What is the psychological age to determine. Psychological age as a central concept of developmental psychology. Instructions for passing the test

Olga Astakhova
Psychological age as a central concept developmental psychology


Age(in psychology) - a category that serves to designate temporal characteristics individual development. Unlike chronological age, expressing the duration of the existence of an individual from the moment of his birth, the concept of psychological age denotes a certain, qualitatively peculiar stage of ontogenetic development, determined by the laws of the formation of the organism, living conditions, training and education and having a specific historical origin.

Psychological age - physical age to which a person corresponds in terms of his level psychological development.

The relevance of the topic is high, because many researchers today pay attention to the value psychological age, the dependence of the incidence rate on the state psyche how the person feels.

The purpose of the work is to study psychological age

Tasks of the work - study concepts of developmental psychology

The study of the main periods of human development and theory age;

Consideration of the principles of diagnosis and research psychological age.

Psychological age may not coincide with chronological individual child's age on his birth certificate and then on his passport. Age period has certain limits. But these chronological boundaries can shift, and one child will enter a new age period before and the other later. Especially strong "float" teenage boundaries age associated with puberty in children.

Patterns, mechanisms and driving forces mental development ;

Childhood is a subject developmental psychology according to Obukhova - a period of enhanced development, change and learning.

In most sources age-related psychology defined as the science of facts and patterns mental development of a healthy person.

1.2. Problems of modern developmental psychology

The problem of organic and trace conditioning psyche and human behavior;

The problem of the influence of spontaneous and organized education and upbringing on the development of children (that more affects: family, street, school);

The problem of correlation and identification of inclinations and abilities;

The problem of correlation between intellectual and personal changes in mental development of the child.

Age-related psychology studies the development process mental functions and personality throughout a person's life.

3 sections stand out developmental psychology:

Children's psychology(from birth to 17 years old);

- adult psychology, mature ages;

Gerontology or psychology of the elderly.

The concept of age includes a number aspects:

1) Chronological age, determined by the length of human life (according to passport);

2) Biological age- a set of biological indicators, the functioning of the body as a whole (circulatory, respiratory, digestive systems, etc.);

3) Psychological age- a certain level of development psyche, in which turns on:

a) mental age

To determine the mental age children from 4 to 16 years old use the Wechsler test, which includes verbal and visual data (shaped) task form. When applied, the total "general intelligence". Psychologist calculates IQ - intellectual coefficient:

mental age x 100%

IQ = chronological age

b) social maturity - SQ - social intelligence (a person must be adapted to the environment that surrounds him)

in) emotional maturity : arbitrariness of emotions, balance, personal maturity.

AT real life individual components ages don't always match..

L. S. Vygotsky distinguished 3 groups periodizations:

I. The 1st group is characterized by the construction of periodization ON THE BASIS OF THE EXTERNAL, BUT RELATED TO THE CRITERION OF DEVELOPMENT ITSELF.

1) Periodization by Rene Zazzo (the systems of education and training coincide with the stages of childhood):

0-3 years early childhood

3-5 years old preschool age

6-12 years of primary school education

12-16 years old high school education

17 and older higher or university education

2) Pavel Petrovich Blonsky chose an objective, easily accessible to observation, associated with the essential features of the constitution of a growing organism, a sign - the appearance and change of teeth.

0-8 months - 2.5 years - toothless childhood

2.5 - 6.5. years - childhood milk teeth

6.5 and older - childhood permanent teeth (before the appearance of the wisdom tooth)

1) Sigmund Freud considered the main source, the engine human behavior unconscious, saturated with sexual energy.

Children's sexuality is understood 3. Freud broadly, as everything that brings bodily pleasure - stroking, sucking, emptying the intestines, etc.

0 - 1 year oral stage (erogenous zone - mucous membrane of the mouth and lips). The child enjoys when he sucks milk, and in the absence of writing - his own finger or some object. People begin to divide into optimists and pessimists, gluttony and greed can form. Beyond the unconscious "It" formed "I").

1 - 3 years anal stage (erogenous zone shifts to the intestinal mucosa). Neatness, accuracy, secrecy, aggressiveness are formed. There are many requirements and prohibitions, as a result of which the last, third instance begins to form in the personality of the child - "Super-I" as an embodiment social norms, internal censorship, conscience).

