People from mars proof. It is proved: our most distant ancestors come from Mars! Stories about the device of alien aircraft

Reincarnation is undoubtedly a fascinating topic, even in the scientific community.

Carl Sagan, an American astronomer and astrobiologist, even acknowledged the fact that reincarnation deserves serious study.

He says that “children sometimes report details of a previous life that After checking, they are completely accurate., and which they could not have known about in any other way than through reincarnation.”

There are some great examples, many of them described by University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker, who is the world's leading researcher on this topic.

Every case described by Jim Tucker is about a past life memory. Notably, 100% of subjects reporting past life memories are children.

The average age at which they begin to remember their past life is 35 months, and their descriptions of events and experiences from their past life are often compelling and surprisingly detailed.

These children remember things that would otherwise be impossible to know about the people they claim to be.

He also talked about people who still live on Mars, but below the surface and inside the planet. They need carbon dioxide to breathe, he said.

Information to further corroborate some of Boris's claims

NASA on September 28, 2015 called a press conference to announce a major discovery regarding the planet Mars.

During the meeting, they revealed some pretty shocking information, completely changing what we once thought about the "Red" planet, which suddenly doesn't seem so red anymore.

They announced that Mars is in fact contains rivers of flowing water. What we once thought of as an arid, rocky, and desolate planet is actually seasonal, not like it is on our own planet Earth.

Lujendra Oyha, planetary scientist at Institute of Technology Georgia, made the discovery using images from NASA's Martian Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The quotes below are from the press conference and are from him and other sources.

“Mars is not a dry, arid planet, as we thought in the past… Water found on Mars,” says James Green, Director of Planetary Sciences at NASA.

“We are sending a spacecraft to Mars, our trip to Mars is a scientific expedition right now, but soon – I hope in the near future – we will send people to the red planet to conduct its scientific research.

Today's announcement of a truly exciting result of real water on Mars is one of the reasons why I think it's even more important that we send astrobiologists and planetary scientists to Mars to investigate whether there is real life on Mars?" writes John Grunsfeld, astronaut with five spaceflights, associate administrator, head of NASA's science mission.

Here is an interesting quote, given that Boris said already today that people live under the surface of the planet: “The possibility of life in the interior of Mars has always been very high.

Of course, somewhere in the crust of Mars there is water ... It is very likely, I think, that somewhere in the crust of Mars there is life, ”says Alfred McEwan, principal investigator, Hiris, University of Arizona.

Below are some more interesting quotes because the boy also said that the planet has gone through significant global climate change.

“The more we observe on Mars, the more information we get that this is a truly amazing planet.

From the Curiosity rover, we now know that Mars was once very similar to Earth, with long salty seas, lakes with fresh water, probably with snowy peaks and clouds and a water cycle the same as here on Earth ...

Something happened to Mars, it lost its water,” writes John Grunsfeld. He also goes on to discuss the high possibility that life previously existed on Mars, but something happened to the planet that caused climate change on it.

Scientists are still trying to figure out what this event or series of events could be.

“Mars is the planet most similar to Earth… Mars was a very different planet, it had a vast atmosphere, and in fact it had what we think is a huge ocean, perhaps two-thirds the size of the Northern Hemisphere.

And that ocean could be a mile deep. Thus, Mars really had extensive space three billion years ago. water resources', says James Green.

According to Dr. John Brandenburg, Ph.D. and Plasma Physicist, life on Mars was destroyed by nuclear war.

He believes that several intelligent civilizations from ancient history were responsible for this, and claims in his published papers that the color and composition of the Martian soil indicates a series of "mixed fission explosions" that led to nuclear fallout on the planet.

Like the astronauts mentioned above, Brandenburg is not crazy. He was deputy director of the Clementine mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon's poles in 1994.

Elbert Stubbin, a retired U.S. Major General, was also the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command General (INSCOM), one of America's most distinguished soldiers and the U.S. Army's chief of intelligence, with 16,000 soldiers under his command, said of Mars: "On the surface Mars has structures.

I will tell you that there are structures under the surface of Mars, although they are not visible in the images that Voyager transmitted in 1976.

I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface and below the surface of Mars that you can see in detail.

You can see what they are, where they are, what they are for and a lot of details about them.” (Richard Dolan. UFOs and the National Security of the State. - New York: Richard Dolan Press.)

General Elbert Stubbin was the main initiator of the government's Stargate project in the United States.

