Labor psychology as a branch of scientific knowledge. Introduction to the psychology of work. Psychology of work activity

History (nonsense according to Klimov):

Everything starts from the pre-scientific period. At first, these are disparate ideas of the people.

The proverbs of many peoples reflect phenomena that characterize precisely the psychological side of labor, the role of the means of labor and the subject of activity itself, etc.

Example: They appointed a donkey as a blacksmith - he first of all shod himself. Or: It is not the boiler that cooks, but the cook.

Relations in the team are also reflected in folk wisdom.

For example: Take it together - it will not be heavy.

Also, psychological knowledge about labor is expressed in such cultural monuments as “The Tale of Bygone Years”, “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, etc. They describe the psychological characteristics of people mainly in connection with military labor.

For example: And my smokers svedomsi kamet (For those who do not understand, kamet is a warrior) under the trumpets, cherish under the helmets, end the copy of the feed ...

From all this, Klimov draws only one conclusion: all these works are actually written not about anything, but about the connection of personality traits with the activity of a person J!

Further, the “Word on the Life and Repose of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich” is considered. There, as Klimov found out, the idea is considered that the characteristics of the individual as a subject of activity are determined by upbringing.

Then comes the great Lomonosov. His works reflect his psychological knowledge about labor, namely: Issues of volitional regulation of labor Designing means of labor, taking into account the psychological characteristics of people. In the works of M.V. many offers technical means work with references to the characteristics of the human psyche. Questions of optimization of interpersonal relations in labor. He writes that you need to help each other, console the other in case of failures and approve of his actions.

Neil Sorsky:

O He has some scholar on the prolongation of unwanted mental states, passions.

O Describes the requirements for a peasant who is chosen for the role of a headmanJ: one must choose “a kind person, a straight soul ... not a thief and not a hawker, and not a world seller ...” Klimov calls this the first normative professiogram.

Radishchev and his "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow". The idea of ​​respect for any work is emphasized. The phenomenon of a person's sociogenic unsuitability for work is described (an honest person had to leave the service, since he could not be combined with colleagues). Sample conversation as a method of identifying labor motives

Chernyshevsky with his eternal “What to do?”

The idea of ​​designing a workplace for an agricultural worker in order to optimize his work.

And now in Russian:

The psychology of labor developed in 2 directions: practical tasks (the psychology of labor developed in psychology at the beginning of the 20th century.) and the task of producing psychological knowledge itself (fundamental models of personality, activity, etc.)

The branch of labor psychology as a science is formed precisely from the “clots” of the field of psychological knowledge about labor. This is expressed in the fact that officials take over the functions psychological analysis labor and become human experts. Gradually, purposeful publications on topics appear, specialized language groups of people are formed who specifically deal with these issues.

Even now, psychological knowledge about labor is intertwined with knowledge from related sciences and practice. It used to be an ordinary mess, but now it's called "syntheticity" or "integration". All this together Klimov calls “non-sterility”.

In short, the psychology of work exists as a set of interacting approaches, directions, schools, concepts. It is worth remembering that the authors of the concepts treat them zealously, biased → if the concept does not correspond to the facts, they devalue the practice itself, “adjust” it to the theory.

All this disgrace is schematically divided into: theoretical search, “intelligence” purposeful fundamental research applied research suitable for direct practical use development (this is the highest level of utility)

Labor psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the conditions, ways and methods of scientifically based solution of practical problems in the field of functioning and formation of a person as a subject of labor.

Labor psychology as a profession.

Where can a person educated in labor psychology work?

The concept of "psychology" arose at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries; its author is most often considered the German theologian Goklenius. Etymologically, this word comes from the ancient Greek psyche (soul) and logos (teaching, knowledge, science). It was first introduced into the scientific and philosophical language by the German scientist Christian Wolf in the 18th century.

It is noteworthy, but many sciences experience difficulties in determining the object and subject of a scientific discipline. The selection of an object and subject of study of a scientific discipline more or less recognized by scientists is usually preceded by many years of active scientific controversy, but even later these questions remain one of the most theoretically difficult. This state of science is periodically repeated. So, for example, it was in relation to the object and subject of general psychology (P.Ya. Galperin, V.N. Druzhinin, B.F. Lomov, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.), personality psychology ( A.G. Asmolov), social psychology (G.M. Andreeva) and other areas.

In the psychology of labor, this problem is to a certain extent due to the youth of psychology as a science (the official date of its birth is considered to be 1879, when the first experimental psychological laboratory was created in Leipzig by Wilhelm Wundt); an insufficiently extensive area of ​​generally recognized knowledge (“rigid frame” of knowledge, according to P.Ya. Galperin); the close dependence of science on the dynamic development of society, industrial forces, and culture; historical features of the social order; the objective complexity of the psyche as the highest form of motion of matter.

