Как вести приветственные диалоги на английском. Диалог на английском языке: встреча, приветствие Диалог как дать совет на английском языке

Знакомство и приветствие практически всегда являются первой темой любых . По сути, данная тема представлена рядом популярных фраз, которые потом отрабатываются в диалогах и упражнениях. Давайте перечислим все основные фразы приветствия и знакомства на английском.


Продолжение разговора

  • How are you? — Как дела?
  • How are you doing? — Как дела?
  • Hi! What’s up? — Привет! Как жизнь? (америк. сленг)
  • What’s the news? — Чего нового?
  • I’m fine / great . Thanks! — Хорошо. Спасибо!
  • So-so . – Так себе.
  • Nothing good. - Ничего хорошего.
  • I’m OK. And you? — Хорошо. А у тебя?
  • Very well, thank you. / I am all right, thank you. — Спасибо, очень хорошо.


Вопросы при знакомстве


Теперь после изучения базовых формулировок приветствия, знакомства прощания на английском, вы сможете смоделировать любые приветственные диалоги. Давайте рассмотрим несколько примеров английского диалога.

Диалог 1.

— Hi, my name’s Andrew. What’s your name?
— Hi, my name’s John. Nice to meet you, Andrew.
— Nice to meet you, too. John, how are you?
— I’m fine, thank you. How are you?
— I’m fine, too. OK, I must be going now. It’s been nice talking to you.
— Yeah. It’s been nice talking to you. See you.
— See you. Bye.

Диалог 2.

- Hello.
- What is your name?
- My name is Dima. What is your name?
- My name is Liza. I’m from Russia. Where are you from?
- I’m from England. What do you do, Dima?
- I am a teacher. And you?
- I am a doctor.
- I was very glad to meet you, but I am in a hurry. Here is my number, call me 84956351405. Goodbye.
- Ok. Thanks, see you soon.

Если вы сдаете устную часть ОГЭ по английскому языку, то вам придется пройти так называемый условный диалог. На этой странице мы приводим все диалоги из открытой базы Федерального института педагогических измерений (Фипи) и даем полные ответы на каждый вопрос этих диалогов. Теперь, чтобы успешно сдать устную часть ОГЭ по английскому языку, вам надо просто выучить наизусть готовые ответы.

Конечно же, вы можете менять наши варианты, как вам вздумается, совершенствуя содержательную и языковую стороны.

Все диалоги имеют одинаковую преамбулу:

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Это означает, что вы принимаете участие в телефонном опросе. Вам задаются шесть вопросов, на которые вам необходимо дать полные ответы. Для ответа на каждый вопрос вам предоставляется 40 секунд.

Каждый диалог посвящен какой-то определенной теме. Вот эти темы и диалоги:

Диалог “How teenagers feel about their school”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the education council. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how teenagers feel about their school. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How many lessons do you usually have?

Ответ: I usually have six lessons a day. But on Tuesday I have an extra English lesson to prepare for the exam.

– What subject do you find the most difficult?

Ответ: I find mathematics the most difficult subject because I often get confused with so many formulae. And frankly speaking, I lack motivation for this subject because I don’t relate my future career to mathematics.

– What is your favourite weekday? Why do you like it?

Ответ: Well, my favourite weekday is Sunday. I like it because there is no school on this day. Sometimes, my friends and I have parties on Sunday, or we go to the cinema or theatre.

– What sport facilities do you have in your school?

– Do you think school uniform is necessary, or not. Why do you think so?

Ответ: As for me, I think school uniform is necessary because it makes schoolchildren more disciplined and focused on the study. If schoolchildren are allowed to wear whatever they want, they put on ripped jeans, T-shirts of different colors and what not. It is like they come to school to have a ball, but not to learn.

– What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?

Ответ: I would recommend them to watch English lessons made by native speakers on youtube. They are very exciting and easy to understand. In addition to it, I would recommend my friends to read English books, because reading makes your vocabulary richer.

Диалог “What teenagers think about the modern film industry”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the film center. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what teenagers think about the modern film industry. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How often do you go to the cinema?

Ответ: I usually go to the cinema once or twice a month. In summer I go oftener because I have vacations and a lot of free time.

– What kinds of films do you like most?

Ответ: I like science-fiction films most because they are full of ideas to think about, and these films have more visual effects.

– Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home?

Ответ: Many people prefer watching films at home for a number of reasons. The main reason is that they can download films from the Internet for free. In addition to it, they can stop the film at any moment and then start again.

– What do you like to do in your free time?

Ответ: Frankly speaking, I don’t have much free time because I have to prepare for the exams. Anyway, I like surfing the Internet very much. I usually watch videos, communicate with friends in social nets, and so on.

– How can films in English help students improve their English?

Ответ: First of all, films in English help students improve their listening skills. You gradually get accustomed to the variety of accents, slurring of words, slang, and the like. If you find difficulties in understanding English, you can use subtitles.

– What film would you recommend your friends see, and why?

Ответ: I would recommend my friends to watch sitcoms. For example, How I Met Your Mother. Firslty, this sitcom is very funny. As for me, I can’t help laughing when watching it. Secondly, this sitcom has a lot of real spoken English.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “Teenagers reading habits”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the city library. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out about teenagers reading habits. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What kinds of books do you like to read?

