, but all equal”, “Children of different nations, we live in the dream of friendship”, “What does it mean to respect another”….

(grades 1-11)

Classroom teachers

Parent meeting "Problems of extremism among teenagers"

Classroom teachers

Intellectual game "We are united by good deeds"

9-11 grade

Shishkina L.L.

Competitive intellectual game for the Day of National Unity "Cloth of the World"

5-8 grade

Lyalina T.M.

Photo contest "My favorite corner of my area"

Natfullina Z.A.

Name of the Program

"Prevention of extremism, ethnoseparatism and strengthening of tolerance at school for 2012-2014"

Program Developer

Head teacher

Deputy Director for BP

life safety teacher-organizer

Program approval date

Pedagogical Council of the Ural secondary school Protocol No.

Program Goals

Creation of a tolerant environment in the school based on the values ​​of a multinational Russian society, all-Russian civic identity and cultural self-awareness, the principles of respect for human rights and freedoms.

Program objectives

  1. Education of tolerance through the education system.
  2. Strengthening tolerance and prevention of extremism among the youth.
  3. Promoting national-cultural interaction at school.
  4. Maintaining interfaith peace and harmony among students and teachers
  5. Improving the mechanisms for ensuring law and order in the field of interethnic relations at school.
  6. Facilitating the adaptation and integration of migrants into the cultural and social space of the school.
  7. Improving the mechanism of international and interregional cooperation in the formation of a culture of peace and tolerance at school.

Expected immediate results of the Program implementation

1. Increasing the number of students and pupils covered by additional educational programs for the study of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world by 5%.

2. Increasing the number of thematic exhibitions of student works aimed at developing interethnic integration and preventing manifestations of extremism
up to 4 exhibitions.

3. Increase in the number of specialists covered by advanced training courses on the formation of attitudes of tolerant attitude by 10%

4. Increase in the number of participants in events for the study and exchange of experience in the regulation of interethnic and interfaith relations by 10%.

5. Increasing the number of museum expositions dedicated to the national cultures of people living in autonomous region ethnic groups by 5%.

Terms of the Program implementation


Expected outcomes of the program implementation

  1. Increasing the proportion of young people participating in events aimed at preventing manifestations of xenophobia and extremism out of the total number of young people.
  2. Increasing the number of socially significant projects (actions) aimed at developing interethnic and interfaith tolerance.

Characteristics of the problem

The program is aimed at strengthening a tolerant environment in the school based on the values ​​of a multinational Russian society, respect for human rights and freedoms, maintaining international peace and harmony.

A lot is being done at school in order to form in children and young people attitudes towards a positive perception of ethnic and confessional diversity, interest in other cultures, respect for their inherent values, traditions, and the unique way of life of their representatives. The existing system of work with students is largely aimed at fostering tolerant consciousness and behavior, rejection of nationalism, chauvinism and extremism.

At the same time, the education system does not provide the whole range of measures, the implementation of which could effectively form the foundations of a tolerant worldview among preschoolers, schoolchildren and students. This is evidenced by the manifestations of national and racial intolerance in the youth environment, the growth in the number of conflicts on ethnic grounds among adolescents.

Youth is a special social group, which, in the conditions of ongoing social transformations, most often turns out to be the most vulnerable from an economic and social point of view. There is a growing number of teenagers who consider themselves to be part of informal youth movements. A significant separation of the youth subculture from the cultural values ​​of older generations, national traditions and mentality threatens to undermine the fundamental culture of society.

The mass media of district significance publishes materials onpreventing manifestations of extremism, inciting racial and religious hatred.To establish the facts of publication of information of extremist content, the media and information resources of the Internet are monitored. These measures are clearly not enough. It is necessary to create a single information space for promoting the values ​​of peace and harmony in interethnic and interfaith relations, the potential of the media is not fully used to promote free and open dialogue, discuss existing problems, overcome indifference towards groups and ideologies that preach intolerance.

