Why will is necessary for a person. Why do you need willpower and how can you develop it. Work on breaking bad habits

Will is the most used term to describe a person's personality. The term "will" is used with might and main by psychologists and philosophers. Volition, volition, voluntarism, strong-willed, arbitrary (i.e., made with an effort of will) ...

And if other personality traits - memory and attention, for example, have both volume and other calculable characteristics - which can be measured if necessary, then the will has only its eloquent praisers and the halo of something attractive, necessary for life, laudable ...

Why does a person need a will? studying experimental psychology, I came to the conclusion that for only one purpose - to force yourself to do something that is not done in any way, no matter how you do it ...

A smart person will immediately ask himself the question: “Why is it not being done? Maybe you shouldn't do it?" A foolish person will continue to do - by will.

In the language of proverbs, this case is called: “Banging your head in closed door". Or try to destroy the brick wall right where you are, although the open gate is two meters further.

Precise experiments by psychologists have long proved that voluntary efforts are expensive for the body and lead to a rapid depletion of the resources of the psyche and body.

The most valuable activity is post-voluntary activity, mixed with the bright motivation of the one doing the deed. But, no matter how the bosses deceive the people, it is impossible to instill in them a hastily concocted "motivation". Motivation is like love. Born from the depths of the soul itself. You won't be forced to be nice...


We see the dubiousness of the human "will as a value" in biblical myth about the Babylonian pandemonium.

By an act of will, man decided to build tower of babel growing into the sky. Everyone knows how it ended.

At the heart of an act of will there are always some not very beautiful, rather dirty motives - to prove something to someone, to wipe someone's nose, or - to punish oneself - with hard labor, maybe for completely fictitious "sins" …

Even psychologists (mainly commissioned, of course, by employers who praise the will) sometimes say: besides the will, there is also stubbornness. And stubbornness is a defect of the will. To be honest, I don't see much of a difference. It's like the difference between the words "spy" and "spy". If "ours", then of course - a scout. If "theirs", then - a vile spy.

If I approve of your difficult activity, I say: "Oh, a strong-willed person, everyone is equal to him." If I do not approve of your deeds, then I say: "Stubbornness and nothing more!" God forbid, at the same time I am also a psychologist in the line of duty, as often happens ...

"Personal will" ... "The will of the individual." Such terms are usually used in psychology when they want to “praise the will” and those who do everything on an effort of will - such a habit since childhood. He even kisses his wife in the morning - this is something special, yes ...

But there is also the will of God. None of the psychologists, except Jung, is likely to move an ear - having heard a term not from his diocese. What else is "God's will"? Colleagues?..

Yes, actually - what is "God's will"? The one, surrendering to which (and having previously abandoned, of course, his own), a person can turn - and turns mountains. And at the same time he does a really good deed, and not some hellish nonsense.

Our personality is the garden, and our will is its gardener. (W. Shakespeare)

Willpower is one of the fundamental character traits of a modern business person. Moreover, many believe that willpower is character. After all, it is not for nothing that the expression “ a strong character”, which is usually applied to a person with great willpower. This suggests that the degree of development of willpower is a very important indicator, which should be constantly worked on.

In reality, it often happens otherwise. For example, many people who decide to quit smoking or give up sweets, but, having failed to achieve these goals, seem to say with relief: “Well, I don’t have willpower!”. But this is not true, since everyone has willpower, just not everyone uses it and seeks to develop it. After all, these same people are quite capable of forcing themselves to get up for work and work conscientiously for quite a long period of time. And every day.

A person who wants to achieve certain heights in his life, create a career, develop willpower is simply necessary. After all, in order to find mutual language with others, to restrain their emotions and often unnecessary criticism, willpower is certainly needed. It is also needed in order to survive the temporary setbacks that everyone has in life. A weak person will never achieve much if he constantly indulges himself.

A person who is able to force himself to work, despite any troubles, who knows how to avoid conflicts with superiors and improve relations in a team thanks to a restrained character, is highly valued and has universal respect. But in order to become so in the eyes of others, you must have great willpower. A well-developed willpower is also useful in solving everyday problems, overcoming all sorts of obstacles.

