The occult capital of the 3rd Reich. Occultism in the Third Reich. What did the Nazis worship? Occult practices in the service of Nazism

The occultism of the Third Reich rose to unprecedented heights during the coming of the Nazis to power in Germany. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were a lot of adherents of occult beliefs.

Occultism(from the word occultus - hidden or secret) - this is the doctrine of the secrets of nature. This term includes the study of all areas of the psychological, physiological, spiritual and cosmic realms.

To include various mystical teachings, ancient "secret knowledge" about the supernatural. Occultism rose to an unprecedented height during the coming to power in Germany Nazis. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were a lot of adherents occult beliefs.

Book cover of the Thule Society, which included Hitler and other Nazi leaders

Hitler from childhood was fond of reading books on mythology and occultism and with his coming to power, hundreds of soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants reached out.

Among the superstitious associates of Hitler were also Adolf Rosenberg, the ideologue of Nazism;

Rudolf Hess - whose fixed idea was the revival of ancient pagan beliefs; Heinrich Himmler - dreaming of the revival of the German nation.

Not far from the city of Externsteine ​​in the Teutoburg Forest in 1934, Heinrich Himmler rented an ancient castle, and prisoners of a concentration camp located nearby were engaged in its restoration.

This castle housed an archaeological museum, a library occult, Institute of Ancient History and "Nordic Academy" SS. Himmler made it his residence, where in the North Tower, the most majestic, a "sanctuary" was arranged Nazi"new religion" created within the SS, which was a symbiosis of ancient Germanic paganism, early Christianity and modern occult.

A crypt was built at the base of the tower - “Temple to the glory of the deceased leaders of the SS”, twelve pedestal bases were built along its edges, where it was supposed to install urns with the ashes of great SS generals who would die in future battles. Directly above the crypt was the Hall of the SS Leaders, where Himmler intended to meet with the twelve highest officers of his service.

Thus, a parallel was drawn with the Celtic traditions of the Knights of the Round Table during the time of King Arthur. Himmler, creating the SS according to the type of the Teutonic Order of the XIII century (you can read more about the Order of the Templars), dreamed of creating a new German aristocracy supermen, which, like the knights mentioned, will exterminate and enslave the peoples of the lands they conquered, by the way, in the enslaved lands, SS officers were promised feudal allotments with working, but in reality slave, power.

The source of esoteric power to the Nazis was the Mysterious chalice of the Holy Grail, in which, according to ancient sources, the blood of the Savior was collected. It was believed that having this Christian artifact, which promised prosperity, prosperity and power, Third Reich secure an easy victory in the war.

According to the archaeologist Otto Rahn, who was Himmler's adviser on this issue, the Chalice was hidden in a cave in southern France from time immemorial. By order of Himmler, expeditions were equipped, including to the fortress of Montsegur, where the remains of the once powerful Albigensian fortress were preserved.

It was a heretical sect that was destroyed in the 13th century because of the accusation of worshiping the devil. According to legend, three warriors managed to leave the fortress on the eve of the rout, take with them something extremely valuable and hide it in one of the many caves. It is believed that this was precisely the Grail.

From the stories of the expedition members, it is known that a small detachment went into the depths of mountain caves along an underground passage known only to Ran. Tired people returned, confirming that they found two walled caves, where only swords and armor were found, eaten away by rust. But Ran was pleased - these findings corresponded to some of his assumptions. The next day, Ran went into the caves alone and was absent for two days.

Otto Rahn during an archaeological dig

When he returned, he did not tell anyone, but he had a happy smile on his face. The next day the camp was removed and Otto Rahn lost all interest in him. No one ever found out what he found or did not find ... The archaeologist in 1938 wrote a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the SS and he (an unprecedented case !!) was released.

Ahnenerbe Society

In 1939, Otto Rahn was found dead in the Austrian Alps under unspecified circumstances. It is believed that it was on the orders of Himmler that the archaeologist was liquidated, since the search for the Holy Grail was unsuccessful, or vice versa, having found the Chalice for Nazis he didn't need them...

One of the most mysterious organizations Third Reich, shrouded in secrets and speculation was " Ahnenerbe”, which literally means “ancestral heritage” in German. It was her task to apply the secret knowledge of European mystics and Eastern occultists to exalt Third Reich both spiritually and practically.

Origins Ahnenerbe” are served by the Germanenorden, Thule and Vril societies. It was these mystical organizations that became the “three pillars” of the ideology of National Socialism, supporting the idea of ​​the existence in prehistoric times of a certain state, whose powerful civilization knew almost all the secrets of the universe and which died after a grand catastrophe. Having miraculously saved some of the people, having mixed with the Aryans, it gave rise to the appearance of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans.

People interested in history Nazi Germany superficially, title Ahnenerbe' says little. But the very fact that Heinrich Himmler was the president of this society and he charged his subordinates with a total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world, speaks of the importance that was given the work of this society.

A special expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Ahnenerbe". The main areas of research were the study of the properties of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, and human capabilities in terms of pain thresholds. And besides, great interest was shown in the mass psychological and psychotropic effects, work was underway to create a superweapon. For scientific research Ahnenerbe”attracted well-known scientists from around the world.

« Ahnenerbe”in German, he meticulously clearly delimited the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic weapons, as well as the possibility of using religious and mystical practices.

For research " Ahnenerbe» Nazi Germany spent a lot of money. Some sources claim that even more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. The so-called Nordic theory was one of the main areas of activity " Ahnenerbe' since its inception. Many Germans sincerely believed that they were the descendants of the ancient Aryans, or Aryans who moved to the southern lands from the legendary Hyperborea-Thule, mentioned by Herodotus.

And that it is they who, with the help of the so-called vril forces (for the first time about psychokinetic energy - the vril was written in 1871 by the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book The Coming Race) will be able to become a race of superhumans and rule the world. It was assumed that in the heirs of the Aryans, “dormant” parapsychological abilities could be awakened and used in the service of Greater Germany.

Scientists from the SS had to study runic writings, the history of the Aryans and much more in order to substantiate the superiority of the Aryan race and its right to world domination and, accordingly, find evidence of the inferiority of other peoples, primarily Jewish and Slavic. Ethnographers and archaeologists, historians and philologists serving in the "Ahnenerbe" wrote educational programs for the SS and shot "scientific propaganda" films.

SS members were taught to read runes. The Society created new civil ceremonies for weddings, funerals, the consecration of newborn babies and, of course, the ceremony of initiation and delivery of weapons to recruits.

Nazi the top believed that as soon as evidence of their ancient and almost divine origin was found, they would easily be able to recreate superhumans with the help of selection. The tribal fund became part of the SS, where they selected the strongest, physically healthy and most beautiful young men, certainly tall, blue-eyed blonds. They also had to be of impeccable Aryan origin and well educated. The purity of the genus was supposed to be monitored since 1750.

Members of the SS, regardless of their marital status, were charged with "producing" as many offspring as possible. In 1935, Himmler formulated the Levensborn program (translated from German as Source of Life), its task was to encourage the birth and life support of truly Aryan children. The doctrine, in particular, provided for and strongly encouraged the fact that girls could and should enter into relations with the SS.

Children born in such relationships were not at all considered dishonorable if the mother and father met the standard of true Aryans. Between 1935 and 1945, 11,000 such children were born. Babies were the property of the state and it took care of them, transferring them to special boarding schools or families of SS members. Children with Aryan appearance were also taken out of the occupied countries and placed in orphanages “ ” in Germany.

ruling elite Nazi Reich was obsessed occultism and racial theories of superiority and actively imposed the ideas of super-race on the entire German people. Adolf Hitler and his associates regularly held loud, carefully planned performances by the Fuhrer, theatrically furnished with parades, torchlight processions and other spectacles.

« Ahnenerbe» and Tibet

Scientists from the SS identified the birthplace of the Aryan civilization as Central Asia, the region of the Gobi Desert, the Pamirs and the mountains of Tibet, where, starting from the 30s, they began to equip numerous expeditions in order to search, firstly, for mythical relics that would contribute to the exaltation Nazi Germany and also, secondly, the search for the mythical cities of Shambhala and Agharti (it was believed that these hidden underground cities were located under the Himalayas), and to restore contact with the Aryan ancestors located there.

The sent expeditions had to ask for help, and, of course, get it from local initiates, who allegedly owned secret occult powers, such as the previously mentioned Vril power, possessed arcane knowledge that could hold the key to the Aryan master race's absolute dominion over the world. Some researchers still believe that the information obtained during expeditions to Tibet significantly advanced the development of a certain prototype of a combat atomic charge and that the Americans allegedly discovered them at the end of the war.

« Ahnenerbe"organized an expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939 led by Ernst Schaeffer. The expedition members managed to visit not only the closed city of Lhasa, but also visited the sacred place of Yarling. Having worked in this region for three months, the expedition brought home hundreds of meters of film, on which various mystical and religious rites were filmed, and many manuscripts for careful study.

The result of the analysis of the results of the expedition was a report personally submitted to Hitler, after reading which he was extremely excited and the thought of a superweapon, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left him. Radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa, and a large group of Tibetan representatives arrived on a secret mission.

The bodies of these Tibetans, for some reason in the form of the SS, were subsequently found in Hitler's personal bunker and in the premises of the Reich Chancellery. All their secrets they voluntarily took with them to the grave.

Special teams of German researchers visited not only in search of mystical knowledge and documents. In the laboratory " Ahnenerbe” dozens of manuscripts were delivered both in Sanskrit and in ancient Chinese.

Wernher von Braun, who was at the origins of the creation of the first V-1 and V-2 rocket aircraft, said that scientists found a lot of interesting things in these documents. Incredible evidence has recently emerged that development knowledge space technology and non-standard weapons, the Nazis received from some alien civilization, contact with which took place (in detail about the theory of palecontact) at a top-secret base located in Antarctica.

In 1946, under the leadership of Richard Evelyn Brown, the Americans sent a search expedition to Antarctica. It consisted of a submarine, an aircraft carrier and fourteen ships. Many years later Byrd admitted that he was indeed at the base " Ahnenerbe”and saw there extraordinary disc-shaped aircraft capable of covering huge distances almost instantly.

In the laboratories "" they worked actively on the creation of atomic weapons. Sometimes there are publications that supposedly the Germans went the wrong way in research and would never have been able to get positive results. But this is not true, there is evidence that in 1944 the bomb was Third Reich was! Several tests were carried out - in the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen and in Thuringia. Experienced "material" in these tests were prisoners of war who died during the explosion.

Their bodies burned down without a trace or were badly damaged by radiation and high-temperature exposure. Both Stalin and Truman learned about the tests of the Germans in just a few days. It must be emphasized that the German bomb was more likely not atomic, in the physical sense, but thermonuclear.

In January 1945, the German armaments minister said that "there is an explosive the size of a matchbox, the amount of which is enough to destroy the whole of New York." Analysts say that the Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time, they did not have enough time to create weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence agencies of the USSR and their allies were very interested in the activities of the organization "", but the constant control of the German security services reduced all efforts to penetrate this society.

Despite the fact that most of the intelligence operations carried out during the Second World War have long been declassified, most of the secrets of the work " Ahnenerbe' has not been disclosed by anyone. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the United States and the USSR made truly titanic efforts to search for archives " Ahnenerbe”, all kinds of materials and developments, as well as its employees. Everything that was found was taken away in complete secrecy. Scientists continued their work in the new, again secret, laboratories of the victorious countries.

It was not in vain that the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, Secretary General "" was abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg Trials and why a simple SS colonel was so hastily shot among the most important war criminals " Third Reich"? And Dr. Cameron, who later headed the CIA Blue Bird project for the development and application of psychoprogramming and psychotronics, may not have been in Nuremberg in vain as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of " Ahnenerbe».

