Teacher training pre-school preparation of children. Pre-school preparation of children. Modern forms of interaction between a teacher and children

What is preschool education? “Preschool education is the senior stage of preschool, usually lasting two years, and designed to ease the transition of a child from kindergarten (or any other preschool (organization) or family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same coaching of children on first-class material.

Arguments against the immature motivation of six-year-olds to study the deterioration of children's health the advantage of pre-school education programs for maintaining the health and emotional well-being of children Data from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Child and Adolescent Health: compared to the 1980s, the percentage of children of 6 years of age who are not ready for systematic education , increased by 5 times % of six-year-olds are mature, more than 49% are medium mature, and 32.2% are immature in terms of functional readiness for learning.

What is Preschool Preparation? Goals, tasks, features. What is Preschool Preparation? Goals, tasks, features. The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting opportunities for future students so that they do not experience stress, complexes, feelings of humiliation, which can discourage the desire to study for all subsequent years.

Organization of the process of education, upbringing and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age; selection of the content of the education of children at the stage of pre-school education, which will ensure the preservation of the inherent value of this period of development, the rejection of duplication of the content of education in the first grade of the school; OBJECTIVES OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION

Thus, the child's readiness for school presupposes the development of the child's activity system (the choice of means, methods, the ability to set a goal and achieve it); expanding his horizons and stimulating cognitive activity; formation of arbitrariness and freedom of behavior; independence, the ability to serve oneself, the ability to communicate with peers and adults. A.A. Leontiev: From the age of five to seven, as a rule, there is an "equalization" of health reserves. The main thing is the appearance of new personality formations, such as imagination, mastery of one's emotions, visual-figurative thinking (they are formed in a real full-fledged game). D.B. Elkonin: “A child's readiness for schooling is determined by four lines of his development: line 1 - the formation of arbitrary behavior; 2nd line - cognitive activity (mastery of means and standards); 3rd line - the transition from egocentrism to decentration; 4 line - motivational readiness. L.S. Vygotsky: in the second half of preschool childhood, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then at least for the "activities of learning."

What and how to teach preschool children. STUDY the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children who are ready to study at school; TO DEFINE the basics of organizing successful education and upbringing of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren; HIGHLIGHT personality traits of the future first-grader; REQUIRED REQUIRED:

Psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready to study at school. By school maturity, school maturity means the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of the child, at which the requirements of systematic education, loads of various kinds, a new mode of life will not be excessively tiring for him.

Physical readiness is a state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child's body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance.

Activity, initiative, independence, responsibility; the ability to listen to another and coordinate their actions with him; be guided by established rules, ability to work in a group; this is a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning (cognitive and social); Personal readiness

Development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, the foundations of verbal and logical thinking, mastering the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); native language and basic forms of speech (dialogue, monologue); elements of learning activities within other specific children's activities (design, drawing, modeling, various games) Intellectual readiness

The emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person when analyzing the situation); the occurrence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person when analyzing the situation); allocation of a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of methods for solving, planning and control; the presence in children of ideas about the world of people, things, nature. the allocation of a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of methods for solving, planning and control; the presence in children of ideas about the world of people, things, nature.

2. Manifestation of emotional states in motion: freedom, ease of movement, shoulders apart, straight body, natural, elastic gait, naturalness and variety in postures, their changeability; direct, open, interested look; facial expressions are lively, expressive, calm.

3. Development of movements: shifting with two fingers a group of small objects (matches) one by one into a box; maintaining static balance, standing on the drawn line (the heel of one leg is adjacent to the toe of the other); running with overcoming obstacles (running around objects with a snake); tossing the ball and catching it (without pressing it to the chest, at least once); long jump from a place (the length of the jump is not less than 100 - 120 cm).

4. Social Development: Able to interact with familiar adults; Selectively and steadily interacts with familiar children (they are members of various interest groups); Feels the mood of relatives and peers. Can provide emotional support and assistance in times of difficulty. Regulates his behavior on the basis of learned rules and norms. Has an idea of ​​himself and his abilities.

5. Development of speech and verbal communication: Correctly pronounces all the sounds of the native language. Able to distinguish sounds in a word. Speaks in simple common sentences. Build complex sentences correctly. Makes up a coherent story based on a plot picture. Maintains a dialogue, knows how to attract attention with his speech. Speech is lexically rich (generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, comparisons).

6. Cognitive development: Has an idea about nature, about the man-made world, about his city, country. Familiar with the culture of life; Asks questions, experiments, establishes cause-and-effect relationships. Lays out ten or more objects of the same shape in size. Can combine objects based on common concepts (clothes, shoes, dishes, transport, etc.). Can memorize 6-7 names of objects in a situation of a didactic game.

6. Cognitive development. Uses an unfinished figure (incomplete image or unfinished construction) as a detail of the plot composition (in construction, drawing, appliqué). Can independently implement their own ideas in the game. Implements ideas in design and other productive activities. Uses visual models and symbolic means (plans, diagrams, colors) to understand the world around. Carries out activities according to patterns and rules. Can work at the same pace and rhythm with other children in the group.

7. Aesthetic development: Familiar with literary works Can compose a fairy tale. Creates individual artistic images using expressive means (color, composition, form, rhythm, etc.) in various types of visual activity; independently, creatively embodies the idea in drawing, modeling, appliqué; confidently owns technical skills and abilities; Emotional perception of music

Competencies: social, communicative intellectual physical. Character traits: emotionality creativity arbitrariness initiative independence responsibility self-assessment freedom of behavior reflexivity Criteria for the quality of education PERSONALITIES of preschool age

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Secondary school No. 1

named after the Hero of the Soviet Union"


Children age: 6-7 years old

Implementation period: 120 hours


2013 year

Explanatory note

The focus of the additional educational program. Turning to the problem of the continuity of various stages of education, it should be noted that it is most acute at two key points - at the time children enter school (when children move from pre-school to school) and during the transition of students from primary to secondary school.

There is a gap between the preschool and school education systems, which poses the problem of developing requirements for the content and results of preschool education aimed at shaping the subject and psychological readiness of the child for successful schooling. This program aims to solve this problem.

Relevance, pedagogical expediency. Currently, there is an increase in the phenomena of school maladjustment, due to low school maturity and insufficient psychological readiness of children for schooling. At the moment, the level of readiness of future first-graders for systematic education is different. This makes it difficult for children to adapt to school, their success in learning and complicates the work of a teacher with such students.

The relevance of the additional educational program is determined:

The need to improve the educational space in order to optimize the general cultural, personal and cognitive development, create conditions for the achievement of success for all children;

The formation of a general cultural and civic identity of children (by the end of preschool age, the foundations of the child's worldview are formed, a system of ideas about moral norms and rules is formed that provide opportunities for moral regulation of behavior and building relationships between people;

The need to preserve the unity of the educational space, to preserve the continuity of the levels of the educational system;

Increasing requirements for communicative interaction and tolerance, degree of responsibility and freedom of personal choice, self-actualization (low level of communicative competence of children, which is reflected in the increase in the number of children with high social and interpersonal anxiety, the phenomena of persecution and rejection of peers at school and kindergarten, the growth of loneliness, a large number of children with low sociometric status, isolated and rejected in the children's team, sets the task of educating the ability to cooperate and work in a group, to be tolerant of a variety of points of view and opinions, to be able to listen and hear a partner, to freely, clearly and understandably express one's point of view on a problem ).

When preparing children for schooling, one should take into account a number of problems that arise in connection with earlier education:

preservation and strengthening of children's health;

organization of the process of education, upbringing and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age.

The main provisions of the program.

Preschool age is a sensitive period when motivation develops, the desire to do something, to express oneself, to create, to invent. All this develops in the child's own activity - in the game, drawing, designing. There is a whole list of activities in which a small person develops. Teaching is not included in this list.