Ответ: As for me, I like to read science fiction books because they are full of ideas to think about. Science fiction writers help us to imagine the future world, and they make us more broad-minded.

– Who is your favourite writer?

Ответ: Actually, I have two favourite writers, they are the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. I strongly believe they were the greatest Soviet-Russian science fiction authors whose works are just awesome.

– How often do you borrow books from the library?

Ответ: Frankly speaking, I don’t borrow books from the library at all. As a rule, I buy and download books from the Internet. I think it is more convenient than going somewhere to borrow a book. I am sure more and more people will do like that in the nearest future.

– Why do yon think teenagers are reading less and less now?

Ответ: Actually, I don’t think so at all. In my opinion, it’s the other way round. Teenagers like reading very much, but they prefer reading e-books to paper-books. To download and read an e-book, they just need a smartphone. They don’t need to go to libraries any more.

– How can reading English books help student improve their English?

Ответ: First of all, reading English books enriches students’ vocabulary. For example, fiction books include words and phrases of different styles. When reading a fiction book, you deal with basic vocabulary, slang, set expressions, and the like. In addition to it, you pick up some grammar as well.

– What book would you recommend to your friend who wants to read something for pleasure and why?

Ответ: I would recommend books about Sherlock Holms by Agatha Christie. It is not difficult to read and understand these books. Besides, the plot of Sherlock Holms stories is splendid.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “What teenagers think about shopping and shopping centres”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the new supermarket net. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what teenagers think about shopping and shopping centres. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– Who usually does the shopping in your family?

Ответ: My mother usually does the shopping in our family, but each of us helps her to do this. At the weekend, we do the shopping all together.

– What can you buy in your nearest shopping centre?

Ответ: You can buy whatever you want. There is a lot of groceries, household chemicals and appliances, clothes, handicrafts, perfumes, and so on. The nearest shopping centre is really big, and if you go there, you are sure to find a thing to your liking.

– How often do you usually go shopping?

Ответ: I usually go shopping once or twice a week. Sometimes I go oftener if my parents ask me to.

– Why are shopping centres so popular nowadays?

Ответ: Shopping centres are popular nowadays because people can buy there different goods at the same time and place. If you want to buy some meat and fruit, you don’t need to go to butcher shop and fruit shop separately. You go to one place and do the shopping.

– Why do some people hate shopping?

Ответ: Some people hate shopping because they don’t have money enough to buy everythng they need. So, they have to decide about what to buy. Making a decision is always a hard thing.

What time do you recommend busy people go shopping?

Ответ: I recommend busy people go shopping in the morning, because shops are not overcrowded at this time.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “How teenagers prefer to spend their free time”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the free time club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how teenagers prefer to spend their free time. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How much free time do you have on weekdays?

Ответ: As for me, I don’t have much free time, because I have to go to school on weekdays. In addition to it, I do an optional course to prepare for the English exam. So, free time on weekdays is out of the question.

– How do you and your friends usually spend your free time?

Ответ: We enjoy going to the cinema and watching brand-new blockbasters together. After the cinema, we go to a café and have some time there drinking juice, eating cakes, and dicussing the film. We also like to arrange parties.

– Who do you prefer to spend your free time with?

Ответ: It goes without saying that I prefer to spend my free time with my friends, because we are of the same age, understand each other, and have similar interests.

– What after school activities do you take part in?

Ответ: As for me, I like sport very much. So, I go to the swimming pool twice a week. In addition to it, I regularly go to the gym and work out with weights.

– Do you think everyone should find some time for doing sports? Why?

Ответ: I strongly believe that everyone should find some time for doing sports. Absolutely! If you you don’t take enough exercise, you gradually become weak both physically and psychologically. Weak people won’t get anywhere.

– What hobby would you do if you had more free time?

Ответ: If I had more free time, I would learn Spanish. It is one of the most popular world languages, which is spoken in a number of countries by lots of people. In addition to it, Spanish sounds magical.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “How teenagers spend their holidays”

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Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the teenagers’ travel club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how teenagers spend their holidays. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What is your favourite season?

Ответ: My favourite season is summer. I have vacations in summer and much free time. In addition to it, the weather is warm, and it is sunny.

– Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

Ответ: Frankly speaking, my parents and I usually try to leave home for some other place. If you live the whole autumn, winter, and spring in the same surroundings, you are really fed up with them, and you need a change. For example, we went to Lake Baikal, last summer, and lived in a small village at the lake.

– What do you like to do during your winter holidays?

Ответ: As I try to keep fit, I like skiing very much. My friends and I go skiing almost every day during our winter holidays. But if the weather is too frosty, we go to the gym and work out properly.

– How often do you and your family travel?

Ответ: As I have just mentioned above, my family and I travel every summer. So, we travel once a year without fail. We like to travel both abroad and within this country. It depends on money, you know.

– What type of transport do you find the most convenient? Why?

Ответ: As for me, I think the planes are the most convenient, because they are the fastest kind of transport. It takes you a few hours to get to a distant city, while it takes a number of days by some other transport.

– What place in your country would you recommend a foreign tourist to visit? Why?

