The degree of formalization of the procedure method of observation. Observation as a method of sociological research. Features of the observation

Observation is a purposeful and system-fuelled perception social phenomenon, whose features, properly classified and coded, are recorded by the researcher. The forms and methods of registration can be different: a form or an observation diary, a photo or movie camera, video equipment, etc.

Formalized, or standardized, observation provides for the detailed development of a program and methodological procedures:

  • definition of goals and objectives of monitoring;
  • definition of the problem, the object of observation;
  • determination of the studied characteristics and their indicators available for external observation and registration;
  • determination of the required number of observations from the set of possible ones (selective procedures);
  • development of registration documents for fixing the observed characteristics (observation cards, protocol forms, etc.);
  • instructions to observers on how to observe
  • methods of data processing and analysis. Formalization of the observation procedure is possible in those cases when the observer takes a side position when studying phenomena that are open to visual perception.

In industrial sociology, the method of observation is used to study the expenditure of working time, interactions between members of primary teams, production meetings, compliance with the labor regime, queues in canteens, communication between workers and representatives of the administration on reception days, etc.

The document for registering the observation is a detailed “Observation List”, which includes data on the place and time of observations: workshop No. .., site .., date .., number of workers .., number of observations .., shift .., purpose of observation .., bypass route... Next comes the table, the rows of which contain the names of the workers, and the columns include a list of observed characteristics.

Observation of a large audience is carried out by several persons who adhere to a single instruction. The preparation of an observation data recording protocol is preceded not only by the development of a general concept, but also by repeated non-standardized observations at different objects.

Record keeping in the field or simple unstructured and uninvolved observation can be done with code words or symbols that are entered in a notebook at the first opportunity, so that later the records can be deciphered. Sometimes when recording, a tape recorder is used, from which the text is decoded directly into a computer. Recordings can be made in the course of observation or at the end of the working day.

In structured observation, which involves strict recording techniques, protocol forms are used, spread out by observation points, with code designations for events and situations, supplementing indicator cards. The frequency and intensity of events in this case registered using ranking scales.

The reliability of the observation results is ensured by approbation of the developed tools (pilot), special education observers and control over the quality of their work.

Approbation of documents prepared for recording the results of observations consists in conducting trial observations and analyzing the records made, as well as the impressions of observers, registration difficulties, unclear terms, psychological obstacles, etc. In addition, a comparison is made of the results of observation by several observers of the same situation. An analysis of the reasons for the discrepancy between the results helps to identify miscalculations in the design of cards for registering observations, in the organization of observation.

According to the regularity
Systematic. It is characterized primarily by the regularity of fixing actions, situations, processes for a certain time; allows you to identify the dynamics of processes, and significantly increase the reliability of extrapolation of their development. The scope of systematic observation is quite wide - from search to pilot study psychological and pedagogical process or object.

Random. Observation of a previously unplanned phenomenon, activity, psychological and pedagogical situation. Random observation should be distinguished from random detection and fixation of facts in the situation of observation, and planned specifically for this activity.

By place of observation
Field. Conducted in a natural environment life situation, direct contact with the object under study. It can play the role of both the main method of collecting primary information and additional (preliminary acquaintance with the object, control of results, deepening of ideas about the object, collection of additional information).

Laboratory. The type of observation in which the conditions environment and the observed situation are determined by the teacher. Its main advantage is the maximum, in comparison with other types, the ability to identify all the factors of the situation and establish the relationship between them. The main disadvantage is the artificiality of the situation, which can cause a sharp change in the behavior of the participants. Such observation is most often used at the stage of testing psychological and pedagogical hypotheses and, as a rule, is reduced to fixing the changes that occur as a result of the influence of experimental factors. At laboratory observation all sorts of technical aids (cinema, photo, video equipment, PC, etc.) are especially widely used.

According to the degree of formalization
Controlled (structured). A type of observation in which it is determined in advance which of the elements (on which attention is focused) of the process or situation being studied have highest value for a teacher-psychologist, a special plan for recording observations is also formed to start collecting information. Most often, the task of controlled observation is to verify the results obtained by other methods, to refine them. It can also be used as the main method of collecting information for an accurate description and testing of hypotheses in solving psychological and pedagogical problems of a small scale. Its application requires a good preliminary knowledge of the subject of research, since in the process of developing an observation procedure, it is necessary to build a classification system for the phenomena that make up the observed situation and standardize the categories of observation.

Uncontrolled (unstructured). In this case, the observer does not determine in advance which elements of the process (situation) under study he will observe. He does not have a strict plan, only the immediate object of observation is predetermined. The observer finds out the psychological and pedagogical atmosphere in which a phenomenon or event takes place, the boundaries of the object and its main elements, determines which of these elements are most significant for study, and receives initial information about the interaction of these elements. The disadvantage of uncontrolled observation is the danger of the subjective attitude of the observer to the object, which can lead to a distortion of the result. It is here that the problem of "observation - inference" can manifest itself most clearly.

By the degree of participation of the observer in the study of the situation
Included. The type of observation in which the observer is directly involved in the process being studied, is in contact with the observed people and takes part in their activities. The degree of the observer's involvement in the situation under study can vary over a fairly wide range: from "passive" observation, which is close to non-included and similar to observation through glass, transparent only for the observer, to "active" observation, when the observer "merges" to such an extent with the object under study, that the observed begin to consider it a member of their team and treat it accordingly.

Participatory observation in any of its forms allows you to collect information that is not available to other methods. The researcher here opens up more significant for collective activity processes and phenomena. Since, with prolonged observation, the members of the group under study have time to get used to the observer, they return to their usual actions and behavior, to their usual rules and norms, in a word, to what is characteristic of them in natural conditions.

Not included. In non-included (external) observation, the researcher or his assistant is outside the object under study. They observe the ongoing processes from the outside, without interfering in their course, without asking any questions - they simply register the course of events.

Non-included observation is used to observe mass processes, when the observer, in order to see the entire course of the process, must be at a sufficient distance from the object of observation. It is used to describe the psychological and pedagogical environment in which an event of interest to the teacher takes place.

External observation can be carried out not only by the teacher himself, but also by specially trained observers. However, this is only possible if the procedure is sufficiently well developed and the reliability of the categories has been verified.

Purpose of the lecture: study the monitoring procedure.

Lecture plan:

1. Observation as a research method in social work.

2. Classification of observations.

3. Features of the observation.

1. Scientific knowledge as a way of reflecting reality invariably provides for the perception of the features of natural phenomena and spheres human activity. Broadly speaking, any method of empirical research contains elements of observation of objects in order to study their specificity and changes. The observation method is based on two principles:

- passivity of the subject of cognition, expressed in the refusal to interfere in the processes under study in order to preserve the naturalness of their course;

- immediacy of perception, which implies the limitation of the possibility of obtaining data within the visually represented situation of the present time (usually what is happening "here and now" is observed).

