Methodology for organizing productive activities. Organization and methods of conducting productive activities in the process of direct educational activities. Directions of productive activity

Productive activities in preschool education called the activity of children under the guidance of an adult, as a result of which a certain product appears.

Productive activities include:

In productive activities, intellectual and affective processes are closely intertwined.

During productive activity such important qualities personality, as activity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creative activity. The child learns to be active in observation, performance of work, to show independence and initiative in thinking through the content, selecting materials, using a variety of means. artistic expressiveness. Equally important is the cultivation of purposefulness in work, the ability to bring it to the end.

As Galina Anatolyevna Uruntaeva noted, the productive activity of a preschooler, modeling objects of the world around him, leads to the creation of a real product in which the idea of ​​​​an object, phenomenon, situation receives a material embodiment in a drawing, design, three-dimensional image. According to Uruntaeva Galina Anatolyevna, mastering this activity, the child learns to single out those aspects in a real object that can be reflected in one form or another.

Constructive activity, visual, game have a modeling character, because. productive activity leads to the creation of a real product, in which the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, situation receives a material embodiment in a drawing, design, three-dimensional image.

Design is a purposeful process of creating a certain result. At preschool age, these are usually buildings made of cubes or various kinds of constructors. Constructive activity requires its own methods and techniques, that is, special operational and technical means. In the process of construction, the child learns to correlate the size and shape of various parts, finds out their constructive properties.

The following three types of constructive activity of the child are distinguished.

The first and most elementary is pattern design. The child is shown a model of a future building or shown how to build, and asked to reproduce a given model. Such activity does not require special mental and creative effort, but requires attention, concentration, and, most importantly, the acceptance of the very task of "acting according to the model."

The second type is construction by conditions. In this case, the child begins to build his construction not on the basis of a model, but on the basis of the conditions that are put forward by the tasks of the game or by adults. For example, a child needs to build and fence two houses - for geese and for a fox. In carrying out this task, he must comply with at least two conditions: firstly, the fox's house must be larger, and secondly, the geese's house must be surrounded by a high fence so that the fox does not enter it.

The third type of constructive activity is design by design. Here, nothing limits the imagination of the child and the building material itself. This type of construction is usually required by the game: here you can build not only from a special building material, but also from any surrounding objects: furniture, sticks, umbrellas, pieces of cloth, etc.

All these types of construction are not stages that successively replace each other. They coexist and intersperse each other depending on the task and situation. But each of them develops certain abilities.

The fundamental moment in the design is the analytical and synthetic activity of examining objects, which makes it possible to establish the structure of the object and its parts, to take into account the logic of their connection. As Kolomensky Ya.L., Panko E.A. noted, an important means of developing thinking is also children's experimentation in the field of constructive activity.

According to Lyudmila Nikolaevna Galiguzova, already from the first year of life, design elements can be introduced into the child’s game, developing visual-figurative thinking, perception, the ability to correlate the shapes of objects, fine motor skills fingers. Bulycheva A. notes the need for interest in activities, the presence of motivation, positive attitude to cognition, cognitive interest in the surrounding reality, the presence of motivation that manifests itself in preschool age, guided by a cognitive task, while Poddyakov Nikolai Nikolaevich sees the need to organize "children's experimentation" to achieve these conditions, observing various patterns induces children's interest in discovering the patterns themselves , to the discovery of the common in specific manifestations.

Modeling allows you to depict objects in three-dimensional space. During modeling, a child can convey the shape of a person, animals, birds, fruits, dishes, etc. It is valuable that the properties of the materials used in modeling allow you to repeatedly change the shape, achieving the desired expressiveness. It is the development of the ability to convey the expressiveness of the image in modeling that must be given Special attention in working with children entering school.

It is important that the child knows how to fashion not just a human figure, but a person of a certain age, the heroes of a particular fairy tale - Dunno, Cheburashka, etc. He must be able to convey the movements of a person, animals, reflecting the nature of the images and the dynamics of actions.

Being engaged in applique, children learn to cut out various plots, patterns, ornaments from paper, stick them on a colored background. Children perform both individual and collective work. Children learn accuracy, perseverance, master the basic techniques of cutting, the rules for working with glue.

Drawing is popular among preschool children 5-6.5 years old. Drawing, the child shows his desire for knowledge of the world around him, and from the drawing, to a certain extent, you can find out the level of this knowledge. The more developed children's perception, observation, the wider the stock of their ideas, the more fully and accurately they reflect reality in their work, the richer, more expressive their drawings. The visual activity of 6-year-old children reflects such specific features of their thinking as concreteness, figurativeness. The visual activity of the child is closely connected not only with individual functions (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), but also with the personality as a whole. It shows the interests of the child, temperament, some gender differences.