And the significant breakthroughs that occurred almost simultaneously in the field of rocket science, space research, the creation of nuclear and nuclear weapons in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA suggest seized secret archives " Third Reich". Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were especially active in research in the field of psychotropic weapons. Prior to this, the Nazis successfully carried out in the death camps.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared the Ahnenerbe a criminal organization. But comments claiming that the Ahnenerbe archives did not contain anything serious and concrete clearly do not stand up to scrutiny. Belief in astrology and prophecy did a disservice to the top of the Nazi Reich.

The famous German astrologer Wilhem Wulff, who is under arrest, made a horoscope for Adolf Hitler and predicted his death in May 1945. And so it happened. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in the Fuhrer's private bunker on April 30, 1945. Goebbels shot himself and his wife, after poisoning his six young children.

Himmler, disguised as a private, tried to escape, but was captured on May 23, 1945, and during the detention by an English patrol, he chewed on a cyanide capsule. Being in the Nurnerg prison accepted Hermann Göring's poison capsule. In November 1945, the survivors appeared before the military tribunal of the victorious countries in Nuremberg. Nazi ringleaders.

Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in prison at the age of 93. Alfred Rosenberg, ideologue Nazism and philosopher of racism was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in October 1946. Lasted only 12 years Third Reich, and not the millennium expected by its creators.

History passed its verdict - the fate of almost 50 million dead was shared by representatives of the Hitlerite "superior race", which was supposed to lead to future generations of Aryan supermen.

Vermishev Georgy Andreevich

PhD Student, Department of Philosophy of Religion

and Religious Studies of St. Petersburg State University [email protected]

Vermishev Georgy Andreevich

graduate student of chair of philosophy of religion and St. Petersburg State University religious studies [email protected]

The role of the occult movement in the ideology of the Third Reich

Role of the occult in the formation of the Third Reich ideology

Annotation. The article discusses the role of the occult in the formation of the ideology of the Third Reich. It is proved that the information about the fascination of the first persons of the NSDAP with occult mysticism is an exaggeration, and sometimes even an outright falsification. However, some of the political myths of the Nazis were first formulated in the occult environment. In addition, occult mysticism had an impact on the symbolic system of the Reich and Nazi culture in general.

Key words: Nazism, occultism, ideology, Third Reich Annotation. The article considers the role of the occult in the formation of the Third Reich ideology. It is argued, that testimony about passion of the first NSDAP-persons for occult mysticism is overestimate and sometimes even falsification. Nevertheless, some political myths of the Nazis were first formulated in the occult environment. In addition, occult mysticism had deep influence on the symbolic system of the Reich and Nazi culture as a whole.

KEYWORDS: nazism, occultism, ideology, Third Reich

The role of the occult in the ideology of the Third Reich is one of the most significant problems for studying the relationship between National Socialism and religion. At the same time, perhaps, few other aspects of the activities of the Nazis were overgrown with such a number of scientific speculations and fakes as this one. Suffice it to recall the numerous documentaries about the Holy Grail or the Longen spear that Hitler allegedly tried to find, as well as many printed pseudo-scientific works about the activities of the Ahnenerbe. Of course, there are a number of sources and studies that obviously cannot be considered scientific, but even if we discard them, there will remain a whole layer of literature that is difficult to interpret unambiguously.

The connection between the Nazi myth and earlier concepts of the Völkische Bewegung movement, which was formed at the end of the 19th century, causes the least discussion today. Of course, the racial concepts of Hitler had a certain influence of the classics - C. Darwin, J. Gobineau and

H.S. Chamberlain. However, in Völkisch, the racist and anti-Semitic ideas that arose in France and England acquired a truly German flavor, fully revealing their anti-Christian potential.

In the second half of the XIX century. among the occult circles of Austria, the theosophical ideas of N. Blavatsky are spreading. According to N. Godric-Clarke, it was her work that influenced the development of the concepts of Guido Von List (Guido Von List, 1848-1917) - the first who combined the nationalist ideas of "fölkisch" with the occult. Liszt, fascinated by the idea of ​​the "German spirit", tried to find its origins in the traditional beliefs of the Germans associated with the worship of Wotan. In his main work, The Mystery of the Runes, he tries to reveal the secret content of ancient German culture through the analysis of the preserved runes and hieroglyphs. List was convinced that the Wotanic priesthood did not disappear without a trace, but dissolved in the German people, turning the German language into a kind of cipher, a "hidden revelation." "All sagas, folk tales and myths on the third, esoteric, secret level have a special meaning, depending on the locality with which they are associated," List points out.

As a result, he comes to the conclusion that the Germans have esoteric beliefs - this religious system, which mixed Gnostic motives and traditional beliefs, he calls "Armanism" (also: "Wotanism"). According to List, Armanism was practiced by the priest-kings who ruled the ancient Aryan state, which in every way was superior to other nations. However, then Christianity came and destroyed the traces of its former greatness. “Another religious system appeared and went into battle with Odinism - a religious system that denied the physical and recognized only the spiritual; which ignorantly decided to delay the processes of development and evolution, processes that exist, and therefore are desired by God - the "primary laws of nature" that cannot be changed, ”writes List. One of the main differences between Germanic Aryanism and Indian (Buddhism) and late Christianity is the glorification of not only the spirit, but also the body.

Another prominent occultist of that time is Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels (Adolf Joseph Lanz, 1874-1954). Also concerned about the loss of the ancient Aryan culture, he draws on Christianity and Christian Gnosticism, although he distorts the content of the sources used (including the Bible), fitting them into his racist ideas. In his main work Theozoology (Theozoologie, 1904), Lanz von Liebenfels writes: “The Logos is the progenitor of European man, man in the true sense, he is the one who sits on a white horse, he is a white stone (Rev. II, 17). He defeated three other kinds of people, black, yellow and red, he is the king of all kings, the lord of all lords.<...>Today they are all - the sons of the Logos - as dangerous as in ancient times. They seduce us with their art of love, develop and degrade. The collective image of all evil in undeveloped cultures in his book is Sodom, while Christ opposes Sodom and patronizes higher man. “The great mystery of Christianity, the trinity, will now seem to us a magnificent anthropology. Father, spirit and son -

these are 3 stages of development of higher (white) humanity,” writes Lanz von Liebenfels.

The result of his research is the conclusion that modern Germans are "children of God." As evidence, the famous “You are Gods” of the Apostle John is cited, as well as the Gnostic text “Pistis Sophia”, in which pneumatics are proclaimed “angels, archangels, lords and rulers”. True, the process cannot be considered complete. Lanz von Liebenfels affirms the need for further evolution, further elevation of the nation, in order to liken the chosen people to God. "Our bodies are temples of God, they are members of the future superman". As for Christianity, it is perceived as a saving key given to the German people. "In many biblical passages it is said that a European, a white person, we say shortly a German, a heavenly son," he writes. However, the forces of Sodom perverted the true content: "the Sodom spirit of Rome and Byzantium" preached to the Germans "false Christianity" saturated with unnatural "love for one's neighbor."

"True" Christianity, as Lanz von Liebenfels understands it, nevertheless gravitates towards Christian Gnosticism. It is worth noting here that Gnosticism, with its anthropological concepts, dividing the entire human society into “Ghiliks” (people of the body), “psychics” (people of the soul) and “pneumatics” (people of pneuma, that is, the elect and possessing divine gnosis), was convenient used to justify the ideas of national superiority. Moreover, it was in the Gnostic environment that the idea that the Jews could be considered a “nation of evil” was born: after the Old Testament god began to be perceived as the evil demiurge Jaldabaoth, the interpretation of the idea of ​​a “chosen” people also changed. As a result, in Gnostic literature, Jews are sometimes perceived as servants of Jaldabaoth, preventing the return of the bright souls of the Gnostics to the First Father (although, paradoxically, Gnosticism grows precisely from the Jewish heretical culture) .

However, there were those among the "Völkische" who tried to keep the connection of Christianity with Protestantism - for example, the German writer Adolf Bartels (ADOLF BARTELS, 1862-1945) recognized by the Nazis. Bartels was convinced that it was Christianity that was the "Aryan religion", which fully expresses the German national character. However, "true" Christianity meant German Protestantism (albeit somewhat truncated). Thus, he fully follows Chamberlain, who considered it necessary to return Christianity to the free Aryan spirit, which was expressed by the Protestant religion. In 1913, Bartels first used the concept of "German Christianity" (Deutschchristentum). In his article "Der Deutsche Verfall" he formulates the slogan "Always more German Christianity, always less Jewish Christianity!" (Immer mehr Deutschchristentum, immer weniger Judenchristentum). In general, anti-Semitism was a central element of his ideology. Bartels seeks to free himself from Jewish culture: “If the Aryan God should be born in our souls, then for this the Jewish God

Jehovah must be defeated,” he writes. And in the Bible he calls to "tolerate" only those pieces that are consistent with the concept of Aryanism. Of course, this does not include the Old Testament, which contains, from the point of view of Barels, “the deeds of Jewish heroes, dubious from the point of view of morality,” as well as ideas of discrimination against women, characteristic of the East. He also discarded the ten commandments, which he considered based on "stupid fear" of the "angry Jehovah God", and saw at their basis "shallow utilitarian morality." The message of Paul was also rejected because it was incompatible with the racial ideas of the völkisch: “forward to Christ. Away from Paul,” was the new motto.

At the same time, the supporters of the "Deutschchristentum" did not completely abandon the heritage of traditional religions, perceiving the myths about the Ases (the righteous martyr Balder or the warlike Odin) as the forerunner of Christianity. A good illustration of such concepts is the poem "The German Christ". It was written in 1914 by one of the völkisch members, Max Bewer, and is literally saturated with the spirit of messianism and militarism, which would then be characteristic of Nazi ideology: Putting my hand to my eyes, I follow you in the morning light, Your path is known, and it leads from the Jordan to the Rhine.

Putting my ear to the ground, I feel your steps - You walk, not bowed by the cross, You walk, as the Lord steps.

The child will become a Man, the Cross will become a sword, And the rose will become a tall shoot; Your kingdom is the whole world, and Germany is your hearth. When will you come, secret King?

A question that provokes much more heated discussions: how much was Hitler himself associated with the occult völkisch circles? It is safe to say that a significant amount of literature on this topic is a banal fiction that has nothing to do with scientific research. The first "historical evidence" of this kind about Hitler's occult hobbies was published already in the 30s, and they were written among Christian esotericists. Even then, he was accused of participating in demonic rituals and practicing dark magic. One of the brightest works of this kind was the book Occult Causes of the Present War, published in 1940 by the British mystic Lewis Spence. However, the main body of pseudo-historical research appeared between 1960-1975. Among them are "Morning of the Magicians" by Leah Povel (The Morning of the Magicians), "The Spear of Destiny" by Trevor Ravenscroft (The Spear of Destiny), "The Occult Reich" by James Brennan

(Occult Reich) and others.

American researcher Stephen Flowers points out that the occult element in Nazi ideology was always somewhat exaggerated in order to demonize the Nazis. During the war years, such books were part of anti-Nazi propaganda aimed at discrediting Hitler in the eyes of Christians. Another factor in the appearance of such works, he considers the attempts of the Catholic Church to disown the connection with the Nazis. Flowers cites the case of media coverage of the election of Pope Benedict XVI (J. Ratzinger). To the remark that Ratzinger was a member of the Hitler Youth, an authoritative journalist replied: “Come on, everyone knows that Nazism had nothing to do with Christianity, it was a purely pagan movement,” - with this example, the researcher emphasizes the rootedness of the myth about the occult roots of Nazism in the public consciousness. Flowers himself enrolled in Arthur LaVey's Satanic Church in the 1970s and is a practicing mystic, which inevitably raises the question of his partiality.