The upbringing and education of preschool children should not be based on a rigid subject logic, not according to the "by the lesson" school system, but take place in the mode of kindergarten classes, which, along with training, provide time for play, theatrical, constructive and other types of children's activities.

A child's readiness for school is always determined by the factors of his development, or by a set of key competencies. This program is aimed at pre-school education of children, both those who do not attend kindergartens and attend them.

The purpose and objectives of the additional educational program.


1. create conditions for equalizing the starting opportunities for children before entering school through the organization of special pre-school education classes on the basis of the school;

2. to determine effective ways to achieve the quality of preschool education in accordance with modern trends in the development of education aimed at the continuity of the system of educational activities.


1. introduce the child to life in a group, to a new daily routine, instill a taste for various activities, teach to evaluate the result of their work;

2. help the child get used to the team, learn to establish friendly relationships with other children, cooperate with them, jointly make plans and bring them to the end, invent games and play together;

3. teach to learn, satisfy the child's craving for knowledge and stimulate him.

Age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program.

Program participants: teachers, parents, children, psychologist.

The course is designed for senior preschool and primary school age - 6 - 7 years.

Terms of implementation of additional educational program(duration of the educational process, stages)

The group assumes the presence of children of three levels:

Poorly trained children (those with whom no one has worked before),

averagely prepared children (those with whom parents worked from time to time),

well-prepared children (those with whom specialists worked in circles or at home).

Under these conditions, in the structure of each day a child visits a special group of pre-school education, a place should be allocated for individual lessons and methods and techniques for a differentiated approach to children should be provided. A long-term lesson plan with clear goals, structure, didactic material is unacceptable in this case, since its components should be built on the basis of a deep analysis of the knowledge, skills and abilities of specific children.

Expected results.

Mastering the role of a student by preschoolers: getting to know the school, teacher, future classmates.

Learning school rules.

Alignment of starting opportunities for preschoolers.

Development of skills and abilities necessary for successful education in elementary school.

Diagnostics of school maturity.

Involving parents in activities aimed at preparing for school.

Distinctive features of this program from existing ones.

1. The program is implemented as a weekend group - once a week (on Saturdays):

· Preparation for school"Mathematics for Preschoolers" designed to develop mathematical and logical ideas of preschoolers. She not only introduces children to the number and counting, measurements and comparisons of quantities, but also teaches children to listen and hear, work in a team and independently.

· Preparation for school"On the way to the ABC" is the development of children's oral speech and preparation for literacy in elementary school. The child will learn to speak and listen, and speech therapy exercises will help prevent his mistakes in reading and writing.

· « Visual activity»

Educational - thematic plan

The schedule of classes is built taking into account the alternation of subjects of the general educational direction (preparation for teaching literacy, mathematics) and the developing direction (visual activity, correctional and developmental games).

Module "Mathematics for preschoolers"

Explanatory note

One of the main areas of preschool education is mathematics. The content of this module is aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality, the formation of the mental abilities of the child.

The following tasks contribute to the achievement of this goal:

1) the formation of the simplest mathematical representations;

2) the introduction of the simplest mathematical terms into active speech;

3) development in children of the basics of design;

4) development of logical abilities;

5) development of visual and auditory memory;

6) the formation of figurative thinking;

7) the formation of the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, group;

8) the formation of the creative activity of children.

The age characteristics of preschoolers determined the saturation of the educational material with game tasks. “The element of the child is play”, therefore the main principle of the module is to teach by playing. Teaching preschoolers with the help of the game, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the joy of playing activity gradually develops into the joy of learning.

Many tasks are given in a playful way, including elements of competition.

In the classroom, riddles, counting rhymes, rebuses, puzzles, entertaining tasks of mathematical content are used.

The study of each topic is given the number of lessons necessary for its complete assimilation, while taking into account the content and degree of complexity of the material.

Visual aids, handouts, workbooks serve both to explain new material and to monitor children's understanding of all the topics of the module. Tasks such as drawing, drawing, comparing objects by features are carried out according to the model.

The main methods used in the period of preparing children for teaching mathematics at school are the practical method, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method. These methods are used in various combinations with each other, but the practical method remains the leading one, allowing preschoolers to learn and comprehend mathematical material by conducting experiments, observations, performing actions with objects, models of geometric shapes, sketching, coloring, etc. Under the guidance of a teacher, children apply certain methods of visual evidence: the method of comparison, comparison, methods of imposition, measurement. In addition, preschoolers learn to generalize, concretize, use inductive and deductive methods of proving any position.

Much attention is paid to the formation of the ability to communicate with the teacher, with other children, work in the same rhythm with everyone, work with counting and geometric handouts, and use a notebook. The use of specially selected material and methods of working with it will help and allow children to successfully prepare for the study of mathematics at school.

1. Quantity and count (6 hours)

In classes on this topic, children get acquainted with numbers from 0 to 20, learn to write numbers in a cage (printed numbers).

Preschoolers count within 20 using ordinal numbers (first, second).

Learn to match the number, number and number of objects from 1 to 20.

Count twos up to 20 and threes up to 21.

Compare numbers - neighbors.

Get acquainted with the concepts: more, less, the same amount.

Convert inequality to equality and vice versa.

Children will learn the basic math signs +, -, =,<, >, learn to write and apply them when solving examples and problems.

They come up with problems based on drawings, solve them based on visual material.

Learn to make a number from two smaller ones (composition of a number) within the first ten.

Solve creative problems.

2. Magnitude (3h)

Children learn to compare objects according to various criteria. Actively use words in their speech: big, small, more, less, the same size; longer, shorter, equal in length; above, below, the same height; narrower, wider, equal in width; thicker, thinner, equal in thickness; lighter, heavier, equal in weight; identical and different in form; the same and different colors.

They learn to compare objects using superposition methods, pairwise comparison, and distinguish an object from a group of objects according to 2-3 features.

They find an “extra” object in a group of objects.

In addition, children develop an eye (comparison of objects by eye).

3. Orientation in space (3 hours)

Children determine the position of objects in space (left, right, top, bottom); movement direction: left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top, forward, backward, in the same direction, in the opposite direction; learn the concepts: far, close, further, closer, high, low, near.

Preschoolers learn to determine their position among the surrounding objects, learn the concepts: inside, outside, using prepositions: in, on, over, under, behind, in front of, between, from, to, through.

Children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, in a line and in a column of cells.

4. Orientation in time (2 hours)

Children get acquainted with the concepts: year, month, day of the week, season, time of day. Get acquainted with the spring, summer, autumn, winter months.

They learn to determine what day of the week was yesterday, the day before yesterday, what today, what will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The following concepts are used in speech: long, longer, soon, sooner, then, quickly, slowly, long ago.

5. Geometric shapes (3 hours)

Children get acquainted with such geometric shapes as a triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval, polygon. Show and name the sides, angles, vertices of figures. Compare figures, draw geometric figures in a notebook.

Children classify figures according to 1 - 3 features (shape, size, color).

6. Graphic works (4 hours)

Children learn to hatch and color. They draw dots, patterns, draw straight and inclined sticks, curves and broken lines in checkered notebooks (0.7 cm).

Perform graphic dictations. They draw various objects by cells and dots and finish the missing parts of the objects.

7. Construction (4 hours)

Children, using counting sticks, add geometric shapes, numbers, letters, objects, pictures.

8. Logic tasks (5 hours)

Preschoolers find logical connections and patterns.

Allocate in the group of objects an "extra" object that is not suitable for 1 - 3 signs.

Continue the logical series of objects.

Group objects according to 1 - 3 features.

In the classroom, the child's imagination develops (finish the drawing, find and correct the artist's mistake). Children collect puzzles.

