Different way of education. Algorithm for determining the method of word formation. material for preparing for the exam (gia) in the Russian language (grade 6) on the topic. Addition as a way of forming words

Method determination algorithm word formation a

1. It is necessary to interpret the lexical meaning of the word and determine the original word.

2. Determine with what help and in what way the word is formed.


Ways of word formation

Description and examples

1. Attached

A prefix is ​​added to the original word. In this way, many parts of speech are formed (friend-foe, big-small, everywhere-everywhere),but most often verbs:

sing-sing; stop-suspend

2. Suffix

A new word is formed by adding a suffix to the base of the original one. In this case, a word of another part of speech is formed.

Dolphin Dolphin, sure-sure awn, weed - weed to a

3. prefix-suffix

A new word is formed by adding a prefix and a suffix at the same time. Under the beard ok, in Russian, just dreaming.

"4. Non-suffix

In this way, they formonly nouns from verbs (cut through the hole, come in) or adjectives (deaf - wilderness, blue-blue)

5. Addition (non-morphemic way)

Such words must have at least two roots.

6. The transition of words from one part of speech to another (non-morphemic way)

A particularly efficient way tonouns formed by transition from other parts of speech.

Teacher's room, living room, smokers, the wounded.

Linguistic essay.

Essay sample.From the sentence it is necessary to write out the word formedprefixed-suffixal way.

His eyes were open, but his gaze wandered somewhere, along distant roads, bays and harbors, stumbled upon fortress walls and coastal reefs.

First, select all the words that can potentially serve as an answer. AT this case These are all words with prefixes:gaze, open, bumped, coastal.Determine the source words and the method of formation.

The noun "gaze" is formed from the verb "gaze" in a non-suffix way

(the suffix A is cut off from the stem).

Short form of participle open formed from full-open.

The verb "stumble" is formed from the verb "stumble" with the help of the suffix A in a suffix way.

Finally, the adjective "coastal" with lexical meaning"located near the coast" is formed from the noun "shore" with the prefix "at" and the suffix "n".

Thus, the word "coastal" is formed in this way.

Definitions of the way a word is formed

Write linguistic essay- reasoning.

1 option: ?

For example, a business person who promised to make repairs by such and such a date, gather people, bring equipment, receive those who came from afar. Yes, not much else. Well, what a misfortune, I didn’t accept it, I didn’t do it, I didn’t bring it.


Option 2: Is there a word in this sentence formed by a prefix-suffix??

I don't want to sing under the Christmas tree. All this is not written from the heart, but for promotion. Like a heavy labor service. And Christmas and New Year holidays are too human to sing songs written for the sake of a place in the sun of show business, and not from the fullness of overwhelming feelings. Therefore, we will sing with you the sweet, ingenuous “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, although none of us knows either the authors or the first performers of these hits.





Exercise 1 . Divide the words into two groups: 1) with one suffix, 2) with two suffixes.

Commodity, vocabulary, lantern, amber, rebellious, shock,

Two ^

One ^

Task 2

Task 3 .

9.New-..............- new thing

Assignment 4 with the following words.

Letter-literal, wave-wavy, enemy-enemy, harmonious-harmonic, clay-clay, vocal-vociferous, organic-organic.

Exercise 1

Task 2 .Select suffixes. Determine their meaning in the words of each row.

1.Long-tongued, snouty, big-eyed, big-headed.

2. Trainee, tenant, undergraduate.

3. Patriotism, anarchism, idealism.

4. Venison, sturgeon, wild boar.

5. Peasantry, brotherhood, students.

Task 3

1. Infect-..............- decontaminate


4. Dense-dense-......................-densely populated

5. Cheerful- invigorate-...................... cheer up



8.Instruct-mentor-......................- in a mentoring way

9.New-update-......................- new thing

Exercise 1 . Highlight the suffixes in the words. How many are there in a word: two or one?

alphabetic, fireman, ringing, bazaar.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the word-formation chain.

Cheap-cheaper-......................- cheapening



Exercise 1 . Highlight the suffixes in the words. How many are there in a word: two or one?

Commodity, vocabulary, lantern, amber, rebellious, shock,

alphabetic, fireman, ringing, bazaar.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the word-formation chain.

Cheap-cheaper-......................- cheapening

Cheerful - invigorate - ................... - cheer up



Exercise 1 . Highlight the suffixes in the words. How many are there in a word: two or one?

Commodity, vocabulary, lantern, amber, rebellious, shock,

alphabetic, fireman, ringing, bazaar.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the word-formation chain.

