Major histocompatibility gene complex
Charles B. Carpenter (Charles B. Carpenter) Antigens that provide intraspecific differences between individuals are designated as...
Summary of a history lesson on the topic
Topic: Russia in world history Lesson objectives: To form students’ ideas about Russia’s place in world history, features...
When was the revolution in Russia?
The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia is still called the Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution. It is the second revolution (the first occurred in...
When is Rocket Forces and Artillery Day in Russia?
The Japanese name for Japan, Nihon (日本), consists of two parts - ni (日) and hon (本), both of which are Sinicisms. The first word (日) in...
A brief history of the development of psychology History of the development of mental psychology since the 17th century
Psychology of modern times (XVII century). Psychology in the Age of Enlightenment (XVIII century). The origin and development of associative psychology (end...
Soviet actors - descendants of noble families (13 photos)
All our pillar noble families are from the Varangians and other aliens. M. Pogodin. “Our Nobility, not of Feudal origin, but...
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