Joseph's perspective. V3: Political and legal doctrines during the early bourgeois revolutions. See what "Josephites" are in other dictionaries

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1. V.N. Tatishchev, in The History of Russia, argued that the impossibility of democracy in Russia mainly stems from:
multinational state
low culture of the population
vastness of the state
religiosity of the population

2. The state in the theory of Machiavelli means:
political state of society
relations of power and dominion
the presence of a properly arranged, organized political power, justice, institutions of law
all answers are correct

3. Who in ancient China came up with the rationale for governance based on laws (fa), severe punishments?
Shang Yang
Lao Tzu

4. Find a false judgment. The Tale of Bygone Years includes a story that:
the family of Kyiv princes goes back to the Varangian prince Rurik
Rurik was called upon by the southern Slavs to serve as governor
Rurik is declared a father Kyiv prince Igor
all princes are brothers and all of them are equally charged with the duty to obey the Grand Duke in Kyiv

5. Which of the judgments is false? The idea of ​​the state, according to Hegel, manifests itself in three ways:
as immediate reality in the form of an individual state (internal state law)
in relations between states as an external state law
in subjective freedom (private law)
in world history

6. Who was ideological inspirers Josephites?
N. Sorsky
I. Volotsky
V. Patrikeyev
S. Kormchiy

7. The main works of early Christianity:
Revelations of John the Evangelist (Apocalypse)
the epistles of the apostles
all answers are correct

8. How representatives of the Frankfurt School interpret fascism (T. Adorno, G. Marcuse, M. Horkheimer)
the ideology of the middle class movement is also wrong
random local phenomenon, the result of the action of "outstanding demonic personalities like Mussolini and Hitler"
a consequence of self-contained mental phenomena, "false consciousness" generated by modern "technical culture"
expression of the reactionary tendencies of monopoly capitalism

9. In "Capital" by K. Marx, law is most often interpreted as:
the result of the economic, political, spiritual properties of the individual
core of relations between individuals and classes in the sphere of ideology
a machine of political domination, an instrument of the dictatorship of the class of free owners
a certain form of production relations that is not merged with the latter, but secondary to the economic structure of society

10. In accordance with the religious and mythological views of the ancient Egyptians, truth, justice and justice are personified by the goddess:

12. What tactics did the Narodnaya Volya society adhere to?
individual terror
political dialogue
political compromise
political and economic cooperation

14. What does Mark Tullius Cicero see as the main reason for the origin of the state?
human weakness
fear of hostile neighboring nations
the innate need of people to live together
weight answers are correct

15. In the economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844, K. Marx analyzes the concepts of "alienated labor", "self-alienation of labor", which, according to his point of view, give rise to exploitation, the division of society into classes and the struggle between them. For K. Marx, “alienated labor” is:
the labor of the worker is not for himself, but for the bourgeois
unskilled labor
materialized labor
twelve hour labor

16. Whose interests were defended by J. Roux, T. Leclerc, J. Varlet - the authors of the "mad" program?
the nascent proletariat, the rural poor
petty, radical bourgeoisie
wealthy peasants and artisans
Republican nobility

17. The most prominent representative of the bourgeois-liberal theory of state and law in Russia was:
S.A. Muromtsev
MM. Kovalevsky
B.N. Chicherin
all answers are correct

18. In what work did F. Engels give a systematic Marxist analysis of primitive communal relations?
"German Ideology"
"The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"
"Sketch to a critique of political economy"
all answers are correct

20. The Pythagoreans considered the worst evil:

21. The leader of what direction in the First International was M.A. Bakunin?
national socialist

22. Who was the representative of the Westerners?
P.V. Annenkov
Yu.F. Samarin
K.S. Aksakov
all answers are correct

23. Which of the dialogues does not apply to the work of Plato?
"Apology of Socrates"
"The laws"

24. Who was not a representative of Slavophilism?
K.S. Aksakov
I.V. Kireevsky
Yu.F. Samarin
P.V. Annenkov

25. What did A.N. Radishchev, calling it "a brutal custom that marks a petrified heart and a perfect absence of a soul."
reign of Peter I
internecine wars of the times of Kievan Rus
patriarchal Russian family

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    • What term is the author of O. Comte? Sociologists I

    • In "Capital" by K. Marx, law is most often interpreted as: a certain form of production relations, which is not merged with the latter, but secondary to economic structure of society

    • In "The Tale of Tsar Constantine" I.S. Peresvetov proves that main reason the capture of Constantinople by the Turks consisted of: the dominance of the Byzantine nobles, who "tortured" the state, robbed its treasury, took "promises .... from right and wrong"

    • In "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" the author used a new political term - "master". This term reflects: the idea of ​​autocracy, which was deeply developed during the formation of the Russian centralized state