The object of science is more often understood as the area of ​​reality, the study of which is directed by this science. The subject is called those aspects of reality that represent its object in a given science, which are an area of ​​close interest of scientists in a given historical period. So, for example, a person can be the object of study of a number of natural and human sciences, psychology is only one of them. But even greatly narrowing the scope of the reality under study and singling out, for example, the human psyche as an object of study, we must admit that the psyche can also be an object of study for many sciences. It is clear that it is rather difficult to determine (define) the totality of processes and phenomena that represent ontological integrity, functional unity and stability; a set of structural, functional and systemic connections, the study of which can be quite fully and successfully studied within the framework and capabilities of a separate scientific discipline.

In the psychology of labor, scientists often talk about its subject and less often about its object (which is explained by the above circumstances); characterizing the discipline, they often talk about the "complex of the sciences of labor"

According to E. A. Klimov, the psychology of labor is “a system of psychological knowledge about labor as an activity and the worker as its subject.” E. A. Klimov focuses on the dynamics of the discipline, believing that it is “a set of interacting, emerging and “fading away”, differentiating and integrating currents, approaches, scientific directions, schools, concepts. And the most important task here is not to appeal to abstract logic, but to actually build a deeply echeloned system that includes at least four links: theoretical search, targeted fundamental research, applied research and ... developments suitable for practical implementation. The psychology of labor is precisely a scientific discipline - as a branch of psychology that studies the conditions, ways and methods of scientifically based solution of practical problems in the field of functioning and formation of a person as a subject of labor. “The illusion of only the applied nature of the psychology of labor arises due to the fact that labor by its nature is a condition and a link in social practice ... but this does not exclude or, all the more, makes a fundamental approach to its psychological study superfluous”

The most important subject of the study of science is man as the subject of labor. The concept of "subject" emphasizes the role of a person as an active principle, as a creator in relation to the objects of object and object opposing him. social environment, the material world, and not just a "performer" of externally given relationships; as an integrating component of the "subject-object" system, ensuring the interaction of all its components.

E.A. Ivanova considers labor exclusively in the context of the concept of "activity": "the main type of human activity is socially conditioned, conscious, purposeful labor, the main characteristics of which are also inherent in professional (objective) activity"

N.S. Pryazhnikov considers one of the components of the “subject-object” system to be the subject of labor psychology: “... the subject of labor psychology is the subject of labor, i.e., a worker capable of spontaneity and reflection of his spontaneity in the conditions of production activity” At the same time, the subject ( individual or social group) is understood as a carrier of subject-practical activity and cognition, as a source of activity directed at an object. The object of labor is understood as “a specific labor process, normatively specified, including the subject, means (tools), goals and objectives of labor, as well as the rules for performing work (technology of the labor process) and the conditions for its organization (socio-psychological, microclimatic, management: rationing, planning and control). Otherwise, the object of science means the second component of the "subject-object" system, which acts as the goal of influence. In general, however, the researcher does not conceptually balance the content of the main components of the discipline - there is a definition of its subject, but the object of science is not adequately defined.

Before we decide on the key components of science - its object and subject, let's turn to the very phenomenon of "labor", its philosophical, economic, cultural and psychological content.

K. Marx's understanding of the essence of social production and man as a subject of activity formed the basis of the entire methodology of domestic psychological science. Such an understanding of various social, socio-psychological and psychological phenomena runs like a red thread in the theories of many Russian scientists. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately present these provisions directly in order to subsequently only designate these “initial positions”, drawing the reader’s attention to the methodological and logical primary sources of one or another understanding of the phenomena discussed in the book.

Work in domestic psychology is considered as a process in which a person through his activity "mediates, regulates and controls the metabolism between himself and nature."

Labor is the conscious activity of people aimed at creating material and spiritual goods necessary to meet the needs of society and the individual.

The main features of human labor are considered to be: its mediating role in the process of metabolism between man and nature; its expediency; the value of the ideal idea of ​​the result that anticipates the labor act; activation of all cognitive processes(sensations, perceptions, memory, thinking, ideas, imagination) in planning and carrying out work activities. As technology becomes more complex, the role of these processes increases more and more. Objective and subjective obstacles in the labor process presuppose the manifestation by a person of certain volitional efforts, formed and formed in the process of motivational and semantic sphere. Labor is the main source of the formation and manifestation of a variety of human feelings, which are largely determined by the degree of satisfaction with labor, the process itself and its results.

Considering labor as a complex historical, social, economic and cultural phenomenon, for a better understanding of its essence, it is necessary to distinguish between two different aspects of this single phenomenon. Under labor in the narrow sense of the word, we will understand the joint expedient activity of a person aimed at maintaining his physical existence, at satisfying his natural needs; activity, which implies its division into separate actions, their regulation, coordination of the activity of an individual and groups of people. Labor in a broad sense is a social process of human interaction both in terms of transforming the external world and human nature, the process of its formation and development as a personality, individuality, an active subject of its life activity.

So, the first side of labor is a certain relation of man to nature. By transforming the external environment, a person thereby transforms his nature. The work includes the following key points:

1) expedient activity, or labor itself;

2) objects of labor;

3) means of labor;

4) the result of labor.

