What to do if you are not a creative person. Creative personality - who is it in psychology. Features, signs, psychological portrait. Rebels but conservatives

Any creative person looks at the world from his own point of view. And at the same time, his vision of life is sometimes radically different from generally accepted views. Creativity can be a gift or it can be a curse, but in any case, creative people have many similar traits. And the most important similarity lies in the fact that such people value themselves not for who they are, but for who they could become in the future. Creative people always have big plans.

History knows many creative minds capable of creating entire worlds and even universes. Kurt Vonnegut, Leo Tolstoy, Isaac Asimov... This list is endless. How did they manage to make their fantasies come true? What is needed for this? And all you need is to think differently. Think and do your job differently, not the way it is customary. Here are 11 things creative people do differently.

They work on their own schedule

A creative person, of course, knows that creating in a burst of inspiration is easy and pleasant. But sitting and waiting for the departed muse to return again is extremely unproductive. Therefore, creative people prefer to work on their own schedule. Every creator has their own workflow habits. Someone thinks well in the morning, others reach the peak of activity in the late afternoon. But in any case, this schedule has nothing to do with the routine work from nine to six. A creative person finds time for both leisure and work.

They are looking for new opportunities and experiences

Another common feature of creative people is the need for new experiences and impressions. They are never satisfied with one thing, as this significantly limits creativity. So many people are multi-talented and it is painful for them to abandon their mind-boggling ideas in favor of one thing. Creative people are always on the lookout for new experiences because experiences are food for their inquisitive minds.

They admit that their work may fail

Creative people can work very well at the peak of inspiration, but they all admit that this is not enough to create something worthwhile. Very often, inspiration is deceptive and the work turns out to be too banal or uninteresting. It's not easy to admit this. But creative people are just distinguished by the fact that they are able to admit that they have created the most perfect cheap stuff. They distinguish well where they managed to realize a unique idea, and where they used clichés and clichés.

They are not afraid of failure

Successful creative people are not afraid of failure. They are absolutely sure that any failure is the key to success. The ability to learn from your mistakes and learn from bad experiences is one trait that all creatives have in common, no matter what they do. Failure for a creative person is only an annoying obstacle, it is a small obstacle that is so insignificant that it can be neglected on the way to a shining goal. And if impressions are food for the mind for such people, then failures are the energy supply of the whole organism.

They find ideas wherever they can.

Personal experience is of great importance for any creative person. And you can get this experience by exploring the world around you. Gifted people are constantly on the lookout for new ideas and new stimuli. Impatient and curious, they peer into different areas life, trying to understand how the knowledge gained can be used in their work. They are looking for inspiration, but special inspiration that only a new experience can give. A creative person who does not have an idea that he would like to implement experiences severe discomfort and this unpleasant feeling makes him continue his search.

They believe in their dream
They live in a fantasy world

AT modern society daydreaming is considered something frivolous, but this is a common feature of all creative people. They think a lot because their brain is constantly creating new images. Life in the fantasy world can be so beautiful that very often creative people give themselves completely to their inspiration. They say about such people “not of this world” and to some extent this is true. A person immersed in his thoughts looks detached and focused on himself. But it is impossible otherwise, only in this way, living in a fantasy world, you can create a great work.

They are confident

Self-confidence is often hallmark creative person. But this is a certain kind of certainty. It is also about taking risks. Every creative person is so confident in himself and his abilities that he is not afraid to make bold experiments, refute popular opinions and smash established theories to smithereens. His creativity and ability to look at the world with different eyes do not give rest and the creative will not stop until he proves to the world that everything can be done differently. Even if he is overcome by doubts, a creative person knows that what he is sure of can be created. Even something that will never exist.

They don't recognize any boundaries

Creative people never follow the generally accepted rules and regulations if they appear on their way. Any restrictions for a gifted person only prevent him from creating. Therefore, such people try to circumvent prohibitions or instructions in any way. They seek new things, they strive to create new ones, and rules, especially stupid ones, can make them really furious. The desire to create freely can be so strong that an artist or, for example, a writer can leave their homeland if the laws of the state conflict with their work. History knows many examples when a great mind left his homeland only because he was not allowed to create.

They ask a lot of questions

Many people think that asking too many questions is a sign of stupidity and try to keep quiet even if they don't understand something. But creative people who do things differently will disagree. They are so curious that they are ready to ask hundreds of questions until they understand the essence of any phenomenon. Even if they look like funny whys. White spots for a creative person are a strong irritant, especially when working on an important work. The lack of information can damage creativity and the thing will turn out to be one-sided and uninteresting. To prevent this, the lack of knowledge should be filled. So, you need to ask, including yourself.