In the classroom, riddles of mathematical content are used, tasks - jokes, rebuses.

Entertaining games, mathematical competitions are held.

All this contributes to the development of logical thinking, resourcefulness, ingenuity in children.

Planned results.

Children should know:

numbers from 0 to 10 and their graphic representation;

Ordinal count within 20;

composition of the number of the first ten;

the previous number, the next, the numbers are neighbors;

concepts: left, right, above, below, closer, further, close, far, near, high, low, deep;

geometric shapes: triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, polygon, rhombus;

vertices, sides, corners of figures;

Primary colors and their shades;

the name of the sides and corners of the cell;

a line and a column in a notebook in a cage;

time parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night;

the name of the days of the week;

the names of months and seasons;

signs +, -, =, >,< и правильно их использовать;

Direction of movement: left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top, forward, backward, in the same direction, in the opposite direction.

Module "On the way to the ABC"

Explanatory note

The speech development of older preschoolers is characterized by a rather rich vocabulary, which continues to expand, including through passive vocabulary. Most children complete the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, and children begin to gradually master the grammar of the text (they use means of communication between sentences in speech; when compiling their own text, they draw it up with an introductory and final sentence).

The role of the teacher is to create situations of active speaking, communication, mastering speech patterns. Given the need to prepare the child for school, special attention should be paid to the development of phonemic hearing and correct pronunciation, fine motor skills of the hand.
Tasks of work on the development of speech with children 6–7 years old:
1) enrichment of active, passive, potential vocabulary;
2) development of the grammatical structure of speech;
3) development of coherent speech skills based on the child's speech experience;
4) development of phonemic hearing, improvement of the sound culture of children's speech;
5) teaching sound-letter analysis of words;
6) development of fine motor skills of the hand.

1. Lexical and grammatical work (5 hours)
- enrichment of children's vocabulary; observation of polysemantic words in speech;
- the use of new words in one's own speech (construction of phrases and sentences).

2. Development of coherent speech (5 hours) - answers to questions, participation in a dialogue;
- a detailed retelling of the text on a visual basis;

- compiling a story-description, a story based on a plot picture, based on a series of pictures.

3. Development of a sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing (10 hours) - acquaintance with the organs of articulation, methods of pronouncing a sound, its symbol;
- familiarity with the classification of sounds: consonants and vowels; hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants;
- highlighting the sound at the beginning, end and middle of the word, determining the position of the sound in the word;
- allocation in the word of vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, deaf consonants;
- "reading" and composing syllables and words using conventional sound designations.

4. Training in sound-letter analysis (10 hours)
- sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words;
- differentiation of the concepts of "sound" and "letter";
- Associating letters and sounds.

5 . Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand (hatching, tracing along the contour) - at each lesson.

Planned results.

As a result of work, children may:
construct phrases and sentences, including with new words;
answer the questions of the teacher;
ask your questions;
retell the text in detail according to the visual support;
compose an oral story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures;
highlight the sound at the beginning of a word;
distinguish sounds and letters;
recognize and name the letters of the Russian alphabet;
combine sounds into syllables.

Module "Visual activity"

Explanatory note

This age period is distinguished by the increased attention of the child to motivated processes in the surrounding world, the explanation of diverse phenomena and processes. The participation of an adult should be aimed at awakening independence and initiative, at expanding the possibilities in fixing one's own image of the world.
By this period, a sufficiently large experience of reproductive activity has already been accumulated, which makes it possible to build work on the activation of creativity, creativity. The emphasis on productive activity will allow the child to realize himself in the context of the spiritual world. Various forms of theatricalization will help him in this.

To consolidate the skills of working with a pencil, gouache, watercolor, use paper of different textures, use scissors, use various techniques to achieve artistic intent, improve knowledge of various techniques, mixing them and using additional material (semolina, salt, temperature difference, etc.).

Color science.
To know cold and warm colors, to be able to convey their features and state at different times of the day, to know how to convey texture (smooth, fluffy), to consolidate knowledge about the emotional characteristics of color and its features when creating an image. To introduce the technique of creating monotypes.

To consolidate the skills of building a linear composition, to work on the expressiveness of the form, to learn to convey the proportions of figures in a drawing and composition, to be able to highlight the semantic center in a composition.
To give an idea of ​​the aerial perspective and the possibilities of its transmission. Deepen the idea of ​​the ornament, its features and style originality; improve the skill of decorative painting on the background (border in a square, circle, oval). To acquaint with the plot variety of genre painting (fairytale, fantastic), be able to create drawings on given plots; deepen knowledge of genres (portrait, landscape, still life). Learn to convey movement in a drawing. Learn how to make and paint backdrops.

aesthetic context.
To be able to correlate painting with music (by mood), with literature (by generality and similarity of the plot), to distinguish products of decorative crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Dymkovo toy).

As a result of work, children get acquainted with:
- cold and warm colors;
- characteristics of light (daylight and artificial);
- psychological characteristics of color tones;
- the basics of perspective (linear and aerial);
– characteristics of plastic relief;
- aesthetic features of decorative and artistic crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Dymkovo toy);
- the basics of the ornament (border).

Children may:
- independently apply various techniques in drawing;
- use color in your work to create an image, cold and warm colors;
- highlight and fix the semantic center in the figure;
- be able to convey movement and its character in a drawing;
- use primary and secondary colors in your work;
- independently select light and dark tones, mix them with whitewash;
- choose the color for the picture;
- draw animals and men, combine them in a plot-genre composition;
- making and painting backdrops.

Module "Correctional-developing classes"

Explanatory note

The beginning of schooling is a natural stage in the life of a child: every preschooler, reaching a certain age, goes to school. Questions arise before parents: “Will he cope with the school load, will he be able to study well? How to prepare a child for school? How to help a little schoolboy when he encounters the first school difficulties?

Senior preschool age is a period of active development and formation of cognitive activity. The changes taking place in the child's consciousness lead to the fact that by the end of preschool age, the child becomes ready to accept a new social role for him as a schoolchild, to master new (educational) activities and a system of specific and generalized knowledge. In other words, he develops psychological and personal readiness for systematic schooling.

It should be emphasized that these changes in the child's psyche, important for the further development, do not occur by themselves, but are the result of a purposeful pedagogical influence.

In life, it is very difficult to do something for the first time. And it is understandable how hard it is for a child to go to school for the first time. Even if a preschooler already knows how to write and count, he has a beautiful portfolio, pens, pencils and notebooks, it’s still hard to come to a class where he practically doesn’t know anyone.

Research by psychologists and educators has convincingly shown that the role of practical activities is extremely important in the comprehensive development and preparation of the child for school: play, work, and systematic training of the educational type.

Modern psychological literature gives us a lot of advice: how to develop certain personal skills of a child: emotional and behavioral sphere, communication, as well as how to develop individual cognitive processes (thinking, attention, memory, etc.), or how to check if he has any disorders , interfering with learning, but there are no comprehensive, developing programs that contribute to a deeper and better psychological preparation of a preschooler for schooling.

We all want our children to grow up healthy and learn well. But do we always clearly understand how much this depends on the mental state of the child?

Readiness for school is a complex set of certain psychophysiological states, skills, abilities and health of the child. It also presupposes a readiness for a greater independence of the child than before, for cooperation with other adults and peers without the direct support and protection of parents.

The developing environment is becoming more and more perfect and saturated every year - but an analysis of the results of the diagnostic examination "Child's readiness for schooling", children of preparatory groups in preschool educational institutions indicates that there is an increase in the number of children with a low level of development of speech, imagination, attention, logical thinking, cognitive motivation. The number of children for whom the process of adaptation to the conditions of school life is difficult has increased. The decrease in cognitive activity is manifested in the limited stock of knowledge about the world and practical skills that are age-appropriate and necessary to start school. In the future, the insufficient readiness of children for school is manifested in the grounded formation of age-appropriate elements of educational activity.