Italian psychologist C. Ricci identifies two stages of evolution children's drawing: to pictorial and pictorial. Stages, in turn, are divided into several stages.

The first stage before the pictorial stage is the scribble stage, which begins at the age of two. The first scribbles are usually almost random marks. At this time, the child is not interested in the image, but in the pencil itself. Moreover, the child may not look at the pencil at all when he draws on paper with it. At this stage, he still does not know how to associate visual images with drawing. He enjoys the very movements of his hand with a pencil. During this period, the child is not yet able to draw something real, so it is simply impossible to teach him at this age to depict, for example, an apple. Approximately 6 months after the start of the scribble stage, the child has the opportunity to visually control the drawing. Now he knows visually what he is doing. Most children during this period draw with great enthusiasm. Any remarks that discourage the child from drawing at this stage can cause a delay in his overall development, since this type of control is important in other areas of activity.

The karakul stage lasts differently, sometimes it passes quickly enough, but always at this time the child is looking for and mastering three lines: horizontal, vertical, learning to close the circle. He learns to navigate on a piece of paper and a special problem at this time is to stop. The child has to specially master this skill: not to lead an endless horizontal line, from the kitchen to the front door along the wall, through the entire corridor, but to stop the hand in time. The pictures show how difficult it is. The most famous type of doodle is the endless spiral; adults try to interpret it in their own way, they say: “It is he who draws the sound, movement ...” - in fact, the child is simply trying to return to the point from which the hand began to move.

The second stage is up to the pictorial period - from 2 to 3 years. It differs little from the previous one in terms of the quality of the drawing - there were and are scribbles. But at this stage, the child begins to give names to his drawings: “This is dad” or “This is me running,” although neither dad nor the child himself can be found in the drawings. But if the child used to enjoy movements as such, then here he begins to associate his movements with the outside world around him. In general, drawing doodles enables the child to create lines and shapes, master motor coordination, build a figurative reflection of the surrounding reality. The doodle stage is important precisely because the child masters the movements of his hand.

Approximately at the age of 3-5 years, the visual period begins, the first stage of which is the stage of subject drawing (schematic representation). The first subject images, as a rule, are not created on purpose, they are “recognized” in what is drawn. For example, after drawing a lot of rather crooked circles, a three-year-old boy asks himself: “Is this snow?” The hand is ahead of the image. But the first conscious object drawing in every child, no matter where in the world he lives, is the image of a person. Moreover, a person will remain a favorite character in children's drawings for a long time, and his image will change along with the development and change of the author of the drawings.

At first, children do not draw themselves, not dad or mom - they depict a person “in general”, just a person. - The first thing they get is the famous "cephalopod", created literally according to the instructions of the children's song: "Point, dot, comma, minus - the face is crooked, arms, legs, cucumber - that's the little man out." A comma-shaped nose is not required at all (unlike the eyes and mouth); The “cucumber”, on the other hand, encloses the head and torso together in a curved closed contour, from which sticks-handles and sticks-legs stick out to the sides. Please note: of course, there is no question of any ability to count yet, however, in the first subject drawings of small children there are always two eyes, two arms and two legs, and there is always one mouth - none of the three-year-old children has ever been in this was not wrong.

The next stage in the development of the drawing - the stage of plausible images - is characterized by a gradual rejection of the scheme and attempts to reproduce actual view items. In a human figure, the legs take on a certain bend, often even when a person is depicted calmly standing. The image of the hands begins to fill with functional content: the person in the picture is holding some object. Hair appears on the head, sometimes decorated in a carefully traced hairstyle. The neck acquires commensurability, the shoulders - roundness. More attention is paid to the image of clothing. All this is not achieved immediately. The drawing also passes an intermediate stage, at which part of it is still almost completely schematic. Despite all the changes noted, three main features continue to remain unchanged in children's drawings. First, the drawings, as before, represent only the contours of the objects depicted. Even when they have a rather complex content, shades and chiaroscuro are absent. Secondly, the proportionality of the image is still not respected: a person can exceed the height of the house drawn in the neighborhood. Finally, a sketch is kept of those parts of the object that in reality, given its position, cannot be seen. Related to this is the most characteristic feature of children's drawing - its transparency. For example, a drawing of a person may contain a wallet in his pocket, and even coins in this wallet.

