75 Infantry Regiment. Awards and titles

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The 75th Rifle Division was formed on the basis of units of the 25th Rifle Division im. V. I. Chapaev in the Ukrainian Military District (hereinafter UkrVO) in 1927

In 1931, the division was part of the 7th Rifle Corps.

On May 17, 1935, the UkrVO was divided into the Kyiv and Kharkov military districts. Since May 1935, the division became part of the 14th rifle corps (hereinafter referred to as the 14th sk) of the Kharkov military district (hereinafter KharVO).

On May 15, 1939, the 75th Rifle Division withdrew from the 14th SC of the HarVO to the Leningrad Military District (hereinafter LenVO).

In September 1939, it was concentrated as part of the 1st Rifle Corps (hereinafter referred to as the 1st Rifle Corps) of the 8th Army on the border with Estonia.

In November 1939, she arrived in the city of Shlisselburg of the LenVO, from where she was transferred by car to Karelia as part of the 1st sk of the 8th army of the LenVO.

On July 30, 1940, the division was already in the Western Special Military District and the strength of the division was 12,000 people. The division commander was Major General S. I. Nedvigin. Division headquarters in Mozyr, ZapOVO.

June 22, 1941 the division enters fighting on the territory of Belarus as part of the 28th SC of the 4th Army of the Western OVO - Western Front.

The 75th Rifle Division was in the active army from 06/22/1941 to 12/27/1941.

From 06/27/1941, she acted in isolation from the main forces of the 4th Army, surrounded.

The 75th Rifle Division was disbanded on December 27, 1941.

Full title

75th Rifle Division


On the date Front (district) Army Frame
1927 - 17.05.1935 Ukrainian military district - -
05/17/1935 - May 1939 Kharkov Military District - -
May 1939 - December 1939 Leningrad Military District - -
January 1940 - March 1940 Northwestern front - -
March 1940 - June 1940 Leningrad Military District - -
June 1940 - Summer 1941 Western Special military district - -
22.06.1941 Western Front 4th Army 28th Rifle Corps
01.07.1941 Western Front 4th Army -
10.07.1941 Western Front 21st Army -
01.08.1941 Central Front 3rd Army 66th Rifle Corps
01.09.1941 Bryansk Front 21st Army 66th Rifle Corps



  • division control
  • 223rd Rifle Regiment
  • 224th Rifle Regiment
  • 225th Rifle Regiment
  • 75th Artillery Regiment
  • 75th Cavalry Squadron
  • 75th communications company
  • 75th engineer company

On 06/22/1941:

  • division control
  • 28th Rifle Regiment
  • 34th Rifle Regiment
  • 115th Infantry Regiment
  • 68th Artillery Regiment
  • 235th howitzer artillery regiment
  • 82nd separate anti-tank battalion
  • 282nd Separate Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion
  • 54th reconnaissance company
  • 97th engineer battalion
  • 75th separate communications battalion
  • 110th medical battalion
  • 31st separate company of chemical protection
  • 69th motor transport battalion
  • 49th field car bakery
  • 96th Divisional Artillery Workshop
  • 300th field post station
  • 106th field cash desk of the State Bank

combat activity

The 75th Rifle Division was formed on the basis of units of the 25th Rifle Division. V. I. Chapaev in the Ukrainian military district in 1927

1st of January. 7th sc (25th, 30th, 75th sd). Corps office in Dnepropetrovsk:

75th Rifle Division. Division headquarters in Lubny.

  • 223rd joint venture - headquarters in Pyryatin
  • 224th joint venture - headquarters in the city of Khorol
  • 225th joint venture - headquarters in Lubny
  • 75th Artillery Regiment - headquarters in Mirgorod
  • 75th cavalry squadron - in Lubny
  • 75th communications company - in Lubny
  • 75th engineer company - in Lubny

Equipment ground forces new weapons and equipment significantly increased their combat capability. The highest tactical formation was the rifle corps. It consisted of three rifle divisions, two corps artillery regiments, a separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion, an engineer battalion, a communications battalion, a chemical company, a corps squadron and other special units. The division included three rifle regiments, a tank battalion, two artillery regiments, anti-tank and anti-aircraft divisions, an air communications link, a communications company, a cavalry squadron and other special units. The division was supposed to have 13 thousand people personnel, 57 tanks, 96 guns, 180 easel, 354 light and 18 anti-aircraft machine guns. It was also armed with company, battalion and regimental mortars. About 70% of the personnel were directly connected with the equipment. The division was able to successfully solve tactical tasks.

In the early 1930s, the troops of the district were actively studying new weapons under the slogan "For mastering technology!". The Red Army soldiers studied the rules for storing and operating equipment, fought for its skillful use in the classroom. Military-technical propaganda was carried out in the units. The army press devoted a large place on its pages to the promotion of technical knowledge. In 1931, from April 10, the district newspaper "Red Army" began to appear with a special supplement with the title "For the technique!". Large-circulation newspapers of the corps and divisions also took part in this work.

Since June, the Ukrainian government and the command of the Ukrainian military district have been in Kyiv. The city of Kyiv was the capital of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. In June, the management of the 14th sk was moved to Kharkov.

On May 17, 1935, the 7th and 14th Rifle Corps (3rd, 23rd, 25th, 30th, 41st, 75th, 80th Rifle Divisions) became part of the Kharkov Military District.

In connection with these organizational measures, the composition of the 14th Corps is also changing.

On July 1, 1935, the 14th Rifle Corps was deployed in the Kharkov Military District with the corps' headquarters in Kharkov.

The corps included: 23rd sd (territorial) (67th, 68th, 69th joint venture, 23rd ap) with headquarters in Kharkov. 25th Rifle Division (territorial) (73rd, 74th, 75th Rifle Division, 25th Ap), with headquarters in Poltava. 75th SD (territorial) (223, 224, 225th joint venture, 74th ap) with headquarters in Lubny. Corps units: 14th heavy artillery regiment (headquarters in Kharkov).

75th territorial division type "A", with control in the city of Lubny. Division commander brigade commander Z. P. Tishchenko. The number of personnel 1862 people.

  • 225th Infantry Lubyansky Regiment, headquarters in Lubny
  • 224th Rifle Regiment, headquarters in Priluki
  • 223rd Rifle Regiment, headquarters in Piryatin
  • 75th Artillery Regiment, headquarters in Mirgorod

January 1, 1937 75th territorial division type "B" with control in the city of Lubny. The commander of the division, brigade commander Tishchenko Z. P. Number of 3100 people.

January 30, 1937 in connection with the adoption of the new Constitution of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic renamed the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

In accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 10, 1937 on the introduction of the institute of military commissars in the army and navy, deputy commanders for the political part of the corps were re-certified.

75th Rifle Division with headquarters in Lubny. The division commander, Colonel Stepanov A. M. The number of l / s 3100 people.

On April 19, 1939, the commander of the 75th Rifle Division, Alexander Mikhailovich Stepanov, was awarded the personal military rank of brigade commander, order of the NPO of the USSR No. 01502 / p.

On May 15, the 75th Rifle Division left the 14th Rifle Division for the Leningrad Military District. The commander of the 75th division was Colonel Stepanov A. M. The number of l / s 6500 people.

In September 1939, it was concentrated as part of the 1st sk of the 8th army on the border with Estonia.

In November 1939, she arrived in the city of Shlisselburg of the Leningrad Military District, from where she was transferred by car to Karelia as part of the 1st sk of the 8th army of the LenVO.

On November 30, 1939, the Soviet-Finnish war began. The 75th Rifle Division was part of the 1st Rifle Division of the 8th Army.

On December 3, the headquarters of the 8th army gave a combat order to the commander of the 1st sk by the end of the day to go to the front section of the settlement. Kyaskoski, Ryuekkyu, Kuksenvara, Lake Ala-Tolvajärvi, referring to the further capture of the settlements of Ilomantsi and Korpiselkya. During December, the 75th Rifle Division fought as part of a corps.