Ответ: I would definitely recommend a foreign tourist to visit Moscow, because it is the greatest centre of cultural, economical, political life of Russia. There are lots of sights worth seeing here, and various events take place in Moscow every day.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “If teenagers are worried about ecological problems”

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Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the magazine «Green future». We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out if teenagers are worried about ecological problems. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– Where would you like to live – in a big city or in the country?

Ответ: I would like to live in a big city. The main reason is that a big city has much more opportunities for personal development and making a succesful career. So, as for me, living in the country is out of the question.

– What are the advantages of living in the country?

Ответ: It goes without saying, that environment is much better in the country than in a big city. The air is fresher and the water is cleaner. So, these are definite advantages of living in the country.

– What is the main ecological problem in a place where you live?

Ответ: There is a number of ecological problems in my city, but I think the main problem is polluted sea. That’s way it is not advisable that you swim or take drinking water here.

– Do you and your friends care about ecological problems? Why?

Ответ: Yes, we care about ecological problems very much. For example, we take an active part in the cleaning of the streets. We do it, because we want our city to change for the better. Besides, we make junior schoolchildren get concerned with environmental problems.

– Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects at school?

Ответ: Yes. I have. We cleaned out the sea and collected rubbish near our school. Our school has a special program on environmental protection, and we turn it into practical deeds.

– What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his or her hometown?

Ответ: There is so much this person can do. But to begin with, I would recommend to start with his or her home. He or she shouldn’t throw litter away and overuse electricity. Then, he or she should take an active part in the cleaning of the streets.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “Teenagers’ attitude to school events”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of teenage magazine online. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out teenagers’ attitude to school events. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How many classes do you usually have a day?

Ответ: I usually have 6 classes a day. But on Tuesday I have en extra English class to prepare for the exam.

– What sports facilities do you have in your school?

Ответ: We have a number of sport facilities in our school: a swimming pool, a gym. There is also an athletic field near the school. The junior schoolchildren enjoy swimming in the pool most of all, while the senior schoolchildren like working out with weights in the gym.

– What clubs and societies can you attend in your school?

Ответ: Well, we can attend reader’s club and the scientific society in our school. In addition to it, there is a theatre group giving performances in foreign languages. I am an active member of the theatre group.

– What school events, like concerts and performances do you usually have during the school year?

Ответ: We usually have a lot of concerts and performances during the school year. But the most exciting is the New Year performance. Besides, we have concerts to celebrate International Women’s Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day.

– Do you enjoy taking part in these school events? Why?

Ответ: I sometimes enjoy taking part in the preparation process, but I never like dancing or performing on stage. I think that’s because I’m generally a shy person.

– What event would you recommend organizing and why?

Ответ: I think we should organise the day of ecology. I believe this event would help students learn more about ecological problems and the ways of solving them.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “Teenagers’ attitude to sport”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the sports centre. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out teenagers’ attitude to sports. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How many lessons of PE (Physical Education) do you have a week?

Ответ: I have three lessons of Physical Education a week. One lesson is on Monday, the second one is on Wednesday, and the third one is on Saturday.

– What sports facilities do you have on your school?

Ответ: We have a number of sport facilities in our school: a swimming pool, a gym. There is also an athletic field near the school. The junior schoolchildren enjoy swimming in the pool most of all, while the senior schoolchildren like working out with weights in the gym.

– What sport do you do regularly?

Ответ: As for me, I do swimming twice a week. I think that swimming is the best sport of all. The main thing is that it trains all groups of muscles, and it is not traumatic. In additiion to it, I do tennis on Sunday.

– What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?

Ответ: My friends and I go often skiing in winter. Frankly speaking, we don’t train hard, because we don’t want to be skiing champions. We do it just for pleasure.

– Would you like to do any extreme sports? Why, or why not?

Ответ: I don’t want to do any extreme sports because they are very dangerous. I don’t understand people who are keen on bungee jumping, white-water rafting, and the like. You know, life and health are not the things to trifle with.

– What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be fit?

Ответ: First of all, he or she should start with simple things like doing morning exercises. Jogging is also a good option. Then, the teenager can go to a gym to work out. In addition to physical training, he or she should eat healthy food.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “Teenagers’ daily routines”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the electronic magazine «Teen Web». We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out about teenagers’ daily routines. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– When do you get up on weekdays?

Ответ: As a rule, I get up at 6 o’clock on weekdays. Yes, I am an early riser. I strongly believe that early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.

– What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?

Ответ: I prefer to eat some French toasts and drink a cup of tea. I think that breakfast shouldn’t be a substantial meal because your body is not ready to process much food in the morning.

– How long does it take you to get to school?

Ответ: It takes me 5 minutes to get to school. It is just because the school is quite near. I am a lucky dog in this respect.

– What is your favourite part of the day – morning afternoon or evening? Why do you like it?

Ответ: I like evenings because I can relax after a busy day. It’s the time when I usually do nothing but surfing the Internet, watching videos, reading interesting articles and commenting on them, and so on.

Ответ: I usually water flowers, feed our pets, and help my mom with the shopping. My parents are very busy, so I try to help them as much as I can.

– What would you recommend for teenagers who are often late for school?