The understanding of "observation" as a method of research in different sciences is different.

So in sociology, “observation” is understood as a method of collecting primary sociological information about the social object under study by direct perception and direct registration of facts (events and conditions) that are significant from the point of view of the goals of the study.

In psychology, “observation” is understood as a method of studying the mental characteristics of individuals on the basis of fixing the manifestations of their behavior.

In philosophy, "observation" is a deliberate and purposeful perception, due to the task of activity.

In social work, “observation is understood as a method of collecting primary social information, as a method of purposeful, systematic, in a certain way planned perception of a fixed phenomenon, process, object.

Observation is addressed in various circumstances: Firstly, upon receipt of preliminary material to clarify the directions of the planned study. The observation carried out for such purposes expands the vision of the phenomenon under study, contributes to the identification of significant situations, the definition of " actors”, opens before the researcher previously unknown layers, “sections” of social reality. Secondly, the observation method is used to obtain illustrative data. Thirdly, observation acts as the main method of obtaining primary information.

The method of observation is effectively used in the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in work and socio-political life, in the sphere of leisure, in the study of the most diverse forms of communication between people.

Subject observations are verbal and non-verbal acts of behavior that take place in a particular situation or environment.

So, studying people, the researcher can observe:

1) speech activity (content, sequence, duration, frequency, direction, intensity ...);

2) expressive reactions (expressive movements of the face, body);

3) the position of bodies in space (displacement, immobility, distance, speed, direction of movement ..);

4) physical contacts (touches, pushes, punches, passes, joint efforts…).

At the same time, a lot depends on observation - the ability to notice the essential, characteristic, including subtle, properties of objects and phenomena.

2. Distinguish scientific and ordinary (everyday) observation. Scientific observation 1) is subject to a clear research goal and clearly formulated tasks; 2) observation is planned according to a predetermined procedure; 3) all observational data are recorded in protocols or diaries according to a certain system; 4) information obtained through observation should be controllable for validity and stability.

Ordinary observation cannot give complete and reliable information about the observed phenomenon, process, object. It is superficial and unorganized. The most important advantage of the method observation lies in the fact that it 1) is carried out simultaneously with the development of the studied phenomena, processes. 2) Opens up the possibility of directly perceiving the behavior of people in specific conditions and in real time. 3) A carefully prepared observation procedure ensures the fixation of all significant elements of the situation (thus creating the prerequisites for its objective study).

The disadvantages of the observation method are divided into two groups: objective (independent of the observer) and subjective (related to the personal, professional characteristics of the observer).

The objective shortcomings include: 1) Limited, fundamentally private nature of each observed situation; 2) the complexity, and often simply the impossibility of repeating observations (because social processes irreversible, they cannot be played again); 3) high labor intensity of the method (sometimes a large number of highly qualified people are involved in collecting information).

Diverse and subjective difficulties 1) The quality of primary information can be influenced by the difference in the social status of the observer and the observed, the dissimilarity of their interests, value orientations, behavioral stereotypes, etc. 2) The quality of information is also affected by the attitudes of the observed and the observer. (If the observed know what is the object of study, they can artificially change the nature of their actions, adjusting to what they think the observer would like to see. In turn, the presence of the observer in relation to the behavior of the observed can form a specific point of view on happening).

Observation in sociology is classified according to the following criteria: according to the degree of formalization of the procedure, according to the position of the observer, according to the conditions of organization, according to the regularity of the conduct.

1. According to the degree of formalization, observations are divided into structured (controlled) and unstructured (uncontrolled). Structured observation is carried out according to a predetermined plan. This type of observation can only be applied when the researcher is well acquainted with the subject of his study.

Unstructured observation is a kind of observation in which only the object of observation is defined. This type of observation is used at the initial stage of the study in order to determine problem situation, obtaining more specific knowledge about the object of study. The main disadvantage of uncontrolled observation is the possibility of a purely objective assessment of events and phenomena, the manifestation of the "I" of the researcher.

2. According to the position of the observer, observations are divided into included and non-enabled.

Included observation is a type of observation in which the sociologist is, to one degree or another, directly “included” in the object under study, is in direct contact with the observed and participates with them in the same field of activity.

Non-included surveillance- this is a type of observation in which the sociologist observes the object of research from the outside, without participating in the activities of the group, without entering into direct contacts with its members.

Such observations are most often used to characterize the social environment in which the object under study is located.

3. According to the place of conducting and the conditions for organizing the conduct of observations, they are divided into field and laboratory.

Field observation is carried out in a natural setting, in a real life situation.

Laboratory observation is an observation in which the object of study is in artificially created conditions. This type of observation is most often used in experimental studies. In laboratory observation, a sociologist can successfully use various kinds of technical means for fixing situations, behavior of observables, etc.

4. According to the regularity of the observation, they differ into systematic and random. characteristic feature systematic observations is the regularity of fixing actions, situations, processes within a certain time period. Systematic observation allows the sociologist to reveal the pattern of development of observed phenomena and processes.

At random observations, previously unplanned actions, situations, phenomena are studied.

3. Features of the observation:

In the method of observation, there is an approximate list of significant elements that are common to all observed situations. Based on them, the program and the scientific and organizational plan of observation are concretized. This list includes: a) observables - the number of people participating in the situation, the socio-demographic structure of the group, the nature of the relationship in it, the distribution of roles between the participants in the situation; b) environment - the location of the observed situation, typical social behavior for this place, possible deviations in the behavior of the participants in the observed group; c) the purpose of the group's activity - the observed situation is random or regular, the presence of certain formal or informal goals for which the group has gathered; compatible or opposite goals of various participants in the situation; d) social behavior - the nature of the activity of the observed group, incentives for activity, to whom (what) the activity is directed, the psychological atmosphere in the group; e) frequency and duration - time, duration and repeatability of the observed situation, its uniqueness or typicality.

Gorbatov D.S.

There are the following stages of scientific observation:

1. Determination of the purpose of observation (for what, why is it carried out?);

2. The choice of the object of research (what individual or what kind of group is to be studied?);

3. Clarification of the subject of research (which aspects of behavior reveal the content of the studied mental phenomena?);

4. Planning situations of observation (in what cases or under what conditions does the subject of research reveal itself most clearly?);

5. Selection of the method of observation that has the least effect on the object and provides the greatest collection of the necessary information (how to observe?);

6. Establishing the duration of the total research time and the number of observations (how many to observe?);

7. Choice of methods of registration of the studied material (how to keep records?);

8. Prediction of possible observation errors and search for ways to prevent them;

9. Implementation of a session of preliminary, trial observation, necessary to clarify the actions of the previous stages and identify organizational shortcomings;

10. Correction of the monitoring program;

11. Stage of observation.

12. Processing and interpretation of the received information.

The process of effective observation is impossible without artificial isolation of certain units of the object's activity from the general course of events. It means the designation of what he does in this moment how does it. Such units of activity are expressed using the usual words of scientific terminology. They are recorded in the protocol of observations. There are usually three types of results registration procedures:

1) The use of sign (sign) systems. At the same time, in advance, during the preparation of observation forms, specific types of behavior characteristic of this area are described. In the future, it is recorded which of them and how often appeared during the observation period. Each sign should be formulated unambiguously for understanding by different people and not require additional explanations, for example, what signs of students' interest in the content of the lesson can you name? What are the signs of their lack of interest in the material being studied?