At the age of 5-7 years, the development of the imaginative world in the drawing also occurs - from a person to his environment. Proportions are first established in the human figure. Characteristic pattern of this period: high big man next to a small multi-storey building and a small passenger car. The five-year-old author does not understand our bewilderment: “Yes, this man arrived in his car, he lives in this house, yes, on the third floor, you see, here is his window and balcony.” And it seems absurd to us that the size of the depicted person and his world are inconsistent: “How can he enter a house and get into a car?” In fact, this is a normal stage in the development of children's drawing. All children pass through it, and over time, everything will “balance” in the drawing, and the correct proportions will be established in the world around them.

Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A. found that by drawing, the child shows his desire for knowledge of the world around him, and from the drawing, to a certain extent, you can determine the level of this knowledge, i.e. proved that the more children have developed perception, observation, the richer, more expressive their drawings, the wider the stock of their ideas, the more fully and accurately they reflect reality in their work, reflecting such specific features of their thinking as concreteness, figurativeness.

Noting the developing function of productive activity, Uruntaeva Galina Anatolyevna noticed that the idea is embodied in it with the help of various visual means and, mastering it, the child learns to highlight those aspects in a real object that can be reflected in one form or another. (Uruntaeva) According to Daniil Borisovich Elkonin, a preschooler develops the ability to use expressive means and tools in a variant way, generalized ways of depicting objects of the world around him arise. Research L.N. Davidchuk, showed that in the design according to the plan of older preschoolers, their ability to independently plan their activities, their tendency to creativity is clearly manifested.

Kolominsky Ya.L. and Panko E.A. noted that the main attention of teachers in the management of artistic activities and other types of productive activities of children should be given to the development of the personality, his abilities, emotional, cognitive, volitional spheres, the active formation of sensory, thinking, memory, artistic taste, moral qualities in its process.

So, productive activities are very significant for a preschooler, they contribute to the comprehensive development of his personality, development cognitive processes(imagination, thinking, memory, perception), reveal their creative potential. In the process of productive activity, such important personality traits as activity, independence, initiative are formed, which are the main components of creative activity, cognitive activity and social motivation of the child are improved. preschool age.

galina morozova
Organization of free productive activities of pupils of the SSR

Organization of free productive activities of pupils of the SSR

The concept of independence in scientific literature - This:

1) This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one's views and beliefs.

2) general characteristic of regulation (control) his personality activities, relationships and behaviour.

productive activity preschoolers is one of the components free activity.

This is a gradually developing quality, high degree which is characterized by a desire to solve problems activities without the help of other people, the ability to set a goal, carry out elementary planning, implement the plan and get results, as well as contribute to the manifestation of initiative and creativity in solving emerging problems.

N. Mikhailenko, N. Korotkova in their methodological recommendations note the importance of providing independent artistic and creative children's activities, as within its framework, creative activity develops in various forms activities(game, design, visual activities, etc..) Here the child gets the opportunity for self-realization, as he becomes the master of actions, relationships, acquires a sense of self-respect, dignity, and learns himself.

The problems of manifestation in children of initiative, independence and artistic and creative manifestations, as well as the characteristics of the pedagogical conditions that determine their development, were studied by such scientists and teachers as N. A. Vetlugina, I. L. Dzerzhinskaya, V. A. Ezikeeva and others.

Scientific studies show that under conditions of optimal education and learning, children can reach a certain level of development of independence in different types of activities: game, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive(drawing, modeling, art work, labor, musical. Independent activity children is one of the main models organizations educational process preschool children age:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of a subject-developing educational environment created by teachers, providing a choice for each child activities interests and allowing him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) activity of pupils organized by the educator aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

Scheme of development of any kind activities in accordance with the concept of L. S. Vygodsky such is: first it is carried out jointly activities with adults, then in a joint activities with peers and finally becomes independent child's activities. At the same time, a special role is given to educator.

caregiver should create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, which should provide the child with cognitive activity, should meet his interests and have a developing character. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with their peers, without imposing a mandatory joint activities.

caregiver can connect to activities children in cases conflict situations requiring the intervention of an adult, or, if necessary, to help a particular child enter a peer group.

Basic requirements for organization of free activities of preschoolers:

Maximum consideration of age and individual characteristics children.

Respect for the results of children's creativity, the wide inclusion of their works in the life of the group.

Exhibition organization, design of the aesthetic environment, etc.

Subject-developing environment organized in this way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment should be responsive to individual and age characteristics children, their leading mind activity - game.

At the same time, it contributes to the development of creative abilities, awakens imagination, activity of actions, teaches communication, vivid expression of one's feelings.

A game organized, first, as a joint game teacher with children, where an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of a specific "language" games. natural emotional behavior educator accepting any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages the game is saved as free independent activity of children, where they use all the game tools available to them, free unite and interact with each other, where a world of childhood independent of adults is provided to a certain extent.