Tolerance implies not only understanding, but also acceptance of the fact that the world around us and the peoples inhabiting it are very diverse. Moreover, each ethnic group is unique and unrepeatable. Only recognition of ethnic and religious diversity, understanding and respect for the cultural characteristics inherent in representatives of other peoples and religions, combined with the democratic values ​​of civil society, can contribute to the creation of a truly tolerant atmosphere in the life of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

The program for the prevention of extremism, the harmonization of interethnic and intercultural relations, the prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, the strengthening of tolerance in schools is designed to strengthen the foundations and systematize the methods of the long-term process of forming a tolerant consciousness and behavior of schoolchildren.

Mechanism for the implementation of the target Program

The program is designed for phased implementation during 2011-2013:

Stage I (2012) - development of methodological, scientific, methodological and technological foundations for the harmonization of interethnic and intercultural relations, the prevention of manifestations of xenophobia and extremism, the education of a culture of peace, the formation of tolerant consciousness and behavior; generalization and development of the constructive experience in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra of the formation of tolerant consciousness, the prevention of manifestations of xenophobia, the education of a culture of peace; monitoring of existing mechanisms for the prevention of ethnic extremism and xenophobia; development of criteria for evaluating their effectiveness; development of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the level of ethno-cultural tolerance among schoolchildren.

Stage II (2012-2014) - implementation of a system of measures to create a tolerant environment in areas related to interethnic, intercultural and interfaith interactions at school; creation and improvement of the system of control over the execution of the decisions made and the implementation of the Program activities; implementation of the accumulated Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra experience in the formation of tolerant consciousness, the prevention of xenophobia, the education of a culture of peace; introduction of developed effective technologies for the formation of a tolerant environment, tolerant consciousness and behavior; monitoring of existing mechanisms for the prevention of ethnic extremism and xenophobia; summarizing the experience gained and evaluating the results of the Program implementation.

The real mechanisms for the implementation of the Program are comprehensive measures aimed at developing civil society, fostering civil solidarity, patriotism and internationalism, maintaining peace and harmony, countering any manifestations of extremism and xenophobia.

The Program Coordinator is the school administration, which manages and controls the implementation of the Program, and ensures that measures are adjusted if necessary.

Under the current management of the Program Coordinator, the following main tasks are performed:

analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of program activities;

adjustment of the activities of the Program

monitoring the implementation of the Program indicators, collecting operational reporting information, preparing and submitting reports on the progress of the Program in the prescribed manner.

The program planned the following activities:

annual adjustment based on the results of the implementation of the Program of Measures and the amount of funding;

informational, organizational, methodological and expert-analytical support of ongoing events, research work, analytical and expert monitoring of public opinion, media coverage of the processes and results of the Program implementation;


Familiarization with the action plan for the prevention of extremism

Deputy director of VR


Consideration of issues related to extremism at meetings, MO, production meetings.

During a year



Accumulation methodological material on countering extremism.

During the year


The study by teachers of normative documents on countering extremism.



Seminar of class teachers

"Teacher Tolerance"

Deputy VR directors


Participation in regional events for teachers on the prevention of extremism.

During a year

Teaching staff

  1. Working with parents
  1. Working with students


Diagnostic work to study the personal properties of tolerance in students

Deputy director of VR, class teachers.


Conducting thematic class hours of communication with the aim of countering extremism and building tolerance among students

during a year

Classroom teachers


Lessons on the basics of legal knowledge aimed at the formation of tolerant attitudes among students. Responsibility for participation in groups inciting ethnic hatred.

during a year

Teachers of history and law.


Charity events "Children to Children"

during a year

Deputy director of VR


Events to study the culture and traditions of other peoples

during a year

Deputy director of VR, class teachers.


Design competition

Deputy director of VR


Identification of children who are members of various kinds of extremist groups.

during a year

Teaching staff


The practical orientation of classes on OBZH on security measures, actions in extreme situations.