Among the designations there should not be words like “attentive”, “interested”, “understanding”, etc., which need to specify the meaning. And such signs as "live gesticulation", "pencil chewing", etc. testify both to the intensity of interest and to the complete absence of the latter.

2) Application of the category system. Such a system contains a complete description of all kinds of possible behavior. It is impossible to add anything new to it in the course of observations. the set of categories is compiled on a certain scientific basis. It is assumed that it covers all theoretically possible manifestations of the process under study.

3) Rating scale. With this method of registering the results, the researcher's attention is drawn not to the presence of a particular feature, but to the quantitative or qualitative degree of its presence, representation, while the work is carried out according to a pre-prepared ordinal scale.

Typical mistakes of researchers using the observation method:

1 - in an effort to confirm his hypothesis, the researcher sometimes unconsciously ignores everything that may contradict it;

2 - mixing of the main and secondary, random and regular in the process of observations;

3 - premature generalizations and conclusions;

4 - an assessment of one mental phenomenon is made on the basis of a sign of behavior related to another phenomenon;

5 - focusing the observer's attention on opposite traits of character or forms of behavior of the observed;

6 - the determining influence on the results of observation of the first impression of a person or group;

7 - failure to take into account possible motives for actions, the well-being of observed, significant changes in the conditions of the situation.

Technical equipment: multimedia support.


1. Kulseeva T.G., Molchanova L.N. Sociological workshop. - Kursk, 2006.

2. Yadov V.A. Strategy of sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social reality. - M., 2000.

3. Fundamentals of applied sociology. Edited by F.E. Sheregi, M.K. Gorshkov. - M., 1996.

4. Grechikhin V.G. Lectures on methods and techniques of sociological research. - M., 1988.

2.1. Methods of formalized observation

This chapter discusses two types of observation: formalized and non-formalized. We will reveal in more detail the specifics of these types of observation and give specific methods for each of them.

A formalized methodology can be classified as one that in any of its parts has a limitation specified from the outside (by the researcher or compiler of the methodology). This restriction may concern the assessment of the severity of the observed facts (scores or a measure of severity in other forms are indicated). The set of observable features may be limited. In this case, the objects of observation are specified in the protocol or registration form, which must be seen and recorded their presence or absence. The term "formalized" can also be applied to situations in which observation is carried out. Here, restrictions are introduced in relation to time, space, type of activity, social circle, etc. Finally, the results of observation can be formalized if they are obtained on a representative sample and their scaling (level, normative, etc.) is carried out. In this case, it becomes possible to correlate the results of newly conducted observations with the existing scales.

The second condition for classifying the methodology as formalized is that the restriction introduced into the observation must be constant throughout the study. This condition may apply to the sample, to the objects of observation, to situations. For example, all subjects are observed according to a predetermined set of features (objects of observation).

Calling the methodology formalized, we want to emphasize that there are types of observation where the researcher is completely dependent on life realities, not limiting anything in them, but only fixing the changes that he observes.

Formalization of the entire monitoring program and statistical verification of the results obtained with the compilation of normative scales make it possible to create a standardized monitoring technique. An example is Stott's Observation Map. The scheme of observation presented in it consists of 16 symptom complexes, in accordance with which evaluation scales are given.

Methods of formalized observation significantly correct those shortcomings that are inherent in observation. There is a possibility of a clearer and more complete comparison of the results of various observations, it is excluded negative influence observer (his subjectivity), the unity of qualitative and quantitative analysis obtained facts, as well as established not only the facts, but also their causes.

Below are the observation methods created and tested by different authors. These methods can be classified as formalized.

List of observation techniques included in the book

1. The method of observing the behavior of the organizer of the discussion between children after watching a TV show, performance, etc. (compiled by N. Yu. Skorokhodova).

2. Methodology for monitoring the verbal influences of the teacher in the lesson (compiled by L. A. Regush).

3. Methods of expert assessment of non-verbal behavior of a person (compiled by V. A. Labunskaya).

4. Methodology for monitoring the manifestation of perseverance and perseverance in the process of a training session or competition (compiled by A. Ts. Puni).

5. Methods for monitoring emotional arousal (compiled by A. Ts. Puni).

6. Scheme of monitoring a child during a psychological examination (for children from 6 to 15 years old) (compiled by Sh. Gyurichov, P. Gusnikova).

7. Grading scale for measuring student reactivity (compiled by Ya. Strelyau).

8. Scheme for monitoring the manifestations of interest, attention of students in the lesson (compiled by A. V. Vikulov).

9. Methods of monitoring the process of solving problems by students (compiled by A. V. Orlova).

10. Map of Stott's observations.

11. Scheme for monitoring various aspects of the behavior of a small child (compiled by N. Bayley).

12. Methods for monitoring the manifestations of interpersonal inclinations of adolescents (compiled by A. G. Gretsov).

The method of observing the behavior of the organizer of the discussion between children after watching a TV show, performance, etc.

Age features of discussions in groups of schoolchildren / Comp. N. Yu. Skorokhodova. - Petrozavodsk, 1984. - S. 16-18.

Instruction. According to the proposed scheme, it is possible to conduct both observation and self-observation of the organization of the discussion. To do this, it is necessary to circle on the scale of points the value that, in the opinion of the observer, characterizes one or another side of the behavior of the organizer of the discussion.

It is very useful to compare self-assessment of behavior and expert assessments. Significant differences in assessments indicate the inability of the leader of the discussion to control and evaluate his behavior. Analysis of assessments will also help to detect defects in the conduct of the discussion and in the future to direct efforts to correct their behavior.

Methodology for monitoring the verbal influences of the teacher in the lesson

(Compiled by L. A. Regush)

Target: to characterize the verbal influences of the teacher in the lesson.

Instruction expert observer:

I. Preparation for attending a lesson (classes)

1. Clarify and understand the objectives of the examination of the teacher's communicative culture, as well as the purpose of observation.

2. Carefully study the observation scheme.

3. Recall or reacquaint yourself with the specifics of the observation method and its requirements.

4. Set yourself up for an objective fixation of the observed, excluding the influence of subjective attitudes on the teacher, the process and the result of observation.

5. Get acquainted with the glossary of terms that reveal the meaning of various types of verbal influences; if necessary, refer to additional literature.

II. Conducting surveillance

1. When getting to know the teacher whose lesson is being observed, and establishing contact with him, avoid formulating a specific goal of observation.