    • In Germany, in the era of enlightenment, the first to build legal science on a secular basis were: S. Pufendorf

    • In ancient Persia, the departure from early mythical ideas towards more rational views is associated with the name: Zarathustra (Zoroastrians)

    • In the history of Russian political and legal thought in the second half of the 18th century. "Instruction" to the deputies of Catherine II entered as the most concentrated expression of the theory : enlightened absolutism

    • What is the concept of Taoism ?“Tao Te Ching»

    • In which work of Titus Lucretius Kara speaks of the contractual nature of the state and law? "On the Nature of Things"

    • About the city of God

    • In what essay does Aurelius Augustine develop the main provisions of Christian philosophy? " About the city of God

    • In the method of medieval political and legal thinking, developed within the framework of theological scholasticism, there was a very large share of the religious: Dogmatism

    • Unlike representatives of legal positivism, S.A. Muromtsev, the concept of law is based on: legal relationship e

    • During the reforms of Peter I in Russia, the official ideology of absolutism was formed. All official explanations of the ongoing changes were based on the following doctrine: "common good»

    • In political terms, Epicurean ethics is most consistent with such a form of democracy in which: the rule of laws is combined with the greatest possible measure of freedom and autonomy of individuals

    • In the teachings of which Uzbek thinker, poet of the XV century. the idea of ​​the need for a centralized, enlightened monarchy is being carried out? A. Navoi

    • What did L. Gumplovich see as the reason for the origin and the main basis of political power and the state? conquest, enslavement of some tribes by others

    • What does Mark Tullius Cicero see as the main reason for the origin of the state? the innate need of people to live together

    • What was the meaning of sociological positivism (second half of the 19th century)? study of law in close connection with others social phenomena(organic theory of the state, theory of violence, sociological and psychological concepts, etc..)

    • What is the meaning of the idea of ​​"all-priesthood" by M. Luther ? each believer justifies himself before God personally, becoming a priest to himself and, as a result, no longer needs the services of the clergy

    • What is the meaning of the convergence theory of J. Gelbert, R. Aron, P. Sorokin? synthesis of two opposite - capitalist and socialist systems

    • What is the meaning of legal positivism (second half of the 19th century)? consideration of law as a self-contained form in isolation from its content

    • IN AND. Lenin envisioned the socialist state as: unitary state built on the basis of the principle of democratic centralism

    • V.N. Tatishchev, in The History of Russia, argued that the impossibility of democracy in Russia mainly stems from: vastness of the state

    • The most important work of Ibn Khaldun is: "A collection of sermons"

    • The most important means of overthrowing tsarism V.I. Lenin considered: armed uprising

    • popular sovereignty

    • The views of Zh.Zh. Rousseau's views on the state and law were incomparably more radical than the political ideas of Voltaire and C. Montesquieu. He made the basic principle of his theory the idea: popular sovereignty

    • In the "Provisional Charter of the Partnership" by K. Marx, the main goal of the class struggle of the proletariat was proclaimed: elimination of class domination

    • During the peasant uprising E.I. Pugachev was supposed to create: the Cossack state headed by a "good peasant tsar»

    • Voltaire believed that social evil is rooted in lack of education and ignorance. He directed all the power of his satire, sharp as a sword, the pathos of denunciation (“Crush the reptile”) against: catholic church

    • The highest stage in the development of political thought in France in the XVIII century. was the teaching of the utopian revolutionary communism of G. Babeuf, formulated in the program: "Conspiracy for Equality"»

    • G. Jellinek put forward, along with the sociological concept of the state, the legal concept of the state. This is - a corporation or legal personality of a settled people endowed with the original power of dominion

    • The main means of "brainwashing" in the primitive state, according to Spencer, is : religion

    • A significant step forward in the science of state and law was the methodology of political and legal phenomena developed by B. Spinoza. Interpreting the state and law as a system of natural forces, organically entering into a more general mechanism of the universe, he applied the __________ approach. Naturalistic

    • How do you understand the idea of ​​secularization of monastic lands in Russia in the 16th century? transfer of monastic lands to the hands of the state

    • How do you understand the principle of non-doing in Taoism? condemnation of the anti-people activity of the rulers and the rich

    • How do you understand the term "nirvana"? state of supreme enlightenment

    • What is the central idea in the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" by K. Marx and F. Engels? in the course of the communist revolution, the proletariat establishes its political dominance through the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie

    • What idea is central in the work of Fr. Nietzsche? struggle of wills for power

    • Which of the analogies belongs to G. Spencer? The state is: biological organism

    • What is the purpose of human (positive) law according to F. Aquinas? by force and fear to force people (creatures by nature imperfect) to avoid evil and achieve virtue

