Legal education at the national university of singapore. Studying in Singapore. Applying to universities in Singapore

Getting an education in Singapore has long been considered prestigious among numerous foreign students, including the Russians. Successful studies in numerous educational institutions will make it easy to find a prestigious job in the most famous companies.

This young state gained independence in the middle of the twentieth century. In a short period of time, the country has reached a high level of development. Modern Singapore is not only futuristic landscapes and the severity of local laws. This is one of the most attractive training centers for young people from all over the world.

Education programs in Singapore and prices

Country: Australia Austria Belgium Brazil United Kingdom Hungary Germany Holland Greece Denmark India Ireland Spain Italy Canada Cyprus China Costa Rica Cuba Malta Morocco Monaco New Zealand Norway UAE Poland Portugal Singapore USA Thailand Turkey Philippines Finland France Czech Republic Chile Switzerland Sweden South Africa Japan

City: All Singapore (1)

Teaching language: All English

Accommodation: All Residence - Residence Hotel - Bungalow - Villa Family

Sort: cheaper expensive

Early childhood education in Singapore

feature preschool education the absence of public kindergartens is considered. A small part of the organizations is run by religious and business institutions. Preschools accept children from three years. The program includes counting, reading, modeling, music. Preschoolers are taught English and state languages.

Secondary school education in Singapore

The secondary education system includes schools, colleges and technical schools. The child moves to the middle level at the age of six years. Students go through elementary, intermediate and pre-university levels.

Free primary school is compulsory for all Singaporeans. From grades 1 to 4, the main level lasts. Then the orientation stage lasts for 2 years. In a programme initial stage Key words: civics, English, science, music, math, art, and state languages. Additionally, children can attend aesthetic classes and a gym. Upon completion of the initial stage, a PSLE ​​certificate is issued.

Training in high school starts at age 12. Based on the results of the initial exams, study groups are formed, each of which has its own course:

  • academic;
  • technical;
  • express;
  • special;
  • integrated program.

Graduates of special and express courses are eligible to enter junior colleges. You can get technical education in technical schools and polytechnics. The choice of direction is possible if there is a certain certificate of A-, O- or N-level, which is issued after the end of the middle stage. The next step is preparing for the university.

How to enter the university

The specificity of the educational system of a small state is meritocracy. This is a social structure in which a place in society depends on personal achievements and abilities, and not on solvency or origin.

Gifted young people have the right to enter the university without passing the entrance exams. Graduates of technical schools and incomplete colleges are required to provide the selection committee with information about their academic performance. In most cases, additional courses are required. A high school graduate must provide an A-level diploma. Applicant passes additional exams at the request of the admissions committee.

Higher education in Singapore

System higher education in Singapore not only gives the student the necessary knowledge, but also stimulates him to further development. The country has:

  1. Independent Universities. After completing specialized courses, the graduate receives a diploma or an academic degree.
  2. National Universities. People come here to get bachelor's or master's degrees.
  3. Polytechnic institutes. In these educational establishments come to get practical knowledge. Students learn only the skills necessary for a successful start to work.
  4. Technical university(Nanyang Technological University, the only one in the state).

Notable Universities in Singapore

  1. National University of Singapore(NUS, National University of Singapore). The largest university Singapore. Ranked 1st in national ranking and 12th in the world rankings. Known as the largest research center.
  2. Nanyang Technological University(Nanyan Technological University). Offers the study of engineering, design, etc. Internships are provided. You can get knowledge in full-time and part-time form.
  3. Singapore Management University(Singapore Management University). The university includes schools of law, economics, business, etc.
  4. SIM University(also known by the abbreviated name UniSIM). Founded in 2005. Included in the top ten universities in the national ranking.
  5. University of Nevada Las Vegas Singapore. It is among the 40 best universities in the state. The main building is located in Singapore, the capital of the country.
  6. Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD, Singapore University of Technology and Design). The state higher educational institution was founded in 2009. A year of study costs about $17,000.
  7. Temple University Singapore. Takes 39th place in the national ranking. The main building is located in the capital of the state.
  8. Curtin University Singapore. It is one of the 40 best higher educational institutions in the country.
  9. University of New South Wales Asia. Ranked among the top 50 universities in Singapore.
  10. James Cook University Singapore(Singapore James Cook University). Founded in 2003.