Every year more and more we have to make sure that many children could well study well, and some - very well, if ... they wanted to. Some children speak directly about their unwillingness to learn, while others experience difficulties that are incomprehensible to adults, and even more so to themselves. Not to judge and punish unwillingness, but to understand its causes and help the child want to learn - this is the most effective way, although it requires a lot of mental participation and work from an adult. Sometimes the source of negative emotions is an older brother or sister who has learning difficulties. And now a six-year-old boy says: "Soon I will go to school, and they will scold me all the time, like Vovka." From these words to a direct unwillingness to learn - exactly half a step. It is not so rare that adults, out of the best of convictions, intimidate a child: “Well, why are you fidgeting? Just wait, you will go to school - there the teacher will quickly teach you to sit still! However, one should not go to the other extreme, portraying the school as a place of continuous joys and successes. After all, we still do not know how the child's studies will go, how relations with peers and teachers will develop. Perhaps they will not be cloudless. And then the child, who expected too much pleasant and easy things from school, runs the risk of “breaking down” at the first collisions with school reality.

Thus, it is necessary: ​​complex correctional and developmental work with children, aimed at the development of cognitive processes, communication skills, emotional and volitional sphere.


Creation of psychologically favorable conditions for preparing preschool children for a single school start.


1. Contribute to the creation of conditions for a positive mood and relieve emotional stress.

2. To develop an arbitrary component of mental functions: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills through the development and strengthening of the volitional qualities of the individual.

3. Contribute to an increase in cognitive interest.

4. To form in children the initial level of cognitive motivation.

Organization of the educational process:

The program is designed for preschool children aged 6-7 years.

The total number of classes with children from 7 -15 people.

Classes are held once a week.

The basis for the construction of the module was the idea accepted in Russian psychology that the leading activity in preschool age is the game. Therefore, all activities with children are carried out on the basis of educational games and have a common plot. The module contributes to the development of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, etc. in the most natural form for a preschooler - a game. Classes of this module are conducted both with a subgroup of children and individually.

In addition, the use of group games contributes to the development of communication skills, establishing mutual understanding, partnerships, etc. These skills will help children adapt in the new school community in the future.

Types of control:

Target: identifying the level of readiness of children for schooling and subsequent adjustment of the tasks of the program.

Diagnosis at the beginning and end of the year

Continuous monitoring of children's activities in the classroom


A distinctive feature of the module is:

An integrated approach to preparing children for schooling lies in the fact that classes are aimed at developing all the necessary psychological components of a child's readiness for school: cognitive processes, communication skills, emotional and volitional sphere.

The main task of the teacher-psychologist

Corrective and developmental work on this module ultimately comes down to the process of creating new behavioral patterns in the child.

It is very important to take a serious and creative approach to each lesson, choosing in advance visual, didactic and other necessary material, without which it is impossible to activate the thinking of children and maintain their interest and attention throughout the lesson. Classes include the use of search questions, various ways of working with visibility. The most effective is the game form of work, since it is in the game that the creative abilities of the individual develop.

Expected positive result:

Increasing the level of development of an arbitrary component of mental functions: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills through the development and strengthening of the volitional qualities of the individual; increase in cognitive interest; formation in children of the initial level of cognitive motivation.

Methodological support of additional educational program.

Corrective classes are held in the form of trainings, which include absolutely all members of the group. If parents wish to attend the lesson, they are also included in the work.

The main methods of group correctional work are thematically oriented discussions, conversations, drawing, non-verbal training, role-playing training, etc.

The number of hours allocated for each topic is subject to change. This is due to the fact that the classes are corrective in nature. If the dynamics, for some reason, is not traced, or, conversely, a positive effect is achieved quickly enough, the number of hours allotted for this topic can either increase or decrease.

Summing up forms for each section.

Diagnostic work is carried out throughout the course. The quality of expressive speech of each child is taken into account directly in the classroom, in conversations with parents, the quality of speech at home is clarified. In accordance with the data obtained, individual work is carried out within the framework of group work.

Technical equipment for classes.

1. Illustrative material (subject pictures).

2. Audio recordings of melodies for relaxation.

3. CD player.

4. Drawing supplies (albums, paints, pencils).


1. Volkova activity in the elimination of stuttering in preschoolers. Book for speech therapists. St. Petersburg, 2003

2. Instructive - methodical letter about the work of a teacher - a speech therapist at a secondary school. // , 2001

3., Shchugareva. Neurology or speech therapy. St. Petersburg, 2005

4. Shevtsova recurrence of stuttering. M.: V. Sekachev, 2005 - 128 p.

5. Hawk stuttering among primary school students of educational institutions. M., 2000

6. UMK Bezrukikh to school. – M.: Bustard, 2010.

Explanatory note

The program of pre-school preparation "On the way to school" was developed on the basis of the main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012

The focus of the educational program. This program has a cognitive-speech orientation and is focused on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, communication skills, the formation and development of mental functions and the cognitive sphere of children, as well as maintaining the health of preschoolers.

The relevance of the educational program. Preparing for school is a multifaceted, consistent and long process of pedagogical influence on a child. The readiness of the child for schooling lies not so much in the quantitative stock of ideas, but in the level of development of cognitive processes, the ability to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in the appropriate categories. Readiness for learning is determined by the child's understanding of the meaning of educational tasks, their differences from practical ones, awareness of the ways to perform actions, skills of self-control and self-esteem, development of volitional qualities, the ability to observe, listen, memorize, achieve the solution of tasks.

Thus, the main thing in pre-school preparation is not specialized classes for loading children with school knowledge, but a combination of the physiological, mental and psychological readiness of children. The existing gap between the preschool and school education systems poses the problem of developing requirements for the content and results of preschool education aimed at forming the subject and psychological readiness of the child for successful schooling. At the moment, the level of readiness of future first-graders for systematic learning is different. This makes it difficult for children to adapt to school, their success in learning and complicates the work of a teacher with such students.

Thus, the relevance of the additional educational program is due to public demand from the state (increasing the percentage of coverage of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions by teachers (creating conditions for establishing the continuity of preschool and primary education). by parents (ensuring the availability of preparing children for school for all social groups).

The purpose of the program: in equalization of starting opportunities for general education of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions.

Program objectives:

contribute to the overall development of the child, to form a primary holistic picture of the world.

formation of positive educational motivation;

development of the basic mental functions necessary for successful schooling (attention, memory, thinking, etc.);

development of the ability to manage one's behavior in accordance with accepted rules;

development of elementary mathematical concepts;

development of speech, phonemic hearing, familiarization with the basics of literacy;

development of fine motor skills;

development of a creatively active personality.

Terms of the program implementation

The program is designed for 1 year of study (168 hours).

Organization of the work of pre-school training groups

Pre-school preparation at the center is organized from October 1 to May 1 (28 academic weeks). Admission of children to groups for pre-school preparation is carried out at the request of parents (legal representatives). The number of children in groups is 10 people.

Features of the educational process in groups of pre-school training.

The educational process in pre-school training groups is aimed at preserving the inherent value of preschool childhood. The main form of organization of the educational process is the lesson. In the course of classes, children's productive and play activities are organized. Classes are conducted by a specially trained teacher, if necessary, a psychologist and a speech therapist can also be involved in the work.

Forms and mode of employment.

Classes are held 2 times a week. There are 3 lessons per day. Each lesson lasts no more than 30 minutes, breaks between classes - 10 minutes. Classes are held in a specially prepared room with an organized subject-educational environment. Classes are conducted using health-saving technologies and taking into account the individual characteristics of children. Physical education breaks are required during the lesson.

Academic plan

Tasks and content of sections of the program of pre-school preparation.