Cheap-cheaper-......................- cheapening

Cheerful - invigorate - ................... - cheer up



word formation- a branch of the science of language that studies the structure of words (what parts they consist of) and how they are formed.

Word composition.

The word consists of a stem and an ending. They are based on: prefix, root suffix. Prefix, root, suffix, ending - parts of a word.

Base and end.

In changeable independent words, the stem and ending are distinguished, and in unchangeable words, only the stem.

The basis- this is a part of the modified word without an ending. The basis of the word is its lexical meaning.

The ending- this is a variable significant part of the word, which forms the form of the word and serves to connect words in a phrase and sentence.


1. To highlight the ending, you need to change the word.
2. Invariable words have no endings.

When a word changes or any form of it is formed: number, gender, case, person, the endings change.

The ending expresses different grammatical meanings: for nouns, numerals and personal pronouns (without a preposition, go with it) - case and number; for adjectives, participles, some pronouns - case, number, gender; for verbs in the present and future tense - face and number, and in the past tense - gender and number.
The end may be zero, that is, one that is not expressed by sounds. It is found by comparing the forms of the word. In the nominative case, the zero ending (like any other in oblique cases) means that the noun horse, eagle used in the nominative case, singular, male, 2nd declination.
At the basis of an independent word, significant parts of the word can be distinguished: prefix, root, suffix.

Root of the word.

Root is the main part of the word, which contains general meaning all single-root words. Words with the same root are called single root.


  1. Single-root words can refer to one part of speech or to different ones.
  2. It is necessary to distinguish between coinciding in sound, but different in meaning (homonymous) roots. Words with similar roots are not cognate.
  3. Words that consist of a root and an ending in Russian comparatively few; most word stems consist of a root and a suffix; root, prefix and suffix.
  4. Some roots in the "free" form (root + ending) do not occur. They are found in words only in combination with prefixes, suffixes or other roots:
    - de -- put on, change clothes;
    - nya -- borrow, hire, take away;
    - Fri -- chick, bird, bird;
    - syag -- oath, reach, encroach;
    - at -- undress, put on;
    - st -- street, lane;
    - th -- enter, move away, pass, enter.
A word can have one root or two roots.


Suffix- this is the significant part of the word, which is located after the root and usually serves to form words.


Suffixes can serve to form word forms.


Prefix- this is the significant part of the word, which is located before the root and serves to form words. Prefixes form words with a new meaning.
A word may contain not one, but two or more prefixes.


  1. The vast majority of prefixes are native Russian ( o-, from-, under-, over-, re- and etc.). foreign prefixes in Russian a little: a-, anti-, archi-, inter-, counter-, ultra-, de-, dez-, dis-, re-, ex-, im-.
  2. Prefixes can be multi-valued. Yes, attachment at- means approaching, joining, incomplete action, being close to something.
  3. In many words, the prefixes have grown together with the root and are no longer distinguished as independent parts of the word: admire, admire, get, venture, overcast, adore, disappear and etc.

Word formation methods.

New words in Russian are formed on the basis of words, phrases, less often - sentences, which for a new word are initial.
Words in Russian are formed in the following main ways: prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix, non-suffix, addition, transition from one part of speech to another.

Attachment method.

When forming words prefixed way the prefix is ​​attached to the original, already finished word. The new word refers to the same part of speech as the original word. This is how nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs.

suffix way.

Suffix way is that a suffix is ​​added to the base of the original word. Thus, the words of all independent parts of speech are formed.
Words formed in a suffixal way are usually another part of speech.
The suffix method is the main one for the formation of nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It is more complex than the prefix method, since the suffix is ​​added not to the whole word, but to its stem, and the stem of the word sometimes changes: a part of the stem is cut off, its sound composition changes, sounds alternate.

Prefixed-suffixal way.

Prefixed-suffixal method is to simultaneously attach a prefix and a suffix to the base of the original word.
Most often nouns with suffixes are formed in this way -nick, -th (e), -ok, verbs with suffix -sya, adverbs in prefix on- and suffixes -and, -mu, -him.

Non-suffix way.

Non-suffix way consists in the fact that the ending is discarded from the word or the ending is discarded at the same time and the suffix is ​​cut off.

Addition as a way of forming words.

Addition consists of combining two words in one word. As a result of the addition, Difficult words.
Compound words are words that have two (or more) roots. They are formed. as a rule, from independent parts of speech, keeping in its composition the whole word or part of it. In a compound word, there can be connecting vowels between the roots about and e.


