Officer hero Dmitry Komarov Evlampievich. The immortal feat of the hero of the Soviet Union tanker Dmitry Komarov. Participation in hostilities

Many glorious feats were accomplished by Soviet tank crews during the Great Patriotic War. But the commander of the T-34 tank, Lieutenant Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov, and the driver, Mikhail Artemyevich Bukhtuev, especially distinguished themselves when they entered into battle with an entire armored train.

Fate brought the tankers together in 1944. Already an experienced fighter, Lieutenant Komarov returned to the 15th Guards Tank Brigade, having healed after a severe wound in the leg. Sergeant Bukhtuev, after training at the Chelyabinsk tank school, was sent as a driver mechanic to the same unit.
In the summer of 1944, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front advanced on the enemy. With the support of aviation and artillery, the 65th Army broke through the enemy defenses. The 1st Tank Corps took part in fierce battles, including the 15th Tank Brigade, where Lieutenant Komarov and Sergeant Bukhtuev served.

On the morning of June 25, 1944, Soviet tanks reached the Chernye Brody station, but even on the outskirts of the railway junction, an enemy armored train opened heavy artillery fire on the Red Army soldiers. Nevertheless, the tankers did not retreat, gradually moving forward and responding to the enemy with cannon fire.
One of the shells fired by the armored train hit the turret of the thirty-four under the command of Komarov and seriously wounded the gunner, as well as the loader. Having unloaded and handed over to the orderlies their bleeding comrades, the lieutenant and the driver continued the battle.
On the outskirts of the Bukhtuev station, driving a tank, he crushed several enemy guns and machine-gun emplacements. Komarov fired from a cannon and used up almost the entire ammunition load. The crew destroyed an entire platoon of enemy infantry. Having burst into the station, the T-34 received another hit, the tank caught fire, and the lieutenant was wounded by shrapnel. The German armored train started off, intending to retreat to a more convenient position and continue shelling.
The tank commander, Lieutenant Dmitry Komarov, decided to stop the enemy at all costs and ordered the driver to ram the armored train.
The burning car at full speed hit a heavy train, completely knocked two platforms off the rails and damaged the wheel axle of the third. The armored train was immobilized, the Nazis abandoned it.
The 15th Guards Tank Brigade captured Chernye Brody.
During the ramming, the driver, Sergeant Mikhail Artemyevich Bukhtuev, died. He was buried near the place where he accomplished his immortal feat. Two months later, on August 22, 1944, Bukhtuev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The commander of the tank, Lieutenant Komarov, managed to leave the mangled car, crawled away to the forest belt and lost consciousness, where his fellow soldiers found him. Having recovered from his wounds, he returned to his unit, and on September 26, 1944, for courage and heroism during the capture of the Chernye Brody station, the fighter was presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Unfortunately, Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov never found out about the honor shown to him, he died on September 5, 1944 in a fierce battle for the Narevsky bridgehead, three weeks before his award.

Date of death Affiliation


Type of army Years of service Rankguards

: Invalid or missing image

Part Position Battles/wars Awards and prizes

Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich(November 8 - September 5) - tank commander of the 15th Guards Tank Rechitsa Brigade, guard lieutenant. Hero of the Soviet Union (22.08.). He made the first armored train tank ram in the history of wars.


Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov in 1941 was drafted into active army. In 1943, Dmitry Komarov was a cadet of the 2nd Gorky Tank School. After graduating from college, Lieutenant D. Komarov was sent to the front to the post of commander of the T-34 tank.

Participation in hostilities

The tank commander, Lieutenant Komarov, took part in the battles near Orel, in the liberation of the city of Rechitsa, crossed the Dnieper, participated in the liberation of Minsk and Poland.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, he was forever enrolled in the lists personnel Blagoveshchensk tank school.

Awards and titles


External images
in with. Black Brody.

see also

  • 15th Guards Tank Rechitsa Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment.

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  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M .: Military Publishing, 1987. - T. 1 / Abaev - Lyubichev /. - 911 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN out., Reg. No. in RCP 87-95382.
  • T. Bortakovsky “Stay alive! Unknown pages of the Great Patriotic War, publishing house Veche, 2015, ISBN 978-5-4444-3590-8


  • .