Since December 14, 1939, the 75th Rifle Division took part in the fighting during the Soviet-Finnish war.

By mid-December, the command of the 1st sk was forced to abandon the final implementation of the offensive plan. According to the headquarters of the 8th Army, by December 16, the corps was defeated by the enemy. The 139th Rifle Division, having suffered a defeat in the area of ​​​​Lake Tolvajärvi, retreated. On December 20-21, the 75th Rifle Division, advancing in the area of ​​​​Lake Jaglyajärvi, being in a semi-encirclement, withdrew to the line of the Aitoyoki River, leaving a significant part of the weapons to the enemy.

Little success was achieved by the 155th Rifle Division, which went on the defensive on December 16 at the turn of the Koitajoki River (near the settlement of Ilomantsi, Finland).

Subsequently, the front line in this direction stabilized.

January 7 formed Northwestern Front. The 75th Rifle Division became part of the front. In January, Commander of the 2nd Rank G. M. Stern was the commander of the 8th Army. The army had the task of freeing divisions from encirclement. The main task in the offensive was the 56th sk. He was supposed to release the 18th Rifle Division and capture the settlement of Loymola. He had to act in cooperation with the 1st sc.

The 139th Rifle Division of the 1st Rifle Corps was to advance on the left flank along the northern shore of Lake Suoyarvi, and the 155th Rifle Division was advancing in the direction of the settlement. Ilomantsi, Liusvaara. Capture of the settlement Ilomantsi was scheduled for the fourth day from the start of the offensive. The 75th Rifle Division provided the right flank of the 1st Rifle Corps, having the task of capturing the area of ​​Hepolampi, Polviyarvi, Onkamolampi.

January 21 - 28, 1940 the command of the 75th division conducted a private offensive operation, but the division was able to advance only 2 km.

At the beginning of March 1940, on instructions General Staff The Red Army, as part of the 8th Army, created a grouping of troops, the purpose of which was to destroy the enemy forces in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Loymola, which was supposed to return the strategic initiative to the Red Army troops in this direction. It included the 56th, 75th, 87th, 164th rifle divisions, 128th motorized rifle division, 24th motorized division and control of the 14th rifle corps.

The plan for the defeat of the Loymolskaya grouping provided for the 75th Rifle Division to go to the flank and rear of the Finnish fortified area in the direction of the northeastern shore of Lake Suovanyarvi. The 56th Rifle Division was to advance along the railway and the highway, the 164th Rifle Division - from the south across the highway and the railway in the direction south coast Lake Suovanyarvi, with the aim of reaching the rear of the enemy, who was defending in the area of ​​the 56th Rifle Division. On the left flank of the 8th Army, the 87th Rifle Division held the enemy.

The 128th Motor Rifle Division from the region of the Keinatsyunlampi-Heinelampi lakes advanced on the settlement of Loymola from the south. The 24th MD advanced in the direction of Lake Isovelskalampi - the northern shore of Lake Loimolanyarvi, leaving part of the forces behind enemy lines west of the village of Loimola. This operation did not bring success, since it was not possible to defeat the enemy and it was not possible to seize the important communications center in the settlement of Loymola.

On July 30, 1940, the division was already in the Western Special Military District and the strength of the division was 12,000 people.

In 1940, the division commander was S. I. Nedvigin (major general). Office of the division in the city of Mozyr, ZapOVO.

In September 1941, she suffered heavy losses in the encirclement near Kyiv.

Created in 1918 in Smolensk as the 22nd Rifle Regiment of the 2nd Moscow Rifle Division (later Tula). In December 1919, he was sent to the Western Front as the 427th Infantry Regiment of the 143rd Infantry Brigade of the 48th Infantry Division. With the end civil war, was in Moscow for some time. In 1923, according to the new location, it was renamed the 144th Kimrsky Rifle Regiment of the 48th Rifle Tver-Kashinskaya Division. After relocation to the city of Vyshny Volochok, Tver province, by Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 39 of January 12, 1926, it received the name of the 144th Rifle Vyshnevolotsky Regiment. From 1928 to 1931 the regiment was commanded by the future Marshal Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky.
In 1938, he was transferred to the 56th Infantry Division as the 28th Infantry Regiment, with a new location - the village of Cherekha, Pskov District Leningrad region. By order of NPO 0019 dated January 13, 1939, Major S.T. Gladyshev.
By NKO Directive No. 4/2/47033 of May 10, 1939, the 28th Infantry Regiment is transferred to the personnel division of the 75th Infantry Division with the location of the city of Ostrov, Pskov District.
During the period of tense relations between the USSR and the Baltic republics, in September October 1939, it was in full combat readiness on the border with the Estonian bourgeois republic in a fortified area south of Lake Pskov.
By order of the General Staff No. 0145 of October 24, 1939, it departs by train to the Karelian Isthmus in the Shlisselburg area. From November 6 to 28, he makes a march along Ladoga to the city of Olonets by car. The final deployment point, the village of Essoila, Pryazhsky district of the KASSR. From November 30 to December 13, 1939 in the reserve of the 1st Rifle Corps of the 8th Army. From December 14 to 24, 1939, he suffered heavy losses, acting in the direction of the Finnish village of Tolva - Jarvi. From January to the end of February 1940, he defended the Vitavara region, along the Aita-Yoki River (Republic of Karelia). From February 29 to March 12, 1940, he successfully attacks the fortified point of Laimola, having received the nickname "Gladyshev's gang" from the Finns. According to the results of military activity, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 19, 1940 awarded the order Red Banner.
In April 1940, the regiment was deployed in the village of Soanlahti, Suojärvi district. In May, the regiment returned to the city of Ostrov.
until August 13, 1940, he departed from Ostrov to the Mozyr fortified area (UR) of the “Stalin line”. The place of permanent deployment of the regiment was a military camp (p / box 47) on the outskirts of the village of Buynovichi, Lelchitsky district, Polessye region, Byelorussian SSR. In May 1941, he secretly advanced to the left flank of the Belarusian Special Military District, to ensure a junction with the Kyiv Military District. Major D.Ya. takes command of the regiment. Bondarenko. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War met near the village of Chersk (PO Box 56), 20 kilometers south of the city Brest. From June 22 to June 26, 1941, being in complete encirclement, separated from the main forces of the division, he fought defensive battles in the area state border. Until July 1, 1941, the commanders and Red Army men of the regiment were making attempts to break out of the ring to join units of the Red Army. From July 10 to August 10, 1941, the regiment took part in the Battle of Smolensk, holding back the "Stalin Line" of two enemy infantry divisions in the Mozyr UR. From August 10 to August 30, 1941, he took part in the Gomel-Trubchevo defensive operation. From August 30 to September 26, 1941, participation in the Kiev-Priluki defensive operation. As a result of the complete encirclement and lack of ammunition, it was disbanded near the regional center of Sypcha on the Sula River in the Poltava region. It was disbanded on December 27, 1941, due to the loss of the banner of the 75th Infantry Division.

On January 8, 1942, the 473rd Rifle Division was renamed the 75th Rifle Division, the 294th Rifle Regiment of the division, respectively, into the 28th Rifle Regiment. During the Great Patriotic War he was not in the active army, from 1942 to 1947 he was stationed in the area of ​​​​the Iranian city of Mahu, 22 kilometers from the border with Turkey.
In December 1960, in a forest near the village of Zamshany, Maloritsky district, Brest region, Byelorussian SSR, on the site of a burned-out gatehouse, the banner of the 144th Rifle Vyshnevolotsky Regiment was found, which was kept in the regiment as Honorary Revolutionary. Today, as a memory of the heroic deed of the Soviet people, the banner is on display at the museum memorial complex"Brest Fortress-Hero".

