City August Conference of Pedagogical Workers. Scenario of the annual August pedagogical conference methodological development on the topic. From the transcript of the plenary session

Scenario of the August Conference of Educators

Uryupinskiy municipal district

Airport sounds. Voice-over: "A comfortable liner, next to the city of Childhood, is waiting for its passengers"

Dance "Vacation"

Children go out to the same music "Vacation". The music stops

Anton: August. Summer in the yard...

Tanya: Kids are bored at home.

Semyon: It was in the evening,

Together: there was nothing to do.

Lisa: Semyon was playing on the laptop,

Natasha: Anton listened to music,

Semyon: Lisa looked at the iPhone,

Natasha: Tanya got into the Internet,

Tanya: Natasha has nothing to do.

Natasha: The dead hour has already passed - no one was talking.

Lisa: They bought me an iPhone yesterday

Tanya: Connected to the Internet

Anton: Serdyuchka has a new hit - horror, a headache

Tanya: All antennas, but no connection

Natasha: Tired of your Internet, is there no more news?

Simon: Here! An anniversary will soon be in the Uryupinsk district!

Anton: Wow! Birthday!

Natasha; How many days is this?

(The children are all looking at the laptop, a presentation is being shown "Uryupinsky district is 85 years old")

Anton: Uryupinsk district is 85 years old!

Natasha: Wow!

Tanya: Wow!

Music as background

Lisa: Do you know that in the Uryupinsk district, the buildings of all the schools that function today have been built in 85 years. And we have a lot of them: 1 lyceum, 15 secondary, 5 basic, and 1 elementary school.

Natasha: By the way, our school was built in the year our principal was born.

Anton: Wow! That is why she is so young and beautiful.

Natasha: School or principal?

Anton: Yes, both

Tanya: Do you know that in the Uryupinsk district for 85 years, 19484 graduates received school leaving certificates, of which 1472 received matriculation certificates at our school

Semyon: 262 graduates graduated from school with medals “For Special Academic Achievement”, 13 of them are graduates of our school

Natasha; On September 1, children will come to the schools of the district, and 110 will study at our school

Semyon: Do you know that among the teachers of our district there are 45 teacher dynasties.

Anton: Imagine, in the Uryupinsk region for 85 years, 311 graduates returned to their schools after graduation as teachers. And in our school there were 32 such teachers.

Lisa: I would also go to work as a teacher in our school.

Natasha: In the Uryupinsk district, all schools are good: the Internet, computer classes, gyms, new furniture. (Slides with photos from schools)

Lisa: Huh?! Blimey!

Anton: Eh, guys, I really want to go to school. We have such a beautiful schoolyard there. Have you seen what kind of windows are now in the gym?. And the doors? (Slides about the school)

Semyon: Computers in the computer lab have been waiting for, but now we have them in every second classroom in our school

Tanya: And again, new books appeared in the library, and an oak tree grew on the third floor.

Lisa: Hurry up to school, I missed the teachers so much.

Children sing to the tune "It's time to hit the road":

Once in Dubovka, in August, in the evening,

When our guys have nothing to do at all,

We'll get together, we'll talk about this and that

And sing our favorite song:

It's time to go to our school, to our beloved, dear. We will start the lesson

The teachers come out and sing:

We are waiting for you guys, the silver bell is ringing for you

The teachers take the students away, 4 remain on the stage, they read poetry to the music:
1 teacher:

Birds gather in flocks for warmth, to the south.
A breeze flew through the silence of the already compressed fields.
The year goes on for a long time we know the eternal circle,
For the past summer, lone leaves from the branches are sad.
2 teacher:

Here it breathed a coolness, and the leaves, in a hurry, like Cinderella from the ball,
Overtaking each other, they fly off in an unrestrained haste from the branches.
Summer is over, and autumn has arrived.
Autumn. School. Call. And native smiles of children.

3 teacher:

Teachers' council, schedule, lessons, calls, changes,
At school, laughter, hubbub, noise from feet running up the stairs.
This means that the teacher has started his shift again
And, as before, he entered his bright classroom for the first lesson.

4 teacher:
There are many ahead. Many victories and discoveries.
The graduate again in May will step into the distance beyond the school threshold.
In the meantime, there will be many good and kind events.
Augustovka gives you a start, dear teacher!

(Leaders exit to solemn music)

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear participants and guests of the conference!
Host 2:
We are glad to welcome you before the start of the new academic year at the traditional August conference, at which today the results of the past academic year will be summed up, priority areas of activity and tasks for the future will be identified.
Presenter 1:
I would like today's conference to fill this day with a festive mood and instill in us hope and faith in further success.

Lead 2. The August conference is a special pedagogical tradition, warmed by the warmth of these last summer days and sincere love for the profession.

Lead 1. The conference is attended by delegations from all educational institutions of the Uryupinsk municipal district. These are the teachers additional education, educators, heads of educational institutions, veterans of pedagogical work.

Host 2:
Let's welcome our honored guests:

the head of the Uryupinsk municipal district Alexander Ivanovich Feronov;

Tatyana Yegorovna Matykina, Chairman of the Uryupinsk District Duma;

Presenter 1:
The honorable right to open the August pedagogical conference is granted to the head of the department of education, guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the Uryupinsk municipal district Voronina Irina Anatolyevna.

The opening of the conference by the head of the education department ends with the words: “Dear participants and guests of the conference! Allow the August 2013 Pedagogical Conference to be considered open.”