An excerpt characterizing Komarov, Dmitry Evlampievich

“I’ll skip two more letters, and read the third one,” the prince said sternly, “I’m afraid you write a lot of nonsense. Read the third.
- Read at least this, mon pere, [father,] - answered the princess, blushing even more and handing him a letter.
“Third, I said, third,” the prince shouted shortly, pushing away the letter, and, leaning on the table, pushed the notebook with geometry drawings.
“Well, madam,” the old man began, bending close to his daughter over the notebook and placing one hand on the back of the chair on which the princess was sitting, so that the princess felt herself surrounded on all sides by that tobacco and senilely pungent smell of her father, which she had known for so long . “Well, madame, these triangles are similar; if you please, the angle abc...
The princess looked in fright at her father's shining eyes close to her; red spots shimmered over her face, and it was evident that she did not understand anything and was so afraid that fear would prevent her from understanding all further interpretations of her father, no matter how clear they were. Whether the teacher was to blame or the student was to blame, but every day the same thing was repeated: the princess's eyes were cloudy, she did not see, did not hear anything, she only felt the dry face of her strict father near her, felt his breath and smell, and only thought about how she could leave the office as soon as possible and understand the task in her own space.
The old man lost his temper: with a roar he pushed back and forth the chair on which he himself was sitting, made efforts to control himself so as not to get excited, and almost every time he got excited, scolded, and sometimes threw the notebook.
The princess made a mistake.
- Well, what a fool! the prince shouted, pushing the notebook away and quickly turning away, but he immediately got up, walked around, touched the princess's hair with his hands and sat down again.
He moved closer and continued to interpret.
“It’s impossible, princess, it’s impossible,” he said, when the princess, having taken and closed the notebook with the assigned lessons, was already preparing to leave, “mathematics is a great thing, my madam.” And I don't want you to look like our stupid ladies. Endure to fall in love. He patted her cheek with his hand. - The fool will pop out of my head.
She wanted to leave, he stopped her with a gesture and took a new uncut book from the high table.
- Here is some other Key of the sacrament your Eloise sends you. Religious. And I don’t interfere with anyone’s faith ... I looked it over. Take it. Well, go, go!
He patted her on the shoulder and locked the door behind her.
Princess Mary returned to her room with a sad, frightened expression, which rarely left her and made her ugly, sickly face even more ugly, sat down at her desk, lined with miniature portraits and littered with notebooks and books. The princess was as disorderly as her father was decent. She put down her geometry notebook and eagerly opened the letter. The letter was from the closest childhood friend of the princess; this friend was the same Julie Karagina, who was at the name day of the Rostovs:
Julie wrote:
"Chere et excellente amie, quelle chose terrible et effrayante que l "absence! J" ai beau me dire que la moitie de mon existence et de mon bonheur est en vous, que malgre la distance qui nous separe, nos coeurs sont unis par des liens indissolubles; le mien se revolte contre la destinee, et je ne puis, malgre les plaisirs et les distractions qui m "entourent, vaincre une certaine tristesse cachee que je ressens au fond du coeur depuis notre separation. Pourquoi ne sommes nous pas reunies, comme cet ete dans votre grand cabinet sur le canape bleu, le canape a confidences? je crois voir devant moi, quand je vous ecris.”
[Dear and priceless friend, what a terrible and terrible thing separation is! No matter how hard I keep telling myself that half of my existence and my happiness is in you, that despite the distance that separates us, our hearts are united by inseparable bonds, my heart revolts against fate, and despite the pleasures and distractions that surround me, I I cannot suppress some hidden sadness that I have felt in the depths of my heart since our separation. Why are we not together, as we were last summer, in your big office, on the blue sofa, on the "confessions" sofa? Why can’t I, like three months ago, draw new moral strength from your meek, calm, and penetrating look, which I loved so much and which I see before me at the moment I am writing to you?]
Having read up to this point, Princess Marya sighed and looked around at the dressing table, which stood to her right. The mirror reflected an ugly, weak body and a thin face. His eyes, always sad, now looked at themselves in the mirror with particular hopelessness. “She flatters me,” thought the princess, turned away and continued to read. Julie, however, did not flatter her friend: indeed, the princess's eyes, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of her whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty. But the princess never saw the good expression of her eyes, the expression they assumed in those moments when she was not thinking about herself. Like all people, her face assumed a strained, unnatural, evil expression as soon as she looked in the mirror. She continued to read: 211
“Tout Moscou ne parle que guerre. L "un de mes deux freres est deja a l" etranger, l "autre est avec la garde, qui se met en Marieche vers la frontiere. Notre cher empereur a quitte Petersbourg et, a ce qu" on pretend, compte lui meme exposer sa precieuse existence aux chances de la guerre. Du veuille que le monstre corsicain, qui detruit le repos de l "Europe, soit terrasse par l"ange que le Tout Ruissant, dans Sa misericorde, nous a donnee pour souverain. Sans parler de mes freres, cette guerre m "a privee d" une relation des plus cheres a mon coeur. Je parle du jeune Nicolas Rostoff, qui avec son enthousiasme n "a pu supporter l" inaction et a quitte l "universite pour aller s" enroler dans l "armee. Eh bien, chere Marieie, je vous avouerai, que, malgre son extreme jeunesse, son depart pour l "armee a ete un grand chagrin pour moi. Le jeune homme, dont je vous parlais cet ete, a tant de noblesse, de veritable jeunesse qu "on rencontre si rarement dans le siecle ou nous vivons parmi nos villards de vingt ans. Il a surtout tant de franchise et de coeur. Il est tellement pur et poetique, que mes relations avec lui, quelque passageres qu "elles fussent, ont ete l" une des plus douees jouissances de mon pauvre coeur, qui a deja tant souffert. Je vous raconterai un jour nos adieux et tout ce qui s "est dit en partant. Tout cela est encore trop frais. Ah! chere amie, vous etes heureuse de ne pas connaitre ces jouissances et ces peines si poignantes. Vous etes heureuse, puisque les derienieres sont ordinairement les plus fortes! Je sais fort bien, que le comte Nicolas est trop jeune pour pouvoir jamais devenir pour moi quelque chose de plus qu "un ami, mais cette douee amitie, ces relations si poetiques et si pures ont ete un besoin pour mon coeur. Mais n" en parlon plus. La grande nouvelle du jour qui occupe tout Moscou est la mort du vieux comte Bezukhoy et son heritage. Figurez vous que les trois princesses n "ont recu que tres peu de chose, le prince Basile rien, est que c" est M. Pierre qui a tout herite, et qui par dessus le Marieche a ete reconnu pour fils legitime, par consequent comte Earless est possesseur de la plus belle fortune de la Russie. On pretend que le prince Basile a joue un tres vilain role dans toute cette histoire et qu "il est reparti tout penaud pour Petersbourg.

