As well as creative personalities c. Creative person. Creative people are proud but humble

Why do some people create masterpieces: paintings, music, clothes, technical innovations, while others are only able to use it? Where does inspiration come from and is it initially clear that a person is creative or can this quality be gradually developed? Let's try to find answers to these questions and understand the secrets of those who know how to create.

When we come to an art exhibition or visit a theater or opera, we can answer with accuracy - this is an example of creativity. The same examples can be found in the library or cinema. Novels, movies, poetry - all these are also examples of what a person with a non-standard approach can create. However, work for creative people, whatever it may be, always has one result - the birth of something new. Such a result is the simple things that surround us in Everyday life: light bulb, computer, television, furniture.

Creativity is a process during which material and spiritual values ​​are created. Of course, conveyor production is not part of this, but after all, every thing was once the first, unique, completely new. As a result, we can conclude: everything around us was originally what a creative person created in the process of his work.

Sometimes, as a result of such activities, the author receives a product, a product that no one but him can repeat. Most often this applies specifically to spiritual values: paintings, literature, music. Therefore, we can conclude that creativity requires not only special conditions, but also personal qualities creator.

Process description

In fact, not a single creative person has ever thought about how he manages to achieve this or that result. What did you have to go through during this sometimes very long period of creation? What milestones had to be overcome? These questions puzzled a British psychologist at the end of the 20th century - Graham Wallace. As a result of his activities, he identified the main points of the creative process:

  • preparation;
  • incubation;
  • insight;
  • examination.

The first point is one of the longest stages. It includes the entire period of study. A person who previously had no experience in a particular field cannot create something unique and valuable. For starters, you have to study. It can be mathematics, writing, drawing, designing. All prior experience becomes the foundation. After that, an idea, goal or task appears, which must be solved, relying on the knowledge gained earlier.

The second point is the moment of detachment. When a long work or search does not give a positive result, you have to throw everything aside, forget it. But this does not mean that our consciousness also forgets about everything. We can say that the idea remains to live and develop in the depths of our soul or mind.

And then one day the revelation comes. All the possibilities of creative people open up, and the truth comes out. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the goal. Not every task is within our power. The last point includes diagnosing and analyzing the result.

Character of a creative person

For many decades, scientists and ordinary people have been trying to better understand not only the process itself, but also to study the special qualities of the creators. person is of great interest. As experience shows, usually representatives of this type are highly active, expressive behavior and cause conflicting reviews from others.

In fact, no model developed by psychologists is an exact template. For example, such a feature as neuroticism is often inherent in people who create spiritual values. Scientists, inventors are distinguished by a stable psyche, balance.

Each person, creative or not, is unique, something in us resonates, and something does not match at all.

There are several character traits that more belong to such persons:



    not very friendly attitude towards others.

    The latter is caused, perhaps due to the fact that people with think differently. It seems to them that they are not understood, condemned or not accepted for who they are.

    Main differences

    If there is a very creative person in the list of your acquaintances, then you will definitely understand this. Such personalities often hover in the clouds. They are real dreamers, even the most crazy idea seems to be a reality for them. In addition, they look at the world as if under a microscope, noticing details in nature, architecture, behavior.

    Many famous people who created masterpieces did not have the usual working day. For them, there are no conventions, and the process of creativity occurs at a convenient time. Someone chooses early morning, someone's potential wakes up only at sunset. Such people do not often appear in public, they spend most of the time alone. It is easier to think in a calm and familiar atmosphere. At the same time, their desire for something new constantly pushes them to search.

    These are strong, patient and risky individuals. No failure can break the faith in success.

    Modern research

    Previously, the opinions of scientists converged on the fact that a person is either born creative or not. Today, this myth has been completely dispelled, and we can say with confidence that it is possible to develop talents in oneself for everyone. And at any time in your life.

    The main qualities of a creative person, if desired and perseverance, can be developed in oneself. In the only case it is impossible to achieve a positive result, this is when a person personally does not want to make changes in his life.

    Modern research has concluded that intellectual ability increase when you combine logic and creativity. In the first case, the left hemisphere is connected to the work, in the second - the right one. By activating as many parts of the brain as possible, you can achieve a greater result.

    Work for a creative person

    After graduating from high school, graduates face the question: where to go? Everyone chooses the path that seems more interesting and understandable to him, at the end of which the goal or result is visible. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to realize the potential inherent in us.

