"The formation of the professional mentality of an engineer in the educational process of the university." Formation of professional mentality of teachers and psychologists Professional mentality of teachers and psychologists

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professional <...>mentality professional <...>We highlight in this professional <...> professional <...>In the process of active professional


Psychological and pedagogical analysis of the teacher's professional mentality


G. Shiet and others) allowed us to analyze professional mentality of the teacher, her psychological<...>mentality professional determined by the interests of the individual of specific activity, social<...>We highlight in this professional structure, those qualities that reflect the mental properties of the teacher<...>mentality of the teacher: type of nervous system, level professional expectations, work experience, liking<...>In the process of active professional activity in the mentality of the teacher can be divided into two categories.

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No. 1 [To help the practicing nurse, 2019]

The magazine "To Help the Practicing Nurse" is a professional publication for specialists with secondary medical education. Each issue of the magazine is dedicated to a specific topic.

therapy (presence of an IV catheter): No 0 Yes 25 The patient's assessment of his own capabilities and limitations (mental<...>N 507n PROFESSIONAL STANDARD NURSE (CARER'S ASSISTANT) 1097 Registration number I.<...>Description of the labor functions included in professional standard (functional view map professional <...>and training Main programs professional training programs professional job training<...>Information about organizations - developers professional standard 4.1.

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Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional and personal identity of college students


The term " professional identity" is used relatively recently in connection with the problem professional <...>and optimal passage of all stages professional becoming.<...>"A student of an average student professional educational institution.<...>Formation professional and personal identity of college students in the course of training professional <...>professional identification of college students /T.Yu.Skibo // Professional education. 2002. no.

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Regional social order as a criterion for selecting the content of additional professional education for employees of cultural and art institutions [Electronic resource] / L.V. Volkova // Proceedings of the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet. - 2014 .- No. 2 .- Access mode: https://site/efd/264536

The content of additional professional education for employees of cultural institutions is disclosed on the basis of a regional social order, which uses data from sociological studies to assess the quality and accessibility of state (municipal) services in the field of culture.

areas [email protected] Regional social order as a criterion for selecting additional content professional <...>education of employees of cultural and art institutions The content of the additional professional <...>education (APE), being a link in the system of continuous professional education, characterized<...>The findings formed the basis of an innovative supplementary professional education,<...>School professional skills for workers in the field of culture. 4.



Barnaul); Regional interuniversity conference "Improvement of higher professional education<...>Professionally-role self-determination occurs in the form of "I" role conflict, as psychologically<...>Featured professional and moral unacceptability of "teacher-student" conflicts "due to the fact that<...>In the third paragraph - "Business conflicts of adolescents as a stage professionally-role self-determination"<...>young professionals. // Improvement of the higher professional youth education: intercollegiate



<...> professional professional <...>professionally- personal components.<...>Structure and levels professional professional schools.<...>


Didactic bases for the use of inter-subject connections as a means of improving the professional training of students in secondary specialized educational institutions (on the example of teaching physics)


I 0 reform of general education and professional school: Sat. documents and materials.<...>All of them are associated with professional orientation, taking into account the formation of interest in the profession in professionally-technical<...>Yangiyul Technical School of the Food Industry of the UzSSR, on the basis of which the experimental<...>and general technical items creates the UN to receive professional knowledge.<...>professional orientation in teaching physics is focused on deepening professional knowledge

Preview: Didactic basics of using inter-subject connections as a means of improving the professional training of students in secondary specialized educational institutions (on the example of teaching physics).pdf (0.2 Mb)


Professional ethics

professional ethics. UMM. M.: MGIIT, 2012.<...>professional ethics. concept professional ethics.<...>Content professional ethics. Kinds professional ethics.<...>Correlation of concepts professional and business ethics. Thing professional ethics as a science.<...>Origin professional ethics. 8. Views professional ethics. 9. Functions of morality.


Organizational and Pedagogical Foundations of the Invariant Training of Higher Professional School Teachers


After this work, there was practically no fundamental research on pedagogical<...>However, the problem of formation professional competence of the teacher of higher professional <...>professionally- personal components.<...>Structure and levels professional competence of the teacher of higher professional schools.<...>"Provincial mentality of Russia in the past, present and future".

Preview: Organizational and pedagogical foundations of the invariant training of teachers of a higher professional school.pdf (0.0 Mb)


The article discusses topical issues of teaching the history of medicine in Russia in connection with the transition of the higher medical school of the Russian Federation to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education of the Third Generation (FSES HE): the place of discipline in the educational process, teaching programs, staffing

2007 the development of a new Federal State educational standard higher professional <...>Currently, a new subject is being studied in the schools of the Russian Federation " professional orientation<...>Medical Professions: Textbook for Profile and professional orientation and specialized training <...>Professional self-determination of schoolchildren in Moscow: Medicine.<...>Professional the future of Yakutia. Health care and medicine.


Organizational and Pedagogical Foundations of the Invariant Training of Higher Professional School Teachers


After this work, there was practically no fundamental research on pedagogical<...>However, the problem of formation professional competence of the teacher of higher professional <...>professionally- personal components.<...>Structure and levels professional competence of the teacher of higher professional schools.<...>"Provincial mentality of Russia in the past, present and future".

Preview: Organizational and pedagogical foundations of the invariant training of teachers of a higher professional school.pdf (0.0 Mb)



PROFESSIONAL <...> professional <...> professional teacher competence.<...> professional education.<...>Thus, the development professional professional


Professional ethics

M.: GAOU VPO MGIIT named after Yu.A. Senkevich

professional ethics.<...>professional ethics. concept professional ethics.<...>Content professional ethics. Kinds professional ethics.<...>Correlation of concepts professional and business ethics. Thing professional ethics as a science.<...>Origin professional ethics. 8. Views professional ethics. 9. Functions of morality.

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<...> professional <...> professional <...>One gets the impression that without developing and solving the fundamental problems of health psychology<...>Within the framework of this approach, a person who came for professional


Professional orientation of general educational training of students (on the example of teaching physics in technical universities)


disciplines at professional preparation of students.<...>also helping to deepen and expand professional knowledge.<...>Based on the content of the concept professional direction of the need to deepen professional <...>professional training students of technical universities.<...>professional student training.

Preview: Professional orientation of general educational training of students (on the example of teaching physics in technical universities).pdf (0.2 Mb)


History and current state of the study of the psychology of human health


One gets the impression that without developing and solving the fundamental problems of health psychology<...>Within the framework of this approach, a person who came for professional medical advice (help<...>Hence, the requirements for professional socialization of the doctor (largely predetermined by the structure<...>One gets the impression that without developing and solving the fundamental problems of health psychology<...>Within the framework of this approach, a person who came for professional medical advice (help

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History and current state of the study of the psychology of human health


One gets the impression that without developing and solving the fundamental problems of health psychology<...>Within the framework of this approach, a person who came for professional medical advice (help<...>Hence, the requirements for professional socialization of the doctor (largely predetermined by the structure<...>One gets the impression that without developing and solving the fundamental problems of health psychology<...>Within the framework of this approach, a person who came for professional medical advice (help

Preview: The history and current state of the study of the psychology of human health.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Development of technical creativity of students in the educational process in physics in high school


The acceleration of scientific and technological progress puts forward sewing requirements for general education, professional <...>progress in preparing young people for work is called upon by the ongoing reform of general education and professional <...>The results of the research were reported at: -regional pedagogical readings: "Experience in the work of schools professionally-technical<...>schools for labor training, loo nutrition and professional student orientation"<...>In kya .: methodological instructions and materials for the special course " professional orientation of schoolchildren in the educational

Preview: The development of technical creativity of students in the educational process in physics in high school.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Opportunities of the school as an educational system in improving the professional competence of the teacher


rights of the manuscript AVVO BORIS VOLDEMAROVICH POSSIBILITIES OF THE SCHOOL AS AN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN INCREASE PROFESSIONAL <...>Development situation modern education defines a special place for the problem of increasing professional <...>The subject of research is the school's ability to improve professional teacher competence.<...>skills and are acquired in the system professional education.<...>Thus, the development professional competence of a teacher is a continuous process of his professional

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The tools of intracorporate communications can be different, and their choice depends entirely on the characteristics of the company and the specific situation. The corporate newspaper has become one of the tools for staff development in the company, a means of improving the organizational culture and creating a full-fledged image of the company. The corporate publication allows you to organize information flows within the company, increase the awareness of the staff and, as a result, its professional development. The article considers the advantages of a corporate newspaper as a tool for communications and staff development, formulates its tasks and functions, outlines the principles for a corporate publication. The corporate newspaper, in combination with training programs, provides a serious assistance in the process of awareness and development of each employee. The provisions of the article are illustrated by a specific example, which is taken as the corporate newspaper "Bashkirskaya Neft", its content and information policy are analyzed.

The need to refer to the term " professional culture" is explained by the following factors: specialists<...>working in an organization have certain professional knowledge and skills, and therefore<...>So, corporate culture is a complex and multifaceted concept, and the authors understand it as professional <...>To improve the company's activities and increase professional level of its employees provide<...>Newspaper stimulates professional growth, staff development, generates healthy competition.