How can you develop willpower? Here are some simple rules.

Rule number 1. Do what you least want to do.
When you don't feel like doing something, but you still need to get the job done, remember this rule. Always force yourself to do things you don't want to. Remember that only laziness prevents us from coping with this or that impossible task. After all, in fact, any person can do more than he imagines. The fulfillment of these tasks is counteracted by natural laziness and lack of self-confidence. A strong person is able to pull himself together, believe and defeat this laziness.

If you fail to believe in yourself, try to suppress laziness with perseverance. Bring yourself to the point of torture in the fight against it. After the first victories, you will definitely feel a change in yourself. Subsequently, such a struggle will not require such noticeable efforts.

For the formation of character it is very useful to engage in any sport. Personally, I can recommend light morning runs at a slow pace. Running is an excellent tool for developing willpower, from overcoming the daily reluctance to get up earlier than usual, to overcoming a certain psychological barrier in front of other people.

Don't be afraid to be a black sheep. People who run in the morning command the respect of others, even if they are laughed at. If you've never run before, start with 5 minutes, at least around the house. Gradually increase this number to 30. By running for half an hour every day, you will not only be able to develop willpower, but also increase your standard of living. After all, running is the main exercise for the development of the heart. According to specialist doctors, daily running for 15-30 minutes a day for a year and a half doubles the elasticity and capacity of blood vessels.

Rule number 2. Exercise must be continuous. Indulging yourself, you run the risk of being branded as a weak-willed subject again.

Of course, there is no point in constantly engaging in moral self-torture. That's what weekends are for, vacations to relax, otherwise, sooner or later, a breakdown is possible. However, for strong man, the process of development of willpower is equal to absolute infinity. Get rid of all thoughts of work activities at the weekend, so that next week with renewed vigor to take on it, without the slightest step back.

That is why the development of willpower, like everything else in nature, is a gradual process. It would be foolish to jump from a high roof just to overcome fear, or throw yourself under an icy shower without proper training and experience. It is also stupid, for example, to overcome stiffness and shyness through a sharp, active involvement in social activities - in this case, failure is inevitable. Start small and work your way towards developing willpower in slow, gradual steps.

Work must come first, others life values, and exercises for the development of willpower and sports only contribute to the achievement of goals.

Rule number 3. To develop willpower, a deep, active desire to become better is essential.

Ask yourself the question: are you really ready to become better than yesterday? And try to answer it deliberately and sincerely. After all, with the development of willpower, your personality will also change. Some habits and preferences may change, sometimes even the circle of friends. So if the answer is no, be yourself. Not everyone has enough time and energy to engage in self-improvement.

If you still decide to constantly practice, always remember how important it is for you. For example, you decide to build a career that requires you to work very hard, often at night. Starting to work the first week, after a few days you realize that you have become very tired. I so want to take a breather in such moments!

This is where will power comes into play. Remember the advice: "Any person can do much more than he really thinks," and also tell yourself that you like to do work and work hard. If this work is of a creative nature, remember how other people need your gifts, what benefits they can bring to them. And boldly get down to business!

Many people think about the question of what really is willpower. So, willpower is one of the main character traits. Sometimes they say about a strong-willed person that he has a strong character, this is because the very meaning of character is sometimes replaced by the concept of willpower. It is probably difficult to imagine this, but today there is no definite view on the mechanism of will.
In our article we will look at:

  • What is willpower?

    As experts explain, will is the ability of a person to achieve his goals in the face of overcoming obstacles. The will can also be described as a power part of the personality, which has been valued in a person since ancient times and has always been valued.

    The presence of will helps us in everything life path. But another question emerges from here, what kind of will contributes to the provision of assistance, any, or only having force.

