About the flow of unconditional love in the heart. Precisely defined goals

Exist three fundamental types of connections:

    one to one (1:1);

    one to many (1:M);

    many to many (M:M).

These types of connections are unconditional forms relationship, since each instance of both entities is required to participate in the relationship.

One-to-one communication (1:1) exists when one instance of one entity is associated with one instance of another entity (3). For example, a husband is married to one wife, a wife is married to one husband.

    One-to-one communication

One-to-Many Relationship (1:M) exists when one instance of some entity is associated with one or more instances of another entity, and each instance of the second entity is associated with only one instance of the first entity (4).

For example, each dog owner owns one or more dogs, each dog belongs to only one owner (see 4).

    One-to-Many Relationship

Many-to-Many Relationship (M:M) exists when one instance of some object is associated with one or more instances of another object, and each instance of the second object is associated with one or more instances of the first (5).

In this figure, the apartment may be the property of one or more owners. At the same time, an apartment owner can own several apartments.

    Many-to-many relationship

The multiplicity of the connection is denoted graphically: a single arrow at the end of a relationship means one instance of the entity participating in the relationship, a double arrow means one or more instances.

      1. Conditional forms of communication

AT conditional connection there may be instances of entities that do not participate in the relationship. This is indicated by the letter Y at the end of the connection, which is not always true (6). In this figure, the connection R2 is conditional only on one side, since not every employee manages subordinates, but each subordinate has a leading employee.

    Conditional links

A connection conditional on both sides is called biconditional . In this case, there may be instances of both entities that do not participate in the relationship. A biconditional relationship is denoted by the letter Y on both sides of the relationship (see R1 relationship on 6).

Taking into account conditional and unconditional connections, there is ten distinct forms of connections (7).

    Ten Forms of Communication

      1. Communication Formalization

Communication purpose- establish the relationship of an instance of one entity with an instance of another. This is achieved by placing auxiliary attributes on the corresponding entities. A relationship defined with auxiliary attributes is called a data-formalized relationship.

To formalize a one-to-one relationship, auxiliary attributes can be added to any entity (but not both). Auxiliary attributes are marked with a relationship identifier in parentheses (at 8, the auxiliary attribute Husband_name is added to the entity Wife; this attribute is marked with relationship identifier R5).

    Formalizing a One-to-One Relationship with an Auxiliary Attribute

To formalize the one-to-many relationship, auxiliary attributes are added to the entity on the many side (9), otherwise the third attribute rule is violated.

    Formalizing a One-to-Many Relationship with an Auxiliary Attribute

To formalize the many-to-many relationship, an associative entity is created that contains links to the identifiers of each of the instances participating in the relationship (Fig. 9.1.). In this figure, the associative entity Ownership is created, containing auxiliary attributes, which are the identifiers of the entities Apartment and Apartment_Owner.

      Formalization of a many-to-many relationship through an associative entity

Exist two types of relationships formalized in data: identifying relationship and non-identifying relationship.

Identifying link is a relationship in which auxiliary attributes are included in the entity identifier.

Non-identifying relationship is a relationship in which the auxiliary attributes are not part of the entity identifier.

Kryon. Create a space of happiness and success around you! 10 most important lessons Liman Artur

Lesson 1 Finding unconditional love

Finding unconditional love

Feel loved and the world will change instantly

The success of any communication, any relationship begins with unconditional love. Simply because Divine or unconditional love (love that does not put any conditions and does not depend on anything) is the only creative force in the Universe. If we want success in anything, if we want positive results, we must start with love. This applies to any business. Everything that we embark on with love receives a very powerful charge of Divine energies. They come to us, into our lives, precisely through our own feeling of unconditional love. If we carry unconditional love in ourselves, we become conductors of powerful Divine energies. And these energies begin to work for us. They begin to create all the best that we want to receive. They bring us success.

Relationships are doomed to success if they are built on the foundation of unconditional love!

Look at any relationship that is not going well or is falling apart. The only reason is that some low-frequency energies, different from the energies of unconditional love, intervened in them. Maybe these are the energies of resentment or condemnation, anger or envy, selfish desire for self-affirmation and power ... All these are the destroyers of relationships.

Unconditional love is the only force that can create the most beautiful relationships!

It is very important to understand that unconditional love is not selective. Unconditional love is a feeling that everyone can have for everyone. Kryon says that if we did not forget about our Divine essence, then we would know that all people actually love each other with unconditional love. This is a natural occurrence for that Divine family of which we are all members. We only need to remember this to understand that there is nothing unusual or complicated about unconditional love. It is in our very nature. But our nature has been distorted. That is why we forgot about what is natural for us, and began to follow what is unnatural for us: dislike, rejection, condemnation of each other, and sometimes even hatred.

All this seems to be the norm, because it has become a habit, but in fact it is not the norm. And the more people understand this, the easier it will be for all of us to return to the true norm - to unconditional love for each other as pure Divine beings.