3 - 5 years phallic stage (highest stage of childhood sexuality). The genitals become the leading erogenous zone. If until now children's sexuality was directed at themselves, now children begin to experience sexual attachment to adults, boys to their mother (Oedipus complex, girls to their father (Electra complex).

This is the time of the most strict prohibitions and intensive formation "Super-I".

5 - 12 years latent stage, as it were, temporarily interrupts the sexual development of the child. Attractions coming from "It" are well controlled. Children's sexual experiences are repressed, and the child's interests are directed to communication with friends, schooling etc.

2) Stages of development of the intellect according to J. Piaget.

The process of development of the intellect is a change of three large periods, during which the formation of the three main intellectual structures takes place.

First, sensory-motor structures are formed - systems of successively performed material actions. Then structures of specific operations arise - systems of actions performed in the mind, but based on external, visual data. Even later, the formation of formal-logical operations takes place.

The main criterion is intelligence.

From 0 to 1.5-2 years - sensorimotor stage. The child begins to separate himself from the outside world, there is an understanding of constancy, stability external objects. At this time, speech is not developed and there are no ideas, and behavior is based on the coordination of perception and movement (hence the name "sensory-motor").

From 2 to 7 years, the pre-operational stage is thinking with the help of representations. A strong figurative beginning with insufficient development of verbal thinking leads to a kind of childish logic. At the stage of preoperative representations, the child is not capable of proof, reasoning. Thinking focuses on external signs subject. The child does not see things in their internal relations, he considers them as they are given by direct perception. (He thinks the wind is blowing because the trees are swaying).

3) Kohlberg's periodization, based on the study of the level of human moral development.

The 3 levels and 6 stages of moral development identified in Kohlberg's studies correspond to the biblical ideas about a person's orientation to fear, shame and conscience when choosing an act.

I level: Fear of punishment (up to 7 years old).

1. Fear of the right of force.

2. Fear of being deceived and not receiving benefits.

II level: Shame in front of other people (13 years old).

3. Shame in front of comrades, inner circle.

4. Shame of public condemnation, negative assessment of large social groups.

III level: Conscience (after 16 years old).

5. The desire to comply with their moral principles.

6. The desire to conform to their system of moral values.

There are other periods of development.

Age a person is one of the main criteria of his mental life and personality traits. Depending on the age people perceive different life situations, including illness.

Age usually divided into different periods. In general, in human life, the following can be distinguished age periods: childhood, youth, maturity and old age. Each of these periods can be divided into smaller and more precise age stages. Special meaning age has in childhood, because at this moment the main personality traits are laid.

By studying age human mentality and distortions of psychological age deals with developmental psychology.

Each person perceives his own age and related, also a person differently perceives the disease and its manifestations.

Age subject to diagnosis, both biological and psychological. This issue was also addressed in the work. Many scientists have been researching person's age thanks to which we have a rich scientific heritage in this area.


Psychological age- An interesting and extensive topic for study. It is worth noting two very closely related phenomena - the personal time of the individual and the concept of the life path.

Knowledge of features psychological age can help not only in medicine, psychology or pedagogy but also in many other areas.

Psychological age is the most important characteristic of human psyche, however, insufficiently studied and applied in science.

The future of medicine psychology, so the study psychological age and age personality characteristics is not only desirable, but also necessary so that medicine can rely on new scientific data in this area and apply them for its own purposes.

In this work, I analyzed the features of human development, at all stages of his life. Special attention devoted to development child's psyche as well as teenagers. During mental development of the child is not only the assimilation of various actions and the formation mental processes and qualities required for their implementation. The child gradually masters human forms of behavior in society and, most importantly, those internal features that distinguish a person as a member of society and determine his actions.

An adult is guided in behavior mainly by conscious motives: he is aware of why in this case he wants or should do it this way and not otherwise. The motives of an adult's behavior represent a certain system, depending on what is more and what is less significant for him. He may, for example, refuse an attractive offer in a financial transaction if he foresees a sufficient degree of risk, and he is not ready to act adventurously, or he may set himself up for the necessary work, although he is tired and today he has earned the right to rest.

The goal and objectives were achieved and implemented.

The practical significance of my work lies in the possibility

use the proposed material in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.