2. The fixation of the observed verbal influences is carried out according to the scheme (see the table, where column 4 contains words, appeals, statements that can be attributed to one or another type of influence; if there are difficulties in attributing certain statements to a certain type, you can use the glossary).

3. It is necessary to write down verbal influences that are not in the scheme, but are present in the teacher's speech. This material should be used in the analysis and debriefing.

Glossary of terms revealing the meaning of various types of verbal influences

Compiled by: Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1964.

Comment- a reprimand, an indication of an error.

Intonation- raising or lowering the voice during pronunciation; manner of pronunciation, reflecting the feelings of the speaker.

Instruction- a sequence of actions formulated in a word.

Irony- a subtle mockery, expressed in a hidden form.

Team- a short verbal order.

moralizing- teaching, suggestion of moral rules.

Notation- instruction, reprimand.

Encouragement- suggestion of cheerfulness, raising the mood.

censure- reprimand, condemnation.

promotion- what encourages: approval, reward, assistance, sympathy, arousing the desire to do well, better.

Request- an appeal calling to satisfy any needs, desires.

Disposition- 1. The same as the order. 2. Caring about the device, use, application of something.

Threat- intimidation, promise to do harm.

indication- instruction, explanation, indicating how to act.

Reproach- displeasure, disapproval or accusation expressed to someone.

Humor- a mildly mocking attitude towards something.

III. Processing the results of observation and formulating conclusions

2. Determine the ranking place of each type of impact and put down this data in column 6.

3. Correlate the ranking places of one or another type of influence that was observed by the teacher in the lesson with the data presented in columns 1 and 3.

Note. Column 1 shows the ranking places of verbal influences that are typical for teachers who have high level understanding of students.

Column 3 shows the ranking places of verbal influences for teachers with a low level of understanding of students.

The characteristic of the rank places of these types of influences was obtained in the study by S. V. Kondratieva (Kondratieva S.V. Psychological problems of people understanding each other // Psychology of interpersonal knowledge. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981).

4. Make a conclusion:

a) about the most typical for this teacher verbal influences on students, taking into account that 1–4 are high, 5–8 are medium, 9–12 are low ranking places of one or another type of influence;

b) whether these, the most characteristic types of influences of the teacher, testify to his understanding of students, given that one of the main indicators of a communicative culture is the understanding of the student.

5. If the processing does not allow you to definitely draw a conclusion about the most characteristic verbal influences of the teacher, then you need to turn to those types of influences that are not indicated in the diagram, but which you established and recorded during the observation, and use these data to resolve doubts.

Methodology for expert assessment of non-verbal behavior of a person

Emotional and cognitive characteristics of communication / Ed. V. A. Labunskaya. - Rostov-on-Don, 1990. - S. 150-153.

Instruction. You often communicate with ... and, of course, you know his (her) behavior and habits well. Please express your opinion about the features of his (her) non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior by answering the questions below. Evaluate how often certain behaviors are manifested ... in communication with you and other people.

Questions 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 17 relate to the general assessment of the non-verbal repertoire of a person in terms of its diversity, harmony, individualization, etc.

Questions 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20 characterize a person's ability to adequately understand the various components of a partner's non-verbal behavior.

Questions 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19 determine the ability to manage, to purposeful use of non-verbal means in communication.

Methodology for monitoring the manifestation of perseverance and perseverance in the process of a training session or competition

Practical classes in psychology / Ed. A. Ts. Puni. – M.: Physical Culture and sport, 1977. - S. 147-148.

Method of monitoring emotional arousal

Practical classes in psychology / Ed. A. Ts. Puni. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1977. – P. 120–121.

The scale for evaluating external signs of emotional arousal includes an assessment of behavior, attention, facial expressions, pantomime, movements, static postures, speech, autonomic shifts.


Indifference to everything. Sleepiness, yawning. Reduced reactivity…1

Behavior is no different. Efficiency. Consciousness is directed to the upcoming competitive activity (correct and rational execution of exercises, tactics, etc.) ... 2

There is anxiety, fussiness. Consciousness is directed to the possible end result (outcome) of the competition... 3

Frequent mood swings, irritability… 4

mime, pantomime

The face is frozen. The mouth is half open. Eyes half closed… 1

Facial expressions and pantomime do not differ from the usual ... 2

In facial expressions, some tension is manifested, slight movements of the lips. Slight gesticulation when talking ... 3

The facial expressions are tense, the jaws are compressed, the nodules on the cheeks, the lips are displaced to the side, the biting of the lips, the sharp movements of the head, the frequent blinking of the eyes, the unmotivated squinting of the eyes. Violent gestures ... 4


Movements are slow, sluggish… 1

Movements are calm, unified, soft, as usual ... 2

Some sharpness, impulsiveness of movements. There are no unnecessary movements ... 3

Movements are abrupt, disproportionate, accompanied by excessive efforts. Hand movements are sometimes accompanied by movements of the whole body ... 4

Static postures

Postures are uncomfortable, but not changing, frozen static positions ... 1

Poses are comfortable, relaxed, justified by the circumstances. Poses are comfortable, but there is a tendency to change them unjustifiably... 3

Postures are uncomfortable, their frequent change ... 4


Speech is slow, sluggish, inexpressive. Quiet voice… 1

Ordinary speech ... 2

Speech is faster, louder, or more expressive than usual... 3

Speech is frequent. Word endings are not pronounced clearly. Noticeable changes in voice intonation… 4

Vegetative shifts

Pulse and breathing are normal or slow. Paleness of the skin of the face. Slight malaise, feeling of lethargy, weakness. Muscles are more relaxed than ever, hard to tense them… 1

Pulse and respiration normal. The complexion is unchanged. Muscle tone normal ... 2

The pulse is somewhat quickened (by 5-10 beats per minute). Breathing faster than usual. Redness of the skin of the face. Muscle tone is normal or slightly increased ... 3

The pulse is greatly accelerated. Breathing is frequent, shallow. Increased sweating. Increased diuresis. Sharp redness of the skin of the face and body. Muscles tense… 4

Assessment protocol external manifestations emotional arousal

In each group of signs, the rating scale is based on the principle of increasing external manifestations of emotional arousal. A score of 2 points corresponds to the usual - background - emotional state, human in a calm environment; score 1 point - insufficient emotional arousal (prelaunch apathy); score 3 points - increased compared to the usual level of emotional arousal (for many athletes it is optimal, corresponding to the state of readiness); score 4 points - the state of pre-launch fever, when the external manifestations of emotions indicate their excessive intensity.

Scheme for monitoring a child during a psychological examination (for children from 6 to 15 years old)

Cherny V., Kollarik T. Compendium of psychodiagnostic methods. Bratislava, 1988. - T. 2. - S. 215-216.