However, assumptions about the propaganda nature of some sources are confirmed by other studies. Until now, references to the memoirs of Herman Rauschning, a Nazi ally who fled the United States in 1939, are common in Russian historiography. In his book Hitler Speaks. Beast from the Abyss" Rauschning cites the memoirs of 1934/35, in which he presents the Fuhrer as an "antichrist", who considered it necessary to eradicate Christianity and replace it with a renewed ancient Germanic religion. However, in the late 80s, the German researcher W. Haenel showed that most of the high-profile statements attributed to Hitler in his books are fake. Rauschning could not see Hitler more than 100 times, as he himself describes it. He could attend at most 13 audiences, only two he could record for the Führer, while there is no reason to believe that Hitler would have become so frank in his presence.

Today, this approach is being challenged. Thus, researcher B. Lenke compared Rauschning's text and H. Picker's "Table Talk of Hitler", recorded much later, in 1941/44. Having found a significant number of stylistic and conceptual similarities, he states that Rauschning's memoirs "give a good idea of ​​Hitler's way of thinking and his goals on almost all fundamental issues. However, touching on the issues that were relevant at the time of writing the book, as well as the personality of Hitler, the author resorts to exaggerations that do not correspond to the facts.<...>The last two chapters are a clear mix historical source and fiction,” Lenke concludes. At the same time, the British historian of National Socialism Ian Kershaw calls Rauschning's memoirs a source "so dubious that it is better not to use it at all." However, Kershaw is also critical of other memoirs, including Table Talk. The researcher immediately cites several possible reasons for the unreliability of such information: the secretive nature of the Fuhrer, the coldness of his personal relations, the flattery or hatred of his subordinates, as well as those introduced in the post-war period

edits .

In August 1918, on the basis of the occult concepts of Liebendorf, the Thule Society appeared in Munich, founded by the Turkish subject Adam Glauer, who adopted the pseudonym Rudolf von Sebottendorf (Rudolf von Sebottendorf, 1875-1945). The ideology of the society was based on the ideas of Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism and Ariosophy. Members of the society shared the idea of ​​a turning point in the era, which could be the beginning of the apocalypse or universal salvation. At that time, German society was indeed at a breaking point - in November 1918, a revolution began in the German Empire, which formally ended only a year later. Under these conditions, Thule functioned more as a political than as an occult organization. However, she did not get rid of her esoteric anti-Semitic heritage. The Thule members believed that the historical process in Germany was being controlled by 300 wise Jewish elders who were using the ideology of Bolshevism to win the working class over to their side. To counter this, in October 1918 the Thule Society created the "Political Workers' Circle", whose members then formed the German Workers' Party. Thus, some of the future National Socialists were indeed members of the Thule Society, but Hitler himself was not a member of it, but had already joined the German Workers' Party (DAP), which was transformed into the NSDAP in 1920. N. Goodrick-Clark rightly points to Hitler's purely pragmatic interest in the Thule Society - in it he was able to quickly find his first like-minded people. At the same time, it was in his interest to create a mass party, so some of Thule's esoteric ideas were discarded. But the solar symbol of the swastika, which at that time was popular in such circles, was preserved (the same swastika turned to the right, for example, was used by G. List). For the National Socialists, the swastika combined the idea of ​​Aryan superiority (the symbol is borrowed from Indian culture), anti-Semitism, and even the Christian cross. At the same time, Hitler himself wrote that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe struggle for the victory of the Aryans and creative work was embedded in the swastika, the red flag symbolizes socialist orientation, and the white flag symbolizes nationalism.

The Hungarian historian Ambrus Miskolci, after analyzing Hitler's personal library, makes an assumption about Hitler's ambivalent attitude towards the occult: esotericism interested him, but at the same time annoyed him. So, the researcher cites one of the "occult" poems allegedly written by the Fuhrer:

On bitter nights I often go

To Wotan's oak in a quiet clearing,

To make an alliance with the dark forces.

However, he showed no significant interest in occult literature. According to Mikolchi, Hitler managed to get acquainted with the books of List and Liebenfels in Vienna, but he never read deeply into the later esoteric works sent to him. Analyzing the notes made by Hitler on the books sent to him, Mikolchi draws attention to the narcissism, with

with which the Fuhrer marks quotations from his own writings. The conclusion of the researcher is logical: the Fuhrer had no reason to read other people's books and teachings, since he already had his own.

In this sense, the fate of the main occult ideologists of the völkische movement is very indicative. In 1933, the founder of the society, Sebottendorf, published a book disloyal to the regime, “Before Hitler Came” (“Bevor Hitler kam”), was arrested, but miraculously managed to escape, his book was banned. Lanz von Liebenfels, after the Anschluss of Austria in 1938, also fell into disgrace, part of his writings (the Ostara series) were confiscated by the Nazis. It seems fair to assume that Hitler was simply not ready to endure esoteric societies around him, since National Socialism was to be perceived as the brainchild of the Fuhrer, and not a group of mystics.

However, it does not at all follow from this that other members of the NSDAP could not get involved in esotericism. Researcher M.I. Shakhnovich noted that clairvoyance and occult quackery were widespread in the Third Reich, and by 1940 over 50 thousand professional mystics were registered in the country. Although the most serious work related to occult mysticism, namely the "Myth of the XX century" by Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946), was left without the attention of associates. A. Speer recalls that this 700-page Talmud was printed in hundreds of thousands of copies, although it was “simply impossible to read” and even Hitler was surprised how this, in his own words, “relapse of medieval mysticism” was being sold. Rosenberg fully follows the Ariosophical ideas of the Völkische. He declares the ideals of Christian Europe useless. Calls for the liberation of European culture from the soft, abstract Christian ideals that came from the East and Asia Minor, and to discover a new philosophy that would be rooted in the bowels of the earth. Nordic man must realize his racial superiority and purity. Instead of meekness and forgiveness, Rosenberg offers the ideal of an imperious, earthly personality and a strong peasant. Mysticism is positioned as a way to the revival of the German nation, and "dreamers" are declared people of action.

But the most active mystic of the Third Reich, perhaps, can be considered the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945). Himmler is known for his fascination with the Bhagavad Gita, Hindu and Buddhist books, in which he drew the spirit of Aryanism. Even more revealing is his passion for astrology - for example, he resorted to the help of astrologers to locate the captive Mussolini. It is also stated that he believed himself to be the reincarnation of King Henry I the Fowler, the first German ruler.

Himmler was baptized in the Catholic Church and always remained a believer in his soul. However, judging by the diaries, from 1919 to 1924. he is going through a serious crisis, after which he moves away from the official Church. Himmler did not disregard the Catholic tradition when, in 1934, he was instructed to form SS guard detachments. Based on the ideals of the Jesuit order, he sought to create an organization that would combine religious service and

the ideals of the ruthless Teutonic chivalry (which did not stop us from choosing the German runes "zig", which were considered an attribute of the god of war Thor), as a symbol. In the same year, the Teutonic castle of Wewelsburg in Westphalia was handed over to the SS. Those who were honored to visit him were imposed a hierarchical order according to the model adopted in the Catholic Church, while Himmler was considered the general of the order. Everyone had to do spiritual exercises and spend some time in concentration before important meetings.

Another brainchild of Himmler was the German Institute for the Study of Ancient German History and the Heritage of Ancestors Ahnenerbe (Ahnenerbe), which was opened in 1935, although it did not immediately come under the control of the SS (by 1937/39). The first curator of the project was the private researcher Herman Wirth (1900-1945). A typical representative of the "fölkisch", he defended the idea of ​​the origin of mankind from the superhuman Hyperboreans, who once lived on the northern continent of Arctogea. Wirth tried to scientifically substantiate his concepts, which is generally rare for the "völkisch", but did not meet like-minded people either in the academic environment or in the Nazi elite (although Rosenberg even honored him with several critical passages in his "Myth of the 20th century"). After meeting Himmler, the situation changes for a while. Having received a position in the Ahnenerbe, Wirth makes two expeditions to Scandinavia. However, the results disappointed Himmler, besides, the budget of the organization was squandered, so in 1938 - not without squabbles and personal conflicts - Wirth left his post.

Walther Wüst (1901-1994), a researcher who had a good reputation in the academic community, was appointed the new leader (scientific, Himmler took the presidency). Himmler declared the complete independence of the scientist, but at the same time set a clear task - to work on concepts that would strengthen the cultural foundation of the Third Reich. The Ahnenerbe was instructed to take care of the state of the German soul and the inner life of the people. An example of such research is the development by Fritz Weitzel of ritual practices for SS soldiers based on a neo-pagan religious worldview. Ritual rules were presented as an ancestral tradition, such a collection contained ritual songs, runes and illustrative materials.

By 1939, the Ahnenerbe was a community with rather vague goals - the range of scientific tasks was too wide. Nevertheless, it published the monthly "Germany", and also had its own printing house in Berlin. Of course, a significant part of the publications was of no value to the independent academic community. Contrary to promises, Himmler did not give researchers freedom, so propaganda opuses that had little to do with science more often went into print. However, serious studies devoted to the rituals and rituals of the ancient Germans came out from the pen of the Ahnenerbe workers.

A number of pseudoscientific studies attribute to Ahnenerbe the work on the search for the Grail, or the Spear of Destiny - supposedly it was Hitler's personal instruction,

who, with the help of occult practices and "sacred artifacts", hoped to seize power throughout the world. Such theories did not appear from scratch, but it would be more correct to speak of Himmler's interest, and not the Fuhrer personally.

The most revealing episode is associated with the name of Karl Maria Wiligut (Karl Maria Wiligut, 1866-1946) - one of the main creators of the occult myth of the Third Reich. Wiligut was a mentally ill person, and he was diagnosed with schizophrenia during the First World War. Starting at the age of 18, "insights" happened to him from time to time. Secret knowledge was given in the form of prophetic sayings, and he wrote them down in the form of runes. It was assumed that eventually Wiligut would be able to fully recover the secret knowledge of the original proto-religion. It is worth adding to this that he traced his origin from the Ases, and, in addition, he spoke in detail about the crucifixion of Balder, which took place near Goslar on the ruins of St. Peter's Seminary.

Such evidence clearly betrayed a mentally ill person, but this did not bother the Reichsfuehrer SS, so Wiligut was even dubbed "Rasputin Himmler." There is every reason to believe that the top leadership of the SS treated these revelations with the utmost attention. First, he was given a special position in Munich, where he was to write down his hereditary fantasies under the assumed name "Wise Thor" (weisthor). Secondly, he was able to engage Müller in a correspondence with another occultist, Günter Kirchenhoff, who - as an example - "speculated about the existence of geodesic lines of energy passing through the entire continent." Thirdly, Wiligut had a tremendous influence on the ritual system of the SS. A. Vasilchenko cites as an example a report in which SS Brigadier General Karl Wolff describes in detail the ceremony performed on his newborn child with the participation of Muller: “Willigut wrapped the child with a blue ribbon of life and uttered the traditional words: A blue ribbon of fidelity winds through your life. Every Aryan, every self-conscious Aryan must remain faithful! This blue ribbon symbolically links birth and marriage, life and death. And so, this child is associated with my deep desire for his transformation into a real Aryan boy and a staunch Aryan man. After that, Wiligut took the cup and said: "God is the source of all life! From God comes your knowledge, sense of duty, life purpose and the whole meaning of life. Every sip from this cup is a confirmation of your connection with God." Returning the child to the mother, he utters a new ritual phrase: "This spoon will feed you until you grow up. Your mother will show her love by feeding you with this spoon, and will punish you by depriving you of food if you violate the Commandments of God." After that, the spoon was also passed to the mother. In conclusion, Wiligut proclaimed: “You, child, will wear this ring, the ancestral ring of the Wolf family, as soon as you prove yourself worthy of the SS and your kind. And now, according to the will of your parents and the order of the Order of the SS, I name you: Torisman, Heinrich Carl, Reinhard Let parents and godparents nurture the brave Aryan heart in the child, according to the Will of God.