The main factors that negatively affect the health of university teachers ("bad habits", "low personal responsibility for their own health", "high workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which can be controlled, have been identified. using internal (personal) and external (administrative) resources. Directions for protecting the health of teachers ("formation healthy lifestyle life", "improving disease prevention", "improving the organization of psychological assistance"), as well as measures to improve the health of university teachers ("monitoring the individual health of an employee", "a more in-depth examination during professional examinations" and "equipping with modern diagnostic equipment" The management of teachers' health is possible by improving preventive care and organizing psychological services at the university, which ensure the formation of personal responsibility for one's health and help in overcoming psychological problems associated with professional activities.

personal responsibility for their health and help in overcoming psychological problems associated with professional <...>OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" 45 In modern conditions of social development, the requirements for professional <...>Health is a determining factor in development professional competence .<...>JSC Central Clinical Hospital BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service 47 health congestion, possibly due to their professional <...>Health as a development factor professional competence. Vestnik OSU. 2009; one; 81-6. 2.




The purpose of the dissertation research is to develop scientific and practical proposals for the development of personal subsidiary plots, to determine the main directions for increasing its marketability and to propose methodological approaches to the formation of a peasant / farm / economy based on a highly commercial private household plot.

. / , "professional orientation of youth in the conditions of perestroika" / Kurgan, 1990 /, "Soviet<...>The role of personal subsidiary farming in the choice of a rural profession / / professional youth orientation



Methodology for modeling management activities in the system of municipal general, pre-professional and primary vocational education


and primary professional schools.<...>Professional Lyceums 11 69 20 34 62 4 33 6! 151 6 6.<...>Professional teacher 12 71 17 36 61 3 36 58 6 7.<...>Intersubject communications in professional system of advanced training of teachers // Sat.<...>Perfection professional skills of teachers // Sat.

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The purpose of our research was to improve and develop a method for the cultivation and fertilization of bovine oocytes in vitro in various culture systems.

The results presented in the work were reported to the scientific and methodological conference " professional



Library in the system of continuing professional education

Publishing house of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The current state, problems of the development of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the libraries of Siberia and the Far East are highlighted. The concept of development of the system of continuous library education in the Siberian region is presented. The issues of retraining of specialists with higher non-library education and the technology of organizing distance education at the Higher Library Courses are discussed. The experience of personnel training at the US Library of Congress is described.

Overcoming narrowness and stereotyping professional thinking, increasing the overall level professional <...>environment requests for professional services.<...>A reference is being formed abroad professional model.<...>it is very important that the team is not only professionally educated, but professionally brought up on<...>professional practices.

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Library life of Kuzbass: express information. Issue. one

In issue 1 of the collection "Library Life of Kuzbass" for 2006 contains a chronicle of library life (1995 - 1996), materials on the qualification of library operations by degree of complexity, methodological support main directions of library activity of regional libraries.

meeting "Modern problems of library local history" 11 ONB Jointly with the National Library of Russia, MK RF 1.2 Meeting professional <...>meeting. 03 ODB Kemerovo 1.20 "Library and ecology": Creative seminar. 05 ODB Prokopyevsk 1.21" professional <...>took place professional exchange of opinions, information about traditions and innovations in mass work.<...>Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Events are held at a high professional <...>Tall professional the level of the Club gained fame and popularity; so despite the financial


Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional mobility of the future teacher


The monograph deals with the problems of preparing a future teacher at a university, reveals the concept of "mobility" as an important quality that contributes to an increase in professional activity, the manifestation of individuality and the prevention of emotional burnout. The book is addressed to everyone who is already involved in solving the problems of education, training, upbringing of the younger generation, or will only be a teacher, who are concerned about issues of professional self-manifestation: scientists, teachers of all types of educational institutions, university teachers and students, undergraduates and graduate students.

This may lead to a decrease professional interest, change professional motivation, emergence<...>"I", professional image, individual style professional activities, definitions for<...>orientation, professional selection, professional training and education at the university.<...>professional culture. professional demand. Profession and labor market.<...>professional competence. professional culture. professional demand.

Preview: Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional mobility of the future teacher.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Formation of the personality of a preschooler by means of physical culture. abstract dis. … Dr. ped. Sciences

BGU them. M. Tanka

The purpose of the study is the theoretical substantiation, development and introduction into the pedagogical process of a preschool institution of the concept of personality formation of a preschooler by means of physical culture.

.); "professional training of preschool education specialists in the context of humanization and socialization<...>associated with the ability to apply knowledge in various circumstances containing problematic situations with professional <...>When planning your professional growth, the teacher used the self-education program we created<...>implementation required the teacher to constantly enrich scientific and practical experience, a creative approach to professional <...>In the middle preschool age, the indicators of boys and girls from the experimental groups are higher for all

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Psychological reserves of engineering training


By professional the activities of an engineer and the preparation of work for it are unreasonably small, and they<...>task professional training is not only learning professional activities, but also the creation<...>Chapter 2" professional preparation and its study" in § 1 an analysis of categories and concepts professional <...>And as a result, the psychological about * "boron, professional orientation, consultation.<...>Important for all kinds professional activities and professional training of engineers is

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Content, forms and methods of training workers for highly productive work in teams


ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES USSR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LABOR TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL <...>process professional training of workers.<...>Develop methods of improvement professional training of workers to take into account the specifics of the BFOT<...>How the foreman learns / / Professionally-technical education.1 9 8 6 . .... 7 . pp.44-45. 67 .<...>Growth Brigade / / Professionally-technical education. 1 9 8 1 . * I I . pp.40-42. 7 1 .

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Professional ethics. Workbook.

The workbook on the discipline "Professional ethics" for university students is intended for use in practical classes and independent study of the subject. Solutions and notes on the topic are carried out directly in the workbook, which, among other things, saves the student's time. The subject of the workbook corresponds to the work program of the discipline. Compiled by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Shalashnikov Gennady Vasilyevich

Concept and features professional Ethics Questions: 1. General concept about professional ethics 2.<...>concept of professional ethics.<...>, self-control professional activities, professional compensation. one.<...>professional compensation.<...>professional ethics of a lawyer - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. Vasilyeva G.A. professional lawyer ethics.

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Business Ethics Workbook

Institute of Law and Administration of the All-Russian Police Association

The workbook on the discipline "Ethics of business relations" for university students is intended for use in practical classes and independent study of the subject. Solutions and notes on the topic are carried out directly in the workbook, which, among other things, saves the student's time. The subject of the workbook corresponds to the work program of the discipline. Compiled by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Shalashnikov Gennady Vasilyevich

professional ethics and its significance for business relations 1. General concept of professional morality<...>But the essence professional deformation of the leader's personality is not only a change professional <...>: self-regulation, self-control professional activities, professional compensation. one.<...>professional compensation.<...>General system of morality and codes professional morals: corporatism, humanism, professional

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Hotel personnel management: features of personnel management of a hotel enterprise

Checked through the search system of text borrowings

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher professional education of the city of Moscow<...> "professional adaptation is the adaptation of the worker to the work performed.<...>But in the first place, many authors put professional development.<...>Organizations create special methods and management systems professional development professional <...>"Personnel training is the main way to get professional education.

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No. 2 [Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 2013]

Founded in 1957. Editor-in-Chief Onishchenko Gennady Grigorievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the journal: informing about the theoretical and scientific substantiation of measures aimed at improving the health of the population, the demographic situation, environmental protection, the activities of the health care system, publishing materials on legislative and regulatory acts related to improving the work of health authorities and institutions, publishing information on positive experience the work of territorial bodies and health care institutions, new ways of this work, the presentation of specific data on the state of health of certain categories of the population, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in various regions of Russia. In accordance with the specified tasks, materials are printed on the results of the implementation of the national projects "Health" and "Demography", on improving the strategy in the field of economics and health management, on the development and implementation of new forms of organization of health care, medical technologies, on the assessment and dynamics of the state health of the population of various regions of the Russian Federation, on the training of medical personnel and the improvement of their qualifications.

Systematic presentation professional hygiene."<...>Paragraph 1 of the Regulation reads: "Institute professional diseases The Ministry of Health aims to study professional <...>8923 cases professional diseases (PZ) and poisonings; - indicator professional incidence<...>of the population when assessing the posterior professional risk.<...>Received 10/22/12 professional qualifications of specialists.

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Pedagogy of professionalism lecture notes

Publishing house PSUTI

In the lecture notes, the state of conceptual and psychological and pedagogical training of university teachers, the structure of professional competencies are considered.

competencies 2.1 Variable component professional competence professional competence<...>However, the problem of formation professional competence of the teacher of higher professional <...>In the structure of competence, one can single out professionally- meaningful, professionally active<...>Professionally- activity (practical) component includes professional knowledge and skills tested<...>corresponds to the structure diagram professional the competence of the latter.

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Professional ethics studies. allowance (workshop)

NCFU publishing house

The workshop was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education for the preparation of a graduate for the qualification "bachelor". Designed for students studying in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence, profiles: "International Law", "Information Law", "Civil Law", "Criminal Law", "Financial Law", "Human Rights Activities", “Legal life and legal activity”, “Environmental and natural resource law”.

concept professional ethics. Thing professional ethics.<...>b) " professional conscience"; in) " professional dignity"; G) " professional duty"; e) " professional <...>culture professional morality professional honour Professional duty Professional quality<...> . professional honor 2. professional debt 3. professional responsibility 4. professional <...>conscience 5. professional demanding 6. professional selflessness 7. professional

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Ecological and valeological approach to health saving of preschool children textbook: Part 2

Ural State Pedagogical University

In this textbook, the environmental and valeological education of preschool children is presented on the example of the work of MBDOU - kindergarten of a combined type No. 351 "Krepysh" in Yekaterinburg. The means and methods of environmental protection have been developed and presented in order to preserve and strengthen the main national wealth of any country - the health of the population, especially children, since the health of children is the future of the country. Materials for environmental and valeological education are developed on scientifically based principles for creating health and environmental programs, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education

I always do everything professional requirements. fourteen.<...>I am constantly striving to replenish professional knowledge to improve their skills. thirty.<...>I'm easy on " professional competition” and recognize the victories, merits, and success of colleagues in the profession<...>Professional knowledge of the subject of the main activity. 2.2.<...>Professional knowledge of the subject of the main activity. 2.2.

