Strength of the spirit and its strengthening. Fighting spirit and fortitude. How to raise morale and not lose heart? #1 Take action without feeling sorry for yourself

Many forces and energies are known. In science, it is customary to talk about gravity, electromagnetic and nuclear interaction. They can be measured and fixed with instruments. Often used in everyday life physical strength, which is also easy to measure or feel. Even a strong character can be compared with different people. But there is one concept that scientists cannot measure or analyze. Even now it remains a mystery what strength of mind is. What is its nature? Why is it needed at all? How can this quality be developed? Let's try to answer these questions.

What is fortitude

Fortitude is a state of consciousness in which a person becomes free from everyday problems, rising above the daily routine. Do not confuse it with either, although they are related. Fortitude refers to a higher, mental component of behavior. She appears in response to. Very often people associate this concept with. The latter means the desire to overcome obstacles. The strength of the spirit arises when a person stops chasing mundane goods.

Let's illustrate this with the following example.. Let's say a young warrior decides to become a professional fighter. He travels the world in search of opportunities to test himself. Agrees to fight with the most dangerous opponents. This demonstrates unbending will and determination. He creates obstacles for himself and rejoices at the opportunity to overcome them. Gradually he gets tired of it. He understands that there are many other, even more important moments around and begins to develop spiritually. Insolence is replaced by fortitude, which does not at all mean a lack of courage. On the contrary, it gives courage to rise above the routine.

Will and fortitude have a different vector of movement. The first comes out, changing the world. The second is aimed at a person, changing his attitude to this world.

In the context of what has been said, it is appropriate to update what a spirit is. Unlike the physical world, this sphere is in a completely different plane. Supporters of esoteric teachings and religion claim that there is a "subtle" energy that cannot be captured by known devices. This energy provides a connection between a person and the Creator, being strengthened through the development of the strength of the spirit. Just as people train their muscles, improve various skills and strong-willed qualities, it is also possible to strengthen the spirit of a person. But these exercises will be different from the usual workouts. The most basic difference is that spiritual strength is not depleted by exercise, like muscles. It's impossible to overtrain her. Every activity is beneficial. The more of them, the better.

Why develop fortitude

Spiritual practices and teachings affirm the presence of non-material entities that interact with a person. Some help him, others, on the contrary, try to harm him. The strength of the spirit is needed to contact the first and block the action of the second.

A spiritually rich person is able to project into a mental request, which will quickly get to his Guardian Angel, and will have more chances for implementation. Also, the strength of the spirit helps to fight energy vampires, the evil eye, damage, etc. The deeper and the development of a person's spirituality, the less he is subject to negative influence from outside. The strength of the spirit serves as an energy immunity that protects against evil. These reasons prove the need to develop this quality.

How to develop fortitude

The cultivation of the strength of the spirit includes various exercises, by performing which one can achieve enlightenment. Some of them are associated with specific physical training, while others are aimed solely at fortitude, and outwardly may look like inactivity. But the effectiveness of these methods is impressive:

  • Control of internal energies;
  • positive thinking;
  • Physical and breathing exercises;
  • spiritual literature;
  • Meditative techniques;
  • good deeds;
  • The ability to forgive.

Let's consider these methods separately.

Control of internal energies

Various energies are constantly circulating in the human body. Some provide its connection with space, others appear as a result of the work of internal organs, or rather, individual cells. Each of them has small energy stations - mitochondria, which provide our vital activity. It cannot be said that the strength of the spirit depends on them. But the ability to control and direct one's own is precisely what ensures the development of this quality. If a person learns not to waste his internal resources on the negative and harmful, but devotes them to more lofty goals, then the person’s spirit will become stronger, and his effectiveness in life will noticeably increase.

One of the first energies to learn to control is sexual. The famous American writer Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich" noted that for success it is necessary to subordinate your sexual energy guiding her in a creative direction.

positive thinking

The feedback principle is one of the most powerful in this world. A person receives a result equivalent to his thoughts and actions. Evil is rewarded with evil, good is rewarded with good. The human spirit is strengthened if actions and thoughts are aimed at its development. attracts appropriate situations. Of course, sometimes negative events also occur, but the stronger the fortitude, the easier it is to deal with them. An important rule that everyone needs to adopt is to always think about the good.

Physical and breathing exercises

Even the ancients noticed that "a healthy mind in a healthy body." This is not surprising, because the body is the vessel of the soul. Strengthening his body, a person increases the strength of the spirit. Not in vain, after all, a number of theological schools supplemented the training of their followers with physical activity. First of all, it is appropriate to recall the Shaolin monks. In parallel with spiritual development, they improved their bodies, showing real miracles of physical and combat training.

But unlike most sports sections, the Shaolin monks practiced not only the development of muscles. An important part of their training is also breathing exercises, since a person who has mastered his breathing is able to control almost everything. physiological functions organism. One of the clearest examples of this practice is the qigong technique, which came to us from Chinese culture.

spiritual literature

Comprehension of the spiritual world requires the same knowledge as the study of the surrounding reality. Reading special books helps to quickly tune in to perception, to understand what actions need to be done on the path of one's spiritual development.

The choice of some leans in favor of the Holy Scriptures of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), while others profess lesser known directions, up to local cults. In any case, reading such literature increases the strength of the spirit, helping to connect to a certain information flow who will continue to support them.

Meditative Techniques

Unlike the usual research work, this practice is directed "inward" and is based on deepening into one's own. Proponents are sure that the human mind contains all the answers he needs, for which there is no need to rush somewhere. It is enough to take a comfortable position, for a while to abandon the outside world.

In the case of regular practice, it is possible to enter a special altered state of consciousness, when a person clears his thoughts and completely relaxes his muscles (relaxation). A calm train of thought helps to take a different look at familiar things, move away from everyday fuss, thereby strengthening the strength of the spirit.

One of the varieties of meditation is concentration on, when a person monotonously repeats a certain sound or phrase, literally putting himself into a trance state. Other methods are known, including focusing on the heartbeat or breathing.

good deeds

It's hard to come up with best rule than doing good deeds. When similar becomes fundamental in the process, the strength of the spirit increases to unprecedented heights. If a person strives to do good and help his neighbor, his connection with light forces strengthened. This does not mean that it is impossible to act by "undemocratic" methods. Even a show of strength can be appropriate when standing up for the weak and stopping injustice. Kindness must also be with fists, only to use them only in cases where it is impossible to do otherwise. In general, help can consist of a variety of actions, from alms to those in need, to participation in a volunteer organization. Concern for the welfare of mankind is called philanthropy. Such people, strengthening the strength of mind, also occupy a worthy place in society.