The hoax about the Grail is also connected with Wiligut's visions. During the redevelopment of Wewelsburg Castle, two ritual rooms were created in the northern part: one with a black sun lined with marble with runic lightning, the other - a crypt with a stone circle in the center. Not without the help of the revelations of Wiligut, who called to look for the Grail in the vicinity of the castle, the place quickly became overgrown with legends. The amateur archaeologist Otto Rahn, who wrote the book Crusade Against the Grail in 1933, also contributed to this hoax. In it, he proclaimed the Cathars an Aryan offshoot of Judaism and indicated the possible location of the Grail - in the south of France. These studies of his attracted the attention of Wiligut, who influenced Himmler, so that after a while Ran was already collaborating with the Ahnenerbe. Could he have been drawn to some kind of "search for the Grail"? As researcher Michael Kater points out, even if Himmler had given this kind of task to Otto Rank, his main goal would rather be to prove the thesis that Christianity is secondary to the older Germanic religion.

After G. Wirth left society, it became easier for V. Wust to dispel Himmler's fantasies and direct the activities of the Ahnenerbe in a more productive direction. In this regard, it should be clear why the other members of the Ahnenerbe perceived Wiligut and Kirchenhoff at least unfriendly. This turned out to be quite fair. In 1938, it turned out that Wiligut had schizophrenia, so a year later he was removed from all positions with the official wording "due to old age and health problems."

We see that Nazism absorbed a number of key ideas formulated precisely in the occult circles of the Völkisch. In a revised form, they were used by the Nazis for their own expanded concept of the Aryan race, as well as for the implementation of religious and cultural policies. However, it seems incorrect to overestimate the importance of the occult for the Third Reich. The apologist for mysticism as a condition for the development of human society, Rosenberg, did not introduce any essentially new ideas into the ideological discourse of National Socialism. Himmler made a more significant contribution to Nazi culture through the activities of the Ahnenerbe, although he never set occult goals as the determining motive for his decisions. As far as Hitler is concerned, the persistent tendency to attribute occult interests to him is not consistent with the available facts. Indeed, the Fuhrer used occult societies and messianic sentiments to gain political advantage, but if he considered anyone a mystical prophet, then only himself.


16. Vasilchenko A.V. Occult myth of the Third Reich. M., 2008.

17. Jonas G. Gnosticism. SPb., 1998.

18. Yeats F. Rosicrucian Enlightenment. M., 1999.

19. Kormilitsyn S. Secrets of runes. Descendants of Odin. M., 2005.

20. Kormilitsyn S. Order of the SS. Jesuit Empire. What is not customary to talk about. St. Petersburg, 2008.

21. Lanz von Liebenfels A. Y. Theozoology. Tambov, 2008.

22. Sheet G. The mystery of the runes. M., 2001.

23. Manvell R., Frankel G. Heinrich Himmler. Rostov, 2000.

24. Plenkov O.Yu. The triumph of myth over reason. St. Petersburg, 2011

25. Reich V. Psychology of the masses and fascism. M., 1997.

26. Shakhnovich M.I. Modern mysticism in the light of science. M., Leningrad,

27. Speer A. The Third Reich from the inside. Memoirs of the Reich Minister military industry(1930-1945). M., 2005.

1. Flowers S.E., Moynihan M. Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism. Port Townsend, WA, 2007.

2. Goodrick Clarke N. The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology. London, New York, 2005.

3. Goodrick-Clarke N. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity. New York, 2002.

4. Hänel W. Hermann Rauschnings Gespräche mit Hitler - Eine Geschichtsfälschung // Veröffentlichung der Zeitgeschichtlichen Forschungsstelle Ingolstadt, 7. Band, 1984.

5. Kater M.H. Das "Ahnenerbe" der SS, 1935-1945: ein Beitrag zur Kulturpolitik des Dritten Reiches. Munich, 2006.

6. Kershaw I. Hitler, 1889-1936. London, 2001.

7. Lemke B. Rezension zu: Rauschning, Hermann: Gespräche mit Hitler. Mit einer Einführung von Marcus Pyka. Zürich, 2005. // H-Soz-u-Kult, 2. Aug. 2006.

8. Mees B. Science of the Swastika. New York, 2008.

9. Miskolczy A. Hitler's Library. New York, 2003.

10. Puschner U. Deutschchristentum als völkisch-christliche Weltanschauungsreligion // Der Protestantismus - Ideologie, Konfession oder Kultur? Würzburg, 2003.

11. Rosenberg, A. (1939) Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts. Munich: Hoheneichen-Verlag.

12. Quinn M. The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol. New York, 1994.

13. Redles D. Hitler and the Apocalypse Complex: Salvation and the Spiritual Power of Nazism. New York, 2005.

14. Weitzel F. Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie. Düsseldorf, 1939.

15. Wolfgang B. (ed.) Handbuch des Antisemitismus, Band 3: Begriffe, Theorien, Ideologien. Munich, 2010.

16. Vasilchenko A.V. Okulti World III Reich // M., 2008

17. Jonas G. Gnositsizm // St. Petersburg. 1998

18. Yates F. The Rosicrucian Enlightenment // M., 1999

19. Kormilicyn S. Tainy run. Nasledniki Odina.//M., 2005

20. Kormilicyn S. Oder of SS. Jsuits Empire. What not to say. // St. Petersburg, 2008

21. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels “Theozoologie”// Tambov 2008

22. List G. Taina run. //M.2011

23. Menvell R. Frankel G. Heinrich Himmler// Rostov, 2000

24. Plenkov O. Triumph of the world of the mind.// St. Petersburg. 1998

25. Wilhelm Reich The mass psychology of fascism / / M.1997

26. Shahnovich M. Sovremennaya mistika v svete nauki//Leningrad 1965

27 Sheppper A, Tretij rejh iznutri. Vospominaniya rejhsministra voennoj promishlennosti (1939-1945) //M.2005.

Nazi occultism is a collection of occult organizations, movements and teachings associated with German National Socialism and the Third Reich. Information on this topic is largely fiction or conspiracy theory, and is usually used to create a mystical atmosphere around the Third Reich. The most striking theories are popularized in modern mass culture.


The main goal of Nazism was declared the theurgic reconstruction of a new race of demigods on the basis of "racially pure" Aryans, whose historical enemies were considered the southern race - people from Gondwana. An important role in the occult Nazism was played by the legends about the disappeared countries (Thule, Agharti, Shambhala).

The Heritage of Ancestors organization served as a center for the development of various occult theories, the founders of which had contacts with future Nazi leaders. One of the relics of Nazism was considered the Spear of Longinus, and one of the symbols was the Black Sun. Occult Nazism was supposed to become the official religion of Germany.

"Higher Unknowns"

"Higher Unknowns" in occult circles close to the Nazi elite, called those forces that spiritually stood behind the power of Adolf Hitler. The mystics of the "Thule Society" attributed this name also to the devil

§Conspirology. "Order of the Green Dragon"

Main article: Order of the Green Dragon

This topic in the history of the occultism of Nazi Germany was actively developed by the modern French esoteric and conspiracy theorist Jean Robin (fr. Jean Robin), who, in turn, adopted these ideas from Rene Guénon, which, however, were recognized even by the followers of this mystic as very specific and controversial. The author also relies on the writings of René Alleau, who in his book "Hitler and the Secret Societies" for the first time drew attention to the importance of using green in the ritualism of the occult practices of the SS. The color was associated with the Muslim world, symbolized growth and productivity. Hallo even points out that the color of Himmler's favorite writing pen was green. According to another mystic, a representative of Masonic traditionalism, Jean Tourgnac, two secret societies are constantly at war in the world - the "Order of the Seventy-Two" and the Order of the Green Dragon. The green color was allegedly chosen by Himmler to symbolically identify the connection of the path of the SS with the path of the Order of the Green Dragon.

The hypothetical order was characterized by extremely anti-Semitic and nationalist views. According to Robin, the mythical order considered its main goal to be the destruction of the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and the humane branch of Islam.


1918, August 17 - the creation of the Thule Society by Rudolf van Zebottendorf. The swastika became the symbol of society.

1921 - Creation of the Vril Society led by Haushofer

1934 - Wewelsburg becomes the seat of the SS

1935 - creation of the Ahnenerbe by Hermann Wirth under the auspices of the SS

1938 - Nazi expedition to Tibet (Ernst Schaefer) in search of Shambhala; transfer of the Spear of Destiny from Vienna to Nuremberg.

Occultism of the Third Reich

Occultism (from the word occultus - hidden or secret) is the doctrine of the secrets of nature. This term includes the study of all areas of the psychological, physiological, spiritual and cosmic realms. Occultism includes various mystical teachings, ancient "secret knowledge" about the supernatural. The occult rose to unprecedented heights during the rise of the Nazis in Germany. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were a lot of adherents of occult beliefs. Hitler from childhood was fond of reading books on mythology and the occult, and with his coming to power, hundreds of soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants were drawn to Germany. Among the superstitious associates of Hitler were also Adolf Rosenberg - the ideologist of Nazism; Rudolf Hess - whose fixed idea was the revival of ancient pagan beliefs; Heinrich Himmler - dreaming of the revival of the German nation.

The source of esoteric power to the Nazis was the Mysterious chalice of the Holy Grail, in which, according to ancient sources, the blood of the Savior was collected. It was believed that with this Christian artifact, which promised prosperity, prosperity and power, the Third Reich would secure an easy victory in the war. According to the archaeologist Otto Rahn, who was Himmler's adviser on this issue, the Chalice was hidden in a cave in southern France from time immemorial. By order of Himmler, expeditions were equipped, including to the fortress of Montsegur, where the remains of the once powerful Albigensian fortress were preserved.

See also: Detachment 731 - laboratory of death for the development of bacteriological weapons

It was a heretical sect that was destroyed in the 13th century because of the accusation of worshiping the devil. According to legend, three warriors managed to leave the fortress on the eve of the rout, take with them something extremely valuable and hide it in one of the many caves. It is believed that this was precisely the Grail. From the stories of the expedition members, it is known that a small detachment went into the depths of mountain caves along an underground passage known only to Ran. Tired people returned, confirming that they found two walled caves, where only swords and armor were found, eaten away by rust. But Ran was pleased - these findings corresponded to some of his assumptions. The next day, Ran went into the caves alone and was absent for two days. When he returned, he did not tell anyone, but he had a happy smile on his face. The next day the camp was removed and Otto Rahn lost all interest in him. No one ever found out what he found or did not find ... The archaeologist in 1938 wrote a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the SS and he (an unprecedented case !!) was released.

Ahnenerbe Society

In 1939, Otto Rahn was found dead in the Austrian Alps under unspecified circumstances. It is believed that it was on the orders of Himmler that the archaeologist was liquidated, since the search for the Holy Grail was unsuccessful, or vice versa, having found the Chalice for the Nazis, they no longer needed it ... One of the most mysterious organizations of the Third Reich, shrouded in secrets and conjectures, was the Ahnenerbe, which translated from German literally meant "Heritage of the ancestors." It was her task to apply the secret knowledge of European mystics and Eastern occultists to exalt the Third Reich both spiritually and practically.

The origins of the Ahnenerbe are the Germanenorden, Thule and Vril societies. It was these mystical organizations that became the “three pillars” of the ideology of National Socialism, supporting the idea of ​​the existence in prehistoric times of a certain state, whose powerful civilization knew almost all the secrets of the universe and which died after a grand catastrophe. Having miraculously saved some of the people, mingling with the Aryans, gave rise to the appearance of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans. For people who are superficially interested in the history of Nazi Germany, the name "Ahnenerbe" will not say much. But the very fact that Heinrich Himmler was the president of this society and he charged his subordinates with a total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world, speaks of the importance that was given the work of this society. A special expedition "Ahnenerbe" was immediately sent to each country newly occupied by the Wehrmacht. The main areas of research were the study of the properties of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, and human capabilities in terms of pain thresholds. And besides, great interest was shown in the mass psychological and psychotropic effects, work was underway to create a superweapon. For scientific research, "Ahnenerbe" attracted famous scientists from around the world.