Federal Law No. 114-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On Counteracting Extremist Activity” defines extremist activity (extremism) as: violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation; public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities; incitement of social, racial, national or religious hatred; propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion; violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen, depending on his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion; preventing citizens from exercising their electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum or violating the secrecy of voting, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

In the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 114-FZ "On countering extremist activity", extremist activity (extremism) is defined as: obstruction of the lawful activities of state bodies, local governments, election commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations, combined with violence or the threat of its use; commission of crimes for the motives specified in paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or paraphernalia or symbols confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols; public calls for the implementation of these acts or the mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, as well as their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution;

In the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 114-FZ "On countering extremist activity", extremist activity (extremism) is defined as: a public knowingly false accusation of a person holding a public position of the Russian Federation or a public position of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, of committing by him during the period the performance of their official duties of the acts specified in this article and which are a crime; organization and preparation of these acts, as well as incitement to their implementation; financing of these acts or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including through the provision of educational, printing and material and technical base, telephone and other types of communication or the provision of information services.

At present, informal youth groups can be conditionally divided into several groups: Fans of sports teams Nationalist groups (including skinheads) Pro-Western fans of various musical trends (punks, rappers, etc.) Fans of various cults (Satanists, Krishnaites, etc.) Left radical groups (AKM, NBP, SCM).

Administrative responsibility for committing an offense of an extremist nature. article 20.3 - "propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols" article - "production and distribution of extremist materials."

Criminal liability for crimes of an extremist nature Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability (from the age of 16) for actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, language, origin , attitudes towards religion, as well as belonging to any social group.

The main signs that a teenager is beginning to fall under the influence of extremist ideology: -his behavior becomes much more harsh and rude, profanity or jargon is progressing; - the style of clothing and appearance changes dramatically, corresponding to the rules of a certain subculture; -on the computer there are many saved links or files with texts, videos or images of extremist-political or social-extreme content;

The main signs that a teenager is beginning to fall under the influence of extremist ideology: - incomprehensible and atypical symbols or paraphernalia appear in the house (as an option - Nazi symbols), objects that can be used as weapons; - spends a lot of time at the computer or self-education on issues not related to schooling, fiction, films, computer games; - increased interest bad habits; - a sharp increase in the number of conversations on political and social topics during which extreme judgments with signs of intolerance are expressed; - Internet aliases, passwords, etc. are of an extreme political nature.

If you suspect that your child has fallen under the influence of an extremist organization, do not panic, but act quickly and decisively: 1. Do not categorically condemn the teenager's hobby 2. Start "counter-propaganda". 3. Limit the teenager's communication with acquaintances that have a negative influence on him, 4. Seek psychological support.

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education


Lectures for individual advocacy, individual samples of propaganda materials

Rostov-on-Don 2010

Lecture "Prevention of extremism and terrorism among the youth"

Lecture "The role of creativity for the formation of anti-extremist poly-confessional and cultural values"

Sample propaganda material "Designing a psychologically safe, tolerant educational environment in multi-ethno-confessional regions"

Lecture "Youth subcultures and anti-extremist consciousness"

Lecture "Psychological practice of formation of anti-terrorist values ​​in the family"

Sample propaganda material "Plan-development of a lesson on life safety (Grade 11)"-1

Sample propaganda material "Plan-development of a lesson on life safety (Grade 11)" -2

Section 1. Lecture "Prevention of extremism and terrorism among the youth"

Target group: middle and lower managers of regional authorities, local self-government bodies and the apparatus of the ATK

    Extremism and terrorism: basic concepts and definitions.

    Extremism and terrorism as forms of destructive behavior of youth. Types of extremism.

    Ways to fight and prevent extremism and terrorism among the youth.

    Features of psychological assistance to young people at risk.

    Questions and tasks for independent work

Teenagers and young people, as the most socially unprotected group of the population, are the most active participants in conflicts and various kinds of destructive organizations, including extremist ones. A penchant for modern extremism younger generation Russia is real and therefore requires close attention and study. Modern youth is facing great changes, great uncertainty and uncertainty, which in turn increases their anxiety for their future and gives them a desire to remove this anxiety, unfortunately not always in constructive ways.