Host 2: To greet the participants of the conference, we invite the head of the Uryupinsk municipal district Alexander Ivanovich Feronov to this stage.
Congratulation of the head of the district

Presenter 1: The word for congratulations is given to the chairman of the Uryupinsk District Duma Tatyana Egorovna Matykina

Host 2:
With the results of the work of the education system of the Uryupinsk municipal district and the tasks for the new academic year as part of the implementation of the project "Our new school» will introduce the head of the department of education, guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the Uryupinsk municipal district Voronina Irina Anatolyevna
Speech by Voronina I.A.:



Presenter 1: In the Uryupinsk municipal district there is a school where the teacher's motto is: "Only up and only up!"

Host 2: Dear colleagues, you are welcomed by the municipal budgetary educational institution Dubovskaya secondary school. From September 1 this year, the school will become a pilot school, so we invite you to fly with us over the school continent

The recording of Yu.Antonov's song "The long-awaited plane" sounds. Recording of airport sounds, voice-over of the announcer “Attention, attention! Boarding is announced for flight 20-13, next to the city of Childhood. The crew is requested to board the aircraft." Commander and 2 pilot come out.

Commander: Is the plane ready for flight? Report on the technical condition

2 pilot: Selection committee Satisfied, Rospotrebnadzor and Fire Supervision have fulfilled all the requirements. The toilets are attached, the roofs don't leak, the windows don't blow.

Commander: And what about the food for passengers?

2 pilot: Funds are allocated, contracts with suppliers are signed, dishes are purchased in 2, no 3 times more than seats

Commander: Is the crew ready?

2 pilot: Academic plan agreed, the schedule is drawn up, the work programs are ready. Advanced training courses completed.

Commander: Has the order of the Ministry to introduce school uniforms been carried out?

2 pilot: Completed. You can see for yourself

The stewardesses come out. The song "The long-awaited plane":

Today we are all passengers

And let's take flight

Boarding has already been announced.

On the long-awaited plane.

Written notes, plans ...

Tough experience in luggage.

Let's take hands at the ladder -

And it's time for a good journey.

Overtaking the teacher's age.

Anything happens on the road.

Fate changes sometimes

And time flies by quickly

Frightening all of us.

But, as a lifeline,

The hand reaches out to the bell.

Let's look at each other

We are still on vacation.

Chorus: Teachers live only in flights,

Only in flights does a student grow.

Heart beats like a hunted bird

Overtaking the teacher's age.

Commander: Well done, I see that they have prepared for the flight. I was informed that some members of the crew decided to leave the board.

2 pilot: Exactly.Today we want to invite to this stage those whose selfless work has proved that there is no higher and nobler vocation than a teacher, teachers - who, like stars, have reached our admiration and respect. These are teachers who have worked at the school for many years and are now retired.

Honoring veterans. Fanfare sounds. Slides. Veterans are taken out by children

Commander: Ivanov Vladimir Stepanovich, teacher of the Dobrinsky Lyceum, - active, creative teacher. skillfully builds partnerships with colleagues, with children, has a high capacity for work, combines democracy and exactingness in his work.

2 pilot: Demina Natalia Alekseevna - teacher German language Verkhnebezymyanovskaya secondary school, worked in this school for 35 years. Love for the job. Full dedication of strength and deep knowledge - these are the qualities that are characteristic of Natalya Alekseevna. Her secret is in her great diligence and honesty. Each of her lessons is not an imitation, not a copy - this is her creative style.

2 pilot. Alexandrin Gennady Pavlovich, teacher of the Dyakonovskaya secondary school.

Commander: The word is givenChairman of the Uryupinsk District Duma Tatyana Egorovna Matykina

Solemn music. Delivery of flowers, gifts. Children take veterans off the stage

Commander: Let the labor song be sung,

Head covered with gray

Life goes on without decreasing its pace,

Life is still right in everything.

2 pilot: We wish you health, light,

Rest, happy in everything,

To be warmed with warmth and joy,

The world and the house were desired for you ...

Commander: Dear veterans, a musical gift performed by Vladimir Simonov sounds for you.

Commander: It is very pleasant that our teaching staff is replenished, and today the educational institutions of the Uryupinsk district accept young professionals - energetic, charming, smart, knowledgeable, who have chosen a noble, responsible and very interesting profession - a teacher.

2 pilot: We invite on board our liner:

    Popova Yuliya Vasilievna - teacher of mathematics and computer science at MKOU Dolgovskaya secondary school (Volgograd social and pedagogical university).

    Usov Viktor Aleksandrovich, teacher of physical culture and teacher-organizer of life safety, MBOU Saltynskaya secondary school (Saratov Pedagogical College).

    Glukhova Sofya Vasilievna, teacher of history and social studies, MKOU Dyakonovskaya secondary school (VolGU).

    Suvorova Yulia Nikolaevna, teacher of biology, MBOU Krepovskaya secondary school (BSPI).

    Gavrilova Anna Olegovna, teacher of history, MBOU Krepovskaya secondary school (VolSU).

    Dimitreno Evgeny Nikolaevich, teacher of physical education, MBOU Dubovskoy secondary school. (Pavlovsky Pedagogical College).

    Diasamidze Maria Amiranovna, teacher of chemistry, MBOU Dubovskoy secondary school (Volgograd social and pedagogical university).

2 flight attendants come out

1 Stewardess: Now you are trainees on board our liner. Allow me to hand over to you "Responsibilities young teacher»

    The stewardess reads:

Everyone who assumes the position of a young teacher must:

    Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

    Remember that they have long said in Russia: "Talent must be hungry." Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.

    To amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.

1 stewardess: And now I ask you to take an oath and after each paragraph say: “I swear!”