From a footnote in the List: « 75 sd (I f).
By June 22, 1941 - as part of the 28th Rifle Corps (I f) of the 4th Army (I f) of the Western Special Military District.
In the active army since June 22, 1941. She died in battles in the summer of forty-one, in connection with which, after the fact, she was declared disbanded from December 27, 1941.

Information about the combat composition on August 10, 1941:

Materials on 75 sd (I f) for the period July 24-27 and July 28-29, 1941. Source - report of the head of the 18th border detachment of the NKVD troops of the USSR, Colonel AKANIN:

Report 07/30/1941 23.50 PNO-1 PNYSH.
... 75th Rifle Division withdrew on the right flank, took up defense along the KORZHEVKA junction line, along the road to RUDNIA S ... INCA 1.5 km east of RUDNIA.

Hello Michael!
I found these documents on the "Feat of the People" website in Reports for July 1941:
1. Operational Document - Report.
Date 07/27/1941
Author 3 army; Colonel Akanin
Document type Report

Database entry number 60298704

2. Operational Document - Report.
Date 07/27/1941
Author 18 border detachment; Colonel Akanin
Document type Report
Source of information fund 226 inventory 648 case 5
Database entry number 60298712

3. Report 07/30/1941 23.50 PNO-1 PNSh.
Operational Document - Memo.
Date 07/31/1941
Author 66 UK; Semikov
Document type Memo
Source of information fund 226 inventory 648 case 26
The record number in the database is 60299979.
With respect and gratitude, Lesya.

Recorded by

What the historian shyly kept silent about,
The past is not scooped up to the bottom,
About that on the shelves of the old archive,
Silently, they remember the letters.

Zhukov Andrey

  • Guest
75th Red Banner Rifle Division (I f).
From a footnote in the List: « 75 sd (I f). In the Guide of the TsGASA ”(T. 2. S. 176-177) ist. no reference. There are no documents in the RGVA of the fund. (Ibid., p. 191). Sat. orders were not awarded. East reference (TsAMO): formed in the ZapoVO to Vel. Fatherland Wars; awards section is empty. The published history of the KVO reports: a number of compounds, incl. and 75th SD, in 1935-1936. awarded an order. Cr. Banner (Kyiv Red Banner. M., 1974. P. 122). Because the commission could not verify this fact according to arch. documents of higher authorities, it was decided to take information from lit. source."

The published history of the QUO is not a reliable source! I quote: "Personnel of the 15th, 24th, 44th, 45th, 46th, 51st, 75th, 80th and 96th rifle, 1st and 14th cavalry divisions in 1931-1935 did not have gross violations of military discipline. For success in combat and political training of the 1st, 45th, 51st, 80th and 96th divisions in 1935-1936. were awarded the Order of Lenin by the Soviet government, and the rest of the named formations - the Order of the Red Banner.
Anyone who has even the slightest study of the history of these divisions will immediately understand that such a source cannot be trusted. What is worth only awarding the Order of Lenin 96 sd, 45 sd. This is fiction!
It is strange that the notorious commission did not find documents of the 75th rifle division in the RGVA and took at face value the award of the Order of the Red Banner of the 75th rifle division. In reality, the 75th Rifle Division was not awarded the Order of the Red Banner and was not called the Red Banner.
Yes, there is no separate fund for the 75th division in the RGVA, but there are documents in other funds. The commission was too lazy to reach them apparently.
In the RGVA for 75 sd there is: f. 34912, op. 1, d. 43. Historical form of the 75th Infantry Division (October 1, 1926 - August 29, 1940). On 25 sheets.
There are also forms of her regiments and individual battalions.

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On June 22, 2017, in the town of Malorita, Brest region of the Republic of Belarus, the first meeting of relatives of the soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division (I f) took place. Considering that the search for native fighters and commanders is ongoing, we agreed to hold such meetings annually on the Day of Memory and Sorrow: http://www.75-sd.ru/publ/22_ijunja_2017_goda_g_malorita_vstrecha_rodstvennikov_voinov_75_j_strelkovoj_divizii/1-1-0-5

« JUNE 22, 2017. G. MALORITA. MEETING OF RELATIVES OF Warriors of the 75th Rifle Division

June 22 - Day of memory and sorrow. Exactly 76 years ago, the Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest in the history of mankind.
On June 22, 2017, the children and grandchildren of the soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division came to Malorita to honor the memory of their fathers and grandfathers. Today these places are a living memory of those events.
Continuing the tradition of veterans of the 75th division, we decided to organize the first meeting of relatives of the fighters and division commanders. Came to the meeting:

The family of the assistant chief of staff of the 75th Infantry Division (I f) Alexander Apolossovich Lyutin, who died heroically on June 27, 1941 and was buried in the village of Mokrany, Malorita District;

The family of the commander of the fire platoon of the 68th light artillery regiment, Lieutenant Ivan Klimentievich Stadnik, who died in the area of ​​​​the village of Khotislav and was buried on the Mound of Glory near Melovaya Gora;

The family of the squad leader of the 28th Rifle Regiment of the Red Banner, Senior Sergeant Grigory Yakovlevich Yakovlev, who went missing in June 1941;

The family of the commander of the 28th Rifle Regiment of the Red Banner, Sergeant Alexei Mikhailovich Sorokin, who went missing in June 1941;

The family of the commander of the fire platoon of 76-mm cannons of the 28th Red Banner Rifle Regiment, Lieutenant Alexander Grigorievich Troyan, who fought in the Malorita region, passed German captivity and met Victory;

The family of the doctor of the 110th medical battalion, military doctor of the 3rd rank Alexander Yakovlevich Shabad, who went missing in June 1941;

The family of the political instructor of the company of the 115th Infantry Regiment, junior political instructor Konstantin Ivanovich Martynov, who went missing in June 1941;

The family of the commander of a machine-gun platoon of the 28th Rifle Regiment of the Red Banner, Lieutenant Mikhail Nikolaevich Esakov, who fought in the Malorita region and died in German captivity;

The family of the commander of a rifle platoon of the 115th rifle regiment, junior lieutenant Ignat Romanovich Tsukalov, who died on June 23, 1941 and was buried on the Mound of Glory near Melovaya Gora.

The events began with a visit to the Patriot Museum of School No. 2. The guests were greeted with applause by schoolchildren with portraits of soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division (I f). Here they are, our fathers and grandfathers, meet us...

In the school museum, the students of the school conducted an excursion and told about the history of the Malorita region, where they paid special attention to the defense of the region in June 1941. School director Lyudmila Vasilievna Kuts told how the school lives today. AT assembly hall took place, prepared by the students of the school, an event dedicated to the memory of the soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division (I f).

Together with the administration and veterans of the Malorita region, relatives of the soldiers of the division laid wreaths at the monument to the victims of fascism.

Mound of Glory to the soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division near the Chalk Mountain, here in the first days of the war, the platoon commander of the 115th Infantry Regiment, Junior Lieutenant Ignat Romanovich Tsukalov, died, covering the retreat of the regiment to new positions with his soldiers. His son and grandson have been coming to the mass grave for more than a year to honor the memory of Ignat Romanovich. Together with the students of the Forestry College, the guests laid wreaths and honored the memory with a moment of silence.

Together with Zinaida Alexandrovna, the daughter and Elena Vladimirovna, the granddaughter of Captain Alexander Apolossovich Lyutin, we are going to the village of Mokrany, to visit his grave and honor his memory. Along the way, in every village there are monuments and mass graves…

Here, in Mokrany, on the night of June 27, 1941, the division went to break through the encirclement, a monument was erected on a mass grave where Captain A.A. was buried. Lyutin and many unknown soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division (I f) who died when leaving the encirclement. In Mokrany, local residents began to approach us, who during the war years witnessed those events as children. They told how it happened, how the locals found and buried the fallen Soviet soldiers and officers, how today they remember and honor the memory of the heroic deed of Captain A.A. Lyutin and soldiers of the division. Today in Mokrany one of the streets is named after him.