1. Formation of elementary mathematical representations "Let's count - let's play"

The main task: to help in the development of skills and abilities in children of senior preschool age associated with the formation of their quantitative, temporal, spatial representations.

Quantity. General ideas about the set: the formation of the set on the given grounds; components of a set in which objects differ in certain features; union, addition of sets, removal of a part from a set, as well as a whole set based on counting, pairing objects or connecting objects with arrows.

Quantitative and ordinal counting within 10. Direct and reverse counting within 10. Numbers of the second ten.

The relationship between the numbers of the natural series (7 is greater than 6 by 1, and 6 is less than 7 by 1), the ability to increase and decrease each number by 1 (within 10).

Composition of numbers from 0 to 10.

Drawing up and solving simple arithmetic problems for addition (less is added to more) and subtraction (subtracted less than the remainder); use of action signs: plus (+), minus (-), and equals sign (=).

Value. Comparison of objects in size (longer - shorter, higher - lower, wider - narrower, farther - closer), using various methods of comparing objects ("by eye", "overlay", "application"). Formation of initial measuring skills. Measuring the length, width, height of objects (straight line segments) using a conditional measure.

Comparison of objects by weight (heavier - lighter) by weighing them on the palms. Introduction to scales.

The dependence of the measurement result on the value of the conditional measure.

Dividing an object into 2-8 or more equal parts by bending an object (paper, fabric, etc.), the ratio of the whole and the part, the size of the parts.

The form. Flat geometric shapes: circle, oval, polygons (square, rectangle, triangle). Their elements (vertices, corners, sides).

Recognition of figures regardless of their spatial position, depict, arrange on a plane, arrange by size, classify, group by color, shape, size.

Modeling of geometric shapes; drawing up one polygon from several triangles, from several small squares - one large rectangle; from several parts of a circle - a circle, etc.; constructing figures according to a verbal description and enumeration of their characteristic properties; drawing up thematic compositions from figures according to one's own plan.

Analysis of the shape of objects as a whole and their individual parts.

Orientation in space and on the plane. Orientation in a limited area (a sheet of paper, a blackboard, a page of a notebook, books, etc.); the location of objects and their images in the indicated direction, the reflection in speech of their spatial location (above, below, above, below, left, right, left, right, in the upper left (lower right) corner, in front of, behind, between, next to, etc. .).

The mutual arrangement of objects in space and on a plane. Movement directions: left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top.

The difference is in orientation relative to oneself and relative to another object.

Orientation on checkered paper. Passage of labyrinths.

Orientation in time. Elementary ideas about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility, sequence and names of parts of the day, days of the week, months, seasons.

Application of terms: yesterday, today, tomorrow; first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.

2. Cognitive - speech development based on the preparation of children for reading and writing "Gramoteika»

The main task: development of all components of oral speech of children (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech), practical mastery of speech norms, formation in children of a general orientation in the sound system of the language,

Enrichment of children's vocabulary.

The development of dialogic and monologic forms of speech. Drawing up a story-description, a story based on a plot picture, based on a series of pictures.

Acquaintance with the concepts of "sentence", "word", "syllable". Divide sentences into words, words into syllables. Determining the number of words in a sentence, syllables in a word.

Introduction to the concept of stress. Definition of stress in different words (two-syllable, three-syllable). Striking syllable.

Acquaintance with the concepts of "sound", "vowel sound", "consonant sound". Determination of the place of sound in a word. Composing words and syllables with a given sound.

Acquaintance with the letters of the Russian alphabet. Distinguish between the concepts of "sound" and "letter".

The main task: the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the expansion of the horizons of children, the awakening of interest in environmental objects.

Image I. Ideas about the time perspective of the individual, about changing the position of a person with age (a child attends kindergarten, a student studies, an adult works, an elderly person passes on his experience to other generations). To deepen the child's ideas about himself in the past, present and future.

To expand children's ideas about their responsibilities, especially in connection with preparation for school. Form ideas about yourself as an active member of the team.

Family. Children's ideas about their family history. Knowledge of home address and phone number, names and patronymics of parents, their professions.

Homeland. Representation of the native country, region, village. Acquaintance with the sights of the region in which the children live. To support the interest of children in the events taking place in the country, to cultivate a sense of pride in its achievements.

Knowledge of the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia (the anthem is performed during a holiday or other solemn event; when the anthem sounds, everyone stands up, and men and boys take off their hats). Acquaintance with some public holidays.

To cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, for the memory of fallen soldiers.

our planet. Earth is our common home, there are many different countries on Earth. Explain how important it is to live in peace with all nations, to know and respect their culture, customs and traditions.

Acquaintance with nature. Ideas about trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants; plants of the meadow, garden, forest.

Representation of representatives of the animal world (animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects; domestic and wild animals).

The seasons and their characteristics.

Planned results of mastering the program.

1. Formation of elementary mathematical representations "Let's play - count"

Independently combines various groups of objects that have a common feature into a single set and removes its individual parts (part of objects) from the set. Establishes connections and relationships between the whole set and its various parts (part); finds parts of a whole set and the whole by known parts.

Counts up to 20 (quantitative, ordinal count).

Names numbers in direct (reverse) order up to 10, starting with any number of the natural series (within 10).

Corresponds the number (0-9) and the number of items.

Composes and solves problems in one operation for addition and subtraction, uses numbers and arithmetic signs (+, -, -=).

Distinguishes quantities: length (width, height), volume (capacity), mass (weight of objects) and methods for measuring them.

Measures the length of objects, segments of straight lines, volumes of liquid and bulk substances using conditional measures. Understands the relationship between the magnitude of the measure and the number (the result of the measurement).

Able to divide objects (figures) into several equal parts; compare the whole object and its part.

Distinguishes, names: segment, angle, circle, oval, polygons (rectangle, triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, etc.), ball, cube. He compares them.

Oriented in the surrounding space and on the plane (sheet, page, table surface, etc.), indicates the relative position and direction of movement of objects; uses symbols.

Knows how to determine time relationships (day-week-month); time on the clock with an accuracy of 1 hour.

Knows the composition of the numbers of the first ten (from separate units) and the composition of the numbers of the first heel from two smaller ones.

Can get each number of the first ten by adding one to the previous one and subtracting one from the next one in row.

Knows the name of the current month of the year; the sequence of all days of the week, times.

Able to work in a notebook in a cage

2. Cognitive - speech development based on preparing children for reading and writing "Gramoteika»

Able to divide words into syllables and produce a sound analysis of the word.

Carries out sound analysis of a word using various means (scheme of the composition of a word, intonation selection of sounds in a word).

Highlights the stressed syllable and stressed vowel sound in the word.

Determines the place of sound in a word.

Gives a description of the sound (vowel - consonant, hard soft, voiced - deaf), Distinguishes between the concepts of "sound" and "letter"

Knows all the letters of the Russian alphabet, knows how to convey them graphically on the board and notebooks.

Correctly and fluently reads syllable by syllable with a gradual transition to reading whole words.

Able to work in a notebook in an oblique line, observing all the requirements of the letter.

Be able to correctly use grammatical forms to accurately express thoughts

Notices grammatical errors in the speech of peers and correct them.

To be able to form words using suffixes, prefixes, compound words.

Comes up with sentences with a given number of words, divides the sentence into words, naming them in order, determines the sentence intonation and ends it with signs (. ! ?)

Correctly coordinates words in a sentence

3. Development of ideas about the world around us "The world around us"

Has a variety of impressions about the objects of the surrounding world.

He knows the coat of arms, flag, anthem, the capital of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory.

Has an idea about his native land; its attractions.

Has ideas about the school.

Knows some representatives of the animal world (animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects).

Practically distinguishes trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants; knows the plants of the meadow, garden, forest.