They create creative space

The desire for solitude distinguishes many creative people. Loners, of course, are not outcasts in modern society, but they are often looked askance at, especially if a person lives in a fantasy world. But to create something really worthwhile, many people need privacy. And then a gifted person begins to look for a place where he could be alone and calmly think. Workshops, offices, just a quiet place in the park - for creative human fit any option, as long as no one bothers him to think or implement his plans.

Creative people are talented individuals who love to be useful and do good to others. They like freedom, so any restrictions will be perceived by them as an infringement of rights. Many people assume that creative people are lonely, unhappy and do not live long. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Talent is given to a person by God, you just need not to miss the moment and start developing your abilities in time.

It is worth noting that among geeks there are really a lot of unfortunate people, since their work is not always clear to others. As a rule, in an average person, brain activity occurs within certain limits, and everything that goes beyond these limits is perceived as something unnatural and abnormal. For this reason, it is very difficult for creative people to survive in this cruel world, in which there are so many stable stereotypes and unwillingness to evolve.

Neuroscience confirms that talented individuals think and act differently. The thinking of creative people is literally designed to think uniquely, not like the majority. However, such a gift of nature can significantly complicate life and strain relationships with others. If you are familiar with a creative person, you have probably had the idea more than once that he lives in some completely different world. In most cases, trying to understand such a person is just as futile as trying to change it. In order to be able to adapt to such a person, you need to learn to look at the world through his eyes.

Continuous brain activity

The creative mind is a non-stop machine fueled by excessive curiosity. There is no special button that can pause and direct thoughts in a calm direction. Creative people constantly have various ideas that may seem unrealistic to many. A talented person in his frantic pace of life draws more and more strength to implement funny and sometimes crazy ideas.

Liar talent

It should be noted that creative people are excellent liars. Conducting a series of experiments has shown that such individuals are disposed to more intricate and complex lies. In addition, they themselves can easily figure out the deceiver. One of the manifestations of creativity is the unacceptability of existing patterns and the breaking of established stereotypes. Talented people easily perceive the unethical nature of their own behavior, and also calmly relate to similar actions of others.

High degree of distrust

A gifted person tends to distrust even close people. Despite the fact that he quickly recognizes a lie, a suspicious attitude towards others is also a hallmark of talent. And this is not surprising, because in order to make a new discovery, you need to learn how to look at elementary things from a different angle. That is why a talented person questions everything, because it is much easier to create something new from scratch.


In the course of various experiments, it was found that modesty is not the lot of talented people. Many of them, as a rule, are proud of their abilities and skillfully use them, which allows them to fill themselves with an exorbitant price. In addition, a gifted person is very eager to show how impressionable he is and how much he can experience.


Often talented people fall into depression. Many of these geniuses have various phobias: some are afraid of falling ill with an incurable disease, others are afraid to die young, and others even faint at the sight of a spider or cockroach. Psychologists in many countries have tried to find out whether depression is really associated with talent. After studying the data obtained from psychiatric clinics, they found that creative individuals are more likely to develop severe forms of mental illness. In addition, it has been proven that not only talent, but also similar disorders can be inherited.

It's hard to believe in yourself

Even if a person is confident in his abilities, over time he begins to ask questions: “Am I good enough? Am I doing everything right? Creative people constantly compare their work with the creations of other masters and do not notice their own brilliance, which may be obvious to everyone else. In this regard, creative stagnation is often observed when a person simply gives up, thinking that all his previous ideas were in vain and meaningless. At such a moment, it is very important that there is a faithful friend nearby who would help the master to survive this difficult period.

Time to dream

Creative people are dreamers, this helps them in their work. Many of us have noticed that the best ideas come to us when we mentally transport ourselves far from reality. Neuroscientists have proven that imagination turns on brain processes that are closely related to creativity and fantasy.

Time dependency

Most of the great masters admit that they created their best work either at night or at dawn. For example, V. Nabokov took up the pen at 6 in the morning as soon as he woke up, and Frank Lloyd Wright had a habit of getting to work at 3 in the morning and going back to bed a few hours later. As a rule, people with a lot of creativity rarely stick to a standard daily routine.


To be as open to creativity as possible, you need to learn how to constructively use solitude. To do this, many talents overcome their fear of loneliness. Often, creatives and artists are perceived by others as loners, although in reality they are not. This desire for privacy can be an important factor in creating the best work.