  1. Can be used as a connecting vowel and: five-year.
  2. Compound words can be without a connecting vowel.
Compound words are formed:
  1. Addition of whole words: sofa bed, test pilot;
  2. Adding word stems without connecting vowels ( wall newspaper, sports ground, car factory) or connecting vowels about and e (snowfall, locomotive, excavator);
  3. With connecting vowels about and e, connecting part of the stem of the word with the whole word: new building, reinforced concrete, grain procurement, arts and crafts;
  4. Addition of stems with simultaneous addition of a suffix: farming, dizzy;
  5. Merging words: evergreen, highly venerated, daredevil, the undersigned.

Addition of abbreviated bases.

Many words are formed by addition of abbreviated stems of original words. As a result, compound words.

Compound words are formed:

  1. adding syllables or parts of words full name: collective farm (collective farm), educational program (elimination of illiteracy), special correspondent (special correspondent);
  2. adding the names of the initial letters: Central Committee (Central Committee), VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy);
  3. addition of initial sounds: university (higher educational institution), Moscow Art Theater (Moscow Art Academic Theatre);
  4. in a mixed way (addition of a syllable with a sound, a sound with a syllable, letters with a sound, etc.): glavk (main committee), district (district department of public education).
Complex and complex abbreviations words can serve as the basis for the formation of new words: university - university student; collective farm - collective farm - collective farmer.

Transition of words from one part of speech to another.

Words are also formed transition from one part of speech to another. At the same time, being used in the role of another part of speech, they acquire a different general meaning, lose a number of their grammatical features. For example: we were walking (word step, being an adverb, does not change).

1. Prefix method word formation is expressed in the addition of a prefix (prefix) to the word, which acts as a generating basis. The words companion, enemy, super-early, give, distribute are formed by adding the prefixes co-, non-, super-, at-, once- to the generating bases traveler, comrade, friend, early, give. It is important that adding a prefix does not change the part of speech.

2. Suffix way word formation is carried out by adding a suffix to the generating stem. The words countryman, countrywoman, countrymanship are formed by adding suffixes -yak, -k-, -estv- to the generating bases earth-, countryman-, countryman-. Importantly, nouns with suffixes -ANI-e, -ENI-e are formed from verbs. appearance - from the verb appear.

3. Prefixed-suffixal method word formation consists in the simultaneous addition of a prefix and a suffix to the generating stem. The words seaside, plantain, pier, copse are formed by the simultaneous addition of prefixes vz-, po-, pro-, re- and suffixes -j-, -nick-, -ok-, -ok- to the generating base.

4. Non-affix (non-suffix) way word formation, i.e. devoid of word-formation elements, the least common. This method is used only when forming nouns from some verbs and adjectives. At the same time, the basis of the adjective name, from which the noun is formed, undergoes a change (the final consonant changes, the place of stress changes), and the basis of the verb usually does not change (cf .: deep - depth, quiet - quiet, run - run, flood - bay, etc.). P.).

The nouns mileage, tide, chorus, departure, simple (simple transport) are derived stems, but the formation of these words through prefixes is excluded. These words are correlative in meaning with the verb stems to run, pour, hum, fly out, stand and are formed by a non-affix way of word formation. This method is usually used when forming nouns from verbs.

5. Addition- this is such a method of morphological word formation, in which, by combining two or more bases, a new word is formed, for example: a motor ship, aircraft construction, a state farm, a cinema, etc.

Compound and complex abbreviated words are formed by means of basic construction. Compound words are the result of the addition of full stems (water-o-wire-water), and compound words are the result of truncated stems (kol-khoz, kom-so-mol). With the basic construction, the most productive is the formation of masculine nouns with a leading verbal non-derivative stem (helicopter, nuclear ship). Verbs are not formed in this way in Russian. Words such as bless, verbose, etc., are borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, in which they were tracing papers from the Greek language.

The addition of the stems is usually carried out using the connecting vowels o and e (oil pipeline, bookselling), but often the basic construction is carried out without a connecting vowel (decade, twin-engine, multi-volume).

Words that have two or more roots in their composition are not always formed by means of a basic structure. So, the words reinforced concrete, field breeding, horse breeding, radio broadcasting are derived from compound words (reinforced concrete, field breeder, horse breeder, radio broadcasting) through the suffixes -n, -chesk-, -stv-, -ni-, and are not formed by adding up the bases.

Different types affixations have different productivity in the formation of parts of speech: nouns and adjectives are more often formed by means of suffixes, and verbs - by means of prefixes; The suffix-prefix method of word formation is more productive in the field of verbs and less productive in the field of names. Suffixes and prefixes act in the process of word formation in different ways: suffixes form a new word from the generating stem, and prefixes - from the whole word; with the suffix-prefix method of word formation, words are formed both from the stem of words (nouns and adjectives) and from the whole word (verbs).