    • Which of the definitions most accurately and fully characterizes the subject of the history of political and legal doctrines? The subject of the history of political and legal doctrines is: the history of the emergence and development of theoretical knowledge about the state, law, politics and legislation, the history of political and legal theories

    • Which of the statements is false? The idea of ​​the state, according to Hegel, manifests itself in three ways : in subjective freedom (private law)

    • Which of the statements is false? history ancient rome divided into three periods: Christian (before 1453)

    • What type of domination according to Cicero is ugly? the power of the mob the tyranny of the sole ruler the domination of the cabal

    • What part of the population does G. Hegel call pauperized? unable to fight excessive poverty

    • A key role in the arsenal of dialectics as a method of researching the history of political and legal doctrines is played by the principle: toryism

    • When in Ancient Greece statehood emerged? in the 1st millennium BC

    • Who would you classify as a cohort of "seven wise men"? Thales

    • To whom A.M. Kurbsky devoted the "History of the Grand Duke of Moscow "? Ivan IV

    • Who owns the saying: "Plato is my friend, but the greater friend is the truth"? Aristotle

    • Who is the author of the idea of ​​state sovereignty of France? J. Boden

    • Who was the ideological inspirer of the Josephites? I. Volotsky

    • Who in 1882 translated into Russian the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" by K. Marx and F. Engels ? V.G. Plekhanov

    • Who in ancient China came up with the rationale for governance based on laws (fa), severe punishments? Shang Yang

    • Who in Homer's poems ("Iliad", "Odyssey") acts as the supreme defender of universal justice (dike), severely punishing those who create violence and unjust judgment ? Zeus

    • Who declared Fr. Nietzsche as his forerunner? ideologues of fascism and national socialism

    • Who are the Josephites? supporters of the preservation of the church of all its land holdings

    • Who is the author of the theological treatise "Instruction in Christian faith» (1536)? J. Calvin

    • Who is the author of the work "Utopia"? T. More

    • Who is the author of the revolutionary document - the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America (approved on July 4, 1776)? T . Jefferson

    • Who is the author of the theory "Moscow - the third Rome "? Philotheus

    • Who is the organizer and leader of the International Association of Workers - the First International? K. Marx and F. Engels

    • Who is the founder of the philosophical school (Lykeum) in Athens ? Aristotle

    • Who is the pioneer in the application of the historical-materialistic method specifically to the analysis of the origin of legal concepts, laws, justice (essay " Economic determinism K. Marx”)? P. Lafargue

    • Machiavelli introduces one of the key terms of modern political science - Stato. What does this term mean? State

    • Name the oldest part of the monument of law of the XI - XIII centuries. "Russian Truth". True Yaroslav

    • Name the credo of legal positivism. Formalization m

    • Name the political ideal of the author of Utopia. Democracy

    • Name the political ideal of M. Robespierre. democratic republic

    • Name a representative of the free law movement (sociological jurisprudence). G. Kantorovich

    • name bright representative burgher heresy in England? J. Wycliffe

    • Find the false statement. In the structure of civil society, G. Hegel identifies such estates : criminal (thieves, repeat offenders)

    • Find the false statement. The dissatisfaction of the peasants with the existing system resulted in a peasant war led by I.I. Bolotnikov (1606-1607). Moving towards Moscow, Bolotnikov sent out "sheets" outlining the main goals of the uprising: establishment of republican government

    • Find the false statement. The Tale of Bygone Years includes a story that: Rurik was called upon by the southern Slavs to serve as governor

    • Find the wrong judgment. Inspired by the spirits of the Enlightenment and echoes the individualism of the school of natural law, the cornerstone principle of I. Kant's social views: in his behavior a person should be guided by the dictates of material needs

    • The direction of social thought in the XVI century. called "humanism". Choose a historical synonym for this word. Renaissance ideology

    • The decisive role in the entire worldview of the Pythagoreans, which was largely mystical in nature, was played by their doctrine of : numbers

    • The experience of the Paris Commune allowed K. Marx and F. Engels to develop an important provision on: proletarian state of the new historical type

    • O. Comte is the founder of what direction in the theory of politics, state and law? Positivism

    • By "alienation of labor" K. Marx understands separation of the proletariat from the means of production, from the tools of labor that belong to the bourgeoisie and therefore oppose the worker as a force hostile to him

    • What direction in jurisprudence was G. Jellinek (1951 - 1911) a representative of? dualistic state theory

    • Which direction in the theory of politics, state and law is I. Bentam an adherent of? Utilitarianism

    • Distributive justice according to Aristotle comes from the principle of "geometric equality", which means: division of common goods according to dignity, proportional contribution and contribution of one or another member of the fellowship

    • His theoretical and practical activities G.V. Plekhanov began as: revolutionary populist