The ability to forgive

is one of the main reasons why spiritual power can weaken. Resentful people, first of all, destroy themselves. This is true both mentally and physiologically. cause the release of stress hormones, which gradually destroy the body. To protect yourself from their negative influence, you just need to learn to forgive. This same technique helps to strengthen the strength of the spirit. You should let go of all the insults and disappointments of the past. The saying that the hatchet should be buried with the enemy is nothing more than humor. Very often, they offend not out of malice, but simply because they don’t know how to do otherwise. Such people should rather be pitied than angry with them and hold a grudge. Sometimes, having learned to forgive, a person is surprised to find that he has no enemies either.

The strength of the spirit is necessary for everyone, since with its development a person improves himself. This helps to become better not only for him, but also to transform the surrounding reality. Spiritually rich people block the way to evil in this world, regardless of what they do: they actively promote goodness, or retire in the mountains and meditate.

Author's preface to the second edition

Dear readers!

I have to warn you!

Recently, dozens of different books have been published under my name: the Norbekov system is the same, and the Norbekov system is different, and expanded, and supplemented, and improved, and accelerated, and God knows what else!

A few years ago, somewhere in the fringes, a book on the treatment of diabetes was published, which I DID NOT WRITE, but my name is on the cover. Do you already understand what I'm talking about? I have a whole library of such works at home.

Recently, another such book has been published with the subtitle "The Complete Norbekov System". It's beautifully crafted and draws attention to itself. But to make it clear to you, let me explain.

What I am trying to convey to you does not really belong to me. It does not and cannot belong to anyone alone. This knowledge passed to me from the Mentors, and to them from their Mentors. And so from century to century, from millennium to millennium. In the depths, at the very foundation of this system, lies ancient knowledge, containing such subtleties that not everyone can comprehend!

I will not go into details now, but I will say one thing: to become a master, a student has to train for forty years! Can you imagine?!

And before being directed to this thorny path, he is taught for three years how to be a student. Then they cook for twelve years, and only after that does the real study begin. The mentor transfers knowledge bit by bit to the student.

The summer of 2002 marked thirty years of my apprenticeship.

What do I want to say?

On the one hand, I myself have not finished my studies yet. On the other hand, I did not pass on even a tenth of the knowledge that I had already mastered to my students. Moreover, it has not yet been transferred to paper! Where then, please tell me, can a FULL COURSE appear?! O full course I haven't even started talking yet. I'm preparing and preparing and preparing for this because this is my life's work.

I am grateful to the people who write on my behalf about the system and thus about me. But I want to say: I myself would write COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY!

They generally write quite differently! And I would not like to take on other people's merits. It will be better if you make an opinion about me according to my own labors. You will recognize my real books right away, from the first page.

If you are a man, you will first feel a firm friendly handshake, if you are a lady, then the touch of my lips on your hand ... and only then will you get a cuff on the head or a slap on the ass. It is these strange feelings of yours that will mean that I wrote this book myself.

“Get back your health and youth. A practical guide for men and women” is my first miserable experience of writing a book in Russian.

It was followed by a revised and expanded edition - “The Road to Youth and Health. A practical guide for men and women. The revision was made without my consent, and the book turned out to be dead.

And here is “The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment. How to get rid of glasses ”- my first beloved child, my first tender, bright and pure love.

Shaking with fear so as not to offend you with my "attacks", I nevertheless let her go the way my soul told me. This is where my essence came in. This book is my business card and your main reference point for the future! And a whole series of books is planned for the near future, in each of which I have something to say.

The book you now hold in your hands was written “based on” my first books. It's a textbook, more like Toolkit for those who are ready to say goodbye to their ailments, who have truly decided to work on themselves, who want to find out what the strength of their spirit is capable of. Your feedback and accumulated work experience have forced me to make some additions and changes to this edition. I hope this book will be of use to you.

There is a saying: “He who does not know how to work, he teaches. Whoever knows neither one nor the other, writes a book. Well, what should I do if, unfortunately, I can work?!

With all my heart,

Mirzakarim Norbekov


The practical work and creative research of the author allow us to speak of him as a healer and world-class scientist, because his work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) to return to a full life, gaining health, youth and vivacity of spirit.

The author himself at one time suffered from a severe kidney disease, but he not only found a way to cope with his illness, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently defeat any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The only difference is that the mythical titan taught people how to use the fire stolen from heaven, and Mirzakarim Norbekov shows a person the amazing properties of the "flame" of the soul, which is in everyone. The name of this “flame” is fortitude, spirit.

“Well, again you are talking about high matters, and I, for example, have hemorrhoids! – some skeptic may say. “Spirit is an intangible substance, and my hemorrhoids are real.”

Don't jump to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read this book carefully and you will understand that you can cure your hemorrhoids yourself.

Is it worth talking about such smallness when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Norbekov's self-healing system? There are no candles, no oxygen bags, no other means, but magical changes take place in the patient's condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak!

The first step towards this was the book "Lessons of Norbekov".

This book takes you further down the amazing path of self-discovery. You will continue to get acquainted with the principles of the Norbekov system, you will find practical instructions for improving vision, hearing, training emotions and much more, and women will be able to master the technique of non-contact gynecological auto-massage, which helps to solve many, many problems, as well as restoring the fullness of sensory perception.

All the exercises offered in this book are easy to perform and accessible to women, children, and people. middle age, and even those who have already recorded themselves as old people. Taken together, they resemble the graceful steps of a dance that brings youth and health to the performer.

However, everyone who has tried his hand at choreography knows that in dance you can’t confuse movements or go astray, otherwise at best you will become a laughingstock for others, at worst you will fall.

If you have set foot on the path of self-healing according to this system, you should always remember this and strictly adhere to the established training rules.

Health system of M.S. Norbekov harmoniously combines the physical and spiritual principles. Maybe that's why it gives fantastic results. So there will be no mistake if you choose Mirzakarim Norbekov as your mentor.

We wish you success.

Keys to the system of self-healing

Dear readers!

Chronic diseases most often occur in those who initially recorded themselves as losers. Think it over and try to accept the following with all your heart, soul and mind.

You are now being given the keys to both the entire system of self-healing as a whole, and to each of its exercises separately. Read this section carefully and always refer back to it as needed before you begin.

It was written in order not to precede each exercise of the system with similar instructions, otherwise the thin book that you hold in your hands would turn into a plump volume, and, unfortunately, not very many people like to read here.

Usually people do not really trust the lengthy reasoning and truths that seem to them to be commonplace. I never trusted them either. As a result, six intense years of hard training were for me, one might say, in vain.