Preview: Ecological and valeological approach to the health protection of preschool children.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Behavioral management studies. allowance

SSAU publishing house

behavioral management. Programs used: Adobe Acrobat. Proceedings of SSAU employees (electronic version)

The functional composition of the units of the RS requires an appropriate professional and qualifying<...>Higher professional the achievements of the leaders in the organization are the effects of cooperation.<...>Intentional transfer - creative process, which professionally actors of cinema and theater are engaged.<...>However, useCopyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC Agency Book-Service Professional Needs<...>The manager should be interested in both, but within the framework of professional ethics.

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Individualization of professional training of students in a pedagogical university: conceptual foundations


The monograph presents the concept of individualization of professional training of students in a pedagogical university, considers the methodological foundations, identifies patterns and defines the principles of individualization. A variative-reflexive approach is substantiated and characterized, which reflects the strategy of individualization of professional training of future teachers. The monograph is addressed to specialists in the field of didactics, students, graduate students, teachers of pedagogical universities.

its various types and forms at two levels - ideological and socio-psychological, reflective and mental<...>Information coding styles are understood as the subjective means by which in mental experience<...>As the mechanisms of style behavior are formed, the integration of various forms of mental<...>Isaev consider reflection as a fundamental mental mechanism of introspection and self-knowledge, disclosure<...>values, understanding professional goals, formation professional motives.

Preview: Individualization of professional training of students in a pedagogical university conceptual foundations.pdf (0.5 Mb) in professional terms, the services of "Public Relations" are in the lead.<...>Business communication in professional activities: Textbook / A.P.


No. 154(7617) [Rossiyskaya gazeta - federal issue + Soyuz. Belarus-Russia, 2018]

of the Russian Federation for 2014 - 2016, extended until December 31, 2019, between the All-Russian professional <...>Mandatory qualification is designed to confirm professional appraiser status and remove random<...>The Ministry of Economic Development has introduced a qualification exam,” explains Irina Komar, Managing Partner of LLC professional professional speak alone.<...>PROFESSIONAL ARMY. First of all, I would like to note the surprising failure of the concept itself.<...>professional any army other than an army formed on the basis of a general militia.<...>: "small, but professional". <...>Small professional the army instantly disappeared during the heavy fighting on the Marne.

Preview: Sowing No. 3 2000.pdf (3.9 Mb)


No. 5 [Problems of social hygiene, health care and the history of medicine, 2016]

Founded in 1994. The editor-in-chief of the journal is Schepin Oleg Prokopievich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the National Research Institute of Public Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The journal covers theoretical issues of social hygiene, the main directions of the formation of public health and medical and social assistance, issues of economics, scientific organization of labor, sanitary statistics, history of medicine and health care. Publishes articles on new forms and methods of work of medical and anti-epidemic health care institutions in organizing medical and sanitary services for the urban and rural population. The journal publishes materials on the methods and results of studying the social conditions of life and health of the population. It reflects the state of healthcare, issues of organization and activities of medical institutions in foreign countries, and contains articles on the design and equipment of medical institutions. The development of medical science and health care is widely covered, important historical dates are noted, the activities of scientific societies are published, information about various conferences and meetings is published.

The journal publishes the results of research on the current state of higher education in Russia, discusses the theory and practice of humanitarian, natural science and engineering higher education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results of scientific research in the following areas: philosophy, sociology and cultural studies; pedagogy and psychology; story.

computer english- professionally-oriented course of 1 hour per week for two years (total<...>Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Higher education in Russia N ° 3, 1997, internal mental<...>Purposeful and departmental disunity of the Ministry of General and professional Education and RAS<...>Motivation of specialists - focus on professional growth, accumulation of knowledge. the mentality of the employees of the organization<...>AT professional literature is often distinguished professionally important qualities of a psychologist.

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No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 1997]

This journal is the only one that covers all topical issues of teaching physics at the university, and, as we hope, it will become the main means of communication for the departments of physics of universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. The main sections of the journal 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching the general course of physics in high school, technical school, college. 2. Issues of teaching the course of general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physical education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice of small-scale physical experiment. 8. Connection of the general course of physics with other disciplines. 9. Integration of the Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Pedagogy journal (in the USSR, Soviet Pedagogy) was founded in 1937. It is the oldest and most authoritative scientific and pedagogical journal in Russia. The entire history of Russian pedagogical thought is presented on its pages. Among its authors are outstanding scientists of our country: A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.K. Goncharov, A.M. Arseniev, N.Sh. Boldyrev and others. The journal publishes the results of scientific research on the theory and history of pedagogy, teacher training, comparative pedagogy, modern educational policy. It sets the main scientific guidelines, value and methodological guidelines for research in the field of education, actively influences the formation of scientific and pedagogical consciousness in our country and abroad, and supports the development of an integral pedagogical space of the CIS. Journal "Pedagogy". Scientists-teachers from the USA, Germany, France, Canada, Poland, China and other countries publish their materials in the journal. The best articles are regularly published in English translation in publications « Russian education and society” (“Russian Education & Society”, USA), “Prospects” (“Prospects” UNESCO), etc. The editorial staff of the journal contributes to the consolidation Russian society around patriotic ideals. Heads of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, regional educational authorities, members of the Russian Academy of Education and other state academies actively cooperate with Pedagogy. The journal "Pedagogy" throughout its history has been the leading scientific and theoretical body, first of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, then of the Russian Academy of Education. Being the focus of the achievements of domestic pedagogical science and a mirror of the innovative experience of education, the journal enjoys great respect educational community. In 2007, for active social and political activity and in connection with the 70th anniversary of the founding, the Pedagogy journal was awarded a Certificate of Honor State Duma Russian Federation.

Daily national newspaper (official publisher of government documents). Comes out since 1990.

the elderly population, because it helps them, without going to a hospital, even a day one, to receive assistance - professional <...>It would be presumptuous for me to become an arbiter in this kind of professional dispute.<...>LLC company professional Evaluation Group, which I co-founded, all 15 years of my existence<...>We have a strong and professional a team that has already proven itself by passing the previous<...>ESTIMATES "Moscow 1,0788 33" Professional Center for Assessment and Expertise" Moscow 1,0662 34 "Management Company

Preview: Rossiyskaya gazeta - federal issue + Soyuz. Belarus-Russia №190(7948) 2019.pdf (0.9 Mb)

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

Pospelova Inna Yurievna. The development of the professional mentality of a psychologist in the conditions of university education: dissertation ... candidate of psychological sciences: 19.00.07 / Pospelova Inna Yurievna; [Place of protection: Nizhegorsk. state ped. un-t].- Nizhny Novgorod, 2007.- 184 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 07-19/853



1.1. Mentality as a philosophical and psychological category 12

1.2. Professional mentality of a psychologist in the context of the structural-integrative concept of intelligence 31

1.3. The structure of the professional mentality of a psychologist 46

1.4. Statement of the research problem 71


2.1. Methods of experimental study of professional mentality 75

2.2. Psychological space of perception of professional situations in future psychologists 85

2.3. Features of the manifestation of subjective control in psychology students of the first year of study 91

2.4. Characterological features and personal orientation of first-year students 94


3.1. Organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional mentality among students of psychological specialties in the conditions of the educational process of the university 103

3.2. Checking the effectiveness of the implementation of organizational and psychological support 120




APPS 161

Introduction to work

The relevance of research. Modernization of the domestic system of higher education requires new approaches to the construction of professional training of a specialist, focused not only on the content professional activity, but also on the personal characteristics of a specialist implemented in this activity. In this case, it becomes necessary to single out some basic psychological formations that reflect the specifics of labor and the characteristics of the subject of activity. In them, each specialist shows the specifics of individual intelligence, which is characteristic of a particular profession and distinguishes it from "related" professions in terms of subject content. Such psychological formations are most holistically represented in the professional mentality.

The presence of a professional mentality indicates the professional stability of a specialist, his "lifestyle" as a professional. Its neglect by the system of vocational education turns labor into simple handicraft and performance. This also applies to the training of psychologists. As a rule, their education at a university is limited to the algorithmization of specific educational acquisitions implemented in predetermined types of practical activities. At the same time, his distinctive features as a subject of professional activity (features of thinking, behavior, value orientation, etc.) from the subject of another activity that is meaningfully similar to it. This finds a holistic expression in the professional mentality of a specialist. In this regard, the formation of the professional mentality of a psychologist is one of the urgent problems of his vocational training at the university.

Traditionally, mentality in psychology is considered in relation to intellectual development (8, 38, 44, 90, 144, 210, 211, etc.). At the same time, as a rule, we are talking about different levels of mental representations (according to 90, 210, 211, etc.). In this regard, the problems of written mentality, the mentality of a rural school, the influence of musical culture on the mentality of students, the mentality and mentality as phenomena of the existence of a person, the socio-psychological aspects of the mentality of the Russian intelligentsia, the motivational component in the structure of the mentality of a person, the professional mentality of a teacher as an object of intraschool management, the mentality of a modern teacher and the conditions for its formation. However, the understanding of the essence of mentality, the mechanisms of its formation remains quite debatable and contradictory in psychology.