Of course, we cannot say that man comes from Mars, however, as new research has shown, our most distant ancestors - the simplest organisms - were actually Martians, and only then "immigrated" to Earth.

The element, which is the most important element for the origin of life, was found exclusively on the Red Planet. Scientists believe that the "seeds" of life came to our planet along with meteorites that broke off the surface of Mars as a result of volcanic eruptions or collisions with space objects.

Researchers from the Westheimer Institute of Science and Technology (Gainesville, Florida, USA) have found evidence that the oxidized mineral form of the element molybdenum is a catalyst that allows organic molecules develop into the simplest living organisms.

Moreover, there are suggestions that the conditions that are suitable for the origin of life still exist on Mars. But for this it is necessary that molybdenum becomes highly oxidized.

On planet Earth, this form of molybdenum did not exist at the time life appeared here, because 3 billion years ago there was too little oxygen on the surface of the Earth. On Mars, in turn, there was then a sufficient amount of oxygen.

How did life appear on Mars?

All living organisms are made of organic material, but if you add heat or light to organic molecules and leave them to themselves, life will not arise. Instead, you will get something that looks like tar, oil or asphalt.

Some elements seem to be able to keep organic materials from turning to tar, especially boron and molybdenum, so if the materials contain both of these elements, then life could well arise, the scientists said.

An analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars, as well as an oxidized form of molybdenum.

On the other hand, it was very difficult for life to originate on our planet, because at that time, it is likely that its surface was completely covered with water. This would prevent the formation of large concentrations of boron, which today can only be found in very dry areas, such as Death Valley. Water is also detrimental to ribonucleic acid, which scientists believe was the first genetic molecule.

Although Mars once had liquid water, it occupied a much smaller area than on the young Earth.

Scientists say that in fact we are all Martians, since our most distant ancestors come from the planet Mars. Fortunately, man still appeared on Earth, since our planet is more suitable for sustaining life than Mars. Assuming that all living things remained on Mars, they would have little chance of surviving.

How Geologically Active Is Mars?

Scientists have found that Martian meteorites that have been found on Earth are 4 billion years younger than previously thought, meaning that Mars may still be geologically active.

A team of scientists have found that a Martian meteorite from the collection of the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada is about 200 million years old and is part of a solidified lava flow. Scientists were able to date such meteorites after the technology was invented using isotope and microstructural analysis.

These rocks left the surface of Mars about 20 million years ago. Before that, it was believed that meteorites were about 4 billion years old. More than 100 meteorites have already been discovered on the surface of the Earth, which are supposed to have arrived here from Mars.

Animals on Mars

On Mars, life will someday appear again, which will be transferred there from the planet Earth, scientists say. However, we will have to create special conditions for living beings.

Japanese scientists have opened a sperm bank for endangered animals in the hope that one day they will be able to recreate lost species on other planets.

Using the freeze-dry method, they banked the first samples taken from two species of rare primates and a giraffe.

Freezing of sperm of rare species was carried out according to new technology: the samples were placed in a special liquid. Then, using dry freezing, it was possible to ensure that the samples were stored at a temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius.

This temperature is much higher than the temperature in conventional freezing methods, but the method offers many advantages. For example, you do not need to use a huge amount of expensive equipment and check the condition of sperm every 5 years.

Today it seems like the plot of a science fiction movie, but it is quite possible that the day will come when we can take the genetic information of Earth's animals with us to other planets. Thus, terrestrial beings will be able to live on Mars.

According to the ancient Babylonian tradition, the annual cycle consists of 36 decans, and each decan is patronized by one of the seven planets of the spectrum: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. People born under the influence of a certain planet, although at different times of the year, have a lot in common, much more than representatives of the same zodiac sign. Because it is the dean of birth that has the greatest influence on a person: he gives a detailed decoding of the state of the Sun every 10 days of the year. The ruling planet of the decan leads a person through life, determines his essence, purpose.

So, today I propose to get to know the wards of Mars better.

People of Mars were born on January 1 - 10, March 11 - 21, March 21 - April 1, June 1 - 12, August 13 - 23, October 23 - November 2.

Strengths and weaknesses of iron man

Under the rule of Mars, extroverts are born, people who direct their energy into the outside world. As a rule, they are efficient, active, strong (both physically and psycho-emotionally). It is extremely important for them to find a constructive use of their colossal energy, otherwise it can become destructive, and not only those around them, but also the Martians themselves will feel it. Sports career, work in law enforcement agencies, military service ideal for all wards of Mars.