1. Abramova G. S. Age-related psychology. -M., 1997

2. Age and pedagogical psychology/ Ed.. A. V. Petrovsky. -M., 1979

3. Golovakha E. I., Kronik A. A. Psychological time of personality. - K .: Naukova Dumka, 1984. - S. 173–175.

4. Kulagina I. Yu. Age-related psychology. -M., 1997;

5. Nemov R. S. General Basics psychology. T. 2.-M., 1994;

6. Obukhova L. F. Children's psychology. -M., 1996;

7. Mukhina V. S. Age-related psychology. -M., 1998;

8. Reader for children psychology / Comp.. G. V. Burmenskaya. -M., 1996.

The test for your psychological age is one of the most interesting sections of the psychological study of personality. The clock counts our years tirelessly, but in our hearts we have a different idea of ​​life. Not always, the numbers in the passport are able to fully describe the worldview of a person. Even in old age, a person can be prone to teenage rebellion. Or vice versa, in young age you can start living in peace. This personality trait is often influenced by the environment of a person, the situations that he needs to solve.

Features of passing the test for psychological age

If you want to know more about the inner self, our list of questions will be of great help to you. Most psychologists consider this indicator subjective and unconscious. But there are many ways to define it by answering a few simple questions. They are compiled by experts in the study of personality traits.

The test for determining the psychological age is based on several characteristics of a person:

  • vital activity;
  • self-awareness;
  • appearance;
  • interests.
Psychologists define several types of age - social, mental, emotional. It has a lot to do with social responsibility. Some situations contribute to the maturation of a person. Experts are sure that psychological age can be brought up. It is enough to look at things optimistically, without losing judgment. Leaving for yourself the opportunity to enjoy the little things, you will see how easy it is to solve some problems, or forget about their existence.

Taking a mental age test can be helpful for parents to determine how ready a teenager is to start adulthood. On our site you can go online test to determine the psychological age is absolutely free. You will get the result immediately, no need to register or send a message.

Have you ever met people who, already at an advanced age, radiated youthful optimism and a thirst for life. Communication with them always cheers you up and makes you look at yourself differently and the world. Next to them you feel much older. Why is this happening? The fact is that your psychological age is greater than that of such people.

What influences psychological age?

This affects health. After all, old age comes when it is allowed. Reaction speed, muscle tone and joint performance are directly related to the state of mind of a person. The numbers in the passport only testify to the number of complete circles around the Sun that you and the Earth have completed. Essential for a complete happy life a person is the balance of his biological and psychological age. The definition test will show you how much your mental state and physical sensations match.

Psychological age test online

Try taking a mental age test. The results obtained will help you determine the state of your attitude. Perhaps some of them will make you think and make adjustments to your lifestyle.

You have to choose the answer in 10 questions. Do it honestly, do not deceive yourself. If the number of points received matches the number in the passport or a little more, you are all right. For those over 30, a lower score on the "my psychological age" test indicates their good state of mind, new opportunities, and freedom from stereotypes.

Those who have a psychological age, according to the results of an online test, are significantly ahead of their biological age, should think about it. They need to understand the cause of rapid aging.

If you want to change your psychological age, try looking at this channel.

My psychological age - test

  1. You are in a hurry and see how a minibus is approaching the bus stop. Your actions:

a) run to it (1);

b) I will go as fast as possible to be in time (2);

c) I will go faster (3);

d) I will not change the speed of movement (4);

e) I will check if another minibus is following her and decide what to do (5).

  1. What is your attitude towards fashion?

a) I strive to comply with it in everything (1);

b) I choose what I like (2);

c) I do not accept new extraordinary outfits (3);

d) do not accept today's fashion (4);

e) sometimes I accept, sometimes not (5).

  1. Do you have a holiday. What do you enjoy the most:

a) sit with friends (1);

b) spend the day watching TV (2);

d) read crossword puzzles (4);

e) no definite preferences (5).

  1. You see what is happening blatant injustice. Your actions:

a) I will begin to restore justice in ways known to me (1);

b) I will help the victim (2);

c) I will restore the truth by legal means (3);

d) I will walk as I walked, condemning what is happening to myself (4);

e) intervene in the situation without taking sides (5).

  1. Modern music you:

a) delights (1);

b) makes you remember about the teenage complex, which just not everyone “has been ill” (2);

c) makes you actively protest (3);

d) annoying with excessive noise (4);

e) does not touch, but you admit that everyone may have their own tastes (5).