    • According to what myth about the divine origin and nature of earthly power is the emperor's person a point of connection with the higher, heavenly powers? ancient chinese at

    • According to the position of B. Spinoza, only those states that are built on: republican-democratic

    • According to R. Stammler, the sciences of the spirit operate with the help of the law: expediency

    • According to whose conception is the power of the emperor (“son of heaven”) likened to the power of the father, and the relationship between the ruling and subjects is likened to family relations, where the younger ones depend on the elders? Confucius th

    • T. Campanella in his essay "The City of the Sun" comes to the conclusion that the cause of all evils in society is: private property

    • F. Lassalle (1825 - 1864) - the organizer of the General German Union, denouncing the disenfranchised position of workers in bourgeois society, the exploitation of workers, sought a way out in: social solidarity

    • The goal of the state of the highest type, according to Spencer, is : benefit of the individual, protection of his interests

    • C. Beccaria is the founder of the "classical school" in theory: criminal law

    • What does "Islam" mean in Arabic? surrender to God, obedience b

    • What does "Buddha" mean in ancient Indian? enlightened th

    • What does the history of political and legal doctrines study? patterns of historically emerging and theoretically developing knowledge about law and the state

    • What did A.N. Radishchev, calling it "a brutal custom that marks a petrified heart and a perfect absence of a soul." serfdom

    • What does the Sanskrit word "veda" mean? knowledge

    • What does the word sophistry mean? the desire to win the argument without fail, at least with the help of verbal tricks and logical overexposure

    • What does the author of the Sermon on Law and Grace mean by the word "grace"? what underlies the New Testament, synonymous with truth

    • What was the reason for the creation in 1049 of the "Words on Law and Grace"? completion of the construction of defensive structures in Kyiv

    • What did N.M. Karamzin to mitigate serfdom? curb the cruelty of the masters

    • What is, according to Aristotle, the criterion of equalizing justice of civil law transactions, compensation for damage, punishment? "arithmetic equality»

    • What, according to R. Iering, is the basis of law? selfish interests (material and spiritual)

    • Whose views were subjected to rout by K. Marx in the "Critique of the Gotha Program"? F. Lassalle

    • Whose interests did A. Hamilton defend? commercial and industrial bourgeoisie and slave planters

    • Whose interests were defended by J. Roux, T. Leclerc, J. Varlet - the authors of the "mad" program? the nascent proletariat, the rural poor

    • Whose interests were defended by the ideologists of the Girondins: J. Brissot, J. Condorcet? middle and part of the big bourgeoisie, radically minded

    • Whose writings (“On the Rule of Rulers”, “The Sum of Theology”) are a kind of encyclopedia of the official church ideology of the Middle Ages? F. Aquinas

    • C. Montesquieu called for the creation of popular representation, limiting the power of the monarch. This idea was used to create: Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789, Constitution of 1791 G.

    I. received the name of the head of the movement, Joseph Volotsky. Initially, the I. expressed the interests of the specific-princely opposition and opposed the grand ducal power. At the council of 1503, I. achieved the rejection of the project for the liquidation of monastic land ownership, with which the so-called. supported by Ivan III. At the council of 1504, I. achieved the condemnation of the Novgorod-Moscow "heretics" and cruel reprisals against them. Since that time, I. supported the theory of deities. origin royal power, put forward by Joseph Volotsky, after the death of Joseph Volotsky I. was headed by Daniel, who from 1522 to 1539 was the metropolitan of "All Russia". Led by Daniil I. continued to be bitter. the fight against "heretics" and non-possessors, they achieved the trial of Vassian Kosy and Maxim the Greek. Anti-heretical Daniel, directed against those who stood out in the Reformation. movement 1st floor. 16th century popular movement, wore naked class, political. . Against heretics. movements, Daniel identified the criticism of Orthodox dogmas by "heretics" with attacks on the political. build. Representing the counter-reformation in Russian. soil, I. took an active part in the church. cathedrals ser. 16th century, who condemned Matvey Bashkin and Theodosius Kosoy. In the fight against the "heretics" I. sought to adopt the Spanish. inquisition. The views of I. triumphed in the fight against the views of non-possessors and were up to the middle. 16th century dominant church theory.

    Lit.: History of Philosophy, vol. 1, M., 1957, p. 271; Rybakov B. A., Militant churchmen of the 16th century, "Anti-religious", 1934, No 3; Budovnits I. U., Russian journalism of the 16th century, M.–L., 1947; Zimin A. A., On the political doctrine of Joseph Volotsky, "Proceedings of the Department of other Russian literature. [In-t Russian literature]", 1953, vol. 9; Lurie Ya.S., Brief edition of the "Charter" of Joseph Volotsky - a monument to the ideology of early Josephism, ibid., 1956, v. 12; Kazakova N. A. and Lurie Y. S., Anti-feudal heretical movements in Russia XIV - early XVI century, M.–L., 1955; Zimin A. A., I. S. Peresvetov and his contemporaries, M., 1958, part 1, ch. 2; Klibanov A. I., Reform movements in Russia in the XIV - the first half of the XVI centuries, M., 1960, p. 210–11, 259–60; Lurie Ya. S., Ideological in Russian journalism of the late XV - early. XVI centuries., M.–L., 1960.