Ответ: Firstly, they should go to bed earlier and have a good sleep. Teenagers often sit up late playing computer games. It is not good. Secondly, they should wake up and leave home for school earlier than usual.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “How people feel about using their mobile phones”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the mobile telecom company. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about using their mobile phones. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How old are you?

Ответ: I’m 15 years old.

– When did you get your first mobile phone?

Ответ: Well, I was 6 years old when I got my first mobile phone. My parents gave it to me as a birthday present. I was very happy.

– What do you usually use your mobile phone for?

Ответ: I use my mobile phone for so many different things. I make a lot of calls, take pictures, send and receive a lot of messages, and, of course, I surf the Net.

– How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?

Ответ: That might seem strange, but I really feel a bit lost without my mobile phone. It’s like I’ve forgotten something very important.

– Do you think it’s right, that mobile phones are not allowed in some schools.

Ответ: Well, I really think that’s not good. I believe that a mobile phone is something that is absolutely necessary, so mobiles should be allowed everywhere just in case something bad happens.

– In what places would you recommend people switch off or turn down their phones? Why?

Ответ: Well, I think, a mobile phone should be turned down during classes, or any important events. We also must switch off our telephones when we are on board of the plane, as signals of the mobile networks may damage the electronic systems of the plane.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “How people feel about using the Internet and spending time online”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the teen web. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about using the Internet and spending time online. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How old are you?

Ответ: I’m 15 years old.

– How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?

Ответ: Well, it depends. I spend approximately 3 hours on weekdays, and 4 or 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday. On holidays, my parents allow me to surf the net as much as I want, without any limitations.

– What do you use the Internet for?

Ответ: As for me, I use the Internet for many purposes. But frankly speaking, I mostly use the Internet to play computer games online. I also watch videos on youtube, read interesting articles and comment on them, communicate with my friends in social nets.

– What do you do in Information Technology or Computer Studies lessons?

Ответ: We have Information Technology three times a week, and we learn fundamentals of software programming. In addition to it, we learn some bits of how to deal with computer hardware. I enjoy computer science very much, that’s why I attend these lessons with greate pleasure.

– Why are computer skills useful for everyone?

Ответ: Well, I believe that in the era of information technology everybody should have at least basic computer skills. That’s absolutely necessary because everything is connected with the computers nowadays. Computers make our life easier.

– What would you recommend a person who spends too much time on the Internet?

Ответ: Yeah, the Internet is a kind of addiction nowadays, and many people like virtual life much more than real one. I would recommend these people to remember negative aspects of the Internet. I mean harm to health. Sitting in front of a computer for a long time is bad for your eyes and mental state.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “Teenager’s attitude to English language learning”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the English club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out teenager’s attitude to English language learning. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What is your favourite school subject?

Ответ: Actually, I have a number of favourite subjects, but I like English most of all. I learn it with much pleasure.

– When did you start learning English.

Ответ: I started learning English when I was in primary school. Well, I was 8 at that time.

– What do you do in your English lessons?

Ответ: We do much you have to do to know English well. In the first place, we read and listen a lot. Then, we speak English to our teacher and to each other. We also do many tests, write reports and essays, and so on. Sometimes, our teacher organizes speaking clubs with native speakers.

– Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why?

Ответ: I find it difficult because you have to learn sophisticated grammar rules and innumerable words and phrases. Besides, it’s not easy to develop specific language skills, such as listening, writing, and speaking. Yeah, I find learning English difficult but fulfilling.

– What other foreign language would you like to learn and why?

Ответ: I’d like to learn French or Spanish, because these languages are so beautiful. In addition to it, they are popular and spoken by many people all over the world.

– What would you recommend a person do to improve his or her English?

Ответ: I would definitely recommend to watch films and read books in English. Chatting with native speakers also helps a lot.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “Teenager’s attitude to TV and our TV programmes”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the city TV channel. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out teenagers’ attitude to TV and our TV programmes. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Ответ: Actually, I enjoy doing many things. For example, I like surfing the net very much. In addition to it, I often go to the cinema to watch brand-new blockbasters. From time to time, I watch TV.

– How often do you go to the cinema or to the theatre?

Ответ: I usually go to the cinema once or twice a month. In summer I go oftener because I have vacations and a lot of free time. As to the theatre, I don’t go there at all.

– How much time do you usually watch TV every day?

Ответ: Well, it depends. I watch TV for an hour on weekdays, when new episodes of my favourite sitcom appear. I don’t watch TV on weekend because I prefer surfing the net to watching TV.

– What TV programmes are popular in your family?

Ответ: Well, my parents always watch newscasts because they want to be up to date. In additon to it, they enjoy watching various talk shows. As for me, I usually watch sitcoms and, sometimes, sport.

– Do you prefer TV or the Internet? Why?

Ответ: It goes without saying that I prefer the Internet. It’s so much easier to find what you really like there. And it’s more convenient too, as you don’t have to wait until the programme starts.

– What TV programme would you recommend your friend watch?

Ответ: I would recommend to watch scientific programmes of National Geographic Channel. They cover lots of subjects concerning natural, cultural, and political life of different countries. In addition to it, you can watch this channel in English and improve your language skills.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “People’s attitude to their city”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the city council. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to flud out people’s attitude to their city, town or village. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How long have you been living in you city, town or village?