To organize independent activities the child should have formed the experience that the child acquires in the classroom. Systematic learning allows you to gradually accumulate and increase the volume of skills and abilities, and already on their own initiative, children can manifest themselves in various types of artistic activities: musical, artistic and speech, visual, theatrical and game.

First of all, training in the classroom must be built in such a way that children act not only on direct instructions, but also without help. If the child learns to perform independently study tasks, then he will be able to act in the same way outside classes: organize drama games, sing at will, draw.

AT free It is good for children to have enough books (in children's bookcase). Along with books, folders with pictures, photographs, children's drawings and albums for free viewing by children. Organize a book exhibition. First - at the beginning school year- it is expedient to dedicate to the children's favorite books. Future exhibitions may be thematic: books about nature, about our Motherland, about technology, fairy tales, etc. The group can also function as a center for musical and theatrical activities for theatrical games. This center has all the necessary equipment - a screen and kits various kinds puppet theater, theatrical costumes, board games, musical instruments, tape recorder.

Development Corner productive activity includes visual materials and equipment for drawing, modeling, appliqué. All this is necessary think over from the standpoint of compliance not only with the tasks being solved, but also with the requirements of beauty. Development environment productive free activity provides for the use of works of fine art, including folk art. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the measure in everything. Children's work should be exhibited, it has a great educational value When children see their work, among the works of others, they get the opportunity to compare them, in addition, they, they feel more comfortable already from the fact that their work is exhibited among others.

Each type of pictorial activities(sculpting, application, drawing, allows you to develop mental activity in children, artistic taste, fine motor skills, allow you to consolidate the knowledge, skills, skills acquired in the process of educational activities. We support the desire of children to express themselves in an independent diverse activities(sculpting, application, drawing).

Offer modeling in free from classes time is better in middle group. Clay or plasticine is used for modeling. If in kindergarten the main material for modeling is clay, then in free from class time it is better to use it. It is important at the same time that children follow the elementary rules of modeling from clay: they didn’t scatter it on the table, didn’t drop it on the floor. In older groups, you can use any material, as this contributes to the manifestation of independence in the choice of material (large objects are best sculpted from clay, small ones from plasticine).

Sculpting outside of classes is of a different nature. Children can sculpt individually and unite in groups - it all depends on their desire. Those who like to sculpt themselves take the material and work, but educator can attract other guys - those who do not get the weight in the classroom, and those who do not really like this activity. In order to interest children, the teacher himself is involved in the modeling process. This kind of work brings kids together.

The independence of children during such classes is manifested in the fact that they, without the help of adults, determine the plan, and in connection with it, the necessary amount of material for work. The atmosphere during such modeling is more relaxed, the children look at each other's work, consult. caregiver should pay attention to children who are independently engaged in modeling. He monitors the posture, the correct setting of the hands, how each child carries out the plan.

Thus, leading free activities of children, educator trying to guide her creative way teaching children to act thoughtfully and systematically.

Class equipment:

Clay, plasticine.

Boards for work.

Napkins, oilcloths.

Prints for decorating works.


The most common simple and affordable way to create artwork. This makes it possible to widely use the application not only for decoration purposes, but also in creating paintings, panels, ornaments, etc. Equipment required for the application not difficult:

Scissors (with rounded ends in two sizes - large and small, scissors should not be tight and well sharpened. It is necessary to regularly instruct how to work with scissors, knowledge elementary rules work with scissors is necessary because in free activity children work independently, but only those who follow the rules of work.

It is good to have 2-3 brushes for glue, they are selected depending on the size of the application, at the end of the work, the brushes must be washed and put in a glass with the pile up.

Simple pencils (for drawing contours)

Wet and dry wipes


Glue or paste.

Colored and white paper of various textures, colors, thicknesses, sizes.

Paper cut box

Box for finished works.


Pieces of cloth and other miscellaneous material

Everything should be aesthetically pleasing. The main thing is to strive to form in children a careful attitude to the materials with which they work, to teach them how to plan their work, use material economically and use time rationally.

The simplest and most common type free productive activity is drawing, for organizations It does not require a lot of special preparation, the most important desire.

For organization of drawing in free activity is necessary:

Crayons, colored pencils, simple, watercolor, gouache

Water tanks (transparent)

Brushes of various thicknesses

Paper of various sizes


Napkins, oilcloth

coloring pages

All children's work received in activities outside of class, are exhibited, or organized a place to watch other kids (folder, box, etc.) all instruments are in order, subjected to regular "revisions", it is necessary to aesthetically arrange a corner free productive activity. Where possible, exhibit works of art, sculptures and other works of art for clarity. Everything should be available, but activity children are constantly under control educator.

