I will solve the exam in biology for a year. Patience and perseverance! A short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

State final examination 2019 in Biology for graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions is carried out in order to assess the level of general education of graduates in this discipline. The tasks test knowledge of the following sections of biology:

  1. The role of biology in the formation of the modern natural-science picture of the world, in the practical activities of people.
  2. The cellular structure of organisms as evidence of their relationship, the unity of living nature.
  3. signs of organisms. Unicellular and multicellular organisms. Kingdom of Bacteria. Mushroom Kingdom.
  4. Kingdom of Plants.
  5. Kingdom Animals.
  6. The general plan of the structure and processes of life. The similarity of man with animals and the difference from them. Reproduction and development of the human body.
  7. Neurohumoral regulation of vital processes of the body.
  8. support and movement.
  9. Internal environment.
  10. Transport of substances.
  11. Nutrition. Breath.
  12. Metabolism. Selection. Body covers.
  13. Sense organs.
  14. Psychology and human behavior.
  15. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules healthy lifestyle life. Techniques for providing first aid.
  16. Influence environmental factors on organisms.
  17. Ecosystem organization of wildlife. Biosphere. The doctrine of the evolution of the organic world.
In this section you will find online tests that will help you prepare for passing the OGE (GIA) in biology. We wish you success!

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (CMMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in biology contains two parts. The first consists of 28 tasks with a short answer, the second - of 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e., the first 28 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current structure of the exam, only 22 of these questions offer answers. But for the convenience of passing the tests, the site administration decided to offer answers in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real control and measuring materials (KIMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will encounter at the end of the school year.

one correct option.

When completing tasks A1-A24, select only one correct option.

When completing tasks A1-A24, select only one correct option.

When completing tasks A1-A24, select only one correct option.

Last school year- difficult and responsible period. From USE results much depends on later life Key words: career choice, career success.

The questions that every 11th grader faces are: what manuals and Internet resources will I use to prepare, how will I study a huge amount of materials, how will I solve the exam, how will I achieve high scores?

Our task, mine as a tutor and yours as students, is to make the preparation for the Unified State Examination in biology very high quality and not waste time and energy. Based on the results of many years of work, I have created a large number of educational materials that allow you to learn biology quickly, in depth, and with high quality. There are videos on my YouTube channel that cover all the main topics of the school biology course. Finally, I have developed a unique online test system that allows you to study biology at the highest level.

It would seem that there are a lot of materials for preparing for the Unified State Examination in biology on the Internet, why should a tutor invest in writing articles, recording videos, developing new tests - after all, there is, for example, the Resh Unified State Examination project, and you can prepare for it? Unfortunately, biology assignments there are not created by one professional teacher, but are collected from different sources. I do not undertake to guarantee their quality, knowing how many tests with errors walk around the network.

In my training materials, I work only with FIPI certified tests! They are verified, accurate, there are no mistakes in them - and if “slippery” formulations come across, we will definitely talk about it in the classroom. And therefore, I recommend all my videos, articles and tests online with full responsibility to students.

Catalog of USE tasks in biology Gushchin with explanations - is there enough information in it?

I agree that the catalog of tasks I will solve the exam is convenient, because an explanation is attached to the test. However, this explanation is very short, thesis. In addition, it relaxes the student: if you don’t know the right answer, read the explanation right away! In my opinion, the student needs to be given much deeper knowledge, to show internal connections, to prevent possible mistakes.

3. - this is a high-quality simulator that does not allow the student to relax. Learning here is supported by emotions: irritation from the fact that the test is not given, joy at solving it - all this makes the process dynamic, and therefore much more effective.

The exam in biology is taken at the choice of a student who plans to enter a higher educational institution with a certain specialization. In terms of popularity, this item ranks 5-6th every year.places, about 18% of schoolchildren pass it. Which universities offer biology? This subject is taken in educational institutions of the following direction: medicine, biology, pedagogy in the specialty "Teacher of Biology", Agriculture, veterinary medicine, Physical Culture, psychology, garden design, ecology, technical specialties, where biology borders on physics. Professions: psychologist, ecologist, athlete, engineer, doctor.

The work consists of tasks, which are conditionally divided into two parts. In 2018, there were 28 tasks: 21 - tests, you need to choose an option from the proposed ones, 7 - of increased complexity, you need to give a detailed answer.

210 minutes are given for work - the student decides on his own how to allocate time for answers.