Behavior is called destructive which does not correspond to norms and roles and is aimed at a radical rejection of alternative points of view. At the same time, some scientists prefer to use expectations (expectations) of the corresponding behavior as a reference point (“norm”), while others prefer attitudes (standards, samples) of behavior. Some believe that not only actions can be destructive, but also ideas (views).

The forms of destructive behavior include extremism, terrorism and other deviations from normative behavior.

According to scientists, extremism and terrorism are links in a chain of interrelated concepts: radicalismextremismfanaticismterrorism.

Radicalism(from lat. radix - root) denotes the desire to bring a political or other opinion to its final logical and practical conclusions, without putting up with any compromises.

Extremism(from Latin ехtremus - extreme) is translated as a commitment to extreme views and radical measures.

Fanaticism(from lat. fanum - altar) - a firm and non-alternative non-alternative adherence of a person to certain ideas and beliefs, which decisively determines almost any of her activity and evaluative attitude to the world around her.

Terrorism is considered as the use of violence or the threat of its use against individuals, groups of individuals or various objects in order to achieve political, economic, ideological and other results beneficial to terrorists.

Terrorism This is the ultimate form of extremism.

According to a number of scientists, manifestations of extremism among the youth have now become more dangerous for society than in all past periods of the existence of the state. Extremism among the youth has become in our country mass phenomenon.

Question to the audience: What do you think it is connected with? What are the reasons for the spread of youth extremism and terrorism?

It is young people who represent a risk group prone to aggressive extremist actions. Due to their age, young people are characterized by such psychological characteristics, as maximalism and nihilism, radicalism and intolerance, recklessness and intolerance, a tendency to groupism, worldview instability and failures in the search for self-identity, which, under certain living conditions and the presence growth medium can act as a trigger for their antisocial activity.

The complexity of the situation in which the modern youth of Russia find themselves is determined by the fact that in a society of socio-economic instability, high riskiness, the problem of social self-determination, the choice of one or another identification strategy in the process social integration representatives of youth takes place in a crisis of socio-cultural identity.

“Extremism and terrorism,” L. Drobizheva and E. Pain note, “cannot be compared with a virus that humanity has picked up from somewhere. This is his internal ailment, generated mainly by disharmonious development in the social, political and cultural fields. Researchers identify five main sources of terrorism and extremism:

First of all, Terrorism and extremism manifest themselves in societies that have embarked on the path of transformations, dramatic social changes, or in modern postmodern societies with a pronounced polarization of the population along ethno-social characteristics. Marginalized and immobile groups of the population become participants in terrorist actions.

Secondly, social contrasts, a sharp stratification of society into the poor and the rich, and not just poverty or a low level of socio-economic status, provoke aggression and create grounds for terrorism.

Thirdly, manifestations of extremism are growing in the initial periods of social modernization. In the final stages of successful change, manifestations of extremism and terrorism decline sharply.

Fourth, incomplete urbanization, specific forms of industrialization, changes in the ethno-demographic structure of society, especially unregulated migration, give rise to extremism and intolerance in society.

Fifth, an important role in the spread of ethnic and religious extremism and terrorism in the Islamic world is played by the predominance of authoritarian political regimes. They provoke violence as a form of permission political contradictions and give it the character of a cultural norm.

Question to the audience: How is modern terrorism changing, what are the trends of these changes?

Extremism and one of its most dangerous forms - terrorism - is rapidly changing, mutating, mastering ever more destructive methods. The subjects of extremist activity have already overcome the moral framework that previously held back the scope and scale of extremism and have essentially turned into pragmatic businessmen. If earlier it was about the so-called "sacrificial" terrorism (without criminal impurities), now more and more people are talking about the economic basis of extremism and terrorism. Confirmation of this is the video footage of the terrorist acts themselves and their consequences, which in essence represent nothing more than a report to the customer for the funds provided.

On the territory of modern Russia, up to 80 international extremist groups are carrying out illegal activities that promote extremely radical Islamic ideology. Militant radical Islam penetrates into Russia mainly through people trained in individual Arab countries, where Wahhabism and other orthodox religious movements have received and continue to receive state support. These problems manifested themselves most acutely in the North Caucasus, the most ethnically and religiously complex region of the Russian Federation. A tangible and obvious threat to national security is also created by political processes, which include the tendency to erode the country's common legal space by local rule-making, encouraged by a certain part of the regional elites, which stimulates separatist sentiments, disrespect for federal legislation, human rights and freedoms, and individual nations.