At dawn on June 25, 1941, a group of fighters and commanders of the 34th Infantry Regiment and the 68th Artillery Regiment of the 75th Infantry Division, under the command of the battalion commander, Major Yuri Markovich Iogly, defeated the artillery battalion of the 267th Wehrmacht artillery regiment near the village of Khotislav. At the site of the battle today is the Mound of Glory, where about 200 Soviet soldiers and officers are buried in a mass grave. Until now, in the vicinity of the villages of Khotislav and Melniki, the remains of fighters are found. The last burial of the remains of 21 soldiers took place on June 25, 2015, all local residents took part in it, so great is the feeling of gratitude to the soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division who defended them in the first days of the war. Among those found, it was possible to establish the name of the commander of the economic platoon of the 34th rifle regiment, Lieutenant Ivan Markovich Dikhno, a monument was erected at the site of this burial and his name was immortalized.
According to the memoirs of the veterans of the division, Ivan Klimentievich Stadnik, lieutenant artilleryman of the 68th artillery regiment, died in this battle. His grandchildren honored the memory of their grandfather by laying wreaths and flowers at the mass grave.
For many years, the teacher of the history of the school in the village of Melniki, Petr Ivanovich Kivachuk, collected materials about this battle, about the soldiers and commanders of the 75th Infantry Division (I f), looking for relatives of the fallen Soviet soldiers. All his work is collected today in the museum of the Melnik School, which we visited. Petr Ivanovich, being on a well-deserved rest, does not leave his search work, so this time he conducted an interesting excursion in the museum, told about the history of the village of Melniki.
The next day, June 23, the relatives of the soldiers of the 75th Infantry Division (I f) went to the places of hostilities in the Brest region.

Our first stop is the village of Zburazh, Malorita district. Here, at the local cemetery, there is a mass grave of the soldiers of the 115th Infantry Regiment, who during June 22, 1941 held back the onslaught of German troops rushing to Malorita. There are no names on the monument, only poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Brest district of the village of Stradech, where on June 22 the 3rd battalion, the sapper and economic companies of the 115th rifle regiment took a heavy battle in the first hours of the war. Now there is no more railway station Koden, where the soldiers of the battalion fought to the last soldier. Behind our backs, 2 kilometers away, is the Bug River, the state border. Parts of the XXIV motorized corps of the Wehrmacht tried to pass along this road. On the railway crossing there was a bunker, here we honored the memory of the fallen soldiers.

Among us, the majority were families whose fathers and grandfathers fought in the 28th Red Banner Rifle Regiment. Arriving in the area of ​​the village of Chersk, where the regiment's camp was located, Valery Mikhailovich - the son and Vadim Valeryevich - the grandson of the commander of a machine-gun platoon, Lieutenant Mikhail Nikolaevich Esakov, collected Brest land to take them to their homeland. It is difficult to describe the feelings that each of us experienced when a son who had never seen his father called him in the forest: "Father, dad ...". Everyone was silent, it was raining, everyone thought about his own.
We were bound by an inexplicable kindred feeling. And also a feeling of infinite gratitude for the fact that our fathers and grandfathers defended our country, did not let it perish. It becomes clear that human life does not end with death. It continues in his descendants. And this trip is that small tribute that we can bring to our relatives today.

Our first meeting was over. There are tears in everyone's eyes... And the feeling that visited each of us - ​was waiting for us here! There are fresh wreaths and fresh flowers on the mass graves.

75th Infantry Regiment of the NKVD Troops of the USSR for the protection of railway facilities

It was formed in October 1932 in Moscow on the basis of the order of the OGPU PP for the Moscow Region No. 962 / s dated October 3, 1932 as N-th railway regiment of troops of the OGPU of the USSR of two divisional composition.
In December 1932, on the basis of the order of the OGPU PP for the Moscow Region No. 1266 / s dated December 12, 1932, it was renamed the 17th railway regiment of the OGPU troops of the USSR, and by order of the NKVD Military Directorate for the Moscow Region No. 115 / s dated August 2, 1934, issued in pursuance of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 0015 of July 28, 1934 - to the 75th railway regiment of the internal guard of the NKVD of the USSR.
Order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00206 dated March 8, 1939 "On the reorganization of the Border and internal troops NKVD of the USSR", issued in pursuance of Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 154-16 ss of February 2, 1939 "On the reorganization of the management of the border and internal troops", the regiment was included in the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures with the inclusion in the combat strength of the newly formed 9 -th separate rifle brigade of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway facilities.
In July 1939, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00780 dated July 8, 1939 "On the reorganization of units of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures", the regiment was disbanded, and its personnel of the regiment was turned to the formation of the 3rd rifle regiment of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection railway structures (Kharkov) and the 21st separate rifle battalion of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures (Moscow). Source - GARF: f. 9401, op. 1, file 520, ll. 352-354.
the regiment carried out tasks to protect the railway facilities of the Moscow-Kursk railway, the Dzerzhinsky railway, the Lenin railway and the District railway.

Recorded by

75th rifle regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures (I f)

It was formed in December 1939 as part of the newly formed 10th division of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway structures on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. Commissars of the USSR No. 1866-493 ss of November 13, 1939 "On the formation of two additional divisions of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway structures of the USSR."
February 1, 1941 on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 0086 of January 28, 1941 "On the transfer of anti-aircraft units of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway structures to the People's Commissariat of Defense" in pursuance of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 198-97 ss of January 25, 1941 "On the organization air defense, a separate anti-aircraft machine-gun company of the regiment was transferred to the Red Army.
As of June 1, 1941, the deployment, organizational structure of the regiment:
Management - Stryi, st. Golovky, 25
reserve company - Stryi
1 battalion
Management - Tarnopol
1 company - Tarnopol
2 company - railway station Khodorov
3 company - Stry
2 battalion
Management - Stary Skole
4th company - Stary Skole
5th company - Stary Slavsko
garrison tunnel - 154.2 km
regimental school of the MNS - Stryi
armored train No. 75 - Stryi, p / box No. 5
the regiment was maintained according to staff No. 35, the number of the regiment was 1366 military personnel (RGVA: f. 38261, op. 1, file 255).
At 17.40 hours on June 21, 1941, the division received a directive from the head of the Main Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway facilities and especially important industrial enterprises No. 24/6860 to put the units and garrisons of the division on alert.
In the period from June 23 to June 26, 1941, according to the scheme for the mobilization deployment of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures and especially important industrial enterprises (mobile plan of the NKVD of the USSR "MP-41") approved by order of the NKVD of the USSR No. of the wartime schedule of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway facilities and especially important industrial enterprises ”(GARF: f. 9401, op. 1, d. 593. pp. 373 and 374) the regiment was reorganized according to the wartime states No. 0??, as part of the regiment the 7th company was additionally formed.
On June 27, 1941, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 31 of June 26, 1941 “On the organization of the rear guard of the Active Red Army,” the regiment as part of the division entered operational subordination to the head of the rear guard Southwestern Front.
In the period of August 1-7, 1941, the regiment as part of a division in the district with. Podvysokoye, Odessa region, near Uman, died during a breakthrough from the encirclement of the Nazi troops (RGVA: f. 38261, op. 1, d. 305, l. 55).
On October 1, 1941, the regiment was disbanded, order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 001380 dated September 25, 1941 (CMVV: section 4, folder 22, file 5, sheet 18).
Combat, operational and service activities of the regiment:
The regiment performed the following tasks:
a) the regiment guarded 36 objects of the Lviv railway.
b) units and garrisons of the regiment located near the State border of the USSR with Hungary in the sector of the 95th border detachment of the NKVD of the USSR assisted the detachment in protecting the state border.
c) the territorial bodies of the NKVD / NKGB units of the regiment in Western Ukraine were involved in the liquidation of the anti-Soviet nationalist Polish and Ukrainian (OUN) underground.
d) during the Great Patriotic War, from June 22, 1941, the regiment was part of the Active Red Army and carried out tasks to protect the objects of the Lvov railway. railroad, military rear 6A and 12A, took part in the armed struggle against the nationalist underground armed groups of the OUN, with sabotage and reconnaissance groups german army, in defensive battles.
In December 1939, the regiment took under protection the railway facilities of the Lvov railway.

