Tropical forests: what is it? Flora and fauna of the tropics

Hello, dear readers of the site "I and the World"! Today we will talk about the so-called lungs of our planet - tropical forests. We will tell you: where they grow, what animals and plants can be seen in these forests, why they are called the lungs of the planet.

What is it?

What is a tropical forest? This is a vast territory in the tropical, equatorial and subequatorial zones, overgrown with evergreen trees, where only their own special plants and animals are found. The green belt of these forests stretches across Asia, Australia, Africa, Central and South America and through many islands of the Pacific Ocean. Quite mild climate without hot and cold weather with temperatures ranging from 20 to 35 degrees.

Different parts of the tropics

Among all tropical forests, wet (rain) and seasonal are distinguished. The former are characterized by a large amount of precipitation per year, while the latter grow where, despite moisture, there are periods of drought. The tropical rainforests of Atsinanana, growing in the east of the island of Madagascar, stand out separately.

These are ancient relic plants, formed about 60 million years ago, but now they are under the threat of destruction. Unique places with more than 12,000 plant species and 78 wingless mammals.

At one of the Chinese resorts of Yalunvan, tropical forests are presented in a huge Botanical Garden. More than 1200 species of plants grow on its territory, some of which are difficult to find in wildlife.

Another area of ​​the tropical jungle in China is Yanoda, which occupies 123 square meters. km. Madly beautiful orchids, huge trees, exotic birds.

The park is located on the island of Hainan, 35 km from the city of Sanya, from which you can get both by regular bus and tourist bus. Here you can also relax on the beach in Dadonghai.

In one of the tribes of Latin America, local sorcerers pray daily for heaven to send rain to the earth. It would seem, well, why constantly water the already waterlogged soil. There is only one answer: there will be no showers - huge forests will disappear, and without them all of humanity will disappear, because it is not for nothing that the tropics are considered the lungs of the planet.

Flora and fauna

Many types of local vegetation grow only here, and the abundance of insects and snakes is a distinctive feature of these places. Animals mainly live in trees - these are mainly marmosets and cebids. There are quite a few ungulates: baker pigs and undersized pointed deer. Lots of reptiles and amphibians.

- This is a zone of tropical vegetation in 6,700,000 square meters. km, which is located along the river. The jungle is represented by a huge variety of flora and fauna. 40,000 plant species, 1300 birds, 5500 fish, 430 mammals and 1400 amphibians and reptiles.

The largest rodent on the planet - the capybara - lives in the Amazon, as well as the Brazilian otter, giant anteater, monkeys that look like spiders, howler monkeys, Amazonian dolphins and many other animals, including titan lumberjacks - the largest bugs on the planet that are dangerous to humans , because with their tongs they can easily break a pencil.

Barriers to Growth

In the Amazon, there is a problem of cutting down trees - since the end of the last century, more than 750,000 square meters have been destroyed here. km. Environmental problems associated with the disappearance of the tropics around the world are shown in feature and documentary films, as well as in cartoons for kids. We recommend watching one of these cartoons, Fern Valley, which is like a manifesto against corporations cutting down ancient trees.

The tropical forest of India is a valuable tree species of more than 20,000 species. And if on other continents slowly, but the vegetation disappears, then India restores its wealth.

The diversity of the animal world is enormous. The inhabitants of only one of the islands of Kalimantan are 7 times more than in the whole of Europe. What are the names of all representatives of the flora and fauna of this beautiful country is difficult to list in one article.

The tropics on the world map are located between 25°N. and 30 ° S, as if encircling the planet with a green ribbon. The names and classification of forests are presented in the description and in the photo.

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