See also: Nazi medical experiments

"Ahnenerbe" in German meticulously clearly delimited the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic weapons, as well as the possibility of using religious and mystical practices. Nazi Germany spent a lot of money on the Ahnenerbe research. Some sources claim that even more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. The so-called Nordic theory has been one of the main areas of activity of the Ahnenerbe since its inception. Many Germans sincerely believed that they were the descendants of the ancient Aryans, or Aryans who moved to the southern lands from the legendary Hyperborea-Thule, mentioned by Herodotus. And that it is they who, with the help of the so-called vril forces (for the first time about psychokinetic energy - vril wrote in 1871 by the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book The Coming Race) will be able to become a race of superhumans and rule the world. It was assumed that in the heirs of the Aryans, “dormant” parapsychological abilities could be awakened and used in the service of Greater Germany.

Scientists from the SS had to study runic writings, the history of the Aryans and much more in order to substantiate the superiority of the Aryan race and its right to world domination and, accordingly, find evidence of the inferiority of other peoples, primarily Jewish and Slavic. Ethnographers and archaeologists, historians and philologists serving in the "Ahnenerbe" wrote educational programs for the SS and shot "scientific propaganda" films. SS members were taught to read runes. The Society created new civil ceremonies for weddings, funerals, the consecration of newborn babies and, of course, the ceremony of initiation and delivery of weapons to recruits.

The Nazi elite believed that as soon as evidence of their ancient and almost divine origin was found, they would easily be able to recreate superhumans with the help of selection. The tribal fund became part of the SS, where they selected the strongest, physically healthy and most beautiful young men, certainly tall, blue-eyed blonds. They also had to be of impeccable Aryan origin and well educated. The purity of the genus was supposed to be monitored since 1750. Members of the SS, regardless of their marital status, were charged with "producing" as many offspring as possible. In 1935, Himmler formulated the Levensborn program (translated from German as Source of Life), its task was to encourage the birth and life support of truly Aryan children. The doctrine, in particular, provided for and strongly encouraged the fact that girls could and should enter into relations with the SS. Children born in such relationships were not at all considered dishonorable if the mother and father met the standard of true Aryans. Between 1935 and 1945, 11,000 such children were born. Babies were the property of the state and it took care of them, transferring them to special boarding schools or families of SS members. Children with Aryan appearance were also taken out of the occupied countries and placed in the Levensborn orphanages in Germany.

The ruling elite of the Nazi Reich were obsessed with the occult and racial superiority theories and actively imposed super-race ideas on the entire German people. Adolf Hitler and his associates regularly held loud, carefully planned performances by the Fuhrer, theatrically furnished with parades, torchlight processions and other spectacles.

Ahnenerbe and Tibet

Scientists from the SS determined the birthplace of the Aryan civilization in Central Asia, the region of the Gobi Desert, the Pamirs and the mountains of Tibet, where, starting from the 30s, they began to equip numerous expeditions in order to search, firstly, for mythical relics that would contribute to the exaltation of Nazi Germany, as well as , secondly, the search for the mythical cities of Shambhala and Agharti (it was believed that these hidden underground cities were under the Himalayas), and to restore contact with the Aryan ancestors located there. The sent expeditions had to ask for help, and, of course, get it from local initiates, who allegedly owned secret occult powers, such as the previously mentioned Vril power, possessed secret knowledge that could be the key to absolute power over the world of the Aryan dominant race. Some researchers still believe that the information obtained during expeditions to Tibet significantly advanced the development of a certain prototype of a combat atomic charge and that the Americans allegedly discovered them at the end of the war.

See also: Biological weapons of the Nazis

"Ahnenerbe" organized an expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939 led by Ernst Schaeffer. The expedition members managed to visit not only the closed city of Lhasa, but also visited the sacred place of Yarling. Having worked in this region for three months, the expedition brought home hundreds of meters of film, on which various mystical and religious rites were filmed, and many manuscripts for careful study. The result of the analysis of the results of the expedition was a report personally submitted to Hitler, after reading which he was extremely excited and the thought of a superweapon, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left him. Radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa, and a large group of Tibetan representatives arrived on a secret mission. The bodies of these Tibetans, for some reason in the form of the SS, were subsequently found in Hitler's personal bunker and in the premises of the Reich Chancellery. All their secrets they voluntarily took with them to the grave.

Special teams of German researchers visited not only Tibet in search of mystical knowledge and documents. Dozens of manuscripts both in Sanskrit and in ancient Chinese were delivered to the Ahnenerbe laboratory. Wernher von Braun, who was at the origins of the creation of the first V-1 and V-2 rocket aircraft, said that scientists found a lot of interesting things in these documents. Incredible evidence has recently appeared that the Nazis received knowledge on the development of space technology and non-standard weapons from some alien civilization, contact with which took place (details about the theory of palecontact here) at a top-secret base located in Antarctica. In 1946, under the leadership of Richard Evelyn Brown, the Americans sent a search expedition to Antarctica. It consisted of a submarine, an aircraft carrier and fourteen ships. Many years later, Byrd admitted that he really was at the Ahnenerbe base and saw extraordinary disk-shaped aircraft there, capable of covering huge distances almost instantly.

In the laboratories of "Ahnenerbe" they worked actively on the creation of atomic weapons. Sometimes there are publications that supposedly the Germans went the wrong way in research and would never have been able to get positive results. But this is not true, there is evidence that in 1944 the Third Reich had a bomb! Several tests were carried out - in the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen and in Thuringia. Experienced "material" in these tests were prisoners of war who died during the explosion. Their bodies burned down without a trace or were badly damaged by radiation and high-temperature exposure. Both Stalin and Truman learned about the tests of the Germans in just a few days. It must be emphasized that the German bomb was more likely not atomic, in the physical sense, but thermonuclear.

In January 1945, the German armaments minister said that "there is an explosive the size of a matchbox, the amount of which is enough to destroy the whole of New York." Analysts say that the Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time, they did not have enough time to create weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence services of the USSR and their allies were very interested in the activities of the Ahnenerbe organization, but the constant control of the German security services reduced all efforts to penetrate into this society. Despite the fact that most of the intelligence operations carried out during the Second World War have long been declassified, most of the secrets of the work of the Ahnenerbe have not been disclosed by anyone. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the United States and the USSR made truly titanic efforts to search for the Ahnenerbe archives, all kinds of materials and developments, as well as its employees. Everything that was found was taken away in complete secrecy. Scientists continued their work in the new, again secret, laboratories of the victorious countries. It was not in vain that the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the general secretary of the Ahnenerbe, was abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials, and why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the Third Reich? And Dr. Cameron, who later headed the CIA Blue Bird project for the development and application of psychoprogramming and psychotronics, may not have been in Nuremberg in vain as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of Ahnenerbe. And the significant breakthroughs that occurred almost simultaneously in the field of rocket science, space research, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons in the post-war years of the USSR and the USA suggest the seized secret archives of the Third Reich. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were especially active in research in the field of psychotropic weapons. Prior to this, the Nazis successfully carried out medical experiments in the death camps.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared the Ahnenerbe a criminal organization. But comments claiming that the Ahnenerbe archives did not contain anything serious and concrete clearly do not stand up to scrutiny. Belief in astrology and prophecy did a disservice to the top of the Nazi Reich. The famous German astrologer Wilhem Wulff, who is under arrest, made a horoscope for Adolf Hitler and predicted his death in May 1945. And so it happened. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in the Fuhrer's private bunker on April 30, 1945. Goebbels shot himself and his wife, after poisoning his six young children. Himmler, disguised as a private, tried to escape, but was captured on May 23, 1945, and during the detention by an English patrol, he chewed on a cyanide capsule. While in the Nurnerg prison, Hermann Goering took a capsule with poison. In November 1945, the surviving Nazi leaders appeared before the military tribunal of the victorious countries in Nuremberg. Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in prison at the age of 93. Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi ideologue and philosopher of racism, was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in October 1946. The Third Reich lasted only 12 years, and not the millennium expected by its creators. History passed its verdict - the fate of almost 50 million dead was shared by representatives of the Hitlerite "superior race", which was supposed to lead to future generations of Aryan supermen.

"Undoubtedly every National Socialist must sooner or later come to terms with the so-called 'occult' facts." Reichswart newspaper, August 30, 1937. The most terrible thing in the fight against such an adversary as Nazism is not the answers to the questions. The worst thing is when they pretend that no questions exist at all.

When you start reading about the Nazi space project Aldebaran, it's hard to get rid of the thought that it's all just fiction. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Wernher von Braun, it becomes a little uncomfortable. For many years after the Second World War, SS-Standartenführer Wernher von Braun was not just anyone, but one of the key figures in the American project of flying to the moon. The Moon, of course, is much closer than the planet Aldebaran. But on the other hand, the flight to the moon, as you know, took place.

So there are questions, and a lot of them. It's all about who and how to answer them.

Here are just a few.

What was the SS expedition looking for, which was held under the auspices of the occult and mystical organization Anenerbe, in distant Tibet in 1938? And why were the SS men allowed to go where the Europeans were ordered to go?

What goals were pursued by another SS expedition - not just anywhere, but to Antarctica?

Why, in the last years of the war, did the Fuhrer throw the main finances of the Reich not on tanks and planes, but on mysterious and rather ghostly projects of the same Anenerbe? Does this mean that the projects were already on the verge of implementation?

Why was the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the general secretary of the Anenerbe, so abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials, as soon as he began to name names? And why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the "Third Reich"?

Why was it Dr. Cameron, who was present in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of the Anenerbe, then headed the CIA Blue Bird project, within the framework of which psychoprogramming and psychotronics were developed?

Why is it that in the report of the American military intelligence, dated 1945, the preamble says that all the activities of the Anenerbe were pseudo-scientific in nature, while the report itself recorded, for example, such a “pseudo-scientific” achievement as a successful fight against a cancer cell?

What is this strange story about the discovery of the corpses of Tibetan monks in SS uniforms in Hitler's bunker at the end of the war?

Why did Anenerbe urgently seize the documentation of scientific laboratories and any secret societies, along with the archives of special services in each of the countries that had just been captured by the Wehrmacht?

Early nineteenth century. The daughter of a Russified German Helena Blavatsky between Europe and America. On the way, she stops by Egypt, then Tibet. Blavatsky is a great adventurer, she knows that the key to her success is constant movement. Where she lingers for at least a few months, behind her, like behind a comet, a trail of scandals and revelations is immediately created, including the disclosure of the very earthly mechanisms of her "clairvoyance" and "evocation of spirits." Blavatsky quickly became fashionable. Europe was waiting for something like that, and it appeared.

To begin with, Blavatsky told the world that she had observed flying Buddhist monks in Tibet. In the same place, in Tibet, some secret knowledge was allegedly revealed to her. Their Madame Blavatsky tried to present in the book "The Secret Doctrine", combining in it all possible information about Eastern occultism and Hinduism with the latest scientific news. It turned out to be unusual and attractive for contemporaries who are waiting for either the end of the world or the second coming.

It was Blavatsky who dictated a dangerous fashion - to link practical science, Eastern occultism and traditional European mysticism. If her ideas had not gone beyond the boundaries of European secular salons, trouble, perhaps, would not have happened. But the recipe for the explosive mixture also came to Germany.