In the historical process, the formation of attitudes towards labor takes place, in which it is created. key concepts. A mature attitude to work is not only a process of maintaining physical existence, but also a person's social activity for the sake of the very need for work. The formation of labor as such was the fundamental basis for the separation of man from the animal world and his formation as a social individual.

The second side of labor is the social nature of people's relations in the process, conditions, and results of an active relationship to nature (cooperation, division, specialization of labor, etc.). Labor is the transformation of the external world from the standpoint of the person participating in it, and production is from the standpoint of the result, the product of this transformation. With different types of historical development, labor appears in various forms.

It is clear that the psychology of labor can be only a part of a variety of knowledge about labor. In historical analysis, it is easy to establish a serious evolution of ideas about work. On the whole, labor is a general cultural phenomenon; moreover, it is primarily an ethical phenomenon.

So, recognizing the real complexity of developing the conceptual apparatus of science, in this paper we will define the main working concepts of this scientific discipline in its current state.

We will consider labor as the social activity of a person as a subject of labor activity as an object of labor psychology. The subject of labor psychology is the processes, psychological facts and patterns generated by the labor activity of a person, his development and functioning as an individual, subject, personality and individuality.

In a broad sense, the psychology of labor will be called the complex scientific disciplines about labor as a cultural and social activity of a person acting as its subject, its key component, a “system-forming factor”.

In a narrow sense, labor psychology is a complex of scientific disciplines about labor as a process of functioning and development of a person as a subject of labor, as a separate individual; it is a complex of disciplines about the theoretical and methodological, psychophysiological and psychological foundations of labor, about psychological characteristics specific professional activity, oh professionally important qualities an individual as a subject of labor, professional crises and destructions, deformations, diseases.

The main task of labor psychology is "to study and help a person build optimal motivation and meaningful labor saturation"

TOPIC 1.2. Labor psychology as a branch of science, academic discipline and profession

Labor psychology as a branch of scientific knowledge about labor and workers, studying the conditions and developing ways and methods for solving practical problems in the field of the formation and functioning of individual and group subjects of labor.

Labor psychology as a profession and academic discipline. Related areas of psychological and interdisciplinary scientific knowledge about man and labor.Communication of labor psychology with all branches of psychology.

All branches of psychology that study human activity, including labor psychology, are based on the psychological theory of activity. Being a part of psychological science, labor psychology occupies a special place in its structure, since the subject of labor psychology is activity, which occupies one of the central places in the system of psychological concepts. This explains the connection between labor psychology and all branches of psychology and other sciences. The place of psychology in the system of sciences is determined by the place and role of man in nature and society, which is inherent in his biosocial nature.

For example, in the B.M. Kedrov, psychology occupies a central place in the system of sciences. Psychology is located in the center of an isosceles triangle. The angles at the base of the triangle represent biological and Social sciencies because man is a biosocial being. At the top of the triangle are technical sciences, thanks to which an artificial technical environment was created for man and society with more perfect conditions for existence and development, which allowed man to strengthen his capabilities in changing nature and adapting to it.

Noting the integral nature of the discipline and often the fuzziness of the boundaries between the actual psychology of labor and other related disciplines, E. A. Klimov identifies three categories of sciences characterized by varying degrees of relationship with psychology:

  1. labor economics, sociology of labor, physiology of labor, occupational health, areas of medicine related to the study of occupational diseases and examination of working capacity, professional pedagogy.
  2. technical disciplines, the subject of which is the theory, calculation and design of machines and devices, otherwise– instrumental equipment of labor processes;
  3. areas objects human activity – biological, technical, iconic, social systems, art.

Features of understanding and studying labor and its subject in different sciences are reflected in their conceptual apparatus. Let's give some examples.

Philosophy and Political Economy:subject of labor, object of labor, tools of labor, labor process, necessary labor, materialized labor, etc.

Sociology of labor:labor as a process that forms a person and society, the functions of social labor, social factors in choosing a profession, labor in conditions of technological progress, attitudes towards labor, etc.

Labor Economics:labor resources, productivity, labor organization, rationing, payment, labor planning, etc.

Labor law:employment contract, working hours, vacation, duties, rights, benefits for different categories of employees, labor dispute procedures.

Physiology, occupational health, industrial sanitation:mode of work and rest, working capacity.

In this way, content analysissemantic categories and working concepts reflects a certain one-sidedness of displaying the phenomena of human labor in different sciences, while operating with an impersonal subject.Man as an active subject of activity (labor)in the totality of its social, psychological, physiological, anatomical features, it is most fully represented only in the psychology of labor, which actively integrates the achievements of the natural and human sciences.

The relationship of psychological sciences is clearly presented in the model proposed by A.V. Petrovsky. In it, all branches of psychology are divided on three grounds. The first foundation that unites the sciences, aimed at studying specific types of human activity, is a specific activity (this is the psychology of labor; engineering psychology that studies the system« man - machine»; aviation, space, medical, pedagogical, military, legal, sports, scientific, etc.). The second basis is development (combines developmental psychology and its branches (the psychology of childhood, adolescence, youth, gerontology), as well as the psychology of learning and mental development, special psychology with its complex of sciences (oligophrenopsychology, pathopsychology, tiflopsychology, comparative psychology, zoopsychology). The third foundation of the model is the relationship of the individual in society (they are studied by social psychology with its separate branches: the psychology of groups, nations, and the psychology of the individual).