    Initially, the concept of will was introduced to interpret what actually induces a person to certain actions, which in turn correspond to his decisions, but contradict his desires. What pushes a person to actions that need to be done, and not those that you want to do, or vice versa, to do what you want, if it is not beneficial. The fact that a person is able to control his behavior and desires, subordinating it directly to his conscious decisions, is the explanation that a person has willpower. Therefore, it can be noted that, on the one hand, willpower helps, pushes forward, and on the other hand, on the contrary, it slows down, helps to abandon unjustified decisions and desires.

    Psychologists point to such features of the components of willpower as:

    1. Faith. It is our belief in our own strengths that belongs to this component. Through internal transformation, our desires are transformed into goals. It is true faith in oneself in one's own strength that can move mountains and achieve the goal.
    2. Wish. It just so happened that our desires show us the way, to what and where to strive. Each person has his own desires, and at the same time it is individual and personal. After we determine our priorities, cut off everything that is not essential, we become ready to make a decision.
    3. Courage. Agree, because if a person is not brave, then he is unlikely to be able to make any important decision. When we define priority desires for ourselves and remove everything that is not essential, we become internally ready to make one or another decision.
    4. Patience. Through patience, we remain true to our goals and do not back down from anything.
    Different things happen in life, and there are many examples where talented and quite capable people fell out of the race and lost, because they simply did not have the patience and could cope with difficulties more.

    It should not be thought that willpower is an innate quality. No, it is acquired and consciously formed throughout life. Therefore, willpower can be developed and nurtured.

    Sometimes it happens that willpower is confused with stubbornness. Stubbornness as such is not a virtue human qualities, therefore, it is worth learning to distinguish between stubbornness and willpower.

    At the first stage, the will is formed and developed through the influence of control over human behavior by others (adults over children), and after that, self-control of the individual. The decision on volitional regulation already comes directly from the personality itself, through the direct development of its motives, experiencing or foreseeing the consequences of certain actions or inactions. As for the development of willpower, it is associated with the formation of motives and goals, a person’s beliefs, his worldview, everything that we mean by the concept of personality.

    Will power training

    Many are wondering how all the same you need to work on developing willpower. It should be noted right away that there is no one universal lesson. But there are methods that work for everyone. It is necessary to pay attention and remember the main thing, that is, there are no trifles in the development and education of willpower, this is the process that cannot be interrupted and arrange holidays and weekends for yourself. The will is tempered by regularity and consistency, and not by the occasional and not by the influence of breakthroughs. The manifestation of concessions and can destroy in an instant what you have been building for so long. According to many experts, it is best to train the will in sports when you step by step, do not stop moving forward. For those who do not play sports, there is also a way out.

    First of all, you need:

    1. Think and list all your problems and failures that appeared and were aggravated due to shortcomings.
    2. Think and list the benefits that a strong will would help you bring.
    3. Imagine yourself as a person who already has a strong will. Do you like this ideal model? In this case, it is necessary to act according to this image, directly correlating all your actions and efforts with it.
    It turns out that the most difficult, and at the same time, giving inexhaustible opportunities for the development of willpower, is everyday life. Get up in the morning on an alarm clock, do exercises, eat something healthy for breakfast and come to school or work on time, talk less, do your duties, etc. Throughout the day, there are also a lot of things that need to be done, but you don’t feel like it, and those that, in turn, you want to do, but they are useless and can even be harmful.

    Having decided to start developing and educating your willpower, you should not grab everything at once. It is necessary to choose one or two areas in which you want to develop, make a schedule or plan for this for each day and, without delay, proceed. This, in turn, should be daily activities, exercises, deeds, rules, the main thing is that they be regular. The person who does not strive for anything and does not fight becomes uninteresting, and the person who gives up and stops fighting causes contempt and pity.

    If you want your life to be rich and colorful, successful and varied, willpower is a must. Since we have to achieve a lot precisely on our own, in order to do well, we need to work hard, we need to want it, we need to develop ourselves and perform many small accompanying actions. To have a lot of acquaintances, you need to be interesting to others, be able to reason, keep up a conversation, have patience and desire, for this you also need to improve yourself, and in order to improve, you need willpower. You can give many examples of why we need willpower, but in order to cultivate willpower in ourselves, desire and aspiration are still needed.