For six whole years I wandered through the wilds of my own stupidity, which was based on the opinion that I myself know and understand everything very well!

Once upon a time, when I was still quite a young man, I sat, like you, in front of my Mentor, and he spoke, spoke, spoke. About the fact that everyone needs to believe in their own strength, that it is necessary to strive for success, that always and especially during training, you need to be in a joyful mood, if it does not come by itself, then you have to learn how to call it.

In general, then it seemed to me that the Mentor was talking nonsense, hanging noodles on my ears, and I sat and thought: “When will this tedium end, when will we finally do what I came here for?”

After all, I was already an old-timer in the kidney department of the city hospital, where two or three times a week I was given artificial blood purification. Without it, death.

First, the kidneys fail, then the heart and liver begin to fail, then the whole body collapses. These are the prospects that awaited me, this is what I was so eager to get rid of at that moment.

Classes have begun. In order not to offend the Mentor, I tried to create some kind of mood in myself. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I didn't. The mentor was patient, and I still cured my kidneys with his help, but I still had a problem that men don’t talk about out loud.

Having healed the kidneys, I began to read specialized literature, building his own concept of self-healing, and even began to transfer grains of his knowledge to others. But my problem did not go anywhere, despite the hard training that I did not quit.

Every day I started with a ten-kilometer run, returning, I plunged into the hole, lived (in winter) in an unheated room with a temperature below zero. I mastered yoga and slept on a board studded with nails. Training took 6-8 hours a day.

As a result, I became a silver medalist in the first USSR championship in karate, as well as a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. But my impotence remained with me. Six years of hard work did nothing. Why? 'Cause I was just building muscle, uh my spirit not only didn’t help me during the lessons, but also worked against me.

At first I started to study with great enthusiasm, but after a month or two I was overcome by doubts. A year or two later, they were replaced by frenzy and anger at the injustice of fate, which transformed into despondency. And I continued to pull the usual strap. My persistence turned against me. In other words, it strengthened my weakness, so to speak.

Doubt is our main, almost the only enemy. Start exercising with thoughts: “What if it doesn’t help? The day has passed, but where is the result? And that's it, you're setting yourself up for failure.

One day my guide asked me:

- Why do not you get married?

27 years in the East is already maturity. I had to explain.

“Brainless donkey,” the Mentor told me, “you have been treating other people for so many years and you cannot figure out the cause of your own troubles. Why didn't you tell me everything right away?

Yes, it is easier for any man to hang himself than to admit it!

The teacher took over again. He thoroughly “shaken up” my spirit, made me believe in myself. Then I realized that doing the same exercise, you can:

a) benefit

b) achieve nothing

c) hurt yourself.

It all depends on how you are determined to win and strive for the goal.

When I returned home, I announced to everyone that I was getting married. Nine months later my first son was born, a year later another. After that, I opened a small school for men with potency problems. Until now, letters come to me from all over the world.

And now, warning your numerous questions, dear men, I can tell you with all responsibility: start with the health system that is offered to you. Several million people have already passed through it, many of whom have regained their health, found the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood, achieved success in business, established relationships with themselves and the world around them. And you can do it.

It is the human spirit that is the main driving force behind physical and spiritual recovery, achieving goals and victories in everything.

Train the spirit, because only what is trained develops, and start doing it right now.

Illustration to what has been said

“People suffer not from what is happening, but from their attitude to what is happening.”

You can paraphrase this saying of Montaigne as follows: your victory in a situation does not depend on the circumstances of which this situation develops, but on your attitude towards them.

At one time I happened to be a karate coach. In my group there was a young man who had brilliant data and studied with great zeal. He, one might say, day and night in the gym. But he had a problem - fear.

Fearless people do not exist. Fear, as a self-preservation instinct, allows us to see danger and move away from it. However, it is bad when he begins to control us, takes possession of our psyche.

This is exactly what happened to my brilliant fighter. Fear robbed him of his self-confidence. He mastered the fighting technique impeccably and did not miss a single blow in training, and in a contact fight he was a coward and lost to almost everyone.

But it is not the technique that wins in battle, but the spirit.

Once a man came to visit me, who was the winner of the championship Central Asia in martial arts. I asked him to hold demonstration fights with my guys, but I warned that one of my guys surpasses him in all respects. What's wrong with him, they say, even such a master should keep his eyes open.

In other words, I planted a spark of self-doubt in the soul of the champion. And he said to the guys:

- One arrogant person who considers himself an invincible fighter asked for it. He wants to warm up and beat the dust out of you, but I know that any of you can handle him with one left. Even you! - and pointed to the newcomer, who still practically did not know how to move. And then, as if in passing, he turned to the cowardly youth:

- You are our most technical, intimidate the upstart, drive him a little around the hall.

The meeting took place. And what do you think? My "coward" had a great fight and defeated the champion. When he learned the name of the master he met at the dojo, he felt sick.

The lesson was not in vain. In the early nineties in Hiroshima at the Asian Olympics, my "coward" won first place among martial arts masters. I, as a coach, am proud of his success to this day.

The conclusion is, I hope, clear. You can become a winner in everything only by defeating yourself. Never forget about it.

Chapter 1 Health as a lifestyle

The purpose and meaning of self-healing training

The components that make up the self-healing process.

The image of health and youth, its significance and role in the practice of self-healing.

Why are we sick? Because we live, focusing on false attitudes. For example, since childhood we have been accustomed to consider the postulate “a healthy mind in a healthy body” as an axiom, despite the fact that it is fundamentally wrong.

Many young and physically healthy people refute this postulate by their behavior. They are immoderate in search of pleasure, unbridled in passions, drink, smoke, take drugs. In a word, they, without hesitation, do everything to weaken and prematurely age their body. Does such behavior indicate high spiritual health?

Not! Spiritually defective can also be considered the person who does not give a damn about his body, considering it as something secondary, but the body is the temple of the soul. It is no coincidence that in the East a sick person is considered a criminal.

Doctors ancient East identified many causes leading to the development of the disease. Among the external ones - wind, cold, heat, dryness, wrong way of life - overwork and idleness, malnutrition, bad habits.

Among the internal - excessive emotional experiences, both positive and negative.

The health of the body is ensured by the health of the spirit, and not vice versa. The human body from birth is provided with an eight to tenfold safety margin.

If you are overcome by illness, do not panic and, most importantly, do not sit back. Find the strength in yourself to reconsider your attitude to life, replenish your protective resource.

The system of self-healing, which will be discussed below, has proven its effectiveness in practice. Its elements are simple and accessible. Any person, having looked at the list of exercises, will say: I can do this, and this, and that, and even this one ...