He knows the characteristic features of the seasons and correlates with each season the features of the life of people, animals, plants.

Knows the rules of behavior in nature and observes them.

Has an idea about the types of transport (land, underground, air, water).

Knows the rules of safe behavior at home, on the road, in transport and follows them.

Legal basis for the organization of pre-school training groups.

2. Model regulation on an educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 196 dated March 19, 2001, Article 52 and Article 86 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the preparation of children for school" No. 990 / 14-15 dated 07.22.1997.

4. Charter of the CHOU DOD "Miracle - Child"

5. Contract for the provision of paid services


1. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Exemplary basic general education program of preschool education. / Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - 3rd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2012.

2. Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2012.

3. Dybina O.B. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2012.

4. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2012.



1 DAY.



Miracles in this house:

Many desks, a call is a wasp,

Silence rang out

It's time to start the lesson.

What is it? / SCHOOL/

All of you today have become students of the ABVGDeika school. Although we have a small, but already a school. Every school has its own rules. Do you want to know which ones?

    If you want to answer, do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

    If you want to answer - you have to get up,

When you are allowed to sit down, sit down.

    A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it.

    You sit at your desk harmoniously and behave with dignity.


I will name different items, and you will clap your hands if it is school supplies.



The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, the child answers the question and throws the ball back.

    How should you address a teacher at school?

    If you need to ask a teacher about something, what would you do?

    If you need to go to the toilet during the lesson, what should you say?

    How do you know it's time to go to class?

    What is the change for?

    What is the name of the room where children study at school?

    What is the name of the table at which children sit at school?

    Where does the teacher write when explaining the assignment?

    Which grades are good and which are bad in school?

    What is vacation?


    Today we will go into one well-known fairy tale. And what kind of fairy tale it is will help to guess the words "Pull, pull - they cannot pull out."

    Let's remember this story. What were the heroes?

    Would you like to stage this story?


First we need to choose a grandfather. Who wants to be a grandfather?

Grandfather knew how to do everything: dig the earth, and plant a turnip, and protect the harvest. And he knew all the vegetables.

Name the vegetables, whoever names the last vegetable will be the grandfather.


Who wants to be a grandmother?

Who will meet you at the door

And teach you how to write

Reads a lot of books

And put all of you "5" (teacher)

Whoever guesses the riddle will become a grandmother.


Smile competition. We will count to three, after which you will smile widely, from the bottom of your heart. Whoever has the most beautiful smile will be the granddaughter.


The bug guards the house and must growl well, whoever growls best of all will be the bug.


A simple question for kids, who is the cat afraid of? (DOGS).


Describe the mouse. What is she? Whoever says the last word will be the mouse.



If I say:

GRANDFATHER - you "chop wood",

BABKA - you "knit"

GRANDDUCH - “jump”

CAT - “wash yourself”

Bug - "wag your tail"

MOUSE - "feed"


Let's try to depict the heroes of a fairy tale using diagrams and tell a fairy tale according to a diagram.









Now we will go to visit our grandmother and grandfather, but it is not easy to get to them. Open notebooks with the words:

I will open my notebook

And I'll put it down.

I will not hide from you, friends,

I'm holding the pencil.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend

I'll take the job.

In order for our fingers to obey, we need to give them a massage.


    This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.

    This finger is for showing it off.

    This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle.

    This finger is nameless, the most restless.

    And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.


In the middle of the sheet, you need to draw a path along which we will go. The path must be straight.

Show top right corner, top left corner

Show bottom right, bottom left corner.

Draw a turnip in the upper right corner.

Draw a grandmother in the lower right corner.

Draw the grandfather in the lower left corner.

Draw a mouse in the upper left corner.


(automation of the sound Sh-sh-sh)

The “cat” sits on a chair, the rest of the children - “mice” quietly approach the cat and, threatening each other with their fingers, say in a low voice:

Hush, hush, hush mouse!

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, beware

And don't get caught by the cat!

The cat wakes up, says "MEW", jumps up and chases mice.



Let's count the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip". How many? (7)

Who is first? (grandfather)

Who stands between the grandmother and the Bug? (granddaughter)

Who is in front of the mouse? (cat)

Who is behind the granddaughter? (Bug).

Put as many circles on the typesetting canvas as we have heroes in a fairy tale.

The mouse ran away. How many heroes are left? (6)

How many heroes have become less?

And then the cat ran after the mouse. How many heroes are left? (5)


Remember who is behind whom: grandmother, bug, granddaughter, grandfather, mouse, cat.

Close your eyes. At this time, the teacher changes the characters of the fairy tale in places. Children open their eyes and say what has changed. Repeated several times.


The cat has three kittens

They meow loudly.

We look into the basket.

Where did one go?

Suddenly we see from behind the bench

The cat takes it out

He stood up first

And got out of the basket.

How many kittens can't walk yet? (2)

Cat Vaska is a fisherman,

Brought a big catch:

Five huge perches

3 less carp.

What is the cat's catch?

Who is ready to answer me? (7)

Tired of our granddaughter

Then our granddaughter became

One sits on a tree

Another one looks out the window

Three sit on the roof

To hear everything.

So tell me how many birds

Did your granddaughter count? (5)


Well we tried

Draw and frolic

But it's time for us to say goodbye

Goodbye, kids.

DAY 2.


(pictures-guesses are put on the typesetting canvas)

Small in stature, but daring

Jumped away from me. (BALL)

The fraction beats off, it helps to walk. (DRUM)

Near different girlfriends,

But they are similar to each other.

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy. (MATRYOSHKA)

The baby is dancing, but only one leg. (YULA)

That's a stubborn man!

You won't make me lie down forever.

Do you meet this?

She doesn't want to sleep at all

I bet it gets up again. (roly-poly)

How can one name all the items placed on the typesetting canvas in one word? (TOYS)

Why do people need toys?

Tell us about your favorite toys.



Our Masha got up early,

She counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls - on the window,

Two Tanyas - on a pillow,

Two Irinka - on the featherbed.

And Petrushka in a cap -

On an oak chest

How many dolls does Masha have? (7)


Pictures with animals are displayed according to their name: FOX, WOLF, HARE, COW, BEAR, ELSE.

What animal can you say about:

    Grey, predatory, greedy…. (WOLF)

    Big, spiky…. (BEAR)

    Redhead, cunning, dexterous ... (FOX)

    Kind, pockmarked, motley ... (CHICKEN)

    Oblique, weak, cowardly ... (HARE)

    Fast, elk ... (ELOS)

Which animal comes first? (WOLF)

What animal stands between the fox and the hare? (HEN)

What is the third animal? (A FOX)

What animal is to the right of the hare? (ELK)

What animal is to the left of the moose? (HARE)

What animal is missing? Why? (CHICKEN - poultry)


I will name the animals, if it is a pet - clap, if wild - stomp.



Let's say the word "FOX". How many sounds did we make? (4)

Draw as many circles as there are sounds in the word "FOX".

Now say the word "WOLF". How many sounds did you make? Draw as many triangles as there are sounds in a word?

How do you show sounds in writing? (in letters)

Who knows the letters? Compose the words FOX, WOLF from the split alphabet.

7 . GAME "HARE JUMPS" (children draw a bunny path)

Mark the bunny with a dot.

The bunny jumped 2 squares to the right,

Jumped 3 cells down,

5 cells to the right

1 cell up

3 cells to the left

2 cells up.

8. MOBILE GAME "HARES AND THE FOX" (automation of 3-C sounds in text)

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, inside the circle the leader is a fox.

A gray hare jumps near the old pines,

It's scary to fall into the clutches of a fox, a fox.

Bunny ears prick up, look to the right, to the left,

Is anyone coming?

Children shout "Fox". The fox is chasing the rabbits.