Solemn oath

§one. We vow to uphold the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger". It means: faster than the wind do not run during breaks, do not jump higher than the administration, do not be stronger than Atlanta, and do not carry bags with notebooks over 10 kilograms.

§2. We swear louder than children not to shout and forgive their pranks.

Young professionals. We swear!

§3 We swear to love all children and keep the school faithful.

Young professionals. We swear!

2 pilot: What, not easy?. But you already swore

At the very moment when he called himself a teacher.

Keep this oath as long as possible

Embrace childhood with your love.

Commander:Colleagues of the new arrivals, congratulate the young professionals.

Presentation of gifts, congratulations from colleagues

2 pilot. Let the students love youLet them appreciate, understand the authorities,We wish you health, happiness,Reliable friendly hand.

Commander: Let your sense of humor
predominates among others.
And let the radiance of children's eyes
Accompanies you everywhere
Young professionals descend into the hall to the sound of music

Pilot 2: A musical gift performed by Vladimir Simonov sounds for young teachers

Commander: I would like to know more about our passengers.

2 pilot: Oh, our passengers are wonderful: the most intelligent, the most well-mannered, the most inquisitive, the most obedient, the most talented ...

Pilot 1: Everything is clear, but who flies first class?

2 pilot: Let's look at them

First graders come out to the music. Presentation by first graders:

    Open doors for us, school,

Take us in your arms.

In your big and bright tower,

Open doors wider.

Feel free to call us.

We came here to study

Do not beat the buckets at school.

    They say school is a burden

And not a holiday on halva,

Here they gnaw granite all the time,

A stake on the head.

    Very often thoughts jump

Like peas from the wall,

And the ends are hidden in the water,

Even bent into a ram's horn.

    Skins of seven from the guys are torn off,

And noodles will hang a cart,

Sometimes they hover in the clouds

And they poke their nose into everything.

    But we are not born with a bast,

We no longer sleep in our arms

If anything, then we'll be quits,

We stand up for ourselves.

    We do not slurp bast shoes,

Laziness is bypassed

And for us, we assure

The school will be your home.

First graders leave to the music.

Commander: Passengers are on board, the crew is in their places. I declare readiness No. 1

I appeal to everyone in this room today

Kindergarten teachers, are you ready to start a new flight?

teachers primary school, you are ready?

Teachers of Russian and foreign languages, are you ready?

Teachers of mathematics, physics, computer science, are you ready?

Biology, geography, chemistry teachers, are you ready?

History and social studies teachers, are you ready?

Physical education, life safety and technology teachers, are you ready?

Principals and directors, are you ready?

Command and control center represented by specialists from the department of education, guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the Uryupinsk municipal district, are you ready?

Administration and Duma of the Uryupinsk Municipal District, are you ready?

Irina Anatolyevna, the pedagogical community is ready for the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year. Allow the school year to begin.

Well, colleagues, from the screw! Have a nice flight!

School bell sounds

Final song (to the melody "Moscow" by O. Gazmanov)

Through wars, fires, centuries

Silver ringing flies into the sky.

This sound is heard from afar -

This is the school bell ringing for us.

And our school army is growing

With each graduation of students.

And in the country everyone should clearly know:

School is the foundation.


And the bells are ringing for us again.

The students are waiting for us.

And we are on the gold banners

Let's write a chronicle of times.

We believe that we have reached the heights

Our star students

Leading them into free flight,

We light beacons for them.

And where fate will not throw

Come home soon.

Always waiting for you motherland,

Our Uryupinsk Territory dear


Vivat, Uryupinsk district.

We are happy that we live here.

And we are the teacher's pen

Let's write a chronicle about him.


holding a plenary meeting of educators municipality Bryukhovetsky district on the topic:

Art. Bryukhovetskaya 08/29/2011

The Great Hall of the RDK named after Petrik beginning at 9.00

On screen slideshow about education.

Solemn music sounds in the hall.


(against the music of Khachaturian "Gayane")

Voice behind the scene: Many centuries ago, the Greek titan Prometheus committed an act of insolence unheard of. He stole the divine fire and gave it to people. This romantic impulse made the act of Prometheus a symbol of the divine and great wisdom, the personification of creative inspiration and selfless service to people.

IN 1:

Divine fire reveals to us

Holy gates to the temple of enlightenment.

And warms souls and hearts,

Gives space to songs and dreams

IN 2:

Generous nature gives us shoots,

And, rejoicing in the last summer days,

We sing a hymn to the servants of the people -

Creators of childish souls - teachers!

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, dear teachers, tremulous keepers of great wisdom!

IN 2:

Hello, people with restless hearts, selflessly devoted to their profession.

IN 1:

For many years, at the end of August, this hall has been gathering all teachers and teachers of the district for a traditional pedagogical conference. And we are glad to see you all here again.

В 2. Every year, guests of honor attend our conference.

(representation of guests against the backdrop of fanfare)

IN 1 . We invite you to take a seat on the presidiumto participate in the conference:

2 Vladimir Viktorovich Musatov - head of the municipality Bryukhovetsky district, secretary of the local political council of the United Russia party

1. Igor Rifkatovich Karamov - Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Bryukhovetsky District.

2. Anatoly Viktorovich Yugov - Director of the Bryukhovets Agricultural College, Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Worker Agriculture Russia, deputy of the legislative assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

1. Nikolai Ivanovich Sedik - Head of the Education Department

2. Fyodor Nikolaevich Kuropyatnik - Chairman of the District Council of Deputies.

1. Rector of the Holy Intercession Church; Archpriest, Father Andrey Vnuchko

IN 1.

Also, heads of rural settlements, heads of departments and departments of the district administration, heads of farms and enterprises, district services take part in the conference; cultural workers, special schools, vocational schools, deputies.