Mentality as a complex psychological system that forms a kind of integrity, which is represented in the professional activities of a psychologist, has not been properly reflected in psychological research today. Beyond the boundaries of scientific research remains the understanding of mentality as a psychological phenomenon that is different from mentality, in relation to the professional activity of a psychologist, the definition of its mental contents, structure, subject relatedness, etc. Thus, the problem of this study is to determine the psychological content and structure of the professional mentality of a psychologist, the development of organizational and psychological support for the development of a professional mentality of a psychologist in a university education.

The purpose of the study is to reveal the structure and dynamics of the development of the professional mentality of a psychologist in higher education and to develop the foundations for the organizational and psychological support for the development of the professional mentality of a psychologist in the conditions of higher education.

The object of research is the professional mentality of a psychologist.

Thing research - the development of the professional mentality of a psychologist in the conditions of university education.

As hypotheses research accepted assumptions:

the professional mentality of a psychologist, being a kind of projection of the mentality of a person, represents the individual intellect of a psychologist in professional activities;

the structure of the professional mentality of a psychologist is a set of perceptual-cogitative, regulatory, axiological components, the development dynamics of which is determined by structural transformations within each component;

the development of the professional mentality of the future psychologist in the educational process of the university will be effective if special organizational and psychological support is implemented, focused on solving professional situations.

To test the hypothesis and in accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks:

    To systematize the approaches available in the philosophical and psychological literature to the development of the problem of the development of the professional mentality of a specialist and to define the concept of the professional mentality of a psychologist.

    Reveal the essence, content and structure of the professional mentality of a psychologist.

    Substantiate the structure of the professional mentality of a psychologist.

    Develop a diagnostic complex for studying the professional mentality of future psychologists and identify

features of the development of the structural components of their professional mentality in the process of university education.

    To experimentally study the features of the professional mentality of future psychologists in the process of professional training.

    To develop the content of organizational and psychological support for the development of the professional mentality of future psychologists in the process of professional training and experimentally test its effectiveness.

Methodological basis of the study constitute the philosophical theories of mentality (Yu.M. Voronov, J. Le Goff, A.Ya. Gurevich, MLO. Shevyakov, etc.), the concept of human essence as a set of autonomous wholes (K. Jaspers), the theoretical provisions of the psychology of subjectivity and the subject of activity (B.G. Ananiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, E.N. Volkova, V.A. Petrovsky and others), structural-integrative theory of intelligence (M.A. Kholodnaya), conceptual positions in the field of mental representations and semantic human spheres (B.S. Bratus, A.V. Brushlinsky, V.N. Druzhinin, A.N. Leontiev, M.A. Kholodnaya, V. Frankl, etc.), the concept of developmental education (V.V. Davydov , D.B. Elkonin, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others)

Mentality as a philosophical and psychological category

Human existence in the last decade of the twentieth century, and especially at the beginning of the twenty-first century, is becoming more and more critical. Contradictions in the relations between man and nature, man and society, man and man have become aggravated. Through the "prism" of these contradictions, people's desire for harmony with the outside world and among themselves becomes more and more illusory. Ultimately, there is a dissonance between the essence and existence of man. The resolution of such dissonance, in our opinion, is largely due to changes in the systems of human relationships with the outside world. In this regard, the paramount is the change of value orientations in such a way that the leading one is the responsibility of each person for the "affairs" of all people, his desire to transform the world, creating world harmony. All this is directly connected with the intellectual and moral development of the personality of individuals, with the formation of a morally oriented mentality in them. Thus, consideration of mentality as a philosophical and psychological problem presupposes, first of all, the definition of this phenomenon in the inner (mental) life of a person.

Mentality as a category in domestic and foreign philosophy and psychology is considered in combination with the category of mentality. At the same time, the first of them is related to the individual, and the second - to society. In both cases, understanding the essence of these phenomena is determined by establishing a connection between the individual characteristics of a person (or people) with the social system of his (their) existence. In other words, it takes into account unconscious, everyday, "automated" behavior and non-personal aspects - everything that is common between people from different social strata of the same community (61, p. 193). However, mentality, according to most researchers, is not reducible to the conventional (impersonal) (217) human existence in a particular society, so, against the background of a common mental layer in society, one can observe different mentalities: large and small social groups, individuals, etc. .d. (45, 68, 90, 216, etc.).

When considering this problem, first of all, questions arise about the concretization of the concept of "mentalite" and the separation of the concepts of "mentality" and "mentality", as well as the legitimacy of applying the concept of "mentality" in relation to a single person. Answers to them are necessary, since in modern domestic humanitarian knowledge its most common definition is as social “consciousness of various regions and eras” (28, p. 79). Therefore, the use of the concepts of “mentality” and “mentality” in relation to the individual group) some researchers may raise certain doubts. In addition, it seems to us that doubts may also arise because the meaning of the very concept of “mentality”, currently used in Russian social sciences, is often simplified. It is known that any use of a concept without sufficient categorical saturation, although it is fertile ground for theoretical work, nevertheless leads to the inevitable contradictions in such a case.

Thus, when defining mentality as a certain level of social consciousness, it is necessary not to lose sight of the fact that this level also carries the unconscious, which also cannot be torn out of the definition. Such consciousness and the unconscious are inextricably linked with the consciousness and the unconscious of the individual. Thus, the mentality is nothing but a manifestation of a certain level of social consciousness and the unconscious (187, p. 176). The mentality of the individual, therefore, can be determined through the interaction of individual consciousness and the unconscious. Summarizing, one can accept “mentality” as a way of thinking, a conventional (impersonal) mental attitude of a person, a stereotype of social behavior.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that in modern philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, etc. researches quite often use the concept of "mentality". However, it has not yet acquired its precise categorical status. And in order to clarify its specificity (which is methodologically important), it is necessary to introduce it into a certain system of categories and consider it in relation to the content of other concepts, since “any concept ... can acquire the meaning of a category only if it is taken in some categorical system, otherwise it remains a term, the meaning of which is conditional” (79, p. 180).

Recognizing the existence of different interpretations of mentality depending on the directions and nuances of specific research, we still believe that it is impossible to ignore the conceptual "gap" between what is called the "social unconscious" and "forms of social consciousness". In this, in our opinion, there is a basis, a "starting point" in the interpretation of the concept under study. We share the point of view according to which the mentality is influenced by both the labile "social consciousness" and the "social unconscious" determined by the specific social environment. The loss of any of these components of the concept of "mentality" leads to one-sidedness in its definition and gives rise to a double, sometimes diametrically opposite interpretation of the term.

Methods of experimental study of professional mentality

The study of the professional mentality of a psychologist was carried out in the course of an experimental study conducted at the department of "Psychology" of the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management, the Faculty of Humanities of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute. The study was conducted with students of the first - fifth courses for five years (from 2001 to 2006). The total number of respondents in this case was 164 people. At the same time, the experimental groups were psychology students of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management in the amount of 84 people, and the control groups were psychology students of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute in the amount of 80 people. Along with this, students of the Faculty of Advanced Studies of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MSUTU), students of the Institute of Information Technology and Advanced Training (psychologists of educational and medical institutions, employees of psychological centers in Moscow, the Moscow Region) took part in the experimental study (total number of respondents 205 people), psychologists of educational and medical institutions. Also, employees of psychological centers in Moscow participated in the experimental work. In the latter cases, the number of respondents was 205 people. Thus, the total number of respondents was 369 people, which in general indicates the representativeness of the study.

The experimental construction of the psychologist's professional mentality was carried out according to its structural components: axiological, perceptual-cogitative, and regulatory. In general, the psychological space of perception of situations of professional activity of a psychologist was studied; value-oriented orientation of the psychologist; attribution styles in the subjective control of a psychologist. In this regard, the following diagnostic methods were used:

1. Methodology "Professional situations of a psychologist";

2. Test of interpersonal relationships T. Leary;

3. Test questionnaire "The level of subjective control" in the adaptation of E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golynkina, A.M. Etkind.

When studying the professional mentality of a psychologist, we proceeded from the assumption that during its formation, the formation of cognitive structures of mental experience is initially carried out. Therefore, the first task was to experimentally study the perceptual-cogitative component of the professional mentality of a psychologist. For this, the methodology "Professional situations of a psychologist" was used. It was a series of typical situations that arise in the professional activities of a psychologist, in the amount of 13 pieces (see Appendix No. 5). Each of the situations was numbered. Each respondent was required to order these situations according to the degree of ease - difficulty, so that a certain series was obtained as a result, which was then ranked. Based on these data, a matrix of individual preferences was compiled for a group of subjects, the rows and columns of which, respectively, represented the subjects and objects. This matrix was processed by the methods of non-metric multidimensional scaling (135, pp. 299-328).

The purpose of multidimensional scaling (MS) is to reveal the structure of the studied set of objects. In psychology, most often, the initial data for SM are the subjective judgments of the subjects about the differences or similarities of stimuli (objects). The central position of the MS is that such judgments are based on a limited number of subjective features (criteria) that determine the difference in stimuli, and a person, when making his judgments, explicitly or implicitly takes into account these criteria. Proceeding from this, the main task of the MS is the reconstruction of the psychological space given by a small number of measurements-scales, and the location of stimulus points in it in such a way that the distances between them best correspond to the initial subjective differences. Thus, the scale in the IS is interpreted as a criterion underlying the differences in stimuli (135, p. 299).