Ответ: I have been living in Sochi for 15 years. It is my native city. I was born here.

– What is the place where you live famous for?

Sochi is famous for the Olympic Games 2014. That was a grandiose occasion. In addition to it, Sochi is a first-class resort. Every year, many people come here to have a good rest.

– When was your city, town or village founded?

Ответ: Frankly speaking, I am not an expert in Sochi’s history. My city has a long history, I guess. But, I know for sure that it was founded in 1896.

– What season is the best for visiting you city, town of village and why?

Ответ: I thing that summer is the best time for visiting my city. There are some reasons for that. First of all, it’s very warm here in summer. You can swim in the sea, sunbathe, take long walks and enjoy beautiful buildings and nature.

– What is your favourite place in your city, town or village? Why do you like it?

Ответ: My favourite place in Sochi is the sea port. It’s a magnificent building, and you can walk there breathing in the fresh sea air.

– What place in your hometown would you recommend visiting.

Ответ: I would recommend going to Sochi park. It’s one of the best places in my city, where you can have fun and rest.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “What you think about learning foreign languages”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the online language school. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We want to find out what you think about learning foreign languages. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What foreign languages can you learn at your school?

Ответ: We can learn English and German at my school. You know, my school is nothing out of the ordinary, so we don’t boast language diversity.

– How many English lessons a week do you have?

Ответ: I have 3 English lessons a week. On Tuesday I have an extra lesson to prepare for the English exam.

– For what reasons do people learn foreign languages nowadays?

Ответ: People learn foreign languages for different reasons. Some just like speaking foreign languages, others need to know them for work. Many people like travelling, and they learn the language of the country they are going to visit.

– What is the most effective way to learn a foreign language in your opinion?

Ответ: In my opinion, attending a language school is the most effective way to learn a foreign language. Firstly, you have a set schedule, and you are not allowed to miss lessons. Secondly, you always have a partner to speak to and a teacher to consult.

– Do you think English would be useful for you in the future? In what way?

Ответ: Well, I’d like to become an interpreter, so I really think English will be very useful for me in the future, as it will be a part of my profession.

– What would you recommend your English speaking friend learn? Why?

Ответ: I would recommend to learn Russian because, I am sure, it will be one of the main world languages of the future. The whole world is getting more and more interested in establishing contacts with the Russian Federation, that’s why the Russian language is becoming more and more popular.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “School students’ daily routines”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the health centre. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out about school students’ daily routines. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What time do you usually go to bed in the evening?

Ответ: I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. on weekdays. On Saturday I go to bed later, because I can’t help sittng up at my computer and playing online games.

– How much time do you spend doing your homework?

Ответ: I usually spend about 3 hours doing my homework. I am always very serious about my homework, and I am convinced it is an important part of students’ study.

– What sports do you do regularly?

Ответ: I play tennis 2 times a week. In addition to it, I like swimming very much.

– What do you do to help your parents about the house?

Ответ: Frankly speaking, I don’t have much time to help my parents about the house, because I have to study for the exams. Nevertheless, I always wash the dishes and mop the floor. Sometimes I help my mother about the shopping.

– How do you spend your weekends?

Ответ: I usually spend weekends with my friends. We often go to the cinema to watch a new blockbaster. After the cinema we go to a café to relax and discuss the film. My friends and I also arrange parties on weekends.

– What would you like to change in your daily routine?

Ответ: I would really like to have more time for my swimming classes. But it’s impossible these days because I have to study excessively for the exams.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “What you think about your school”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the magazine «School life». We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We want to find out what you think about your school. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– What grade are you in?

Ответ: I’m in 9th grade.

– How many classes a day do you usually have?

Ответ: I usually have 6 classes a day. On Tuesday I have an extra English class to prepare for the exam.

– What sports facilities are there in your school?

Ответ: We have a number of sport facilities in our school: a swimming pool, a gym. There is also an athletic field near the school. The junior schoolchildren enjoy swimming in the pool most of all, while the senior schoolchildren like working out with weights in the gym.

– What is your school uniform like?

Ответ: In my school we wear black and white uniform. The boys have to wear black trousers and white shirts, the girls have to wear black skirts and white blouses. It goes without saying that some variations are possible, but the set style is just like I have just described.

– What school events do you have during school year?

Ответ: Well, during my school year we celebrate a number of events. For example, Teachers’ Day, New Year’s Day, Victory Day, and others. We usually give concerts, arrange parties and do a lot of other things to celebrate them.

– What would you like to improve in your school?

Ответ: It goes without saying that much can be improved in my school. Well, I would really like our PE lessons to be more diverse. As a rule, we play volleyball during the lessons and that’s all. Why not to do yoga or aerobics?

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Диалог “How people feel about doing sports in our region”

Play диалог

Hello, it’s the electronic assistant of the «Dolphin» sports club. We kiudlv ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is anonymous. You don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

– How old are you?

Ответ: I’m 15 years old.

– How many times a week do you do sports?

Ответ: I do sports about three times a week. I try to do it regularly because I am convinced that sport makes people healthier and happier.