    What do you think is the most suitable job for creative people? The answer is simple: any! Whatever you do: manage household or design space stations- everywhere you can show resourcefulness and ingenuity, create and surprise.

    The only thing that can really interfere with this process is third-party interference. Many managers themselves deprive their employees of the desire to make independent decisions.

    A good boss will support the impulses for development and creativity, of course, if this does not interfere with the main process.


    Let's think about why the character of a creative person is so difficult to clearly analyze and structure. Most likely, this is due to a number of paradoxical features that are inherent in such people.

    Firstly, they are all intellectuals, well versed in knowledge, while being naive like children. Secondly, despite their excellent imagination, they are well versed in the structure of this world and see everything clearly. Openness and communicative qualities are only external manifestations. Creativity is often hidden in the depths of the personality. Such people think a lot, conduct their own monologue.

    It is interesting that by creating something new, they, one might say, introduce a certain dissonance into the current course of life. At the same time, everyone is insanely conservative, their habits often become more important than those around them.

    Genius and creativity

    If a person, as a result of his activity, created something impressive, something that amazed others, changed ideas about the world, then he wins true recognition. Such people are called geniuses. Of course, for them, creation, creativity is life.

    But not always even the most creative people achieve results that can change the world. But sometimes they don't want to do it themselves. For them, creativity is, first of all, an opportunity to be happy at the present time, in the place where they are.

    You don't have to be a genius to prove yourself. Even the smallest results can make you personally more confident, positive and joyful.


    Creativity helps people to open their soul, throw out feelings or create something new. Everyone can develop creativity in themselves, the main thing is that there is a great desire and a positive attitude.

    It is necessary to get rid of conventions, look at the world with different eyes, perhaps try yourself in something new.

    Remember - creativity is like a muscle. It needs to be regularly stimulated, pumped, developed. It is necessary to set goals of various scales and not give up if nothing worked the first time. Then at some point you yourself will be surprised how life has changed dramatically, and you will begin to realize that you have also brought something necessary and new to the world for people.

“Creative people have a harder time understanding themselves because they are more complex,” says New York University psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, who has spent many years researching creative thinking. From a psychological point of view, a creative person is hardly amenable to clear characteristics. Such people think paradoxically, experience ambiguous feelings and avoid routine. It is impossible to create a portrait of a "typical" creative person, but there are some characteristics that distinguish creative people from the rest.


Creative people are always dreamers, although they have probably been told more than once that dreaming is a waste of time. Meanwhile, neuroscientists argue that imagination activates the same processes in the brain that are directly related to creativity.

Attention to detail

A creative person sees new opportunities everywhere and actively absorbs information that becomes the basis for his self-expression. As the American writer Henry James said, a writer is a person from whom nothing escapes.

FROMyour opening hours

Many masters of the pen, musicians admitted that their best work they created either very early in the morning or late in the evening. For example, Vladimir Nabokov sat down to work from the very early morning, barely waking up. People with high creative potential do not follow the standard daily routine.

ATtime for privacy

There is a stereotypical opinion that creative people are loners, but this is not entirely true. They just need privacy more than others - necessary condition to create new jobs. This is due to the function of the imagination - you need to give yourself time to just dream.

Turning pain into a creative product

Many of the most famous and loved by all songs, books, films were created in the conditions of heartbreaking pain experienced by their authors. Everyday problems often become a catalyst for creativity. In psychology, this is called post-traumatic growth: a person is able to use their experiences and emotional trauma for significant creative growth.

Resistance atfailuresOh

Perseverance is an essential quality for a creative person. Failures very often lie in wait for creative people, but they know how not to make a tragedy out of it. And even benefit.

Psearch for new experiences

Creative people love new experiences, they are constantly looking for new sensations and food for thought, and this is an important factor for creative growth.


Natural observation and interest in the lives of other people often helps to generate original ideas. For example, Marcel Proust spent many years observing people and writing down his observations, which is reflected in his excellent books.

ATimportant questions

Creative people are insatiable in knowledge. They love to explore life in all its manifestations and, even growing up, retain a childish interest in the new. Through communication and deep reflection, they constantly ask themselves a lot of questions to which they are looking for their own answers.


Creative activity, as a rule, is associated with risk - in various aspects of life. Creativity is the act of creating something out of nothing, the realization of what existed only in the imagination of the author. This occupation is not for the timid.