R was born in 1922 in the village of Sinchuvazh, now the Shakhunsky district of the Gorky region. Russian. Hero of the Soviet Union (September 26, 1944). Awarded with orders Lenin and Red Star.

Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Lieutenant D. E. Komarov is forever enrolled in the lists of personnel of the Blagoveshchensk Higher Tank Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K. A. Meretskov. During the Great Patriotic War, he accomplished a one-of-a-kind feat.

It happened on Belarusian soil near the city of Bobruisk on June 25, 1944. The 15th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Corps of the 65th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, which included the crew of the T-34 tank under the command of Guards Lieutenant Komarov, received a combat mission: to go deep behind enemy lines, capture Chernye station Fords of the Oktyabrsky district of the Gomel region and cut railway Luninets-Bobruisk, in order to prevent the Nazis from bringing reserves into battle.

On June 25, 1944, at dawn, without the usual artillery preparation, Soviet tanks attacked the enemy at top speed and drove them back to Chernye Brody station. Having destroyed the enemy firing points, the tanks approached the station. A fascist armored train was slowly moving along the main track from the station to the exit semaphore. On the move, he led artillery fire on the advancing Soviet troops. Tank Guards Lieutenant Komarov found himself almost next to the armored train and served as a good target for the Nazis. One of the enemy shells hit the tank's turret. From a direct hit by a shell, the car shuddered and caught fire.

Tongues of flame engulfed the armor. And the armored train was slowly moving away from the station. The tank commander decided to ram the Nazi armored train. At top speed, the "thirty-four" crashed into the armored platform of an armored train and knocked it off the rails. Having lost the armored train, the enemy fled. This daring ram took place in front of the brigade's tankers. Inspired by an unprecedented feat, they moved forward and completely liberated the Chernye Brody station from the Nazis.