IN 2.

In the last days of August 2011, the entire pedagogical community of the region devotes a traditional conference to the discussion legislative support education systems in the conditions of modernization.

В 1 The floor for conducting the conference is given to the head of the municipality Bryukhovetsky district Vladimir Viktorovich Musatov.

V.V. Musatov:

Allow the traditional August conference to be considered open.

(Russian anthem sounds)

(Kuban anthem sounds)

(hymn to Bryukhovetskaya)

The followingMeeting agenda:

1 . "Financial and economic mechanisms for the development of education in the municipality of Bryukhovetsky district"

Speaker Igor Rifkatovich Karamov, deputy head of the municipality Bryukhovetsky district.

2. Speech in debate.

3 . Rewarding educational institutions and honoring teachers.

Any comments on the agenda? If not, then I ask you to approve the agenda.

- "Behind"

- "Against"

- "Abstained"

The agenda has been approved.

We need to establish a workflow. The speaker asks for 40 minutes, speeches in the debate up to 7 minutes, the meeting to be completed in 3 hours without a break.

- "Behind"

- "Against"

- "Abstained"

The regulation has been adopted.

The floor for the report is given to Igor Rifkatovich Karamov,Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Bryukhovetsky District.

Chairperson (V.V. Musatov, after the end of the report):

The report is over. How will we ask questions to the speaker?

Questions are encouraged to be submitted in writing.

- During the meeting, the secretariat will work, consisting of: Larisa Gennadievna Gorbunova, specialist of the education department, Alla Nikolaevna Lyubchenko, methodologist of the regional information and methodological center.

Please send notes with questions directly to the presidium through the secretaries.

Let's move on to the debate.

The word is given:

Yugov Anatoly Viktorovich,Director of the Bryukhovets Agrarian College "On Improving the Quality vocational education at the Bryukhovets Agrarian College";

- Petrova Elena Vasilievna, Director of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution of Secondary General Education School No. 2 of the village of Bryukhovetskaya, “On the contribution of teachers-deputies of various levels to the development of the education system of the district”;

Suchkov Alexander Georgievich, entrepreneur, chairman of the governing board high school No. 3 "On the role of the governing council in the development of an educational institution";

- Tkachenko Olga Viktorovna, the head of the Novodzherelievsky rural settlement "On the interaction of educational institutions with the administration of the rural settlement to strengthen the material and technical base";

- Rudenko Andrey Dmitrievich, director of the children's youth sports school "On the results of the financial and economic activities of an autonomous institution for the 1st half of 2011";

- Gorbik Tatyana Nikolaevna, head of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 2 "Kubanochka" "On the results of the financial and economic activities of an autonomous institution for the 1st half of 2011";

- Yuri Ivanovich Bugaikov, chairman of the territorial trade union organization of educators "Economy in the education system: wages teaching staff, social benefits".

Chairman (V.V. Musatov):

Questions from the audience are answered by Igor Rifkatovich Karamov and Nikolai Ivanovich Sediq.

(I.R. Karamov and N.I. Sediq answer questions)


We need to pass a resolution. All participants of the meeting were given a draft resolution.

Is there an addition or change?

The floor for the reading of the draft resolution is given to Igor Rifkatovich Karamov, Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation Bryukhovetsky District

Chairperson (V.V. Musatov):

There is a proposal to adopt the draft decision as a basis with subsequent adjustment based on the results of the work of the secretariat

- "Behind"

- "Against"

- "Abstained"

Decision is made.

Dear participants of the meeting, for the procedure of rewarding and honoring teachers, I suggest that the presidium take a seat in the auditorium.

Let's move on to the second question of our meeting -rewarding educational institutions and honoring teachers.

(After the plenary meeting, close the curtain, remove the tables)

Presenters come out in front of the curtain (background musical composition on a school theme)

B.1 Times, events, dates change, but the beautiful remains unchanged on earth mysterious world- the world of the school. This world is like a huge stage, where the Maestro of children's souls, the school teacher, masterfully performs his main part every day and every hour.

B.2 The teacher is a brilliant musician who, with the sound of his magic flute, creates unique melodies in children's hearts.

B.1 The teacher is a sensitive, romantic artist who makes the first sketches on the clean canvases of children's souls.

B.2 The teacher is a talented sculptor, a sculptor who carves with a magic chisel the wonderful outlines of a future personality.

B.1 A teacher is an eternal striving for new heights, these are failures and successes, defeats and victories, falls and ups.

B.2 The teacher is the conductor who, with a wave of his magic wand, sets in motion the immense polyphony of the school orchestra.

B1 Dear teachers, on the eve of the new academic year, please accept this musical gift.

(musical number)

IN 2

How time is mercilessly fleeting

Sometimes it seems that everything is going to the bottom ...

And only the teacher lights the candles,

when others curse the darkness.

And let the speeches not subside

Let the eyes of the students shine

Then we just light the candles

When love doesn't stop.

IN 1

And only the teacher is honest, kind, cordial,

And only the teacher is sincere and bold,

That's why he lights the candles

To keep the darkness out.

Vedas 1: Teachers and the school are called upon to give knowledge, bring light and kindness. They are and always remain an island of hope, love and harmony. After all, each of us wants so much that good conquers evil, and light overcomes darkness.

Vedas 2. Dear teachers, let me heartily congratulate you on the beginning of the academic year "Knowledge Day"

Vedas 2: Traditionally individual words we express our gratitude to those teachers who have devoted more than one year of their lives to the cause of serving national education, all their skills. Dear veterans of pedagogical work, on behalf of all those present, we would like to congratulate you on the upcoming day of knowledge.