  1. You are in the company of friends. It is important for you:

a) take the opportunity to show their skills (1);

b) show their importance (2);

c) observe the necessary decorum (3);

d) sit quietly, imperceptibly (4);

e) comply with the standards of conduct in this company (5).

  1. Do you prefer to work:

a) with a certain amount of risk and unexpected turns (1);

b) nonmonotonic (2);

c) where you will demonstrate your knowledge and experience (3);

d) light (4);

e) different, according to mood (5).

  1. Your forethought level:

a) without thinking, you take on any undertakings (1);

b) you prefer to start doing, and leave the reasoning for later (2);

c) do not proceed with the implementation until you find out all the consequences (3);

d) choose only guaranteed successful cases (4);

e) the choice of cases depends on the situation (5).

  1. Trust Degree:

a) only some (1);

b) many (2);

c) I do not trust many people (3);

d) no one (4);

e) it all depends on the circumstances (5).

  1. Your mood:

a) most often I am an optimist (1);

b) I am often an optimist (2);

c) I am often a pessimist (3);

d) I am usually a pessimist (4);

e) in different ways, depending on the circumstances (5).

If, as a result of the test, you have identified any psychological clamps, problems, etc., we recommend that you contact a specialist, for example, a hypnologist


It often happens that our passport age does not coincide with the psychological age.

Are you young at heart or, on the contrary, wise beyond your years?

Determine your psychological age with this simple test. Answer the questions and read the result corresponding to the number of points scored.

Psychological age test

Question #1:

What range of colors do you like best?

A- black, grey, brown;

B- blue, pink, color;

C- blue, green, yellow;

D- beige, cream, mint.


Question #2:

Choose the most suitable type of food:

A- seafood;

B- takeaway food;

C- fast food (McDonalds);



Question #3:

Now pick your favorite drink to go with your meal:

A- light drinks: lemonade, Cola, Fanta;

C- red wine;

D- fruit juice.


Question #4:

You turn on the TV, which one will you watch?

A- documentaries;

B- cartoons;

C- comedy;

D-drama or thriller.


Question #5:

What is your attitude towards sweets?

A- I love it!

B- normal;

C- sweet is for children;

D is harmful, so I try not to abuse it.


Question #6:

What is your opinion about Twitter (Facebook)?

B- waste of time;

C- necessity, I can't live without them;

D- It's hard to say.


Question #7:

What is your opinion about the smartphone?

A- I think it's a useful thing;

B- an absolute necessity in our time;

C- find it difficult to answer;

D is an unnecessary and expensive thing.


Question #8:

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

A- celebrating a birthday is for children;

B- just have lunch with the family;

C- have fun and celebrate with your friends;

D- holiday games and birthday cake with candles.

Question #9:

What is your attitude towards classical music?

A- she relaxes;

B- I hate her!

C- I love it!

D is normal.


Question number 10:

What would your ideal trip look like?

A- visiting Disney Land;

B- beach, Hawaii, Spain, etc.;

C- tour New York, Italy, etc.;

D- learning new cultures.



From 350 to 400 points:

Your psychological age is 4-9 years.

This means that you have that spontaneity that is characteristic of small children. You know how to rejoice and enjoy the simple joys of life and look at the world with pure children's eyes.

From 300 to 340 points:

Your psychological age is 9-16 years old.

Your psychological age is the age of an immature teenager. This means that sometimes you protest against existing norms and react to something too emotionally.

You have a very mischievous nature, characteristic of many teenagers.

From 250 to 290 points:

Your psychological age is 16-21 years.

You know when to act like an adult mature person, and when to have fun and relax like a child.

When the situation calls for it, you become serious and responsibly approach the task. But sometimes you are a real child and allow yourself to be capricious and act childishly directly.

From 200-240 points:

Your psychological age is 21-29 years.

Your psychological age is the age of a young, but already an adult person. Most of the time you behave like a mature person and know how to act seriously and deliberately.

You are a smart, responsible and deeply conscious person.

From 150 to 190 points:

Your psychological age is 29-55 years.

Your age is the age of a mature adult. You worthy personality, which always behaves very dignified, strictly and a little restrained.

Your majestic manners are to be envied.

From 100 to 140 points:

Your psychological age is 55+

In other words, your age is the age of an older person. You enjoy the simple things in life, you are not particularly interested in modern technology.