Another pedagogical condition is the influence of holidays and entertainment. The child receives a lot of impressions at the holidays from the sound of music, songs, colorful decoration of the room, costumes, expressive intonations of the artistic word. He joins social phenomena reflected in artistic and figurative form, and this becomes an indirect stimulus that makes him want to convey his impressions and experiences in a different artistic form. form: drawing, game, dance.

For organizing children's activities use a variety of educational games, didactic aids, materials that allow "train" children in establishing relationships, dependencies. The ratio of gaming and cognitive motives at preschool age determines that the most successful process of cognition will be in situations that require the ingenuity of children. Good games of mathematical content, desktop - printed, such as: "Domino Shapes", "Make a Picture", "Arithmetic Domino", "Logic Lotto", "Lotto", "Find the Difference", games of checkers and chess, solving labyrinths and others.

Thus, independent work children in a preschool educational institution is such work that is performed without the direct participation educator, on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously strives to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions.

Literature: 1. Atrepyeva L. V. Methodist of the kindergarten No. 50 "Defectologist". Topleeva S. N. in-l d / s No. 50 "Defectologist". educators"Organization of free productive activities of preschoolers". website: Kindergarten №50.

2. Vetlugina N. A. Independent artistic activity preschoolers / ed. Vetlugina N. A. - M.: 1984.

3. MDOU Kumanaevsky d / s No. 1 "Teremok" // Productive activities of preschoolers

4. Petukhova L. V. The development of artistic and creative abilities in preschool children under the conditions of interaction between the family and preschool educational institutions. // public education. Pedagogy. 2013

5. productive activity//Child Development Center - nursery school "Smile".

6. Rakhmatullaeva O.P. "Theoretical and methodological foundations organization of productive activities children of preschool age". 07.10.2016.// website: Info lesson.

Is playable. But, in addition to this, there is also a productive one. What it is? This means that as a result of classes, the child creates some kind of finished product. The organization of the productive activities of preschoolers is the task of each educator. Being engaged in it, the child is socialized, he develops perseverance, the desire to complete the work he has begun, and a graphic skill. Multiple studies have proven that this is the most important activity for children in the older groups of the kindergarten, thanks to which favorable conditions are created for teachers, including future teachers who will work with the child in the lower grades. The fact is that the productive activity of preschoolers, combined with the game, prepares the child's psyche for school.

What are productive activities?

This is the name of the classes, as a result of which the child will create a given product with the specified qualities. Which of the following are productive activities?

  • modeling figurines and clay;
  • assembling an interesting design in various ways;
  • making crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, beads, foliage, etc.);
  • complex exercises with layouts;
  • creating pictures with paints, pencils, chalk;
  • production of applications and mosaics.

All kinds of productive activities are important for the development of children. Preschoolers need to be interested in order to get the desired result, but this is the work of teachers. In all institutions aimed at raising children younger age, these classes are included. Parents should know what the productive activity of a preschooler is aimed at, why it is so important. If you study at home with your child on your own or prefer not to take him to kindergarten, then this publication will be useful for you.

The need for productive activity

The purpose of the classes is the comprehensive development and upbringing of the preschool child. Children develop in many ways, so it is important to include in the classes all types of productive activities of preschoolers, not focusing only on drawing or modeling. Classes should be held in a playful way, and not "under pressure", the kid should be aware that it's fun, in addition, he will be proud of his product at the end of the work. At the same time, he will gradually learn the need to listen carefully to the teacher, and do whatever is necessary to get the result.

All over the world, experts have studied the productive activities of preschoolers, and came to the conclusion that it is able to develop the following qualities in children:

  1. Good creative imagination, the mechanism of thinking, that is, the ability to think logically, compare, analyze and synthesize.
  2. Purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance.
  3. Good mental abilities, since the productive activities of preschoolers are cognitive activities.
  4. Fine motor skills of the fingers and muscles of the hands.
  5. The methods of productive activity of preschoolers are aimed at conveying to children the need for independent work.
  6. Curiosity, inquisitiveness and initiative.

Classes also have a positive effect on the discipline of children, teachers noted a good connection between productive activity and sensory education. That is, in order for a child to have a good idea of ​​an object, he must know how it looks, its color, usefulness, size and location in space.

In the process of classes, all qualities are manifested, primarily mental and physical, and teachers know exactly which child and what needs to be done more, they give practical advice to parents.