Historians are absolutely right when in school textbooks they explain the prerequisites for Hitler's rise to power by the most difficult socio-economic conditions in Germany at that time, the geopolitical consequences of defeat in the First World War, the disappointment and resentment of the army, revanchist sentiments in society. But the main thing that united all this was national humiliation.

A nervous young man who wanted to become an artist stood idle for hours in front of the “magic spear” exhibited in the Vienna Museum. It was believed that whoever wields this spear can rule the world. And this former soldier really wanted to rule the world, because he lived in poverty, and his artistic talents were not recognized as talents. Who could be more dangerous than such a young man? And in whose head can the darkest magical formulas and mystical ideas be implanted with such ease?

In any case, when the army counterintelligence informant Adolf Schicklgruber attended the meetings of the Germanenorden secret society, his psyche was already sensitive to unusual spells and ritual rites. In turn, the key figures of the secret societies very quickly noticed a suitable candidate for the post of the future leader of the nation. The network of these secret societies actually developed the mechanism of the fascist regime.

As you know, "Mein Kampf" Hitler wrote in a Munich prison after the failed Nazi coup. In prison, he was sitting with Rudolf Hess. And Professor Haushofer, one of the most influential people in the Thule society, visited them there. Professor Hitler liked it, after which the leadership of Thule moved his political career from its place. And while still in prison, Dr. Haushofer began to read some mysterious lectures to the future leaders, which prompted Hitler to take up literary work.

And here another question arises in addition to the above list - it is extremely important in order to understand what nevertheless happened in the "Third Reich". But was the faith of the highest SS hierarchs in everything mystical and otherworldly sincere?

It looks like yes and no. On the one hand, the leaders of National Socialism were well aware of what a strong effect, in terms of managing people, all these medieval visions with grails, flaming torches and so on can give. And here they exploited typical German romanticism with typical German pragmatism.

On the other hand, the daily performance of occult rituals and complete immersion in mysticism could hardly have left their own psyche without a trace.

And, finally, the third. All the years of their stay in power, the Nazis experienced an unconscious fear of future retribution. Was not the passion for mysticism the drug that helped to drown out this fear at least for a moment?

The world of mystical hobbies of the future Fuhrer, most likely, was miserable and painful. But the very warehouse of his psyche fully corresponded to the requirements that the people who nominated him had. Just like the warehouse of Himmler's psyche. With all the doubts that the chief of the SS was able to master Madame Blavatsky's rather intricate, heavy expositions, he could at least hear about her ideas from his party comrades. But there is no doubt that the Reichsfuehrer appreciated them. Moreover, this provincial school teacher sincerely considered himself the Prussian King Henry in a new reincarnation (he was captured at the end of World War II, when Himmler made his way to the grave of his ancient namesake). According to some of his associates, including the commander of the Belgian SS division de Grel, there was no other leader in the Reich who so sincerely and passionately wanted to eradicate Christianity in the world.

Whether the Fuhrers sincerely believed in the occult or not, in any case, these people, apparently, were eager to practice black magic in the national, and then preferably in the global.

Researchers who are trying to catch some system in the mystical ideas of the hierarchs of the "Third Reich" and explain a huge number of strange mysteries - the history of secret orders and societies like "Germanenorden" and "Thule", the development of nuclear and psychotronic weapons, hard-to-explain expeditions under the auspices of the SS, say, to Tibet - these researchers make one serious mistake. Analyzing events, comparing them, they proceed from the fact that the leaders of the Reich were people who knew a certain secret, initiated into something serious, mastered - at least partially - Tibetan secret knowledge. But the Fuhrers were not like that! And this concerns, first of all, Hitler himself, who, solely on the basis of his "clairvoyance", forbade the development of the FAA project at the very moment when success was already looming on the horizon. Yes, the Wehrmacht generals and scientists were close to suicide when they heard about this "enlightenment" and the order of the leader!

Finding out exactly which of the researchers is right - those who are looking for a secret meaning or insisting on a purely materialistic explanation of what happened - is a thankless task, because the truth does not belong to either one or the other. The future leaders of the "Third Reich" simply faced things and matters that they were unable to understand, much less manage, due to their lack of any serious educational base. Namely, it serves as a kind of protective barrier for any person who is interested in the otherworldly and mystical. With illiterate and insufficiently educated people, the “other world” is able to play too cruel jokes, completely subjugating their consciousness and paralyzing their will.

It seems that something similar happened to the not very literate leaders of the Reich. They became blind prisoners of their own hallucinoid ideas about the world of the mystical and the unknown. And on their example, the so-called subtle world has very clearly demonstrated that it is not worth experimenting with it without special training.

What happened in the Reich is very reminiscent of one of the novels of the Strugatskys, where on a distant planet a society in the early stages of development suddenly encounters modern technology. And the slaves there are busy sitting in cars and turning all the knobs in a row until the right lever is blindly found.

And now let's remember concentration camps Nazis with incomprehensible either in their meaning or in cruelty pseudo-medical experiments on people. Meanwhile, everything is not very complicated: these are theorists from Anenerbe - one of the most mysterious mystical organizations, either existing under the control of the SS, or even controlling the SS itself - they tried to squeeze out some secret knowledge of Eastern occultism and European mystics practical theories. For example, they were very interested in the so-called "blood magic". And in the concentration camps, subordinates of the SS - and, therefore, to all the crazy ideas that were born in the depths of this organization - the doctors were already trying to put the same blood magic into practice.

Most of the time, nothing worked. But then they had a lot of human material, which could be experimented with without any restrictions. And as is often the case in the experimental sciences, the original goal is not achieved, but instead a pipeline of endless experiments leads to other - unexpected - by-products.

It is possible that the alchemists in black SS uniforms (and all the employees of the same Anenerbe were members of the SS and had the corresponding ranks) worked blindly, and therefore any practical results that they achieved can be considered accidental. But the question is not whether it was an accident or not. The question is that the results, in many respects, still were. We just don't really know what...

Aggressive materialists simply try to ignore obvious riddles. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe. And if we were talking about the fruitless seances of exalted aunts, it is unlikely that Soviet and American intelligence would spend huge forces and risk their agents to find out what is happening at these seances. But according to the memoirs of Soviet military intelligence veterans, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to the Anenerbe.

Meanwhile, getting close to Anenerbe was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant control of the security service - SD, which in itself testifies to many things. So it is not possible today to get an answer to the question whether we or the Americans had our own Stirlitz inside Anenerbe. But if you ask why, you will run into another strange riddle. Despite the fact that the vast majority of intelligence operations during the Second World War are now declassified (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents in the post-war years), everything related to the development of Anenerbe is still shrouded in mystery.

But there is, for example, the testimony of the already mentioned Miguel Serrano - one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the secret society "Thule", at whose meetings Hitler visited. He claims in one of his books that the information obtained by the Anenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of a combat atomic charge, and the Allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of information - Miguel Serrano - is interesting if only because for several years he represented his homeland Chile in one of the UN commissions on atomic energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, having seized a significant part of the secret archives of the Third Reich, make breakthroughs in the field of rocket science, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, and space research that are almost parallel in time. And they begin to actively develop qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were especially active in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So the comments, which claim that the Anenerbe archives, by definition, could not contain anything serious, do not stand up to scrutiny. And in order to understand this, you do not even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was charged to the Anenerbe organization by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world. A special expedition "Anenerbe" was immediately sent to each country newly occupied by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they did not even expect occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by the SS special forces. And it turns out that the Anenerbe archive is not at all theoretical studies of German mystics, but a multilingual collection of a wide variety of documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

Part of this archive was discovered in Moscow several years ago. This is the so-called Lower Silesian archive "Ahnenerbe", taken by the Soviet troops during the storming of the Altan castle. But this is a small part of all the Anenerbe archives. Some military historians believe that much fell into the hands of the Americans. This is probably true: if you look at the location of the Anenerbe departments, then most of them were located precisely in the western part of Germany.

Our part has not been seriously studied by anyone so far, there is not even a detailed inventory of the documentation. The very word "Anenerbe" today, few people know. But the evil genie, who was released from the bottle by the black magicians of the SS and the Anenerbe, did not die along with the Third Reich, but remained on our planet.

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Origins of the occult in the Third Reich

During the capture of Hitler's headquarters by the liberators, it turned out that there were many Tibetans in the form of SS men in his personal guard. The monks, who initially professed the religion of non-violence, Buddhism, found themselves under the banner of the left-handed swastika for a reason.

In his youth, Adolf Hitler, like other future spiritual and political leaders of Nazi Germany, was fond of Eastern occultism. Esotericism and mysticism in the Third Reich were rooted in mediumistic seances popular at the end of the 19th century and German romanticism fascinated by the East. Hitler himself considered himself a man with clairvoyant abilities, the reincarnation of one of the Sicilian satanic magicians of the 11th century and, in a sense, the message of divine forces.

The occult history of the Third Reich assumed a complete rejection of the Jewish Old Testament heritage (Jesus was declared an Aryan martyr). The ancient Aryans are supposed to have lived for a long time isolated from the Jewish Christian course of history in the legendary mysterious Shambhala high in the mountains of Tibet. In the thirties, the Nazis equipped several expeditions there. And if at first the Tibetan monks greeted the German guests rather coldly, before the Second World War in the Tibetan highlands, Hitler was received with honor as an exponent of "Aryan wisdom" in the West.

Occultism in the Third Reich also took its origins in the bowels of the Thule organization, which, through several stages of initiation, introduced its followers to the processed and rethought teachings of Eastern spiritual leaders. This community appeared back in 1911, but its vigorous activity dates back to the period after the end of the First World War, when Germany, disappointed by its defeat, was carried away by revanchist ideas ....

Are members of the Thule Society bearers of the truth or provocateurs?

One of the main ideological pillars of the Thule society was the idea of ​​the existence in the far north (somewhere in the region of Scandinavia) in prehistoric times of the legendary Hyperborea, Thule - a country of morally and physically perfect Aryans. Knowledge about this country was lost later in history, but the supporters of the society believed that through magic, one could join the spirit of the ancestors and awaken the necessary qualities in modern Germans related to the Scandinavian peoples. Complemented by eugenics (the politics of racial purity), these ideas became the moral justification for a whole series of tragic events, the consequences of which affected the entire history of the world.

It is not known for certain whether Hitler was in the Thule society. But a historically proven fact is the membership in this organization of Karl Haushofer, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, who had a significant influence on Hitler. It is believed that members of the Thule Society taught Hitler the art of public speaking and inspired him with confidence in his own "superpowers". Some researchers believe that perhaps the less charismatic and more cautious German occultists simply wanted to use the person of Hitler as a political guide to their ideas. But the mysticism of the Third Reich at some point got out of control and began to depend entirely on the will of the suspicious, domineering and, importantly, beloved by the people "leader", who brutally suppressed any dissent in the ranks of the Nazi leadership.

Occult practices in the service of Nazism

Since Thule was a long gone country, the connection with the ancestors had to be restored in special ways. In search of the best "contact" in Munich in the twenties and thirties, a number of practicing "mediums" appeared. Both in city apartments and in castles, satanic rituals of astrological Arabic magic were practiced. Later, already during the war years, the Nazis often resorted to sacrifices and burnings. And Dietrich Eckart, who had influence on Hitler, developed in his “astral body” centers for exiting into the macrocosm and interaction with the forces of darkness.

The occult in the Third Reich was also associated with the study of the Cathar movement and the search for the Holy Grail. The largest project for the development of the mystical forces of the German army was the creation of the Ahnenerbe organization, which was supposed to deal with both military developments and the search for supernatural answers to the challenges of rational science. It was from this organization that expeditions went to Tibet in search of the legendary Shambhala. But, like other mysteries of the Third Reich, her activities remained unsolved to the end.