Vedas1: The Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Bryukhovetsky District is invited to award the anniversariesValentina Alekseevna Komar

Ved.2: We welcome on stage teachers with 25 years of experience:(FANS)

  • Kravtsova Elena Ivanovna, Deputy Director for Educational Work, MBOU Secondary School No. 11,
  • Chistyak Lyudmila Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 11
  • Savchenko Petr Fedorovich, teacher of physics MAOU secondary school No. 2,
  • Shkryum Olga Fedorovna, teacher of physical education, secondary school No. 9,
  • Goroshinskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, primary school teacher

Secondary School No. 3,

  • Demchenko Marina Ivanovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 3,
  • Manachenko Liliya Alexandrovna, technology teacher of secondary school No. 2,
  • Nichiporuk Natalya Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 2,
  • Sentaeva Svetlana Vasilievna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 2
  • Bilko Marina Panteleevna, teacher of secondary school No. 16
  • Lyakh Natalya Evgenievna, educator kindergarten No. 4 Little Red Riding Hood
  • Petina Galina Pavlovna, teacher of kindergarten No. 2 "Kubanochka"
  • Barannikova Tatyana Yuryevna, teacher of kindergarten No. 25 "Bee"
  • Baranova Julia Vladimirovna, teacher of kindergarten No. 25 "Bee"
  • Tyukalova Valentina Borisovna, senior kindergarten teacher

No. 25 "Bee"

Vedas 1: Please go to the hall.

We invite for congratulations the head of the education department of the administration of the municipality Bryukhovetsky districtNikolai Ivanovich Sediq

Vedas.2 We welcome on stage teachers who celebrated their 30th anniversary pedagogical activity:

  • Kostyuchenko Elena Ivanovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 9,
  • Bagriy Ekaterina Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 9,
  • Voronova Nina Petrovna, teacher of mathematics, secondary school No. 3,
  • Vasilyeva Marina Gennadievna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 20,
  • Ivantsova Nadezhda Porfirievna, biology teacher, secondary school No. 20,
  • Eremenko Viktor Alekseevich, teacher of computer science and history, secondary school No. 20,
  • Suslov Nikolai Vladimirovich, teacher of physical culture, secondary school No. 20,
  • Shakula Olga Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 7
  • Litovka Anna Filippovna, geography teacher, secondary school No. 7
  • Nevalenykh Natalya Nikolaevna, primary school teacher

School No. 7

  • Gurskaya Alexandra Alekseevna, Deputy Head for Educational and Methodological Work of Kindergarten No. 2 "Kubanochka"
  • Dobrobaba Irina Borisovna, head of kindergarten No. 35 "Alyonushka"
  • Rudenko Klara Anatolyevna, musical director of kindergarten No. 25 "Bee"

Ved.2: We ask you to go into the hall, and we invite the deputy head of the administration of the municipality Bryukhovetsky district Igor Rifkatovich Karamov to hold the award ceremony

VED.1 Anniversaries who have worked in the pedagogical field are invited to the stage 35 years:

  • Nikolaenko Nadezhda Alekseevna, teacher of mathematics, secondary school No. 9,
  • Ragulina Svetlana Vasilievna, German language teacher, secondary school No. 9
  • Shulga Lyubov Vasilievna, teacher of kindergarten No. 21 "Yolochka"
  • Korotenko Larisa Ivanovna, musical director of kindergarten No. 21 "Herringbone"

Ved.1 We ask you to go into the hall.

To congratulate the anniversaries of pedagogical work with a 40 year old with experience, the head of the administration of the municipal formation Bryukhovetsky district Vladimir Viktorovich Musatov is invited

Vedas2: We invite you to the stage:

  • Zavarykina Nadezhda Grigorievna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 9,
  • Zakarlyuka Olga Antonovna, teacher of mathematics, MBOU secondary school No. 20,
  • Klimenko Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of German, secondary school No. 2
  • Shakul Nikolai Vasilyevich, organizer - teacher of secondary school No. 7
  • Shvedova Valentina Stefanovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 7
  • Babkina Tatyana Petrovna, teacher of kindergarten No. 2 "Kubanochka"
  • Dzyuba Lyubov Nikolaevna, teacher of kindergarten No. 35 "Alyonushka"

Gribova Nadezhda Iosifovna, a teacher of mathematics at secondary school No. 12, celebrates her 50th anniversary of pedagogical activity this year. To the thunderous applause of the audience, we ask you to take the stage.

Please take your seats in the hall.

Ved1. The concept of "teacher" does not exist in the past tense. After all, over the years it is not only a profession, but also a state of mind.

Dear veterans of pedagogical work, accept musical congratulations

(Musical number)

Ved.1 According to the established tradition at the August meeting, we welcome not only veterans of pedagogical work, but also young specialists, whose pedagogical work shift begins on September 1, 2011.

The fighting enthusiasm, skill, experience and solar energy of our veterans are so necessary for young sprouts - novice teachers. Bright heads of young people, their warm hearts are very much needed by our district, our schools, our children!


1. You, newbie, happy and confused,

cross the school threshold without fear!

Magic dream let it be winged

And the first day of school, and your first lesson!!!

VED 1 To congratulate young teachers, the head of the department for youth affairs of the municipality Bryukhovetsky district Svetlana Aleksandrovna Dashivets is invited to the stage.