A productive preschooler provides the practice and skills that will be required for later learning and work. For example, to create an application, you need to make some efforts, think carefully about the placement of objects, place them correctly, and this requires creative actions. In the process of classes, children gain experience in independent work.

An integrated approach is well implemented in the productive activities of preschoolers. In addition, kids are able to completely relax, and this is getting rid of all sorts of fears of society. Children, creating a product on their own, can realize their ideas about a particular object in the model, receive a material embodiment of an imaginary design.


We suggest getting to know the productive activity closer in order to have an accurate idea of ​​it.

  1. Self-creation of various items that are suitable for games, cognitive and research activities.
  2. Making items that will fill art gallery preschool institution.
  3. Ability to design layouts.
  4. Registration own book groups where drawings, stories of children, their annals will be included. You can also create a nature diary, and the children will decorate it with pictures, a herbarium.
  5. Production of scenery and decorations for the holidays. For example, garlands, posters, posters, Christmas decorations.
  6. Creation for a holiday for parents, greeting cards for them, souvenirs that will be distributed at the end of the performance.
  7. Development of the wall newspaper of the group.
  8. Think of a story as a group. You can diversify the activities by creating a fairy tale or story each time so that each word begins with one letter. By the way, this is very good activity for the development of oral creativity, logic, assistance in teaching reading and writing.
  9. Creating your own performance. You can prepare your own script for it, and the children should help. Sets and costume elements are also collectively created.

Why is all this necessary? The fact is that the development of productive activities for preschoolers is not only interesting, but also very useful.

Lesson results

For children, it is necessary to create a system of classes. If the teacher correctly distributes productive activities, and all of its types are involved, the result will be as follows:

  • children will be developed creatively;
  • the group will have an excellent psychological environment;
  • preschoolers will be well prepared for schoolwork.

Most often, productive activity connects several areas, these are creativity, socialization, knowledge, work, communication, safety of preschoolers. Artistic and productive activities and creativity can develop the child's speech. At this age, there are many problems with her, this is scarcity (poor vocabulary), monosyllabicity, she consists only of simple sentences, and the words are far from beautiful, literary. For example: "cho", instead of "what", "beautiful flower", instead of "I like this flower, because ...", well, instead of "I don't want this, because ..." you can also hear "leave me alone ", and other expressions. Children need to be taught to speak beautifully, to explain their preferences more fully and efficiently.

In addition, children receive moral education, consolidate the knowledge gained in the learning process, they develop the necessary qualities of character:

  • activity;
  • independence;
  • observation;
  • purposefulness;
  • patience;
  • the desire to complete what has been started;
  • the ability to "sort out" the information received and its assimilation.

Productive activities also improve the physical condition of children. They become more cheerful, the mood improves, the general tone rises, the character becomes more relaxed and active. After classes and on them the child is active. It is important to immediately correctly form his posture, gait, body position, because all these qualities will be useful in the future for the still little man. Productive activity allows you to coordinate movements, "tune" the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the muscles.

Now we offer to get acquainted with the main types of productive activities. And at the same time we note the features of each.

Productive activity of preschoolers: drawing

Kids especially love to draw. Here they have room for imagination, everything is depicted on paper: heroes of fairy tales, space, forest, individual objects, patterns, scenes experienced in life - here the child fully realizes his thinking. Drawing, children once again experience the experienced emotions, reveal their thoughts. Usually the drawing task is given on independent themes, that is, everyone decides for himself what, how and in what color to depict. From the drawings, you can judge the character of the baby, and find out his fears that he keeps in himself. Sometimes it is recommended to visit a psychologist so that he can solve the problem of the child, correct the idea of ​​the world around him.


It is necessary to engage in this activity collectively, draw on one topic. Fine art allows children to instill a sense of beauty, an aesthetic idea of ​​the world, individual objects. The development of the productive activity of preschoolers is priceless, because classes teach you to see beauty in everything around you, and only a harmonious, developed and smart man. Children develop a sense of aesthetics, they change their attitude to each bug, blade of grass, as soon as they correctly tell what and how to draw. For example: "Look how long the antennae this bug has, without them it will not be able to live, so be sure to draw it." Well, after that, how can a beetle tear off these antennae by catching it in the grass? The child learns to see only the good in everything, his behavior changes for the better, his beliefs are formed.

Grattage (dac-scratches)

You need to take cardboard (white), shade it with multi-colored wax crayons, and then use a sponge to apply a thick layer of black gouache, or better ink, since gouache, even if dried, will stain the baby’s fingers and his clothes when in contact. After that, the children are given pens or other objects with a sharp but safe tip, and they must scratch out the design on the material received. The result is a pattern, or some object created from thin multi-colored stripes on a black background. The joy of children will not be the limit!