When creating the observation scheme, the authors proceeded from the requirement to create a manual that would unify and simplify the observation system and conversations. The starting points were the analysis of the course of a conventional psychological examination, the choice psychological concepts and terms, familiarization with the scientific literature and schemes of a similar type. The scheme contains concepts related to certain manifestations of the child's behavior and characteristics. The task of the psychologist is to note the characteristics characteristic of the child.

The basis of the observation scheme is a form consisting of the following parts:

1) direct observation;

2) derived characteristics;

3) topics for conversation.

The first part of the form deals with data obtained during the observation process and contains the following characteristics of the child:

1. Somatotype, gait, face, facial expressions and pantomimics, skin, teeth, hygiene, cosmetics, clothing.

3. General mobility - speed, accuracy, focus, tension, impaired mobility.

4. Social behavior - establishing contact, changes in behavior during the survey, social skills and courtesy, qualitative indicators of social behavior (related to manifestations of dominance, aggression, submission and affiliation).

5. Mood - euphoria, carelessness, happiness, even mood, serious mood; mood variability under the influence of external factors.

6. Behavior in a situation of solving problems (test) - attitude to tasks, working skills, attentiveness.

7. Signs of neurotic tension - hand movements, grimaces, nail biting, sweating, hand trembling, etc.

The second part of the form contains a list of important personality traits. Here, based on all the data about the child, his personal characteristics. This part contains the categories: temperament, character traits, volitional properties and attitude to work, social reactivity, attitude towards adults, attitude towards oneself, family environment.

The third part contains topics for conversation: symptom, family, parents, apartment, family involvement, school, study (performance), teachers, classmates, home preparation, household chores, pastime, self-esteem, sleep, food, health status, fear, fear , load situations.

Grading scale to measure student reactivity

Shoot I. The role of temperament in mental development/ Per. from Polish. - M.: Progress, 1982. - S. 157-160.

To construct the rating scale, the observation scheme previously developed by the author was used. The scale used by M. Grodner and allowing to measure 12 types of behavior on a nine-point system was further modified and in the last version reduced to 10 different types of behavior in different situations, which are considered especially important for the diagnosis of reactivity. Each of these types is evaluated on a five-point system. Therefore, a student can get a maximum of 50 points, a minimum of 10. At the same time, the level of reactivity is the lower, the more points the subject receives. This is done to facilitate the perception of quantitative results. So, the number 50 indicates the minimum reactivity, 10 - the maximum.

We present the rating scale along with short instruction, allowing the reader to try to apply it for their own purposes.

Instruction. Determine the intensity of each of the named properties of the student's behavior on a five-point scale. Evaluation should be based on specific, observable forms and modes of behavior.

Number 1– the least intensity of this property (complete absence). For example, when evaluating such a property as the energy of the movements performed, we circle the number 1 if the observed movements of the student are completely devoid of energy.

Number 5- the highest intensity of this property (obvious possession of this property, for example, the student's movements are very energetic).

Number 3– average rating, means moderate intensity of this property.

Circle the selected number. After assessing all ten categories of behavior, which will require (depending on the possibilities and conditions of observation, the frequency of contact with the student) different time costs, summarize the results.

Scheme for monitoring the manifestations of interest, attention of students in the lesson

Vikulov A.V. Expressive movements of students and their psychological classification: Dis... cand. psychol. Sciences. - L., 1986. - S. 94.

Forehead area:

Convergence - drooping of the eyebrows;

Eyebrow lifting.

Eye area:

Increase - decrease in the palpebral fissure;

Lifting the upper eyelid, lowering the tone of the upper eyelid;

The nature of the gaze (visual axes intersect on the object itself or converge outside the object);

Direction of gaze (to the side, to the face, to the eyes);

Eye tension.

The area from the base of the nose to the chin:

Changes in the corners of the mouth (pulled-down);

mouth tone;

The size of the oral fissure (mouth closed, half-open, open).

Head area:

Facial orientation of the student to the subject (increase - decrease); in a fixed coordinate system: full, incomplete, no face facing;

Changes in the position of the head horizontally (left, right), vertically (raised, lowered);

Ways of fixing the head through support on the arm.

Neck area:

Change in the tone of the neck (associated with a change in the position of the head vertically and horizontally, with the presence or absence of supports).

Body area:

Changes in the position of the body in relation to the subject;

The inversion of the plane of the body to the object in a relative and fixed coordinate system (similar to facial inversion).

Hand area:

The tone of the left and right hands (clenched, splayed, involuntary contact with the desk, other objects);

Movements that are means of self-action, self-stimulation: auto-contacts of the hands, auto-contacts of the hand with other parts of the body.

Leg area:

Change in the tone of the legs;

Changing the position of the legs.

Statistically Significant Changes in the Expressive Movements of Schoolchildren's Attention

Stott Observation Map

Workbook of a school psychologist / Ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M .: Education, 1991. - S. 169.

Stott's Observation Map (KN) consists of 16 symptom-behavior complexes, symptom complexes (SC). The SCs are printed in the form of lists and numbered (I–XVI). In each SC, patterns of behavior have their own numbering. When filling out the CT, the presence of each of the behavior patterns indicated in it in the subject is marked with a "+" sign, and the absence - with a "-". These data are entered into a special table (see Table 1).

Having made a conclusion about the presence or absence of the next pattern of behavior, the filling TC enters the number of the pattern of behavior in the column of the corresponding SC and puts a “+” or “-” sign to the right of the number.

Behavior patterns have different informative specific gravity. Therefore, when translating the primary empirical indicators "+", "-" into raw estimates, 1 point is given for some patterns of behavior, and 2 points for others. To do this, use the table for converting primary empirical indicators into raw estimates (Table 2).

In each SC, points for behavior patterns are summed up. The sums of the raw scores for each SC are then converted into percentages. Percentage indicators indicate the severity of SC in the subject from the maximum possible severity. The recalculation of raw estimates into percentages is shown in Table. 3, which is built as follows:

1. All scores for each SC from Table 1 are summarized. 2.

2. Then each of the possible "raw" scores is divided by the maximum possible score and multiplied by 100%.

According to Stott, the numerical values ​​of the SC are significant, but indicative, so when interpreting them, they must be handled with care. The technique is not standardized for practical needs.

Using quantiles, numerical scales (from 0 to 100%) for each SC were divided into five intervals. The interval from 0 to 20% indicates that the quality is so weak that in fact we are dealing with a quality that is different from that inherent in this SC. So, a very weakly expressed SC V.HB can speak of the child's attempts to establish good relations with an adult, but accompanied by actions that are unpleasant for the adult.

The interval from 80 to 100% similarly shows that here the quality of the SC has outgrown itself and we are dealing with a different quality. For the correct interpretation of the extreme intervals, it is especially important to attract additional information.

Intervals from 20 to 40, from 40 to 60 and from 60 to 80%, respectively, indicate a noticeable severity, a strong severity, a very strong severity of the quality.