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD

Studying at a university in Singapore includes 3 stages:

  1. Undergraduate. The applicant takes an English exam, SAT 1 and SAT 2 tests. The first part of the test involves passing mathematics, spelling and reading. The second part of the test depends on the chosen institution.
  2. Master's degree. If the bachelor decided to get additional knowledge in the chosen specialty, he enters the master's program. Exams vary by university. The organization has the right to annually revise the list of entrance examinations.
  3. Doctorate. uniform requirements for admission to doctoral studies does not exist. Each institution has its own rules.

Education in Singapore for Russians

Applications must be submitted 2-3 months before the start of the academic year. The application is submitted on the organization's website along with scans of all the necessary documentation translated into English. Upon admission, a Russian applicant passes all the same tests as an applicant of any other state.

After applying future student receives a registration number in the SOLAR system. Then the applicant must fill out an application for a student visa (Student`s Pass Unit). The application is considered for about two weeks. The cost of the service is SGD 90.

Foreigners are rarely denied a visa. However, the student will be forced to adhere to strict rules, non-compliance with which entails deportation:

  1. You can skip no more than 10% of the lectures.
  2. The educational process should last at least fifteen hours a week.
  3. A student visa does not allow you to officially work.

Tuition fees in Singapore

The higher the prestige of the organization, the higher the price. visit kindergarten will cost up to 1 thousand dollars annually. The price of the middle stage is 1-3 thousand dollars per month. The cost of pre-university education is from $700 to $17,000 annually. Undergraduate programs cost between $10,000 and $32,000 per year. For a master's degree, you will have to pay from 15 to 42 thousand dollars annually. English courses cost 2 thousand dollars for 4 weeks.

Additionally, you need to pay (up to 3 thousand dollars) accommodation, medical insurance, food, utilities, public transport, stationery and books.

Free education options

You can get higher education both on a paid and free basis. Students from low-income families do not pay for their studies in Singapore. Thanks to special government programs, excellent students get the opportunity to study at the budget department. Students who qualify for the FAS program are also exempt.

Some employers are interested in getting a specialist trained taking into account the specifics of the company. In this case, the future employer pays for the university course to the most promising students. Any talented student, regardless of their nationality, can receive financial assistance from a Singaporean company. The organization providing funding will require the specialist to sign the contract. The graduate will be required to work for several years at the company that sponsored him.

To partially cover the costs, you must apply to an institution offering scholarship programs. The country has a system of subsidizing undergraduate and graduate students. In some universities, only citizens of Asian countries can enter the budget department.

Language classes

Teaching for foreigners in most cases is carried out in English. If the applicant studied the language at home, it is necessary to provide a certificate confirming his language competence. It is advisable to take a course in a certain direction: English for marketers, businessmen, engineers, etc. You can sign up for courses at the university or in one of language schools.

Study for Russians after 11th grade

It is impossible for Russians to start their studies in Singapore right after the 11th grade. Before admission, the applicant passes preparatory program at the university, lasting up to 10 months. Upon admission to the magistracy, a motivation letter, recommendations from employers (if you have work experience) and teachers, results or a notarized translation of the diploma are required.

Studying in little Singapore has many advantages. However, a foreigner must also take into account the shortcomings of the educational system, which create certain difficulties for a citizen of another state.

Not very cheap. Both the cost of living and tuition fees for international students are quite high. However, don't give up on your dream. Remember that there are scholarship programs and grants. All this helps to find funding for the course and enjoy your stay in Singapore.

First expenses

Regardless of the level of study, all students must apply to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) within two weeks of their enrollment at the university. It costs US$71.50.


International students in Singapore pay more than local students. The cost of education, unfortunately, is quite high. Moreover, it varies depending on the educational institution and the chosen specialty. There are also a number of additional costs that international students have to deal with. For example, student fees, health insurance, and administrative fees.

For example, the following rates are set for undergraduate studies for international students in the academic year 2015/2016:

*below is the full tuition fee, excluding the MOE grant, which cuts the cost in half

Arts and Social Sciences - US$21,300

Business - US$23,400

Engineering - US$27,700

Right - US$27,850

Medicine (not including nursing) - US$104,000

Foreign students can apply to the Ministry of Education for a tuition grant or tuition subsidy. You may be offered a non-refundable option. But in this case, you have to work for some time by profession in Singapore and thus return the funds invested in you. Keep in mind that the period of such work for international students lasts longer than for citizens of Singapore.