The identification of an ethnic, clan-clan group requires the creation of common irrational myths, due to which the members of the group are emotionally united.

Today, youth extremism is expressed in disregard for the rules of conduct in force in society, the law as a whole, the emergence of informal youth associations of an unlawful nature. Extremists are intolerant of those Russian citizens who belong to other social groups, ethnic groups and adhere to other political, legal, economic, moral, aesthetic and religious ideas. The development of youth extremism is evidence of insufficient social adaptation young people, the development of asocial attitudes of their consciousness, causing illegal patterns of their behavior.

The tendency to draw young people into extremist activities is largely due to the insufficiently effective implementation of the state youth policy. As a result, some young people fall under the influence of ideological attitudes that are alien to us, which in some cases leads to the perception of state bodies as an enemy, not a partner.

Question to the audience : What types of extremism do you know?

Political extremism- the ideology and practice of using extreme illegitimate, often violent methods and means of political struggle. The extremist ideology is based on the views on the exclusive mission of a particular social community (class, nation, race, confession, etc.) in the fate of the country and humanity as a whole, the justification and justification for the admissibility of using any means to realize its interests

In recent years, a particular danger to the integrity of Russia has been national extremism– adherence to extreme views and methods in the theory and practice of interethnic relations. Its supporters, speaking from the standpoint of defending the interests and rights of one nation, openly and defiantly trample on the rights of other peoples. Their ideology is militant nationalism and chauvinism, their politics is ethnic violence in one form or another. It is no coincidence that in the National Security Concept of Russia counteraction to extremism is attributed to its national interests. In order to implement this Concept, a number of specific legal and criminological measures have been taken in recent years. Among them: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the federal target program “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society (2001-2005)” dated August 25, 2001, federal laws “On counteracting extremist activity”, “On amendments and additions to legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity" dated July 25, 2002, as well as "On Countering Terrorism" dated March 6, 2006, and a number of others.

National (ethnic) extremism is one of the most widespread types of extremism in the 21st century, which is quite understandable - ethnic nationalism has great power and unpredictability, and ethnic conflicts have become a real problem for many countries and regions. They are based on the contradiction between the recognition of the natural right of peoples to determine their own destiny and the principle of national unity and the territorial integrity of the state. From a purely doctrinal point of view, ethnonationalism denies the priority of universal human values ​​and considers its ethnonation to be the highest value. The goal of ethnic extremism is to forge ethnic self-identification, to defend and expand the rights of an ethnic group in the political sphere. When extremists, asserting their ethnicity by violence, call upon themselves the fire of state structures, this draws attention to the group and allows them to appear as a victim, which further increases public interest and in some cases provides finance and support. Violence is the reason for the existence of such groups. As long as it is carried out, the idea is alive, and the identity and existence of ethnic differences cannot be denied. The ultimate goal of the nationalists is to create an independent independent public education in which they lay claim to political power.

Note that religious extremism began to push the political and ethnic in the last two decades of the twentieth century. “Religious extremism, which has become widespread in a number of regions and countries, manifests itself in intolerance towards representatives of various faiths or fierce confrontation within the same confession (for example, Muslim and Christian communities in Lebanon and Sudan, Muslim fundamentalism). Often, religious extremism is used for political purposes in the struggle of religious organizations against a secular state or for the approval of representatives of the authorities of one of the confessions (the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other countries of the Middle East).

Question to the audience : What methods of fighting and preventing extremism and terrorism that are used in modern Russia do you know?

As you can see, extremism is many-sided and diverse. Let us consider the main stages of its origin, manifestation and legislative opposition in Russia.