The differentiation of psychology into different branches does not exclude the reverse processes of their interaction and integration. This is especially true of labor psychology, which studies a person in the conditions of activity, where different aspects are objectively interconnected, due to the biosocial nature of a person, his versatility and extensive connections with the outside world.

The unifying principle for all branches of psychology is general psychology, which studies the general patterns of the psyche of humans and animals. The close connection of labor psychology with general psychology lies in the application of psychological knowledge to the study of labor processes, the manifestation in them of the basic laws of the human psyche, the characteristics of his thinking, attention, memory, perception, emotions, will and other properties. Labor psychology enriches general psychology with new facts about the characteristics human psyche in the conditions of activity, which contributes to the development of the psychological theory of activity, which is the leading one in the system of theoretical knowledge in domestic psychology.

Developmental psychology enriches the psychology of labor with knowledge about the age characteristics of a person in different periods of life, which the psychology of labor takes into account when analyzing and improving the organization of labor, professional selection and training. Labor psychology contributes to the development of underdeveloped sections developmental psychology, psychology of an adult and gerontology (the psychology of aging), the psychology of learning, enriching them with new scientific facts about the dynamics of mental changes in the process of professional growth and the factors influencing it.

The branches of special psychology that study deviations of the psyche from the norm provide assistance to labor psychology in the field of professional selection, labor expertise in terms of organizing the correction and prevention of mental disorders in working conditions associated with extreme conditions (scientific expeditions, experiments, military operations, emergencies, disasters , dangerous working conditions, etc.). Feedback is also observed, the psychology of work, allows you to prevent and correct in a timely manner possible deviations of the psyche with the help of special techniques and requirements.

Social Psychology contributes to the organization of the collective labor of people. Its provisions are applied by labor psychology in the study of the nature of labor in various types of labor collectives: creative groups, emergency and rescue teams, in teams isolated from the environment. Features of various areas and conditions of human activity, which are studied by the psychology of labor, make it possible to obtain new psychological facts about the disclosure of a person's capabilities in his interaction with other people.

The relationship of labor psychology with all branches of psychology is based on the psychological theory of activity and the general laws of the human psyche, which are expressed in the principles of psychology. A principle is a basic rule, a central concept that guides in knowledge and practice. The main ones in domestic psychology are: the principle of determinism, the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity, the principle of the development of the psyche in activity.

1. Principle of determinism- lies in the fact that the psyche is determined by the way of life and changes with a change in the way of life. According to this principle, the mode of production and the material conditions of life affect the human psyche, that is, the human psyche, its features are determined by socio-historical conditions, as well as the conditions and nature of his labor activity. The highest level of development of the psyche is human consciousness, a more perfect way of reflecting the surrounding world.

2. The principle of unity of consciousness and activity– reveals the relationship between consciousness and activity: on the one hand, consciousness develops in activity, on the other hand, consciousness determines the nature and content of activity, since activity is created by a person, and he can improve it. This principle distinguishes domestic psychology from other psychological theories of foreign psychology, since it singles out activity as a psychological category. Thanks to the psychology of labor, he received a deeper development, and also expanded his action to other branches of psychology.

3. The principle of the development of the psyche in activity- reveals the progressive pattern of formation and improvement of mental functions, processes and personality traits when a person masters various types of activities: work, play, educational, sports, artistic activities, communication. In the process of mastering any activity, a person masters the experience of mankind, and under its influence, the psyche develops.

The study of the process of human interaction with the external environment requires the participation of various sciences (technical, social, natural). Such a complex interaction of labor psychology with other sciences and branches of psychology gives special importance to the principles of psychology, which guide the research of all sciences in a single approach. In addition to the basic principles of psychology, three other principles are important in these studies, which have been formed and actively influence the study of activity and the interpretation of scientific data.

4. The principle of consistency– a general methodological approach to the analysis of mental phenomena, in which the phenomenon is considered as a system that is not reducible to the sum of elements, possessing a value structure and new qualities. Each system is an element of another, more complex system. This principle guides Scientific research on the study of the elements of the system of activity in the psychology of labor, the functions of the elements of the system, their connections, the dynamics of development. The principle of consistency requires a comprehensive study of a particular subject; for this, a sequence of study is implemented, including the following main stages: structural, functional, genetic study, as well as the study of the systemic qualities of the subject being studied. At present, it can be considered universal for modern science; he received a predominant development in psychology in the study of human activity.

5. The principle of anthropocentrismfixes the central, main position of a person in the structure of activity, his active position in relation to environment. The result of the active interaction of a person with the environment in the process of activity is the transformation of the environment and the change of the person himself. Through his activity, a person overcomes external and internal limitations and is able to rise above the situation, find an effective way to transform the environment in the face of a lack of information, time and opportunities.