Draw a circle. Shade it with a spiral.

Circle the square. Shade it from top to bottom.

Outline the triangle. Shade it from left to right.

Outline the rectangle. Shade it with slanted lines from top to bottom.


Hands to the side


sit down






Guess the riddles, find the pictures - riddles.

grayish color,

baggy gait,

thievish habit

The screamer is hoarse. (CROW)

Fidget motley.

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty. (MAGPIE)

Every year I fly to you

I want to winter with you

And even redder in winter

My bright red tie (Bullfinch)

You saw him more than once

He jumps two steps away from us.

Chick-chirp - don't be shy

I am seasoned... (SPARROW)

Even though I'm not a hammer

I knock on wood.

It has every corner

I want to explore.

I walk in a red hat

And a great acrobat. (WOODPECKER)

How can you call all these objects in one word? (BIRDS)

Describe each bird.

What is special about the appearance of each bird?

How are all these birds similar? (wintering)

Many birds stay with us for the winter. Winter is very severe.

How can we help the birds in winter?


Arrange the bird cards with the sparrow first.

Place a crow between the sparrow and the magpie.

Place the bullfinch last.

Put the woodpecker fourth in a row.


"If you like it, then do it"

Come on, clap like me (2 claps)

So they clap only with us! (2 claps)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomp)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they stomp only with us! (2 floods)

Come on, meow like me (meow-meow)

Come on, meow like me (meow meow)

Come on, all together, all at once

So only we meow! (Meow meow)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they bark only with us! (WOF WOF)

Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they grunt only with us! (oink-oink)


"What changed"

Children look at pictures of birds, then close their eyes. The teacher swaps the pictures. Children guess what has changed.



(Working with individual sets)

  • Place as many squares as there are birds in the pictures. How many squares did you put in? (6)

    Place 5 triangles below. What more? What is less? How much more? How much less.

    How to make squares and triangles equal?


Each bird has its own house. Let's build a house for a starling - a birdhouse.

What figures do we need for this? (triangle, rectangle, circle)

Shade the resulting birdhouse.


    Circle one cell and paint it black.

    Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell, and paint over the fifth cell with a red pencil.

    Take the blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down 2 cells, and paint the third with a blue pencil

    Take a green pencil. The cell located to the left of the blue one and one cell from it, paint over with green.

    Take the yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell, and paint over the sixth cell with a yellow pencil.


Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home!


The chicken, the duckling and the gosling went for a walk. How differently they could stand. There are 6 options, let's find them.

C - U - G

C - G - U

U - C - G

U - G - C

G - U - C

G - C - U

It's time for the cubs to go home, find their mothers.






    Draw the figure of a person.

    Copy the phrase from the stencil: She was given tea or he ate soup.

    Copy ten drawn points from the stencil, placing them one below the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.



There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt

golden heart,

What it is? (CHAMOMILE)

What is chamomile? (flower)

What other flowers do you know?

Put as many circles as there are sounds in the word "chamomile" (7)


What geometric shapes do we need to build a camomile?

Shade the chamomile.

Place the letters on the chamomile. What letters do you know?

What are these letters? Why?

A, O, S, I, W.

Another letter is hidden in the middle of the chamomile. Guess what letter it is:

On this letter, as on a ladder

I sit and sing songs. (H)

How is it pronounced?


Come up with words. that start with the letter "N".


If I show:

A - clap

Oh - squat


Automation of the "sh" sound

Carousels, carousels

We sat on a boat with you

We sat down and went (imitate rowing and pronounce the sound “sh”)

Carousels, carousels

You and I sat on a horse,

They sat down and drove off (they imitate riders, and click their tongues to the beat)

Carousels, carousels

We sat in the car with you

We sat down and drove off (they twist the steering wheel and pronounce the sound “g”)

Carousels, carousels

You and I got on the train

We sat down and drove off (they are built by a train and say “choo-choo”)

Carousels, carousels

We got on the plane with you,

Sat down and let's go (spread their arms-wings and pronounce "sh")





Item count.

Item Comparison

Item alignment.

(flowers - butterflies, hares - carrots)

Count how many butterflies flew to the flowers.

Put as many circles as we have butterflies (5)

How many circles must be removed to leave 3? (2)


The hedgehog went through the forest

Found mushrooms for lunch.

One under the birch

Two - under the aspen.

How many mushrooms are in a wicker basket? (3)

In the meadow near the oak

The mole saw two mushrooms.

He found another one.

Who is ready to answer us

How many mushrooms did the mole find? (3)

Arinka entered the class,

And behind her is Marina,

And then came Ignat.

How many children were in the class? (3)

A rooster flew up on the fence,

I met two others there.

How many roosters have become

Who has an answer? (3)

3 apples. One to rip

The arm is stretching.

How many will be left? (2)


    How many girls are in the class?

    How many boys are in the class?

    What in the class one at a time, and what can be said “a lot” about?

    how many desks are in the class?

    How many chairs are in the classroom?

    How many desks are occupied by students, and how many are free?

    Why are there more desks or chairs in the classroom?


Orientation in space (“Do you know your student” p.16-18)

Definition of the dominant hand.



Friendly with the owner

The house guards

Lives under the porch

Ring tail. DOG

Put as many circles as there are sounds in the word dog (6)

Why do you think humans tamed dogs?

What job does the dog do?

How do you understand the words "A dog is a man's best friend"?



Who has come to visit us?

What letters are hidden on the little man?

How many identical letters did you meet?

U-2, O - 3, A-1, N-1, S-1.


The teacher shows the letters, and the children perform the movements.

A- jump

U - clap your hands

Oh - sit down

N- arms to the sides

S - stand up straight.


Vasya put the dog with the puppy into the boat and swam away. Let's show them the way.

1 cell to the right - 2 cells up - 3 cells to the right - 4 cells down - 5 cells to the right - 1 cell up - 2 cells to the left - 2 cells up - 4 cells to the right.



The players stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, then raise their hands up and shout “yes”, if they do not agree, lower their hands and shout “no”

    Are there fireflies in the field?

    Are there fish in the sea?

    Does a calf have wings?

    Does the pig have a key?

    Does the mountain have a ridge?

    Does the burrow have doors?

    Does a rooster have a tail?

    Does the violin have a key?

    Does the verse have a rhyme?

    Does it have any errors?


Here's how much "K" I can say:

Pot, coffee pot, box, bed,

Cow, apartment, painting, carpet,

Pantry, gate, chest of drawers, corridor.

What words that start with the letter "K" do you know?

Oh, that's enough! And the sound can get tired too!

But what can you name on "T"?

(children name words beginning with the letter "t")

Axe, stool, plate and spoon,

I seem to have messed something up a bit.

What words that start with the letter "t" do you know?

Well, okay, I'm not going to stray anymore.

And it’s better to call “C” the dishes:

A glass, a frying pan, a salt shaker and ... a cat.

Where is the cat from? Got in the window!

Ask the cat where you came from

Are all the dishes in the kitchen intact?

What words that start with the letter "C" do you know?

- Find the words that start with the letter "C" in the picture?

How many sounds are in the word "elephant"? (4)

- Write this word on the typesetting canvas.



What dog breeds do you know? (post 6 pictures of dogs of different breeds)

Put as many circles as you see dogs on the typesetting canvas. (6)

How many dogs must be removed to leave 4 dogs? (2)

What more circles or dogs?

How to make it equal?

Game What has changed.


What has changed in the face?

When does such a face occur?