Everything is so: each of the exercises is really up to each of us. Why, one wonders, not every one of us becomes healthy if taken with all perseverance, but mechanically work out the proposed exercises of the system? Here is the answer: mechanical training without meaning and purpose leads nowhere.

For example, consider a person who is learning to swim.

Feeling a strong bottom under his feet, he easily performs movements that can keep him afloat, but, once in a deep place, he drowns. What is the matter here?

In the absence of the ability to cope with the situation, in the wrong attitude towards it. Such a person:

Panically afraid of drowning (emotionally tuned to defeat);

He sees nothing, does not hear (is not able to correctly assess his position);

Blisters, chokes (cannot breathe);

Flounders at random (does not know how to coordinate movements);

Gets tired quickly (not strong physically);

Does not imagine himself swimming (has not formed his own image of a swimmer in his soul).

Conversely, a person who can swim:

Not afraid of water;

He sees the waves, the shore, other swimmers, hears the splash of oars, the rumble of boats, the noise

a waterfall (i.e., able to objectively assess the situation);

Breathe correctly;

Dimensional in movements;

Does not get tired (knows how to save energy);

Feels like a swimmer.

The last point is the most important of those listed, because it collects the effectiveness of all the others into a single whole.

The image of a swimmer, supported by an ardent desire to freely and confidently cut through the water surface, helps the one who learns to swim to put together the skills acquired in training and get the result.

Depending on how vividly this image is created and how strong the desire to swim is, a person acquires the ability to either cross the Hellespont or splash lightly in calm water, holding onto the walls of the pool. Here everyone is free to choose what he likes.

The patient, caught up in the whirlpool of illness, has no choice. He needs to cope with his illness himself and in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to shake yourself up physically and spiritually, tune in to the Image of health and youth, which will really help you regain both youth and health within 30–40 days.

Is it possible? After all, miracles do not happen. This wellness system says yes with absolute certainty. This can be confirmed by thousands and thousands of people who have overcome their ailments that were considered incurable.

They, without resorting to drugs and any other aids, managed to gain youth and health on their own.

The system helped many people get rid of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, acoustic neuritis, optic neuritis, benign neoplasms (especially gynecological ones, such as cysts and fibroids) and many others. others

What is the secret of these incredible, magical, fabulous metamorphoses? In the magnificent properties of our body, given to us by generous Nature.

From birth, our body was endowed with self-healing and bioprotection mechanisms, but they were put to sleep by the way modern life devoid of physical and spiritual dynamics. In order to awaken them, we need to return to the original (similar to an infant) state of active comprehension of the world (as if to be born again).

However, no one is born twice. What is left for us? What remains is to artificially show the will and desire to recover, to “stir up” oneself, to awaken inner strength and with the help of specially selected exercises, restore mobility to the joints, the spine, and by training emotions, cleanse the soul of “slags”, restoring its childish serenity.

In addition, we have to do training figurative thinking in order to gain the opportunity to contactlessly massage your internal organs and joints with the help of mental concentration of sensations of heat (T), tingling (P) and cold (X).

Such a massage, improving blood circulation and activating the nerve endings in the most remote corners of our body, will eliminate interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, thoroughly clean them and set them up for overhaul, activate the work of the endocrine glands, improve the nutrition of the joints and spine. It will smooth the skin, restoring its elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and scars, giving the order for the rejuvenation of the whole organism. The result will not be slow to tell.

Working on yourself according to this system will improve your eyesight, sharpen your hearing, increase male potency, and help a woman cope with gynecological diseases, open up and increase her sensuality.

Yes, yes, dear readers, you are absolutely right. This book gives you a wand, an Aladdin's lamp, a seven-color flower, or some other item that can work wonders.

This "object" imbued with the wisdom of millennia, whatever you call it, promises each of you the fastest and most effective help, its effectiveness is similar to the effectiveness of mythological living water.

Almost all students who have completed a full-time course of study unanimously declare this. The same is evidenced by the numerous letters of correspondence students who independently practiced this health-improving system and completely healed themselves.

The source of these “miracles” is within each of us, and magic will become a reality only if your desire to become young and healthy is sincere and ardent, if all your aspirations are directed towards the goal, and if your whole being is permeated with the light of the Image of Youth and health, which you yourself call from the depths of your soul.

This Image, each person has his own, like a drawing on the fingertips, it is made up of your wonderful memories and feelings.

No one can do this work for you, I can only suggest which direction to move and how to act, i.e. tell what it should be - your personal unique Image of Health and why it is needed.

Actually, we have already talked about why the Image of health and youth is needed. Any machine will quickly become unusable if it does not work in a certain operating mode, any computer needs a certain program to perform its functions well.

Man is not a machine or a computer, but a very complex living being, in which the physical, intellectual and spiritual principles are organically combined.

Intelligence is also called consciousness, reason. The spiritual principle refers to the emotional and moral manifestations of a person, they form a substance called the "soul".

Create inner harmony The image of health and youth will help. It is consonant with all the bright moments of our life that inspire us. Each of us is familiar with this feeling, and each of us has its own unique pattern.

For one, the image of youth can be associated with a walk through a blooming spring garden, for another - with a delightful dance at a graduation ball, for a third - with climbing shining mountain peaks, for a fourth - something else ...

When you start searching for your ideal, tune into a wave of joyful expectation and always imagine yourself the way you would like to be. Young, fit, beautiful - and whatever you do, do it with love for yourself and the world around you.

Create your Image of Health, and “impose” it on yourself so that you feel a “response” in your body. Remember also the sensations in the soul - light, freedom, purity, peace and harmony.

Yes, we live in a stressful world all the time. Stressful situations do their job, clogging our soul with resentment, irritation, anger.

Improper nutrition slagging the body; false attitudes poison our minds, lead us astray. We get fat, we sit in front of TVs, we lose physical mobility, we stop reading.

Figurative thinking is gradually becoming dull, our spirit withers, consciousness ceases to control the body. It is not surprising that ailments and diseases at this moment begin to overwhelm us.

To get rid of them, first of all, you should learn to imagine your only unique ideal Image of youth and health and constantly merge with it. Then the healing process will become like an avalanche and all the exercises of the system will give a fantastic result: youth and health will return to you.

It is very important to create your specific and clear image of health. This image should be 24 hours a day. Here is the story of a girl who had diabetes.

“I didn’t always feel good, so I wasn’t allowed much. When all the children were swimming and splashing in the water, I sat on the shore, looked at them and felt too weak for such games, too heavy.

I imagined walking along the beach and leaving very deep footprints in the sand. My feet seem to get stuck in the sand, and I can hardly lift them, they are so heavy. I even closed my eyes to rest...