    V. Koretsky. Moscow.

    Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .


    JOSEPHLANES - representatives of the religious and political direction in Russian Orthodox Church. 15-16 centuries, supporters and followers of Joseph Volotsky. Prominent representatives: Metropolitans Macarius, Daniel, Elder Philotheus, Archbishop Theodosius and others. a number of social problems(help the poor, the hungry). In defense of the church-state foundations, they sought cruel reprisals against heretics, demanded from the Orthodox strict observance of church rituals and regulations. The Josephites fought against the attempts of nonpossessors to liquidate or limit church land ownership, reinforcing their position with references to wealth and prosperity to help strengthen the position of the church. Over time, Josephism became the official ideology of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Lit .: Lurie Ya. S. Ideological struggle in Russian journalism con. 15-beginning 16th century M.-L., 1960.

    E. H. Butuzkina

    New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .

    See what "Josephites" is in other dictionaries:

      - (Osiflyans), church-political movement in the Russian state of the late 15th-mid-16th centuries. Ideologist Iosif Volotsky. In the fight against nonpossessors, they defended the inviolability of church dogmas, defended church and monastery land tenure ... Modern Encyclopedia

      - (Osiflyane) church-political movement in the Russian state, con. 15 ser. 16th century, ideologue Joseph Volotsky. In the fight against nonpossessors, they defended the inviolability of church dogmas, defended church and monastery land tenure ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

      - (Osiflyans), followers of Joseph Volotsky, who spoke at the end of the 15th and the middle of the 16th centuries. with criticism of nonpossessors. They defended the inviolability of church dogmas, the need for church and monastery land tenure. They defended the thesis of the establishment of God ... ... Russian history

      Josephites- (Osiflyans), church-political movement in the Russian state of the late 15th-mid-16th centuries. Ideologist Iosif Volotsky. In the struggle against the nonpossessors, they defended the inviolability of church dogmas, defended the church-monastic land ownership. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

      This term has other meanings, see Josephites (meanings). Josephites (Osiflyans) followers of Joseph Volotsky, representatives of the church-political movement in the Russian state at the end of the 15th to the middle of the 16th centuries, ... ... Wikipedia

      - (Osiflyane), church-political trend in the Russian state of the late XV-mid-XVI centuries, ideologue Joseph Volotsky. In the struggle against the nonpossessors, they defended the inviolability of church dogmas, defended the church-monastic land ownership. Initially they were... encyclopedic Dictionary

      Osiflyans, representatives of the ecclesiastical political trend in the Russian state in the late 15th and 16th centuries, expressing the interests of the militant church. They got their name as the followers of Joseph Volotsky (See Joseph Volotsky). The economic basis... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      Osiflyans, representatives of the church. political currents in Rus. state ve in con. 15-16 centuries, expressing the interests of the militant church. Its name received as followers of Joseph Volotsky. Economical the basis of I.'s influence was a large monastic ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

      Josephites- (15th-16th centuries) followers of Joseph Volotsky, supporters of church land ownership and ownership of other property by the Church. Their opponents were the nonpossessive followers of Nil Sorsky. Ranking both Joseph Volotsky and Nil Sorsky as saints ... Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary

      josephites- joseph yane, yan, unit. h. Yanin, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    JOSEPHLANES, supporters of a special direction of Russian social thought (late 15-16th century), named after its main inspirer - Joseph Volotsky. The term "Josephites" was used by Prince A. M. Kurbsky; it appeared in the scientific literature in the 2nd half of the 19th century.

    Initially, the Josephites were supporters of the idea of ​​the dominance of spiritual power over secular. The ruler, according to Joseph Volotsky, is an earthly person and a simple executor of God's will, therefore he should give "royal honor, and not divine." If a tyrant was established on the throne, then he should not be obeyed, for he is "not God's servant, but the devil, and not a king, but a tormentor." The rapprochement of Joseph Volotsky with the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich led to a change in the views of the Josephites on the nature of the grand ducal power. Recognizing its divine character, Joseph Volotsky declared the need to subordinate to the ruler all the institutions of the state and the Church, while the “priesthood” was assigned a high mission - to play the role of the spiritual mentor of the sovereign.