I am searching for my grandfather: junior lieutenant Pavel Fedorovich Pelevin, born in 1910, a native of the Sverdlovsk region.
From 12/26/1939 - head of the garrison of the 75th rifle regiment of the 10th rifle division of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures.
According to the archive certificate of the former TsGASA, he went missing on March 21, 1942 ...
The OBD entry numbers are 9748477, 9778174 and 9933589.
Pelevin Pavel Fedorovich, head of the garrison of the 2nd type of the 75th joint venture of the 10th division of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the OZhS, junior lieutenant. Missing. Sources - RGVA: f. 38261, op. 1. dd. 380, 394 and 433.

From the journal of recording combat reports of the Main Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR on the situation in the garrisons of the 10th division of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway structures on the first day of the war on June 22, 1941

Political report of the head of the political propaganda department of the 10th division of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway structures, brigade commissar L. N. Levashev to the Main Directorate of the NKVD Troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures and especially important industrial enterprises and the Political Propaganda Department of the NKVD troops of the USSR on combat activities and political and moral condition of division units for the period from June 22 to July 15, 1941.
Subdivisions of parts 10th division began to retreat from the state border along the railway lines with the rearguards of the Red Army.
The garrisons left their facilities according to the order of the command of the division and regiments. And only after the sappers occupied the bridges, mined them and blew them up according to the plan of the command of the Army in the Field.
Units of the 66th regiment were drawn to Lvov, 75th regiment - to Stry and the 77th regiment - to Stanislav.
Communication with the 64th regiment ceased from the very beginning of the war, and to this day it is not possible to establish its condition and position.
All regiments began to withdraw on the order of the command of the Army in the Field, the 66th regiment set out from Lvov on June 28, 1941 through the Sikhuv station in the direction of Tarnopol. The regiment moved along the route Sikhuv-Bobrky-Brezzhany-Tarnopol-Podvolochisk-Yarmolintsy.
The regiment arrived in Yarmolintsy on July 6 and from there went to Vinnitsa. On the move, the regiment had to turn away from the highway and along country roads bypass Brezzany, which was burning from enemy bombing, Tarnopol, occupied by the enemy, and also Podvolochisk, near which the bridge was blown up.
The 75th regiment retreated in battalions.
The first battalion moved from Khodorov through Ternopil and Husyatin, then Yarmolintsy and Vinnitsa.
The second battalion - 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th companies - departed along the route Stryi - Balekhov - Dolina - Kaluga.
On June 28, the regimental headquarters with an armored train base and a convoy left for Khodorov and departed from there with the first battalion.
The regiment commander received an order from the corps commander operating in the Stryi direction to set out with the regiment on the night of June 30, 1941 to July 1, 1941 and, together with the 94th border detachment, cover the retreat of the corps along the Balekhov - Dolina - Kaluga route as a rearguard.
Without fighting, the withdrawal was made to Kaluga, where the task of covering the units of the Red Army from the regiment was removed.
Having directed the convoy along the highway and country roads, regiment (mainly 2nd battalion) from Kaluga moved by rail to Stanislav-Chertkov-Gusyatin in separate trains filled with cargo and units of the Red Army.
At the tail of the train column was walking armored train of the 75th regiment and from Stanislav - the 77th regiment.
During the retreat, the latter destroyed with artillery fire everything that the sappers had not blown up from the railway structures and the goods that had not been taken out.
On July 6, Gusyatin was occupied by the advanced units of the enemy, who also made a breakthrough for 81 km between Chertkovo and Gusyatin with one motorized column. The echelons were broken up and retreated, heading further in marching order through Zbruch to the villages of Litava - Dunaevtsy - Bar - Balen station - Vinnitsa. The regiment arrived in Vinnitsa on July 12.
The 77th regiment from Stanislav began to withdraw on July 3, loading weapons and equipment onto carts, vehicles, and into the wagons of the armored train base. Separate garrisons, lagging behind their regiment, joined the 75th regiment, which arrived in Stanislav on the evening of July 3, the regiment arrived in Vinnitsa on July 12.
The division command left Lvov on June 28 for Stanislav, from there it moved to Chertkov, then to Yarmolintsy, and finally, on July 6, settled in Vinnitsa.
The participation of units in hostilities consisted primarily in the fact that they were included in active army and as a rearguard they covered the retreat of the Red Army units. Separate units located at facilities adjacent to the border retreated in combat together with the border guards.
In particular, from the Hungarian border on June 27 from 20.00 departed under fire 5th company of the 75th regiment together with the Lavochnyanskaya border commandant's office. The commander of the 5th company, Senior Lieutenant Kostanenko, skillfully misled the enemy by changing the location of his firing points before opening fire from the Hungarian side. The enemy opened fire from heavy machine guns at our old firing points, the location of which he obviously knew.
The 75th regiment took part in the battle with the Germans near Gusyatin, which the enemy occupied on July 6, thus cutting off the advance of our echelons moving from Chertkov. At the head of the train column were the 3rd, 4th and 5th companies, which did not reach Gusyatin. A combined fighter detachment of 35 people was allocated from them, headed by Senior Lieutenant Kostanenko. This detachment united with the 76th railway battalion of the Red Army and, under the general command of the commander of the latter, Major Smirnov, tried to clear the railway from the Germans.
As a result of the battle, the Red Army soldiers Sheban, Kolylov, senior sergeant Tuchenko were killed from the 75th regiment, the Red Army soldier Lungs went missing. Lieutenant Bunyaev and Red Army soldiers Fomenko and Gorshkov were wounded.
Due to the superiority of the enemy forces, the 3rd, 4th and 5th companies abandoned the wagons and marched to the river under fire. Zbruch, from where they went to Vinnitsa - the division's concentration point.
On the same day, the enemy motorized units made a breakthrough for 81 km between Gusyatin and Chertkovo, where they moved 7th company of the 75th regiment,armored train 75th and the 77th regiments and the base of the latter.
The 7th company also moved away from the railway line towards the river. Zbruch under the command of junior lieutenant Lesnyak, having no losses, and armored trains under the command of senior lieutenant Meshkov (75th regiment) and senior lieutenant Turganov (77th regiment) fired artillery and machine-gun fire at the Germans on the evening of 6 and on the night of July 7.
Under enemy fire teams of the armored train of the 75th and the bases of the armored train of the 77th regiment moved away from the railway line, abandoning their trains, and headed to our rear. The fate of the armored train of the 77th regiment is not yet known and is being clarified through the reconnaissance of three people sent there by the division ...
Red Army soldiers of the 6th company of the 77th regiment V. T. Mosikov and I. V. Samsonov, both non-party, workers, drafted in 1940, accompanying the cargo to the station. Proskurov, were sent by the head of the echelon to reconnoiter the route. Mosikov and Samsonov discovered two fascist saboteurs who spoiled the path, destroyed them and restored the path.
Military assistant of the 77th regiment S.K. Zemlyanoy, a member of the Komsomol, during the bombing by the Germans of Art. Gusyatin assisted the wounded under fire, risking his life.
military paramedic 5th company of the 75th regiment I. I. Akimov, a candidate [member] of the CPSU (b), received an order, when leaving the Hungarian border, to send one fighter into the tunnel to destroy communications. In order to solve this combat mission as soon as possible, Akimov decided to carry it out himself. Under machine-gun and artillery fire of the enemy, he destroyed the connection, while he was wounded by a shell fragment in the head. Departing for the garrison, he was again wounded by two bullets in the arm and leg. Akimov was sent from Stryi to the Kyiv hospital.
Machine gunner Vlasov, a member of the Komsomol, during the withdrawal garrison 79 km of the 75th regiment from the Hungarian border remained in place and covered the withdrawal of the unit with the fire of his machine gun. When all the people left the enemy shelling, Vlasov took out his machine gun and ammunition and joined the garrison. Thanks to the skillful leadership of the secretary of the party organization of the company, comrade. Burtsev, with the withdrawal of this garrison, good camouflage and crawling, the personnel withdrew without loss. Only military assistant Akimov was wounded.
Despite the long march in difficult conditions, the lack of involvement of people in campaigns, abrasions of the legs, the mood of the personnel was cheerful. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th companies of the 75th regiment passed more than 450 km in 12 days and did not have lagging behind, they were always ready to perform a combat mission.
The Red Army machine gunners Ilyushenko, Golovin, Rybkin carried their machine guns all the way and did not want to hand them over to anyone.
The Red Army soldier Kapitanov, a member of the Komsomol, rubbed his legs to the blood, but walked without lagging behind, without any complaints, until he was ordered to sit on the wagon. Many Red Army soldiers from the Hungarian border itself carried 350 ammunition in knapsacks and several grenades. The Red Army soldiers of the auto platoons kept their vehicles, not abandoning them at the time of the enemy air raid.
When following convoys of the 75th regiment under the direction of ml. Lieutenant Zaporizhzhya and ml. political instructor Blok A.M. from Khodorov to Tarnopol, the vehicles were subjected to artillery and machine-gun fire. Driver Gvozdev, a member of the Komsomol, was wounded by a shell fragment in the leg, and driver Golubev's car was wrecked. The latter boarded Gvozdev's car and took it out of the shelling. The motor of the leading car went bad, the driver Valeev got out of the car, repaired the damage under enemy fire and thereby ensured the advance of the entire motorcade.
Departing for parts of the Red Army, our units picked up abandoned weapons, cartridges and vehicles. The 2nd battalion of the 75th regiment raised 25 automatic rifles, 2 light machine guns, several thousand rounds of ammunition.
<…>Since July 12, the division with its three regiments (66th, 75th, 77th) concentrated in Vinnitsa, becoming part of the 12th Army and receiving the task of defending the city.
Parts of the division guard the most important buildings of the city, put forward barrage detachments, who have already detained deserters and up to 12 thousand people who have broken away from units.
July 15, before dawn division embarked on a new combat mission.
Command of the 12th Army our division was transferred to the 6th army and is currently engaged in a successful battle with the enemy near the city of Komsomolsk, suffering losses in personnel.
Head of the Political Propaganda Department, Brigadier Commissar Levashev.
Source: State security agencies of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, Collection of documents, volume two, book 1, "Beginning" June 22-August 31, 1941, M. 2000.