You need to be aware that unconditional love is precisely Divine love, love in its highest manifestation. This is the love with which God treats people. This is love that does not attach importance to shortcomings and imperfections, love is all-forgiving and absolutely disinterested.

AT human society Unfortunately, there is a substitution of concepts. Love began to be called not at all what God put into this word. Love is the powerful creative force of the Universe. It is the power of accepting everything as it is. It is a force directed at the unity of all things with God. It is a protecting, protective force, it is a warm and soft care, it is an approving and supportive force.

People began to call manifestations of completely different energies love. So, they began to call love their possessive feeling of submission to another person, the feeling of possession, their desire to influence others, as well as dependence on others. Because of this substitution of concepts, relationships collapse. Because only unconditional love connects people. All other feelings, only faked as love, are incapable of connecting people, they can only break off relations.


Human love is often demanding. Human love often wants something from the object of love. Human love can claim power and submission. Human love requires reward and gratitude.

I say "human" to emphasize the difference between it and Divine love. But this does not mean that Divine love cannot become human. To do this, it must cease to be conditional - setting conditions, and become unconditional - free from any conditions and requirements.

Everyone has experienced unconditional love at least once in their lives. It is impossible not to feel them, because this is our true nature. And no matter how distorted our ideas about love are, we still know deep down what it is to love and be loved unconditionally. This means that we are faced with the task of just remembering how this feeling manifests itself.

Exercise 1

Resurrect the feeling that you are loved

Surely you have felt loved more than once, and you can remember this. Maybe it was in your childhood when you felt that you are valuable as you are, that you are loved and accepted without any criticism, without judgment, without wishes that you "get better." Maybe it was already in adulthood when you felt the love of another person. But it is possible that this feeling arose in you even without connection with the attitude of other people towards you. So, many children deep down feel that they are loved by the world, the Universe, God, nature, everything that exists - even if the people around them do not confirm this with their behavior.

Maybe this feeling (“I am loved (s)!”) Didn’t visit you often, maybe it was fleeting, but it certainly happened to you!

Think of a situation in which you felt something like this, and remember the feeling itself: “I am loved.” If this was due to other people's love for you, then most likely this feeling later disappeared, replaced by other feelings that were no longer so positive - for example, jealousy, resentment, addiction. But, one way or another, the feeling that you were loved, you had, and it was real, it was just yours, and it became part of your experience - regardless of all subsequent disappointments.

When we associate the feeling of "I love" with other people, disappointment is usually inevitable. But we can realize that this feeling depends not only on other people. When you felt that someone loved you, you looked at yourself with different eyes - loving. You felt that you were given the right to love and accept yourself for who you are. And if you enjoyed the feeling that you are loved, if the whole world seemed completely different, bright and beautiful at that moment, the reason is precisely that you felt your right to be loved and gave yourself the right to love yourself, treat yourself well.

Now you just need to resurrect this feeling in yourself (after all, it is part of your real experience), regardless of the attitude of other people towards you. You can remember that you are loved because God loves you. And this love does not depend on anything. It does not depend on whether someone else still loves you or not. People's love is usually not unconditional, so it can change. God's love is unconditional and therefore unchangeable.

Having resurrected the feeling “I am loved” in yourself, look at yourself through the eyes of a loving God. Strive to ensure that this feeling accompanies you always and everywhere. If you forgot, remind yourself that you are loved!

So you will gradually come to a constant feeling of unconditional love, which accompanies you in life always and everywhere.

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I just read Magda's channeling "SHINING ENERGY BODY", where Archangel Samuel speaks about the Power of Unconditional Love

People are asking in the comments:
- How to be filled with Unconditional Love?

And since my cosmic name Amerina means the absolute dimension of the Absolute, the answer immediately came:

The human mind can create everything!

And a person also creates Unconditional Love with his Consciousness!

We are all beloved children of Father God and Mother God!

God the Father continuously sends us His Love in the form of a stream of Golden-colored Energy, which is sent through the crown chakra (crown) to the heart space, from where it fills our entire body.

Our Mother Earth - Goddess Mother, at the same time, sends her Love into our heart space - the Golden Energy, which enters through the soles of the feet and the root chakra (coccyx), filling our entire body.

Unconditional Love is a high vibration Energy that we receive from our Cosmic Parents.

This feeling is created by our Consciousness!

When this feeling overwhelms us, we feel joy and extraordinary lightness throughout the body, and wings grow behind our backs.

Glowing with Golden Energy, unable to contain Unconditional Love, we begin to expand. Let's let this feeling out in all directions and, literally to everyone, we wish Light and Love!

In the streams of our Unconditional - Divine Love, in families and at work, scandals stop; Enemies disappear, vampires disappear, problems solve themselves!

Unconditional Love is a tremendous Power that can even stop wars!

We, with you, all send Unconditional Love and fill the Hearts of the warring parties with it. With our Consciousness, we envelop the territory of hostilities with Golden Energy. We send Divine Energy to the politicians of warring states.
We do not interfere in politics! We are conductors of Divine Love! We contribute to the triumph of the harmony of Energies, which means the establishment of Peace!