ATopportunity for self-expression

Nietzsche believed that life and the world should be seen as a work of art. Creative individuals are constantly looking for opportunities to express themselves in everyday life - every moment they create life itself.

intrinsic motivation

Creative individuals rely on their intrinsic motivation. They act, guided primarily by their own inner desire, and not by the desire for reward or external recognition.


The ability to dream, which is the hallmark of a creative mind, helps you to go beyond your usual view of the world and explore other ways of thinking, which is essential for creating something new.


Creative people have probably noticed that when they write, dance, draw, etc., they are out of real time, in a special “state of flow”. it mental condition, in which a person goes beyond consciousness, reaching a state of increased concentration and calmness.

Aversion to routine

Diversity of experience is awesome, maybe crucial for creativity. Creative people love emotional jolts, love to learn new things and tend to avoid things that make life monotonous and routine.

Invisible Opportunities

And finally, the most important thing that distinguishes extremely creative people from everyone else is the ability to see opportunities where others do not notice them. Creativity is the ability to connect the dots that others would never think to connect.

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Ecology of life. People: Neuroscience has proven that creative minds have different brains than other types of people.

Neuroscience has proven that creative minds have different brains than other types of people.

Science is not yet able to explain exactly how all these processes occur, but creativity is believed to involve several cognitive processes. It is difficult to say that a certain behavior is associated with creativity.

However, there are some different traits, behaviors, and social influences that creativity influences.

Here are fourteen traits characteristic of creative natures

1. They are considerate

Creative people carefully observe everything around. They also love to watch people. Many creative people often carry a laptop, notepad, or camera with them to capture what they see. In many well-known works, it is the details that fascinate us the most.

For example, we see many nuances of human behavior in Jane Austen's novels. These small but captivating details breathe life into her works.

2. They are dreamy

When we were kids, most of us were told to stop dreaming. However, psychologists now say that dreaming and wasting time are not the same.

Dreaming is actually a complex brain process during which connections are made, understanding occurs, and new ideas are born. When we dream, we can look at life differently, imagining what it would be like to be someone else or to live in a world arranged differently. It can improve creative thought processes and lead us to new ideas.

3. They challenge the status quo

Creative individuals are often reluctant to accept things as they are. They want to change the world and feel their own importance. They ask questions like "What if?" and "Why not?" This helps them rethink their options.

Take, for example, the World War I poet Wilfred Owen. He chose to challenge the notion that dying for a country is great, and portrayed the horrors of war.

4. They regularly join the creative flow.

Creative individuals, when they are involved in the work, slip into the "zone". Also known as "flow", this state is described in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book. The author explains how the state of flow is achieved when we are working on something that we enjoy, as well as in moments when the situation challenges us. In a state of flow, creative work is much better.

Creativity doesn't mean multitasking. Often you just need to be distracted to get into the flow.

5. They have trouble finishing a project.

One of the downsides of being creative is that getting things done can be a real challenge. The initial stages of a creative project feel exciting and new, but that excitement can fade over time, as it does with most romance novels!

They can easily abandon projects when they become more difficult and complex. Creative individuals may also be distracted by another brilliant idea.

6. They see structures and connections.

What sets creatives apart from others is the ability to make connections. Creativity is often about connecting things that others might see as completely unrelated.

By discovering structures and connections that others overlook, creative people can create something new from the overlooked and underestimated. They see opportunity where others don't and use that to create something original.

7. They feed their souls

We can't constantly create new things if we don't take the time to feed our souls. Julia Cameron described it as "good stuff". She says, "We have to be mindful enough to consciously add to our creative resources as we use them."

Each person has different requirements for this content. Often this refers to the time you need to spend alone. Regardless of how we spend our time and what we do for it, soul nourishment is essential to continued creative expression.

8. They are open

Openness is the key to creativity. Creative people are very curious and love new experiences.

Being open to new emotions, creative people are fascinated by new information, sensations and feelings. They constantly explore the outer world and their inner world and remain open to new possibilities all their lives.

9. They are real

In a society that appreciates external signs success more than a rich inner life, creative individuals may fail. However, they are moving in a different direction. The creative process is part of what makes them who they are.

As a result, creative individuals remain true to their vision of the world around them and follow their dreams, rather than striving for success and popularity.

10. They create in cycles

Creativity has its own natural rhythms that cannot be changed, just like the seasons. In the life of any creative person, rapid changes occur: periods of productivity are replaced by a desire to remain completely calm - and vice versa.