The general scheme of MS in this study is presented on the basis of the judgments of the subjects (experts) regarding the ease-difficulty of professional situations. In this case, data on preferences are used, containing the ordering by each subject of a set of objects (“professional situations”) according to the degree of their preference (ease-difficulty). In our case, the model of subjective preferences was used. Here, each subject is characterized by an ideal object, and the degree of preference for a stimulus is determined by its difference from the ideal. This model is based on the assumption that subjects can be characterized by the coordinates of ideal points in a single space. This space is given by scales, which are interpreted as criteria by which preference is carried out. Ultimately, the result of preference analysis is a group space of attributes (scales), in which, along with objects of preference, ideal points of subjects are placed (135, p. 324-328). In an illustrative version of such a space, situations (variables) are denoted by var, and subjects (subjects) by row.

Organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional mentality among students of psychological specialties in the conditions of the educational process of the university

The organizational and psychological support for the formation of the professional mentality of a psychologist includes a system of specially organized classes aimed at developing the psychological content of the structural components of the professional mentality. This system of classes provides a meaningful integration of psychological disciplines studied in the educational process of the university and professional and psychological activities. The substantive basis of such integration is the diverse situations of the psychologist's professional activity. The use of these situations is carried out in the construction of the educational content of all psychological disciplines studied by students of the general and applied cycles.

Interpreting the situation as a combination of conditions and circumstances that create a certain situation, situation (202), situations of a psychologist's professional activity (professional situations) are understood as a set of conditions that create a particular situation, a situation associated with the professional activity of a psychologist. Such situations sometimes arise unexpectedly, moreover, many of them pose such tasks that have to be solved in the changing conditions of professional activity, when this or that change in one “link” of the psychologist’s work immediately affects the rest. Moreover, the same professional situation is multivariate in solution, and the psychologist is required to choose the most optimal solution from a number of possible ones.

In the educational process of the university, professional situations, as a rule, take the form of an interdisciplinary educational problem, which reflects the “logical and psychological contradiction” of the assimilation of information in the subject system of education, which implements “interdisciplinary connections united by a general subject idea and aimed at achieving the unity of their educational, developing and educational functions” (113, p. 72). The formulation of such educational problems in higher education depends on the content of the subject, the topic being studied, the content of the professional situation. In this case, intersubject communications can be both direct (directly establish a meaningful relationship between academic subjects) and indirect (suggest transitional "links" in the meaningful connections of two, three or more academic subjects).

The use of professional situations in the classroom in psychological disciplines involves their educational modeling. In this case, one should proceed from a number of conditions that determine the presence of such modeling components as “description of initial conditions”, “introduction of a novelty factor”, “search prescription”, “corrective information”, “intended result” (198, p.8-12) . The description of the initial conditions includes general information about the object of activity: what it is, what parties it manifests itself in; information about the features of the implementation of professional activities, etc. (198, p.8-9). This component reveals the initial stage of the psychologist's interaction with the client through the content of the professional situation. The introduction of the novelty factor includes a description of those circumstances, facts, phenomena, etc., that violate the original situation, introduce mismatch in the current conditions, break the primary relationship, which leads to problematic interaction with the object (198, p. 9). This component may be associated with a violation of the "habitual logic" of the interaction of a psychologist with a client, a mismatch between professional psychological knowledge and demonstrated properties, symptoms, etc. of the client, etc. The search prescription is aimed at organizing the search activities of trainees. Here there is a transition from the ascertaining part of the problem situation to its purposeful analysis (198, pp. 9-10). This component is focused on typical and stylistic features in the professional activities of a psychologist, the choice of those techniques, methods and, in general, methods and technologies of professional interaction with a client that are most appropriate for a psychologist in solving a specific professional situation. Corrective information includes a certain set of hints, possible scenarios for the development of the situation, alternative solutions, additional "visual" material, etc. (198, p. 11). This component is aimed at maintaining a certain level of educational and search activity in solving professional situations, allows students to remain within the boundaries of specific tasks of perception and detection of the integration of scientific and psychological knowledge and practical professional and psychological knowledge, to select what is needed to solve the problem of a professional situation, and discard the excess. The expected result of solving a professional situation is determined in accordance with the final tasks of developing the ability of trainees to navigate the world of work (198, p. eleven). This component is aimed at the effectiveness of professional and psychological activities. It determines the formation of students' need for search activities in solving problematic professional situations.

Group psychology is a phenomenon of the collective unconscious, which is objectified in the specific way of life of a particular community of people. The way of life is made up of numerous ritual actions and behavior of group members based on customs, traditions, norms and rules of communication in joint activities and living in localized conditions of the natural environment. With a numerical increase in anthropological communities, group psychology is increasingly affected by factors of conscious organization and management of joint life activity in communities. This leads to a slow and painful transformation of traditional psychology if the modernization of the material and ecological conditions of life lags behind the ideal constructs of social consciousness. There is a contradiction between modern and traditional psychology, between perceived need civilization and unconscious habits and ways of being which are rooted in the cultural attributes of the social interaction of a particular community of people. Consequently, group psychology is a phenomenon of cultural transformation of the collective unconscious, for which the concept of "mentality" is used.

The concept of "mentality" denotes the content of group psychology, which is internalized through communication in the psychological makeup of the individual as a representative of the commons of entry.

Each community forms its own mentality, which its members involuntarily assimilate. The mentality contains the modal qualities of the psychology of people belonging to the same community. For example, "a German is a pedant", "a Russian is a soul wide open" and similar definitions. It should be noted that ethnic communities most jealously protect their primitive values ​​of lifestyle and culture through their family reproduction.

Family mentality reproduced from generation to generation according to the laws of formation psychological projection , the essence of which is the assimilation of the communication model adopted in family interaction. This pattern is reproduced in the stereotypes of behavior and in the way of life of a particular family, which correspond to the ethnic and gender culture of human relations, reproduced in society, primarily through the family. The main psychological mechanisms in this process are desire for affiliation and imitation. Affiliation realizes the need for safe partners, the desire to be together with them up to physical unity. In the family, these are spouses, and they are also in the role of parents for their children. Through imitation is achieved psychological identity all family members. The result is an unconscious sense of community. Spiritual intimacy is reproduced automatically through involuntary communication and identification. The family becomes the most reliable protection against external social threats, a community that guarantees the safety of its members and unconditional identity.

The psychological content of mentality varies within ambivalent human relationships that achieve psychological synthesis in characters members of the community, which determine the psychological make-up of their personality, as well as in socio-psychological climate specific community. In these processes there is a lot of involuntary, stereotyped, automated, traditional and habitual, that is, the unconscious. The way of life and culture merely fixes the element of human relations, where the ambitions of individuals disturb their peace and harmony.

The mentality of the ethnic group filled with feeling blood unity by origin. It experiences personal belonging to the people - a large conditional group of people living according to the customs of their ancestors, speaking the same language, observing the same rules of human relations. In communication, ethnic affiliation to a particular people is established on the basis of anthropological similarity and behavior. However, the manner of behavior is not a completely reliable sign of ethnic identification in cases of mixed marriages and (or) the birth of a child in a different ethnic environment. The ethnos, as a community, protects its unity on the basis of the stereotypes of its specific way of life, where the family has a decisive function as the guardian of the culture of human relations. Ethnic identity as a phenomenon of self-consciousness can be transformed up to cosmopolitanism. But this does not change much in interpersonal communication and understanding of a person by a person, since the ethnic features of the body structure and unconsciously learned stereotypes of behavior are perceived as quite obvious signs of the ethnic attractiveness of partners, despite ideological tolerance and declared political correctness. Ethnic mobilization begins with the formation of a feeling originality , and ends with the desire to political independence as a realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which threatens the integrity of the established state formations. Apparently, the transcendental identification of a person with humanity will be possible when the state-territorial borders between peoples disappear, but their identity remains. Ethnic mentality acts as a force majeure circumstance in the centrifugal differentiation of state formations.

The mentality of men and women formed under the influence organismic and functional-role differences in the production of offspring. These differences are fixed in the social interaction of the sexes as large conditional groups that perform different functions in the common task of life support for offspring and preservation species. Moreover, the biological differences of iols became the first factor in the division of labor in primitive communities. Due to the differentiation of sexual functions, these groups retain the viability of Homo sapiens in the processes of social interaction. Each of these groups is united according to the signs of bodily community. If there were no signs distinguishing men and women, then there would be no concept of "sex". The paradox of gender psychology is that equality creates an illusion in social interaction biological equality men and women. Moreover, "femininity" and "masculinity" are psychological terms for characters that can be possessed by both men and women, regardless of their biological affiliation. Thus, gender characteristics emphasize the psychological differences between the sexes as social groups, but in the individual formation of these characteristics, gender does not matter. The gender identity of a person is subject to many factors of social interaction and family upbringing, and an inadequate identity with the other sex may arise in the self-consciousness of the individual. The mentality of gender differences in gender interaction supports the adequacy of a person's gender identity, which provides him with the psychological integrity of his individual "I am a man" and "I am a woman".

Mentality age includes a person's experience of opportunities in self-realization due to age restrictions on playing the role of an "adult". The claims of all age groups for this role give rise to conflict relations between them and conflicts in the self-awareness of the age capabilities of their group.

Infantilism is a modal quality of social immaturity and inferiority of children and adolescents in relation to the role of an "adult".

The mental inferiority of the older generation is predetermined by physical decrepitude, which is considered a modal quality of the personality of the elderly. Comprehensive activity is a modal quality of an adult.