Discipline plays a huge role in the life of the people of Mars. They themselves must adhere to strictly defined rules, and control others, and obey higher authorities. They need to show determination, pressure, take on a big load and in no case be lazy: any vigorous activity will benefit them.

People of Mars should not avoid conflicts, difficult situations. Of course, this is not about creating trouble themselves - on the contrary, their calling is to solve difficult questions. It is in tense moments that the Martian fully reveals his potential, shows best qualities. Of course, this applies not only to the security forces: Mars' wards make effective crisis managers, employees of regulatory authorities, and so on.

From the point of view of alchemy, Mars corresponds to iron. The animal symbol of the planet is the wolf - a smart, strong, brave and faithful animal that is able to reliably protect its own and at the same time inspire awe in strangers, in those who are hostile towards him and his relatives.

Such are the majority of the people of Mars. The main thing for them is not to hold back energy, not to direct it inward. If everything is calm and there is no need to save anyone, you need to find another use for your strength. For the people of Mars, the ideal way to get rid of tension, throw out accumulated emotions is sports. And, of course, they must feel the line between pressure and aggression, rigidity and cruelty.

Martians are different...

Born January 1st to 10th when Mars is in Capricorn, should directly interact with money. These people are able to perfectly manage financial flows, control the movement of capital. They are perfect for working in a bank, tax police, collection service. Moreover, it is important to be not just a performer, but, one way or another, to participate in the organization of work. In addition, the people of the first dean of Mars work well in production, manage commodity-money transactions.

Those who were born from March 11 to 21 (Mars in Pisces) have great emotional power. Sometimes they are prone to excessive manifestation of feelings, including negative ones. They need to learn to control emotions, and even better - to direct them in the right direction: then they will be able to achieve a lot. For example, to become successful politicians, top managers, officers: these are excellent managers who can competently manage a large number of people. The sphere of art is also suitable for them: if they manage to transform their emotions into something creative, they will become talented writers, artists, filmmakers.

People who were born between March 21 and April 1 (when Mars is in Aries), extremely energetic, assertive, sometimes aggressive. They need to show leadership skills, work for authority. Success in their careers is of great importance to them: they are not afraid of responsibility, they want to lead, manage a team, and make decisions on their own. They are interested in working on large projects (no matter in what area), building the future. These are talented strategists who are able to predict events, develop effective business plans and implement almost any ideas.

Those born between June 1st and 12th (Mars in Gemini) better practice intellectual activity. However, whatever they do, they should rely on their own mind, education, creative abilities. It is good for such Martians to lead a research laboratory, to lead scientific work, develop new programs, technical innovations, information products and services and so on. They are able to defend their positions, promote innovative projects, in a word, step by step make a fairy tale come true. In addition, they are born diplomats: they can not only speak convincingly, but also listen carefully, which allows them to make useful contacts in right time contact the right people.

Born August 13 - 23 (when Mars is in Leo) natural leaders. It is extremely important for them to show independence, manage people and processes, and solve difficult situations. And, most importantly, they are great at it. The ideal option for those born during this period is to open their own business and control absolutely everything - from A to Z. Another way of professional implementation is to work in law enforcement agencies, preferably on leadership positions. However, you can start from the bottom - thanks to perseverance, self-discipline, dedication and a huge amount of energy, they quickly storm the career ladder.

Born October 23 - November 2 (when Mars is in Scorpio) discipline is as necessary as air. Moreover, both external (strict rules, life according to a charter or a clear routine), and internal (self-restraint, following one's own rules and principles, control over one's feelings and emotions) - this gives them strength, allows them to achieve goals, manage other people. Another key to success is the desire for self-improvement. Such Martians should not stop there, especially rest on their laurels: this corrupts them, makes them weak and vulnerable, sometimes vicious. Therefore, they need to always strive forward, remember that there is no limit to perfection and clearly understand that the fall is often very painful.

Of course, we can't say that humans are from Mars, but as new research has shown, our most distant ancestors - the simplest organisms - are in fact were Martians, and only then "immigrated" to Earth.

The element, which is the most important element for the origin of life, was found exclusively on the Red Planet. Scientists believe that the "seeds" of life hit our planet with meteorites, which broke off the surface of Mars as a result of volcanic eruptions or collisions with space objects.