KN Stott is designed to study the characteristics of students who are maladjusted to the conditions of the school. The maladjusted include two types of students: the first - who themselves experience difficulties and create many difficulties for the environment (technical staff, teachers and other children), the so-called difficult ones; the second - for whom it is difficult at school, but they do not cause trouble to others.

The identified features (of external manifestations, patterns of behavior), called symptom complexes, are as follows:

I. ND - lack of trust in new things, people, situations.

SC positively correlates with Lichko's PDO sensitivity. Any achievement costs a child a lot of effort.

II. O - weakness (asthenia).

This is not about clinical and not even about subclinical forms of weakness of the state, but about manifestations of apathy, low mood, a kind of neurophysical exhaustion. In a milder form, energy drops alternate with manifestations of vigor and activity. SC speaks about the lack of energy resources of the child's body, and therefore, about his impossibility of manifestation of activity.

III. U - self-care.

Self-elimination. A protective attitude towards contacts with any people, rejection of the feeling of love shown to him.

IV. TV - anxiety for acceptance by adults and interest on their part.

Anxiety and uncertainty about whether adults are interested in him, whether they love him. The SC expresses the anxious hope, aspirations, attempts of the student to establish and maintain good relationships with adults.

v. HB - rejection of adults.

The manifestation of various forms of rejection of adults: from avoiding the teacher, suspicion of him to an uncontrollable habit of hostility.

VI. TD - anxiety for acceptance by children.

Anxiety and uncertainty about whether the children love him and whether he is of interest to them. SK TD expresses the same tendencies as SK TV, but in relation to peers.

VII. A is antisocial.

Lack of social normativity. This term does not mean manifestations of antisocial behavior, although with a strong severity (82% or more), this may occur. Weak severity of SC A (14% or less) may be in the case if moral relations the student is higher than the moral requirements imposed on him by the school (which, of course, is not necessary, but it occurs).

VIII. KD - conflict with children.

It should be noted that the weak expression of the SC of NV and KD may indicate attempts to establish or maintain good relations, but not in normal, but in erroneous ways. This may be a signal that the transition “from love to hate” has begun, when manifestations of the bad still alternate with manifestations of the good.

IX. N - restlessness or restlessness.

Impatience, inability to work that requires perseverance, concentration, reflection, avoidance of long-term efforts.

x. EN - emotional stress or emotional immaturity.

lagging sign emotional development leading in school conditions to emotional overstrain (stress). It manifests itself in infantilism of speech, in anxiety, a tendency to tears, etc.

XI. NS - neurotic symptoms.

They include signs of neurosis: predominantly obsessive compulsive disorder - frequent blinking, biting nails, sucking fingers, etc .; partly anxiety neurosis - "you can't get a word out of him," he speaks randomly.

SK associated with constitution and type nervous system- O, N, EN, NS, and partly ND and U, - are important for understanding the personality of the student.

XII. S is Wednesday.

It contains several external signs - signals that the child is growing up in a dysfunctional environment, first of all, this concerns the family circle.

XIII. UR - mental development.

Ascertains the level of backlog in studies and grade general impression, produced by the level of mental development of the child ("just stupid").

XIV. SR - sexual development.

Fixes the teacher's overall rating the pace and direction of sexual development.

XV. B - diseases.

Contains external signs, by which it is possible to determine the disease in a child, but, of course, does not allow an accurate diagnosis.

XVI. F - physical defects.

Draws attention to the abnormal physique, poor eyesight and hearing.

In order for the interpretation of the numerical expression to be adequate, it is necessary: ​​1) to analyze not only the final expression of the SC, but also the marked patterns of behavior; 2) to attract additional data about the student that needs to be obtained from the teacher in a conversation or from a characteristic compiled by the teacher.

Table 1

An example of filling out an observation map

Note: The 1st final grade shows the sum of the raw grades (points); The 2nd final score shows the severity of MC from the maximum possible (%).

table 2

Key to convert to points

Table 3

Converting raw points to percentages

Observation map

I. ND - lack of trust in new people, things, situations. This leads to the fact that any success costs the child huge efforts. From 1 to 11 - less obvious symptoms; from 12 to 17 - symptoms of a clear violation.

1. Talks to the teacher only when he is alone with him.

2. Cries when he is reprimanded.

3. Never offers anyone any help, but willingly provides it if asked.

4. The child is “subordinate” (agrees to “non-winning” roles, for example, during the game, he runs after the ball, while others calmly look at it).

5. Too anxious to be naughty.

6. Lies out of fear.

7. Likes to be sympathized, but does not ask for it.

8. Never brings flowers or other gifts to the teacher, although his comrades often do.

9. Never brings or shows the teacher the things he found, although his comrades often do this.

10. Has only one good friend and tends to ignore the rest of the boys and girls in the class.

11. Says hello to the teacher only when he pays attention to him. Wants to be noticed.

12. Does not approach the teacher on his own initiative.

13. Too shy to ask for something (like help).

14. Easily becomes "nervous", cries, blushes, if he is asked a question.

15. Easily eliminated from active participation in the game.

16. He speaks inexpressively, mutters, especially when he is greeted.

II. O - weakness (asthenia). In a milder form (symptoms 1–6), various kinds of activity drops and mood changes are observed from time to time. The presence of symptoms 7 and 8 indicates a tendency to irritation and physiological exhaustion. Symptoms 9-20 reflect more acute forms of depression. Syndrome O points are usually accompanied by severe TB and HB syndromes (see IV and V), especially in extreme forms of depression. In all likelihood, they do represent elements of depressive exhaustion.

1. During the answer in the lesson, sometimes he is diligent, sometimes he does not care about anything.

2. Depending on the state of health, either asks for help in completing school assignments, or not.

3. Behaves differently. Diligence in academic work changes almost daily.

4. In games, sometimes active, sometimes apathetic.

5. In his free time, he sometimes shows a complete lack of interest in anything.

6. Performing manual work, sometimes very diligent, sometimes not.

7. Impatient, loses interest in work as it gets done.

8. Angry, "flies into a rage."

9. Can work alone, but gets tired quickly.

10. There is not enough physical strength for manual work.

11. Sluggish, lack of initiative (in class).

12. Apathetic, passive, inattentive.

13. Sudden and sharp drops in energy are often observed.

14. Movements are slow.

15. Too lethargic to get upset about anything (and therefore doesn't turn to anyone for help).

16. Look "dull" and indifferent.

17. Always lazy and apathetic in games.

18. Often daydreams.

19. Speaks inexpressively, mumbles.

20. Causes pity (oppressed, unhappy), rarely laughs.

III. U - self-care. Avoidance of contact with people, self-elimination. A protective attitude towards any contact with people, rejection of the feeling of love shown to him.