Postgraduate education

The cost of tuition at the master's and other levels of postgraduate education is not much less than the cost of undergraduate courses. For example, students are often asked to pay a registration fee of US$119. You will also likely have to pay a one-time fee of US$40 and an examination fee of US$159-397. In addition, fees of US$8-15.90 are charged throughout the year for computer maintenance and health insurance. Finally, the annual tuition fee will vary, depending on the university, from US$15,855 to US$42,810.

All at the same National University of Singapore, the following rates for master's studies for foreign students in the academic year 2015/2016 are set:

*below is the full cost of training, excluding grants that reduce the cost by half

Arts and Social Sciences - US$21,400

Business - US$21,400

· Deontology and Medicine - US$37,300

· Engineering and Science - US$22,200

Right - US$21,700

As in the case of undergraduate studies, at the postgraduate stage, students can apply for a scholarship or grant. You need to send a request to the Ministry of Education. But after completing the training, you will have to work for three years in one of the Singaporean companies.

Subsidies can range from US$3,964-31,711. The amount depends on the curriculum. For example, there are scholarships at the base that include monthly payments and health insurance.

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Singapore is an Asian country with high level life and oriental cultural values. It is one of the most comfortable for living due to the progressive social policy, ecology and the level of wages. Singaporean education deserves attention, which is of high quality and relatively low cost of education. Therefore, educational institutions in Singapore are attractive to foreign students.

The history of formation and principles of the Singaporean educational system

Until the middle of the 20th century, Singapore was a British colony. Independence was granted to the state only in 1959. Teaching in schools was conducted in the native language of citizens (English, Malay, Chinese, Hindi). Only Europeans spoke English, 95% of the population were Chinese, Indians and Malays. For the formation of a new society it was necessary new system education.

In the history of the formation of Singaporean education, 3 stages can be distinguished.

Standardization took place between 1959 and 1979 educational programs. English was chosen for teaching school disciplines. As part of the education development program, 83 schools were built, funding was provided from the state budget. Textbooks began to be published in Singapore. Special attention was given to technical education - vocational schools and institutes were created.

from 1979 to 1997, emphasis was placed on improving the quality of education. Schools are introducing a streaming distribution of students (classes are formed depending on the abilities of children). In 1992, the Institute of Technical Education was created, and special technical courses were introduced in secondary schools. Wages were increased for engineering and research professions, which increased the prestige of higher education.

Since 1997, there has been a stage of implementing the existing capabilities of the educational system. By 2008, streaming education in schools was abolished. Emphasis is placed on individual educational programs, the ability of citizens to learn throughout life, the development creativity and teamwork skills. The Edusave grant system was introduced, which makes it possible to fully cover the costs of students for education. The leading directions were natural and technical disciplines.

The principles of the modern Singaporean educational system are:

  • bilingual education programs (teaching is conducted in Chinese and English),
  • education of tolerance in the younger generation,
  • meritocracy (the merits of a person determine his position in society),
  • accessibility (the state guarantees that no child will be deprived of the opportunity to study),
  • individual approach.

Features of the educational system of Singapore

The educational system includes 3 stages - preschool, secondary and higher education. In state institutions, training is conducted on state languages- English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. In private educational institutions, children can study in their native language, which is different from the state language. Academic year at school it starts on January 1 and is divided into 4 quarters of 10 weeks each, at universities - for two semesters.

The Singapore educational system is similar to the European one

Preschool education

Singapore kindergartens are pre-school education institutions. They accept children from the age of 3, here they are taught communication skills, native and English languages, reading, counting, music and singing, drawing, modeling, dancing for 3 years. All preschool institutions are private, some are run by religious organizations or foundations. There are no state kindergartens.

Kindergartens are attended by children from 3 to 5 years old

Secondary education

Secondary education institutions include schools, technical schools, and colleges. Children start going to school at the age of 6. Secondary education is divided into primary, secondary and pre-university levels.

In elementary school, education lasts 6 years, children study mathematics, English and native language(Chinese, Malay, Tamil), civics, art, music. At the end of school, children take exams and receive a PSLE ​​certificate, which is necessary to move on to the next level of education. All study programs elementary school standardized. If desired, students can attend sports sections, aesthetic education lessons and classes for gifted children. The primary school education system is divided into 2 levels - basic (grades 1-4) and orientation (grades 5-6). From grade 3 to curriculum natural science disciplines are introduced. Primary school attendance is compulsory and free of charge for all citizens.