– What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Ответ: It is difficult to say for sure because there are so many sports clubs in our region. Nevertheless, I think body-building and weight-lifting are the most popular with teenagers. You know, quite a lot of young people want to have a perfect body that’s why they go to a gym to work out with weights.

– What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Ответ: In my neighbourhood there are a lot of stadiums, swimming pools, and gyms. That is really true that our reagion has a great deal of sports facilities.

– Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Ответ: It is very important to keep fit because it helps you to get physically and mentally stronger. Weak people are always loosers. If you want to be a winner, you should go in for sports and become strong.

– What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Ответ: I would recommend to start with doing morning exercises and eating healthy food. Of course, people should stay away from bad habits like smoking, and drinking alcohol.

This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your help.

Приветствие — это то, с чего начинается каждый диалог с любым человеком, независимо от того, общаетесь ли вы на русском, на английском или на любом другом языке. Поэтому для начинающих любителей английского языка особенно важно знать, какие приветствия принято использовать в общении с определенными людьми. Это поможет изначально обозначить рамки и тон дальнейшей беседы. Как вести приветственные диалоги на английском

Построение приветственных диалогов

Зависимость диалога от ситуации

Далее диалог должен складываться в зависимости от ситуации. Здесь может быть множество вариаций продолжения беседы: это будут так называемые серединные части диалогов. Поэтому мы сначала представим несколько возможных формулировок прощания на английском — saying goodbye :

  • Good-bye! - Всего доброго! (До свидания!)
  • Bye-Bye! или просто Bye! — Пока!
  • So long! — Пока! (До встречи!)
  • See you later. — Позже увидимся. (Позже встретимся)
  • See you (soon). - До (скорой) встречи. или До скорого.
  • Have a good (nice, fine) day! — Желаю вам приятного (удачного, хорошего) дня!

Теперь после изучения базовых формулировок приветствия и прощания на английском, мы можем смоделировать любые приветственные диалоги. В их состав войдут простые фразы, понятные даже для начинающих. Рассмотрим несколько примеров английского диалога.

Пример дружественно-уважительного английского диалога

Пример дружественно-уважительного английского диалога Предположим, что наш английский студент Джек Хиггинс вышел утром из дома на прогулку. Он встретил соседку, миссис Доусон.

Jack : Good morning, Mrs Dawson!
Доброе утро, Миссис Доусон!
Mrs Dawson : Oh, Jack! Good morning! Haven’t seen you for ages!
О, Джек! Доброе утро! Давно тебя не видела!
Jack : I am studying in Russia now and just came home for a vacation.
Я теперь учусь в России и только приехал домой на каникулы.
Mrs Dawson : I see. I am really pleased to meet you!
Понимаю. Я очень рада тебя встретить!
Jack : I’m also glad to meet you. How are feeling today?
Я весьма рад встрече с вами. Как ваше самочувствие?
Mrs Dawson : Never better, my young friend! There is a wonderful weather for a stroll today, isn’t it?
Хорошо, как никогда прежде, мой юный друг! Сегодня прекрасная погода для прогулки, не так ли?
Jack : Yes, it’s a beautiful sunny day today. I think you will enjoy it.
Да, сегодня красивый солнечный день. Я думаю, вам понравится.
Mrs Dawson : Thank you! See you, Jack!
Спасибо! Еще увидимся, Джек!
Jack : Good luck, Mrs Dawson!
Удачи, Миссис Доусон!

Пример дружественного сленгового английского диалога

Пример дружественного сленгового английского диалога

Eric : Hi, man! What brought you here?
Привет парень (чувак)! Какими судьбами?
Jack : Hi, Eric! Just came home to visit my parents.
Привет, Эрик! Только приехал повидать родителей!
Eric : It is awesome that I met ya* ! It reminded me our childhood.
Классно, что я тебя встретил! Это напомнило мне о нашем детстве.
Jack : Me too! We haven’t met since school times… What’s new?
Мне тоже! Мы не виделись со школьных времен… Что новенького?
Eric : Nothing changed, I study and now lookin" for a job work. Have you got one?
Ничего не изменилось, я учусь и ищу подработку. А у тебя есть? (работа)
Jack : I can’t get along with Russian language, so I’ve no chance for a job yet.
Я пока еще не очень дружу с русским языком, так что у меня пока мало шансов найти работу.
Eric : Oh, you’re a brainy fellow, you’ll find something!
О, ты ведь башковитый пацан, ты найдешь что-нибудь!
Jack : Hope so!
Eric : Lots of luck!
Jack : The same to you! So long!
Тебе того же! До встречи!
Eric : Bye!