The revival of extremism and terrorism in Russia occurred in the early 1990s. The reason for this was the crisis in the economic, social and political spheres of the states of the former USSR. The social disorganization of citizens and the large property stratification of the population led to the fact that society ceased to function as a single organism, united by common goals, ideas, and common values. Social tensions grew, and groups emerged seeking to change the established order, including by violent means. The country of Russia, formed after the collapse of the USSR, was not compared only by the lazy with Weimar Germany. The situation of the Germans who lived in the occluded regions was hardly better than that in which the "Russian-speaking" population of the former national outskirts of the USSR found itself. Groups of monarchists and Cossacks appeared in Russia.

On July 14, 2006, the Federation Council approved the Federal Law “On Amendments to Articles 1 and 15 of the Federal Law “On Counteracting Extremist Activities”. The main innovations of this law are related to the definition of new socially dangerous acts as signs of extremist activity. But, as law enforcement practice has shown, these changes were not enough to effectively counter extremism, therefore, on July 24, 2007, Federal Law No. 211-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of Public Administration in the Field of Countering Extremism” was adopted ".

It must be stated that it is impossible to solve the problems of extremism solely by the forces of law enforcement agencies. This task requires a whole range of organizational, legal, preventive, educational measures, improvement of interaction between state bodies and public organizations, which, in our opinion, include the following:

1. The priority in the fight against extremism should be elimination of causes and conditions contributing to deviant behavior. According to our survey, the following were named as the main causes of extremism in society: socio-economic problems of the post-Soviet period (74%), incorrect state policy in the field of religious processes (3.4%), deformation of the traditional spiritual values ​​of society (6, 3%), ethnic strife (1.2%), contradictions between Christianity and Islam (1.2%).

Of great importance in curbing youth extremism is the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” (as amended on December 1, 2004). This law regulates the activities of such executive authorities as commissions for minors and the protection of their rights, social protection authorities and social service institutions, specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, education authorities and educational institutions, guardianship and guardianship authorities , employment services, internal affairs bodies. However, their work is not coordinated, which has an extremely negative impact on the final results of their counteraction to the antisocial attitudes of the younger generation, including their extremist component. Therefore, there is an urgent need to determine which government agency executive power and by what means will coordinate the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency of all organizations associated with this field of activity, and make the necessary changes to the federal law under consideration. not effective enough for this moment the measures taken to work with minors released from criminal liability, convicted on probation and serving sentences in juvenile colonies remain. Many of these children are not able to find their place in society without the help of state bodies. Direction to study, work and housing - this is the minimum of what the state should do for its underage citizens.

2. An important aspect in the prevention of youth extremism is the formation of a strategy at the federal level state youth policy. The state in our difficult socio-economic situation has many problems and the state is trying to free itself from a number of obligations or responsibilities. But the implementation of the state youth policy is one of those duties from which it is impossible to get rid of. An effective state youth policy is, in our opinion, one of the most important tools for forming an active citizenship among the younger generation, fostering social initiative, a sense of patriotism and pride in one's country.

At present, some work in this direction, of course, is being carried out. Thus, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 12, 1999 No. 795 (as amended of June 26, 2000) “Issues of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Youth Policy”, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 1996 No. 387 (as amended of August 3, 1996) “On additional measures to support youth in the Russian Federation”; Decree of the RF Armed Forces dated June 3, 1993 No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”; federal laws "On state support of youth and children's public associations" (dated June 28, 1995 No. 98-FZ, as amended on March 21, 2002, No. 31-FZ) were developed; there are various programs for the patriotic education of youth, federal target programs: "Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society (2001-2005)", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2001 No. 629); “Youth of Russia (2001-2005) (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2000 No. 10015); "Children of immigrants" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2000 No. 625); with the assistance of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, UNESCO, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the program of the World Charitable Foundation "Children and Youth against Terrorism and Extremism" is functioning. The disadvantage of all of the above acts is their abstractness, ignoring the ethnocultural and civilizational specifics of Russia and its regions. In domestic practice, an optimal holistic state youth policy, there is no comprehensive program for the development of the young generation, its integration into the social life of Russian society, prevention technologies are not systematized negative phenomena means of social and cultural activities.
The emergence of new subcultural youth organizations of an asocial orientation is an absolute relapse, caused by the lack of a program adapted to modern socio-cultural and economic conditions to prevent extremist sentiments among the younger generation. An analysis of existing programs to counter manifestations of extremism allows us to state the one-sidedness of the coverage of the problem, the insufficient development of a program of preventive measures that takes into account the psychological and socio-cultural characteristics of asocial youth groups of extremist orientation. In modern Russia there is no clear ideology for working with youth. And this, of course, affects the upbringing and development of the younger generation. We are afraid of the word "ideology", but the ideology of Russia is very simple: we are a multinational state and the commonwealth of nations. This is the national idea. Extremely important, in our opinion, is the development of the ideology of interethnic harmony, friendship and cooperation of the peoples of the ethnic group, the search for a national idea that consolidates Russian society, unites all the peoples of the multinational Russian state, careful and respectful attitude to the culture of each people.