1. Absolutely never greets anyone.

2. Does not respond to greetings.

3. Does not show friendliness and goodwill towards other people.

4. Avoids talking ("withdrawn").

5. Dreaming and doing something else instead of schoolwork("lives in another world").

6. Shows absolutely no interest in manual work.

7. Shows no interest in group games.

8. Avoids other people.

9. Keeps away from adults even when hurt or suspected of something.

10. Completely isolated from other children (impossible to approach him).

11. Gives the impression of not noticing other people at all.

12. In a conversation, he is restless, strays from the topic of conversation.

13. Behaves like a wary animal.

IV. TV - anxiety in relation to adults. Anxiety and uncertainty about whether adults are interested in him, whether they love him. Symptoms 1-6 - the child tries to make sure that adults "accept" and love him. Symptoms 7-10 - tries to attract attention and exaggeratedly seeks the love of an adult. Symptoms 11-16 - Shows great concern about whether adults "accept" him.

1. Very willingly fulfills his duties.

2. Shows excessive desire to greet the teacher.

3. Too talkative (annoying with his chatter).

4. Very willing to bring flowers and other gifts to the teacher.

5. Very often brings and shows the teacher the objects, drawings, etc. found by him.

6. Overly friendly towards the teacher.

7. Exaggeratedly talks to the teacher about his activities in the family.

8. "Sucks up", trying to please the teacher.

9. Always finds an excuse to take the teacher with his special.

10. Constantly needs help and control from the teacher.

11. Achieves the sympathy of the teacher, comes to him with various petty matters and complaints about his comrades.

12. Tries to "monopolize" the teacher (occupy him exclusively with his own person).

13. Tells fantastic, fictional stories.

14. Wants to interest adults in his special, but does not make any efforts in this direction.

15. Excessively anxious to interest adults and gain their sympathy.

16. Completely "eliminated" if his efforts are not crowned with success.

v. HB - rejection of adults. Symptoms 1-4 - the child shows various forms of rejection of adults, which may be the beginning of hostility or depression. Symptoms 5-9 - either treats adults with hostility, or tries to achieve their good attitude. Symptoms 10-17 - open hostility, manifested in antisocial behavior. Symptoms 18-24 - complete, uncontrollable, habitual hostility.

1. Changeable in mood.

2. Exceptionally impatient, except when in a good mood.

3. Shows perseverance and perseverance in manual work.

4. Often in a bad mood.

5. When the mood is right, he offers his help or services.

6. When he asks a teacher for something, he is sometimes very cordial, sometimes indifferent.

7. Sometimes strives, and sometimes avoids to greet the teacher.

8. In response to a greeting, may express anger or suspicion.

9. At times friendly, at times in a bad mood.

10. Very changeable in behavior. Sometimes it seems like it's doing a bad job on purpose.

11. Damages public and private property (in houses, gardens, public transport).

12. Vulgar language, stories, poems, drawings.

13. Unpleasant, especially when defending himself against the accusations against him.

14. Mutters under his breath when he is dissatisfied with something.

15. Negatively refers to comments.

16. Lies at times without any reason and without difficulty.

17. Once or twice was seen stealing money, sweets, valuable items.

18. Always claims something and believes that he is unfairly punished.

19. "Wild" look, looking askance.

20. Very disobedient, does not observe discipline.

21. Aggressive (shouts, threatens, uses force).

22. He is most willing to be friends with the so-called suspicious types.

23. Often steals money, sweets, valuable items.

24. Behaves indecently.

VI. TD - anxiety in relation to children. Anxiety of the child for acceptance by other children. At times it takes the form of open hostility. All symptoms are equally important.

1. "Plays the hero," especially when he gets reprimanded.

2. Cannot resist "playing" in front of others.

3. Tends to "pretend to be a fool."

4. Too bold (risks unnecessarily).

5. Cares to always be in agreement with the majority. Imposed on others; they are easy to manage.

6. Likes to be the center of attention.

7. Plays exclusively (or almost exclusively) with older children.

8. Tries to occupy a responsible position, but fears that he will not be able to cope with it.

9. Shows off to other children.

10. Playing around (making a fool out of himself).

11. Behaves noisily when the teacher is not in the classroom.

12. Dress provocatively (trousers, hairstyle - boys; exaggeration in clothes, cosmetics - girls).

13. Passionately spoils public property.

14. Wacky antics in a peer group.

15. Imitates the hooligan tricks of others.

VII. A - lack of social normativity (asociality). Uncertainty in the approval of adults, which is expressed in various forms of negativism. Symptoms 1-5 - lack of effort to please adults, indifference and lack of interest in good relations with them. Symptoms 5-9 in older children may indicate some degree of independence. Symptoms 10-16 - lack of moral scrupulousness in small things. 16 - the child believes that adults are unfriendly, interfere in his affairs, without having the right to do so.

1. Not interested in learning.

2. Works at school when he is "stands over" or when he is forced to work.

3. Works outside of school only when supervised or forced to work.

4. Not shy, but shows indifference when answering teacher's questions.

5. Not shy but never asks for help.

6. Never volunteer for any work.

7. Not interested in the approval or disapproval of adults.

8. Minimizes contact with the teacher, but communicates normally with other people.

9. Avoids the teacher but talks to other people.

10. Copy homework.

11. Takes other people's books without permission.

12. Selfish, loves intrigue, spoils other children's games.

13. In games with other children, he shows cunning and dishonesty.

14. "Dishonest player" (plays only for personal gain, cheats in games).

15. Cannot look directly into the eyes of another.

16. Secretive and distrustful.

VIII. CD - conflict with children(from jealous rivalry to open hostility).

1. Interferes with other children in games, makes fun of them, likes to scare them.

2. At times he is very unfriendly towards those children who do not belong to his close circle of friends.

3. Annoys other children, sticks to them.

4. Quarrels, offends other children.

5. Tries to create certain difficulties with other children with his remarks.

6. Hides or destroys items belonging to other children.

7. Is predominantly on bad terms with other children.

8. Sticks to weaker children.

9. Other children do not like him or even tolerate him.

10. Fights inappropriately (bites, scratches, etc.).

IX. N - restlessness. Restlessness, impatience, inability to work that requires perseverance, concentration and reflection. Tendency to short-term and easy efforts. Avoiding long-term efforts.

1. Very messy.

2. Refuses contact with other children in a way that is very unpleasant for them.

3. Easily reconciles with failures in manual labor.

4. In games, he does not control himself at all.

5. Not punctual, not diligent. Often forgets or loses pencils, books, and other items.

6. Uneven, irresponsible in manual labor.

7. Not diligent in schoolwork.

8. Too restless to work alone.

9. In class, cannot be attentive or focus on anything for a long time.

10. Doesn't know what to do with himself. Nothing can stop at least for a relatively long time.

11. Too restless to remember remarks or instructions from adults.

x. EN - emotional stress. Symptoms 1-5 indicate emotional immaturity, 6-7 - serious fears, 8-10 - absenteeism and lack of punctuality.