Researchers from Westheimer Institute of Science and Technology(Gainesville, Florida, USA) found evidence that the oxidized mineral form of the element molybdenum- a catalyst that allows organic molecules develop into the simplest living organisms.

Moreover, there are suggestions that the conditions that are suitable for the origin of life still exist on Mars. But for this it is necessary that molybdenum has become highly oxidized.

On planet Earth, this form of molybdenum did not exist at the time life appeared here, because 3 billion years ago on the surface of the Earth there was too little oxygen. On Mars, in turn, there was then a sufficient amount of oxygen.

How did life appear on Mars?

All living organisms are made up of organic material, but if you add heat or light to organic molecules and leave them to themselves, life will not arise. Instead, you will get something that looks like tar, oil or asphalt.

Some elements seem to be able to keep organic materials from turning to tar, especially boron and molybdenum, so if the materials contain both of these elements, then life can be born, scientists said.

An analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars, as well as an oxidized form of molybdenum.

On the other hand, it was very difficult for life to originate on our planet, because at that time, it is likely that its surface was completely covered with water. This would prevent the formation of large concentrations of boron, which today can only be found in very dry regions, for example in Death Valley. Water is also harmful to ribonucleic acid, which scientists believe was the first genetic molecule.

Although Mars once had liquid water, it occupied much smaller area than on a young Earth.

Scientists say that in fact, we are all Martians, since our most distant ancestors come from the planet Mars. Fortunately, man still appeared on Earth, since our planet is more suitable for sustaining life than Mars. Assuming that all living things remained on Mars, they would have little chance of surviving.

How Geologically Active Is Mars?

Scientists have discovered that the Martian meteorites that were found on Earth, 4 billion years younger than previously thought, meaning that Mars may still be geologically active.

A team of scientists found that the Martian meteorite from the collection Royal Ontario Museum in Canada has an age about 200 million years and is part of a frozen lava flow. Scientists were able to date such meteorites after the technology was invented using isotope and microstructural analysis.

These rocks left the surface of Mars about 20 million years ago. Before that, it was believed that meteorites were about 4 billion years old. More than 100 meteorites, which are supposed to have flown here from Mars.

Animals on Mars

Someday on Mars life will come again, which will be transferred there from planet Earth, scientists say. However, we will have to create special conditions for living beings.

Japanese scientists discovered animal sperm bank endangered species in the hope that one day they will be able to recreate the lost species on other planets.

Using dry freeze method, they banked the first samples taken from two species of rare primates and a giraffe.

Freezing of sperm of rare species was carried out using a completely new technology: samples were placed in a special liquid. Then, using dry freezing, it was possible to ensure that the samples were stored at a temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius.

This temperature is much higher than that of conventional freezing methods, however method has many advantages. For example, you do not need to use a huge amount of expensive equipment and check the condition of sperm every 5 years.

Today it seems science fiction movie plot, but it is quite possible that the day will come when we can take the genetic information of Earth's animals with us to other planets. Thus, terrestrial beings will be able to live on Mars.

After the fall of Lemuria, according to Thoth, two extraterrestrial races arrived - not one, but two completely different races. The first race was the Jews, who arrived from our future. He says they came from outside the planet, but I don't know exactly where. The Jews were like a child who had gone through the fifth grade and failed; now they had to go through it again. They did not pass the exams to reach the next level of evolution, and therefore they had to repeat this level. In other words, they were like a child who had already gone through this mathematics. They knew a lot of things that we didn't know yet.

To enter our evolutionary path at that moment they had official permission from the Galactic Command. According to Thoth, they brought with them many concepts and ideas that we had no idea about yet, because we had not yet entered those levels of consciousness. This intervention seems to me to be really favorable to our evolution. There was no problem with their arrival and arrangement on Earth. There probably wouldn't have been any problems at all if only another race hadn't arrived here.

The other race that arrived at that moment caused great problems. These entities came from the neighboring planet Mars.

The situation that has been created in the world makes it obvious that it is this very race that is still aggravating the main problems. The secret government and the world's trillionaires are of Martian origin, or they have mostly Martian genes, with little or no emotional/feeling body.
According to Thoth, a little less than a million years ago Mars was very similar to Earth. He was wonderful. There were oceans and water and trees and everything was just fantastic. But then something happened to them, and it had to do with the past "Lucifer rebellion."