Recorded by

75th Infantry Regiment of the Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR for the Protection of Particularly Important Industrial Enterprises and railways(II f)

It was formed in July 1939 in Moscow as part of the 9th separate brigade of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 1st separate rifle battalion of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures on the basis of the disbanded 75th rifle regiment of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures - Moscow (SARF: f. 9401, op. 1, d. 520, ll. 352-354 ).
In January 1940, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 0418 dated December 21, 1939 “On the allocation of boats to the 65th regiment and 12th separate battalion of the NKVD troops”, the regiment included a patrol boat MK-2 with a crew of 5 servicemen (GARF: f. 9401, op. 1, file 533, pp. 459 and 460).
In January-February 1940, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 032 of January 21, 1940 “On changing the staffing of the 21st separate battalion of the 9th brigade of the NKVD troops”, the 1st company of the 3rd regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures was included in the battalion (GARF : f. 9401, list 1, file 566, sheets 145 and 146).
By order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 001497 of November 28, 1940 “On changing the numbering of units of the NKVD troops”, the 9th brigade was renamed the 29th separate rifle brigade of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures (I f).
On May 23, 1941, on the basis of the order of the brigade commander No. 4/0791 of 1941, 68 servicemen from the disbanded 2nd separate battalion of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures were enrolled in the battalion - Orenburg, order for the battalion No. 153 of May 23, 1941 years (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 16, ll. 199 and 199v).
On May 24, 1941, on the basis of the order of the brigade commander No. 4/0791 of 1941, 7 servicemen from the disbanded 2nd separate battalion of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures were enrolled in the battalion - Orenburg, order for the battalion No. 160 of May 30, 1941 year (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, file 16, sheet 207).
As of June 1, 1941, the deployment, organizational structure of the battalion:
Office - Moscow, mailbox No. 1202
reserve company - Moscow
1 company - Tula
2 company - railway station Ugreshskaya
3 company - railway station Sasovo
school MNS - Tula
In the period from June 23 to June 26, 1941, according to the scheme of mobilization deployment of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway structures and especially important industrial enterprises (mobile plan of the NKVD of the USSR "MP-41") approved by order of the NKVD of the USSR No. of the wartime schedule of the NKVD troops for the protection of railway facilities and especially important industrial enterprises "the battalion deployed around the wartime states, an additional 4th company, a sapper platoon, was formed.
On June 28, 1941, 84 conscripted reserves of the Red Army called up for general mobilization service in the country were enrolled in the battalion, order for the battalion No. and 252 rpm).
By order of the battalion No. 290 dated July 04, 1941, the KM-200 boat and the GAZ boat were accepted into service with the battalion from the naval department of the GUPV NKVD, with their enrollment in the garrison of the bridge of the river. Oka 120 km (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, file 17, file 5ob).
On July 24, 1941, 6621 a team of 176 military personnel from the 66th regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures and especially important industrial enterprises was put on boiler allowance, order for the battalion No. 225 of July 26, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, l. 32).
On July 28, 1941, 40 conscripts of the Red Army reserve called up for general mobilization service in the country were enlisted in the battalion, order for the battalion No. and 34rev).
By order of the regiment No. 232 of August 2, 1941, pursuant to the order of the Main Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway facilities and especially important industrial enterprises No. 009 of July 31, 1941 “On secondment of a reserve company of the 6th separate battalion to the 112th regiment and 176 people. 66 regiment to 21 separate battalion "team 6621 numbering 176 military personnel was seconded to the battalion, with enrollment for all types of allowances (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, l. 39; f. 38260, op. 1, d 1, sheet 12, original).
On August 5, 1941, on the basis of an oral order of the head of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR, 137 servicemen of the 6th separate battalion of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railway facilities and especially important industrial enterprises were assigned to the battalion, with crediting for all types of allowances, order for the battalion No. 237 of August 6 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, l. 44).
On August 15, 1941, on the basis of the order of the 29th brigade No. 4/1113 of August 8, 1941, 125 servicemen of the 120th regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway facilities and especially important industrial enterprises were seconded to the battalion, with crediting for all types of allowances, order according to battalion No. 246 of August 15, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, l. 56).
On September 26, 1941, on the basis of the order of the brigade commander No. 4/1687 dated September 17, 1941, 79 military personnel transferred from the 121st regiment of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR were enrolled in the battalion, order for the battalion No. 295 dated September 26, 1941 (RGVA, f. 38372, list 1, file 17, ll. 114 and 114v).
In October 1941, 61 servicemen of the 79th regiment, on the basis of the order of the GUVV NKVD of the USSR No. 02 of October 10, 1941, were transferred to the 21st separate battalion of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR: order for the 79th regiment No. 18 of January 19, 1942 ( RGVA: f. 38344, list 1, file 4, sheet 78).
On October 10, 1941, on the basis of the order of the GUVV No. 24/00602 of October 00, 1941, the Operational battalion of 203 military personnel was seconded to the battalion with enrollment for all types of allowances, order for the battalion No. 318 of October 18, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op 1, d. 17, ll. 143-145).
On October 12, 1941, on the basis of the order of the head of the GUVV NKVD No. 02 dated October 00, 1941, 108 servicemen from the 79th regiment of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR were enrolled in the battalion: order for the battalion No. 316 dated October 16, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, file 17, pp. 140 and 141).
On October 12, 1941, on the basis of the order of the head of the GUVV NKVD No. 02 dated October 00, 1941, 29 servicemen from the 79th regiment of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR were enrolled in the battalion, order for the battalion No. 317 dated October 17, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, file 17, ll. 142 and 142v).
On October 16, 1941, on the basis of the order of the head of the GUVV of October 15, 1941, 81 military personnel were seconded from the operational battalion to the 112th regiment, 24 military personnel to the 53rd regiment, 6 military personnel to the 115th regiment, order for the battalion No. 321 of October 21, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, ll. 147 and 148).
On November 4, 1941, 152 servicemen of the 88th reserve regiment, on the basis of the order of the head of the operational group of the 19th division of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR No. of November 00, 1941, in pursuance of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 001577 of November 4, 1941, were seconded to Moscow to protect railway objects, entered operational subordination to the commander of the 21st separate battalion of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR, order for the 21st battalion No. 338 dated November 07, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, ll. 169-170ob ).
On November 5, 1941, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 001577 dated November 04, 1941, the 5th company and the 6th company with a total number of 463 military personnel were formed as part of the battalion to guard bridges within the city of Moscow.