The threshold score for admission to various universities depends on the requirements of a particular educational institution- This information needs to be clarified at the university.

  • The first part contains tasks for knowledge of the theory and the ability to use this knowledge. Types of tasks of the first part: for multiple choice (may be accompanied by a picture), for establishing a logical sequence, for solving problems, supplementing data in a table, for analyzing data.
  • The second part aims to identify the features and depth of knowledge of the subject. The purpose of such tasks is to test the ability to establish causal relationships, draw conclusions, use theory in practice, justify one's position, and think logically. It is this part of the test that is key in the process of selecting potential university students.

The first part is checked automatically by a computer. The second is analyzed by experts.

How difficult is the biology exam?

  • The main difficulty lies in the significant amount of information that needs to be repeated. School course begins in grades 5-6, so the preparation will have to "dig deep".
  • Difficulties are also related to the structure of the exam. High-quality theoretical knowledge does not necessarily guarantee the successful passing of the exam - you need to learn how to perform tasks of certain types. This can be learned with the help of a professional tutor or by taking an online test. Every year, tasks of a new type are introduced into the structure - you need to be prepared for this.
  • The most difficult topics are: photosynthesis, DNA, energy metabolism. With these sections and assignments on this topic it is better to contact a tutor.

How to effectively prepare for the exam?

  • The main thing is to listen carefully in class and study textbooks. This will become a solid basis for the successful passing of the exam.
  • Planning: systematic preparation requires a stable and thorough study of the material of the USE program.
  • Self-education: read manuals, on one's own.
  • Take an online test.

Main advantage online testing- the ability to work out the ability to solve tasks of various types and levels of complexity to automatism, to correctly allocate time on the exam. With a teacher or tutor, it is recommended to prepare for the second part.

The average general education


Preparing for the exam in biology. Task 26

USE in biology is just around the corner. This year, the knowledge test will be somewhat different from the exams of previous years. The Russian Textbook Corporation presents a series of webinars in which Georgy Lerner, professor at MIOO, analyzes assignments and tells how training should take place. This time we study line 26 of demo version, whose tasks are related to evolutionary doctrine and the basics of ecology - it is one of the most difficult in the exam.

Biology. USE 2018. Peculiarities

  • From 2018 will be given Special attention conceptual apparatus. It is possible that already next year the terminology that the student must master will be written in the codifiers for the exam.

  • The number of questions related to eras and periods, the evolution of plants and animals will increase. They had hardly met before. Graduates need to study the geochronological table, be prepared for tasks to determine an organism belonging to a particular period, to a particular era, to determine an imprint, to calculate the lifetime of a given organism.

  • The number of questions on the origin of life on Earth will increase. Previously, they were practically non-existent.

  • The wording "What will happen if they disappear ..." will almost be excluded. Some consequences are impossible to predict. Instead, applicants will be asked to name factors that may lead to a reduction in the size of a particular population.

  • This year, applicants will not be able to confine themselves to concise answers. Examinees must show knowledge of the subject - for this, when preparing, it is necessary to get away from “coaching”.

Options for task number 26, solutions and explanations

Example 1

What aromorphoses ensured the development of the most ancient organisms in the Archean and Proterozoic? Specify at least four aromorphic features and their significance in evolution. Response elements:

Response elements:

  1. The advent of photosynthesis ensured the primary synthesis of organic substances from inorganic substances, the accumulation of oxygen in water and the atmosphere, and the formation of an ozone screen.

  2. The emergence of aerobic metabolism ensured the synthesis of a large amount of ATP and the supply of energy to the body.

  3. The sexual process led to the appearance in organisms of various characteristics - material for evolution.

  4. The emergence of multicellularity led to the differentiation of cells, tissues and organs.

  5. The emergence of eukaryotes provided a variety of kingdoms of wildlife.

Note: The wording of the answer may be different, the main thing is the correct use of terms. In addition, if the examinee does not complete the task “Indicate”, “Explain”, he will lose 2 points.

Example 2

A population is stable if it has a large population. Why are small populations more likely to go extinct than large ones?

Response elements:

  1. The probability of death of small populations from the impact of adverse factors external environment higher than in the larger population.

  2. Connections between members of the population are weakened (sound alarm, release of chemicals).

  3. Difficulty in reproduction.

  4. Inbreeding of individuals in small populations leads to the appearance of harmful recessive genes. With a high abundance, the population is relatively heterogeneous.