6. The principle of specificityinvolves taking into account the characteristics of the nature and forms of various types of activity, which are due to specific conditions for each activity and requirements for a person. Each type of activity, having overall structure with other types of activity, implements it in a special way, characteristic of a particular activity.

""Professional-applied physical training (PPFP) of students" Volkov V.Yu. doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor...»

"Professional-applied physical training

(PPFP) students"

Volkov V.Yu. doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

n/a Section title Page

1 Basic concepts 1

2 Historical background on the use of physical 2

exercises to prepare for work

3 Personal and socio-economic need for training 3

man to work

4 Place of PPPP in the system of physical education of students 5 5 Main factors of PPPP 6 6 Additional factors of PPPP 6 7 Means of PPPP 6 8 Organization and forms of PPPP in the university 7 9 Control of PPPP of students 10 Factors determining the content of 8 PPPP of faculty graduates 11 Physical culture in the future professional 9 activities of a bachelor and a specialist 12 Literature 12 13 Knowledge control 14

1.Basic concepts Professionally applied physical training is a specially directed and selective use of means physical culture to prepare a person for a certain professional activity.

Forms (types) of labor - conditionally divided into mental and physical according to physiological and psychological signs predominant manifestation in the process of activity.

Working conditions - impact on the worker external environment production and climatic nature, the duration and peculiarity of the working hours.

The nature of labor is determined by the degree and characteristics of the load during the labor process, the variety of skills and abilities used by him in the labor process.

Applied knowledge - acquired in the process of physical education, can be used in professional activities.

Applied skills and abilities - are necessary in a specific professional activity, can be formed in the process of practicing certain sports.

Applied physical qualities are those qualities (strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, dexterity) that have highest value for the effective performance of specific professional activities.

Applied mental qualities are those personality traits that contribute to the effective performance of professional types of work.

Can be formed in the process of physical education.

Applied special qualities - the ability of a person to withstand specific environmental influences (low and high temperatures, motion sickness, lack of oxygen, etc.).

Applied sports - those types (or their elements) that develop, form professionally applied knowledge, psychophysical and special qualities, skills and abilities.

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At the initial stages of the development of human society, a simple copying of physical activity and techniques labor in the simplest games, ritual competitions. In the future, people moved on to a broader topic of games with certain rules, to the creation of sports and game equipment. It was one of the ways to improve labor skills.

Under the slave-owning and feudal systems, military-applied physical training for certain sections of society was widely developed.

In the late Middle Ages, youth education systems began to be developed, where elements of PPFP are present. These are the systems of F. Rabelais, D. Locke, I. Pestalozzi and others. It was here that the direction of PPFP was born.

XIX-XX centuries In the United States, a labor organization system ("Taylorism") was developed, which was based on the application of the achievements of science and technology in order to extract maximum profit through the use of human functional capabilities.

3. Personal and socio-economic need to prepare a person for work Currently, an independent direction is being developed - special psycho-physical preparation of a person for a specific type of labor or PPFP, when the personal and socio-economic need for special psycho-physical preparation of a person for work in modern conditions is taken into account. This is due :

The influence of modern technization of labor and life on human life;

Change of place and functional role in the modern production process;

The influence of the need for change and division of labor on the content of the PPFP of the future specialist;

Ensuring a high level of intensity and individual productivity of future specialists;

Ensuring the psychophysical reliability of future specialists in the chosen form of professional work.

The influence of modern technization of labor and life on human life “There is no other means in society, except for physical culture, with the help of which it would be possible to physically prepare people for new production” (N.I. Ponomarev) Doctors pay attention to the main factors that negatively affect not only on human health, but also on his professional performance:

Detraining of the body due to insufficient motor activity;

tense emotional condition in the conditions of everyday work;

Unfavorable influence of the external environment.

Prevention of negative factors is also carried out by specialists in physical culture. They explore the functional capabilities of a healthy person and the reserves for improving performance (for example, studying high level preparedness of cosmonauts, outstanding achievements of athletes). This experience of using the means of physical culture is important to use in preparing young people for modern work.

Change of place and functional role in the modern production process

Modern production has changed the structure of labor:

Reduced the share of simple physical labor;

The pace, the rhythm of labor is now set not by the person himself, but by the technology of production;

Increasingly complex machines and automated systems are becoming the object of human efforts;

Significantly increased the responsibility of the employee;

Increased demands on the sensory-motor sphere (stability of attention, speed and accuracy of reaction, etc.);

Highly qualified specialists manage highly qualified people (according to statistics, it is working with people that tires the most).

All this requires special psychophysical preparedness by means of physical culture. Sports games, martial arts and other sports model a variety of life situations interactions between people, not only physical qualities are developed here, but also psychological properties personalities that contribute to better adaptation of people in a team, to fulfilling the role of a leader, manager.

The influence of the need for change and the division of labor on the content of the PPFP of the future specialist is due to two factors:

The constant transformation of production and changing benchmarks in the economy and politics, often requiring a change in profession.