VED 2 We meet with thunderous applause:

  • Natalia Nikolaevna Galyatkina, English teacher

Secondary School No. 15,

  • Shkarlat Albina Sergeevna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 15
  • Suvorov Alexey Valerievich, teacher of computer science, secondary school No. 20,
  • Ovcharova Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher foreign language School No. 3.
  • Yakimenko Natalya Sergeevna, foreign language teacher, secondary school No. 3

(Musical number)

1. Summer ends, summer ends,

And the grove is already

dressed differently,

And the sky is different

And another river

August changes them

Running away from us.

2. Summer is ending

Summer is ending

But will stay with us

Somewhere in memory

How loudly met

How tasty the food

Like sunshine and joy

We were generously given.

IN 1. Only a few days separate us from the beginning of autumn, the beginning of a new school year, new meetings with children, colleagues, the beginning of joys and experiences. And behind the painstaking work of organizing summer leisure for children, health improvement and employment of students in our district. Traditionally, we sum up the results of the summer health campaign. (Presentation on the fly)

В 2: For the awards ceremony, the chairman of the interdepartmental commission for the organization of summer employment and the rehabilitation of children, the deputy head of the administration for social issues Igor Rifkatovich Karamov.

B.1 For high level organizations educational work and leisure activities for children based on the results of the summer health campaign "Summer 2011" is awarded

  • summer recreation camp "Rainbow", secondary school No. 11

head Elena Alekseevna Akimova

  • summer recreation camp "Beryozka", secondary school No. 1

head Elena Nikolaevna Latush

  • summer recreation camp "Solnyshko", school No. 6

leader Lidmila Viktorovna Ganzha

  • summer recreation camp "Rodnichok", secondary school No. 10

head Tripyatak Nina Nikolaevna

  • summer recreation camp "Kapitoshka", secondary school No. 7

Head Valentina Ivanovna Shvedova

  • summer recreation camp "Skazka", secondary school No. 8

head Natalya Borisovna Sizova

  • summer recreation camp "Solnyshko", secondary school No. 20

head Olga Viktorovna Kobzeva - Andreevskaya

  • summer recreation camp "Miracle Island", school No. 16

leader Galina Fedorovna Kryazhevskikh

  • summer recreation camp "Kazachok", secondary school No. 5

head Irina Vladimirovna Povarnitsyna

  • summer recreation camp "Oblaka", secondary school No. 2

head Svetlana Nikolaevna Kostyrko

  • summer recreation camp "Solnyshko", secondary school No. 3

head Tatyana Aleksandrovna Nikerina


  • summer recreation camp "Merry guys", secondary school No. 13,

took 3rd place in the municipal competition based on the results of the summer health campaign "Summer 2011", head Elena Alekseevna Onisenko

  • summer recreation camp "Solnyshko", secondary school No. 15, which took 2nd place in the municipal competition based on the results of the summer recreation campaign "Summer 2011",head Svetlana Rafaelevna Setun
  • We ask Natalya Ilyinishna Neglyad, the head of the Nightingale Camp of School No. 9, who won the Summer 2011 contest, to come up on stage

(Musical number)

AT 1. Every year, on the threshold of a new academic year, you review your pedagogical "baggage", critically assess what worked out well, what were the findings, what should be decisively eliminated.

В 2. Today we are summing up the results of the traditional competitionfor the best educational institution in preparation for the new academic year. For the presentation of diplomas, the head of the education department of the administration of the municipality Bryukhovetsky district Nikolai Ivanovich Sediq is invited

2. Among the general educational institutions of the district, the 3rd place in the region was taken by the secondary school No. 20 of the village of Bryukhovetskaya. We ask you to come up to the stage of the director of the school, Vladimir Vasilyevich Kanunnikov.


1. Among institutions preschool education 1st place in the zonal stage of the competition was taken by kindergarten No. 2 "Kubanochka" of the village of Bryukhovetskaya. We ask the manager Tatyana Nikolaevna Gorbik to come up to the stage.


2. We invite you to enter the hall.

Accept musical congratulations

(musical number)

Vedas 1: There is little left -

And forward again.

And back on the road

September is calling.

Teach and learn

Grow up and dream.

Strive for the heights

And conquer them!

Vedas 2: Looping through life,

Your exact count

Any road

Leads from school.

And many fates

Spin, don't spin

Along the school trail

Keeps going.

Vedas 1: There is a minute left

Give a hint.

Warmth and comfort

We want to wish.

Let us

Starting a new year

In everything to come

lucky again

1. We wish you health and success in your new academic year. Be happy.

(final song.)

The annual August pedagogical conference is timed to coincide with the beginning of the new academic year. Within the framework of the conference, round tables were held in sections, at which teachers discussed problems, exchanged experiences and outlined tasks for the new academic year. And on August 29, directors and teachers gathered at school No. 15 for a plenary session. The final event was attended by all schools and preschool educational organizations of the city, as well as heads of institutions of secondary vocational education.

Honorary guests took part in the conference: Mayor Andrey Voytyuk, director of the MAI Strela branch Vladislav Maksimov, president of the association of preschool educational institutions in science cities Yuri Antonov, representatives of the Academy of Social Management (ASOU).

Teachers summed up the results of the past academic year. Achievements were noted, and problems were also highlighted. Within the framework of the conference, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the regional competition for the status of the Regional Innovation Platform of the Moscow Region in 2017. Also, the Head's Gratitude was awarded to teachers who prepared graduates who received 100 points on the Unified State Examination, as well as other teachers for their fruitful work in educating the younger generation.

According to the results of the 2016-2017 academic year, the rating "100 best schools Moscow Region, compiled by the regional Ministry of Education, included three Zhukovsky schools - lyceum No. 14 (4th place), gymnasium No. 1 (8th place) and school No. 3 (15th place). 56 students of science city schools became winners and prize-winners of the regional stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, 11 children were among the winners of the final stage, and two Zhukovites - Mikhail Sysak (Lyceum No. 14) and Daniil Dolgov (Gymnasium No. 1) won the "gold" and "silver" of the International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics," the head of the city education, - said Victoria Rybalova.