Creative projects begin with an incubation period, and only after a while they are ready to see the light. Creative people succumb to these cycles instead of being obsessed with consistent performance.

11. They don't believe in themselves.

Creative individuals suffer from the same doubts and self-confidence issues as everyone else. When an artist struggles to find their place in life and win over an audience, a lack of self-confidence can be felt more acutely. Even highly successful creatives often find it hard to recognize the magnificence of their own work.

12. They are cheerful

Fortunately, despite the fact that creative people often doubt themselves, they remain cheerful. They should be like this. In creative work, there are many projects that go against the rules and often fail. This is where cheerfulness is needed.

Creative individuals cannot afford to take failure personally. The best way to reconsider your point of view on this - to recognize that this is not a mistake, but a useful experience.

13. They follow their passions.

Creative people are rarely motivated by material rewards. They find motivation in intrinsic rewards such as personal satisfaction, courage, and passion.

Artists create because something inside them demands it, not out of a desire for fame or fortune or a desire to please someone. Understanding what is intrinsic motivation leads to success, can increase overall creativity.

14. They see life as an opportunity for self-expression.

Creativity is part of our self-expression. Everything we do comes from our own needs in self-expression. In this way, our whole life can become creative project .

While some people may be more creative than others, I think that creativity is a quality we all have. If you look at your own life, you will see that it is full of creativity. When we prepare food, renovate a room, choose equipment, or plant a garden, we are creating. The things we choose say a lot about us and are part of how we build our own lives. published

Many of the researchers reduce the problem of human abilities to the problem of a creative person: there are no special creative abilities, but there is a person with a certain motivation and traits. Indeed, if intellectual giftedness does not directly affect the creative success of a person, if in the course of the development of creativity the formation of a certain motivation and personality traits precedes creative manifestations, then we can conclude that there is a special type of personality - a “Creative Person”.

Psychologists owe their knowledge about the characteristics of a creative personality not so much to their own efforts as to the work of literary critics, historians of science and culture, and art historians, who in one way or another dealt with the problem of a creative personality, for there is no creation without a creator.

Creativity is going beyond the limits of the given (Pasternak's "over the barriers"). This is only a negative definition of creativity, but the first thing that catches your eye is the similarity between the behavior of a creative person and a person with mental disorders. The behavior of both deviates from the stereotypical, generally accepted.

There are two opposite points of view: talent is the maximum degree of health, talent is a disease.

The problem of identifying early abilities is of interest to many. It's about in principle about the selection, identification capable people, about their appropriate training, that is, about the best solution for the selection of personnel.

A creator, just like an intellectual, is not born. It all depends on what opportunities the environment provides for realizing the potential that is inherent in each of us to varying degrees and in one form or another.

As Ferguson (1974) notes, " Creative skills are not created, but released. Therefore, in order to understand how creative activity, it is necessary to evaluate not only and not even so much the necessary for this activity a basic level of intelligence, how much the personality of a person and the ways of its formation.

The work of psychologists in last years quite definitely distinguish two types of gifted people. Here is the opinion of the Soviet psychiatrist V. Levy on this matter.

It is possible to single out two poles of genius, between which lies the gamut of gradual transition. Representatives of one pole could be called, according to tradition, geniuses "from God", representatives of the other - geniuses "from oneself."

Geniuses "from God" - Mozarts, Rafaelis, Pushkins - create as birds sing - passionately, selflessly and at the same time naturally, naturally, playfully. They, as a rule, stand out for their abilities from childhood; fate favors them from the very beginning life path, and their obligatory industriousness merges with the spontaneous, involuntary creative impulse, which is the very basis of their mental life. A huge redundancy of "special" abilities is sometimes manifested in them against the background of relatively modest volitional qualities.

Volitional qualities of Mozart - the purest genius"from God" - were, apparently, mediocre. Already in his mature years, he was distinguished by such childish naivete of judgments, which, if it came from another person, could only cause condescending laughter. But through the entire biography of Mozart, the powerful volitional influence of his father passes, prompting him to tireless work, protecting him from wrong steps. The father was a teacher, educator and impresario of the young Mozart; the great talent of the son was brought to the heights of brilliant creativity by the will of his father.