Such a change requires both versatile abilities and good physical fitness, which can be achieved in the process of PPFP.

The narrow specialization of labor, in which significant economic efficiency is achieved, as a rule, makes labor monotonous and increases the number of occupational diseases.

PPFP in such a situation contributes to:

Prevention of occupational diseases, removal of fatigue and faster development of related specialties.

The physiological boundaries of the intensity of human labor are very elastic and can change under the influence of physical culture.

For those engaged in physical culture and leading an active lifestyle, the level of functional capabilities of the body, physical and emotional stability, coordination of movements is much higher than average values. These people have a quick learning ability, the ability to maintain the optimal pace, speed and economy of working movements and actions for a long time.

4. Place of PPFP in the system physical education students

The task of the University is to ensure the psychophysical reliability of future specialists in the chosen form of professional work.

The concept of "specialist quality" includes not only knowledge and skills in the profession, but also psychophysical reliability, which depends on the level of physical fitness.

Weak physical fitness adversely affects both educational work student, and to fulfill the requirements of the educational and industrial practice, such university graduates often cannot be used in their specialty in different areas of production, their insufficient professional “return” is also manifested, a forced change of profession, which leads to economic and moral costs.

The problem of PPFP is the most relevant in the university. The student must prepare himself in advance for the chosen profession, develop those physical and mental qualities that will determine his psychophysical reliability and success in the future profession.

The purpose and objectives of the PPFP are to form:

applied knowledge;

Applied skills and abilities;

Applied physical qualities;

Applied special qualities.

5. The main factors of PPPP the volume and list of necessary applied knowledge, skills, psychophysical and special qualities that ensure the reliability and success of professional activity, namely:

Forms (types) of labor;

Working conditions;

The nature of the work;

Mode of work and rest;

Performance dynamics.

6. Additional factors of PPFP

Additional factors:

Individual characteristics of future specialists;

Geographical and climatic conditions of the region where you have to work.

The success of training for a profession depends on the physiological and psychological fitness for the profession, i.e. from individual abilities, therefore, everyone has their own efforts and time to master PPFP.

It is important to focus on age-related changes in the human body.

The most productive age for PPFP is from 18 to 35 years.

Productive work in geographical and climatic conditions can be achieved by increased resistance to cold, heat, solar radiation, temperature fluctuations, etc. means of hardening, the implementation of hygiene measures.

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The student's PPFP funds can be subdivided:

Applied physical exercises and elements of sports;

Applied sports (their holistic application);

Hardening and hygiene factors;

Auxiliary means (simulators).

–  –  –

Organization of PPFP:

Special training during school hours;

Special training in free time.

The organization of PPFP in the classroom is determined by the program for "Physical Education", the program reflects the features of the future profession of students of each faculty. For the extended PPFP, groups for PPFP are organized in the main department, and groups for applied sports are organized in the sports department.

PPFP is carried out in the form of theoretical, practical and control classes. The purpose of theoretical classes is to give applied knowledge in the field of the chosen profession, practical - applied skills, skills, psychophysical and special qualities.

Forms of PPFP in free time:

Sectional classes at the university in applied sports;

Amateur classes in applied sports outside the university (tourist clubs, etc.);

Self-study in free time.

9. Control of PPFP students

Departments of physical culture and sports develop special requirements, standards for PPFP.

Standards and requirements are mandatory for each student. In each semester, it is recommended to perform no more than 2-3 mastery tests (students of the special department perform tests on PPPP that are available to them in their state of health). Students must complete PPFP tests not lower than "satisfactory".

The final certification is carried out in the form of an oral survey, including the questions of the PPFP section.

10. Factors that determine the content of the PPFP graduates of the faculty The student prepares the material of the topic on his own, depending on the specifics of his future profession. Specific materials can be found in the literature on:

Theory and methods of physical education of students;

Physiology and psychology of labor;

Ergonomics (studies the conditions and nature of labor so that the organization of production corresponds to human capabilities);

- "Safety";

Production organizations.

Additional factors that determine the content of the PPFP graduates of the faculty:


Health status;

Typical occupational diseases;

Geographical and climatic conditions;

National traditions.

When engaging in physical culture, it is necessary to consider:

Influence of forms and types of bachelor's and specialist's training on the content of PPFP;

Influence of the working conditions of a faculty graduate on the content of PPFP;

The nature of the work of specialists and its impact on the content of the PPFP;

Influence of the characteristics of the dynamics of fatigue of specialists on the content of PPFP.

Today there is material that characterizes the characteristics of the work of many professions (see the list of references presented).

Using these materials, the student will know what qualities and skills need to be developed in himself, what is needed to ensure professional longevity.

11. Physical culture in the future professional activity of a bachelor and a specialist Basic concepts. Industrial physical culture (PFC) is a system of methodically sound physical exercises, physical culture and sports activities aimed at increasing and maintaining a stable professional capacity.

Industrial gymnastics is a set of special exercises used during the working day to improve and restore general and professional performance, as well as to prevent possible diseases.