The problem for the city's schools is the insufficient number of young professionals.

The age limit for teachers is high - 51 years. We have identified the attraction of young teachers to the city's schools as a priority task. It is also necessary to increase the coverage of children in circle activities. The president drew the attention of Russian teachers to this aspect. Also, schools were tasked with more actively implementing inclusive education in schools for children in handicapped health.

The priority task is still to improve the quality of education. According to the analysis of municipal systems in the cluster model, only two cities in the Moscow region - Dolgoprudny and Zhukovsky - are in the twelfth cluster and occupy the highest place in the ranking in terms of the quality of education. There are also two schools of the city in the higher cluster - lyceum No. 14 and gymnasium No. 1, - said the head of the education department.

Nadezhda Avdeeva
Pedagogical August Conference " modern education: new requirements, new opportunities, new responsibility"

Within the theme conferences“Results and prospects for the development of the municipal system education: new needs, new opportunities, new responsibility» we present the performance of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 for 2016-2017. and development targets for 2017-2018.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational Kindergarten No. 10 is working steadily in development mode. It is characterized by wide and intensive use innovation processes, real practical changes, the content of which is the implementation of the development program.

The mission of the institution is to create conditions for pupils to receive high-quality education and upbringing that allows you to successfully live in a rapidly changing world, through individualization educational process and implementation new educational technologies.

transition educational institutions from operating mode to development mode was preceded by the need to define "zone of proximal development" DOW - what can be done now with a certain position of all participants educational process. One of the most important directions for solving this problem is the intensification educational process, i.e., the development and implementation of such forms and methods of teaching that would provide for the purposeful development thinking abilities pupils, developing their interest in cognitive activity, independence and creativity.

Improving the structure educational process, its methods and organizational forms, introduced elements of novelty - the implementation innovative projects:

1. Regional innovative platform"Regional component in educational - educational process DOW as innovative organizational and pedagogical form of socialization of pupils"

Objective of the project: Education and education of children preschool age in a holistic educational process on the basis of spiritual, moral, moral, patriotic and socio-cultural values ​​through familiarizing children with the history and culture of their native land.

AT this moment implemented, stage II - meaningful and active (2016-2017 academic year, the purpose of which was to implement pedagogical activities for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children in all educational areas.

Within the framework of which the following events of the city and regional levels:

main direction innovative activities of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 is an:

Kindergarten became a member of the All-Russian network project of civic-patriotic education "Russia through the eyes of children", the purpose of the project is to develop and test effective forms of work with children of senior preschool age on patriotic education. The project is implemented under the patronage and active participation of the Institute of Mobile educational systems(IMOS). The project is long-term, lasting 1 year. The project included children, parents, educators of 8 senior and pre-school groups.

City workshop for teachers Preschool educational institution within the framework of the All-Russian network project "Russia through the eyes of children":

At the seminar teachers of our institution shared their experience in using the regional component for the moral and patriotic development of preschool children in their educational work – 5 open classes were held for city ​​teachers.

Main directions, stages of work preschool on the subject of the seminar was presented by the head of the MDBOU kindergarten No. 10 Kastrulina E. B., introduced the seminar participants to the organization educational process and developing subject-spatial environment, outlined the goals of each direction in educational space DOW, within the framework of which work is carried out on the moral and patriotic development of pupils.

Regional workshop with international participation "Patriotic education and the formation of historical consciousness among preschoolers through project activities", which is dedicated to the third anniversary of the kindergarten and is dedicated to a great event in the life of the inhabitants of our region, the 80th anniversary of the Rostov region.

As part of the workshop, kindergarten teachers demonstrated their skills in organized educational activities (6 open classes are presented) for the implementation of the direction "Raising Patriots" educational preschool programs for teachers from 26 cities and districts of the region.

The seminar discussed important topics related to the organization of work to preserve the historical and cultural traditions of the Don Cossacks. With reports spoke: party project coordinator "Kindergartens for children", Deputy of the Rostov-on-Don City Duma Elena Melikhova. She introduced pedagogical to the composition of the region, the work plan for 2017, approved within the framework of the project, spoke about the stages of its implementation and activities aimed at the spiritual and moral education of children in the preschool system education. The seminar was also attended by specialists from the State Budgetary Institution of Education and Trade of the RO RIPC and PPR. A. Sundukova, candidate philosophical sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary education made a presentation "Quality Management education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, and N. Korchalovskaya, candidate pedagogical sciences, associate professor, presented the report “Spiritual and moral development and education preschoolers: main directions and aspects of implementation in educational process” and other representatives of our huge preschool community who attended the workshop.

2. Municipal innovative platform« Pedagogical and psychological support, creating conditions for the development and improvement of the talent of sports gifted children in gymnastics and athletics"

Order of the Municipal Office Department education administration of the city of Donetsk, Rostov region dated 18.08.2015 No. 439.

Supervisor innovative educational platform:G. V. Arnaut, instructor in physical culture.

Objective of the project: Formation of positive-emotional qualities, attitudes and sustainable interests in physical culture, orientation to a healthy Lifestyle, implementation individual approach to work with physically gifted children of senior preschool age by creating a set of conditions aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler.

To achieve the main goal of the project, in September 2016, groups were formed for gymnastics and athletics. Preliminary data on children studied (state of their health, past illnesses). The number of additional students in sections in the 2016-2017 academic year was more than 90 people. During the year there were training sessions, sports competitions, as well as measures to improve the health of children, improve the overall physical fitness for the development of abilities.