From the very beginning of the experiment we are in - and all of God's creation is an experiment - there have been four attempts similar to the Lucifer rebellions (if you want to call them rebellions). In other words, besides Lucifer, three other entities tried to do the same, and each time it ended in complete chaos in the entire universe.

Over a million years ago Martians joined the third rebellion when life attempted its own experiment for the third time. It failed dramatically. The planets were destroyed everywhere, and one of them turned out to be Mars. Life tried to create a reality separate from God; in fact, it's the same thing that's happening right now. In other words, a part of life attempted to separate itself from all other life and create its own separate reality.

When someone tries to separate from God, they are cut off from the connection with Reality, maintained through love. Thus, when the Martians (and many others) created a separate reality, they severed their bonds of love - they disconnected the emotional body - and in doing so, they were left with a purely masculine principle, with little or no feminine in themselves. They were purely logical beings with no emotions. This has happened on Mars and in thousands, thousands of other places. It ended in continuous battles, because they did not know either compassion or love. Mars became a battlefield that continued uninterruptedly until, at last, it became clear that Mars would not survive. Apparently, they blew away their atmosphere and destroyed the surface of their planet.

Before Mars was destroyed, they built huge tetrahedral pyramids, which you will see in the photographs in the second volume. Then, they built three-sided, four-sided and five-sided pyramids, apparently creating a complex capable of creating a synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba. You see, it is possible to have a vehicle that looks like spaceship, or it is possible to have some other structures that perform the same task. They built a structure with which they could look forward and backward in time and space over incredibly vast distances and periods of time.

A small group of Martians tried to escape Mars before the planet was destroyed, and so they traveled to the future and found a great place to resettle before Mars was destroyed. That place turned out to be Earth, but that was in our past about 65,000 years ago. They saw a small uninhabited whirlwind located here in Atlantis. They didn't ask permission. As part of the rebellion, they did not go through the proper procedure. They just said, "All right, let's do this." They stepped right into this vortex and in doing so, they joined our path of evolution.

Martians commit violence against human children's consciousness and seize power

There were only a few thousand of these Martians using the time-space-dimension, or formation, consciousness machine. The very first thing they did when they arrived here on Earth was they tried to take control of Atlantis. They wanted to declare war and seize power. However, due to their small numbers and perhaps for other reasons, they were vulnerable, so they failed to do so. In the end, they submitted to the Atlanteans/Lemurians. We were able to prevent their capture, but we could not send them back. By the time this took place on our evolutionary path, we were in the state of a roughly fourteen-year-old girl. So, something like this happened there, that a fourteen-year-old girl was overpowered by a man, much older in age, a man of sixty or seventy, who simply imposed himself on her. In other words, it was violence. We were taken by force, we had no choice. The Martians just came and said, "Whether you like it or not, here we are." They didn't care what we thought or felt about it. It really was no different from what we did in America with the local Indians.
At the conclusion of the initial conflict, it was agreed that the Martians would try to understand this female phenomenon, which they themselves were deprived of, this emotional feeling, which they did not have at all. Everything more or less settled down for a long time. But the Martians began to slowly introduce their left-brain technology, which the Lemurians had no idea about. All the Lemurians knew was right-brain technology, of which we now know very little. Psychotronic machines, wicker to find groundwater and minerals and other such items represent technologies of the right hemisphere of the brain. Many right-brain female technologies would shock you if you saw them in action. With the help of right brain technology, if its full potential is used, it is possible to do absolutely everything that one can imagine, just like it is done with the help of left brain technology. But then we really won't need any of them - that's the great secret that we've forgotten!

The Martians kept coming out with their left brain inventions, one after the other, one after the other, until they finally reversed the polarity of our evolutionary path, as we began to see through the left brain, and moved from the feminine to the masculine. We have changed the nature of our being. The Martians gradually seized power, until they had everything under control, and without any fight. They had all the power and all the money. The animosity between the Martians and the Lemurians - I refer to the Jews here as the Lemurians - never waned, even to the very end of Atlantis. They hated each other. lemurians, feminine aspect, were essentially suppressed and treated as inferiors. There was not much love in this situation. It was a marriage that the female half didn't like, but I think the male, Martian side really didn't care much whether they liked it or not. This remained so for a very long time, until about 26,000 years ago, when the next phase slowly began.