And once I imagined that my legs were getting lighter and lighter, I wanted to run so much, and for this you need light legs ... I tried to imagine myself as light as a feather, and imagined that my footprints were getting smaller, smaller, and I running faster and faster... like the wind, along with everyone...

Every day when I was on the beach, I imagined that this was actually the case.

After a few days I felt better; then I began to play and run a little, like everyone else, and kept imagining how light my legs were and that they hardly left footprints in the sand. I have always imagined myself healthy and light.”

The story of this girl is like a beautiful fairy tale. However, she recovered.

"Grow a green tree in your heart, and one day a songbird will build a nest there," says a Chinese proverb.

The green tree is the essence, the image of health, which we will diligently and painstakingly form in our souls, and the bird of unfading youth will not be slow to settle in its crown.

In the second chapter, we will talk about the training of emotions, about the correction of mood and the formation of imaginative thinking, which help to create a cherished image, as well as the role of forgiveness and the practice of self-immersion, which can evoke in the soul an Image of youth and health that will open the doors to a new full life for you.

Ecology of health: In general, the whole complex has a therapeutic effect on the whole body. The exercises are quite simple and easy to remember...

The complex was created by Zhong Yuanming, a specialist in traditional Chinese medicine, in collaboration with Dr. Zhou Shouxiang, a specialist in modern European medicine.

When developing the complex, Dr. Zhong and Zhou relied on the knowledge and practical experience of an outstanding connoisseur of traditional Chinese health systems and martial art Wang Ziping (1881 - 1973). The complex was developed on the basis of such traditional systems of psychophysical exercises as "The Games of the Five Animals" ("Wu qin xi"), "Eight segments of brocade" ("Baduan-jin"), "Treatise on the change of muscles and tendons" ("I-jin -ching").

The complex "18 ways to train the body and spirit" is aimed at activating the tendon-muscle meridians, building physiologically correct positions of the joints and spine by gently stretching and twisting certain areas of the body.

The complex is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the neck, back, shoulders, chest, legs and other limbs, as well as diseases of internal organs. Each exercise or individual movement is directed to a certain part of the body, affecting every joint, and in general, the whole complex has a therapeutic effect on the whole body.

All exercises are quite simple and easy to remember, although the variety of movements and postures is great and covers all parts of the body, contributing to its harmonious development.

Complex suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, having problems with joints, the spine, as well as athletes as a warm-up or to recover from injuries.

Some guidelines:

  1. The tension of the ligaments should be soft.
  2. Try to find the pulsation of the body - first stretch the ligaments, and then relax and return to the starting position.
  3. Perform the complex easily and relaxed, all movements are warm-up in nature.
  4. Strictly follow the requirements for the position of the body, the quality of the complex and the expected effect depend on it.

Description of the complex

1. Turning the head

Starting position

The feet are parallel on the outside, the knees are slightly bent, the hips roll the weight onto the yunquan, the lower back is tucked up, the back is stretched, the chest is drawn in, the chin is lowered, the top of the head is “suspended”, the tongue rests on the sky. Put your hands on your belt so that they are in the same plane - "put a shield." The gaze is in front of you.


As you inhale, turn your head to the left, stretching the right side of your neck. Exhale - return to the starting position.

Repeat the same on the other side.

While inhaling, tilt your head back, stretching your throat vertically upwards, and stretching the muscles of the front of the neck. Exhale - return to the starting position.

Tilt your head forward, stretching the back of your head up, and stretch the back of your neck - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.


For the correct execution of this exercise and obtaining the maximum effect, it is very important to meet the requirements for the position of the head and neck, the turns are performed around the axis that passes through the bai-hui point.

Pick up the chin towards you, pull the back of the head back, the top of the head up, this position will help stretch the neck muscles in the most correct position, remove the clamps on the side of the neck.

While pulling up, stretch the front of the neck, pull the chin up, pull the throat in a straight line.

When performing forward bends, stretch the back of your head up and the top of your head forward, stretching the cervical vertebrae in the longitudinal direction.


Muscles and ligaments of the neck, cervical spine.

The miraculous du-mai meridian passes through the neck, as well as the yang muscle-tendon meridians of the arms and legs, so this exercise helps to open these meridians, as well as to pass through the Yu-zhen gate.

2. Stretching the bow

Starting position

Raise your hands at the level of the chin, connect the tips of the thumbs and forefingers, look into the space between the fingers.


As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, fists clench, and stretch the collarbones, like a bow from elbow to elbow, look at the left fist. Exhale - relax and return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement, look at the other hand.


In position 2, the shoulders are parallel to the ground, the arm is bent at the elbow under 90 0, do not reduce the shoulder blades. The clenching of the fists is soft, not coarse tension, and the filling is a sensation.


This exercise stretches the muscle-tendon meridians of the heart and small intestine, opens the shoulder joints, relieves tension in the shoulders and chest.

3. Tearing off the veil of heaven

Starting position

Raise your hands up, clench your fists, holding the position without tension. The gaze is in front of you.


On inspiration, the fists are unclenched into the palm, we raise our hands up, imagining that we are raising a large load above ourselves, looking at the left palm. Clench your hands into fists and lower to the starting position, while applying a tearing force down - exhale. Repeat the movement, look at the right palm.


The requirements for the position of the hands and the impact are similar to the previous exercise.

4. Greeting the sun

Starting position


Inhale - raise straight arms up, while the back does not bend, the tips of the index and thumb touch each other, look at the back of the hands. Exhale - lower even arms through the sides, turning the hands outward, look at the left palm, when you feel that the extended arms cannot go further, relax your arms and return to the starting position. Repeat while looking at your right hand.


We do not reduce the shoulder blades, the arms are even, we stretch the fingers, we turn the palms outward as much as possible.


Improving the mobility of the shoulder joints, we stretch the muscle-tendon meridians of the pericardium and the triple heater.

5. Palm-wing

Starting position

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the hips.


Inhale - touching the thighs with the thumb and forefinger, bend the elbows, pulling the palms to the armpits, look at the left elbow, relaxing the shoulders, throw the arms forward, the gaze slides over the left hand. At the moment of opening the palms, we move on to exhalation and with an exhalation we lower our hands down. Repeat while looking at your right hand.


During the movement of the arms, the position of the back and shoulders does not change, the movements are soft, relaxed.


Soft pumping of the muscle-tendon meridians of the hands.

6. Iron palm

Starting position


While inhaling, raise your left hand up, and pull the fingers of the palm towards you, resting the base of the palm up, look at the left palm. At the same time, the right hand is retracted behind the back, accompanying the left palm with a glance, return to its original position - exhale. Repeat on the other side.