    Do not forget that each of us has the opportunity to choose, so that the future of each of us becomes more interesting and saturated with good deeds and knowledge, so that there is something pleasant to remember, so that we never want to change our past. Everything is exclusively in our hands, to cultivate willpower in ourselves and go forward with our heads held high, proud of our actions and achievements, or give up, do nothing, take the position of a weak, weak-willed person and wait for the weather from the sea until something is given by itself, but this does not happen. Everything that a person achieves in life is given through overwork, desire and aspiration.

  • Doubt that free will There is no. Man is a being capable of thinking and making choices. In general, all human life is a constant process of conscious own choice. However, the question is what ability helps a person to move in the intended direction for the fulfillment of all desires, and not in opposition to fate and will. Why does a person need willpower?

    Many people try to achieve this or that goal through determination and unbending will, thereby as leading force, they choose not intention, but their own ego. Words like "I'll still get my way and I won't back down" are great, but they don't reconnect a person to the field of intention. In terms of efficiency, human willpower is inferior to his imagination, and in fact it is the link that connects people with the field of intention. The moment the universal mind moves within the living entity, the imagination is generated. It is it that creates the inner image that helps a person to create. Imagination is closely connected with the manifestation of human destiny.

    Imagine forcing yourself to do things that defy your own imagination. Your strength of will- this is part of your ego, it believes that you are separated from everything in this world: from other people, from desires and goals, and even from God. In addition, it believes that everything that you have: achievements, reputation, property, are the components of your essence. The human ego and will are constantly pushing a person to prove his own superiority, it makes you acquire more and more new things, and you, in turn, are ready to chase after them with full determination. On the other hand, the human imagination is a concept of your inner spirit.

    Let's go back to the idea that a person forces himself to do something that his imagination resists. For example, consider walking on hot coals. With the help of willpower, a person is able to force his body to walk along a hot coal path, however, if you limit yourself solely to willpower, you can easily get multiple burns. Another thing is when a person in his thoughts imagines that he is protected by the power of God, that he is immune to the blazing heat of hot coals. Having clearly imagined this, he begins to feel himself incorporeal, in his head a person imagines that he is much stronger than fire, and with ease, without wounds and without pain, he overcomes the fiery obstacle. It is the inner imagination of a person that is able to provide him with reliable security.

    And it happens in everything. If you force yourself into a willful decision to be rich, happy, famous, and successful, you are simply showing yourself too much self-love, because such ideas are born from your own ego. Remember that you, with the help of your imagination, are able to independently create all the conditions for the fulfillment of your desires. Imagine a certain goal in your head, imagine that it is already present in your material world, and then the fulfillment of desires will not take long.

    Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

    Willpower is one of the fundamental traits of the human character. Many people think that character is willpower. The expression "strong character" is usually applied to a person who has great willpower. Therefore, the level is a very important indicator, which must be constantly worked on. Why is willpower needed?

    Such things happen in life, for example, a person decides to give up sweets or quit smoking, having failed to cope with this task, and with relief says to himself: “Well, I have no willpower!”. This is not true, everyone has willpower, just not everyone uses it and strives to develop it.

    A person who aspires to achieve certain heights in his life simply needs to develop willpower. It will be needed in order to find a common language with others, keep your emotions under control, endure unfair criticism, etc. Also, it will be needed in order to endure temporary setbacks. A person will not achieve much if he constantly indulges himself.

    What is willpower for?

    A person who, despite any obstacles, is able to force himself to work, who knows how to avoid conflicts with colleagues and superiors due to his restrained character, is universally respected and highly valued. All this can only be achieved with a great willpower.

    Why Willpower Is Needed - Willpower that is well developed is also needed in solving everyday problems and overcoming various obstacles. A strong-willed person can overcome depression, save himself from bad habits and shortcomings. In the absence of others positive qualities for a strong-willed person it will not be difficult to cultivate them in himself, he only has to want.

    To develop willpower, you need a strong desire to become better. With the development of willpower, your personality will also change.

    Video: What is willpower

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