Geniuses "on their own" develop slowly, sometimes belatedly, fate treats them quite cruelly, sometimes even brutally cruel. Here is a fantastic overcoming of fate and overcoming oneself. In the historical line prominent people of this type we see the shy, tongue-tied Demosthenes, who became the greatest orator of Greece. In this row, perhaps, is our giant Lomonosov, who overcame his old-age illiteracy; here is Jack London, with his self-esteem sharpened to the point of pain and a real cult of self-control and self-determination; here is Van Gogh, and the furious Wagner, who mastered musical writing only at the age of twenty.

Many of these people in childhood and youth gave the impression of incapable and even stupid. James Watt, Swift, Gauss were the "stepchildren of the school", were considered mediocre. Newton was not given school physics and mathematics. Carl Linnaeus was predicted to be a shoemaker.

Helmholtz was recognized by teachers as almost weak-minded. About Walter Scott, a university professor said: "He is stupid and will remain stupid."

In geniuses "on their own" an invincible will prevails over everything, an indefatigable desire for self-affirmation. They have a colossal thirst for knowledge and activity, phenomenal performance. Working, they reach peaks of tension. They overcome their illnesses, their physical and mental shortcomings, literally create themselves, and as a rule, the imprint of a furious effort lies on their very creativity.

Geniuses "on their own" sometimes lack that charming ease, that magnificent negligence that is characteristic of geniuses "from God", but the gigantic inner strength and passion, combined with strict demands on themselves, elevate their works to the rank of genius.

Of course, one cannot discount the original potential of talent even among geniuses “from oneself”: there must have been something that nourished a passionate attraction to the cause and faith in oneself - perhaps they were pushed forward by a vague sense of undiscovered possibilities.

A very striking example of the "reconciliation" of the two principles "from God" and "from oneself" can serve as an instructive life of Goethe. A man of rare poise, optimism and calmness, nicknamed the great Olympian, from his youth he was distinguished by a weak, unstable character, was indecisive, prone to bouts of melancholy. Through constant training, control over emotions, Goethe managed to change himself.

modern science claims - the need, interest, passion, impulse, desire are very important in creativity, invention, discovery, in obtaining previously unknown information. But this alone is not enough. We also need knowledge, skill, craftsmanship, impeccable professionalism. All this cannot be made up for by any giftedness, any desires, any inspiration. Emotions without action are dead, just as action is dead without emotions.

What are the signs of a creative personality that are still at school (and even in kindergarten) help determine the giftedness of a child, in order to draw up an individual schedule for him, recommend him to enroll in special school and so on?

Numerous psychological research allow to name whole line abilities that characterize a creative person.

The main feature of a creative personality is the need for creativity, which becomes a vital necessity.

genius people always painfully sensitive. They experience sharp ups and downs in activity. They are hypersensitive to social rewards and punishments, etc.

The psychological “genius formula” might look like this:

genius = (high intelligence + even higher creativity) x activity of the psyche.

Since creativity prevails over intellect, the activity of the unconscious also prevails over consciousness. It is possible that the action of different factors can lead to the same effect - hyperactivity of the brain, which, combined with creativity and intelligence, gives the phenomenon of genius.

Creative people have the following personality traits:

1) independence - personal standards are more important than group standards, non-conformity of assessments and judgments;

2) openness of mind - readiness to believe one's own and other people's fantasies, receptivity to the new and unusual;

3) high tolerance for uncertain and unsolvable situations, constructive activity in these situations;

4) developed aesthetic sense, the desire for beauty.

Often referred to in this series features of "I" - concepts, which is characterized by confidence in their abilities and strength of character.

The most controversial data on mental emotional balance creative people. Although humanistic psychologists argue that creative people are characterized by emotional and social maturity, high adaptability, balance, optimism etc., but most experimental results contradicts this.

Creative activity itself, associated with a change in the state of consciousness, mental overstrain and exhaustion, causes disturbances in mental regulation and behavior. Talent and creativity is not only a great gift, but also a great punishment.

Almost all researchers note significant differences psychological portraits scientists and artists. R. Snow notes the great pragmatism of scientists and the propensity for emotional forms of self-expression of writers. Scientists and engineers are more restrained, less socially bold, more tactful, and less sensitive than artists.

In terms of their creative manifestations, the activity of a businessman is more similar to that of a scientist. Scientists and business people are, on average, better in control of their behavior and less emotional and sensitive than artists.