Primary school caters for children from 6 to 12 years old

In secondary school, groups of students are formed depending on the results of examinations in primary school. Education in secondary school is carried out in the following courses:

  • special (4 years, emphasis on learning the native language, at the end an O-level exam is taken),
  • technical (4 years, emphasis is placed on the study of technical disciplines, at the end an N-level exam is taken),
  • express (4 years, superficial study of native and in English, implies obtaining an O-level),
  • academic (training lasts up to 5 years, at the end an N-level exam is taken),
  • integrated program - professional course(5-6 years, 6-10 disciplines are studied, at the end an A-level exam is taken, which is required for admission to the university).

Classes are formed based on the results of elementary school exams

The pre-university level (Foundation) involves preparation for a university. Upon completion of express and special high school courses, students can enroll in junior (junior) colleges, the duration of which is 2 years. The final stage of studying in colleges is passing the exam for obtaining an A-level certificate. For students who want to get a technical education and have O- and N-level certificates, polytechnic schools (the term of study is 3 years) and institutes of technical education (1–2 years) are provided.

Progress is assessed on the following scale:

  • A1/A2 - excellent,
  • B3 / B4 - good,
  • С5/С6 - offset,
  • D7/D8 - fail,
  • E8/F9 - unsatisfactory.

According to this system, the highest mark A1 is equal to 1 point. When entering an incomplete college, the level of knowledge is assessed according to the L1R5 system, where L1 denotes a score in native or English language, and R5 is the sum of scores in 5 disciplines, which include at least one exact and 1 liberal arts subject. The lower the score, the higher the level of knowledge. The maximum score required for admission to a junior college is 20. Polytechnics use the L1R2B2 system, where R2 is two compulsory subject, and B2 - two subjects in which the student received highest mark. Polytechnics usually put forward additional requirements for applicants.

Higher education

The institutions of higher education are:

  1. polytechnic institutes.
  2. Technical University (Nyang Technological University).
  3. independent universities.
  4. National, state, private universities.

Teaching is conducted in Chinese or English. When entering universities, applicants take exams. Gifted and successful children, as an exception, can be accepted without entrance examinations. High school graduates provide an A-level certificate. Graduates of incomplete colleges and technical schools must provide information on academic performance and attendance of additional classes, sections. At the discretion of the admissions committee, the applicant may be assigned additional entrance tests.

Education in universities meets international standards

Education in Singapore universities is carried out according to international standards and includes 3 stages:

  • Undergraduate (3-4 years),
  • Master (1–3 years),
  • Doctorate (2–5 years).

For assignment degree and when moving from one level of study to another, students must pass exams, the list of which is approved by each specific university. Diplomas from Singapore universities are recognized all over the world.

The cost of studying in Singapore for Russians and not only

The cost of studying in Singapore for international students is higher than for local students. It also depends on the prestige of the educational institution and specialty.

The cost of education in kindergartens varies from $100 to $2,000 per year, in a public school - about $1,000 per year, and in an international school - $1,000-3,000 per month.

The tuition fee for undergraduate programs varies on average from $10,000 to $32,000 per year, for a master's program - $15,000-42,000 per year. A 4-week English course will cost applicants about $2,000. The cost of pre-university education is $ 7,000–17,000 per year.

Education for foreign students can be free. There is a fee subsidy system and grants for undergraduate and graduate programs. In addition, the student may be offered a job at one of the enterprises in Singapore by profession after graduation.

Table: the most popular educational institutions

the name of the institutionPeculiarities
Founded in 1980. Offers education at the following faculties: Humanities, social sciences, design, ecology, engineering, public service, medicine and dentistry, law. The university includes a music conservatory.
Founded in 1991. 23 thousand students from all over the world study here. The specialization of the university is engineering sciences.
Private university founded in 2000. Partially funded by the state. The university includes schools of business, economics and accounting, social sciences, information systems. Collaborates with the American Carnegie Mellon University.
Founded in 2006. Specialized in social, natural sciences Oh. There are programs of study in the arts.
Nanyang Polytechnic CollegeFounded in 1992. Offers education at the faculties of engineering, information technology, business and management, design, biology, medicine, chemistry. More than 12,000 students study here.