Energy is Consciousness, which means that it is alive, thinking! This is the Divine Energy of the Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters - Forces of Light!

We, beloved children, directing Energy up and down, with gratitude send our Unconditional Love to our beloved Cosmic Parents - Father God and Mother Goddess!

We triumph, and together with us, the whole Universe triumphs!

Wonders? Yes! With our Consciousness We create Miracles!!!

When, at what time, on what phase of the moon is it best to perform these miracles?

We live in a state of Unconditional Love day and night, all our lives! And, therefore, we create Miracles without ceasing !!!

Light and Love to all!!! Master of Magic and Queen of Amerina.

Flow is a state in which tasks force you to give all the best, but at the same time do not deprive you of motivation. Time seems to slow down, we easily abstract from everything that used to distract us. Three simple steps will help you get in.

1. Identify what distracts you

Household? Look for other places to work: a co-working space or a library. If you feel uncomfortable in an open space with high ceilings, then the university library is not for you. Social media distraction? Turn off internet.

2. Have fun

This is a clear sign that you are in the flow. Over the weekend, plan to work on projects that are very interesting to you. The goal is to get maximum enjoyment. If you start to lose concentration, turn on the music, spin the spinner, do breathing exercises. Check out options that help you focus.

3. Make a list of tricks that help you concentrate

It is necessary to form a relationship between the state of concentration, the use of a particular technique and the completion of a task. These practices should become a habit. When you find yourself in a distracting environment, you can use these techniques to enter a state of flow. Perhaps the method will be simple: for example, do breathing exercises and listen to your favorite song.

Smells and memories

The sense of smell strongly affects memory and emotions. Choose oils, herbs, or scented candles to associate their scent with the state of the flow. When you notice that you are fully concentrated, inhale the scent of juniper, lavender, or whatever. Do it regularly. This will create a link between smell and the set to be productive.

Music and mood

Music also actively influences emotions and motivation. A fast tempo improves concentration and increases productivity, slow soothing melodies help you relax.


Physical activity sets the brain to focus. Exercise increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein essential for memory and learning, reduces anxiety, improves short-term memory, and improves hormonal balance. Even a little physical activity has a positive effect on chemical processes in the brain.

Getting into a state of flow takes practice. A skill needs to be developed like any other. It's easier to stay focused when you're doing what you enjoy. The more often you do things you love and stay in a state of flow, the easier it will be for you to enter it when you need it.

Flow is a magical place where you are completely absorbed in what you are doing, where time goes by so fast it seems like it doesn't exist at all. Of course, such a model of behavior will not suit everyone, but it will seem quite acceptable to someone! Chris Bailey's thoughts (Chris Bailey) about how to get to this place without radical changes in your own life.

I recently finished reading the book Flow ★ by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi); it's a pretty boring and dry book, but it contains some genius stuff. These include, for example, the scheme published in the book. But I decided to improve it a little.

Let's add some color, tweak the lines, make it prettier...

Well, that's much better.

If you have no idea what this circuit is, it's okay. Here is a summary of what it shows:

  • Any activity you do can fit into this pattern (depending on how difficult it is (for you) and how many of your skills it involves).
  • The ideal place for him is, you guessed it, in the "stream". In it, the complexity of your task perfectly matches your skills. Especially if you have the motivation to do something. As Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says, in this flow you will be very happy. For example, writing "Csikszentmihalyi" is quite difficult task, but it does not require much skill, which brings this type of activity to the Anxiety corner.
In Flow, Mihai uses learning to play tennis as an illustration of how we enter a state of flow. I added four circles to my diagram to break this example down.

"one"- your starting position. Here you play tennis for the first time. Learn to hit the ball (which is tricky but doable the first time) and try to reach the other part of the court from your seat (or something like that - I admit, I don’t understand tennis at all). During this stretch, you experience a flow state because your task equals your skills and you are having fun.

you are moving towards "2". You improve your skills to the point where it becomes boring just to throw the ball over the net. The challenge of the game is now below your skill level and you are no longer in the flow.

you go to "3". And set yourself a task that makes you tense, for example, you decided to play tennis with an athlete friend, and he "made" you. Here the challenge is higher—that is, harder than your skill level—and you no longer experience the feeling of flow.

Depending on where you are, there are two ways to return to the streaming channel.

If you are bored "2"), you will need to find a more difficult task, for example, to find a partner to play with skills equal to yours.

If you are concerned "3"), you will need to improve your tennis skills to get back to flow (you can also reduce the difficulty of the task, but this is not so easy to do in practice).

Mihai says it

“explains how the flow state leads to growth and discovery. A person cannot enjoy doing the same thing, staying at the same level for a long time. We either get bored or we get upset; then the desire to enjoy something pushes us to improve skills or open up new opportunities for using existing ones.

Any activity you do is somewhere on this chart, and according to Csikszentmihalyi's research, it's the activities that bring you into a flowing state that will make you the happiest.

Then you will either have to improve your skills or change the tasks to suit you in order to experience the flow state more often.