The role of the unconscious, intuitive is great in the creative process. Intuition, the formation of "an amazing mixture of experience and reason" (M. Bunge) is closely related to the ability for creative imagination, fantasy.

Imagination is the ability to evoke certain components in the mind from the wealth of memories and create new psychological formations from them.

Numerous psychological studies also make it possible to single out a number of abilities that characterize a creative personality, which means that when they are identified in one or another young man give good reason to predict his creative professional opportunities in the future.

First of all, this is the desire for originality of the solution, the search for a new one, the looseness of thinking.

Any system of education created by society is based on conformity. This is the surest way to ensure the unity of all members social group, but at the same time the surest way to suppress the development of creative thinking.

Indeed, the creative personality is fundamentally alien to conformism. It is this independence of judgment that enables it to explore paths that, for fear of appearing ridiculous, other people do not dare to take. A creative person hardly enters the life of a social group, although he is open to others and enjoys a certain popularity. He accepts generally accepted values ​​only if they coincide with his own. At the same time, he is a little dogmatic, and his ideas about life and society, as well as about the meaning of his own actions, can be very ambiguous.

A non-standard approach to solving a problem, unusual, wildness '' judgments just distinguishes a creative person. A creative person must see like all people, but think in a completely original way.

It is the desire to find unstable, non-trivial solutions, the desire to independently, without outside help, achieve a result that was not known before - this is a very important ability associated with the entire structure of the personality.

But only due to this quality one cannot become a creative person. It must be combined with a number of other important qualities. Among them, resourcefulness, self-criticism and criticality, flexibility of thinking, independence of opinion, courage and courage, energy stand out. Persistence, perseverance in bringing things to the end, focus - without this, creative achievements are inconceivable.

The creative person is eclectic, inquisitive and constantly strives to combine data from various fields.

A feature of a creative person is the willingness to take risks. Creative individuals do not care about considerations of prestige and the opinions of others, they do not share generally accepted points of view.

Creativity, of course, also contributes to a sense of humor, wit, the ability to wait or experience the comic. The propensity to play is another feature of a gifted person. Creative people love to have fun and have all sorts of weird ideas in their heads. They prefer new and complex things to familiar and simple ones. Their perception of the world is constantly updated.

Creative people often miraculously combine maturity of thinking, deep knowledge, various abilities, skills, and peculiar childish features in their views on the surrounding reality, in behavior and actions.

More often than not, creative people retain a childlike capacity for surprise and admiration, and an ordinary flower can excite them just as much as a revolutionary discovery. They are usually dreamers who can sometimes pass for crazy because they put their "crazy ideas" into practice while simultaneously accepting and integrating the irrational aspects of their behavior.

Creatively thinking person differs exactingness and not only in professional field. He is not satisfied with approximate information, but seeks to clarify, get to the primary sources, find out the opinion of specialists.

Other important qualities a creative person is a deep love for work, mobility of mind, the ability to synthesize and analyze ideas, courage and independence of judgment, the ability to doubt and compare.

Of course, need, interest, passion, impulse, striving are very important in creativity. But we still need knowledge, skills, craftsmanship, impeccable professionalism.

Productivity creative work directly proportional to the amount of information received and processed.

Thus, in the system stages of creativity The following are the most important qualities:

Stage 1 - a sense of novelty, unusual, sensitivity to contradictions, informational hunger ("thirst for knowledge").

Stage 2 - intuition, creative imagination, inspiration.

Stage 3 - self-criticism, perseverance in bringing things to the end, etc.

Of course, all these qualities operate at all stages of the creative process, but not predominately in one of the three. Depending on the type of creativity (scientific, artistic), some of them may appear brighter than others. Connecting with the unique features of a particular person, as well as with the characteristics creative search, the listed qualities often form an amazing alloy of creative individuality.

To be creative, it is not necessary to carry a guitar around with you, wear bright, mind-blowing scarves, and constantly be “in character”, portraying thoughtful and meaningful arrogance. Really talented people are alien to any kind of hypocrisy - pretentious attempts to create in order to "look creative" contradict the idea of ​​real creativity, which cannot be separated from life itself.

1. You are impulsive and irrational

Sometimes you tend to take risky and rash actions, not paying attention to the rational advice of others. Your own whims are enough for you great importance, so instead of the “reasonable” conformist “I need everything to be like people”, you more often say to yourself: “I will do it this way, because I want to!”. This can manifest itself in anything - in buying a hot pink car (“You’re the CEO, you have to be more serious! I’d rather take a black one”), the desire to do what you love (“You have a law degree, and you play in a rock band, you have to think about the future!”), or, say, at a dinner party for friends, arranged with the last money (“It’s still two weeks before payday! Why did you have to spend everything on stupid gatherings with friends?”).