Photo Gallery: Popular Universities and Colleges in Singapore

SIM University offers programs of study in the field of arts, social and natural sciences Nanyang Polytechnic College specializes in preparing students of technical, engineering and scientific specialties Singapore Management University - the largest private university The main direction of Nanyang technological university- Engineering Sciences National University of Singapore - the oldest educational institution in the country

Basic requirements for foreigners when entering educational institutions

Each educational institution has its own list of entrance examinations, and SAT testing is often included in it. A prerequisite for admission for foreign applicants is the presence of a certificate or diploma of education (secondary, higher), a certificate of international testing for knowledge of English - IELTS or TOEFL (the minimum passing score is 6.0 or 550, respectively). In the absence of these certificates, you can study at one of the language schools in Singapore (training lasts 2-10 months), after which students are tested for admission to the university.

SAT - standardized testing for admission to universities. Developed and managed by the American non-governmental organization College Board. Includes tests in mathematics, text analysis and English grammar. Testing is carried out on a paid basis.

If the applicant has only a certificate of secondary education, to enter a university, you need to study at a Singapore school for 2 years (requirement public institutions), and then go through the Foundation program. For admission to the magistracy, a diploma of graduation from the university under the bachelor's program is required.

Scholarships and grants for international students

Every successful and gifted student can apply for a scholarship or education grant. Funding for training programs is carried out by the state, educational institutions and employers.

At the state level, support is provided by the Ministry of Education, with funding provided for various stages of education. The list of scholarship programs and grants is regularly updated on the website of the Ministry ( Only students enrolled in an educational institution can apply for a scholarship. Upon approval of the application, an additional agreement is signed, according to which the student is obliged to work in Singapore after graduation for several years. Grants from the Ministry of Education are sum of money, which will only partially cover training costs.

Almost all universities in Singapore have their own scholarship programs. Information is available on the websites of specific universities. Often, funding is allocated for students in highly specialized areas.

Large enterprises and corporations are also interested in highly qualified personnel, so they are ready to pay for the training of a future employee. To do this, the student signs an agreement with the company, according to which he needs to work for several years under a contract in this organization after studying.

Student Accommodation

Singapore students live in dormitories and in rented rooms (apartments). Not all educational institutions can provide students with a hostel. Accommodation in Singaporean families is also possible (information provided by the university).

Some Singapore universities provide students with a hostel

The cost of housing is affected by the infrastructure, the quality and novelty of interior decoration and furniture, the age of the house, proximity to the center. The price of renting a room or apartment on average varies from $200 to $1500 per month. Also included in the list of student expenses:

  • utility bills (~ 80$),
  • food (~400$),
  • public transport fare (~$100),
  • phone, internet (~50$),
  • books, stationery (~70$),
  • medical insurance ($20–300).

To rent out a property, landlords must have an HDB permit, which they must provide to a potential tenant prior to signing the contract. The contract must specify the terms of the lease, the rights and obligations of the parties.

Video: student life in Singapore

Obtaining a study visa

Citizens of Russia and CIS countries need a student visa to study in Singapore for more than 4 weeks. The process of its registration takes about a month.

The visa section of the Embassy of Singapore is required to provide documents notarized and translated into English:

  1. Passport.
  2. Photo 3cm×4cm.
  3. Certificate of Education.
  4. Final exam results.
  5. Birth certificate.
  6. Copies of passports of close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters).
  7. An extract from bank accounts confirming the possibility of living abroad and paying for tuition.
  8. Certificate from the place of work of parents indicating the position and average monthly earnings for the last six months.
  9. Letter of invitation from the university confirming the fact of enrollment.
  10. Proof of residence.

You also need to pay a visa fee of $25. If the decision is positive, you need to additionally apply for a 30-day Singapore tourist visa in order to undergo a medical examination during this time. educational institution, get a visa card and registration at the immigration department of Singapore.

Foreign students are required to study at the institutions indicated in the visa application. When changing the place of study, the visa is subject to cancellation and re-issuance. At the same time, the minimum number of teaching hours must be at least 15 hours per week, and attendance must be at least 90%. Student visa holders are not allowed to work in Singapore.

Courses while studying and job prospects

During the training, students can attend additional language courses. At the same time, they are not allowed to work during the entire period of study. In educational institutions in Singapore, attendance and academic performance are tightly controlled. If a foreign student misses a session and has an attendance rate below 90%, they are expelled and sent back to their home country.