It seems that fascism, along with the Second World War, has sunk into oblivion and it would be possible to transfer it to school history textbooks. Alas. This terrible evil is alive to this day, and not only in the overt form of militant organizations of skinhead thugs, but also in the form of secret, classified and, by the way, very rich organizations. And this is quite natural. The background that fed Nazism could not disappear overnight without a trace. Too deep and branched, he managed to take root.

From such positions - not only the past, but also the future danger to humanity - it is worth returning to the origins of Nazism once again in order to try to understand what ideas it inspired and on what philosophical and ideological basis it flourished, miraculously not crushing the whole world.

The phenomenon of the Third Reich also lies in the fact that the world, licking the wounds inflicted by Nazism, prefers to regard what happened as an ordinary war, of which there were plenty on Earth, although in fact humanity is faced with something fundamentally new, which had no analogues in the past.

A decade passes after a decade, but so far no detailed and comprehensive information has appeared in any country. objective research of this phenomenon, although it is known for certain that in the ancient castles of Germany - the residences of his many secret organizations, tons of documents were discovered, seized and taken out on trucks, which, according to some reports, were taken over by the United States and the Soviet Union.

This topic is not just hushed up - it remains classified to this day. It seems that these countries were more interested not in Nazism as a phenomenon, but in the developments of the Third Reich - for their practical use. It's no secret, after all, that at the end of the war, many Nazi designers and scientists, having changed their names, and even their appearance, worked very successfully for the benefit of the United States.

Only individual enthusiasts, like the Frenchmen Jacques Bergier and Louis Povel, who published the book Morning of the Magicians. The Occult Reich, which made a lot of noise, are trying to analyze and understand the essence of the Third Reich. The Third Reich is a kind of illogical hybrid monster, woven from incompatible contradictions, and continues to keep its secrets today. In addition to the many millions of human lives brought to the altar of his far-fetched, eclectic "teaching", the very fact of his existence at the level of the ideology of an entire state is striking.

Carrying out sadistic, systematic extermination of people - not in a fair fight, but in gas chambers, conducting inhuman experiments on them, Nazism was inspired by high esoteric ideas, tried to get in touch with the mythical Shambhala, with parallel worlds and even with extraterrestrial civilizations . And what is surprising, they preached "bloody esotericism" - two words that under no circumstances can stand side by side! - executioners of mankind of the highest rank.

Moreover, this was not a farce, not a primitive atrocity, not an attempt to justify oneself in one's own eyes and in the eyes of history, but a deeply thought-out and heartfelt ideology that Hitler and his henchmen professed as a religion, making it the meaning of their whole lives. They took Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" as a basis - a deeply esoteric work, a reference book for many serious theosophists of the world. But the Nazis skillfully adapted any theory, any postulate to suit their goals.

They were maniacally convinced that they were doing a good deed, saving the human race, the planet as a whole, from garbage - pseudo-humans, thereby realizing their lofty destiny. The next, after the completion of the clearing, according to the plan, was the biological mutation of the race, the creation of people of the second stage, the stage of the god-man. It was for the implementation of these universal goals that the most complex administrative machine, the Third Reich, was created.

Thickly kneading their Nordic philosophy on ancient mystical knowledge, the Nazis remained true to their chosen direction and in everything related to symbols, rituals and the way of their secret societies.

So, the charter and magical rituals of the "Black Order of the SS" were borrowed from the "Teutonic Order", founded in the XII century, and from the master of the "Order of the Jesuits", Ignatius Loyola, who lived in the XVI century. The black knights were divided into the Big and Small circles. Thirty SS generals who were part of the "Big Circle" were Reichsleiters of the occupied territories and led the Main Directorates of the "Black Order" structure and the Waffen-SS troops. The inner "Small" circle - the Council of the Order and its core, consisted of 12 SS Obergruppenführers. In fact, it was they, led by Himmler, who led all conceivable and inconceivable atrocities of fascism - through the secret Ahnenerbe project.

Himmler, who was the master of the order, chose the Marienburg Castle as his residence. In 1937, Professor Karl Diebitsch, a specialist in ancient Germanic heraldry, designed 12 knightly coats of arms for members of the secret chapter. Each knight had his own oak chair with a silver nameplate, a ritual dagger and a silver ring with a skull and runic symbols. The massive oak table, at which the members of the Small Circle sat, struck with its incredible dimensions (35 meters by 15). The paraphernalia of all other orders was just as carefully worked out.

Initiation into the "Black Order" of the SS meant entering the path of a "superhuman" fate and was accompanied by an oath. The knights could no longer return to their former lives. The essence of the ideology of the order was that all the "poor-quality" peoples of the world - subhuman, should be turned into raw materials, into manure, into fertilizer for the cultivation of a superman who communicates on an equal footing with " Supreme Intelligence". The hallmark of these self-proclaimed orderlies of mankind was the" dead head ".

It is noteworthy that almost all the secret mystical organizations of the Third Reich were "black": the "Black Order" of the SS, the "Lords of the Black Stone", the "Black Knights of Thule" (Thule is the capital of the legendary Arctic country - the cradle of mankind), the elite secret order "Black Sun ". There was also the "Vril Society" ("vril" in Sanskrit: the cosmic energy of life, entirely oriented to the other world.)

In March 1933, the Minister of the Interior, Hermann Göring, declared war on "dirt" - thus second-class people. And after him, the Reichsführer SS, Heinrich Himmler, already gave a specific order to his generals to "destroy the second-rate genotype." And from the same time in Dachau, originally conceived as a shelter for the homeless, the first fascist concentration camp began to function.

The main research base of the SS was the elite secret order "Ahnenerbe" (Ahnenerbe - "Heritage of the Ancestors"), founded on the initiative of Himmler and with the personal participation of Adolf Hitler in 1935 as a "society for the study of German spiritual prehistory". It was in the bowels of the "Ahnenerbe" that the mystical background of the Third Reich was developed - its symbols, methods of influencing the subconscious of the masses, the ideology of the elite of the future masters of the world. Billions of Reichsmarks were spent on his activities. And interestingly, all 50 institutes of Anenerbe were supervised by a specialist in Sanskrit, the esoteric language of Ancient India, which arose 6 thousand years ago.

The Nazi elite tried to seize the highest knowledge, encrypted and scattered throughout all religions and mystical beliefs of the world. The employees of "Ahnenerbe" searched for confirmation of the historical chosenness of the Aryan race in ancient manuscripts and manuscripts, in philosophical treatises on magic, yoga, theology, in the Vedas and Upanishads, in the "Avesta" - the oldest Zoroastrian source, in the secrets of the Rosicrucian brotherhood and the Grail. Back in 1933, an exhibition was organized in Munich called "The Heritage of the Ancestors" (Ahnenerbe). Among the exhibits were the oldest runic and protorunic writings collected in different countries world - in Palestine, the caves of Labrador, in the Alps.

The obtained knowledge was also needed by the Nazis to create a psychotropic weapon with which it would be possible to manipulate human consciousness. "Ahnenerbe" organized and carried out expensive expeditions to the Middle East, to China and India - in search of the mahatmas of Shambhala, to the archaeological sites of the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, to Antarctica - to the supposed location of the legendary Atlantis.

One such expedition led by Ernst Schaefer, having stayed in Tibet for three months, brought back to Germany filmed films of the mystical and religious rites of Tibetan lamas and many valuable manuscripts, which were then carefully studied at the institutions of the Reich. After reviewing the results, Hitler came into a state of extreme excitement - his dreams of a superweapon, of interstellar flights were closer than ever to being realized.

Nazi mediums called up spirits and, putting themselves into a state of trance, tried to get in touch with the "Higher Unknowns" - that is, with the civilizations of other planets. For this purpose, ancient occult methods of different nations were used: formulas, spells, mantras. The secret societies "Thule" and "Vril" also practiced another method of obtaining astral information - using potent drugs, poisons and hallucinogens on experimental subjects.

There is absolutely incredible evidence, obtained from the secret sources of the Ahnenerbe, that the Nazis received the basic knowledge in the field of aerospace technology and the development of atomic weapons from representatives extraterrestrial civilization from Aldebaran, one of the brightest stars in the Pleiades open cluster in the constellation Taurus closest to us. (In all Nazi documents, the space companions of the Reich are referred to precisely as the "civilization of the Pleiades").

Former US intelligence officer, retired Colonel Windell Stevens, reports: "By the end of the war, there were 9 research enterprises in Germany where flying disc projects were tested. 8 of them, along with scientists and key figures, were evacuated. The ninth was blown up ... We have classified information that some of these research facilities were moved to the so-called "New Swabia", which today could already turn into a decent-sized complex. Perhaps there are large cargo submarines that have disappeared without a trace. We believe that in At least one (or more) "flying disc" development facilities have been transported to Antarctica. We have information that one was evacuated to the Amazon region, and the other - to the northern coast of Norway - in secret underground facilities. "

Telepathic contacts were carried out mainly from a top-secret base in Antarctica. This, frankly, is not the most convenient place on the planet, it was not chosen by the Nazis by chance. In the same sources it is written that it is in Antarctica that there is a "transdimensional", space-time window, a kind of wireless telegraph for space communications.

The Nazis managed to finish the civilization of the Pleiades even before the start of the Second World War, which significantly influenced all their scientific and technological developments. The leaders of the Third Reich until the last day hoped for a direct alien military aid, allegedly promised to them, but they did not wait for it.

With the entry of Germany into the war, Ahnenerbe switched to the so-called anthropological program. And at the same time - and on purely medical experiments. Responsible for the latter was Dr. Sigmund Rascher, who conducted thousands of genetic and physiological experiments on prisoners of war, including vivisection. Executioners from medicine studied the extreme states of the human body on prisoners (during the experiments, the "researchers" coolly observed at what stage of the transcendent suffering of a person death should occur). Airless space, exposure to deadly poisons, high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the key science programs Nazi experimental doctors.

SS-Hauptsturmführer Professor August Hirt of the Strasbourg University of Anatomy (established by the Nazis specifically for this program), at the direction of Himmler, with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, collected a racial collection of human specimens. The main supplier of "raw materials" for Hirt was Josef Kramer, the commandant of the Belsen concentration camp, who received the nickname "Belsen Beast" for his super cruel treatment of prisoners. With his help, Hirt created an extensive collection of skulls of almost all races and peoples. In Russia, on his instructions, they collected a collection of skulls of "Jewish commissars". How the living exhibits were selected and how their heads were then delivered to Hirt cannot be described.

Hirt's plans also included the creation of a huge anthropological collection not only of skulls, but also of "typical skeletons", and completely alcoholized bodies of representatives of all existing races, including the Nordic - for clarity, so that there is something to compare with. And he systematically put this idea into practice - right up to the very end of the war, when the fruits of his truly titanic efforts had to be hastily destroyed.

The Nazis mocked not only other nations, but also their own - of course, in the name of lofty ideas and far-reaching plans. They treated the German people like a herd of domestic cattle - they weeded out the undesirables, forced the purebreds to multiply intensively. "People of the second class" were forbidden to marry, so as not to leave behind offspring. At best, they were threatened with sterilization, at worst, death. The genetic pool of pure Aryans should not be mixed with the hereditary material of the lower races, the apologists of Nazism proclaimed and vigilantly watched that this did not happen. Over the 12 years of the existence of the Third Reich, almost ... half a million "non-pedigreed" Germans were forcibly sterilized. A common criterion for making such a decision was the "moral dementia" of the individual. And to bring one or the other under this category, as they say, was a matter of technique.

The birth rate of the Aryans was stimulated and encouraged in every possible way. They were not allowed to have abortions, they were provided with preferential bank loans, high budget benefits for children and tax breaks.

One of the methods for breeding a purebred Aryan race was the Lebensborn program, which some researchers of the Third Reich called a biological laboratory, while others called an SS special brothel or an incubator for the elite. In Berlin, there were 9 German and 13 foreign Lebensborn establishments, each of which contained from 35 to 40 female females of pure Aryan blood, who voluntarily agreed to work for the glory and future prosperity of the Nordic race.