2. You see the difference between fantasy and reality.

Edgar Allan Poe once said: "Those who dream during the day understand much that eludes those who dream only at night." You probably often imagine the "ideal life" you are striving for - unlike dreams, your daytime fantasies are much easier to realize. You can think about your dreams, evaluate your options and understand what steps you need to take to make them a reality. The main thing is to realize where the flight of your unbridled imagination ends and what really can be done begins.

3. You don't hide your feelings.

Creative individuals are usually emotionally open and impressionable people. When your beloved child “pleases” with his antics, or you are denied the publication of your masterpiece manuscript for the fifteenth time, your thoughts on this matter can be seen with the naked eye - they are literally written on your face. Creators are not afraid of their emotions, whatever they may be - negative or positive. When a storm of feelings picks you up, remember what Martin Luther King said:

"Each person must decide for himself whether he will move in the light of creative benevolence or in the darkness of destructive selfishness."

4. You value your creativity

Even when the result of your creative efforts is far from what you pictured in your imagination, you will never say to yourself: “I did all this in vain.” You are firmly convinced that there is nothing in the world like your creation, which means that you can be proud of at least the fact that you have created something new.

Of course, every demanding creator strives for perfection, but if it was not achieved in any particular case, you should not, in despair, cut into pieces not the most successful picture or burn the manuscript that you yourself did not like. Eleanor Roosevelt had an excellent opinion on this subject:

"No one will make you feel inferior without your consent."

5. You see more than others.

For you, the world is one big festive dinner with many guests: whirling eccentric grimaces, a roar of expressive voices, a parade of bright bulging characters. You are able to notice the subtle nuances of the life around you and describe them, passing through the prism of your own thoughts and feelings.

Some creative people carry a notepad or notebook around with them in which they write down their observations and impressions, but by and large, this is not necessary. Your brain is your lunatic asylum, your straitjacket and your psychiatrist. All the most important things happen in your head, and even an unspoken and unwritten thought changes the world around you.

6. You create opportunities yourself.

You hate routine, the measured course of life and narrow-minded stability. At the slightest sign of stagnation, you tend to throw yourself off balance by creating opportunities for creativity. Your life is constant communication, the search for new sensations and gaining experience. If you do not know in which direction to move, you go randomly and sooner or later find the road that will lead you to the goal.

7. You learn from your mistakes.

Failure can't stop you. You know that a negative experience is also an experience, any fiasco is just an occasion to reflect on your mistakes and learn from them. Your motto: "Good is not the one who never falls, but the one who always rises."

8. You are not afraid of risk

The act of creation, the creation of something new, requires a certain amount of courage and you are indeed a courageous person! For what you believe in, you are ready to conquer any peak, and even the possibility that your efforts will not give results will not deter you from trying to reach new heights. Seeing an obstacle in front of you, you do not turn back, but resolutely rush to the assault. Stephen Kotler of Forbes writes:

“Creativity is not an occupation for the timid. Lost time, a tarnished reputation, wasted money - all these are side effects of an unsuccessful creative activity.

If it seems to you that there are too many unfortunate blunders, remember his other statement:

"All talented people often fail, and brilliant people fail even more often."

9. You surround yourself with beauty.

As you know, talented people are talented in everything and you are no exception. You try to find your unique style in everything, from decorating your home to cooking dinner. For you, life consists of means of self-expression and you remain true to yourself, regardless of the opinions of others about your activities. Moreover, criticism only motivates you, forcing you to bend your line even more confidently. As John Wooden, the famous basketball player and successful basketball coach, said:

“Whatever you do, surround yourself smart people who will argue with you."

10. You follow your dreams.

Truly creative people are only happy when they are doing what they love. It does not matter how much money creativity brings and whether friends and relatives understand this obsession - as in love, in creation there are only two: the Creator and the offspring of his genius. You can write imperishable novels on scraps of paper, create amazing sculptures from plastic bottles and use the walls of your own entrance as a canvas for your pictorial masterpieces.

If you are one of the creators, you do not need fans, recognition, awards, and conditions for creativity, main reason realization of your fantasies - life itself.