Occupational fatigue is an objective decrease in working capacity, the nature of which is largely related to professional activities.

Occupational disease - occurs as a result of the influence of the conditions, nature and mode of work.

Occupational injuries are industrial injuries, injuries that are statistically significantly recorded in representatives of a certain profession, regardless of the reasons.

Industrial physical culture (PFC), purpose, tasks The purpose of the PFC is to promote health and improve labor efficiency.

Tasks of the PFC:

Prepare the body for optimal inclusion in the work;

Maintain an optimal level of performance during work and restore it after its completion;

To carry out an accentuated psychophysical preparation for the performance of certain types of work;

Prevention of the possible impact on a person of adverse factors of professional work.

Methodical bases of PFC. The basis of PFC is the theory of active recreation.

I.M. Sechenov proved that working capacity is restored faster during active rest, when movements are performed by other, untired parts of the body.

The PFC methodology depends not only on the nature and content of labor, but has a “contrasting” character:

The greater the physical load in the process of labor, the less it is during active rest, and vice versa;

The less large muscle groups are included in the labor process, the more they are connected to the PFC process;

The greater the emotional and mental stress in the labor process, the less it should be in a variety of means of PFC.

PFC through improvement physiological mechanisms increases the body's resistance to the action of adverse environmental factors (overheating, hypothermia, hypoxia, the action of certain toxic substances).

Forms, methods, means of PFC. PFC forms:

AT working time;

In free time.

When choosing means and methods of PFC, it is important to consider:

Working conditions (working posture, variety of movements, workload of individual functional systems);

The dynamics, nature and degree of developing fatigue during the working day, week, month, year.

PFC during working hours is implemented through the following forms:

Introductory gymnastics;

Physical culture break;

Physical education minute;

Micropause active rest.

When constructing industrial gymnastics complexes, it is necessary to take into account:

Working posture, body position;

labor movements;

The nature of labor activity;

The degree and nature of fatigue according to subjective indicators;

Possible deviations in health;

Sanitary and hygienic condition of the place of employment.

Introductory gymnastics (VG).

The VG is carried out before the start of work, consists of 5-8 general developmental and special exercises and takes 5-7 minutes.

The purpose of introductory gymnastics is to activate the body functions that play a leading role in the performance of work.

Introductory gymnastics allows you to:

Easier to get into a working rhythm;

Reduce the period of work;

Increase efficiency at the beginning of the working day;

Reduce the negative impact of a sudden load at the beginning of the working day.

Introductory gymnastics includes special exercises that imitate working actions in their structure and nature.

For VG, exercises with an increasing pace of movements are used.

When performing the VG complex, the following rules must be observed:

A slight tonic state of the main working muscles is created;

The end of the VG complex removes excessive excitement and sets you up for the upcoming work;

After completing the VG complex, there should be no desire to rest.

Physical culture break. A physical culture break is carried out for active rest, prevention or weakening of fatigue during the working day.

The complex consists of 7-8 exercises performed in 5-10 minutes.

The place of physical education pause depends on the length of the working day, the dynamics of working capacity. With the usual 7-8 hour working day, it is recommended to carry out 2 physical education breaks: after 2-2.5 hours. after the start of work and 1-1.5 hours before its completion (Fig.).

Tasks of physical education:

To give an additional load on the body systems that do not take an active part in the work;

Relieve stress from the body systems, tired work.

Introductory gymnastics (IG) for various forms of labor. During heavy physical labor, the VG complex includes movements of a dynamic nature that are simple in coordination, involving various muscle groups in the work. The load increases gradually.

During work of moderate severity, dynamic exercises with a wide amplitude are included for muscle groups that are not involved in the work.

The maximum load falls on the middle of the complex.

When working with low physical exertion, but with a high concentration of attention, intense mental work, combined dynamic exercises for various muscle groups are recommended. The maximum load falls on the first third of the complex.

When working in adverse working conditions, preventive exercises are recommended (for example, when working with a constant inclination of the body forward, exercises that strengthen posture are necessary).

Fitness minute. Physical education is an individual form of short-term rest for local impact on tired muscle groups (2-3 exercises for 1-2 minutes several times during the working day).

Exercises are performed exactly when the employee feels the need for a short rest.

Exercise is most often associated with:

Straightening the back and pulling the shoulders back;

Straightening the legs in a sitting position, changing posture;

Relaxation exercises, restorative postures;

Tilts and turns of the body in combination with movements of the arms and legs;

Swing movements, rotation of the head, shoulders;

Massage elements.

Exercise during lunch break. During the lunch break (especially during “sedentary” work), it is necessary to significantly increase the amount of physical activity due to walking, jogging, playing.

Good results are obtained by playing table tennis during the lunch break (according to experimental data, the heart rate of qualified athletes reaches 200 beats per minute per game).

Prevention of occupational diseases and injuries. The main task of preventive exercises is to increase the body's resistance to the effects of adverse labor factors.

These include:

Overexertion from heavy physical work;

Limiting the number and volume of movements;


Uncomfortable working posture;

Nervous tension;

Vibration, motion sickness, unfavorable sanitary conditions.