1. Plays with toys that are too childish for his age.

2. Loves games but quickly loses interest in them.

3. Too infantile in speech.

4. Too immature to listen and follow directions.

5. Plays exclusively (predominantly) with younger children.

6. Too anxious to decide on anything.

7. Other children pester him (he is a scapegoat).

8. He is often suspected of skipping classes, although in fact he tried to do it once or twice.

9. Often late.

10. Leaves individual lessons.

11. Disorganized, loose, unassembled.

12. Behaves in a group (class) like an outsider, an outcast.

XI. NS - neurotic symptoms. Their severity may depend on the age of the child, they may also be the consequences of a pre-existing violation.

1. Stutters, stammers, "it's hard to get a word out of him."

2. Talks randomly.

3. Frequent blinking.

4. Moves his arms aimlessly. Various tics.

5. Bites nails.

6. Walks bouncing.

7. Thumb sucking (over 10 years old).

XII. C - unfavorable environmental conditions.

1. Often absent from school.

2. Not going to school for several days.

3. Parents deliberately lie to justify their child's absence from school.

4. Forced to stay at home to help parents.

5. Sloppy, dirty.

6. Looks like he's eating very poorly.

7. Much uglier than other children.

XIII. UR - mental development.

1. Far behind in school.

2. "Stupid" for his age.

4. Huge deficiencies in knowledge of elementary mathematics.

5. Doesn't understand mathematics at all.

6. Other children treat him like a fool.

7. Simply stupid.

XIV. SR - sexual development.

1. Very early development, sensitivity to the opposite sex.

2. Delays in sexual development.

3. Shows perverted tendencies.

XV. B - diseases and organic disorders.

1. Wrong breathing.

2. Frequent colds.

3. Frequent bleeding from the nose.

4. Breathe through the mouth.

5. Tendency to ear diseases.

6. Tendency to skin diseases.

7. Complains of frequent stomach pains and nausea.

8. Frequent headaches.

9. Tendency to become excessively pale or blush.

10. Painful, reddened eyelids.

11. Very cold hands.

12. Strabismus.

13. Poor coordination of movements.

14. Unnatural postures.

XVI. F - physical defects.

1. Poor eyesight.

2. Weak hearing.

3. Too short.

4. Excessive completeness.

5. Other abnormal body features.

According to V. A. Murzenko, the maladaptation coefficient of the main part of the sample ranges from 6 to 25 points, in 20.8% of the sample the maladaptation coefficient exceeds 25 points, which, in the author’s opinion, indicates a significant severity of violations of the mechanisms of personal adaptation - such children are already on the verge of clinical disorders and need special assistance, up to the intervention of a psychoneurologist. With regard to 5.5% of students, we can speak more about situational reactions than about stable personality deviations.

An analysis of the structures of filled CIs showed that a typical structure is one in which a dominant syndrome is distinguished, sometimes a group of syndromes. The following distribution frequencies of dominant syndromes have been identified:

V. Hostility towards adults - 34.4%.

VII. Lack of social normativity - 22.2%.

III. Self-care - 12.5%.

II. Depression - 11.1%.

VIII. Hostility towards children - 11.1%.

I. Lack of trust in new people, things, situations - 8.3%.

Methodology for monitoring the process of solving problems by students

Regush L. A., Orlova A. V. Laboratory workshop on pedagogical psychology. - St. Petersburg: Education, 1993. - P. 18.

The process of solving problems can be considered as a subject of observation of the manifestation of the psychological characteristics of students: their thinking, memory, attention, emotions, will, and peculiarities of learning motivation. Such observation takes place in natural conditions for the student, it is not limited by time frames and can be carried out on various mathematical content.

To make observation of problem solving a really effective method of studying the psychological characteristics of students, you need to do the following.

1. Determine the psychological subject of observation (for example, cognitive interest, emotional manifestations, attention span, etc.).

2. Formulate the purpose of observation (for example, give a comparative description of the manifestations of cognitive interest in solving mathematical and linguistic problems).

3. Develop an observation program and methods for fixing facts, it is especially important to determine the units of observation, that is, those features of student behavior that can be seen and that characterize the selected psychological object.

4. Select the lines of analysis of the obtained material.

As a result of observation, organized taking into account the above requirements, it is possible to move from an external description of the student's behavior to the construction of a hypothesis that explains the internal psychological essence of what is happening, and to its subsequent verification.

The quality of the conclusions will depend primarily on the thoroughness of the monitoring program. It must take into account a wide range of mental manifestations, which will allow the observer to give an appropriate interpretation of what he saw.

In addition, you need to plan the time of observations, since they must be multiple - five or more observations. It is necessary that each of them be held at the same time of the day, preferably on the same day of the week.

Speaking about the specifics of the methods of psychological research of problem solving, L. L. Gurova in her book “ Psychological analysis problem solving” (Voronezh, 1976) notes that for the deployment, objectification of the mental activity of the subject solving the problem, two ways are possible: either intervention in the solution process from the outside, or comparison of the real course of the solution with the objective-logical program for solving the same problem.

Intervention in the solution of the problem in the form of prompts and hindrances, stimulating and destructive influences, or with the help of provocative questions and the student's reaction to it can become valuable. additional material in the observation of this or that psychological phenomenon.

As for comparing the real and optimal course of solving the problem, this is very easy to do when solving well-known experimental problems such as the problem with the Szekely candle or the “Tower of Hanoi” problem (see: Workshop on General and experimental psychology/ Ed. A. A. Krylova. L., 1987). In order to make such a comparison for an arbitrary problem, it is necessary to structure its most rational solution step by step, and also to analyze which cognitive processes and to what extent can be involved in deciding which psychological features has the content of the task (for example, an appeal to spatial representations, the possibility of constructing a large number of hypotheses, the need to transfer the solution method to a new situation, etc.).

The following task is proposed for the observation: “Before you is a square divided into 25 cells. Each column (top) and each row (left) are indexed from 1 to 5. In each of the 25 cells of the square, you can put a number equal to the product of the row and column indices. For a cell in the upper left corner of the square, this product will be: 4 x 2 = 8. It is necessary to select 5 cells in the square so that the sum of their products is a given number (in this example, 39).

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Chapter 2 Observation Techniques

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Surveillance Master I read it like an open book. Well, we publish books! Wanda Blonskaya In order to determine whether a man suits you, you need to decide for yourself what kind of man you want to see next to you. It is foolish to dream of a handsome prince who

From the book Conversations with a Son [A Handbook for Caring Fathers] author Kashkarov Andrey Petrovich

12.7. Oddities, observations? When you say hello first, sometimes the elders (mostly grandmothers prevail) pretend that they don’t hear and “go on their own”. Therefore, on occasion, one familiar grandmother, almost a mother-in-law, said: the first with strangers - do not greet. And I can't unlearn

From the book Integral Relations author Uchik Martin

Observations and Questions and Answers It may now be obvious to you that the world of any person is a complex mosaic of subjective perceptions, unconscious conditioning, and objective facts that is constantly changing (and the only constant thing is change).