Applicants for a well-fed, prosperous life, according to the lists, there were at least 6 thousand. But a careful, meticulous selection of fitness, including blood tests and pedigree, less than half survived. Selected for breeding Nordic males, usually of high rank, were mated in these brothel incubators with Aryans - to ensure high-quality offspring. The elite young animals obtained in this way were then transferred to the care of medically educated nannies.

What happened to the nation of superhumans and how this occult-senile pandemonium ended is well known to all of us. “Nazism was one of the rare periods in the history of our civilization when the gates to something else were thrown open before humanity with a roar,” Bergier and Pover write in their book “Morning of the Magicians. Occult Reich." - And strange is our tenacity with which we still pretend that there was nothing but the usual turmoil for war. One cannot but agree with this.

According to some reports, religious buildings could be located in the dungeons of the Third Reich. Interest in the occult was generally characteristic of representatives of the National Socialist elite, and not only. German romantics during the Second World War were fond of ancient mythology, Aryan mysticism and esotericism. Therefore, mysticism and the occult in the Third Reich were very common.

Origins of the occult in the Third Reich

During the capture of Hitler's headquarters by the liberators, it turned out that there were many Tibetans in the form of SS men in his personal guard. The monks, who initially professed the religion of non-violence, Buddhism, found themselves under the banner of the left-handed swastika for a reason.

In his youth, Adolf Hitler, like other future spiritual and political leaders of Nazi Germany, was fond of Eastern occultism. Esotericism and mysticism in the Third Reich were rooted in mediumistic seances popular at the end of the 19th century and German romanticism fascinated by the East. Hitler himself considered himself a man with clairvoyant abilities, the reincarnation of one of the Sicilian satanic magicians of the 11th century and, in a sense, the message of divine forces.

The occult history of the Third Reich assumed a complete rejection of the Jewish Old Testament heritage (Jesus was declared an Aryan martyr). The ancient Aryans are supposed to have lived for a long time isolated from the Jewish Christian course of history in the legendary mysterious Shambhala high in the mountains of Tibet. In the thirties, the Nazis equipped several expeditions there. And if at first the Tibetan monks greeted the German guests rather coldly, before the Second World War in the Tibetan highlands, Hitler was received with honor as an exponent of "Aryan wisdom" in the West.

Occultism in the Third Reich also took its origins in the bowels of the Thule organization, which, through several stages of initiation, introduced its followers to the processed and rethought teachings of Eastern spiritual leaders. This community appeared back in 1911, but its vigorous activity dates back to the period after the end of the First World War. when Germany, disappointed by its defeat, was carried away by revanchist ideas ....

Are members of the Thule Society bearers of the truth or provocateurs?

One of the main ideological pillars of the Thule society was the idea of ​​​​the existence in the far north (somewhere in the region of Scandinavia) in prehistoric times of the legendary Hyperborea, Thule - a country of morally and physically perfect Aryans. Knowledge about this country was lost later in history, but the supporters of the society believed that through magic, one could join the spirit of the ancestors and awaken the necessary qualities in modern Germans related to the Scandinavian peoples. Complemented by eugenics (the politics of racial purity), these ideas became the moral justification for a whole series of tragic events, the consequences of which affected the entire history of the world.

It is not known for certain whether Hitler was in the Thule society. But a historically proven fact is the membership in this organization of Karl Haushofer, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, who had a significant influence on Hitler. It is believed that members of the Thule Society taught Hitler the art of public speaking and inspired him with confidence in his own "superpowers". Some researchers believe that perhaps the less charismatic and more cautious German occultists simply wanted to use the person of Hitler as a political guide to their ideas. But the mysticism of the Third Reich at some point got out of control and began to depend entirely on the will of the suspicious, domineering and, importantly, beloved by the people "leader", who brutally suppressed any dissent in the ranks of the Nazi leadership.

Occult practices in the service of Nazism

Since Thule was a long gone country, the connection with the ancestors had to be restored in special ways. In search of the best "contact" in Munich in the twenties and thirties, a number of practicing "mediums" appeared. Both in city apartments and in castles, satanic rituals of astrological Arabic magic were practiced. . Later, already during the war years, the Nazis often resorted to sacrifices and burnings. And Dietrich Eckart, who had influence on Hitler, developed in his “astral body” centers for exiting into the macrocosm and interaction with the forces of darkness.

"Ahnenerbe", translated from German - "Heritage of the Ancestors", is one of the most mysterious organizations of Nazi Germany. The true nature of this SS "scientific society" has long been eclipsed by myths. Most of our contemporaries imagine his work on the films "The Last Crusade" and "The Ark of the Testament" from the Hollywood saga about Indiana Jones.

Or - according to newspaper gossip. Pravda, for example, wrote at one time that a burial place of SS soldiers and officers was found in Ukraine, on which doctors from the Ahnenerbe performed deadly experiments, trying to find their “third eye” and understand the psychophysical capabilities of true Aryans. There was nothing like it. But, unfortunately, the true story is even worse.

More than 50,000 studies have been published about the "Third Reich", about Nazism and Hitler. But these works mainly reflect the historical, social, economic, political and some philosophical aspects of the topic. Very little has been written about the occult phenomenon of the Reich. One gets the impression that this side of the matter seems to be hushed up on purpose!

The sphere of secret knowledge in the "Third Reich" was dealt with by the special occult bureau of the SS Anenerbe (translated as "Heritage of the Ancestors"). It was led by SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers. In the bowels of the Ahnenerbe - "in the interests of Great Germany" unheard-of atrocities were committed against people who acted as guinea pigs. It also accumulated the entire range of occult and secret knowledge available to the Nazis, also "in the interests of Greater Germany."

When the concepts of Agharti and Shambhala, unfamiliar to journalists, sounded in the courtroom at the Nuremberg trials, they were not taken seriously. Rather, ironically. The picture of fascist atrocities was in no way connected with such a tolerant religion as Buddhism, and in general with the concept of faith.

In 1935, Ahnenerbe was created as a non-governmental scientific society ("verein") and initially did not form part of the Nazi state machine. It was rather a "club of interests" of a variety of people engaged in pseudo-scientific research in the field of German history and philology, and existed on private donations and "grants" from the Ministry of Food. Until 1937, in the documents of the "Heritage of the Ancestors", the same Himmler, for example, was mentioned exclusively as a "certified agronomist", and not the Reichsfuehrer SS. Now this “agronomist” began to build “ferain” step by step into his “state within a state”. In October 1937, he instructed the chief of his personal staff, Gruppenführer Karl Wolf (a character popular with us in Seventeen Moments of Spring) to ensure "uniformity in understanding scientific issues between the SS and the Ahnenerbe." Many employees of the society combined their work there with service in the Ruskha, having received officer ranks.

In 1935, Himmler made the Ahnenerbe an official organization attached to his black order. The goals of the Ahnenerbe were announced: “To search for the localization, thought, action, heritage of the Indo-Germanic race and to communicate to the people in an intensive form the results of these searches. The accomplishment of this task must be distinguished by methods of scientific precision.” As L. Povel and J. Bergier note in this connection, "the entire German rational organization was placed at the service of the irrational." In January 1939, the Ahnenerbe, along with 50 institutions that it had (they were led by Professor Wurst, a specialist in ancient sacred texts), was included in the SS, and the leaders of the Ahnenerbe entered Himmler's personal headquarters. According to some authors, Germany spent colossal funds on research conducted within the Ahnenerbe, more than the United States spent on creating the first atomic bomb. These studies, write L. Povel and J. Bergier, “covered a huge area, from scientific activity in the proper sense of the word to the study of the practice of the occult, from the vivisection of prisoners to spying on secret societies. There were negotiations with Skorzeny about the organization of an expedition, the purpose of which should be the theft of the Holy Grail, and Himmler created a special section, an information service, dealing with the "field of the supernatural." The list of problems solved by the Ahnenerbe is amazing ... ".

It is unlikely that anyone will dare to dispute the thesis that the possession of "magic" weapons was perhaps one of the most secret goals of the top leaders of the "Third Reich". "Ahnenerbe" together with the company "Elemag" started preparing drawings of a giant lightning rod that collects lightning energy. With its help, it was necessary to "cut down" all the enemy's electrical appliances in the frontline zone. This project, however, was declared technically unfeasible by physicists from the Imperial Research Committee.

The attempts to use telepathy as the latest means of communication, as well as to extract gold from the waters of the Rhine by the methods of "Aryan chemistry", ended in nothing.

Rascher conveyor
The exact sciences did not want to succumb to the "scientific" conjurers from the "Heritage of the Ancestors". The only area in which the Sievers Institute managed to “please” Himmler with success was medicine, or rather, experiments on people. The experiments of the Ahnenerbe employees in Dachau began even before the war. In April 1939, Munich doctor Sigmund Rascher began testing his cancer drug on prisoners. However, this fanatic really turned around in February 1942, when a high-pressure chamber was built in his “favorite” concentration camp. Rascher conducted experiments in it in order to develop means of protection and treatment for pilots and submariners. The prisoners were "tested for strength", cold-bloodedly watching their torment through a special window. Many times the Reichsfuehrer himself "admired" the experiments in company with Sievers.

Even later, the terrible doctor took up the problem of hypothermia. Now the unfortunate were placed in baths with ice water, brought to a half-dead state, and then they tried to “bring them back to life” in various ways (say, even prostitutes from a brothel were used to warm them up). And when it occurred to Rasher to look for the best antiseptic, people began to shoot at point-blank range, and then treat wounds with various means, up to apple syrup. The conveyor of tortures, the victims of which were thousands of prisoners, was stopped in 1944 only by the unexpected arrest of the SS experimenter himself.

Himmler was infuriated by the news that, in his spare time, an SS Hauptsturmführer (Captain) was kidnapping children on the streets of Munich. The doctor passed off eight babies stolen by him as children from his 52-year-old wife. Allegedly, the miracle pills developed by him inspired the old woman Carolina Rusher to give birth to twins and triplets of "truly Aryan" boys! On the orders of Himmler, the mother-heroine was hanged in Ravensbrück, and the father-innovator received a bullet in the back of the head in the same Dachau where he tortured prisoners.

Another "hero of the medical front" was a surgeon from Strasbourg, August Hirt, who was looking for an antidote for poison gases, dooming hundreds of people to a painful death. But the special location of the Reichsführer brought him the fact that, together with the "racial specialist" Bruno Beger, who became famous in Tibet, he created a collection of Jewish skeletons. Beger selected, measured and subjected to various studies the prisoners of Auschwitz, and Hirt then killed them in a gas chamber and dissected the corpses according to his own method. Such a terrible "catalog" was supposed to be an ideal indicator of the "signs of Jewry" - even in the third and fourth generations ...

When the Americans captured Strasbourg at the end of 1944, they found the bodies of 86 men, women and children floating in formalin, not yet "processed" to the end, in Hirt's clinic. Together with the Ahnenerbe documents found after the war in one of the caves in the Bavarian Alps, this terrible find became the main evidence of the accusation in the cases of murderous doctors from the Heritage of Ancestors.

The executive director of the society, Wolfram Sievers, was sentenced by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal to hang. Hirt (as, in fact, Himmler) managed to commit suicide before the trial.

However, hundreds of philologists and historians from the Ahnenerbe escaped with only a temporary ban on professional activity. Foaming at the mouth, they argued that they were romantics deceived by the Nazi regime and were simply fascinated by the ancient Germanic past. However, the myths they created about this past, unfortunately, turned into a threat to humanity, arming the “black order” with a “new religion”. Therefore, the Nuremberg Tribunal declared the "Heritage of the Ancestors" a criminal organization. History has pronounced its verdict on Ahnenerbe.