Regional mentality manifests itself in a sense of the priority of their rights in the territory of their residence, and because of this, some superiority over "strangers" who do not have what we have. The geographical and moral environment determines the development and formation of qualities in demand in this region among the subjects of social interaction.

National mentality involves identification with a large conditional group of people according to the criteria of civil and state affiliation. It is established to determine the boundaries of international communities inhabiting countries and continents. However, the phenomenon of primary national identity coincides with ethnic identity. Civil identity in a multi-ethnic community is an organizational construct designed to consolidate diversity in a single social structure. If ethnic groups are socio-biological formations, then nations are socio-political. If the mentality of ethnic groups lies in psychology peoples, then the mentality of the nation in ideologies being. For example, the communist ideology, close in its moral code to the religious ethics of human relations, more than others cemented the "friendship of peoples" in the USSR.

class mentality arises from the stratification of social relations according to the economic status of the individual, which is determined by the property qualification and place, and the role of a person in the processes of creation, consumption and possession of the values ​​of material and spiritual production. These places and roles in the structure of people's social life activity differentiate the psychological make-up of their group psychology.

Professional mentality characterizes the psychological make-up of subjects of various professional and labor activities of people. Activity releases from the body-psychic potential of a person the functionally demanded abilities of his mental organization. A profession is a socially necessary function of an individual. The alloy of professionally important qualities of the subject of activity is the psychological content of the professional mentality.

Lifestyle and culture are forms of objectification of mentality, which contains the content of group psychology.

Lifestyle is the organizational basis for the joint life of people in specific communities. It arises according to the spontaneous laws of social interaction, which are fixed in instincts and stereotypes of the collective unconscious. In the public mind, the stereotypes of social behavior are transformed into rituals , customs and traditions primary groups of entry (herds, tribes, families and clans, ethnic groups). First, they are played mental mechanisms individual unconscious, and then they are processed according to the laws of conscious regulation and objectified in the prescribed norms and laws social life of people. The individual as a member of communities involuntarily and unconsciously internalizes all the prescriptions of social interaction through communication. As a result, some specific ways of social interaction are formed in the joint life of the group. It is these ways that characterize her way of life as a form of manifestation of mentality.

Culture is a sign-symbolic space. It is formed in the interaction of people through information communication , which provides exteriorization mental states subjects of social interaction and their images-representations about the world of coexistence with others. The products of culture are the objectification of the individual and collective unconscious in already conscious forms of manifestation of mentality. The step from the unconscious to consciousness in this process is due to self-awareness subjects of social interaction. In this process, a person alienates individual ideas about the world into the experience of social life in the form of pictorial and verbal forms of self-expression. As a result, a new virtual reality emerges that performs the function ethnocultural psychological attitudes in the social interaction of man and society. These attitudes are rooted in the individual self-consciousness of a person as the ideology of his life in communities. If the social construct as a way of conscious regulation of human relations is aimed at transforming the declared prescriptions of social interaction, then the way of life and culture are directed towards the development and consolidation of mentality as the psychological basis of a person's social identity. If the prescriptions of social constructivism have the task of achieving a common human identity, then the way of life and culture reproduce the identities of numerous groups of people that make up a society divided by stratification along many lines that determine geographical, industrial, economic, political, religious, gender, age, ethnic status. Therefore, in order to come to a common human identity for all, it is necessary to overcome the inevitable stratification of society according to all the above and other signs of social differentiation of subjects of joint life activity.

Lifestyle and culture are not only forms of objectification of the collective and individual values ​​of human life in communities, but also translators of these values ​​from community to community, from person to person. For scientific research, these categories acquire the meaning of operational concepts.



Mentality, as a complex psychological system that forms a kind of integrity, is realized in various forms of human activity, but today it has not been properly reflected in psychological research. Beyond the boundaries of scientific research remains the understanding of mentality as a psychological phenomenon, the definition of its mental contents, structure, subject relatedness, etc. This is especially true for the professional activity of a person.

Being an ontological characteristic of a person's identity, mentality has different definitions depending on the worldview implemented in philosophical and scientific schools, theories, concepts. As a complex psychological system, mentality manifests itself both on the conscious and unconscious levels of human existence, while there are two levels of mentality: sensual and rational. At the first level, mentality is characterized by a set of moral feelings; at the second level, it acts as a phenomenon of reason, reason, based on the corresponding feelings and moods. The latter makes it possible to single out the basic aspects of mentality: ideological, adaptive, "reasonable". The ideological aspect determines the emergence of individual morality, the adaptive aspect ensures the emergence of individual morality, the “reasonable” aspect manifests itself as the most important content element that determines the “quality of the mind”, as a characteristic of the “active manifestation of thinking”. According to these aspects, mentality is determined by the forms and types of human social activity and, in particular, by activity.

In other words, professional mentality is an integrative concept, which, on the one hand, is a characteristic of the subject of activity; on the other hand, it represents the differences of the subject of one professional activity from another, which is similar in content to it. In it, each specialist shows the specifics of the implementation of individual intelligence, which distinguishes him from specialists "related" in the subject content of professional activities. So, the professional mentality of a psychologist differs from a doctor, teacher, etc. By and large, the presence of a professional mentality indicates the professional stability of a specialist, his "lifestyle" as a professional. Thus, the formation of the professional mentality of a psychologist is one of the orientational foundations of professional training at a university.

The professional mentality of a psychologist appears to us as a representation of his individual intellect in professional activities, depending on the specifics of the content and patterns of such activities. In this case, the structural components of individual intelligence determine the components of professional mentality.

On the basis of the structural-integrative theory of intelligence (M.A. Kholodnaya), where intelligence is considered as an ontological characteristic of a person’s identity, most holistically manifested in experience, it is possible to determine the content of the components of the structure of a psychologist’s professional mentality. Comparing the levels of mental experience (cognitive, metacognitive, intentional) and aspects of mentality (ideological, adaptive, "reasonable", with a certain degree of conventionality, we can name the following structural components of a psychologist's professional mentality: axiological, perceptual-thinking, regulatory.

The axiological component of the psychologist's professional mentality determines the implementation of the ideological and adaptive aspects of mentality in the structure of the specialist's intentional experience. Thus, it is characterized by a system of values ​​of a moral and moral order. The psychological content of this component consists of social attitudes, social attitudes, moral and semantic constructs implemented in the professional activities of a psychologist.

In the perceptual and mental component of the psychologist's professional mentality, the content of the "reasonable" aspect in the structure of the specialist's cognitive experience is revealed. It is characterized by the peculiarities of practical thinking and perception of situations of professional activity of a psychologist. In general, this aspect is reflected in the subjective features of the psychological space of perception of professional situations.

The regulatory component of the professional mentality of a psychologist reveals the content of the "reasonable" aspect of mentality in the structure of the specialist's metacognitive experience. It determines the specifics of cognitive styles that determine the manifestation of arbitrary intellectual control, metacognitive awareness, open cognitive position in the professional activities of individual psychologists.

In general, based on the foregoing, the professional mentality of a psychologist can be defined as a psychological formation that represents the individual intellect of a psychologist in professional activities in accordance with the implementation of the structures of cognitive, metacognitive and intentional experience.

The professional mentality of a civil servant makes it possible to outline the integrity of the human factor in the social and legal system of the civil service and thereby explicate the subject of its study and scientific support in the psychological and acmeological aspect when interacting with law and political science. Unlike the concept of “professional consciousness”, which reduces the subject of study of the civil service to highlighting only its psychological and acmeological aspect, the category “professional mentality” integrates both the specified aspect and the legal and political aspects of the civil service (and without reducing them from political science). and rights). At the same time, the structure of the professional mentality of civil servants can be represented by the interaction of various levels: acmeological, conceptual, technological, reflective, communicative, informational.

So, at the acmeological level - through the formation of a system of professional values ​​of a civil servant, it is ensured that he is identified with the mentality of Russian society, its culture and statehood, built on humanistic, democratic and legal principles, which are implemented through specific value orientations, behavior and activities that are adequate to the conditions of acceptance and implementation of management decisions. At the conceptual level - through the formation of a system of professional ideas about the goals, content, forms and means of ongoing managerial and executive activities (or behavior), set both by its social and legal regulation, and by scientific, methodological and material and information support. At the technological level, through the formation of a system of professional methods for the implementation of the performed activity (or behavior), the consistent implementation of specific steps (actions) to achieve its goals, decisions, etc. is ensured. At the reflexive level - through the formation of a system of professional analytical, critical, prognostic and organizational procedures - a holistic understanding, control, regulation and self-improvement of the ongoing activity (behavior) is provided to optimize the process of its implementation and interpretation of the results obtained. At the communicative level - through the formation of a system of professional communications - providing a direct presentation (and understanding, acceptance) of the results of the implementation of activities (behavior) to partners in its implementation or consumers of its products. At the information level - through the formation of a system of professional documentation - ensuring (by means of printing, faxes, computers) fixing, substantiating and broadcasting information about the productivity and significance of the results of the activities (behavior) carried out for specialists of this profile in the civil service system.

The system-forming factor in the interaction of these levels that form the structure of the “professional mentality of civil servants” is its central - reflexive - level, which ensures the interconnection of all other levels and their integration into an optimally functioning ensemble of various aspects of the human factor of such a socio-legal system, which is the public service.