Overcoming life barriers

Many cult works saw the light as a result of their creator's experience of heartbreaking pain and strong emotions. Often, various problems become a catalyst that helps create unique and outstanding masterpieces. Psychology has given this phenomenon a scientific name - post-traumatic growth. Researchers have found that often a strong shock helps a person succeed in a particular business, as well as discover new opportunities in himself.

Search for new experiences

Many creative people are constantly in search of new emotions and experiences. Unfortunately, some of them resort to alcohol and drugs to achieve this effect. It should be noted that a talented person is always open to new knowledge, she is quite intelligent and inquisitive. Transition from one emotional state to another - this is a kind of engine for research and knowledge of two worlds, internal and external.

Beauty will save the world!

Creative people, as a rule, have excellent taste, so they constantly try to surround themselves with beautiful things. It can be not only clothing details, but also interior elements, paintings, books, jewelry. According to the results of some studies, it was revealed that singers and musicians demonstrate an increased susceptibility and sensitivity to artistic beauty.

Connecting dots

Creative individuals are able to find opportunity where others simply do not notice it. Many famous writers and artists believe that creativity is the ability to connect dots that an ordinary person would not have guessed to connect in such a sequence. If you ask a genius how he combined these things, he will feel embarrassed, because he will not have an answer to this question. What is difficult for others is easy for a creative person.

“Creative people have a harder time understanding themselves because they are more complex,” says New York University psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, who has spent many years researching creative thinking. From a psychological point of view, a creative person is hardly amenable to clear characteristics. Such people think paradoxically, experience ambiguous feelings and avoid routine. It is impossible to paint a portrait of a "typical" creative person, but there are some characteristics that distinguish creative people from the rest.


Creative people are always dreamers, although they have probably been told more than once that dreaming is a waste of time. Meanwhile, neuroscientists argue that imagination activates the same processes in the brain that are directly related to creativity.

Attention to detail

A creative person sees new opportunities everywhere and actively absorbs information that becomes the basis for his self-expression. As the American writer Henry James said, a writer is a person from whom nothing escapes.

FROMyour opening hours

Many masters of the pen, musicians admitted that their best work they created either very early in the morning or late in the evening. For example, Vladimir Nabokov sat down to work from the very early morning, barely waking up. People with high creative potential do not follow the standard daily routine.

ATtime for privacy

There is a stereotypical opinion that creative people are loners, but this is not entirely true. They just need privacy more than others - necessary condition to create new jobs. This is due to the function of the imagination - you need to give yourself time to just dream.

Turning pain into a creative product

Many of the most famous and loved by all songs, books, films were created in the conditions of heartbreaking pain experienced by their authors. Everyday problems often become a catalyst for creativity. In psychology, this is called post-traumatic growth: a person is able to use their experiences and emotional trauma for significant creative growth.

Resistance atfailuresOh

Perseverance is an essential quality for a creative person. Failures very often lie in wait for creative people, but they know how not to make a tragedy out of it. And even benefit.

Psearch for new experiences

Creative people love new experiences, they are constantly looking for new sensations and food for thought, and this is an important factor for creative growth.


Natural observation and interest in the lives of other people often helps to generate original ideas. For example, Marcel Proust spent many years observing people and writing down his observations, which is reflected in his excellent books.

ATimportant questions

Creative people are insatiable in knowledge. They love to explore life in all its manifestations and, even growing up, retain a childish interest in the new. Through communication and deep reflection, they constantly ask themselves a lot of questions to which they are looking for their own answers.


Creative activity, as a rule, is associated with risk - in various aspects of life. Creativity is the act of creating something out of nothing, the realization of what existed only in the imagination of the author. This occupation is not for the timid.

ATopportunity for self-expression

Nietzsche believed that life and the world should be seen as a work of art. Creative individuals are constantly looking for opportunities to express themselves in Everyday life– every moment they create life itself.

intrinsic motivation

Creative individuals rely on their intrinsic motivation. They act, guided primarily by their own inner desire, and not by the desire for reward or external recognition.


The ability to dream, which is the hallmark of a creative mind, helps you to go beyond your usual view of the world and explore other ways of thinking, which is essential for creating something new.


Creative people have probably noticed that when they write, dance, draw, etc., they are out of real time, in a special “state of flow”. it mental condition, in which a person goes beyond consciousness, reaching a state of increased concentration and calmness.

Aversion to routine

Diversity of experience is awesome, maybe crucial for creativity. Creative people love emotional jolts, love to learn new things and tend to avoid things that make life monotonous and routine.