During the ramming, the tank driver died, and the lieutenant of the guard was wounded. For some time he was in the hospital, then returned to his native tank brigade and participated in the liberation of Belarus and fraternal Poland. On September 4, 1944, in one of the fierce battles, an enemy shell pierced the armor of a tank in which Guards Lieutenant D. E. Komarov was located, and the brave tankman died. The Hero was buried in the village of Zatory - southeast of the Polish city of Pultusk.

For many years now, fellow countrymen of the Hero of the Soviet Union D. E. Komarov have been coming to the Blagoveshchensk school on permits from the Shakhun district committee of the Komsomol of the Gorky region. Komarovtsy, as they are called in the school, strive to justify the high trust and be worthy heirs of the glory of the Hero.

In the military unit where Dmitry Komarov served, a crew named after the Hero was formed. In all exercises and classes, he is invariably the best in the unit.


Tyulnikov L. K., Basovich Ya. I. Heroes of the Soviet Union - Gorky. Gorky, 1981, p. 125.

Forever in line. M., 1985. Book. 8. S. 167–184.

Forever in the heart of the people. Minsk, 1984. S. 250.

Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich

(08.11.1922 - 05.09.1944)

Born on November 8, 1922 in the village of Sinchuvazh, Shakhunsky District, Gorky Region. Russian. He studied at the Petukhov primary and Chernovskaya incomplete secondary schools. After the ninth grade of the Shakhun school, he worked as an accountant for a railway track section in the city of Shakhunya.

Participated in the summer battles near Orel. In the autumn of 1943, Komarov took part in the liberation of the city of Rechitsa, crossed the Dnieper. At the end of November 1943, the tank was set on fire by a direct hit from a shell. Komarov was wounded in the leg. After being cured in January 1944, he returned to his native unit.

In the summer of 1944, Operation Bagration began. Overcoming swampy swamps, the tankers entered the gap south of the village of Parichi and, being ahead of other units, reached the forest near the villages of Slobodka and Romanishche by the end of the day on June 24.

On June 25, 1944, the tank brigade was given the task of cutting the Luninets-Bobruisk railway and liberating the Chernye Brody station. Despite the fire of 10 Artshturm self-propelled artillery mounts located on the outskirts, Komarov's tank was one of the first to break through to the station. But then a fascist armored train opened fire on the cars from cannons. The shells of the tankers did not cause him any harm. An enemy shell hit Komarov's tank on fire, and the commander himself was wounded. But the tank was on the move! And then the tank commander Dmitry Komarov and the tank driver Mikhail Bukhtuev made the only decision. At top speed, the tank, enveloped in flames, crashed into an armored train. Two armored platforms, having derailed, overturned. The armored train stopped. It was the first and only tank ram of an armored train in the history of wars. .

Inspired by the feat of their comrades, the tankers of the 15th Guards Brigade rushed forward, and at 1500 Chyornye Brody were liberated.

During the ramming, the driver M. Bukhtuev died a heroic death. Komarov, shooting back from the Nazis with a pistol, managed to hide in the forest and there he lost consciousness from loss of blood. Scouts picked him up in the forest on the seventh day.

After treatment in a front-line hospital, he participated in the liberation of Minsk, Poland.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown in this Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov was awarded title of Hero of the Soviet Union .

But the brave tanker did not live to see that day. On September 5, 1944, in a fierce night battle for a bridgehead on the western bank of the Narew River, Dmitry Komarov died. He was buried in the Polish village of Zatory.

One of the streets in the city of Shakhunya, the Chernovskaya school where he studied, and the pioneer team of school No. 98 of the Kanavinsky district of the city of Gorky (now the city of Nizhny Novgorod) are named after the Hero. A memorial plaque was installed at school No. 1 in Shakhunya.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Guards Lieutenant Dmitry Evlampievich Komarov was forever enrolled in the lists of the 1st company of the Blagoveshchensk Higher Tank Command Red Banner School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.A. Meretskov.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

Archival documents on the assignment of Guards. Lieutenant Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

An obelisk was erected at the place of the fiery ram at the Chernye Brody station in memory of the feat of the brave tankmen.

Tank-monument near the platform Black Brody.

Corner of the Hero of the Soviet Union Guards. Lieutenant Komarov Dmitry Evlampievich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st company of cadets of the BVTKKU.

Operation Bagration. Part I. Liberation of Vitebsk. Fates and deeds. Ramming an armored train