The arm is straight, the body is in the post position.


Increased mobility of the shoulder joints, stretching of the muscle-tendon meridians of the lungs and colon.

7. Tilts to the sides

Starting position

Feet shoulder width apart, hands along the hips.


Inhale - interlace your fingers and raise your hands above your head, turn your hands palms up. As you exhale, make two tilts to the left, stretching side surface torso on the right. Return to position 1 - inhale, lower your arms along the body - exhale. Repeat on the other side.


Avoid leaning forward, backward, or twisting at the waist. Stretch your ribs, flex your thoracic spine. Hands are straight.


Stretching the trunk, we normalize the work of the triple heater, stomach, pancreas and gallbladder.

8. Pushing palm

Starting position

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands gather into fists at the waist.


Bring the left palm forward, fully straighten the arm at the elbow, turn the body to the right so that the palm, left shoulder and right shoulder are in line, look back - inhale. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.


The base of the left palm, the left and right shoulder are located on the same line, the back does not bend, the crown is suspended.


The exercise is aimed at the thoracic spine and the Chia-chi gate. The muscle-tendon meridians of the lungs and large intestine are stretched.

9. Open your arms and bend over

Starting position

Bring your hands inward and connect your thumb and forefinger, looking straight ahead.


Inhale - raise straight arms up, while the back does not bend, the tips of the index and thumb touch each other, look at the back of the hands. Exhale - lower straight arms through the sides to shoulder level, turning the hands outward, look at the left palm.

opening chest, lean forward, fingers stretch to the sides, back straight - inhale. As you exhale, lower your arms down, straighten up and take the starting position.


The arms are straight, the shoulder joints do not twist back. During the tilt, the back is straight, the legs are bent at the knees.


The exercise works out the longitudinal muscles of the back, chest, shoulders, back of the legs. Muscle-tendon meridians of the bladder, triple warmer, pericardium and lungs and colon in the second part of the exercise.

10. Hip rotation

Starting position

Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.


Slowly, rotate your hips, working out the hip joints, while making sure that the position of the head remains unchanged.


Rotations are uniform, soft.


Emancipation of the hip joints, sacrum, lower back.

11. Stretch the palm into gongbu

Starting position

Place your legs wider than your shoulders so that they form an equilateral triangle, hands on your belt.


On the heel, turn the left foot outward under 90 0, transfer the weight to the left leg, turn the right foot on the toe under 45 0 inward, take the position of the left gunbu. At the same time, stretch your right arm forward and up, forming one line between your right arm and right leg - inhale.

As you exhale, return to the starting position.


The body stays upright left hand and the right leg is fully extended.


Working out the front of the thigh, calf muscle, lower back. The Yang foot muscle-tendon meridians (stomach, gallbladder, bladder) are stretched.

12. Forward bends

Starting position

Feet together, hands along the hips, look at the horizon.


Weave your fingers in front of you, turning your palms outward, raise your hands up, while not bending your back, look at the back of your palms - inhale.

Gently lean forward, keeping a straight line between the spine and arms for as long as possible, then the palms touch the feet or the ground, and return to the starting position - exhale.


The arms are straight, we straighten the legs completely, we keep the line between the body and the arms for as long as possible, and only at the end we relax the shoulders.


Thoracic spine, shoulder blades, longitudinal muscles of the back, back of the legs. We stretch the muscle-tendon meridians of the hands and bladder.

13. Rotation of the knees

Starting position


Perform gentle knee rotations.


The knees and feet are relaxed, the feet do not tear off the floor.


Relieve stress and work out the knees, hip and ankle joints.

14. Sit in a pub, open your hips

Starting position

See exercise 11.


Transfer 70% of the weight to the left leg, and, holding the left knee along the foot, turn the body to the right, pulling the inner surface of the left thigh, look to the right - inhale.

On exhalation, return to the starting position.


The body is in a pillar position, the lower back is tucked up, the weight ratio is 70/30, the supporting knee is directed along the foot.


Inner thighs, knees, feet. We stretch the muscle-tendon meridian of the kidneys.

15. Sit down and bend over

Starting position

Feet together, hands along the hips.


Take a breath. As you exhale, sit down and put your hands on your knees, continuing to exhale, place your palms on your feet one on top of the other, and pressing your palms down, straighten your legs, look at your palms. While inhaling, return to the starting position.


Squat as deep as possible, do not tear your heels off the floor, unbend your legs completely, keep your back straight.


We stretch the calf muscles, relax the feet and the inner surface of the thigh, in the second part of the exercise we stretch the back of the legs and lower back.

16. Reach out to mabu

Starting position

Put your feet wider than your shoulders, bend slightly and touch your left knee with your fingertips, look at your palms.


Sit down in the mabu, the right palm does not come off the knee, turn the body to the left, the left hand performs exercise 6 - “Iron palm”, while the back does not bend - inhale. As you exhale, the left hand drops to the right knee, the legs straighten. Repeat on the other side.


While pulling the left hand up, the fingers of the right hand must touch the knee, or, in extreme cases, the thigh of the left leg. By changing the height of the rack, you adjust the depth of the exercise. Do not bend your back, spread your knees to the sides.


Stretching the inner surface of the thigh, shoulders, ribs, strengthening the knee joints. Opening of the musculotendinous meridians of the kidneys, bladder, gallbladder, lungs and colon.

17. Low step

Starting position

Sit on the right leg, the left foot fits freely on the toe, put your hands behind your back.


Place your left foot in front of you on your heel, leaving the weight on your right foot. Smoothly without jerking, transfer the weight to the left leg, pull the right foot to the left.

Repeat on the other side.


Body in the post position, keep the height of the step unchanged, pull the leg up only after complete release of the weight. Do the exercises slowly and continuously.


A gentle effect on the joints of the legs helps to relax the feet and develop balance.

18. Bring knee to chest

Starting position

Feet together, hands along the hips.


Step forward with your right foot, at the same time the arms rise up to shoulder level - inhale. As you exhale, lift the knee of your left leg, clasp it with your palms, press your knee to your chest and hold it in the extreme position. Next, release your knee, step back with your left foot, hands rise forward and up, transfer your weight to your left foot, spread your arms to the sides. Then pull your leg towards you, lower your arms down and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.


The step is soft and steady


We stretch the front of the thigh, tear off the chest - the first part of the exercise. In the second part of the exercise, we relax the ligaments of the inner part of the hip joint and stretch the ligaments of the back of the hip joint. Muscle-tendon meridians of the liver, spleen, bladder, lungs and colon.

What is the strength of the spirit people learn when they face difficulties. Some give up, fears arise, others seem to have a second wind and resources to overcome, and a person becomes even stronger after overcoming trials.