Note: The task does not indicate the number of criteria to be answered - therefore, it is necessary to name at least three. The answer must correspond to the meaning of the question, and if there is no such correspondence, then the score is reduced. To complete the task, you need to specify the events that lead to the disappearance of small populations. Criterion number 2 is the most difficult for applicants, it is rarely mentioned in the algorithm for solving such a problem.

Example 3

In cod, pike and many other fish, the number of spawned eggs is in the millions. At the same time, there are fish that lay several hundred or tens of eggs. Explain why both types of fish exist in nature.

Response elements:

  1. Female fish, as a rule, spawn a large amount of eggs into the water and it is fertilized there. Fertilization is external.

  2. Adaptation to survival with external fertilization - a large number of eggs.

  3. In fish with low fecundity, care for offspring is well developed, otherwise they could not exist.

Note: Such tasks are difficult. Criterion #1 is difficult to deduce from the question since the vast majority of fish are externally fertilized. If the examiner answers that part of the eggs are not fertilized, washed ashore by waves or eaten by other fish, this will be more in line with the meaning of the question. You need to introduce students to different answers.

Example 4

It is believed that on the slopes of hills, fields should be plowed across the slope (horizontally, in terraces), and not along (from the top to the bottom). Explain why it is necessary to do this and what the plowing of fields along the slope can lead to.

Response elements:

  1. When plowing along a slope, both the water used for irrigation and natural precipitation will flow along the beds to the foot of the hill.

  2. This water will leach fertilizers and other nutrients out of the soil, accelerating soil erosion.

  3. When plowing across a slope, the water will remain in the soil longer and the substances will be washed out much more slowly.

Note: Schoolchildren, as a rule, are not familiar with the term "terracing". This task causes them serious difficulties due to the lack of experience in traveling to places where this method of plowing is common.

Example 5

The body of penguins is covered with a very powerful dense layer of contour feathers, under which there is a thick layer of down feathers. At the same time, penguins, unlike other birds, change down feathers all at once, and not gradually throughout their lives. Explain why penguins have evolved such features in their downy feathers and how these features increase their adaptability to environmental conditions.

Response elements:

  1. Penguins live in cold conditions, so they need a powerful down layer (down feathers of a special structure) as thermal insulation.

  2. If the down feathers were changed gradually, this would lead to a violation of the density of contour feathers, which, in turn, would lead to wet feathers when swimming.

  3. Therefore, the penguins developed a change of all down feathers at once, so that the period of the change was as short as possible.

Note: The applicant may not understand the meaning of the question. It is necessary to devote time to this task, to present a fan of answers. Better - using additional information. It is necessary to say that the penguin molt lasts about 20 days - this is a short time during which the birds starve and accumulate in flocks to keep warm. Down feathers are pushed out by new feathers. If the phrase “all at once” is understood by the applicant as “very quickly” (which is quite likely), it will be difficult to answer.

Example 6

What happens to the signs and characteristics of organisms during divergent speciation? What are the driving forces of evolution underpinning this process? What form of natural selection underlies this process?

Response elements:

  1. With divergence, there is a divergence of signs.

  2. Divergence is due to hereditary variability, the struggle for existence and natural selection.

  3. Driving form of natural selection leading to polymorphism.

Note: Term polymorphism will often appear in tasks in 2018. In some questions of this type it will be necessary to speak of a disruptive form of selection.

Example 7

Why does biological regression often lead to the extinction of a species? Justify your answer with at least four arguments.

Response elements:

  1. With biological regression, the abundance of a species is sharply reduced due to a decrease in the adaptation of organisms when environmental conditions change.

  2. There is a decrease in the range due to a decrease in the number.

  3. Inbreeding occurs, which leads to the manifestation of harmful mutations and the death of organisms.

  4. Random factors increase the likelihood of extinction of a species.

Note: The task requires the ability to operate with the concepts of "regression", "adaptation", "range", "mutations". It is simple, but applicants can not always give exactly four full criteria. Possible fan of answers: organisms do not have time to adapt to changing environmental conditions; they cannot compete with other species; as a result, they are weeded out by natural selection; due to the decrease in the number, the range is shrinking. Each of these formulations is consistent with the algorithm given in the criteria.