Question to the audience : What methods of preventing extremism and terrorism exist in modern socio-political and psychological-pedagogical practices?

Today the world is on a new round of civilization and therefore the worldview is changing very cruelly towards millions of people of entire countries and peoples who have no place in the new changing world. Therefore, terrorism today must be considered as a product of globalization, as its natural reflection. Globalization theorists say that this is a series of empirically fixed changes, heterogeneous, but united by the logic of turning the world into a single whole according to the formula: “global interdependence plus global consciousness”. Today, everyone has really become dependent on everyone, but the modification of global consciousness is limited only to the perception of global changes. information society, anthropocosmism, experiments on biotic regulation, on the creation of artificial microbiospheres, the materialization of an electronic-cybernetic civilization, the influence of biopolitics, experiments on autotrophication, cyborgization, ecogeism, co-evolution, etc. The theorists of globalization missed a deeper layer of consciousness, regarding which the war began, one of participants of which, world terrorism, is not recognized as a belligerent.

A change in consciousness under the pressure of global changes in the world is: the perception of the impossible - possible, the incredible - probable, the unacceptable - acceptable, the unreal - real. Globalization produces a whole system of changes in the inner world of man. It changes the picture of the world of a person, his outlook, his position in life and his way of life. This means that it changes the person himself - his consciousness.

The picture of the world, Worldview, Life position, Way of life - these are the constants of the psychological system of protecting a person from the dangers of life, which, like a space suit, protects a diver when descending under water. A "breakthrough" of these constants of consciousness is dangerous, like a breakthrough in a diving suit, and a person intuitively guesses about it. Around these changes, naturally, a struggle ensued, one of the manifestations of which is terrorism. In other words, the struggle is not for territory, not for resources, not for economic positions, but for the content of consciousness. So far, the picture of the world, worldview, lifestyle, life position of terrorist and anti-terrorist forces are incompatible, because this is a complex systemic work and it is easier to use weapons for coercion than intelligence for proof.

ideology prevention terrorism and extremism ...

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    Countermeasures issues extremism and terrorism in youthenvironment, forming... preventionterrorism and extremism". It was noted at the conference that, in general, the situation in terms of countering extremism and terrorism... passed lecture"Stepan...

  • Definition of PACE

    The concept of “extremism” was defined by PACE in 2003. According to this definition, "extremism is a form of political activity which, directly or indirectly, rejects the principles of parliamentary democracy”.

    Legal definition in Russia

    In Russia, the legal definition of what actions are considered extremist is contained in Article 1 of Federal Law No. 114-FZ "On countering extremist activity."

    In accordance with the amendments of April 29, 2008, extremist activity (extremism) includes:

    forcible change in the foundations of the constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;

    public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities;

    incitement of social, racial, national or religious hatred;

    propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

    violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen, depending on his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

    preventing citizens from exercising their electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum or violating the secrecy of voting, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

    obstruction of the lawful activities of state bodies, local self-government bodies, election commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

    commission of crimes for the motives specified in paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

    propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols, or paraphernalia or symbols confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols;

    public calls for the implementation of these acts or the mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, as well as their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution;

    public knowingly false accusation of a person holding a public position of the Russian Federation or a public position of a subject of the Russian Federation of committing by him, during the performance of his official duties, the acts specified in this article and which are a crime;

    organization and preparation of these acts, as well as incitement to their implementation;

    financing of these acts or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including through the provision of educational, printing and material and technical base, telephone and other types of communication or the provision of information services.