What does spirit strength mean?

The moral and spiritual concept of fortitude denotes a qualitative phenomenon characteristic of a person who embarked on the path of spiritual improvement or passed through hardships with honor, but did not break and remained a person. The strength of the spirit must be cultivated consciously, as people of the military class did in ancient times, and people who devoted themselves to communion with the Divine.

What is the power of the spirit?

To understand the phenomenon of fortitude, there are many descriptive words, each of which, like the face of a diamond, highlights the qualitative components, for example, invincible fortitude, immediately evokes associations with valiant warriors fighting for their land. What other epithets can describe the strength of the spirit:

  • inflexible;
  • indestructible;
  • majestic;
  • amazing;
  • mighty;
  • outstanding;
  • endless.

The problem of fortitude

People who survived severe hardships and hardships, but remained people in the high human sense of the word, grew spiritually, gained an inner unbending core. The problem of the fortitude of the fortitude is a collision with such a reality when a weak person can not bear the burden, but a strong one can, but at the cost of what effort? Nobody would like to be in his place. The problem of the strength of the human spirit is that no matter how strong a person is in spirit, the pain of overcoming remains a companion of this strength.

What is the difference between mental strength and willpower?

Strength of mind and willpower are complementary concepts. If we disassemble these two phenomena into components, then we can say about willpower that this is overcoming constant inertia, following discipline and the intended path, without turning off, without giving yourself concessions, with a lack of self-pity. The strength of the spirit is a way out of the ordinary understanding of oneself only as a body, the strength of the spirit does not allow one to drown in despair and heavy thoughts, it is the strength that lifts a person above being.

How to develop fortitude?

People with an inner core who have achieved success despite circumstances and hardships command respect and admiration. Many want to be like such people, discounting all the difficulties they have faced, but they would not have become like that if they had not gone through all this. Others understand the price of this and ask themselves: how to raise the strength of the spirit in oneself and cope with all life tasks? There is only one answer: to begin to develop the strength of the spirit in oneself consciously.

Development of fortitude - exercises

Spiritual strength training is not some kind of single one-sided repetition of certain rituals and exercises, in the aggregate it is both exercises and conscious placement of oneself in the framework of difficult trials and circumstances, loyalty to oneself, no matter what happens around, nothing should relax and lead away from the goal cultivating the spirit. Exercises play their role, they are necessary and important, they are part of conscious tests and building discipline, without which it is difficult to cultivate the spirit.

Exercises for the development of fortitude:

  1. Revision of beliefs. Template is the enemy of spiritual growth. Take the time to write down all of your limiting beliefs and let go of them gradually.
  2. Positive intelligence. Negative thoughts are ineffective and control a person, because fear crosses out all noble motives. It is important to practice affirmations for strength of mind, such as: “I can do it!” “My spirit grows and strengthens every day, I become a stronger person!”.
  3. Energy control. It is important to learn how to control your mental energy and not waste it, an excellent solution would be to start practicing qigong.
  4. Physical strengthening of the body and spirit. Sports, hiking in the mountains, mountaineering strengthen a person in endurance.

Mantra for strength and energy

The development of the strength of the spirit occurs through testing oneself, overcoming obstacles, and the spirit needs energy that certain mantras can conduct. People who practice mantras have long been convinced of their effective power. The very practice of mantras involves discipline and concentration, which already has a beneficial effect on the strength of the spirit. Any mantra for a powerful result is recommended to be read for a month at least 108 times a day.

The “Govinda Hare” mantra has strong energy vibrations, by practicing it a person improves spiritually, the mantra is easy to remember and very melodic: “Govinda Hare, om namah Shivaya.” This is a direct praise of the gods Krishna and Shiva. The chanting of their names raises the strength of the spirit to heaven, as the Indians believe, for whom the names of the creators of Krishna and Shiva are sacred.

Prayer to strengthen the strength of the spirit and will

The best prayer is the one that comes from the heart. Sometimes a person does not have enough outside support, which means the time has come to turn to the Divine and the prayer for the strength of the spirit addressed to the saints will do its job, you just need to believe in it. What prayers and appeals to the saints can be read to strengthen the strength of the spirit:

  • prayer to your guardian angel;
  • prayer of the Optina elders;
  • the prayer of St. Dmitry of Rostov from despair;
  • prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Tattoo meaning strength of mind

Tattoo artists claim that one of the most sought-after among men and women clients is the fortitude tattoo with the image of a dragon on the shoulder or back. Why a dragon? In Chinese mythology, this is a mythical animal that has power over two worlds: ground and underground. It carries magic, spirituality, nobility and strength. The victory of spirit over physicality is a dragon. The owner of a tattoo with a dragon receives its qualities: fortitude, endurance, magic, perseverance in achieving their goals.

Films about the strength of the spirit

When there is no one around in difficult moments of trials, you can watch films about the strength of will and spirit, and this will be an excellent motivation to move on in life and not lose heart, but nurture it. What is the strength of the spirit the heroes of these films know from their own experience:

  1. « Pollyanna / Pollyanna". The trials for this girl Polianna were considerable. But her loving heart and fortitude melted the hearts of the small town and its callous inhabitants.
  2. « Three days to escape / The Next Three Days» His wife is guilty of murder, but he does not believe in this and tries in every possible way to get her out of prison. A film about the power of love and fortitude in the vicissitudes of fate.
  3. « Favorite / Seabiscuit". In this drama, victories and defeats, love of life and despair, and the horse Seabiscuit, nondescript and not stately, the continuation of his master, together they are one powerful force of spirit. The film helps to feel again the taste of life when it is bad and hard.
  4. « Soul Surfer". This is real story famous American surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm due to a shark attack during training. But Bethany did not give up to circumstances and continued training and participating in competitions.
  5. « Wild / Wild". True stories always motivate, this wonderful film is based on the biography of Cheryl Straid, an American writer and screenwriter. At a difficult time in her life, Cheryl decides to embark on a difficult journey on foot and return as a different person.