Further development of the proposed reflexive-acmeological concept of the professional mentality of a civil servant as an integral subject of study and scientific support for the effectiveness of the civil service involves the study of this mentality, on the one hand, as a specific form of social and professional thinking, and on the other hand, social and activity-oriented reflection. In modern psychology and acmeology, there is a rich and constructive arsenal of concepts and methods for studying and developing the identified level aspects of the professional mentality of a civil servant. These methods allow diagnosing, correcting and activating such elements as: value orientations, motivation, self-esteem, introspection, reflection, social thinking, acmeology of personal, professional and social growth, acmeograms and productive algorithms of professional activity, professional self-improvement strategies; professional, reflective, communicative, informational competence, etc. One of the promising tasks for further comprehensive studies of the civil service in the interaction of acmeology, psychology, law and political science is the integration of these methods into a system of effective methodological tools for diagnosing and developing the professional mentality of civil servants.

"METATECHNICIANS"(in the system of training civil servants) meet not only the dominant needs of the individual, his orientation, inner position, etc., but also the objective requirements of the situation of professional activity. With the help of mastering the “metatechniques”, a civil servant gets the opportunity to take into account the dynamics of external circumstances, harmoniously combine the requirements of external circumstances and internal trends, acquires the ability to act independently, correctly localize the causes of his failures, and identify real and constructive prospects in his professional life.

The conceptual plan of personal and professional development, through the development of metatechnics, is connected with the fact that a civil servant can formalize his claims and expectations in the form of goals (both distant and close, forming the meaning of specific life stages), outline plans and programs for achieving goals, build in accordance with them their actions, evaluate the events of their professional life, requiring a change in stereotypical approaches to them.

To solve the problems of developing metatechniques of professional self-affirmation, trainings and special courses for personal and professional growth have been developed at the Department of Acmeology and Professional Psychology at the Russian Academy of Public Administration. Personal and professional growth is considered as a continuous process, within which a civil servant acquires the ability to manage current events, form constructive and positive interpersonal relationships, intellectual, organizational skills both “vertically” and “horizontally”, perceive life in all its diversity, be open to life and social experience, etc.

METHOD(from the Greek. methodos - the path of research or knowledge, theory, teaching) - a set of relatively homogeneous methods, operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subject to the solution of a specific problem. M. acmeology: although they are sometimes called as in psychology, they are distinguished by their complexity and focus on the study of the highest achievements of people in various types of human activity.

DOCUMENT ANALYSIS METHOD - one of the main methods of research in psychology, which consists in assessing the individual, groups of people based on the analysis of documents (autobiographies, personal files, protocols, etc.).

CONVERSATION METHOD- one of the main methods of psychology, which involves obtaining information about what is being studied on the basis of verbal communication both from the person under study, members of the group under study, the group, and from the people around them. In the latter case b. acts as an element of the method of generalization of independent characteristics.

METHOD OF INTRA-GROUP EXPERT MUTUAL ASSESSMENT- mutual survey of group members (experts) to assess personal qualities, behavior, status of each other in significant situations of communication and joint activities.

AGREEMENT METHOD- a way to study interpersonal relationships in teams, groups based on the analysis of activities, the opinions of their members in the process of developing some kind of fundamentally important decision for the group. This method formalized, it can be used to reveal interpersonal relationships in a group in a very short time. The method was proposed by G. A. Davydov in the 80s.

METHOD OF GENERALIZATION OF INDEPENDENT CHARACTERISTICS(in psychology and acmeology) is one of the main methods of studying psychology, which involves obtaining the necessary information by taking into account the opinions about the person (collective) being studied of other people (experts) selected according to a certain procedure.

SURVEY METHOD- a method of collecting primary information in the form of setting a standardized system of questions used in social, psychological and other research. Methods about. can be reduced to two main types: questionnaires and interviews. Questioning (from the French. engiete- list of questions) - a research method that provides written answers to the system of questions posed in the questionnaires, each of which is associated with the central task of the study. In social psychology, when conducting a questionnaire survey, the question of the size and homogeneity of the sample, as well as its representativeness, that is, the possibility of disseminating the conclusions obtained from studying the sample in relation to the entire population, is first resolved.

PROFESSIONAL TEST METHOD- one of the methods professional selection, which consists in the study of the behavior of the subject (for example, an applicant) in the conditions of his artificial inclusion in the proposed future professional activity. M. p. p. is a kind of experimental method.

SELF-OBSERVATION METHOD- one of the main methods of psychology, which consists in using the ability of consciousness to evaluate mental phenomena characteristic of its carrier (experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc.); it is a reflection of consciousness itself. In modern psychology, data from p. are not accepted on faith, but are taken into account as facts requiring scientific interpretation.

SELF-REPORT METHOD- one of the main methods of psychology, which consists in the analysis by the personality of the activity (its conditions, results) of which it is the subject. S. are characterized by systematic errors, the most important of which is that a significant part of the subjects tend to present themselves in the most favorable light possible.

METHOD OF COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ACTIVITIES- a method of comparative study of socio-psychological phenomena characteristic of the transition from individual to group activity and vice versa. For example, the process of solving a specific problem in a group may differ significantly from its solution by each of its members individually.

TEST METHOD- one of the methods of personality research, which consists in the diagnosis (psychoprognosis) of a personality, its mental states, functions based on the performance of any standardized task with a predetermined reliability and validity.

EXPERIMENTAL METHOD(from lat. experimentum - test, experience) - a general scientific method of research, which in psychology consists in the active theoretical and practical activity of the experimenter, in a certain way transforming the situation for the systematic study of the object in the process of natural or artificial, but pre-planned, its development and functioning. M. e. implies the possibility of repeating the study with both relatively unchanged and changed conditions. Distinguish e. natural (duplicating the real world), artificial (improving the real world) and laboratory; individual and group; real and mental; impeccable (internal and external validity tend to 1), ideal (in which only the relationship between the dependent and independent variable is examined), infinite (the number of trials, trials is not limited), etc.; cross-individual (in which many levels of the independent variable are used in a certain sequence), intergroup (the influence of the independent variable is tested on different groups of subjects), intra-individual (in which all states of the independent variable are presented to the subjects), etc. There is a statistical theory of experiment as a research method.

METHODOLOGY - scientifically sound in the broadest sense way, a method of cognition of the phenomena of reality, which, by virtue of its scientific or philosophical validity, provides the disclosure of their essence. Methodology reveals strategy knowledge, answering the question as it is carried out. This is its difference from the object (subject) of knowledge, pointing to o, what is known.

There are areas - philosophical methodology as a philosophically sound way of knowing and the methodology of science. Philosophical methodology is turned into way knowledge of philosophical principles, positions, ideas. However, the methodology is not identical to these provisions, since the latter outline the area of ​​the cognizable, the way of its interpretation in the philosophical system and categories, reveal the determination of cognizable phenomena.

The methodology is operationalization these provisions and principles, which presupposes their qualitative transformation, associated both with concretization aimed at the object of knowledge, and with ensuring optimality way of knowing it. The concept of methodology is broader than the concept of method, since in the methodology of science it contributes to the selection of subjects of study, the transformation of an object into a subject of study, and the construction of a theory.

The methodology of science is a concept of the 20th century, although it existed implicitly earlier in the system of philosophical knowledge. Its difference from philosophical methodology is that it provides the most optimal way, strategy of cognition, obtaining knowledge, while the former rather gives guidelines, coordinates, directions of scientific knowledge. However, this difference also implies their interrelation: philosophical methodology, orienting scientific methodology, the scientific way of cognition, shortens the path of searches, randomness, empiricism of cognition, giving it certainty.

In the system of psychological science, methodology occupies the highest hierarchical level, defining and concretizing the level of theory, the subject of science and, then, its hypotheses and research methods. The methodology of psychology was subjected to unjustified criticism, identified with ideology, with an excessive philosophical superstructure over science, hindering its development. However, in psychology, and especially in acmeology at the present stage, the role of methodology is becoming more obvious and significant. In acmeology as a specific complex knowledge, methodology is especially important as the operationalization of different approaches of different areas of knowledge in the form strategies knowledge and optimization of technologies for the practical improvement of its objects. In acmeology, methodology acts as a synthesis of scientific and practical strategies, i.e. and knowledge, and practical change of the object. But since acmeology aims at optimizing the psychology of the individual, people's relationships, their professional activities and life path in general, the optimal knowledge of their laws, provided by the methodology, is a decisive condition for achieving this goal.

TEACHING METHODS - a set of forms, techniques and teaching aids, based on a single theoretical concept, and used to achieve didactic goals. The teaching method in applied acmeology is a means to achieve the set didactic tasks in the educational process.

MINESOTA MULTIPHASE PERSONALITY QUESTIONNAIRE (mmpi)- one of the most common personality tests, widely used for the purpose of studying personality, including for professional psychological selection, in the armies of the USA, England, etc. This test is also standardized on a domestic sample of people. This option is called the Standardized Personality Research Method (SMIL). The test contains 556 questions, to which the subject gives answers on a three-point system: “correct”, “incorrect”, “difficult to answer”. This test allows you to measure the degree of propensity tested to hypochondria (excessive fear for their health) - HS; depression - D; hysteria - NY; psychopathy - PD; masculinity (feminization) - M (F); paranoia - RA; psychasthenia - RT; schizophrenia - SC; hypomania - MA; social introversion - SI, etc. The test is designed to diagnose people with mental disabilities, but it is often used to study the individual mental characteristics of normal people. A great contribution to the development of this test was made by domestic psychologists F. Berezin, L. Sobchik and others. In acmeology, many studies in the field of the personal and professional potential of the country were carried out using this method.