    Basic principles of countering extremist activity

    Countering extremist activity is based on the following principles: recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as the legitimate interests of organizations; legality; publicity; the priority of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation; priority of measures aimed at preventing extremist activity; cooperation of the state with public and religious associations, other organizations, citizens in countering extremist activity; the inevitability of punishment for carrying out extremist activities.

    The main directions of countering extremist activity

    Counteraction to extremist activity is carried out in the following main areas: the adoption of preventive measures aimed at preventing extremist activity, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to the implementation of extremist activity; detection, prevention and suppression of extremist activities of public and religious associations, other organizations, individuals.

    Subjects of counteraction to extremist activity

    Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government participate in countering extremist activity within the limits of their competence.

    Prevention of extremist activity

    In order to counteract extremist activity, federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, within their competence, as a matter of priority, carry out preventive, including educational, propaganda, measures aimed at preventing extremist activity.

    Responsibility of officials, state and municipal employees for their extremist activities

    Statements by an official, as well as another person in the state or municipal service, about the necessity, admissibility, possibility or desirability of carrying out extremist activities, made publicly, or in the performance of official duties, or indicating the position held, as well as the refusal by an official in accordance with with its competence of measures to suppress extremist activity entails responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The relevant state bodies and higher officials are obliged to immediately take the necessary measures to bring to justice the persons who committed the actions specified in the first part of this article.

    Responsibility for carrying out extremist activities

    Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons bear criminal, administrative and civil liability in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out extremist activities. In order to ensure state and public security, on the grounds and in the manner provided for by federal law, a person who has participated in extremist activities may be restricted by a court decision from access to state and municipal service, military service under a contract and service in law enforcement agencies, and also to work in educational institutions and engaging in private detective and security activities. If the head or member of the governing body of a public or religious association or other organization makes a public statement calling for the implementation of extremist activities, without indicating that this is his personal opinion, as well as in the event that a sentence comes into force against such a person court for a crime of an extremist orientation, the relevant public or religious association or other organization is obliged, within five days from the day when the said statement was made, to publicly declare their disagreement with the statements or actions of such a person. If the relevant public or religious association or other organization does not make such a public statement, this may be considered as a fact indicating the presence of signs of extremism in their activities. Yes.

    International cooperation in the field of combating extremism

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, the activities of public and religious associations, other non-profit organizations of foreign states and their structural subdivisions, whose activities are recognized as extremist in accordance with international legal acts and federal legislation, are prohibited. The prohibition of the activities of a foreign non-profit non-governmental organization entails: a) cancellation of state accreditation and registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    b) prohibition of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons as representatives of this organization;

    c) a ban on conducting any economic and other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    d) prohibition of publication in the media of any materials on behalf of a prohibited organization;

    e) prohibition of distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation of materials of a banned organization, as well as other information products containing materials of this organization;

    f) a ban on holding any mass actions and public events, as well as participation in mass actions and public events as a representative of a banned organization (or its official representatives);

    g) a ban on the creation of its successor organizations in any organizational and legal form. After the entry into force of a court decision to ban the activities of a foreign non-profit non-governmental organization, the authorized state body of the Russian Federation is obliged, within ten days, to notify the diplomatic mission or consular office of the relevant foreign state in the Russian Federation of the ban on the activities of this organization on the territory of the Russian Federation, the reasons for the ban, and also about consequences of the ban.

    The Russian Federation, in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation, cooperates in the field of combating extremism with foreign states, their law enforcement agencies and special services, as well as with international organizations engaged in the fight against extremism.

    Fight against child extremism

    In Kaluga, a program was adopted to combat child extremism. Children will be trained not to use Nazi paraphernalia and not to participate in unauthorized activities.