Примечание: *ya = you , сокращённый сленговый вариант

Джек продолжил свою прогулку. Немного позднее он встретил своего школьного учителя мистера Ньюмэна. Рассмотрим третий вариант английской беседы:

Официальный разговорный диалог

Официальный разговорный диалог Jack : Good morning Mr. Newman!
Доброе утро, мистер Ньюмэн!
Mr. Newman : Oh, Jack Higgins! Good morning, young man! I guess you should not be here.
О, Джек Хиггинс! Доброе утро, молодой человек! Я думал, вас здесь нет.
Jack : I am also surprised! Nevertheless, I am happy to meet my best-loved teacher!
Я также удивлен! Тем не менее, я рад встрече с моим любимым учителем!
Mr. Newman : Oh, thank you! You are highly polite, as usual!
О, спасибо! Вы, как всегда, весьма вежливы!
Jack : You taught me to, did not you?
Вы меня этому научили, не так ли?
Mr. Newman : I did, and I taught many children, but you stand alone… It was a rare pleasure to have such an eager disciple.
Все верно, и я многих детей учил, но с вами никто не сравнится… Для меня было редким удовольствием иметь такого старательного ученика.
Jack : I hope I deserve your compliment.
Я надеюсь, я заслуживаю вашу похвалу.
Mr. Newman : Sure you do! Are you studying anywhere now?
Конечно! Вы сейчас где-либо учитесь?
Jack : I study engineering at a wonderful university in Moscow.
Я изучаю инженерию в прекрасном университете в Москве.
Mr. Newman : I guess that you will become an A1 specialist.
Я уверен, что ты станешь высококлассным специалистом.
Jack : Thank you! Good-bye!
Спасибо! До свидания!
Mr. Newman : All the best to you!
Всего доброго вам!

Чтобы самостоятельно составить диалог на английском языке, вам прежде всего стоит представить его структуру, провести некую аналогию с вашим повседневным диалогом на родном языке.

1) Любой диалог начинается с приветствия. Каким оно будет, зависит от того, с кем вы разговариваете. Если это официальное или должностное лицо (ваш босс, преподаватель, мэр города, просто незнакомый вам человек), тогда лучше использовать конструкцию, аналогичную русской «Добрый день/вечер” – «Good afternoon /evening » или нейтральное «Здравствуйте» — «Hello ». Если же вы разговариваете с другом или другим близким вам человеком можно использовать свободные и эмоционально окрашенные приветствия, такие как: «Hi!», «How do you do?», «Hey , What ’s up?».
(Примечание: в неформальных диалогах приветственная фраза зачастую включает в себя вопросы такие как: «что нового, как дела?» Это будет звучать примерно так: — Hi, what ’s going on? – Not much (или Thanks , I’m ok).

2) Ответная реплика строится аналогичным образом. На строгое приветствие отвечаем вежливой и сухой фразой «Hello , pleased to meet you .» (Здравствуйте, рад вас видеть)
(Примечание: если вы уже знакомы с человеком, то добавьте обращение:
Mister + name (к мужчине) Missis (к замужней женщине)
Miss – (к молодой девушке)) На дружеское приветствие отвечаем в ненавязчивом ключе, чтобы диалог выглядел как можно более естественно и непринужденно.

3) Теперь определяемся с целью нашей беседы. Разберем на примерах:

А) Приглашение
— для друзей: — How about the cinema ? (Как насчет кино?) — What are your plans on Monday ? Do you want to go to the cinema ? (Какие у тебя планы на понедельник? Хочешь сходить в кино?) Довольно универсальные вопросы. Ответ также несложен. –Sounds nice , let ’s go. (Звучит заманчиво, давай пойдем) или Sorry , I’m busy on Monday . We will do it next time . (Извини, я занят в понедельник. Сделаем это в другой раз)
(Примечание: перед вопросами или просьбами можно добавить вводное предложение, например: Я знаю, ты любишь смотреть фильмы. Уверен (а), сейчас в кинотеатре показывают что-нибудь интересное – I know , you like watching films . I’m sure there is something really interesting that is being shown in the cinema now )
— официальное
Would you like to + verb (Не хотели бы вы + глагол)?
Would you mind … (Вы не против)?

Б) Просьба
(Примечание: Активно используем слово «пожалуйста» (please ) и «извините» (excuse me, i’m sorry ), вне зависимости от типа диалога, это признак вашего хорошего воспитания).
-дружеская: Can you bring this book for me, please ? (Можешь принести эту книгу для меня?)
-официальная: Could you help me, please ? (Не могли бы вы помочь?)
Would you mind (verb +ing ) opening the window ? (Не могли бы вы открыть окно?)
Could I bother you to find me a book ? (Извините, за беспокойство, мог бы я вас попросить найти мне книгу?)

В) Запрос информации
-с друзьями:
Tell me about … (расскажи мне)
What do you thing about …? (что ты думаешь о…)
-с официальными лицам
Could you tell me (не могли бы вы рассказать)
What is your opinion on the problem of…? (Какое ваше мнение на проблему?)

Вопросительные слова для написания предложений с целью узнать информацию об интересующем объекте: Where (где?) When (когда?) How (как?) How long (как долго) How many (сколько (для исчисляемого)) How much (сколько для неисчисляемого, например, money , time ) Which (который из) What (что).

Не забудьте поблагодарить собеседника за полученную информацию.
Thank you a lot (Спасибо большое)
My gratitude (Моя благодарность)

Если необходимо, можете высказать свое личное мнение с помощью фраз:
Pesonally , I believe (я считаю)
From my standpoint (с моей точки зрения)
As for me (что касается меня)

4) Прощание

  • Goodbye (до свидания, универсально для обоих типов диалога)
  • It was great to meet you (было здорово встретить вас)
  • All the best (всего наилучшего)

Дружеское прощание:

  • See you (увидимся)
  • Bye (пока)
  • So long (пока)
  • Hope to hear from you soon (надеюсь скоро тебя услышать)

— I can help you?
— Yes, I need to go to Pushkinskaya Street.
— You have to go straight on Tverskaya Street to the monument to Pushkin.
— Thank you.