The attention of students and teachers is offered a new tutorial which will help to successfully prepare for a single state exam in biology. The handbook contains all the theoretical material on the course of biology, necessary for passing the exam. It includes all elements of the content, checked by control and measuring materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for the course of the secondary (complete) school. The theoretical material is presented in a concise, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples. test items, allowing you to test your knowledge and the degree of preparedness for the certification exam. Practical tasks correspond to the USE format. At the end of the manual, answers to tests are given that will help schoolchildren and applicants to test themselves and fill in the gaps. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren, applicants and teachers.

Example 8

Prove that most modern birds are in a state of biological progress (taking into account the characteristics of birds).

Response elements:

  1. Great species diversity due to diversity and adaptation to their ecological niches.

  2. High intraspecific abundance of individuals associated with complex behavior (caring for offspring, flights, building various nests, etc.).

  3. A wide range of habitat, due to warm-bloodedness and the ability to fly.

Note: In this example, one should not talk about a four-chambered heart, double breathing, a beak without teeth, and other adaptations for flight, since this is not asked. Warm-bloodedness is correctly referred to as adaptation to the experience of various environmental conditions. The answer to this task, as in the previous example, lends itself to algorithmization: everything that decreases during regression increases during progress, and vice versa.

Example 9

Describe the composition of the Earth's primary atmosphere and the conditions under which the abiogenic synthesis of the first organic substances took place. What substances did Miller and Urey synthesize in their experiment? Why are these substances not formed at the present time, for example, during volcanic eruptions?

Response elements:

  1. The Earth's primary atmosphere contained water vapor, ammonia, hydrogen, and methane.

  2. The conditions for synthesis were electrical discharges and high temperature.

  3. As a result of the experiment, scientists received several amino acids, urea and lactic acid.

  4. The resulting organic matter are immediately absorbed by microorganisms or oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.

Note: Obviously, there should be 4 criteria in the answer. This example shows that it is necessary to know the names of some scientists and their works.

Example 10

Clover grows in the meadow, pollinated by bumblebees. What kind biotic factors can lead to a decline in the clover population?

Response elements:

  1. Reducing the number of bumblebees.

  2. Increase in the number of herbivorous animals.

  3. Propagation of competing plants (cereals, etc.).

Note: The assignment may include other criteria:

  1. Clover trampling by cows.

  2. Destruction of nests of bumblebees by birds.

  3. Destruction of bumblebee eggs by parasitic insects, etc.

Example 11

What plants are in natural conditions get mineral nutrition not from the soil, and explain how?

Example 12

Explain why two eggs in a clutch are enough to renew the species of a white-tailed eagle, and 6-7 eggs in a nightingale clutch.

Response elements:

  1. High fecundity is distinguished by species in which the death of individuals in nature is high.

  2. In the nightingale, the excess production of eggs, as it were, covers their possible death (nesting type of chicks, many enemies, long flights to winter quarters, etc.).

  3. In species with well-developed care for offspring, the death of chicks is low (more mature chicks, lack of natural enemies, sedentary lifestyle).

Note: The assignment requires applicants to have at least some understanding of the white-tailed eagle. The condition partly leads to the correct answer - at least the students can compare the sizes of birds, assume brood care in eagles, and thus derive the first criterion.

A new study guide is offered to the attention of students and teachers, which will help them successfully prepare for the unified state exam in biology. The collection contains questions selected by sections and topics tested at the exam, and includes assignments different types and difficulty levels. Answers to all questions are given at the end of the manual. The proposed thematic tasks will help the teacher organize preparation for the unified state exam, and students will independently test their knowledge and readiness for the final exam. The book is addressed to students, teachers and methodologists.

Example 13

Explain the influence of the density of the aquatic habitat on the "living organisms" of biocenoses.

Response elements:

  1. Light penetrates into the water to a shallow depth, so plant organisms can exist only in the upper layers (up to 150-200 m).

  2. The density of the aquatic environment affects the streamlined body shape and strong muscles of fast moving animals.

  3. The density of the environment facilitates the weight of organisms and creates the possibility of constantly being in the thickness of the environment (plankton).

  4. The presence of plankton makes possible the filtration type of nutrition of many animals.

Note: Criterion No. 4 is hardly directly related to the question, since the direct effect of water on the vital activity of organisms is not indicated. Possible answer fan: aquatic plants have poorly developed mechanical tissue and high buoyancy; animals have developed adaptations such as mucus on the skin, fins, adaptation to different depths, and so on. Tasks on the topic "Ecology of organisms" require the ability to apply knowledge in a changed situation. In questions, the influence of light, humidity, salinity and other factors is encountered.