    In the church controversy at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries about monastic landownership, which developed against the backdrop of a decline in the internal discipline of cenobitic monasteries, the Josephites, in contrast to their ideological opponents - non-possessors (see also Nil Sorsky), supporters of the monastic form of monasticism, advocated the preservation of monasteries and their renewal internal life on the basis of the obligatory introduction of a strict cenobitic charter. The establishment of a strict communal life, according to the Josephites, made it possible to combine the growth of monastic possessions with the principles of personal monastic non-possession and renunciation of the world. The position of the Josephites on the issue of monastic land ownership prevailed at the council of 1503, and was later confirmed by the council of 1531. It was typical for the Josephite monasteries to attach special importance to the institution of eldership: each young monk was under the supervision of an experienced monk, which strengthened the spiritual continuity between teacher and student (Joseph Volotsky - Cassian Barefoot - Fotiy Volotsky - Vassian Koshka). The Josephites were actively engaged in monastic construction, erected and decorated temples, collected icons and books. Iosif Volotsky invited the best painters - Dionysius and his sons Theodosius and Vladimir - to paint the monastery Cathedral of the Assumption (see Joseph-Volotsky Monastery); the monastery kept icons by Andrey Rublev, there was a scriptorium and literary school. The Josephites opposed the extremes of asceticism and saw the ideal of monasticism not in isolation from the outside world, but in vigorous activity in all spheres public life. Monasticism, in their opinion, should have influenced everything state institutions, to support the grand princely power, to educate future archpastors, to conduct cultural, educational and missionary work, to resist heresies (for example, at the council of 1504, the Josephite position in relation to heretics prevailed - "army and knife", executions and imprisonment).

    At the beginning of the 16th century, the Josephites occupied Rostov (Vassian Sanin), Kolomna (Mitrofan), Suzdal (Simeon) and other departments. Under Metropolitan Daniel of Moscow, many hierarchs of the Russian Church adhered to pro-Josephite positions [Bishops Akaki of Tver, Vassian Kolomensky (Toporkov), Savva of Smolensky, Jonah of Ryazansky, Makariy of Novgorod]. Metropolitan Daniel, in the past hegumen of the Joseph-Volotsk Monastery, actively supported the policy of uniting the Russian lands pursued by the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III Ivanovich, substantiated the divorce of the Grand Duke from S. Yu. Saburova from the church-canonical point of view, married him to E. V. Glinskaya. Volotsk monks participated in the baptism of the future Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, supervised the burial rite Basil III Ivanovich, acted as the main prosecutors at the trials of Maxim Grek and Vassian (Patrikeev), M.S. Bashkin and Theodosius Kosoy. In the 1540s and 1550s, when Macarius, who was close to the Josephites, became Metropolitan of Moscow, all the most important church posts were occupied by his like-minded people. At the Stoglavy Cathedral (1551), the Josephite majority (Archbishop Theodosius of Novgorod, Bishops Savva Krutitsky, Gury Smolensky, Tryphon of Suzdal, Akaki Tverskoy, Nikandr of Rostov, Theodosius of Kolomensky, Cyprian of Perm) finally rejected the non-possessive program proposed by A.F. Adashev and Sylvester, and approved the principle of the inalienability of church lands. Thanks to the activities of Metropolitan Macarius and his "retinue", the "Great Cheti-Minei" were compiled - a collection of "everything" in Russia, life and teaching works, distributed by day of the year, more than 30 Russian saints were canonized (at the cathedrals of 1547-49), created grandiose architectural monuments glorifying the power of the Russian state (for example, St. Basil's Cathedral). The monk of the Pskov Eleazarov Monastery Philotheus was close to the Josephites, who formulated and substantiated in his writings the political concept “Moscow is the third Rome”.

    On the whole, the union of the Josephite Church with the state persisted until the second half of the 16th century. Later, the practice of large-scale monastic land ownership, the ideas of the inalienability of church property came into conflict with the ideology of the emerging autocracy. An echo of the Josephite church-political doctrine in Russian history of the 17th century was the policy of Patriarch Nikon, which brought him into conflict with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

    Lit .: Budovnits I. U. Russian journalism of the 16th century. M.; L., 1947; Zimin A. A. I. S. Peresvetov and his contemporaries. M., 1958; he is. Large feudal patrimony and socio-political struggle in Russia (end of the 15th - 16th centuries). M., 1977; Klibanov A.I. Reform movements in Russia in the XIV - the first half of the XVI century. M., 1960; Lurie Ya. S. Ideological struggle in Russian journalism of the late 15th - early 16th centuries. M.; L., 1960; Dmitrieva R.P. Volokolamsk collections of the 16th century. // Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature. L., 1974. T. 28; Zamaleev A.F. Philosophical thought in medieval Russia (XI-XVI centuries). L., 1987; book centers Ancient Russia: Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery as a center of book learning. L., 1991; Olshevskaya L.A. The history of the creation of the Volokolamsk Patericon, a description of its editions and lists // Old Russian Patericons. M., 1999.