WORLD VIEW OF THE PERSON- a system of views on the world as a whole, on a person's attitude to society, nature, himself; the main form of personality orientation.

Mnemotechnics- (from the Greek mneme - memory and techne - art) - a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory through the formation of artificial associations. In acmeological intensive learning technologies, techniques are used when associative links are created between a number of concepts known to the trainee in advance to memorize new concepts according to the principle of similarity, commonality, difference, contrast, etc. The created associative links between the old and new rows significantly improve the memorization of a new sequence.

MODEL(from the French. modele-measure, sample, norm) - an artificial copy or diagram of an object, process, phenomenon; an auxiliary object (or system) that replaces the object under study, presented in the most general form.

MODEL ACMEOLOGICAL - is determined on the basis of the concept of M. Vartofsky, who singles out its following essential functions:

Recreation and multiplication of knowledge about the original.

Construction of its new properties.

Management and development of it.

The model sets the prospects, means and goals for the development of the original. “Original” is the present, given state (“starting” - in the terminology of B.G. Ananiev) of a person, group, organization, etc. The model in acmeology projects the ratio of the present state of the original and the future, which is not yet in reality, according to Vartofsky - a way of moving towards this future, which is determined by external and internal determinants. External is acmeological support (various humanitarian technologies that promote development, internal is self-improvement of the subject. (These ideas of Vartofsky were updated by E.B. Starovoitenko, A.A. Derkach, G.S. Mikhailov).

The ideal object or model of acmeology includes the integral of the current state of the individual, the method of its change (development) and its final, optimal state. The final state must meet the criteria identified by acmeology - the highest level of competence, professionalism, self-expression, "acme" in this sense are invariant. The variable is the actual starting state (“original”), which should be diagnosed according to the criteria of the level of development – ​​deficit, norm, optimality.

The concept of modeling is used in acmeology and in a more particular sense: humanitarian technologies are modeled (A.S. Guseva).

MODEL FIGURATIVE-CONCEPTUAL- a system of the operator's ideas about the real and predicted state of the object of activity and the argotic system, about the goals and methods of implementing their activities.

MOTIVE- a dynamic semantic expression of a need, including what a person wants (wanted) to do, why and to what extent he wants it, what costs, mobilization (sacrifices) he is ready for (significance of the motive). In the broad sense of the word, motives include (or are realized through) a variety of personal and mental formations that encourage behavior: needs, drives, interests, aspirations, goals, value orientations, attitudes, ideals. A.N.Leontiev and others distinguish between the meaning-forming and motivating functions of a motive. Some psychologists understand by motive only conscious needs, others admit the presence of unconscious motives (with a broader understanding of them).

Motives form a hierarchical system, including both situational, with a short time period of action and narrowly specific content, and fundamental in terms of value-semantic content and stable in time, characterizing the personality of a person as a whole. The problem of contradictions in the motivational system, the “struggle” of motives is posed in domestic psychology S.L. Rubinshtein.

MOTIVATIONAL REGULATION - building the activity and behavior of the individual as a whole in accordance with the actual motivational formations. In M.R. activity, on the one hand, a state of actual reality that is undesirable for a person, and on the other hand, a desirable state of reality fixed in motivation. Process M.R. is the process of transforming reality through an act of activity. At the same time, the level of activity mobilization and readiness for functional, time and material costs is approximately equivalent to the level of significance of the actual motivation. The experienced significance of the expected result may be higher, but mobilization, strictly speaking, cannot be higher than the prevailing level of significance. In the process of M.R. usually operates whole line and even a multitude of motives (multi-motivation of activity), when some motives provide the procedural side of the activity, others - the direction of the entire act of activity; some motives provide, say, mainly quantitative indicators, others - mainly qualitative ones; some activity components are provided with a desirability-type modality, others with a necessity-type modality that reflects possible negative consequences, and so on. An important feature of M.r. activity is the optimality of its stimulation, according to which weak motivational stimulation does not lead to the desired effect, but excessive stimulation in some cases also blocks high motivation in the form of either functional overload or a decrease in the expected probability of success (the Yerkes-Dodson law, data from J. Atkinson, O. Hebba and others). The principle of optimality in this case, as in a number of others, reflects the key acmeological patterns underlying the highest professional and other achievements. Recently, in line with these ideas, a zonal concept of motivational regulation of behavior has been developing (V.G. Aseev).

MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEM- a relatively integral set of motivational formations of a person: inclinations, needs, aspirations, motives, goals, value orientations, ideals. One of the trends in the ontogenetic development of the personality is the transformation of a row set of a small number of motives into a hierarchical system of a huge number of motives, with the release of a conscious-volitional level of regulation that opposes situational and impulsive influences, the formation of a complex structure of the "I" and the corresponding reflexive mechanisms, including self-awareness, self-esteem, self-relationship. The motivational system of the personality includes both the content-semantic side, fixing the desired or undesirable states of reality, and the dynamic one, associated with the functional side of the process of activity itself (see Motivation). MS includes both actual motivational formations, and potential, latent, formed only partially, in the form of relatively weakly experienced by a person value-significant fixations, which nevertheless perform an important function initial stage and reserve semantic zone of motivational neoplasms. MS contains both “known” but not motivating motives, as well as meaning-forming and really acting ones. It is generally recognized that the motivational system is based on needs that vary from narrowly situational to general personal. The need, reflecting the need, the need for a person in something, at the same time, in some of its forms, contains a positive moment of desirability, already characteristic of the motive, of pleasure both from the result and from the process of activity. Such motivational formations as value orientations, ideals or dreams are characterized mainly by positive modality. Therefore, in a number of concepts of motivation, lower and higher motives, routine and ideal, “hygienic” and actually motivating (S.L. Rubinshtein, A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, etc.) are distinguished. One of the important trends in the development of M.s. is a tendency towards consistency, semantic unity. At the same time, the integrity of the hierarchical type is combined with the integrity of the system-wide plan, which reflects the whole variety of spheres of human interaction with reality according to the principle of complementarity. One of the mechanisms for the implementation of such unity is semantic barriers, which in some cases perform a positive protective function, preventing the motivational system as such from destruction. During periods of age crises and stressful events in a person's life, M.s. undergoes profound structural and substantive changes. In some cases, there are states of loss of the meaning of life, up to suicidal attempts. Progressive development of M.s. associated with the presence of a positive time perspective for the individual and society as a whole.

MOTIVATION - impulses that cause the activity of the organism and determine its direction. The term "Motivation", taken in a broad sense, is used in all areas of psychology that study the causes and mechanisms of purposeful behavior in humans and animals. According to their manifestations and functions in the regulation of behavior, regulatory factors can be divided into three relatively independent classes. When analyzing the question of why the organism generally enters a state of activity, the manifestations of needs and instincts as sources of activity are analyzed.

M. semantic determination of personality behavior. In the broad sense of the word, motivation refers to the totality of all psychological factors that determine human behavior. In a narrower sense, motivation means a system of semantic formations of a person that has a certain subjective significance (N.F. Dobrynin, A.N. Leontiev, F.V. Bassin, etc.). In this regard, motivation is defined as a reflection in the subjective significance and regulative implementation of states of reality that are objectively important for the individual (V.G. Aseev). Motivation as the driving force of human behavior occupies a leading place in the structure of personality, penetrating all its formations: orientation, emotions, character, abilities, activities and mental processes. There are two sources and structural components of motivation: content, fixing the desired (undesirable) states of reality of the resultant-target type, and dynamic, associated with the motivational characteristic of the process of activity itself (need for activity or functional rest). Effectively-targeted installations, in principle, can be implemented outside the activity of the person himself, by other people or machines. The role of the dynamic component of motivation is that through it, in the form of a need for a wide variety of activities, the biological, psychological and social self-realization of a person as a person is carried out (A. Maslow and others). The role of dynamic impulses is especially important in such activities as creative and playful. In terms of positive or negative modalities, achievement motivation is distinguished as a stable orientation towards achieving success in leading activities, and avoidance motivation, as an orientation towards preventing negative events in life and a certain moderate level of achievement (J. Atkinson, H. Heckhausen, etc.) .

MOTIVATION OF ACHIEVEMENTS- the mechanism of achievement developed in the psyche, which operates according to the formula: motive - "thirst for success" activity - goal - "achievement of success". M. d. reflects the need of the individual by all available means to avoid failure and achieve the desired result. The main types of ppm develop from 3 to 13 years and are formed under the influence of parents, especially the mother, and other people around the child. The formation of ppm is an important task in the formation of the "acme" of the personality.

THINKING- a complex mental process characterized by generalization and mediation. It allows you to learn both visual connections, relations of objects, phenomena, and their essence. There are visual-practical, figurative, theoretical thinking. All types of M. usually act in unity, the predominance of one or another of them depends on the task, experience, knowledge, individual characteristics, interests and age of a person (see. thinking types).

M. begins with the formulation of the problem, the question. Then comes the search, the construction of a preliminary answer (hypothesis), mental or practical verification of the decision. Creative mathematics has a special character, for which the method of trial and error or the simplest enumeration of known variants of solving similar problems is alien. Creative M. involves going beyond the initial data, finding new connections and relationships between objects, a broad, but purposeful mobilization of knowledge and experience. Creative M. is associated with solving problems or new tasks with the creation of new knowledge, concepts, and paradigms.

The creative approach of a specialist to the task at hand is impossible without extensive mobilization and proper application of existing knowledge, comprehensive data analysis and comparison of various methods for solving it. Purposeful training and losing the main variants of probable tasks increase the pace and efficiency of M.