On December 23, 1941, on the basis of the order of the head of the operational group of the 19th division of December 19, 1941, 124 servicemen of the 6th separate battalion of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR seconded to the battalion were seconded to the commander of the 112th regiment - Moscow, order for the 21st Battalion No. 393 dated December 26, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, pp. 234-236).
On December 27, 1941, on the basis of the order of the head of the operational group of the 19th division of December 19, 1941, 148 servicemen of the 88th reserve regiment of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR seconded to the battalion were seconded to the commander of the 112th regiment - Moscow, order for the 21st battalion No. 395 dated December 28, 1941 (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 17, pp. 238 and 239).
On December 28, 1941, on the basis of the order of the head of the operational group of the 19th division of December 19, 1941, 58 servicemen of the disbanded 5th and 6th companies were seconded to the commander of the 3rd division of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR, order for the 21st battalion No. 401 of December 31, 1941 years (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, file 17, ll. 244 and 244v).
On January 14, 1942, 32 servicemen of the battalion were enrolled in the 79th regiment of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR, order for the 79th regiment No. 25 dated February 3, 1942 (RGVA: f. 38344, op. 1, d. 4, l. 91 ).
By order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00292 dated February 11, 1942, “List of formations and units of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railways”, the battalion as part of a brigade was included in the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railways (RGVA: f. 38621, op. 1, d. 277, pp. 86-88).
In April 1942, on the basis of the order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00625 of March 26, 1942, pursuant to the order of the NKVD of the USSR / NKPS of the USSR No. 001711 / s-713ts of December 25, 1941 "On measures to improve the protection of railways", the battalion was reorganized into the 75th regiment of the NKVD troops for the protection of railways (III f), included in the newly formed 33rd division of the NKVD troops for the protection of railways (formerly the 29th separate brigade troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railways), deployment, organizational structure of the regiment:
Management - Moscow
1 battalion
1 company - Moscow
2 company - railway station Voskresensk
2 battalion
3 company - railway station Ryazan
4th company - railway station Sasovo
3 battalion
5th company - railway station Ryazhsk
6 company - Tambov
7th company
On May 24, 1942, on the basis of the order of the division headquarters No. 4 / 02443 of May 19, 1942, 200 military personnel of the 5th reserve regiment of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railways were seconded to the regiment, order for the 5th regiment No. 93 of May 25, 1942 (RGVA: f. 38326, op. 1, file 3, sheet 131).
In 1942, the 7th company of the regiment was disbanded.
In November 1942, the regiment was included in the 31st division of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railways (RGVA: f. 38261, op. 1, d. 267, l. 57).
On April 28, 1943, on the basis of the order of the head of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR No. 23/5/0014010 of April 24, 1943, 200 military personnel from the 73rd regiment of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railways were enlisted in the regiment, order for the regiment No. 179 of April 29, 1943 years (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 27, ll. 197 and 197v).
On June 5, 1943, on the basis of the order of the commander of the 31st division No. 10/0115 dated May 8, 1943, a freelance agricultural platoon consisting of 48 military personnel was formed in the regiment from personnel (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 27, l .268).
In June 1943, on the basis of the order for the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of railways No. 60 dated June 9, 1943, a freelance construction platoon was formed as part of the regiment from the personnel of the regiment (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 27, l. 512).
On July 7, 1943, a consolidated sniper company consisting of 67 snipers, who returned from front-line training, was enrolled in the regiment (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 27, l. 328).
By order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 001245 of July 17, 1943, a patrol boat team was introduced into the regiment.
On August 6, 1943, on the basis of the order of the division commander No. 4 / 002149 of July 22, 1943, a patrol boat team consisting of 4 military personnel was introduced into the staff of regiment No. 065, order for the regiment No. 328 of August 6, 1943 (RGVA, f. 38372, op 1, d. 27, l. 371).
On December 1, 1943, the freelance construction platoon of the regiment was disbanded, order for the regiment No. 454 dated November 25, 1943 (RGVA6 f. 38372, op. 1, d. 27, l. 512).
On December 14, 1943, on the basis of the order of the division commander dated December 13, 1943, 106 servicemen who arrived from the 3rd separate reserve battalion of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railways were enrolled in the regiment, order for the regiment No. 484 of December 20, 1943 (RGVA: fund 38372, inventory 1, file 27, sheet 549).
In December 1951, on the basis of the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 00665 of September 17, 1951, in pursuance of the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 00248 of May 15, 1951, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1483-749 ss of May 6, 1951 "Issues of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs" the regiment was disbanded .
Combat, operational and service activities of the regiment:
The regiment / battalion performed tasks for the protection of railway facilities of the Moscow-Kursk railway, railway. them. Dzerzhinsky, Leninskaya railway, District railway, during the Great Patriotic War, the battalion took part in the Moscow battle.
From October 15 to December 20, 1941, the regiment was part of the Active Red Army.
From October 1 to December 07, 1941, the battalion lost 4 killed, 4 wounded, 21 missing (RGVA, f. 38261, op. 1, d. 267, l. 14).
By order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00298 of February 11, 1942, the battalion was withdrawn from operational subordination Soviet army(p. 204 . Krivets V.D., Kholoden V.F., Shtutman S.M. History of the construction of internal troops (1917–1945) (Short essay). - Part 1. - M .: GUVV MVD USSR , 1978 - 334 pages)
On April 28, 1943, the combined sniper company of the regiment in the amount of 72 servicemen departed for front-line practice, order for the regiment No. 179 dated April 29, 1943 .
Examples of combat, operational and service activities of the regiment:
On July 29, 1940, the garrison for the protection of the railway bridge of the river. Upa - 193 km of the Dzerzhinsky railway. rescued citizens from a sinking ferry in the river, by order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 726 dated 08/23/1940 "On awarding 21 separate battalions for resolute rescue of drowning people" 5 military personnel were awarded a metal watch with the inscription "For excellent performance call of duty- from the NKVD of the USSR", 3 Red Army soldiers were awarded 100 rubles each.
From October 18 to October 22, 1941, the battalion garrison in the Naro-Fominsk region fought a stubborn battle with a numerically superior enemy.
The results of the combat, operational and service activities of the regiment:
In May - June 1943, the combined sniper company of the regiment in the amount of 72 snipers, on the front line of the Western Front, disabled 1540 Nazis, 46 snipers were awarded medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit", the company commander was awarded the Order of the Red Star ”, by order of the regiment No. 291 dated July 10, 1943 “With the announcement of the results of the combat training of the sniper company”, 48 snipers were awarded the military rank of “corporal”, 7 snipers - “junior sergeant” (RGVA: f. 38372, op. 1, d. 27 , ll. 327 and 327v).