    L. A. Olshevskaya, S. N. Travnikov.

    JOSEPHLANES - side-ron-no-ki especially-bo-go-right-le-tion of Russian social thought (late XV-XVI centuries), in a better name by name his main breath-but-vi-te-la - Jo-si-fa Vo-lots-ko-go.

    The term “Josephites” was used by Prince A.M. Kurbsky; in scientific literature, he appeared in the 2nd half of the 19th century

    First of all, the Josephites, you-stup-pa-whether side-ron-no-ka-mi of the idea of ​​domination of spiritual power over secular power. The ruler, according to the thoughts of Jo-si-fa Vo-lots-ko-go, is an earthly man and a simple use whether, in this way, it is necessary for him to render “royal honor, and not divine honor.” If a ty-wound was waiting for a pre-hundred-le, then he should not-do-wa-lo-vi-no-va-sya, for he is “not God’s servant but the devil, and not a king, but a tormentor. Rapprochement of Io-si-fa Vo-lots-ko-go with the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vas-sil-e-vi-what ob-slo-vi-lo from me -non-views of Joseph on the nature of the ve-li-prince-same-authority. Recognizing her divine character, Io-sif Vo-lots-kiy declared about not-about-ho-di-mo-sti under-chi-not-niya right -vi-te-lyu of all in-sti-tu-tov of go-su-dar-st-va and the Church-vi, while the “sacred-st-vu” from-in-di-las you-with- what a mission - to play the role of the spirits-no-go on-becoming-no-go-su-da-rya.

    In the church-kov-noy in-le-mi-ke ru-be-zha of the XV-XVI centuries about the mo-on-styr-sky land-le-vla-de-nii, once-vi-vav-shey-sya on pho-do not fall of the internal dis-qi-p-li-na of the common-living-tel-nyh ob-te-lei, Josephites, in contrast to their ideological opponents kov - not-stya-zha-te-lei (see also Nil Sor-sky), side-ron-ni-kov skit-no-che-for-we-on-she-st-va, you -stu-pi-whether for the preservation of the mo-on-sta-rei and the renewal of their inner life on the basis of the obligatory introduction of construction go-go general-living-tel-no-go mustache-ta-va. Approval of a strict community, according to the Josephites, it is possible to combine the growth of mo-na-styr-sky authorities-de- ny with the principle of qi-pa-mi personal-no-go mo-na-she-sko-go-not-stya-zha-niya and from-re-che-niya from the world. According to the zi-tion of Joseph on the question of mo-on-styr-sky land-le-vla-de-nii in-goiter-la-da-la on the so-bo-re of 1503, and later the day before would-la confirm-de-on the co-bo-rum of 1531. For the Io-Sif-Lyan-skih mo-na-sta-rei, it would be ha-rak-ter-but giving special-bo-go-sign-ing in-sti-tu-tu old-che -st-va: ka-zh-dy mo-lo-doy mo-nah co-sto-yal under the on-cha-scrap experience-no-go-ino-ka, that usi-li-va-lo du-hov- new pre-em-st-ven-nost between teach-te-lem and learn-no-one (Jo-sif Vo-lots-kiy - Kas-si-an Bo-soy - Fo-tiy Vo- pilot cue - Vas-si-an Kosh-ka). The Josephites are active, but for-no-ma-lis mo-on-styr-sky build-tel-st-vom, erection-vo-di-li and uk-ra-sha-li temples, so-bi -ra-li icons and books. Io-sif Vo-lots-ki with-gla-sils for ros-pi-si mo-na-styr-th Us-pen-so-bo-ra (see Io-si-fo-Vo- pilot-kio mo-na-stir) of the best zhi-vo-pis-tsev - Dio-ni-siya and his sons Feo-do-siya and Vladimir-dimi-ra; in the mo-on-sta-re, the icons of the ra-bo-you An-d-rei Rub-le-va, su-sche-st-vo-va-li creak-to-ry and literary school. Josephites you-stu-pa-whether against the extreme-no-stay as-ke-tiz-ma and vi-de-li ideal-al-ino-che-st-va is not in the ry-ve from the outside th world, but in active activities in all spheres of public life. Mo-na-she-st-in, in their opinion, should-but-lo-influence all state institutions-tu-tu-you, support-to-ke-prince -the same power, vo-pi-you-vat bu-du-shchih ar-hi-pas-you-ray, weight-ti-cul-tour-but-pro-sve-ti-tel-skuyu and mis-sio -ner-sky ra-bo-tu, about-ti-to-stand-yat here-syam (so, on the co-bo-re of 1504, oder-zha-la top io-sif-lyan-sky in-zi- tion in the ot-no-she-ni here-ti-kov - “army and knife”, execution and for something).