Modeling and application

The peculiarity of modeling is that a child can create a three-dimensional image of cars, animals, fruits and other favorite items. The subject matter is very varied. Modeling has an excellent effect on fine motor skills, forms imagination and a sense of space, because after making objects they can be placed farther or closer from each other, satisfies the needs of children in knowledge and creativity.

By creating applications, children learn to cut out objects on their own, arrange them in the right places, stick objects and elements on paper. Here, again, the development of finger motility, coordination is involved. To create an application, you need to think hard, think creatively, because there are rarely whole and clear objects in the details, so you need to match them correctly. In addition, a preschooler gets acquainted with mathematics by studying simple geometric figures. Also, an idea is developed about the placement of objects in space (in the corner, in the center, on the right or left) and on the size of the parts (large or small triangle).

You can make a mosaic not only from pieces of paper, but also from lumps. This is also quite entertaining, no less useful for development.


This is one of the most favorite productive activities for preschoolers. Who doesn't love Lego bricks? The peculiarity of the classes is that the guys must assemble the object correctly, find the necessary parts and fasten them. Construction develops spatial orientation, motor skills, creative and logical thinking, aesthetic perception - the child likes or does not like his creation. In addition, the child gets acquainted with the features of the details (color, weight, material from which they are made, shape). The child understands the architectural forms in volume, he develops his own taste, opinion.

You can design not only from finished parts, but also from paper, boxes, stones, shells, sand, kids learn to recognize details, combine them, synthesize.

Formation of productive activity of a preschooler

It is necessary to properly develop a training program. It is impossible for children to do the same thing day after day. If the kid loves to draw, but does not want to design or sculpt, you need to interest him. Ask to build or mold your house, and after he is ready, let him tell about him, about where he stands, where he likes to walk.

It is necessary to talk about finished products, be it a drawing or an application. At this time, speech is formed, vocabulary is replenished. For example, a child drew a kitten. Let him come up with a nickname for him, tell about his character, preferences in food and games - this is already creative thinking.

Productive activity is necessary not only for preschoolers, but also for students lower grades. Centers have been set up in many schools children's creativity which are great for learning.

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Directions of productive activity

Under productive activity, most often they consider the activity of the child, as a result of which a certain product is obtained. This product is created by a child under the guidance of an adult.

Productive activities - drawing or fine arts, modeling, applique activities and some others.

The product received by the child shows how the child relates to the world around him, what emotional condition The child has.

It is also possible to determine from the created products which cognitive skills and personal qualities the child has developed, and on which you still need to work.

Design or design activity is very relevant today. It is significant in the process of correction and development of spatial representations of children, helps to correct deficiencies in fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers.

In the process of organizing modeling from plasticine, children also develop fine motor skills. During this lesson, they develop perseverance, which is very important in the future when studying at school. Attention, thinking, logic - this is an incomplete series of qualities that are formed as a result of a child making an object through modeling.

Now it has become very popular to sculpt from salt dough. Here, very valuable qualities of preschoolers are revealed - imagination and perception. Children are very fond of making crafts from such a test, as the products are very bright and beautiful.

When drawing, children receive the skills of analysis, synthesis, generalization, and others. Drawing, the child learns to listen to the task, to carry it out. In the process of drawing, children develop fine finger coordination.

The application is very attractive because of different types figurines can be folded various products. If you don't like it, you can quickly change it. And then stick it on. In the application, preschool children form perceptions and ideas about the properties and qualities of objects. Children get an unforgettable visual experience.

What is the success of the development of productive activities of older preschoolers

Productive activities are effective in the development of various mental processes in preschoolers. When a child draws, he or she is thinking or planning the outcome of the drawing. This is how the imagination develops. It can be said that the creative imagination precedes the receipt of the product.

In modeling and various types of appliqué, children also present their impressions of what surrounds them in the world, how they relate to the environment.

The application will help the child to get acquainted with various ways of processing paper. Children of older preschool age cut out, tear off, crumple, twist, bend, fold, stick paper or its individual parts.

In the classes of fine arts of a preschool institution, children develop aesthetic perception.

Products that are created by children create a pleasant atmosphere of cooperation. Children enjoy co-creation. Such classes bring up moral qualities in preschoolers, they develop industriousness and responsiveness.

When children are engaged in design activities, they get very good imaginative thinking skills.

Art classes, design, modeling develop various skills and abilities in children at senior preschool age, which will later be useful to them at school.

Classes are primarily emotional sphere preschoolers.