Summary in tabular form (to B1)

1. Attached Acts in the word formation of words of all parts of speech, but is most productive in verbs

write → Inscribe, WRITE, WRITE, OVERWRITE, REWRITE, SIGN, Write off.

grandson → great-grandson, PUBLIC → ANTI-PUBLIC

trendy → SUPER trendy

always → forever

2. Suffix This

the method operates in the formation of all the main parts of speech

yellow → yolk,

dream → dreamer,

eye → ocular,

red → blush,

beautiful → beautiful

two → two

white → white

3. Prefixed-suffixal This method works in the formation of nouns, adverbs, some verbs

city ​​→ SURGORNY,

sound → SOUND,

five → Five of us,

tight → close,

candle UNDER candles NICK

dream → DREAM

4. Unsuffixed This method is usually used when forming nouns from verbs.

blue → blue

log in → login

cross overtransition


- words or stems

- reduction of the basics

- abbreviation

This method often works in the formation of nouns.

Language , knowledge– linguistics

Fiz ic culture- physical Culture

M Moscow G state At University - Moscow State University

6. Transition of words from one part of speech to another

Teachers (adj.) room - teachers (n.)

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Goals and objectives:

  • to consolidate students' knowledge of the ways of forming words,
  • to consolidate the skills of determining the ways of word formation,
  • know the basic ways of forming words in Russian,
  • be able to determine the way words are formed.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: - Children, write down the number in notebooks, “Classwork”.

(one student writes on the board).

Teacher: - Children, we live with you on the big planet Earth, which has the shape of a huge ball. With our planet, you can compare the knowledge of each of you and present this knowledge in the form of a ball, on which there are a large number of countries.

(Appendix. slide 2)

(pupils answer, looking at the slide, what kind of countries they are: mathematics, literature, history, computer science, and, of course, the Russian language).

Teacher: - There are many cities in the country of the Russian language. Guess which cities these are?

(Appendix. slide 3)

((pupils answer, looking at the slide, what kind of cities they are: sections of the Russian language: morphology, syntax, spelling, phonetics ...).

Teacher: - What do you think, in what city are we with you now?

(Word formation).

2. Checking homework.

Teacher: What exercise did you do at home?

Teacher: - What should be done according to the task of the exercise?

(It was necessary to arrange the words with the same root, taking into account the sequence of their formation from each other).

Teacher: - Exchange notebooks and check with each other the correctness of this exercise. You have 2 minutes to check.

(the correct option is written on the back of the board)

3. Repetition and consolidation.

Teacher: - What do you know about word formation?

(This is a branch of the science of language, in which it is studied from what and with what help words are formed).

Teacher: - Today we have a practical lesson on determining the way words are formed in Russian. You must clearly know the basic ways of forming words and be able to determine how a particular word is formed.

Let's start with a warm-up: Class assignment.

1. Mark the part of the word that gives the words a new meaning. ( Appendix. slide 4)

(children answer from the ground orally)

Glorious - inglorious, (prefix)

Yard - palace, (suffix)

Drum - drummer, (suffix)

I will collect - I will disassemble, (prefix)

Bottom - bottomless (prefix, suffix)

Calculation - calculate. (suffix)

(conclusion is made: prefix, suffix).

Teacher: - What are the prefix and suffix used for? (to form new words)

What other morpheme is involved in the formation of words? (root)

2. Form new words by analogy.

How are they educated? ( Appendix. slide 5)

To complete the task - 2 minutes.

(children write down each pair of words in notebooks, then answer from the floor)

Harmful - harmless

Cloudy - ..., (prefixed)

Forest - forest,

Table - ..., (suffix)

Walking, walking - pedestrian,

Leaves, fall - ...,

Water, conduct - ... . (addition of two bases)

The conclusion is made: prefix, suffix, addition of two bases.

Teacher: 3. Let's repeat the ways of forming words in Russian. On each

the desk has a card on which you need to install - from what and with

by which words are formed. To complete the task - 2 minutes.

(work in pairs - 10 pairs who write down their words in a notebook)

  • Card 1. bricklayer, concrete worker, pencil, winter, walrus (suffix)
  • Card 2
  • Card 3
  • Card 4
  • Card 5
  • Card 6. newsboy, pedagogy, honorary, rare (suffix)
  • Card 7
  • Card 8. day, gardener, fairy tale, clever (suffix)
  • Card 9
  • Card 10. sports, diner, canteen, brand new (transition from one part of speech to another).