The situation with the employment of foreign citizens is quite difficult. In 2012, local authorities began to monitor the number of working foreigners in Singapore. However, talented and gifted students have a chance to find a job after graduation. Graduates of educational institutions are allowed to stay in Singapore for some time after their graduation in order to receive a diploma and process related documents. If a graduate wants to stay in the country, he needs to find a job and get a work visa. The list of priority areas for employment is approved by the government. AT this moment such areas include manufacturing, construction, healthcare, finance, information technology, tourism, trade. Even if a graduate has not found a job, but has a priority specialty, he can stay in Singapore. An employer who wishes to hire a foreigner must obtain permission from the authorities.

Universities attracting a huge number of foreign students began to appear in Singapore only in the 20th century, most of them are considered very "young" by world standards. Nevertheless, today a high-quality education is given here, and graduates receive international standard diplomas.

Among the famous polytechnics of Singapore are:

Cost of study and living

To do this, you must provide to the consular department of the Singapore Embassy: a valid foreign passport, confirmation of an existing education, a birth certificate, 3x4 cm color photographs, a certificate of passing a language test, a bank account statement and other documents, full list which can be found on the website of the Singapore Embassy.

Pros and cons of studying in Singapore


  • relatively low cost of education
  • quality teaching in English
  • borrowing the best educational programs of universities in Europe and the USA
  • international recognition of diplomas
  • tolerance and individual approach to each student


  • young educational institutions that do not have an outstanding history and traditions
  • the need to undergo preliminary training for a period of 1 to 4 years before entering a university
  • strict, in comparison with Europe and America, orders that apply both to the way of life and to the learning process
  • unusual Asian culture, which left its mark on the field of education

Singapore's curriculum covers a wide range of subjects such as English, mother tongue, mathematics, science, humanities and moral education. The study of the native language is necessary in order to teach schoolchildren to understand the cultural heritage of their people. Training is conducted in English.

Every child in Singapore studies for at least 10 years, receiving general education. This includes six years of elementary school and four years of high school. In the education system of Singapore, the emphasis is on the development of the ability to read, count, speak two languages, on physical and moral education, the development of creative and independent thinking.

The bilingual policy requires every child to learn both English and their mother tongue. This allows children to master both English and their native language perfectly. Schools are also introducing computer programs. Education is heavily subsidized. Students pay low tuition at elementary, high school, and junior colleges, with the exception of private schools that set their own fees.

After numerous reforms, the educational system of Singapore is characterized by the following features: bilingualism; division into streams in accordance with the abilities of students; teaching in several languages; emphasis on the study of English, natural sciences and mathematics; strong technical education system; independent schools, autonomous schools and clustering system; decentralization of power and its delegation to directors; effective system of promotion and encouragement of teachers; teaching the moral values ​​and history of Singapore as part of the national education program; wide use information technology; an extensive restructuring program; education program for gifted children; teaching thinking skills; a strong funding program including the Edusave Foundation; many scholarships; the presence of a Special Assistance Plan and madrassas, due to the fact that Singapore is a multinational and multilingual state; The pursuit of excellence; ambitious plan to become the Boston of the East by attracting affiliates from ten major international universities; effective integration of educational policy and economic development; focus on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; equal treatment of all languages, communities and cultures; utilitarian philosophy of education; a clear vision of the results of education; awareness of the political significance of education; emphasis on the need for lifelong learning; development of a program for the training and retraining of workers; drawing a line between knowledge of facts and creative thinking; careful study and borrowing of the best features of progressive education systems; political will, careful planning and excellent leadership.

Distinctive features of the Singapore education system:

  • bilingualism
  • division into streams according to the abilities of students
  • teaching in several languages
  • emphasis on learning English, science and mathematics
  • strong technical education system
  • the presence of a large number of independent schools
  • teaching the moral values ​​and history of Singapore as part of the national education program
  • strong funding program including the Edusave Scholarship Fund
  • an ambitious plan to become the Boston of the East by attracting affiliates from ten major international universities
  • emphasis on the need for lifelong learning
  • borrowing the best features of the progressive education systems of various countries

Higher education in Singapore

University education in Singapore did not come to Singapore until 1905 with the founding of the Medical College. In 1929, Raffles College was founded, which had a liberal arts faculty and a exact sciences. Established in 1949, the University of Singapore included the College of Medicine and Raffles College.
Singapore now has three nationwide public universities:

  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Singapore Management University

Singapore's first private university, the Singapore Management University was founded in July 2000. Specializing in business and finance, the university admitted its first students in mid-2000 and issued its first diplomas in 2005.

Branches of Western (in particular, British) universities are very popular. The advantages are obvious - a significantly lower cost of education with the equivalence of the degrees awarded.