Such classes are always accompanied by communication, so here we can talk about the development of speech. Creating crafts stimulates speech activity in children. Children imitate adults in speech, they develop in terms of dialogical speech.

Therefore, the types of activities we are considering develop the communicative functions of the speech of older preschoolers.

How to organize productive activities for children at senior preschool age on the basis of a preschool educational institution

Organize productive activities in senior and preparatory groups kindergarten according to thematic plans. These exercises are carried out in stages.

First, a system of entertaining productive activities is developed. For this, various methodological and interactive literature is being studied.

Many teachers, when organizing productive activities with children of senior preschool age, rely on the developments of a team of authors led by O.V. Dybina. the authors offer their own interesting ideas for non-traditional techniques.

One of the stages is the formation of basic competencies in children of senior preschool age. Here and Creative skills, and the communicative side of the activity.


1. Forms of organization and management of the productive activities of preschoolers (joint activities of educators with children, independent activities of children).

2. Lesson as the main form of education and creative development children: thematic, complex, combined classes.

3. The structure of the lesson.

4. Types of classes: on the topic proposed by the teacher (classes on mastering new program material and repeating the past, exercises in visual

and technical skills) on a topic chosen by the child (by design).

5. Features of planning classes for the organization of productive activities (single-species and integrated classes).

1. The main form of education and development of children's fine arts are classes, direct educational activities. Art classes are a means of educating children. They develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, imagination, creativity, form figurative representations.

2. Classes in drawing, modeling, applique are part of the multifaceted work in the group, so the visual activity is closely related to all parties. educational work(acquaintance with others, games, reading books, etc.), during which children receive a variety of impressions, knowledge. For the image, I choose the most striking phenomena from the lives of children, so that the proposed topic is familiar to them, arouses their interest, a positive emotional mood, a desire to draw, sculpt or cut and paste.

In addition to classes in the preschool educational institution, joint activities of the educator with children are organized and carried out.

The main forms of joint activity of the educator and children:

a) "Joint-individual" - characterized by the fact that the participants in the activity at the beginning work individually, taking into account the general plan, and only at the final stage, the work of each becomes part of the overall composition. The task is given to everyone immediately, at the beginning of work individually and then adjusted depending on what others have done. When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself will do what he is entrusted with, the better the work of the team will be. On the one hand, this creates the conditions for mobilizing the child's creative abilities, and on the other hand, it requires their manifestation as necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organization of activity include the fact that it allows you to involve in the collective creative activity a rather large group of children who have no experience of working together.

b) "Jointly - consistent" - involves work on the principle of a pipeline, when the result of the actions of one participant is in close relationship with the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

c) "Jointly - interacting" - the work is performed by all participants simultaneously, the coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

Another effective form of organizing the visual activity of preschoolers is independent activity.
Productive independent activity occurs almost always at the initiative of children.
Conditions for independent activity:
1. Learning in the classroom should be structured so that children act not only on the direct instructions and display of the teacher, but also without his help.

2. organization of a subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution and the family, providing children with various artistic materials (brushes, paints, paper, etc.), books with illustrations, theatrical toys, for free use, musical instruments. Everyone chooses those of them that he needs in this moment. All these items are located in places convenient for independent productive activities of children.

3. close contact between educators and parents in organizing the conditions for the formation and development of the child's creative inclinations in kindergarten and at home.

2. Types of occupations by nature cognitive activity children:
1) classes on the topic proposed by the teacher:
a) classes on communicating new knowledge to children and familiarizing them with new ways of depicting;
b) classes to exercise children in the application of knowledge and methods of action.

2) classes on a topic chosen by the child (creative classes in which children are involved in search activities and are free to implement ideas).

Types of classes depending on the selection criterion:
by image content:
- subject;
- plot;
by image method:
- on presentation;
-by memory;
- from nature.

3. The structure of the lesson on visual activity:

I part of the lesson - explanation of the task:

1. Game motivation or introductory conversation.
2. Examination of nature, examination of the sample.
3. Display of image methods (full or partial, depending on the age of the children).
4. Physical minute.
5. Fixing the sequence of image methods.

II part of the lesson:
Independent performance of visual tasks by children.
The teacher's use of techniques individual work: display of image methods, explanations, instructions, advice, encouragement.

Part III of the lesson - analysis of the work performed:
Forms of analysis:
- the teacher shows the drawing and offers to evaluate whether everything in it is correct, what the child came up with interesting;
- one of the children is instructed to choose the best, in his opinion, work and justify his choice;
- the child analyzes the drawing, comparing it with nature, a sample and evaluates it;
- children, together with the teacher, consider one work after another and give them an assessment.