Kindergarten became a member of the All-Russian Network innovative project"Creating a methodological base for organizing the development of basic physical qualities in children of senior preschool age in in accordance with the requirements of GEF DO”, the purpose of which is to form methodological support on the organization of the development of basic physical qualities in children of senior preschool age in in accordance with the requirements GEF DO and improvement of indicators of development of the main physical qualities of children of senior preschool age.

Within the framework of the All-Russian network project, online videos were conducted during the training broadcasts: open lesson in physical culture "Safety and healthy Lifestyle» , master class instructor "GTO and preschooler", as well as sports sections and competitions in which the pupils showed the best results. The team of girls and boys of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 10 took 1st place in competitions"Winter Games" which were held on February 15, 2017.

Kindergarten students took part in competitions in artistic gymnastics "Spring Swallows", which took place on May 13 and 17, 2017 on the basis of MBUDO DYuSSh No. 2, young gymnasts of kindergarten No. 10 showed excellent results:

I place - Roslyakova Ksenia, Dudnikova Polina, Danilina Olga, Shalimova Daria.

II place - Shpakovskaya Alina, Grishechkina Yana, Glushchenko Varvara.

III place - Denisenko Margarita.

June 2017 educational institution received, the next status of the regional innovation platform. Order of the Ministry of General and Professional education Rostov region dated June 26, 2017 No. 478.

Regional innovative project"Equal starting opportunities for all the children of Russia» , was developed pedagogical team in order to create an effective model of inclusive education preschool children with disabilities opportunities health in terms of preschool and creating conditions for its implementation.

For the same purpose, a correctional center will begin its work on the basis of the kindergarten from September 2017. "First Inclusive", under the motto “Every child is special, all children are equal”.

Teaching, children teacher must educate himself. In order to increase professional potential teacher and improvement of educational educational process on the basis of the kindergarten, there are 3 city methodological associations:

- "Modernization of the system of physical culture and recreation work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard";

- « Modern educational technologies and methods in work speech therapist»;

- "Moral - patriotic education as part educational program formed by participants educational relations of preschool educational institutions in the context of GEF DO".

The performance of a preschool institution is determined by its professional suitability, professional self-determination, self-development, i.e., the purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary to fulfill professional activity. Pedagogical the team needs a motivated desire to self-education to self-expression. Participation in professional skill competitions gives a huge impetus to self-improvement and professional development, both for preschool institutions and teaching staff.

At the end of 2016, the kindergarten took part in the competition "100 best preschool educational institutions in Russia"- one of the most significant public awards in the field education. Its purpose is to identify the most successful preschool educational institutions.

According to the results of the MBDOU competition, kindergarten No. 10 was recognized as the winner of the competition "100 best preschool educational institutions in Russia", the head is awarded with a badge of honor "Head of the Year - 2016". Success has become possible thanks to the dedication and creative work team, support of parents and wonderful pupils of the kindergarten.

educational organization MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 is included in the Register for basis proposals of the Ministry of General and Professional education of the Rostov region.

The kindergarten team actively participates in competitions pedagogical skills of different levels, which allows you to realize your own pedagogical professionalism, demonstrate your pedagogical style, uncover secrets pedagogical excellence, to discover the unusual in the traditional.

In 2016 in the traditional municipal competition "Teacher of the Year" physical culture instructor Arnaut G. V. and teacher Duruchenko E. N. took part.

Galina Viktorovna took an honorable second place, Elena Nikolaevna became the Winner and continued to fight for the championship at the regional level of the competition, where she was recognized as the Laureate.

Regional competition of psychological pedagogical programs(from March 1 to April 28, 2017) Laureates - Zemlyakova Irina Olegovna, teacher- psychologist Povalyaeva Marina Ilyinichna, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Lazorik" Donetsk, program "Through the Looking Glass" for older preschool children with autism spectrum disorders.

In the city competition "Best pedagogical preschool worker education» accepted participation:

In the nomination "Educator": Berezhnova Vera Alexandrovna(2nd place, Bondareva Irina Vladimirovna (3rd place, Motornaya Lyudmila Leonidovna, Poleva Irina Arkadievna, Sotnikova Nadezhda Alekseevna, Stoyanova Irina Nikolaevna, Strukova Oksana Evgenievna - participants;

In the nomination "Physical Education Instructor"- Arnaut Galina Viktorovna became the Winner;

In the nomination "Teacher-speech therapist, Teacher-defectologist"- Pirozhkova Ekaterina Mikhailovna, was recognized as the best and continued to fight for the Victory in the competition at the regional level of the competition. Summing up the results of the competition, Ekaterina Mikhailovna took the 1st place.

Analyzing performance pedagogical team for the last academic year:

379 diplomas of winners and participants of professional competitions;

367 diplomas of winners and participants of kindergarten students;

261 publications teaching materials on Internet portals and the website of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10;

24 media publications.

In 2016-2017, 9 teachers promotion courses qualifications: four of them passed at the Rostov Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Workers education under the program“Designing the content of preschool education within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 72 hours; the rest in "Center for continuous education and innovation» G. St. Petersburg under the program "Inclusive practice in preschool educational organization ”, 72h. Speech therapists have completed an internship at the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate teacher education“Improving the content and technologies of the organization educational activities for children with disabilities.

Certified for conformity position - 4 pedagogical worker, received I qualification category - 5 teachers; the highest qualification category - 2 teacher.

Harmonious work pedagogical team makes sure that pedagogy- not a privilege for the elite, every creatively working educator can master this art.