Books about the strength of the spirit

They exude confidence and steadfastness, they have gone through many trials and come out of them with honor, and they know that only through obstacles the strength of the human spirit is cultivated, they are the heroes of books that have become bestsellers. What is the power and fortitude in the books of famous writers:

  1. « wolfhound» M. Semenova. A cycle of books about a man who bears the nickname Wolfhound, he is a warrior who has nothing to lose, because all his relatives were destroyed. He will pass through the worlds, time, space, hard labor and wars, and this will only temper his fortitude.
  2. « See you» J. Moyes. The main characters are the girl Lou Clark, who was left without a job, and he is Will, a young guy who took the maximum from life and became disabled overnight. Lou gets a job as a nurse to Will, but he is sarcastic and constantly makes fun of the girl. But Lou does not despair and strive to arrange Will's life so that he stops feeling outside of an active life. They are both strong-willed personalities, both are beautiful and their love is the most beautiful thing that could happen to them, albeit for a short time.
  3. « You changed my life". A. Sellu. Based on this book, the sensational film "1 + 1" was shot. Sometimes fate brings people together, it would seem, so different, and it remains only to shrug "for what?". Both heroes learn a lot from each other and both will grow spiritually.
  4. « spark of life". EM. Remarque. War is the most cruel test of life, it squeezes a person into such circumstances when the choice is negligible, and the person is one hundred percent vulnerable. But even under these conditions, a person learns, passes tests, and his fortitude grows stronger.
  5. « notes on napkins» G. Callahan. The true strength of the spirit is manifested in difficult times for a person. This book is a real story in which the author writes about himself and his family. Garth lived an ordinary life as an average American until he found out that he had cancer. And every day was like his last. The diagnosis did not break him and several years have passed, and Garth continues to make every day of his life and the lives of loved ones unforgettable.

Often people with a strong character are said to have willpower or strength of mind. This trait allows a person to achieve their goals, regardless of any life obstacles. The strength of the spirit helps a person to endure in difficult situations. Therefore, the question of how to develop willpower is quite natural. But before doing anything, one should immediately understand quite the definition of the psychological concept will.

From the point of view of psychology

Will is in psychology one of the most complex concepts for understanding. But, despite this, in order to know how to develop willpower, it is necessary to clarify for yourself what willpower is. This concept is formulated in different sources in different ways, so you need to be aware of it intuitively. The psychology of will is related to the fact that behavior and all human activity is based not only on emotions and feelings. Decision making requires willpower. This means that strength of mind is a prerequisite for success.

According to its structure, volitional behavior of a person can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • Decision-making;
  • Implementation of plans.

In psychology, there are several types of will:

  • Motivating or initiating. It is the conscious decision-making that helps you move towards your goals.
  • Stabilizing. These are the efforts that a person needs to maintain his active activity.
  • Brake. These are actions aimed at limiting the strongest desires that impede the achievement of the goal.

Psychologists say that the mandatory components of fortitude and willpower are:

  • Desires, which are motivation, discarding everything secondary. They initially indicate to a person where to strive in order to achieve their goals.
  • Faith in one's own strengths. It is she who allows you to move in the right direction to make your dream come true.
  • Courage is responsible for making important decisions. It gives impetus to the desire to realize their own desires.
  • Decisiveness, allowing timely, without hesitation, to make a choice.
  • Patience, which allows you to remain faithful to your goals and not back down, no matter what.
  • Discipline. It forces a person to make decisions in accordance with the rules and norms of society.


The strength of the spirit guarantees the purposefulness of a person and streamlines his life. Therefore, the question of how to develop willpower is not idle. Without such a character trait, it is impossible to become successful person. The strength of the spirit makes a person free and independent. He becomes an active member of society, and the ability to self-regulate makes him resistant to negative external circumstances. Faced with obstacles on the way to the goal, a person is able to make the right decision about whether to choose a different way to achieve what he wants or to increase efforts to overcome the obstacles that have arisen.

The question of how to develop willpower often arises in a person in difficult life periods. But it does not apply to complex dilemmas. This is due to the fact that in any person the desire to become strong is inherent in nature itself. As a result, when wondering how to cultivate willpower in oneself, one should not immediately resort to the first exercises and trainings that come across. Initially, formulate for yourself what is the power of the spirit in your understanding. After that, evaluate how such a character trait can affect your life.

If after this the desire to learn how to train willpower or how to strengthen willpower does not disappear, then in order to tune in to effective work on yourself, follow these steps:

  • Briefly and precisely formulate your own goals in writing. Analyze each goal and predict how much faster you will be able to achieve your goal if the willpower training is successful and you learn to overcome yourself.
  • Write down those traits of your own character that the development of the will will allow you to modify. It does not matter how many shortcomings you have planned to get rid of, the main thing is to take them all into account. If you know how to develop fortitude, you will be able to successfully overcome them in the shortest possible time.

This approach will allow you to better understand what willpower is in your particular case and how to develop and strengthen it.

Types of training

Interested in how to strengthen the strength of the spirit, you must, first of all, understand that for a long time you will need to make certain efforts every day, without making yourself absolutely any concessions. You can train willpower with special exercises, which are as follows:

  • Keeping a diary. In it you need to fix your plans and control their implementation. Planning will ensure greater efficiency of the life process and will allow you to educate commitment. You should not mark your own achievements in the diary.
  • In developing the habit of acting purposefully. To do this, strive to observe all your actions, as if from the outside. The development of willpower involves an objective assessment of one's own actions. Do not exaggerate your achievements and flatter yourself. Any failure should be an incentive to successfully take the next step.
  • In getting rid of the desire to fight and destroy. A trained will makes a person transform and build. To do this, learn to treat your own mistakes strictly, but always reasonably. This will develop the strong-willed side of character, associated with the desire to become better.
  • In the correct setting of tasks, taking into account the fact that you need to move from simple to complex. Strengthening of character cannot be associated with the desire to embrace the immensity.

In addition, among the methods that strengthen the character, one can focus on the fact that one should strive to make real promises to oneself. And they must be fulfilled. This will teach you to keep your word given to other people.

It is also important to train yourself to never quit what you started. You need to bring it to its logical conclusion, even in cases where the enthusiasm has disappeared or the understanding of the meaninglessness of the lesson has come. In this situation, you need to take a break and wait until the "second wind" opens. The habit of quitting what has been started has a detrimental effect on a person and quickly stops his further development.

Understanding the question of what willpower is, it is necessary to realize that this character trait is not compatible with laziness. Not wanting to do anything is a serious hindrance. Laziness can destroy the will of a person and force him to give up his most cherished desires. Therefore, the strengthening of character developed in the process of training is always associated with the fight against laziness. To do this, it is recommended to praise yourself for any overcoming. You need to force yourself to enjoy even the smallest positive result in your activity. When doing difficult or unpleasant work, never regret it. Throw away even thoughts that your hobby or communication with friends would be much more pleasant for you.

An effective way is self-hypnosis. It is only very important to use specific incentives for this. For example, set yourself up in the process of auto-training for the fact that you are quite capable of achieving your goals. Remember that thanks to strong character each of us can become the manager of our own forces, which are given to us by nature. In other words, it will allow a person to become the master of his own destiny.