Teacher: - You have already completed your task, and it's time to take stock: from what and with what help are words formed?

(from roots with the help of suffixes and prefixes).

Teacher: - Pay attention to our city Word formation: what streets are in it?

What do they stand for? ( Appendix. slide 6) (ways of forming new words)

Teacher: - Tell us about the ways of forming words in Russian. (Students talk about the ways of forming words)

Teacher: - 4. The texts are in front of you. It is necessary to write out the underlined words.

Write in brackets the words from which they are formed ( Appendix. Slide 7)

To complete the task - 3 minutes. Work on options in notebooks.

But before you start the task, you need to read the poems.

(one student from each option reads the text)

Do not touch my Russia with fire,
Do not touch your darling with a sword -
And you her you know force
Not through the sword - through the palm.
And you will know her loyalty
Alien variability Moscow! -
And the world will find its place
AT good neighborliness and kinship.
Everything will be sincere and simple,
Pure hearts when friendly.
Isn't this bread and air,
What is so fatherlands needed?!


2. You stood at my cradle,
I have heard your songs half asleep,
You gave me swallows in April
Through the rain by the sun smiled to me.
You are the greatness of my people,
His soul boundless fields,
thoughtful Russian nature,
My worthy beauty!
And I know - in this spiky wide,
In the woodlands and spills rivers -
Source of strength and everything in this world
Still complete my inspirational age!

(V. Rozhdestvensky)

Teacher: - Tell us how you did the task.

(1-2 students from each option explain how they completed the task).

Teacher: - Fizminutka: “chasing three hares” - we stretch the neck, back and eyes.

Now take the chairs and get together in groups of 4 people.

Teacher: - 5. 1). There are many trees growing around us, all of them have roots and branches. It is exactly the same in Russian: there is a root, and numerous branches originate from it. Now you have to make a word-building tree. Each group has its own root. How many branches can grow in each group?

(Appendix. Slide 8)

1 group: FOREST

2 group: GARDEN

3rd group: HOUSE

4th group: WHO

Teacher: - Who will have the most branched tree?

(work in groups is performed on a separate sheet for each group, on which the outlines of a tree are drawn)

2). 5 group The task on the cards is performed in pairs:

1 pair: Write out sentences in which the underlined words are adjectives.

1. Wounded the leg did not heal for a long time. Wounded groaned softly.

ice cream. Ice cream meat is stored for a long time.

3. Dining room Dining room was close.

4. Your norm worker worker suit.

2 pair: Write out sentences in which the underlined words are nouns.

1. Wounded the leg did not heal for a long time. Wounded groaned softly.

2. They sold on the platform of the station ice cream. Ice cream meat is stored for a long time.

3. Dining room dishes were neatly arranged on the shelf. Dining room was close.

4. Your norm worker completed ahead of schedule. The steelworker quickly put on his worker suit.

Teacher: - To complete the task - 5 minutes.

(tasks in pairs are performed in notebooks)

Teacher: Questions to the groups:

Whose tree turned out to be the most branchy?

What educational methods did you use to create new words?

Questions for couples:

How were you able to determine what the underlined words in the sentences are?

So the same word can be both a noun and an adjective?

What way of word formation can be said in this case?

Teacher: - Guys, now return to your seats at your desks.

(children rearrange chairs in place)

Teacher: - 6. Assignment for the whole class: complete the table. Each student is given a table in which you need to write down the words formed using each of the listed methods, designate the parts of the word. To complete the task - 5 minutes.

(the test task is performed individually, and then given to a neighbor in the desk for mutual verification; weak students do not have all the ways of education and not all the words in the cards)

Teacher:- Using this table, write down the words formed using each of these methods. Label the parts of the word.

Next, rally, Leningrad, silence, dawn, snowdrop, knock down, walrus, helicopter, canteen, sentence, evergreen, sigh, subgroup, passerby, heavy duty, country, swordfish, wall newspaper, worker, handkerchief, invent.

(after the time has passed, students give each other cards and check according to the model on the slide) ( Appendix. Slide 9)

Teacher: - What difficulties did this task cause?

4. Generalization.

Teacher: - 1. How are new words formed in Russian?

2. Name the ways of forming words.

3. For what purpose do we study the ways of forming words?

4. Form new words in different ways:

Prefix from the word CALCULATION,

Suffix from the word AUGUST,

An adjective-suffix from the word PEN.

Teacher: - Grading.

Homework: exercise 128.