The role of the leader's personality in the implementation of PFC. The degree of implementation of the PFC largely depends on how much the manager himself realizes the role and importance of the PFC for professional capacity.

When solving PFC issues, the manager analyzes the "+" and "-" implementations, comparing the humanistic aspects with the economic possibilities of production.

Modern studies have shown that the introduction of PFC funds contributes to:

Decreased overall morbidity;

Reducing injuries and occupational diseases;

Improving production efficiency;

Improvement general well-being workers, etc.


–  –  –


Vilensky M.Ya., Safin R.S. Professional orientation of physical education of students pedagogical specialties. – M.: graduate School, 1989.

Ilyinich V.I. Professional-applied physical training of university students. - M .: Higher school, 1978.

Raevsky R.T. Professionally applied physical training of students technical universities. - M .: Higher school, 1985.

Physical culture of the student. Textbook for university students / Under the general. Ed.

V.I.Ilyinich. – M.: Gardariki, 2003.


Anishchenko V.S. Physical culture: Methodical and practical classes of students: Tutorial. – M.: Ed. RUDN, 1999. - 165 p.

Vilensky M.Ya., Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of mental workers. – M.: Knowledge, 1987.

Nifontova L.N., Pavlova G.V. Physical culture for people engaged in sedentary work. - M .: Soviet sport, 1993.

Professional and applied training of students: Textbook / T.N. Mihonina et al. - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University, 1997. - 48 p.

Physical culture: Textbook / Ed. V.A. Kovalenko. – M.: Ed.

DIA, 2000. - 432 p.

Physical culture and health: Textbook / Ed. V.V. Ponomareva. – M.:

GOU VUNMTS, 2001. - 352 p.

–  –  –

We offer exemplary test questions on the topic: "Professional applied physical training (PPFP) of students":

Modern production is characterized mainly by … 1.

a) an increase in the proportion of mental stress and simple physical labor

b) a decrease in the share of simple physical labor and the responsibility of the employee

c) an increase in the interaction of people, increased responsibility of all employees

d) simplification of interaction with automated systems, lower requirements for the speed and accuracy of the employee's reaction Direction of professionally applied physical training 2.

(PPFP) arose ...

a) in a primitive society

b) in the late Middle Ages

c) XIX-XX centuries. in the USA d) 20-30s of the 20th century in our country PPFP in the university is carried out in the form of what classes?

a) theoretical

b) practical

c) control

d) all of the above Factors that negatively affect the professional 4.


a) insufficient physical activity

b) stress, ecology

c) occupational diseases

d) all of the above factors Characteristics of the characteristics of labor, in particular in agriculture, 5.

testifies that in the first place in the necessary skills and abilities is ...

a) navigate the area

b) drive cars, motorcycles, bicycles ... transport

c) swim

d) skiing The professional profile of a specialist includes a list of ... 6.

a) major occupational diseases

b) the necessary knowledge and qualities of the profession

c) related specialties

d) positions of professional growth Professional and applied physical training of a student at a university 7.

is …

a) obligatory

b) additional

c) optional

d) elective The ability of a person to resist specific influences 8.

the external environment (low and high temperatures, motion sickness, lack of oxygen, etc.) is ...

a) applied physical qualities and applied sports

b) applied mental qualities

c) applied skills and abilities

d) applied special qualities What is the name of the branch of science that studies the conditions and nature of work?

a) cybernetics

b) agglomeration

c) ergonomics

d) eclecticism

10. What is included in the main factors that determine the content of PPFP?

a) working conditions

b) the mode of work and rest

c) all the options presented are correct (a, b, d)

d) performance dynamics

11. The tasks of the PPFP include the formation of applied qualities ...

a) physical

b) mental

c) special

d) all of the above

12. According to statistics, what is the most popular form of PPFP?

a) tourism

b) swimming

c) different types of running

d) training on simulators

13. In PPFP, practical experience in performing physical exercises is important, for example, it is necessary to lift the load physiologically correctly by ...

a) back extension

b) bending the arms

c) due to the extension of the legs with a bent back

d) all methods are correct

14. The most productive age for professionally applied physical training ...

a) up to 20 years b) 20-35 years c) 35 and more

d) at any age

15. What is included in the concept of "specialist quality"?

a) professional knowledge

b) professional skills

c) psychophysical reliability

d) all of the above

16. Which of the scientists substantiated the effectiveness of outdoor activities used in the basis of industrial physical culture (PFC)?

17. What meets the rules of introductory gymnastics as a means of PFC?

18. What is the name of the most short form industrial gymnastics?

19. In monotonous work, which PFC exercises should be used first?

20. What are additional performance enhancement tools?

21. Types of industrial gymnastics and their features?

22. What is the correct way to lift a heavy load from the ground?

23. What methods are used to strengthen the muscles of the eyes, the development of human peripheral vision?

24. What increases the body's resistance to the use of PFC?

25. What determines the selection of special PFC exercises?

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