Build a little man with the help of patterns and shade it


Find the gnome's house along a given path

- “Draw the ninth” (kittens, geometric shapes)


“Pre-school education is the senior stage of pre-school, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other pre-school institution (organization) or from a family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same coaching of children on first-class material.
  • What is preschool education
  • “Pre-school education is the senior stage of pre-school, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other pre-school institution (organization) or from a family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same coaching of children on first-class material.
  • The success of a child's life depends on the level of preschool education.
  • Preschool education ranks third (after higher and primary) in terms of importance.
  • Relevance of the problem
  • Arguments against
  • immature motivation of “six-year-olds” to learn
  • deterioration in children's health
  • the benefits of early childhood education programs for the health and emotional well-being of children
  • Data from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents: Compared to the 1980s, the percentage of 6-year-old children who are not ready for systematic education has increased 5 times. 18.5% of six-year-olds are “mature”, over 49% are “medium mature”, and 32.2% are immature in terms of functional readiness for learning.
  • Arguments
  • At the age of five, children receive “a certain development that cannot be obtained at any other age. If this development is not obtained, then in the future the child is unlikely to be successful in his career.
The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting opportunities for future students so that they do not experience stress, complexes, feelings of humiliation, which can discourage the desire to study for all subsequent years.
  • What is Preschool Preparation? Goals, tasks, features.
  • The main goal of pre-school preparation is to equalize the starting opportunities for future students so that they do not experience stress, complexes, feelings of humiliation, which can discourage the desire to study for all subsequent years.
  • This is a system of processes of interaction between people in society, which ensures, on the one hand, the development of the abilities of each individual, and on the other hand, his entry into this society (socialization).
  • preschool education
  • social purpose- ensuring the possibility of a single start for six-year-old first-graders;
  • pedagogical goal- development of the personality of a child of senior preschool age, the formation of his readiness for systematic learning.
organization of the process of education, upbringing and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • organization of the process of education, upbringing and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • selection of the content of the education of children at the stage of pre-school education, which will ensure the preservation of the inherent value of this period of development, the rejection of duplication of the content of education in the first grade of the school;
strengthening and development of the child's emotionally positive attitude to school, the desire to learn;
  • strengthening and development of the child's emotionally positive attitude to school, the desire to learn;
  • the formation of social personality traits of the future student, necessary for successful adaptation to school.
The concept of "readiness for school":
  • The concept of "readiness for school":
  • prerequisites for learning skills;
  • new social roles of the student;
  • cognitive interests of the future student;
  • mental operations (comparison, classification, analysis, generalization, etc.)
  • Features of pre-school education
  • Thus, the child's readiness for school presupposes the development of the child's activity system (the choice of means, methods, the ability to set a goal and achieve it); expanding his horizons and stimulating cognitive activity; formation of arbitrariness and freedom of behavior; independence, the ability to serve oneself, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.
  • A.A. Leontiev: From the age of five to seven, as a rule, there is an "equalization" of health reserves. The main thing is in the appearance of new personality formations, such as imagination, mastery of one's emotions, visual-figurative thinking (they are formed in a real full-fledged game).
  • D.B. Elkonin: “A child’s readiness for schooling is determined by four lines of his development:
  • 1 line - the formation of arbitrary behavior;
  • 2nd line - cognitive activity (mastery of means and standards);
  • 3rd line - the transition from egocentrism to decentration;
  • 4 line - motivational readiness.
  • L.S. Vygotsky: in the second half of preschool childhood, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then at least for the "activities of learning."
  • The Science of Preparedness
  • preschool education
  • What and how to teach preschool children.
  • STUDY the psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children who are ready to study at school;
  • TO DEFINE the basics of organizing successful education and upbringing of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren;
  • HIGHLIGHT personality traits of the future first-grader;
under school maturity is meant the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of the child, at which the requirements of systematic education, loads of various kinds, a new mode of life will not be excessively tiring for him.
  • Psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of children ready to study at school.
  • under school maturity is meant the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of the child, at which the requirements of systematic education, loads of various kinds, a new mode of life will not be excessively tiring for him.
  • Physical readiness
  • this is a state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child's body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical and mental performance.
  • activity, initiative, independence, responsibility;
  • the ability to listen to another and coordinate their actions with him;
  • be guided by established rules, ability to work in a group;
  • this is a certain level of arbitrariness of behavior, the formation of communication, self-esteem and motivation for learning (cognitive and social);
  • Personal readiness
  • The development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, the foundations of verbal and logical thinking,
  • mastering the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); native language and basic forms of speech (dialogue, monologue); elements of educational activity within other specifically children's activities (design, drawing, modeling, various games)
  • Intellectual readiness
  • Intellectual readiness
  • the emergence of decentration (taking into account the position of another person in the analysis of the situation);
  • allocation of a task from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of methods for solving, planning and control; the presence in children of ideas about the world of people, things, nature.
  • Psychological portrait of a graduate of a preschool educational institution
Health group
  • 1. Health and physical development
  • Health group
  • correspondence of anthropometric indicators to the age norm
  • 2. The manifestation of emotional states in motion:
  • freedom,
  • ease of movement
  • shoulders apart,
  • body straight,
  • gait is natural, elastic,
  • naturalness and variety in postures, their changeability;
  • direct, open, interested look;
  • facial expressions are lively, expressive, calm.
  • 3. Development of movements:
  • shifting with two fingers a group of small objects (matches) one at a time into a box;
  • maintaining static balance, standing on the drawn line (the heel of one leg is adjacent to the toe of the other);
  • running with overcoming obstacles (running around objects with a snake);
  • tossing the ball and catching it (without pressing it to the chest, at least 10-20 times);
  • long jump from a place (the length of the jump is not less than 100 - 120 cm).
  • 4. Social development:
  • Able to interact with familiar adults;
  • Selectively and steadily interacts with familiar children (they are members of various interest groups);
  • Feels the mood of relatives and peers.
  • Can provide emotional support and assistance in times of difficulty.
  • Regulates his behavior on the basis of learned rules and norms.
  • Has an idea of ​​himself and his abilities.
  • 5. Development of speech and verbal communication:
  • He pronounces all the sounds of his native language correctly.
  • Able to distinguish sounds in a word.
  • Speaks in simple common sentences.
  • Build complex sentences correctly.
  • Makes up a coherent story based on a plot picture.
  • Maintains a dialogue, knows how to attract attention with his speech.
  • Speech is lexically rich (generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, comparisons).
  • 6. Cognitive development:
  • He has an idea about nature, about the man-made world, about his city, country.
  • Familiar with the culture of life;
  • Asks questions, experiments, establishes cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Lays out ten or more objects of the same shape in size.
  • Can combine objects based on common concepts (clothes, shoes, dishes, transport, etc.).
  • Can memorize 6-7 names of objects in a situation of a didactic game.
  • 6. Cognitive development.
  • Uses an unfinished figure (incomplete image or unfinished construction) as a detail of the plot composition (in construction, drawing, appliqué).
  • Can independently implement their own ideas in the game.
  • Implements ideas in design and other productive activities.
  • Uses visual models and symbolic means (plans, diagrams, colors) to understand the world around.
  • Carries out activities according to patterns and rules.
  • Can work at the same pace and rhythm with other children in the group.
  • 7. Aesthetic development:
  • Familiar with literary works
  • Can write a story.
  • Creates individual artistic images using expressive means (color, composition, form, rhythm, etc.) in various types of visual activity;
  • independently, creatively embodies the idea in drawing, modeling, appliqué;
  • confidently owns technical skills and abilities;
  • Emotional perception of music
  • Competencies:
  • social,
  • communicative
  • intellectual
  • physical.
  • Traits:
  • emotionality
  • creativity
  • arbitrariness
  • initiative
  • independence
  • responsibility
  • self-esteem
  • freedom of conduct
  • reflexivity
  • Criteria for the quality of education PERSONALITIES of preschool age
  • Ability to manage your emotions;
  • Demonstration of ability for learning activities;
  • ability to accept a learning task
  • Appropriate attitude towards yourself.
  • crisis 7 years