This drawing is interesting in itself. The German battle painter depicted a combat path in the figure
267th infantry division of the Wehrmacht. There are also Gomel and Zhlobin, but I'm interested in two settlements located on the border - Malorita and Melniki.
Here in June 1941 fought, and how the 75th Infantry Division fought. In a previous post dedicated to these events, I already provided some of the information. Now I will add.
"The 75th rifle division, consisting of the 115th, 28th and 34th regiments, was formed in 1927. The command and political staff was separated from the 25th rifle division named after V.I. Chapaev. Upon formation, the 75th division was part of the composition of the Kyiv, and then the Leningrad military district.She took an active part in the war with the White Finns.In May 1941, the division was advanced to the new western borders in the Brest region and became part of the 28th Rifle Corps of the 4th Army.Parts of the division concentrated along the Zapadny Bug River. The regiments occupied defense sectors south of the Brest fortified area. The 34th Infantry Regiment (regiment commander Major Bardeev) was located in the area of ​​the village of Mednaya, Lake Rogoznoye. The 28th Infantry Regiment (regiment commander Major D.S. Bondarenko) was located at the junction with the Kyiv Special Military District on the left flank of the 4th Army.The 115th Infantry Regiment (regiment commander Major A.N. Lobanov) was located in the second echelon in the area east of Malorita in the forest. special forces d ivizii were located in Malorita. At that time, the division was commanded by Major General S. I. Nedvigin, the chief of staff was Colonel Ya. A. Martynenko, and the chief of artillery D. Ya. Seleznev. The division was intensively engaged in combat and political training, the construction of defensive field positions near the border along the river. Western Bug, maintaining constant combat readiness. On June 22-23, the regiments of the division put up fierce resistance to the enemy. I. S. Tkachenko writes: “At that time I happened to be in the defense area of ​​the 115th regiment. The enemy marched in full-length columns, tanks with submachine gunners, infantry and cavalry were in front. The commander of the regiment, Comrade A. Lobanov, gave the order to the commander of the regimental artillery to open fire on enemy tanks. Two tanks immediately caught fire, one armored car, the third tank hit a mined section of the road and was blown up. The enemy continued to advance and, preparing to go on the attack, opened indiscriminate firing from machine guns. The cavalry units of the Nazis went around the right flank of the regiment's defense. Captain Korchma, commander of the 2nd Infantry Battalion, which was defending on the right flank, seeing the movement of the Nazi cavalry, quickly reorganized the battalion's battle formation, pulled two anti-aircraft twin installations to the front line and pushed them to the flank of the enemy cavalrymen, then, letting them in at 200 - 250 m, opened mortar, machine-gun and rifle fire on the column. At the same time, anti-aircraft twin machine-gun installations opened fire. The enemy column, suffering heavy losses, rushed about and stopped moving forward. The 1st battalion of the regiment also operated successfully. The enemy was stopped on the entire sector of the regiment's defense. Taking advantage of the situation, the regiment commander, Major A.N. Lobanov, quickly transferred the 3rd battalion from the left flank to the right and counterattacked the Nazis under the cover of strong mortar and machine-gun fire. From an unexpected flank attack, the Nazis began to retreat. However, in the sectors of other regiments, after a three-hour battle, resistance was broken, and they began a slow retreat to the area where the command post of the division was located. Stubbornly defending its sector, repeatedly turning into counterattacks, the division held its main positions until July 26. By this time, ammunition had been used up and, with a few exceptions, artillery had been lost. The connection was surrounded. I. S. Tkachenko said: “On the night of June 26-27, the division was completely surrounded. The division commander, General Nedvigin, after consulting with the staff of the headquarters and the political department, decided to break through the enemy's barrier, go to the Kovel road and connect with the rest of the 4th Army. For this purpose, intelligence was sent to reconnoiter the breakthrough site. Captain Yaryshkin was assigned to reconnaissance with a company of the 115th Infantry Regiment. While performing this task, he was wounded. Yaryshkin was replaced by Captain Lyutin, who reported through a messenger that the Brest-Kovel road was occupied by the enemy. By the middle of the day, a group of scouts returned and brought the seriously wounded Lyutin. The enemy stepped up the offensive, firing artillery and mortars. The command of the division decided after dark to go to Kobrin along the Kovel road to join the 4th Army. The breakthrough plan was as follows: the division commander, General Nedvigin, with the right group, was to break through Mokrany. I led the middle group going in the direction of the lake. Lukovo, division chief of staff Martynenko - left group. In more difficult conditions middle group; the enemy dug in in this area immediately began to mow down our ranks with fire of all kinds. True, the mortar fire of the Nazis fell on the swamp, many mines fell deep into the muddy soil, camouflaged, which reduced our losses. In the zone of destruction by automatic and rifle fire between the attacking Red Army soldiers and the Nazis, a fierce battle ensued, reaching hand-to-hand combat. The enemy stubbornly defended, but could not withstand our onslaught and began to retreat, leaving weapons and the dead. A gap formed, through it we went to the area of ​​the lake. Lukovo. The left group, led by Martynenko, with heavy fighting also broke through the Kovel road and approached the lake. Lukovo. Here both groups united and began to fight their way in the direction of Kobrin, but, having met strong enemy resistance in front of Kobrin, they retreated in the direction of Pinsk. On June 29, the enemy again began to pursue us. Having heavy losses, carrying the wounded in our arms, almost without ammunition, we could not break through to the main forces on Pinsk. Only a few units went there. After consulting, we decided to withdraw in the direction of the city of Sarny. During the withdrawal, we were joined by individual fighters and units of the 6th and 42nd rifle divisions, groups of tankers, soldiers of aviation units. July 2, we went to st. Sarny, and by order of the army headquarters, plunged into the echelon and left for the Pinsk region, where they took up defense. "
The courage of the soldiers and commanders of the 75th division was also appreciated by the Germans.
"June 24 At 20:15 I am again at my headquarters. There I learned about the heavy fighting on our right flank, where since June 23, at Malorita, the 53rd Army Corps has successfully repelled Russian attacks."
It was a complete surprise for me to learn that in the Brest Fortress, in the Museum of Defense, the banner of the 28th joint venture (Vyshnevolotsky rifle regiment) of the 75th rifle division, found on December 24, 1960, by a resident of the village of Zamshany, Maloritsky district 3. 3. Tarasyuk in the forest, under wild apple roots. Regarding the banner, also associated with this regiment, there is interesting episode. Memoirs of a soldier of the 75th division.
".... Two days of continuous questions one by one. We were always threatened with execution in front of the ranks, "for betrayal and desertion." This could happen ... and everything would have ended so shamefully for us.
The most offensive thing was that they did not want to believe us, not a single word. But our "conflict with special officers" was resolved by a foreman from the 28th regiment. For two days he tried to explain what happened to him and his comrades, that the Germans broke through the defenses and “saddled” all the roads, but in response he only heard promises that they would put him “a bastard, like a reptile and a traitor, against the wall, even today ". Then, during the interrogation, he silently took off his tunic and undershirt, and it turned out that his body was wrapped in the banner of the regiment ... The attitude towards us instantly changed. We were released from custody, fed well, given shag, dry rations, but our weapons were not returned to us. We were told - "Go to the station, there will be a turntable soon, several cars are going to Sarny, there is now the headquarters of your 75th SD." .."
In general, you can write books and make films about this division. Of course, the battles with ours were not fought alone 267 infantry division Wehrmacht, was there and 53 corps and other formations. But only probably in 267 there were photographers capturing the consequences of the battles. They gave the exact name to the pictures "After the bloodbath near Melniki" Washed them .. washed them properly "!!!

June 26 German cemetery near the village of Melniki. 110 graves.