— Я могу вам помочь?
— Да, мне нужно пройти на Пушкинскую улицу.
— Вам надо идти прямо по Тверской улице до памятника Пушкину.
— Спасибо.

Всегда интересно поговорить с хорошим другом. Особенно о еде.

  • Hello Mike. What have you been up to? (Привет Майк. Чем ты занимался?)
  • Hello Brian. Nothing much and what about you? (Привет Брайан. В общем ничем, а ты?)
  • I just returned from the shop. I have bought 3 kilos of salmon, 2 loafs of bread, a turkey, 5 kilos of oranges and cereals (Я вот только вернулся с магазина. Я купил 3 килограмма форели, 2 буханки хлеба, индейку,5 килограмм апельсинов и крупы)
  • Very good. And by the way what is your favorite food? (Очень хорошо. И кстати что ты любишь есть?)
  • Oh, you know, I like to eat, in general everything. But i really like potato salad, ice-cream and lasagna. And what about you? What do you like to eat? (Ой, ну знаешь, мне нравится есть в общем все. Но больше всего мне нравится картофельный салат, мороженное и лазанья. А как насчет тебя? Что тебе нравится есть?)
  • Me? I love sausages and corndogs. And also pineapples and apples are my favorite fruits, definitely. (Мне? Я очень люблю сосиски и хот-доги. А также ананасы и яблоки – это мои любимые фрукты.)
  • And what are you going to cook on Thanksgiving? (А что ты собираешься готовить на этот день Благодарения?)
  • I am going to cook a turkey, as always. I will make a crab salad, salad with olives and mushrooms and mashed potatoes. (Я собираюсь приготовить индейку, как обычно я делаю. А также я сделаю салат из крабов, салат с оливками и грибами и картошку пюре.)
  • Can I come? (Можно мне прийти?)
  • Of course (Конечно).

Вы пришли в ресторан и к вам пришел официант.

  • Good day to you, sir. May I take your order? (Добрый День, сэр. Могу я принять Ваш заказ?)
  • Certainly. But at first I would like to hear today’s special meals. (Конечно, только для начала я хотел бы услышать какие у вас есть особые блюда)
  • By all means. Today we have a tomato soup, spaghetti bolognaise and truffles. We also have a very exquisite wine of 1934th. (Разумеется. Сегодня мы подаем томатный суп, спагетти с сыром и очень изысканное вино 1934го года)
  • Oh, it sounds fantastic. I would have all of that and also a bloody beef. (О, это замечательно. Я закажу это все и ещё говядину с кровью)
  • What an excellent choice, sir! I will bring you the order in 10 minutes (Замечательный выбор, сэр. Я принесу Вам весь ваш заказ через 10 минут.)
  • What would you like to have for desert, sir. Apart from truffles. We have a great apple pie and chocolate cake. (А что бы вы хотели на десерт, помимо трюфеля. У нас есть замечательный яблочный пирог и шоколадный торт)
  • I would have a chocolate cake, please. And so you have latte? (Я пожалуй закажу шоколадный торт,пожалуйста. А у вас есть латте?)
  • Of course sir, but would you like a tea? We have an excellent jasmine tea with strawberry flavour (Конечно,сэр, но может вы все таки возьмете чай? У нас есть замечательный жасминовый чай со вкусом клубники)
  • I will take a tea. (Конечно я закажу лучше чай)

Karen : Hello, Richard.
Richard : Hi Karen.
Karen : How have you been?
Richard : Not too good.
Karen : Why?
Richard : I’m sick.
Karen : Sorry to hear that.
Richard : It’s OK, It’s not serious.
Karen : That’s good. How’s your wife?
Richard : She is good.
Karen : Is she in America now?
Richard : No, she is not here yet.
Karen : Where is she?
Richard : She’s in Canada with our kids.
Karen : I see, I have to go now. Please tell your wife I sad hi.
Richard : OK, I’ll talk to you later.
Karen : I hope you feel better.
Richard : Thanks.

Текст диалога с переводом на русский

Hello, Richard. — Привет Ричард.
Hi Karen. — Привет Карен.
How have you been? — Как поживаешь?
Not too good. — Не очень хорошо.
Why? — Почему?
I’m sick. — Я болею.
Sorry to hear that. — Жаль это слышать.
It’s OK, It’s not serious. — Все нормально, это не серьезно.
That’s good. How’s your wife? — Это хорошо. Как твоя жена?
She is good. — Она в порядке.
Is she in America now? — Она сейчас в Америке?
No, she is not here yet. — Нет, она еще не здесь.
Where is she? — Где она?
She’s in Canada with our kids. — Она в Канаде с нашими детьми.
I see, I have to go now. Please tell your wife I sad hi. — Понятно, мне нужно идти. Пожалуйста передай своей жене привет.
OK, I’ll talk to you later. — Хорошо, я поговорю с тобой позже.
I hope you feel better. — Выздоравливай быстрее.
Thanks. — Спасибо.

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