    At the beginning of the 16th century, the Josephites for-ni-ma-li Rostovskaya (Vas-si-an Sa-nin), Ko-lo-men-skaya (Mit-ro-fan), Suz-dal-skaya (Si -me-on) and other departments. Under Metropolitan Mo-s-kov-sky Da-nii-le, many ye-rar-hi of the Russian Church were attached to pro-io-sif-lyan-sky positions [epis- sko-py Aka-ki Tver-sky, Vas-si-an Ko-lo-men-sky (To-por-kov), Sav-va Smolen-sky, Io-na Ryazan-sky, Ma- brown Nov-go-rod-sky]. Metropolitan Da-ni-il, in the past Igu-men of the Io-si-fo-Vo-lots-to-go monastery, active but under-hold-zhi-val-li-ti-ku ob- e-di-non-niya of the Russian lands, pro-in-di-muyu by the Grand Duke of Mo-s-kov-sky Va-si-li-em III Iva-no-vi-what, justify-but-val with chur-kov-but-ka-no-nicheskie points of view of the divorce of the Grand Duke with S.Yu. Sa-bu-ro-howl, wed him with E.V. Clay. Vo-lots-kie mo-na-khi teaching-st-vo-va-li in cre-sche-nii bu-du-sche-go king Iva-on IV Va-sil-e-vi-cha, ru -ko-vo-di-li-nome in-gre-be-niya Va-si-liya III Iwa-no-vi-cha, you-st-pa-whether the main about-vi-ni-te-la- mi on pro-cesses Mak-si-ma Gre-ka and Vas-sia-na (Pat-ri-kee-va), M.S. Bash-ki-na and Feo-do-siya Ko-so-go. In the 1540-1550s, when Ma-ka-riy became mi-tro-po-li-tho Mo-s-kov-skim, close to the Josephites, everything is important the next church posts for-nya-whether it is one-but-mouse-len-no-ki. On the Hundred-headed so-bo-re (1551) io-sif-lyan-bol-shin-st-vo (ar-chi-bishop Feo-do-siy Nov-go-rod-sky, bishop sko-py Sav-va Kru-tits-kiy, Gu-riy Smo-lensky, Tri-fon Suz-dal-sky, Aka-kiy Tver-sky, Ni-kander Ros-tov-sky, Feo-do- this Ko-lo-men-sky, Ki-pri-an Perm-sky) windows-cha-tel-but from-rejected-lo not-stya-zha-tel-sky program-mu, pre-lo-women -nuyu A.F. Ada-she-vym and Sil-ve-st-rum, and ut-ver-di-lo the principle of not-from-chu-well-give-mo-sti of church lands. Bless the deeds of Metropolitan Ma-ka-riy and his “friends” were the members of the “Ve-li-kie Che-tyi-Mi -nei ”- a set of“ all that-myth ”in Rus-si of living and teaching pro-news-de-ni, races-pre-de-lyon-ny on the days of the year, about -ve-de-on ka-no-ni-za-tion more than 30 Russian saints (on co-bors of 1547-1549), creating grand di-oz-pa- mint-ni-ki ar-khi-tek-tu-ry, glorifying the power of the Russian state (for example, Vasi-liya Bla-zhen-no-th temple). The monks of Pskov Elea-for-ro-va of the Fi-lo-fey monastery were close to the Josephites, sfor-mu-li-ro-vav-shiy and justified-but-vav-shiy in his their co-chi-not-ni-yah in a lytic concept "Mo-sk-va - the third Rome."

    In general, the union of the Io-Sif-Lyan Church with the state-su-dar-st-vom was preserved until the 2nd half of the 16th century. Later, prak-ti-ka krup-no-go-on-styr-go-land-le-vla-de-niya, ideas not-from-chu-well-dae-mo-sti church-kov- but-go imu-shche-st-va-went into pro-ti-in-re-chie with the idea-lo-gi-she for-mi-ruyu-sche-go-sa-mo-der-ja- wiya. From-go-lo-skom Io-Sif-Lyan church-but-lytic-doc-tri-na in Russian history of the 17th century became-la-li-ti-ka pat -ri-ar-ha Ni-ko-na, bringing him to a conflict with Tsar Alek-se-em Mi-hi-lo-vi-chem.

    Additional literature:

    Za-ma-le-ev A.F. Philosophical thought in the Middle Ages of Russia (XI-XVI centuries). L., 1987;

    Book centers of Ancient Russia: Io-si-fo-Vo-lo-ko-lam-sky mo-na-stir as a center of book-no-sti. L., 1991;

    Ol-shev-skaya L.A. lists // Ancient non-Russian pa-te-ri-ki. M., 1999.