Example 14

List at least four aquatic habitat factors. Explain their role in the life of organisms.

Response elements:

  1. The density of water determines its buoyant force (the distribution of the organism over different depths).

  2. The temperature regime is smoother, there are no excessively high and low temperatures.

  3. Limited amount of oxygen. There are dams in reservoirs for various reasons.

  4. The salt composition limits the distribution of freshwater and marine life.

Note: Similar types of tasks may concern ground-air, soil, intraorganism habitats. It's about about physical and chemical properties and their role in the life of organisms. The applicant will answer correctly if such properties are well studied by him.

“I will solve the Unified State Exam 2019 in biology for a high score,” this is how graduates plan to enter medical, biological, psychological, veterinary or environmental faculties in the future.

Patience and perseverance!

Note that solving the exam in biology is not so simple. Often, even the presence of knowledge in the subject does not guarantee a high mark on the exam. KIMs being prepared Federal Institute pedagogical measurements, change annually. The changes concern not only the number of questions, but also the very structure of the test. So, last year's run time examination work increased to 210 minutes. Along with it, the complexity of the tasks also increased. They have become more objective, and the probability of guessing the correct answer is close to zero. There are no questions where only one answer is correct. The first part of the exam, with proper preparation, is not difficult. The main thing is attentiveness. As the practice of past years shows, examinees do not read the wording of the task. For example, the particle not is passed through. This happens for two reasons:

  • lack of practice in solving test tasks;
  • strong excitement.

Future applicants need to pay attention not only to the study of theory in the preparation process, but also to practice solving real exam tickets. They can be found in open jar assignments on the FIPI portal or on other specialized sites dedicated to preparing for the exam in biology. For example, in Gushchin's project "I will solve the Unified State Examination" a lot of attention is paid to preparation for biology. Nice collection USE tests in biology is presented in our educational center. We also offer our students to take a test after studying each topic. Study not only the selection of USE tasks in biology, but also the codifier. It reflects all content elements that will be tested in the exam. In this case, it is important to choose the option of the current year.

How to prepare and solve exam assignments?

To successfully solve tasks from the second part, passing online tests on the USE website in biology is not enough. These questions require a detailed answer and careful preparation with a tutor, teacher or online instructor. The most difficult tasks are in cytology and genetics. Few graduates successfully cope with them. Do you want to be among them? We invite you to online courses that contain not only theory, but also homework verification by the teacher. With the knowledge gained from us, you will easily cope with the tasks on the exam and enter the university of your dreams!

And finally. To avoid becoming a hostage to stress, rest well and get enough sleep before the test. Mentally say "I will pass the exam in biology" and everything will work out for you!

Preparation for the exam / OGE. How is the training going?

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It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Examination is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores that serve as a pass to adulthood, to a dream that the Novisse online preparation center for the Unified State Examination will help to approach. It stands out among other similar organizations with the simplicity, academic character and competence of teaching...

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Examination is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores that serve as a pass to adulthood, to a dream that the Novisse online preparation center for the Unified State Examination will help to approach. It stands out among other similar organizations by the simplicity, academic character and competence of teachers; educational material no longer seems like a terrible "vinaigrette" of terms, rules and exceptions, especially when it is presented by a person who is most interested in the subject and who is easily able to inspire a student to productive activity. High-quality presentations are quickly remembered and lined up in the head in a coherent series of knowledge, and selected practical tasks will help you to "fill your hand" in solving exam questions. This format of video lectures is convenient for busy graduates from different cities, aimed at a worthy result of their efforts. I am grateful to "Novisse" for quality training to the exam, charismatic qualified teachers and new amazing discoveries! Learn, don't procrastinate!

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To be honest, I really enjoy your webinars! First, everything is easily explained. No extra information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is a practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can safely trust this...

To be honest, I really enjoy your webinars! First, everything is easily explained. No extra information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is a practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can safely trust this teacher. I would like to thank you for doing such interesting and useful classes! And I am sure that thanks to your studies I will be able to gain high scores!

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Very cool webinar 😍 I really liked it. And the teacher is wonderful, I understand perfectly 😊 I will continue to study with you :)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the assignments, I didn’t know and didn’t understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! What I can pass the Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up to sign up ❤ ❤ ❤ soon start training with professionals! -this is the main what to strive for ❤ :)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the assignments, I didn’t know and didn’t understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! What I can pass the Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys, who are reading now, rather run the notes ...