Invisible Opportunities

And finally, the most important thing that distinguishes extremely creative people from everyone else is the ability to see opportunities where others do not notice them. Creativity is the ability to connect the dots that others would never think to connect.

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We often write that a dude should follow his heart, realize his ambitions and generally try to go his own way. Especially if his path is to be a creative person. Professionally creating original texts, drawing, doing art and what is commonly called a hobby is the dream of many, many people. Unfortunately, it is not given to everyone to implement it. Having lived the life of an artist or an indie programmer, our hypothetical creative person realizes that it is not as attractive as it seemed before: there is not much money, the deadlines are running out, the customer is a fool, no other customers are expected, and something is not recognized. Was it really necessary to choose a more mundane profession? And mom said!

The life of a creative person is unique. A creative person, a truly creative person, and not one who considers himself to be such, deserves respect. Unfortunately, the very term "creative person" has been corrupted by second-rate writers, bad artists, and other pretentious dudes. A truly creative person is close to the archetype in the sense that his values ​​are very different from the generally accepted ones. There are few such people, because not every person is seriously ready to go this way. It has a lot of advantages, but it will be painful for you from your dissimilarity to others. More often than not, society puts pressure on us, but we ourselves.

Since childhood, when we studied "stable" and "respectable" areas human activity, such as biology, mathematics, chemistry, law, languages, business, programming and economics, we have absorbed the belief that any art as a profession is a risk. Most dudes still believe that recognition ONLY comes after death. It seems that society dislikes a person who wants more to be realized in creativity than to get a stable prestigious profession.

This is partly true: life is unstable, there are many risks in it. This memo will help you in choosing the path. Who are you: a creative person or an ordinary worker who creates at his leisure?

Can you withstand all adversity?

The life of a person who wants to make money on creativity is more difficult than that of everyone else. Creativity must be sold, inspiration disappears, there is no customer. Of course, in the life of the “inhabitants” there may also be no work and the salary may not be satisfactory, but this happens much less often for them. A big problem for many people involved in traditional creative work because they don't know how to advertise themselves. You look at some and understand: a person is talented and really draws, sews and makes something with his hands in an original way. But you look at another and you see that he doesn’t know how to do anything, that his paintings are a second year art graph, the horizon in the photographs is skewed, and the articles are complete crap, but his main difference from the first is that he knows how to interest his abilities and praise them. Therefore, it is more successful than the first.

Can you try again and again?

A person of a creative profession has in common the need to take risks. This means that he needs to try again and again to make his project. Did one thing burn out? Start doing something else. Didn't work out? Start over. The modern dude is too fond of throwing everything halfway. Make sure you're not one of them.

Can you do without luxury?

Since you will receive little and inconsistently, luxury will not be your companion. Of course, if you are lucky and you learn how to make money on art, you will bathe in luxury like Nikas Safronov, but this is rare. If the money is barely enough to pay for the rent of a room to the hostess, what can we say about buying a new iPhone or having dinner at good location? They won't even let you spend money on such things. Sometimes a creative person has nothing to eat, but he drinks tea, dipping a weekly bag into boiling water. This is also not uncommon.

Can you be lonely?

We wrote more than once that. Let's face it, being single is hard and scary. In order not to be afraid, you need to be able to be alone. Can you? Even well-meaning people can distance themselves from you if they see how you do not fit into the generally accepted norms. Be prepared to lose most of your comrades. You can't even blame them!

Can you handle criticism?

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a young talent is criticism. Somewhere deep down, many creative dudes consider themselves to be exceptional, creative and true innovators who believe that all the rules of painting, photography and text construction are outdated dull crap. They do not understand that their drawings do not work out, that the critic wants to push them on the true path, and not offend. If you don’t know how to adequately respond to criticism, accept suggestions for improving the work and seriously think about them, it’s better for you not to go into creativity. Why breed unprofessionalism?

Can you keep learning?

Can you constantly learn new techniques, tirelessly practice and improve? Without progress, you will not be able to attract new customers and move forward. You yourself will soon cease to be satisfied with your successes, but in order to develop something new, you often need to learn something old. Not everyone can come up with something from scratch.

Can you do this without a reward?

If you plan to do something for recognition, you will lose. Recognition will pass if you achieve it, of course, and you will again be left with nothing. You need to do this only in order to realize your creative potential and because of the love for this topic. In this case, your creative career will be many times more tolerant and enjoyable. Because of the love for your work, you can endure the absence of a woman, life prospects and money. Let success be a by-product.